def delete_from_db(self): # TODO: Add listener onto the SQLALchemy event to block deletes raise BusinessException({ "code": "cannot_delete_nr", "description": "NRs cannot be deleted, maybe try cancelling instead" }, 403)
def get_queued_oldest(cls, userObj): """ Gets the Next NR# from the database It sets the STATUS == INPROGRESS and then returns the NR or error out with a SQLAlchemy Error type """ existing_nr = Request.get_inprogress(userObj) if existing_nr:'Existing NR found, returning: {}'.format( existing_nr.nrNum)) return existing_nr, False # this will error if there's nothing in the queue - likelihood ~ 0 r = db.session.query(Request). \ filter( Request.stateCd.in_([State.DRAFT]), Request.nrNum.notlike('NR L%')). \ order_by(Request.priorityCd.desc(), Request.submittedDate.asc()). \ with_for_update().first() # this row is now locked if not r: raise BusinessException(None, 404) # mark this as assigned to the user, masking it from others. r.stateCd = State.INPROGRESS r.userId = db.session.add(r) db.session.commit() return r, True
def delete_from_db(self): raise BusinessException()