def process(self): print '---------------------------------' print ' Nano Merger ' print '---------------------------------' user = os.environ["USER"] if self.mcprivate: locationSE = '/pnfs/{}/BHNLsGen/{}/'.format( user, self.prodlabel) pointdirs = NanoTools.getPointDirs(self, locationSE) for pointdir in pointdirs: if 'merged' in pointdir: continue point = pointdir[pointdir.rfind('/') + 1:len(pointdir)] print '\n --- Mass point: {} --- '.format(point) self.runMergingModule(pointdir + '/nanoFiles/') elif or self.mccentral: dataset_label = NanoTools.getDataLabel( self, self.dataset) if else NanoTools.getMCLabel( self, self.dataset) locationSE = '/pnfs/{}/BHNLsGen/{}/{}/{}'.format( user, 'data' if else 'mc_central', self.prodlabel, dataset_label) self.runMergingModule(locationSE)
def writeFileList(self, failed_files): logdir = NanoTools.getLogDir(self, failed_files[0], self.prodlabel, label = logdir[logdir.find('logs') + 5:].replace('/', '_') if filename = './files/resubmit_data_{}'.format(label) elif self.mcprivate: filename = './files/resubmit_mcprivate_{}'.format(label) elif self.mccentral: filename = './files/resubmit_mccentral_{}'.format(label) for file_ in failed_files: # open file list filelist = open( filename + '_nj{}.txt'.format(NanoTools.getStep(self, file_)), 'w+') # get the file to reprocess logfile = NanoTools.getLogFile(self, logdir, file_) command = 'grep "going to run nano step on" {}'.format(logfile) output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True) file_toresubmit = output[output.find('step on') + 8:len(output)] # write to file list filelist.write(file_toresubmit + '\n') # close file list filelist.close() #print 'created {}_nj{}.txt'.format(filename, NanoTools.getStep(self, file_)) return filename
def launchMerger(self, logdir, label, jobIds, filetype): self.writeMergerSubmitter(label, filetype) if not self.doquick: slurm_options = '-p wn --account=t3 -o {ld}/merger{ft}step.log -e {ld}/merger{ft}step.log --job-name=mergerstep_{pl} --time=02:00:00 --dependency=afterany:{jobid}'.format( ld=logdir, ft=filetype, pl=label, jobid=NanoTools.getJobIdsList(self, jobIds), ) else: slurm_options = '-p quick --account=t3 -o {ld}/merger{ft}step.log -e {ld}/merger{ft}step.log --job-name=mergerstep_{pl} --dependency=afterany:{jobid}'.format( ld=logdir, ft=filetype, pl=label, jobid=NanoTools.getJobIdsList(self, jobIds), ) command_merge = 'sbatch {slurm_opt}'.format( slurm_opt=slurm_options, ) n_job_merge = subprocess.check_output(command_merge, shell=True) print ' ---> (dependency)' print ' {}'.format(n_job_merge) os.system('rm')
def resubmit(self, failed_files): # strategy: per chunk resubmission # submit job arrays with indices corresponding to the stepId of the failed jobs logdir = NanoTools.getLogDir(self, failed_files[0], self.prodlabel, label = logdir[logdir.find('logs') + 5:].replace('/', '_') array = self.getArray(failed_files) outputdir = failed_files[0][0:failed_files[0].find('bparknano')] filelist = self.writeFileList(failed_files) command = 'sbatch -p wn --account=t3 -o {ld}/nanostep_nj%a.log -e {ld}/nanostep_nj%a.log --job-name=nanostep_nj%a_{pl} --array {ar} --time=03:00:00 {outdir} {usr} {pl} {tag} {isMC} {rmt} {lst} 1'.format( ld=logdir, pl=label, ar=self.getArray(failed_files), outdir=outputdir, usr=os.environ["USER"], tag=0, #if self.tag == None else self.tag, # adapt isMC=1 if self.mcprivate or self.mccentral else 0, rmt=0 if self.mcprivate else 1, lst=filelist, ) #print command os.system(command)
def launchDumper(self, nfiles, outputdir, logdir, filelist, label, jobId): self.writeDumperStarter(nfiles, outputdir, filelist, label) if not self.doquick: slurm_options = '-p wn --account=t3 -o {ld}/dumperstep.log -e {ld}/dumperstep.log --job-name=dumperstep_{pl} --time=03:00:00 {dp}'.format( ld=logdir, pl=label, dp='--dependency=afterany:{}'.format(jobId) if jobId != -99 else '', ) else: slurm_options = '-p quick --account=t3 -o {ld}/dumperstep.log -e {ld}/dumperstep.log --job-name=dumperstep_{pl} {dp}'.format( ld=logdir, pl=label, dp='--dependency=afterany:{}'.format(jobId) if jobId != -99 else '', ) command = 'sbatch {slurm_opt} {outdir} {usr} {pl} {tag} {isMC}'.format( slurm_opt=slurm_options, pl=label, outdir=outputdir, usr=os.environ["USER"], tag=0 if self.tag == None else self.tag, isMC=1 if self.mcprivate or self.mccentral else 0, ) job_dump = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True) if jobId == -99: print '\n ---> {}'.format(job_dump) else: print ' ---> (dependency)' print ' {}'.format(job_dump) return NanoTools.getJobId(self, job_dump)
def launchNano(self, nfiles, outputdir, logdir, filelist, label): if not self.doquick: slurm_options = '-p wn --account=t3 -o {ld}/nanostep_nj%a.log -e {ld}/nanostep_nj%a.log --job-name=nanostep_nj%a_{pl} --array {ar} --time=03:00:00'.format( ld=logdir, pl=label, ar='1-{}'.format(nfiles), ) else: slurm_options = '-p quick --account=t3 -o {ld}/nanostep_nj%a.log -e {ld}/nanostep_nj%a.log --job-name=nanostep_nj%a_{pl} --array {ar}'.format( ld=logdir, pl=label, ar='1-{}'.format(nfiles), ) command = 'sbatch {slurm_opt} {outdir} {usr} {pl} {tag} {isMC} {rmt} {lst} 0'.format( slurm_opt=slurm_options, pl=label, outdir=outputdir, usr=os.environ["USER"], tag=0 if self.tag == None else self.tag, isMC=1 if self.mcprivate or self.mccentral else 0, rmt=0 if self.mcprivate else 1, lst=filelist, ) job = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True) print '\n ---> {}'.format(job) return NanoTools.getJobId(self, job)
def writeDumperStarter(self, nfiles, outputdir, filelist, label): nanoname = 'bparknano' if self.tag == None else 'bparknano_{}'.format( self.tag) f = open(filelist) lines = f.readlines() event_chain = [] event_chain.append('TChain* c = new TChain("Events");') for iFile in range(1, nfiles + 1): file_step = NanoTools.getStep( self, lines[iFile - 1]) if self.mcprivate else iFile event_chain.append(' c->Add("{}/{}_nj{}.root");'.format( outputdir, nanoname, file_step)) event_chain.append(' c->Process("NanoDumper.C+", outFileName);') event_chain = '\n'.join(event_chain) run_chain = [] run_chain.append('TChain* c_run = new TChain("Runs");') for iFile in range(1, nfiles + 1): file_step = NanoTools.getStep( self, lines[iFile - 1]) if self.mcprivate else iFile run_chain.append(' c->Add("{}/{}_nj{}.root");'.format( outputdir, nanoname, file_step)) run_chain.append(' c_run->Process("NanoRunDumper.C+", outFileName);') run_chain = '\n'.join(run_chain) content = [ '#include "TChain.h"', '#include <iostream>', '#include "TProof.h"\n', 'void starter(){', ' TString outFileName = "flat_bparknano.root";', ' {addMC}'.format( addMC='' if else 'outFileName += "_isMC";'), ' {addevt}'.format(addevt=event_chain), ' {addrun}'.format(addrun='' if else run_chain), '}', ] content = '\n'.join(content) starter_name = './files/starter_{}.C'.format(label) dumper_starter = open(starter_name, 'w+') dumper_starter.write(content) dumper_starter.close()
def writeFileList(self, nfiles_perchunk, point=None): if not path.exists('./files'): os.system('mkdir ./files') if self.mcprivate: filename = './files/filelist_{}_{}'.format(self.prodlabel, point) else: ds_label = NanoTools.getDataLabel( self, self.dataset) if else NanoTools.getMCLabel( self, self.dataset) filename = './files/filelist_{dsl}_{pl}'.format(dsl=ds_label, pl=self.prodlabel) if len(glob.glob('{}*.txt'.format( filename))) == 0: # do not create file if already exists if self.mcprivate: # fetch miniAOD files myfile = open(filename + '.txt', "w+") nanofiles = NanoTools.getLocalMiniAODFiles( self, self.user, self.prodlabel, point) for nanofile in nanofiles: if NanoTools.checkLocalFile(self, nanofile): myfile.write(nanofile + '\n') else: print ' could not open {} --> skipping'.format( nanofile) myfile.close() else: # fetch files on DAS command = 'dasgoclient --query="file dataset={ds} | grep" > {fn}.txt'.format( ds=self.dataset, fn=filename) os.system(command) # slurm cannot deal with too large arrays # -> submit job arrays of size 750 if NanoTools.getNFiles(self, filename + '.txt') > nfiles_perchunk: command_split = 'split -l {nfiles} {fn}.txt {fn}_ --additional-suffix=.txt'.format( nfiles=nfiles_perchunk, fn=filename) os.system(command_split) os.system('rm {fn}.txt'.format(fn=filename)) print ' ---> {}*.txt created'.format(filename) return filename
def doMerging(self, nanoName, mergedName, locationSE, outputdir, cond): print '\n-> Getting the different subdirectories (chunk/signal points)' subdirs = [f for f in glob.glob(locationSE + '/*')] for subdir in subdirs: if 'merged' in subdir: continue if '.root' in subdir: continue print '\n-> Processing: {}'.format(subdir[subdir.rfind('/') + 1:len(subdir)]) # get files nanoFilesPlain = [f for f in glob.glob(subdir + nanoName)] nanoFiles = map(lambda x: 'root://' + x, nanoFilesPlain) # create the outputdir that will contain the merged file if not path.exists(subdir + outputdir): os.system('mkdir {}'.format(subdir + outputdir)) outputname = '{}/{}'.format( subdir + outputdir, mergedName) if not self.dobatch else 'merge.root' command = 'python {}'.format(outputname) if len(nanoFiles) == 0: print 'no files of interest in this chunk' else: print "\n-> Checking the files" for iFile, fileName in enumerate(nanoFiles): if iFile % 100 == 0: print ' --> checked {}% of the files'.format( round(float(iFile) / len(nanoFiles) * 100, 1)) elif iFile == len(nanoFiles) - 1: print ' --> checked 100% of the files' if not NanoTools.checkLocalFile(self, fileName, cond): continue command = command + ' {}'.format(fileName) print '\n-> Start of the merge' os.system(command) if self.dobatch: command_xrdcp = 'xrdcp -f merge.root root://{}/{}'.format( subdir + outputdir, mergedName) os.system(command_xrdcp) print '{}/{} created \n'.format(subdir + outputdir, mergedName)
def process(self): if self.docompile: print '-> Compiling' self.compile() print '\n------------' print ' Processing NanoLauncher on production {} '.format( self.prodlabel if self.mcprivate else self.dataset) print ' --> on the batch' print '------------' if self.mcprivate: locationSE = '/pnfs/{}/BHNLsGen/{}/'.format( self.user, self.prodlabel) print '\n-> Getting the different mass points' pointsdir = NanoTools.getPointDirs(self, locationSE) points = [ point[point.rfind('/') + 1:len(point)] for point in pointsdir ] # looping over the signal points for point in points: print '\n-> Processing mass/ctau point: {}'.format(point) #if point != 'mass3.0_ctau184.256851021': continue self.launchingModule(point=point) elif or self.mccentral: dataset_label = NanoTools.getDataLabel( self, self.dataset) if else NanoTools.getMCLabel( self, self.dataset) self.launchingModule(ds_label=dataset_label) print '\n-> Submission completed'
def doChunkMerging(self, nanoName, mergedName, locationSE, cond=True): print '\n---> Merging the different chunks' nanoFilesPlain = [ f for f in glob.glob(locationSE + '/Chunk*/' + nanoName) ] nanoFiles = map(lambda x: 'root://' + x, nanoFilesPlain) # create the outputdir that will contain the merged file if not path.exists('{}/merged'.format(locationSE)): os.system('mkdir {}/merged'.format(locationSE)) filesValid = [] print "\n-> Checking the files" for fileName in nanoFiles: if not NanoTools.checkLocalFile(self, fileName, cond): continue filesValid.append(fileName) print '\n-> Start of the merge' outputname = '{}/merged/{}'.format( locationSE, mergedName) if not self.dobatch else 'fullmerge.root' command = 'python {}'.format(outputname) for iFile, fileName in enumerate(filesValid): command = command + ' {}'.format(fileName) os.system(command) if self.dobatch: command_xrdcp = 'xrdcp -f fullmerge.root root://{}/merged/{}'.format( locationSE, mergedName) os.system(command_xrdcp) print '{}/merged/{} created \n'.format(locationSE, mergedName) # clean print 'cleaning' for f in glob.glob(locationSE + '/Chunk*/merged/'): command_clean_file = 'rm -rf root://{}/{}'.format( f, mergedName) os.system(command_clean_file)
def process(self): print '---------------------------------' print ' Nano Job Manager ' print '---------------------------------' if and self.dataset == None: print '\nINFO: the JobManager Tool is going to be run on all dataset having "{}" as production label\n'.format( # pnfs directory where nano samples are located location = NanoTools.getFilesLocation(self, # get the directories associated to the production label dirs = NanoTools.getNanoDirectories(self, location, self.prodlabel, self.dataset) #dirs = [f for f in glob.glob('{loc}/ParkingBPH1_Run2018B*{pl}'.format(loc=location, pl=self.prodlabel))] if len(dirs) == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'No samples with the production label "{pl}" were found in {loc}' .format(pl=self.prodlabel, loc=location)) n_good = 0 n_failed = 0 n_unfinished = 0 n_unprocessed = 0 n_failure_xrootd = 0 n_failure_readerr = 0 n_failure_timeout = 0 n_failure_memout = 0 n_failure_node = 0 n_failure_other = 0 time_wallclock = 0 time_cpu = 0 for dir_ in dirs: print '\n\n {}'.format(dir_) # define counters n_good_perdir = 0 n_failed_perdir = 0 n_unfinished_perdir = 0 n_unprocessed_perdir = 0 n_failure_xrootd_perdir = 0 n_failure_readerr_perdir = 0 n_failure_timeout_perdir = 0 n_failure_memout_perdir = 0 n_failure_node_perdir = 0 n_failure_other_perdir = 0 time_wallclock_perdir = 0 time_cpu_perdir = 0 # get different chunks chunks = [f for f in glob.glob('{}/Chunk*'.format(dir_))] for chunk_ in chunks: if self.dofullreport: print '\n -- {} --'.format(chunk_[chunk_.rfind('/') + 1:len(chunk_)]) failed_files = [] n_good_perchunk = 0 n_failed_perchunk = 0 n_unfinished_perchunk = 0 n_unprocessed_perchunk = 0 time_wallclock_perchunk = 0 time_cpu_perchunk = 0 n_exp = self.getNExpectedNanoFiles(chunk_) files = [ chunk_ + '/bparknano_nj' + str(nj) + '.root' for nj in range(1, n_exp + 1) ] for file_ in files: # get the log file logdir = NanoTools.getLogDir(self, file_, self.prodlabel, logfile = NanoTools.getLogFile(self, logdir, file_) # idle jobs if not NanoTools.checkFileExists(self, logfile): n_unprocessed_perchunk += 1 continue if NanoTools.checkFileExists(self, file_): # successfull job n_good_perchunk += 1 if self.dofetchtime: time_wallclock_perchunk += self.fetchTime( logfile, 'wallclock') time_cpu_perchunk += self.fetchTime(logfile, 'cpu') else: # failed or still running job if not self.isJobFinished(logfile): n_unfinished_perchunk += 1 else: n_failed_perchunk += 1 if self.dofullreport: try: failure_reason = self.checkFailureReason( logfile) except: pass if failure_reason == 'xrootd': n_failure_xrootd_perdir += 1 if failure_reason == 'readerror': n_failure_readerr_perdir += 1 if failure_reason == 'slurm_timeout': n_failure_timeout_perdir += 1 if failure_reason == 'slurm_memout': n_failure_memout_perdir += 1 if failure_reason == 'slurm_nodefailure': n_failure_node_perdir += 1 if failure_reason == 'other': n_failure_other_perdir += 1 #if failure_reason == 'other': # print '{} does not exist'.format(file_) #print '{} does not exist'.format(file_) failed_files.append(file_) if self.dofullreport: print 'number of successfull jobs in this chunk: {}'.format( n_good_perchunk) print 'number of failed jobs in this chunk : {}'.format( n_failed_perchunk) if n_unfinished_perchunk != 0: print 'number of running jobs in this chunk : {}'.format( n_unfinished_perchunk) if n_unprocessed_perchunk != 0: print 'number of idle jobs in this chunk : {}'.format( n_unprocessed_perchunk) if self.dofetchtime: print 'average wallclock time in this chunk : {}min '.format( round( time_wallclock_perchunk / (n_good_perchunk * 60), 1) if n_good_perchunk != 0 else 0) print 'average CPU time/event in this chunk : {}s/event '.format( round(time_cpu_perchunk / n_good_perchunk, 3 ) if n_good_perchunk != 0 else 0) # resubmission if self.doresubmit and len(failed_files) != 0: print ' --> resubmission of failed files ({})'.format( self.getArray(failed_files)) self.resubmit(failed_files) n_good_perdir += n_good_perchunk n_failed_perdir += n_failed_perchunk n_unfinished_perdir += n_unfinished_perchunk n_unprocessed_perdir += n_unprocessed_perchunk time_wallclock_perdir += time_wallclock_perchunk time_cpu_perdir += time_cpu_perchunk n_tot_perdir = n_good_perdir + n_failed_perdir + n_unfinished_perdir + n_unprocessed_perdir print '\n' print ' --> number of successfull jobs : {} {}%'.format( n_good_perdir, round(n_good_perdir / float(n_tot_perdir) * 100, 2)) print ' --> number of failed jobs : {} {}%'.format( n_failed_perdir, round(n_failed_perdir / float(n_tot_perdir) * 100, 2)) if self.dofullreport: print ' - xrootd error: {}'.format( n_failure_xrootd_perdir) print ' - file read error: {}'.format( n_failure_readerr_perdir) print ' - slurm timeout error: {}'.format( n_failure_timeout_perdir) print ' - slurm memout error: {}'.format( n_failure_memout_perdir) print ' - slurm node failure: {}'.format( n_failure_node_perdir) print ' - other: {}'.format( n_failure_other_perdir) print ' --> number of running jobs : {} {}%'.format( n_unfinished_perdir, round(n_unfinished_perdir / float(n_tot_perdir) * 100, 2)) print ' --> number of idle jobs : {} {}%'.format( n_unprocessed_perdir, round(n_unprocessed_perdir / float(n_tot_perdir) * 100, 2)) if self.dofetchtime: print ' --> average wallclock time : {}min '.format( round(time_wallclock_perdir / (n_good_perdir * 60), 1) if n_good_perdir != 0 else 0) print ' --> average CPU time/event : {}s/event '.format( round(time_cpu_perdir / (n_good_perdir), 3) if n_good_perdir != 0 else 0) #if n_unstarted_chunk != 0: # print ' --> number of yet unprocessed chunks: {}'.format(n_unstarted_chunk) n_good += n_good_perdir n_failed += n_failed_perdir n_unfinished += n_unfinished_perdir n_unprocessed += n_unprocessed_perdir n_failure_xrootd += n_failure_xrootd_perdir n_failure_readerr += n_failure_readerr_perdir n_failure_timeout += n_failure_timeout_perdir n_failure_memout += n_failure_memout_perdir n_failure_node += n_failure_node_perdir n_failure_other += n_failure_other_perdir time_wallclock += time_wallclock_perdir time_cpu += time_cpu_perdir n_tot = n_good + n_failed + n_unfinished + n_unprocessed print '\n' print '----------------------------------------------------------' print ' Status Report ' print '\n' print ' ---> number of successfull jobs : {} {}%'.format( n_good, round(n_good / float(n_tot) * 100, 2)) print ' ---> number of failed jobs : {} {}%'.format( n_failed, round(n_failed / float(n_tot) * 100, 2)) print ' ---> number of running jobs : {} {}%'.format( n_unfinished, round(n_unfinished / float(n_tot) * 100, 2)) print ' ---> number of idle jobs : {} {}%'.format( n_unprocessed, round(n_unprocessed / float(n_tot) * 100, 2)) if self.dofullreport: print '\n' print ' Error summary: ' print ' - xrootd error: {} ({}%)'.format( n_failure_xrootd, round(n_failure_xrootd / float(n_failed) * 100, 1) if float(n_failed) != 0 else 0) print ' - file read error: {} ({}%)'.format( n_failure_readerr, round(n_failure_readerr / float(n_failed) * 100, 1) if float(n_failed) != 0 else 0) print ' - slurm timeout error: {} ({}%)'.format( n_failure_timeout, round(n_failure_timeout / float(n_failed) * 100, 1) if float(n_failed) != 0 else 0) print ' - slurm memout error: {} ({}%)'.format( n_failure_memout, round(n_failure_memout / float(n_failed) * 100, 1) if float(n_failed) != 0 else 0) print ' - slurm node failure: {} ({}%)'.format( n_failure_node, round(n_failure_node / float(n_failed) * 100, 1) if float(n_failed) != 0 else 0) print ' - other: {} ({}%)'.format( n_failure_other, round(n_failure_other / float(n_failed) * 100, 1) if float(n_failed) != 0 else 0) if self.dofetchtime: print '\n' print ' Time summary: ' print ' - average wallclock time: {}min'.format( round(time_wallclock / (n_good * 60), 1) if n_good != 0 else 0) print ' - average CPU time/event: {}s/event'.format( round(time_cpu / n_good, 3) if n_good != 0 else 0) print '\n' print '----------------------------------------------------------'
def getArray(self, failed_files): idx = [] for file_ in failed_files: idx.append(NanoTools.getStep(self, file_)) return ','.join(idx)
def launchingModule(self, point=None, ds_label=None): # declaring some useful quantities # ids of the launched jobs, needed for dependency of the merger nano_jobIds = [] flat_jobIds = [] # counter of processed files nfiles_tot = 0 # slurm cannot deal with too large arrays, so does haddnano (keep it hardcoded) maxfiles_perchunk = 750 print '\n --> Fetching the files' filelistname = self.writeFileList(maxfiles_perchunk, point) # loop on the files (containing at most 750 samples) for iFile, filelist in enumerate( glob.glob('{}*.txt'.format(filelistname))): if NanoTools.getNFiles(self, filelist) == 0: print ' WARNING: no files were found with the corresponding production label' print ' Did you set the correct username using --user <username>?' # enforcing max files limit if self.maxfiles != None and nfiles_tot >= int(self.maxfiles): continue # number of files to process in this chunk if self.maxfiles == None or int( self.maxfiles) - nfiles_tot > maxfiles_perchunk: nfiles = NanoTools.getNFiles(self, filelist) else: nfiles = int(self.maxfiles) - nfiles_tot nfiles_tot += nfiles # merging step (if any) must happen after nano or flat steps are completed if self.maxfiles == None: merge_cond = ( iFile == len(glob.glob('{}*.txt'.format(filelistname))) - 1) else: merge_cond = (nfiles_tot == int(self.maxfiles)) print '\n --> Creating output directory' outputdir = '/pnfs/{}/BHNLsGen/'.format( os.environ["USER"]) if self.mcprivate: outputdir += '{}/{}/nanoFiles/Chunk{}_n{}'.format( self.prodlabel, point, iFile, nfiles) else: dirname = 'data' if else 'mc_central' outputdir += '{}/{}/{}/Chunk{}_n{}/'.format( dirname, self.prodlabel, ds_label, iFile, nfiles) if not path.exists(outputdir): os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(outputdir)) print '\n --> Creating log directory' label1 = self.prodlabel if self.mcprivate else ds_label label2 = point if self.mcprivate else self.prodlabel logdir = './logs/{}/{}/Chunk{}_n{}'.format(label1, label2, iFile, nfiles) if self.tag == None \ else './logs/{}/{}_{}/Chunk{}_n{}'.format(label1, label2, self.tag, iFile, nfiles) if not path.exists(logdir): os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(logdir)) label = '{}_{}_Chunk{}_n{}'.format( label1, label2 if self.tag == None else label2 + '_' + self.tag, iFile, NanoTools.getNFiles(self, filelist)) nano_jobId = -99 if self.donano: nano_jobId = self.launchNano(nfiles, outputdir, logdir, filelist, label) if self.domergenano: nano_jobIds.append(nano_jobId) if merge_cond: self.launchMerger(logdir, label, nano_jobIds, 'nano') if self.doflat: flat_outputdir = outputdir + '/flat' if not path.exists(flat_outputdir): os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(flat_outputdir)) flat_jobId = self.launchDumper(nfiles, outputdir, logdir, filelist, label, nano_jobId) # merging of flat files happens automatically flat_jobIds.append(flat_jobId) if merge_cond: self.launchMerger(logdir, label, flat_jobIds, 'flat')