예제 #1
    def __init__(self, nparray, **kwargs):
        """ Set attributes

        See class Figure(object) for information about:



        Advanced parameters

        # make a copy of nparray (otherwise a new reference to the same data is
        # created and the original input data is destroyed at process())
        array = np.array(nparray)

        self.logger = add_logger('Nansat')

        # if 2D array is given, reshape to 3D
        if array.ndim == 2:
            self.array = array.reshape(1, array.shape[0], array.shape[1])
            self.array = array

        # note swaping of axis by PIL
        self.width = self.array.shape[2]
        self.height = self.array.shape[1]

        # modify the default values using input values

        # set fonts for Legend
        self.fontFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, nparray, **kwargs):
        """ Set attributes

        See class Figure(object) for information about:



        Advanced parameters

        # make a copy of nparray (otherwise a new reference to the same data is
        # created and the original input data is destroyed at process())
        array = np.array(nparray)

        self.logger = add_logger('Nansat')

        # if 2D array is given, reshape to 3D
        if array.ndim == 2:
            self.array = array.reshape(1, array.shape[0], array.shape[1])
            self.array = array

        # note swaping of axis by PIL
        self.width = self.array.shape[2]
        self.height = self.array.shape[1]

        # modify the default values using input values

        # set fonts for Legend
        self.fontFileName = os.path.join(
예제 #3
    def __init__(self,
        '''Create Domain from GDALDataset or string options or lat/lon grids

        d = Domain(srs, ext)
            Size, extent and spatial reference is given by strings
        d = Domain(ds=GDALDataset):
            Size, extent and spatial reference is copied from input
            GDAL dataset
        d = Domain(srs, ds=GDALDataset):
            Spatial reference is given by srs, but size and extent is
            from input GDAL dataset
        d = Domain(lon=lonGrid, lat=latGrid)
            Size, extent and spatial reference is given by two grids

        srs : PROJ4 or EPSG or WKT or NSR or osr.SpatialReference()
            Input parameter for nansat.NSR()
        ext : string
            some gdalwarp options + additional options
            Specifies extent, resolution / size
            Available options: (('-te' or '-lle') and ('-tr' or '-ts'))
            (e.g. '-lle -10 30 55 60 -ts 1000 1000' or
            '-te 100 2000 300 10000 -tr 300 200')
            -tr resolutionx resolutiony
            -ts sizex sizey
            -te xmin ymin xmax ymax
            -lle lonmin latmin lonmax latmax
        ds : GDAL dataset
        lat : Numpy array
            Grid with latitudes
        lon : Numpy array
            Grid with longitudes
        name : string, optional
            Name to be added to the Domain object
        logLevel : int, optional, default=30
            level of logging

        ProjectionError : occurs when Projection() is empty
            despite it is required for creating extentDic.
        OptionError : occures when the arguments are not proper.

        self.vrt.datasetset : dataset in memory
            dataset is created based on the input arguments

        See Also

        # set default attributes
        self.logger = add_logger('Nansat', logLevel)
        self.name = name

        self.logger.debug('ds: %s' % str(ds))
        self.logger.debug('srs: %s' % srs)
        self.logger.debug('ext: %s' % ext)

        # If too much information is given raise error
        if ds is not None and srs is not None and ext is not None:
            raise OptionError('Ambiguous specification of both '
                              'dataset, srs- and ext-strings.')

        # choose between input opitons:
        # ds
        # ds and srs
        # srs and ext
        # lon and lat

        # if only a dataset is given:
        #     copy geo-reference from the dataset
        if ds is not None and srs is None:
            self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=ds)

        # If dataset and srs are given (but not ext):
        #   use AutoCreateWarpedVRT to determine bounds and resolution
        elif ds is not None and srs is not None:
            srs = NSR(srs)
            tmpVRT = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(ds, None, srs.wkt)
            if tmpVRT is None:
                raise ProjectionError('Could not warp the given dataset'
                                      'to the given SRS.')
                self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=tmpVRT)

        # If SpatialRef and extent string are given (but not dataset)
        elif srs is not None and ext is not None:
            srs = NSR(srs)
            # create full dictionary of parameters
            extentDic = self._create_extentDic(ext)

            # convert -lle to -te
            if 'lle' in extentDic.keys():
                extentDic = self._convert_extentDic(srs, extentDic)

            # get size/extent from the created extet dictionary
            [geoTransform, rasterXSize,
             rasterYSize] = self._get_geotransform(extentDic)
            # create VRT object with given geo-reference parameters
            self.vrt = VRT(srcGeoTransform=geoTransform,
            self.extentDic = extentDic
        elif lat is not None and lon is not None:
            # create self.vrt from given lat/lon
            self.vrt = VRT(lat=lat, lon=lon)
            raise OptionError('"dataset" or "srsString and extentString" '
                              'or "dataset and srsString" are required')

        self.logger.debug('vrt.dataset: %s' % str(self.vrt.dataset))
예제 #4
파일: domain.py 프로젝트: whigg/nansat
    def __init__(self,
        """Create Domain from GDALDataset or string options or lat/lon grids"""
        # set default attributes
        self.logger = add_logger('Nansat', logLevel)
        self.name = name

        self.logger.debug('ds: %s' % str(ds))
        self.logger.debug('srs: %s' % srs)
        self.logger.debug('ext: %s' % ext)

        # If too much information is given raise error
        if ds is not None and srs is not None and ext is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Ambiguous specification of both dataset, srs- and ext-strings.'

        # choose between input opitons:
        # ds
        # ds and srs
        # srs and ext
        # lon and lat

        # if only a dataset is given:
        #     copy geo-reference from the dataset
        if ds is not None and srs is None:
            self.vrt = VRT.from_gdal_dataset(ds)

        # If dataset and srs are given (but not ext):
        #   use AutoCreateWarpedVRT to determine bounds and resolution
        elif ds is not None and srs is not None:
            srs = NSR(srs)
            tmp_vrt = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(ds, None, srs.wkt)
            if tmp_vrt is None:
                raise NansatProjectionError(
                    'Could not warp the given dataset to the given SRS.')
                self.vrt = VRT.from_gdal_dataset(tmp_vrt)

        # If SpatialRef and extent string are given (but not dataset)
        elif srs is not None and ext is not None:
            srs = NSR(srs)
            # create full dictionary of parameters
            extent_dict = Domain._create_extent_dict(ext)

            # convert -lle to -te
            if 'lle' in extent_dict.keys():
                extent_dict = self._convert_extentDic(srs, extent_dict)

            # get size/extent from the created extent dictionary
            geo_transform, raster_x_size, raster_y_size = self._get_geotransform(
            # create VRT object with given geo-reference parameters
            self.vrt = VRT.from_dataset_params(x_size=raster_x_size,
        elif lat is not None and lon is not None:
            # create self.vrt from given lat/lon
            self.vrt = VRT.from_lonlat(lon, lat)
            raise ValueError('"dataset" or "srsString and extentString" '
                             'or "dataset and srsString" are required')

        self.logger.debug('vrt.dataset: %s' % str(self.vrt.dataset))
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, nparray, **kwargs):
        ''' Set attributes

        array : numpy array (2D or 3D)
            dataset from Nansat

        cmin : number (int ot float) or [number, number, number]
            0, minimum value of varibale in the matrix to be shown
        cmax : number (int ot float) or [number, number, number]
            1, minimum value of varibale in the matrix to be shown
        gamma : float, >0
            2, coefficient for tone curve udjustment
        subsetArraySize : int
            100000, size of the subset array which is used to get histogram
        numOfColor : int
            250, number of colors for use of the palette.
            254th is black and 255th is white.
        cmapName : string
            'jet', name of Matplotlib colormaps
            see --> http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Show_colormaps
        ratio : float, [0 1]
            1.0, ratio of pixels which are used to write the figure
        numOfTicks : int
            5, number of ticks on a colorbar
        titleString : string
            '', title of legend (1st line)
        caption : string
            '', caption of the legend (2nd line, e.g. long name and units)
        fontRatio : positive float
            1, factor for changing the fontSize.
        fontSize : int
            12, size of the font of title, caption and ticks.
            If not given, fontSize is calculated using fontRatio:
            fontSize = height / 45 * fontRatio.
            fontSize has priority over fontRatio
        logarithm : boolean, defult = False
            If True, tone curve is used to convert pixel values.
            If False, linear.
        legend : boolean, default = False
            if True, information as textString, colorbar, longName and
            units are added in the figure.
        mask_array : 2D numpy array, int, the shape should be equal
            array.shape. If given this array is used for masking land,
            clouds, etc on the output image. Value of the array are
            indeces. LUT from mask_lut is used for coloring upon this
        mask_lut : dictionary
            Look-Up-Table with colors for masking land, clouds etc. Used
            tgether with mask_array:
            {0, [0,0,0], 1, [100,100,100], 2: [150,150,150], 3: [0,0,255]}
            index 0 - will have black color
                  1 - dark gray
                  2 - light gray
                  3 - blue
        logoFileName : string
            name of the file with logo
        logoLocation : list of two int, default = [0,0]
            X and Y offset of the image
            If positive - offset is from left, upper edge
            If Negative - from right, lower edge
            Offset is calculated from the entire image legend inclusive
        logoSize : list of two int
            desired X,Y size of logo. If None - original size is used
        latGrid : numpy array
            full size array with latitudes. For adding lat/lon grid lines
        lonGrid : numpy array
            full size array with longitudes. For adding lat/lon grid lines
        nGridLines : int
            number of lat/lon grid lines to show
        latlonLabels : int
            number of lat/lon labels to show along each side.
        transparency : int
            transparency of the image background(mask), set for PIL alpha
            mask in Figure.save()
        default : None

        Advanced parameters
        LEGEND_HEIGHT : float, [0 1]
            0.1, legend height relative to image height
        CBAR_HEIGHTMIN : int
            5, minimum colorbar height, pixels
        CBAR_HEIGHT : float, [0 1]
            0.15,  colorbar height relative to image height
        CBAR_WIDTH : float [0 1]
            0.8, colorbar width  relative to legend width
        CBAR_LOCATION_X : float [0 1]
            0.1, colorbar offset X  relative to legend width
        CBAR_LOCATION_Y : float [0 1]
            0.5,  colorbar offset Y  relative to legend height
        CBTICK_LOC_ADJUST_X : int
            5,  colorbar tick label offset X, pixels
        CBTICK_LOC_ADJUST_Y : int
            3,  colorbar tick label offset Y, pixels
        CAPTION_LOCATION_X : float, [0 1]
            0.1, caption offset X relative to legend width
        CAPTION_LOCATION_Y : float, [0 1]
            0.1, caption offset Y relative to legend height
        TITLE_LOCATION_X : float, [0 1]
            0.1, title offset X relative to legend width
            0.3, title  offset Y relative to legend height
        DEFAULT_EXTENSION : string

        self.sizeX, self.sizeY : int
            width and height of the image
        self.pilImg : PIL image
        self.pilImgLegend : PIL image
            if pilImgLegend is None, legend is not added to the figure
            if it is replaced, pilImgLegend includes text string, color-bar,
            longName and units.

        # make a copy of nparray (otherwise a new reference to the same data is
        # created and the original input data is destroyed at process())
        array = np.array(nparray)

        self.logger = add_logger('Nansat')

        # if 2D array is given, reshape to 3D
        if array.ndim == 2:
            self.array = array.reshape(1, array.shape[0], array.shape[1])
            self.array = array

        # note swaping of axis by PIL
        self.width = self.array.shape[2]
        self.height = self.array.shape[1]

        # modify the default values using input values

        # set fonts for Legend
        self.fontFileName = os.path.join(
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, srs=None, ext=None, ds=None, lon=None,
                 lat=None, name='', logLevel=None):
        '''Create Domain from GDALDataset or string options or lat/lon grids

        d = Domain(srs, ext)
            Size, extent and spatial reference is given by strings
        d = Domain(ds=GDALDataset):
            Size, extent and spatial reference is copied from input
            GDAL dataset
        d = Domain(srs, ds=GDALDataset):
            Spatial reference is given by srs, but size and extent is
            from input GDAL dataset
        d = Domain(lon=lonGrid, lat=latGrid)
            Size, extent and spatial reference is given by two grids

        srs : PROJ4 or EPSG or WKT or NSR or osr.SpatialReference()
            Input parameter for nansat.NSR()
        ext : string
            some gdalwarp options + additional options
            Specifies extent, resolution / size
            Available options: (('-te' or '-lle') and ('-tr' or '-ts'))
            (e.g. '-lle -10 30 55 60 -ts 1000 1000' or
            '-te 100 2000 300 10000 -tr 300 200')
            -tr resolutionx resolutiony
            -ts sizex sizey
            -te xmin ymin xmax ymax
            -lle lonmin latmin lonmax latmax
        ds : GDAL dataset
        lat : Numpy array
            Grid with latitudes
        lon : Numpy array
            Grid with longitudes
        name : string, optional
            Name to be added to the Domain object
        logLevel : int, optional, default=30
            level of logging

        ProjectionError : occurs when Projection() is empty
            despite it is required for creating extentDic.
        OptionError : occures when the arguments are not proper.

        self.vrt.datasetset : dataset in memory
            dataset is created based on the input arguments

        See Also

        # set default attributes
        self.logger = add_logger('Nansat', logLevel)
        self.name = name

        self.logger.debug('ds: %s' % str(ds))
        self.logger.debug('srs: %s' % srs)
        self.logger.debug('ext: %s' % ext)

        # If too much information is given raise error
        if ds is not None and srs is not None and ext is not None:
            raise OptionError('Ambiguous specification of both '
                              'dataset, srs- and ext-strings.')

        # choose between input opitons:
        # ds
        # ds and srs
        # srs and ext
        # lon and lat

        # if only a dataset is given:
        #     copy geo-reference from the dataset
        if ds is not None and srs is None:
            self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=ds)

        # If dataset and srs are given (but not ext):
        #   use AutoCreateWarpedVRT to determine bounds and resolution
        elif ds is not None and srs is not None:
            srs = NSR(srs)
            tmpVRT = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(ds, None, srs.wkt)
            if tmpVRT is None:
                raise ProjectionError('Could not warp the given dataset'
                                      'to the given SRS.')
                self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=tmpVRT)

        # If SpatialRef and extent string are given (but not dataset)
        elif srs is not None and ext is not None:
            srs = NSR(srs)
            # create full dictionary of parameters
            extentDic = self._create_extentDic(ext)

            # convert -lle to -te
            if 'lle' in extentDic.keys():
                extentDic = self._convert_extentDic(srs, extentDic)

            # get size/extent from the created extet dictionary
             rasterXSize, rasterYSize] = self._get_geotransform(extentDic)
            # create VRT object with given geo-reference parameters
            self.vrt = VRT(srcGeoTransform=geoTransform,
            self.extentDic = extentDic
        elif lat is not None and lon is not None:
            # create self.vrt from given lat/lon
            self.vrt = VRT(lat=lat, lon=lon)
            raise OptionError('"dataset" or "srsString and extentString" '
                              'or "dataset and srsString" are required')

        self.logger.debug('vrt.dataset: %s' % str(self.vrt.dataset))
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, nparray, **kwargs):
        ''' Set attributes

        array : numpy array (2D or 3D)
            dataset from Nansat

        cmin : number (int ot float) or [number, number, number]
            0, minimum value of varibale in the matrix to be shown
        cmax : number (int ot float) or [number, number, number]
            1, minimum value of varibale in the matrix to be shown
        gamma : float, >0
            2, coefficient for tone curve udjustment
        subsetArraySize : int
            100000, size of the subset array which is used to get histogram
        numOfColor : int
            250, number of colors for use of the palette.
            254th is black and 255th is white.
        cmapName : string
            'jet', name of Matplotlib colormaps
            see --> http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Show_colormaps
        ratio : float, [0 1]
            1.0, ratio of pixels which are used to write the figure
        numOfTicks : int
            5, number of ticks on a colorbar
        titleString : string
            '', title of legend (1st line)
        caption : string
            '', caption of the legend (2nd line, e.g. long name and units)
        fontRatio : positive float
            1, factor for changing the fontSize.
        fontSize : int
            12, size of the font of title, caption and ticks.
            If not given, fontSize is calculated using fontRatio:
            fontSize = height / 45 * fontRatio.
            fontSize has priority over fontRatio
        logarithm : boolean, defult = False
            If True, tone curve is used to convert pixel values.
            If False, linear.
        legend : boolean, default = False
            if True, information as textString, colorbar, longName and
            units are added in the figure.
        mask_array : 2D numpy array, int, the shape should be equal
            array.shape. If given this array is used for masking land,
            clouds, etc on the output image. Value of the array are
            indeces. LUT from mask_lut is used for coloring upon this
        mask_lut : dictionary
            Look-Up-Table with colors for masking land, clouds etc. Used
            tgether with mask_array:
            {0, [0,0,0], 1, [100,100,100], 2: [150,150,150], 3: [0,0,255]}
            index 0 - will have black color
                  1 - dark gray
                  2 - light gray
                  3 - blue
        logoFileName : string
            name of the file with logo
        logoLocation : list of two int, default = [0,0]
            X and Y offset of the image
            If positive - offset is from left, upper edge
            If Negative - from right, lower edge
            Offset is calculated from the entire image legend inclusive
        logoSize : list of two int
            desired X,Y size of logo. If None - original size is used
        latGrid : numpy array
            full size array with latitudes. For adding lat/lon grid lines
        lonGrid : numpy array
            full size array with longitudes. For adding lat/lon grid lines
        nGridLines : int
            number of lat/lon grid lines to show
        latlonLabels : int
            number of lat/lon labels to show along each side.
        transparency : int
            transparency of the image background(mask), set for PIL alpha
            mask in Figure.save()
        default : None

        Advanced parameters
        LEGEND_HEIGHT : float, [0 1]
            0.1, legend height relative to image height
        CBAR_HEIGHTMIN : int
            5, minimum colorbar height, pixels
        CBAR_HEIGHT : float, [0 1]
            0.15,  colorbar height relative to image height
        CBAR_WIDTH : float [0 1]
            0.8, colorbar width  relative to legend width
        CBAR_LOCATION_X : float [0 1]
            0.1, colorbar offset X  relative to legend width
        CBAR_LOCATION_Y : float [0 1]
            0.5,  colorbar offset Y  relative to legend height
        CBTICK_LOC_ADJUST_X : int
            5,  colorbar tick label offset X, pixels
        CBTICK_LOC_ADJUST_Y : int
            3,  colorbar tick label offset Y, pixels
        CAPTION_LOCATION_X : float, [0 1]
            0.1, caption offset X relative to legend width
        CAPTION_LOCATION_Y : float, [0 1]
            0.1, caption offset Y relative to legend height
        TITLE_LOCATION_X : float, [0 1]
            0.1, title offset X relative to legend width
            0.3, title  offset Y relative to legend height
        DEFAULT_EXTENSION : string

        self.sizeX, self.sizeY : int
            width and height of the image
        self.pilImg : PIL image
        self.pilImgLegend : PIL image
            if pilImgLegend is None, legend is not added to the figure
            if it is replaced, pilImgLegend includes text string, color-bar,
            longName and units.

        # make a copy of nparray (otherwise a new reference to the same data is
        # created and the original input data is destroyed at process())
        array = np.array(nparray)

        self.logger = add_logger('Nansat')

        # if 2D array is given, reshape to 3D
        if array.ndim == 2:
            self.array = array.reshape(1, array.shape[0], array.shape[1])
            self.array = array

        # note swaping of axis by PIL
        self.width = self.array.shape[2]
        self.height = self.array.shape[1]

        # modify the default values using input values

        # set fonts for Legend
        self.fontFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(