예제 #1
 def func(x):
     original = x
     x = pre(x)  # Apply pre-splitting function
     x = splitter(x)  # Split the string on numbers
     x = py23_filter(None, x)  # Remove empty strings.
     x = py23_map(post, x)  # Apply post-splitting function
     x = _sep_inserter(x, sep)  # Insert empty strings between numbers
     return after(x, original)  # Apply final manipulation
 def func(x, original_func=input_transform if orig_after_xfrm else _no_op):
     # Apply string input transformation function and return to x.
     # Original function is usually a no-op, but some algorithms require it
     # to also be the transformation function.
     x, original = input_transform(x), original_func(x)
     x = splitter(x)                       # Split string into components.
     x = py23_filter(None, x)              # Remove empty strings.
     x = py23_map(component_transform, x)  # Apply transform on components.
     x = _sep_inserter(x, sep)             # Insert '' between numbers.
     return final_transform(x, original)   # Apply the final transform.
예제 #3
 def func(x):
     # Apply string input transformation function and return to x.
     # Original function is usually a no-op, but some algorithms require it
     # to also be the transformation function.
     x = normalize_input(x)
     x, original = input_transform(x), original_func(x)
     x = splitter(x)  # Split string into components.
     x = py23_filter(None, x)  # Remove empty strings.
     x = py23_map(component_transform, x)  # Apply transform on components.
     x = sep_inserter(x, sep)  # Insert '' between numbers.
     return final_transform(x, original)  # Apply the final transform.