def mydbfunc(con, cur, command): s = 0 f = None t = None try: cur.execute(command) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(e) """ print(type(e)) print(e.diag) print(e.args) print(e.cursor) print(e.pgcode) print(e.pgerror) myerror= {'natstatus':'error','statusdetails':''} """ s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, e.pgcode + e.pgerror, t, "no") except psycopg2.Warning as e: print(e) #myerror={'natstatus':'warning','statusdetails':''} #myerror = {'natstatus':'warning','statusdetails':e} s, f = errhand.get_status(s, -100, f, e.pgcode + e.pgerror, t, "no") finally: if s > 0: con.rollback() cur.close() con.close() return cur, s, f
def mydbbegin(con, cur): s = 0 f = None t = None command = cur.mogrify("BEGIN;") cur, s, f = mydbfunc(con, cur, command) if cur.closed == True: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "BEGIN statement execution failed", t, "no") else: print("BEGIN statment execution successful") return s, f
def app_appauth(criteria_json): print("inside appauth function") s = 0 f = None t = None #message to front end response = None res_to_send = 'fail' payload1 = criteria_json.get("payload", None) print(criteria_json) print(payload1) print(s) if s <= 0: if criteria_json.get("entityid", None) != None: origin_entityid = criteria_json['entityid'] else: origin_entityid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Origin entity id not provided", t, "yes") if criteria_json.get("cntryid", None) != None: origin_cntryid = criteria_json['cntryid'] else: origin_cntryid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Origin cntry code is not provided", t, "yes") print('origin', origin_entityid, origin_cntryid) #Use the installed entity and country code for further operatios entityid = config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["entityid"] cntryid = config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["countryid"] if payload1 == None: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "App data not sent. Please try again", t, "yes") else: if payload1.get("userauthtkn", None) != None: userauthtkn = payload1['userauthtkn'] else: userauthtkn = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "User login success authtkn not provided", t, "yes") if payload1.get("appid", None) != None: appid = payload1['appid'] else: appid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "app id not provided", t, "yes") if payload1.get("appkey", None) != None: appkey = payload1['appkey'] else: appkey = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "appkey is not provided", t, "yes") if payload1.get("redirecturi", None) != None: redirecturi = payload1['redirecturi'] else: redirecturi = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "redirecturi is not provided", t, "yes") # update or create are the values print(userauthtkn, appid, redirecturi, appkey, entityid, cntryid) if s <= 0: con, cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbopncon() s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print("DB connection established", s, f, t) if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT * FROM ncapp.appdetail WHERE delflg != 'Y' AND expirydate >= CURRENT_DATE AND appid = %s AND appkey = %s AND redirecturi = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s ) as a """, ( appid, appkey, redirecturi, entityid, cntryid, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "App Name data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) app_db_rec = None if s <= 0: app_db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print("get db details") print(app_db_rec) if len(app_db_rec) < 1: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Unable to locate the app id", t, "yes") else: app_db_rec = app_db_rec[0] print(" line 161 App id identified successfully") print(app_db_rec) print(s, f) appuserid = app_db_rec.get("appuserid", None) ''' if app_db_rec["appusertype"] == "D": useridts = appuserid elif app_db_rec["appusertype"] == "A": useridts = appuserid elif app_db_rec["appusertype"] == "P": useridts = appuserid elif app_db_rec["appusertype"] == "I": useridts = appuserid elif app_db_rec["appusertype"] == "T": useridts = appuserid ''' if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT * FROM ncusr.userauth WHERE tknexpiry >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND userauthtkn = %s AND appid = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s ) as a """, ( userauthtkn, appid, entityid, cntryid, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "User authtoke fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) usr_db_rec = None if s <= 0: usr_db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(usr_db_rec) if len(usr_db_rec) < 1: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "Unable to locate the user auth details OR Token expired", t, "yes") else: usr_db_rec = usr_db_rec[0] print("User auth token validated successfully") useridts = usr_db_rec["userid"] #We are ready to generate API pass token print(s, f) i = 0 cur_time ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') passtknset = False pass_tkn = None while i < 50: r = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for x in range(6)) pass_tkn = create_signature("md5", "nirunidhapasstkn" + r, userauthtkn + cur_time, appuserid + appid) command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT count(1) FROM ncapp.appusrauth WHERE passwordtkn = %s """, (pass_tkn, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "Password token data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) if s <= 0: db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(db_rec) if db_rec > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "Pass token Already exists. Retrying time: " + i, t, "no") i = i + 1 continue else: print("Pass code is unique. Generation task completed") passtknset = True break else: # Some error occured, so no point looping passtknset = False break print(s, f, t) appusrtype = app_db_rec.get("appusertype", None) if appusrtype == None: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "app user type is not known", t, "yes") if s <= 0 and passtknset: s1, f1 = db.mydbbegin(con, cur) print(s1, f1) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s <= 0: passexpiry = get_expiry_time(appusrtype) command = cur.mogrify( """ INSERT into ncapp.appusrauth (userauthtkn,appid,passwordtkn,passwordtknexpiry,entityid,countryid,octime,lmtime) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT unq_comb_auauth DO UPDATE SET passwordtkn = %s, passwordtknexpiry = %s, lmtime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP """, ( userauthtkn, appid, pass_tkn, passexpiry, entityid, cntryid, pass_tkn, passexpiry, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "passtoken update failed", t, "no") print('Insert or update is successful') if s <= 0: con.commit() if s <= 0: data_for_jwt = { "exp": passexpiry.strftime('%d%m%Y%H%M%S'), "passtkn": pass_tkn, "ei": entityid, "ci": cntryid, "ncuserid": useridts } natjwt = jwtf.generatejwt(data_for_jwt) if s > 0: res_to_send = 'fail' result_date = [] response = { 'result_data': result_date, 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': s, 'usrmsg': errhand.error_msg_reporting(s, t) } else: res_to_send = 'success' result_date = natjwt response = { 'result_data': result_date, 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': 0, 'usrmsg': "pass Token generation successful" } print(res_to_send, response) return (res_to_send, response)
def generatejwt(d): #Create JWT print("inside jwt creation function") s = 0 f = None t = None #message to front end response = None res_to_send = 'fail' print(d) con, cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbopncon() s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print("DB connection established", s,f,t) natseckey = "secret" if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify(""" SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT secretcode,seccdid FROM ncapp.secrettkn WHERE entityid = %s AND countryid =%s ) as a """,(d["ei"], d["ci"])) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con,cur,command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "secret fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s,f) db_rec = None if s <= 0: db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] if len(db_rec) < 1: s, f, t= errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Unable to get secret", t, "no") else: print(db_rec) db_rec = db_rec[0] print("got the secret string successfully") pass print(s,f) if s <= 0: secretcode = db_rec.get("secretcode", None) if secretcode == None: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "unable to get secret code", t, "no") seccdid = db_rec.get("seccdid", None) if seccdid == None: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "unable to get secret code id", t, "no") print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@") print(secretcode) print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@") if s <= 0: #Call JWT to generate JWT START natjwt = jwt.encode( { "iss": "ncj", "exp": d["exp"], "iat":'%d%m%Y%H%M%S%f'), "passtkn": d["passtkn"], "skd": seccdid, "eid": d["ei"], "cid": d["ci"], "ncuserid": d["ncuserid"] }, secretcode, algorithm='HS256') print("printing nat jwt") print(natjwt) #Call JWT to generate JWT END db.mydbcloseall(con,cur) return (json.dumps({"ncjwt" :natjwt.decode("utf-8")}))
def admincustclaim(): if request.method == "OPTIONS": print("inside admincustclaim options") response1 = make_response(jsonify("inside admincustclaim options")) return response1 elif request.method == "POST": print("inside admincustclaim POST") #payload = request.get_json() daa = payload = json.loads(daa) print("payload") print(payload) print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) s = 0 f = None t = None #message to front end uid = None email = payload["email"] entityid = payload["entityid"] countryid = payload["countryid"] usercusttype = "A" try: print('inside try') default_app = firebase_admin.get_app('natfbappsingup') print('about inside try') except ValueError: print('inside value error') #cred = credentials.Certificate(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/serviceAccountKey.json') cred = credentials.Certificate(sak.SERVICEAC) default_app = firebase_admin.initialize_app(credential=cred, name='natfbappsingup') else: pass print('app ready') email = payload["email"] try: user = auth.get_user_by_email(email, app=default_app) except AuthError: print('AuthError') print(AuthError) s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "email id " + email + " not registered", t, "yes") else: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 0, f, "User id already exists", t, "no") uid = format(user.uid) print(uid) if uid != None or uid != '': try: print('start set custom') auth.set_custom_user_claims(uid, { "entityid": entityid, "countryid": countryid, "custtype": usercusttype }, app=default_app) print('end set custom') except ValueError: print('valuererror') s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Not a valid user properties", t, "yes") except AuthError: print('AuthError') s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Not a valid user credentials", t, "yes") if s <= 0: return make_response(jsonify("success"), 200) else: return make_response(jsonify(errhand.front_end_msg), 400)
def fn_appname(criteria_json): print("inside fn_appname function") s = 0 f = None t = None #message to front end response = None res_to_send = 'fail' payload = criteria_json.get("payload", None) print(s) if s <= 0: if criteria_json.get("entityid", None) != None: entityid = criteria_json['entityid'] else: entityid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "entity id not provided", t, "yes") if criteria_json.get("cntryid", None) != None: cntryid = criteria_json['cntryid'] else: cntryid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "cntry code is not provided", t, "yes") if payload == None: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "App data not sent. Please try again", t, "yes") else: if payload.get("appid", None) != None: appid = payload['appid'] else: appid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "app id not provided", t, "yes") if payload.get("redirecturi", None) != None: redirecturi = payload['redirecturi'] else: redirecturi = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "redirecturi is not provided", t, "yes") # update or create are the values print(appid, redirecturi, entityid, cntryid) if s <= 0: con, cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbopncon() s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print("DB connection established", s, f, t) if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT * FROM ncapp.appdetail WHERE delflg != 'Y' AND expirydate >= CURRENT_DATE AND approved != 'N' AND appid = %s AND redirecturi = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s ) as a """, ( appid, redirecturi, entityid, cntryid, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "App Name data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) db_rec = None if s <= 0: db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(db_rec) if db_rec == None or len(db_rec) > 1: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Unable to locate the app id", t, "yes") else: db_rec = db_rec[0] print(" line 136 App id identified successfully") pass print(s, f) if s > 0: res_to_send = 'fail' result_date = [] response = { 'result_data': result_date, 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': s, 'usrmsg': errhand.error_msg_reporting(s, t) } else: res_to_send = 'success' result_data = {"appname": db_rec["appname"]} response = { 'result_data': result_data, 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': 0, 'usrmsg': "Token generation successful" } print(res_to_send, response) return (res_to_send, response)
def app_userauth(criteria_json): # Generate a user auth token # input # criteria_json = { # "entityid" : entityid, # "cntryid" : cntryid, # "payload" : payload => {appid,redirecturi,userid,expiremin<tokenexipry in mins>} # } # Output # response = { # 'result_data' : result_data, => succ-> {'authtkn': auth_tkn} : err->[] # 'status': res_to_send, => success/fail # 'status_code': 0, # 'usrmsg': "Token generation successful" <=for success: error msg in case of error # } print("inside userauth function") s = 0 f = None t = None #message to front end response = None res_to_send = 'fail' payload = criteria_json.get("payload", None) print(s) if s <= 0: if criteria_json.get("entityid", None) != None: entityid = criteria_json['entityid'] else: entityid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "entity id not provided", t, "yes") if criteria_json.get("cntryid", None) != None: cntryid = criteria_json['cntryid'] else: cntryid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "cntry code is not provided", t, "yes") if payload == None: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "App data not sent. Please try again", t, "yes") else: if payload.get("appid", None) != None: appid = payload['appid'] else: appid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "app id not provided", t, "yes") if payload.get("redirecturi", None) != None: redirecturi = payload['redirecturi'] else: redirecturi = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "redirecturi is not provided", t, "yes") if payload.get("userid", None) != None: userid = payload['userid'] else: userid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "userid is not provided", t, "yes") expiremin = payload.get("expiremin", None) print(appid, redirecturi, entityid, cntryid, userid) if s <= 0: con, cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbopncon() s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print("DB connection established", s, f, t) if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT * FROM ncapp.appdetail WHERE delflg != 'Y' AND expirydate >= CURRENT_DATE AND approved != 'N' AND appid = %s AND redirecturi = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s ) as a """, ( appid, redirecturi, entityid, cntryid, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "App Name data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) app_db_rec = None if s <= 0: app_db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(app_db_rec) if app_db_rec != None: print(len(app_db_rec)) if app_db_rec == None or len(app_db_rec) < 1: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Unable to locate the app id", t, "yes") else: app_db_rec = app_db_rec[0] print(" line 319 App id identified successfully") pass print(s, f) #appuserid = app_db_rec.get("appuserid", None) if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT * FROM ncusr.userlogin WHERE userid = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s ) as a """, ( userid, entityid, cntryid, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "User fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) usr_db_rec = None if s <= 0: usr_db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(usr_db_rec) if usr_db_rec == None or len(usr_db_rec) < 1: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Unable to locate the user details", t, "yes") else: usr_db_rec = usr_db_rec[0] print("User details fetch successfull") pass if s <= 0: if usr_db_rec["userstatus"] == 'B': #B-Blocked , I-Deleteduser s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "User is blocked", t, "yes") elif usr_db_rec["userstatus"] == 'I': #B-Blocked , I-Deleteduser s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "User is Deleted", t, "yes") #We are ready to generate API pass token print(s, f) if s <= 0: i = 0 cur_time ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') authtknset = False auth_tkn = None while i < 50: r = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for x in range(6)) auth_tkn = create_signature("md5", "nirunidhausrtkn" + r, userid + cur_time, appid + cur_time) command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT count(1) FROM ncusr.userauth WHERE userauthtkn = %s """, (auth_tkn, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "auth token data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) if s <= 0: db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(db_rec) if db_rec > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "auth token Already exists. Retrying time: " + i, t, "no") i = i + 1 continue else: print("Auth token is unique. Generation task completed") authtknset = True break else: # Some error occured, so no point looping authtknset = False break print(s, f, t) appusrtype = None if app_db_rec == None else app_db_rec.get( "appusertype", None) if appusrtype == None: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "app user type is not known", t, "yes") if s <= 0 and authtknset: s1, f1 = db.mydbbegin(con, cur) print(s1, f1) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s <= 0: passexpiry = get_expiry_time("authtkn", appusrtype, expiremin) # VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %(timestamp)s, %s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) command = cur.mogrify( """ INSERT into ncusr.userauth (userid,appid,userauthtkn,tknexpiry,entityid,countryid,octime,lmtime) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT unq_comb_uauth DO UPDATE SET userauthtkn = %s, tknexpiry = %s, lmtime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP """, ( userid, appid, auth_tkn, passexpiry, entityid, cntryid, auth_tkn, passexpiry, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "authtoken update failed", t, "no") print('Insert or update is successful') if s <= 0: con.commit() if s > 0: res_to_send = 'fail' result_data = [] response = { 'result_data': result_data, 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': s, 'usrmsg': errhand.error_msg_reporting(s, t) } else: res_to_send = 'success' result_data = {'authtkn': auth_tkn} response = { 'result_data': result_data, 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': 0, 'usrmsg': "Token generation successful" } print(res_to_send, response) return (res_to_send, response)
def app_register(criteria_json): print("inside login GET") s = 0 f = None t = None #message to front end response = None res_to_send = 'fail' payload = criteria_json.get("payload", None) print(s) if s <= 0: if criteria_json.get("userid", None) != None: userid = criteria_json['userid'] else: userid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "user id not provided", t, "yes") if criteria_json.get("entityid", None) != None: entityid = criteria_json['entityid'] else: entityid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "entity id not provided", t, "yes") if criteria_json.get("cntryid", None) != None: cntryid = criteria_json['cntryid'] else: cntryid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "cntry code is not provided", t, "yes") if payload == None: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "App data not sent. Please try again", t, "yes") else: if payload.get("appname", None) != None: appname = payload['appname'] else: appname = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "No App name provided", t, "yes") if payload.get("appusertype", None) != None: appusertype = payload['appusertype'] else: appusertype = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "App user type not provided", t, "yes") if payload.get("redirecturi", None) != None: redirecturi = payload['redirecturi'] else: redirecturi = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "Redirect URI not provided", t, "yes") if payload.get("postbackuri", None) != None: postbackuri = payload['postbackuri'] else: postbackuri = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 0, f, "postbackuri not provided", t, "no") if payload.get("description", None) != None: description = payload['description'] else: description = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, -100, f, "description not provided", t, "no") if payload.get("starmfdet", None) != None: starmfdet = payload['starmfdet'] else: starmfdet = None if appusertype not in ['D', 'A']: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, -100, f, "star mf data not provided", t, "yes") else: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, -100, f, "star mf data not provided", t, "no") if payload.get("product", None) != None: product = payload['product'] else: product = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, -100, f, "product not provided", t, "no") if payload.get("operation", None) != None: operation = payload['operation'] else: operation = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, -100, f, "operation not provided", t, "no") # update or create are the values if operation == "delete" or operation == "update": if payload.get("appid", None) != None: appid = payload['appid'] else: appid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, -100, f, "appid not provided", t, "no") if payload.get("appkey", None) != None: appkey = payload['appkey'] else: appkey = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, -100, f, "appkey not provided", t, "no") else: appid = None appkey = None if appusertype == 'T': approved = 'N' else: approved = 'Y' print(appid, "oiipoi", appkey) cur_time ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') print(appname, appusertype, redirecturi, postbackuri, description, starmfdet) if s <= 0: con, cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbopncon() s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print("connection statment done", s, f, t) if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT count(1) FROM ncapp.appdetail a WHERE delflg != 'Y' AND ( appname = %s ) AND appuserid = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s """, ( appname, userid, entityid, cntryid, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "App Name data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) if s <= 0: db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(db_rec) if db_rec > 0: if operation == "create": s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "App name Already exists for this user", t, "yes") else: if operation == "update" or operation == "delete": s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "App name doesn't exists for this user", t, "yes") print("no records satifying the current user inputs") print(s, f) appikset = False i = 0 if s <= 0 and operation == "create": while i < 50: r = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for x in range(6)) appid = create_signature("sha256", "nirunidhaappid" + r, userid + cur_time, userid) appkey = create_signature("md5", "nirunidhaappkey" + r, userid + cur_time, userid) command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT count(1) FROM ncapp.appdetail WHERE delflg != 'Y' AND ( appid = %s OR appkey = %s ) """, ( appid, appkey, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "App Name data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) if s <= 0: db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(db_rec) if db_rec > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "Appid or key Already exists for retrying time: " + i, t, "no") i = i + 1 continue else: print("no records satifying the current user inputs") appikset = True break else: # Some error occured, so no point looping appikset = False break print(s, f, t) if s <= 0 and operation == "create" and appikset: s1, f1 = db.mydbbegin(con, cur) print(s1, f1) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ INSERT INTO ncapp.appdetail (appname, appusertype, redirecturi, postbackuri, description, starmfdet, appid, appkey, expirydate, approved, product, delflg, appuserid, octime, lmtime, entityid, countryid) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL'1 month', %s, %s, 'N',%s,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,%s,%s); """, ( appname, appusertype, redirecturi, postbackuri, description, starmfdet, appid, appkey, approved, product, userid, entityid, cntryid, )) print(command) print(appname, appusertype, redirecturi, postbackuri, description, starmfdet, userid) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "SIGNUP update failed", t, "no") print('Insert or update is successful') if s <= 0: con.commit() #validate PAN adn store PAN number if s <= 0 and operation == "update": s1, f1 = db.mydbbegin(con, cur) print(s1, f1) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ UPDATE ncapp.appdetail SET redirecturi = %s, postbackuri = %s, description = %s, starmfdet = %s, lmtime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE appname = %s AND appusertype = %s AND appid =%s AND appkey = %s AND product = %s AND appuserid = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s; """, ( redirecturi, postbackuri, description, starmfdet, appname, appusertype, appid, appkey, product, userid, entityid, cntryid, )) print(command) print(appname, appusertype, redirecturi, postbackuri, description, starmfdet, userid) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "APP details update failed", t, "no") print('Insert or update is successful') if s <= 0: con.commit() print("commit done") #validate PAN adn store PAN number if s <= 0 and operation == "delete": s1, f1 = db.mydbbegin(con, cur) print(s1, f1) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ UPDATE ncapp.appdetail SET delflg = 'Y', lmtime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE appname = %s AND appusertype = %s AND appid =%s AND appkey = %s AND product = %s AND appuserid = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s; """, ( appname, appusertype, appid, appkey, product, userid, entityid, cntryid, )) print(command) print(appname, appusertype, redirecturi, postbackuri, description, starmfdet, userid) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 200, f, "APP details update failed", t, "no") print('Insert or update is successful') if s <= 0: con.commit() #validate PAN adn store PAN number usrmg_fstr = None if s > 0: res_to_send = 'fail' result_date = [] response = { 'result_data': result_date, 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': s, 'usrmsg': errhand.error_msg_reporting(s, t) } else: res_to_send = 'success' result_date = [{'appname': appname, 'appid': appid}] print("**********************") print(operation) print("**********************") if operation == "create": usrmg_fstr = ") creation is successful" elif operation == "update": usrmg_fstr = ") updation is successful" elif operation == "delete": usrmg_fstr = ") deletion is successful" response = { 'result_data': result_date, 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': 0, 'usrmsg': 'App (' + appname + usrmg_fstr } print(res_to_send, response) return (res_to_send, response)
def app_detail_fetch(criteria_json): # payload = {'appid': xyz, 'login': <[noauth] to get data without user id>} # entity id and country id will come in header which are mandator. user id comes in jwt # Output = { 'result_data' : [success -> ncapp.appdetail] [Failure -> ""] # 'status': success/fail, 'status_code': 0, 'usrmsg': ''/error message } print("inside app_detail_fetch common function") s = 0 f = None t = None #message to front end payload = criteria_json.get("payload", None) print(payload) if s <= 0: if payload == None: appid = None login = None # s, f, t= errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "no payload provided", t, "yes") else: if payload.get("appid", None) != None: appid = payload['appid'] else: appid = None if payload.get("login", None) != None: login = payload['login'] else: login = None print(appid, login, s) if s <= 0: if criteria_json.get("entityid", None) != None: entityid = criteria_json['entityid'] else: entityid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "entity id not provided", t, "yes") if criteria_json.get("cntryid", None) != None: cntryid = criteria_json['cntryid'] else: cntryid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "cntry code is not provided", t, "yes") if login != "nologin": if criteria_json.get("userid", None) != None: userid = criteria_json['userid'] else: # To get app details before login for entity and cntry userid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "user id not provided", t, "yes") else: userid = None if s <= 0: con, cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbopncon() s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None if s <= 0: if appid == None: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT *, CASE WHEN expirydate < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP THEN 'EXPIRED' ELSE 'ACTIVE' END AS appexp FROM ncapp.appdetail WHERE appuserid = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s AND delflg = 'N' ) as a """, ( userid, entityid, cntryid, )) elif userid == None: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT *, CASE WHEN expirydate < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP THEN 'EXPIRED' ELSE 'ACTIVE' END AS appexp FROM ncapp.appdetail WHERE appid = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s AND delflg = 'N' ) as a """, ( appid, entityid, cntryid, )) else: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT *, CASE WHEN expirydate < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP THEN 'EXPIRED' ELSE 'ACTIVE' END AS appexp FROM ncapp.appdetail WHERE appuserid = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s AND appid = %s AND delflg = 'N' ) as a """, ( userid, entityid, cntryid, appid, )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "APP data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) if s <= 0: db_json_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(db_json_rec) if s > 0: res_to_send = 'fail' response = { 'result_data': "", 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': s, 'usrmsg': errhand.error_msg_reporting(s, t) } else: res_to_send = 'success' response = { 'result_data': db_json_rec, 'status': res_to_send, 'status_code': 0, 'usrmsg': '' } print(res_to_send, response) return (res_to_send, response)
def fetch_app_data_only_wth_tkn(criteria_json): # Description : Fetch app data # Functional use : # Called from :>ncappfetchfrmtkn # Request data <criteria_json>: # criteria_json = {"entityid": entityid, "countryid": countryid, "payload": <as per below>} # payload = {"userauthtkn": callback_data["regdata"], "appid": settings.NCAPPID,"appkey":settings.NCAPPKEY} # Response from this endpoint: # Field Name success fail # ----------------------------------------------------------- # { # "userauthtkn": new_userauthtkn, BLANK # "tknexpiry": usr_db_rec["tknexpiry"], BLANK # "userid": more_usr_db_rec["userid"], BLANK # "username": more_usr_db_rec["username"], BLANK # "emailid": more_usr_db_rec["sinupemail"], BLANK # "status": success fail # "msg": BLANK fail message # } # called functions: None print("inside fetch_app_data_only_wth_tkn function") s = 0 f = None t = None #message to front end print(criteria_json) payload = criteria_json.get("payload", None) print(payload) if payload == None: appid = None appkey = None userauthtkn = None # s, f, t= errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "no payload provided", t, "yes") else: if payload.get("appid", None) != None: appid = payload['appid'] else: appid = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "appid not provided", t, "yes") if payload.get("appkey", None) != None: appkey = payload['appkey'] else: appkey = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "appkey not provided", t, "yes") if payload.get("userauthtkn", None) != None: userauthtkn = payload['userauthtkn'] else: userauthtkn = None s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "usertoken is not provided", t, "yes") print(appid, appkey, userauthtkn) if s <= 0: con, cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbopncon() s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print("DB connection established", s, f, t) if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT * FROM ncusr.userauth WHERE tknexpiry >= current_timestamp AND appid = %s AND userauthtkn = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s ) as a """, ( appid, userauthtkn, config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["entityid"], config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["countryid"], )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "User auth token data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) usr_db_rec = None if s <= 0: usr_db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(usr_db_rec) if usr_db_rec != None: print(len(usr_db_rec)) if usr_db_rec == None or len(usr_db_rec) < 1: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "User auth token is not valid", t, "yes") else: usr_db_rec = usr_db_rec[0] print("Userauth token verified successfully") pass print(s, f) if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT * FROM ncapp.appdetail WHERE appid = %s AND appkey = %s AND entityid = %s AND countryid = %s AND delflg != 'Y' ) as a """, ( appid, appkey, config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["entityid"], config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["countryid"], )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "User auth token data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) app_db_rec = None if s <= 0: app_db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(app_db_rec) if app_db_rec != None: print(len(app_db_rec)) if app_db_rec == None or len(app_db_rec) < 1: s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "App id is not valid", t, "yes") else: app_db_rec = app_db_rec[0] if app_db_rec["approved"] == 'N': s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "App id not approved yet", t, "yes") else: print("App id verified successfully") print(s, f) if s <= 0: command = cur.mogrify( """ SELECT json_agg(a) FROM ( SELECT * FROM ncusr.userdetails a, ncusr.userlogin b WHERE a.userid = %s AND a.entityid = %s AND a.countryid = %s AND a.userid = b.userid AND a.entityid = b.entityid AND a.countryid = b.countryid ) as a """, ( usr_db_rec["userid"], config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["entityid"], config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["countryid"], )) print(command) cur, s1, f1 = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, s1, f, f1, t, "no") s1, f1 = 0, None print('----------------') print(s) print(f) print('----------------') if s > 0: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 200, f, "User details data fetch failed with DB error", t, "no") print(s, f) more_usr_db_rec = None if s <= 0: more_usr_db_rec = cur.fetchall()[0][0] print(more_usr_db_rec) print(len(more_usr_db_rec)) if more_usr_db_rec == None or len(more_usr_db_rec) < 1: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "User details not available for the given auth token", t, "yes") else: more_usr_db_rec = more_usr_db_rec[0] print("user details fetched successfully") pass print(s, f) if s <= 0: #Validate the user status if more_usr_db_rec["userstatus"] == 'B': #B-Blocked , I-Deleteduser s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "User is blocked", t, "yes") elif more_usr_db_rec["userstatus"] == 'I': #B-Blocked , I-Deleteduser s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 100, f, "User is Deleted", t, "yes") if s <= 0: data_to_auth_tkn = { "entityid": config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["entityid"], "cntryid": config.INSTALLDATA[config.LIVE]["countryid"], "payload": { "appid": app_db_rec["appid"], "redirecturi": app_db_rec["redirecturi"], "userid": more_usr_db_rec["userid"] } } ath_tkn_status, ath_tkn_detail = myauth.app_userauth(data_to_auth_tkn) print("new ath_tkn_detail") print(ath_tkn_detail) if ath_tkn_status == "success": s, f, t = errhand.get_status(s, 0, f, "User auth token regenerated", t, "no") new_userauthtkn = ath_tkn_detail["result_data"]["authtkn"] print(new_userauthtkn) else: s, f, t = errhand.get_status( s, 100, f, "error in User auth token regeneration", t, "no") new_userauthtkn = None res_status = None if s <= 0: res_status = "success" user_auth_detais = { "userauthtkn": new_userauthtkn, "tknexpiry": usr_db_rec["tknexpiry"], "userid": more_usr_db_rec["userid"], "username": more_usr_db_rec["username"], "emailid": more_usr_db_rec["sinupemail"], "status": res_status, "msg": "" } else: res_status = "fail" user_auth_detais = { "userauthtkn": "", "userid": "", "username": "", "emailid": "", "status": res_status, "msg": t } print("rached end") return res_status, user_auth_detais