예제 #1
class Pixiv(object):
    api = AppPixivAPI()
    db = Database().driver()
    collection = db.collection(NAZURIN_DATA)
    document = collection.document(DOCUMENT)
    updated_time = 0

    illust_detail = async_wrap(api.illust_detail)
    ugoira_metadata = async_wrap(api.ugoira_metadata)
    illust_bookmark_add = async_wrap(api.illust_bookmark_add)
    user_follow_add = async_wrap(api.user_follow_add)
    api_auth = async_wrap(api.auth)

    def __init__(self):
        if TRANSLATION:

    async def requireAuth(self):
        if Pixiv.api.access_token and time.time() - Pixiv.updated_time < 3600:
            # Logged in, access_token not expired
        if Pixiv.api.refresh_token:
            # Logged in, access_token expired
            await self.refreshToken()

        # Haven't logged in
        tokens = await Pixiv.document.get()
        if tokens:
            Pixiv.api.access_token = tokens['access_token']
            Pixiv.api.refresh_token = tokens['refresh_token']
            Pixiv.updated_time = tokens['updated_time']
            if time.time() - Pixiv.updated_time >= 3600:  # Token expired
                await self.refreshToken()
                logger.info('Pixiv logged in through cached tokens')
        else:  # Initialize database
            if not REFRESH_TOKEN:
                raise NazurinError('Pixiv refresh token is required')
            Pixiv.api.refresh_token = REFRESH_TOKEN
            await Pixiv.api_auth()
            Pixiv.updated_time = time.time()
            await Pixiv.collection.insert(
                DOCUMENT, {
                    'access_token': Pixiv.api.access_token,
                    'refresh_token': Pixiv.api.refresh_token,
                    'updated_time': Pixiv.updated_time
            logger.info('Pixiv tokens cached')

    async def getArtwork(self, artwork_id: int):
        """Fetch an artwork."""
        response = await self.call(Pixiv.illust_detail, artwork_id)
        if 'illust' in response.keys():
            illust = response.illust
            error = response.error
            msg = error.user_message or error.message
            raise NazurinError(msg)
        if illust.restrict != 0:
            raise NazurinError("Artwork is private")
        return illust

    async def view(self, artwork_id: int = None) -> Illust:
        illust = await self.getArtwork(artwork_id)
        if illust.type == 'ugoira':
            illust = await self.viewUgoira(illust)
        else:  # Ordinary illust
            illust = await self.viewIllust(illust)
        return illust

    async def viewIllust(self, illust) -> PixivIllust:
        caption = self.buildCaption(illust)
        imgs = self.getImages(illust)
        return PixivIllust(imgs, caption, illust)

    async def viewUgoira(self, illust) -> Ugoira:
        """Download ugoira zip file, store animation data and convert ugoira to mp4."""
        metadata = await Pixiv.ugoira_metadata(illust.id)
        frames = metadata.ugoira_metadata
        url = illust.meta_single_page.original_image_url
        zip_url = url.replace('/img-original/', '/img-zip-ugoira/')
        zip_url = zip_url.split('_ugoira0')[0] + '_ugoira1920x1080.zip'
        filename = str(illust.id) + '_ugoira1920x1080.zip'
        metafile = File(str(illust.id) + '_ugoira.json')
        gif_zip = File(filename, zip_url)
        files = [gif_zip, metafile]
        async with Request(headers=HEADERS) as session:
            await gif_zip.download(session)
        async with aiofiles.open(metafile.path, 'w') as f:
            await f.write(json.dumps(frames))
        video = await self.ugoira2Mp4(gif_zip, frames)
        caption = self.buildCaption(illust)
        return Ugoira(video, caption, illust, files)

    async def bookmark(self, artwork_id: int):
        response = await self.call(Pixiv.illust_bookmark_add, artwork_id)
        if 'error' in response.keys():
            raise NazurinError(response['error']['user_message'])
            logger.info('Bookmarked artwork %s', artwork_id)
            return True

    async def followUser(self, user_id: int):
        await self.call(Pixiv.user_follow_add, user_id)

    async def refreshToken(self):
        """Refresh tokens and cache in database."""
        await Pixiv.api_auth()
        Pixiv.updated_time = time.time()
        await Pixiv.document.update({
            'access_token': Pixiv.api.access_token,
            'refresh_token': Pixiv.api.refresh_token,
            'updated_time': Pixiv.updated_time
        logger.info('Pixiv tokens updated')

    async def call(self, func: Callable, *args):
        """Call API with login state check."""
        await self.requireAuth()
        response = await func(*args)
        if 'error' in response.keys(
        ) and 'invalid_grant' in response.error.message:  # Access token expired
            await self.refreshToken()
            response = await func(*args)
        return response

    async def ugoira2Mp4(self, ugoira_zip: File,
                         ugoira_metadata: dict) -> File:
        def extractUgoiraZip(ugoira_zip: File, to_path: str):
            with zipfile.ZipFile(ugoira_zip.path, 'r') as zip_file:

        def convert(config: File, output: File):
            cmd = f'ffmpeg -i {config.path} -vcodec libx264 -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" -y {output.path}'
            logger.info('Calling FFmpeg with command: %s', cmd)
            args = shlex.split(cmd)
                output = subprocess.check_output(args,
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
                logger.error('FFmpeg failed with code %s, output:\n %s',
                             error.returncode, error.output)
                raise NazurinError(
                    'Failed to convert ugoira to mp4.') from None

        folder = ugoira_zip.name[:-4]
        output_mp4 = File(folder + '.mp4')
        if await output_mp4.exists():
            return output_mp4

        ffconcat = 'ffconcat version 1.0\n'
        for frame in ugoira_metadata.frames:
            frame.file = folder + '/' + frame.file
            ffconcat += 'file ' + frame.file + '\n'
            ffconcat += 'duration ' + str(float(frame.delay) / 1000) + '\n'
        ffconcat += 'file ' + ugoira_metadata.frames[-1].file + '\n'
        input_config = File(folder + '.ffconcat')
        async with aiofiles.open(input_config.path, 'w') as f:
            await f.write(ffconcat)

        zip_path = ugoira_zip.path[:-4]
        await extractUgoiraZip(ugoira_zip, zip_path)
        await convert(input_config, output_mp4)

        await async_wrap(shutil.rmtree)(zip_path)
        await aiofiles.os.remove(input_config.path)
        return output_mp4

    def getImages(self, illust) -> List[PixivImage]:
        """Get images from an artwork."""
        width = illust.width
        height = illust.height
        imgs = list()
        if illust.meta_pages:  # Contains more than one image
            pages = illust.meta_pages
            for page in pages:
                url = page.image_urls.original
                name = self.getFilename(url, illust)
                # For multi-page illusts, width & height will be the size of the first page
            url = illust.meta_single_page.original_image_url
            name = self.getFilename(url, illust)
        return imgs

    def buildCaption(self, illust) -> Caption:
        """Build media caption from an artwork."""
        tags = str()
        for tag in illust.tags:
            if TRANSLATION and tag.translated_name:
                tag_name = tag.translated_name
                tag_name = tag.name
            tags += '#' + tag_name.replace(' ', '_') + ' '
        caption = Caption({
            'title': illust.title,
            'author': illust.user.name,
            'tags': tags,
            'total_bookmarks': illust.total_bookmarks,
            'url': 'pixiv.net/i/' + str(illust.id),
            'bookmarked': illust.is_bookmarked
        return caption

    def getFilename(self, url: str, illust) -> str:
        basename = os.path.basename(url)
        filename, extension = os.path.splitext(basename)
        name = "%s - %s - %s(%d)%s" % (filename, illust.title,
                                       illust.user.name, illust.user.id,
        return name

    def getThumbnail(self, url: str) -> str:
        pre, _ = os.path.splitext(url)
        pre = pre.replace('img-original', 'img-master')
        thumbnail = pre + '_master1200.jpg'
        return thumbnail
예제 #2
파일: mega.py 프로젝트: MSKNET/nazurin
class Mega(object):
    api = mega()
    db = Database().driver()
    collection = db.collection(NAZURIN_DATA)
    document = collection.document(MEGA_DOCUMENT)
    destination = None

    api_login = async_wrap(api.login)
    api_upload = async_wrap(api.upload)
    create_folder = async_wrap(api.create_folder)
    find_folder = async_wrap(api.find)

    async def login(self, initialize=False):
        await Mega.api_login(MEGA_USER, MEGA_PASS)
        if initialize:
            await Mega.collection.insert(
                MEGA_DOCUMENT, {
                    'sid': Mega.api.sid,
                    'master_key': list(Mega.api.master_key),
                    'root_id': Mega.api.root_id
            await Mega.document.update({
                'sid': Mega.api.sid,
                'master_key': list(Mega.api.master_key),
                'root_id': Mega.api.root_id
        logger.info('MEGA tokens cached')

    async def requireAuth(self):
        if not Mega.api.sid:
            tokens = await Mega.document.get()
            if tokens and 'sid' in tokens.keys():
                Mega.api.sid = tokens['sid']
                Mega.api.master_key = tuple(tokens['master_key'])
                Mega.api.root_id = tokens['root_id']
                logger.info('MEGA logged in through cached tokens')
                if 'destination' in tokens.keys():
                    Mega.destination = tokens['destination']
                    logger.info('MEGA retrieved destination from cache')
            else:  # Initialize database
                await self.login(initialize=True)
        if not Mega.destination:
            await self.getDestination()

    async def getDestination(self):
        result = await Mega.find_folder(STORAGE_DIR, exclude_deleted=True)
        if result:
            Mega.destination = result[0]
            result = await Mega.create_folder(STORAGE_DIR)
            Mega.destination = result[STORAGE_DIR]
        await Mega.document.update({'destination': Mega.destination})
        logger.info('MEGA destination cached')

    async def upload(self, file: File):
        while True:
                await Mega.api_upload(file.path, Mega.destination)
            except RequestError as error:
                # mega.errors.RequestError: ESID, Invalid or expired user session, please relogin
                if 'relogin' in error.message:
                    Mega.api.sid = None
                    await self.login()

    async def store(self, files: List[File]):
        await self.requireAuth()
        tasks = [self.upload(file) for file in files]
        await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
예제 #3
파일: api.py 프로젝트: MSKNET/nazurin
 def __init__(self, site='danbooru'):
     """Set Danbooru site."""
     self.site = site
     self.api = danbooru(site)
     self.post_show = async_wrap(self.api.post_show)
     self.post_list = async_wrap(self.api.post_list)