def read_range(cat, amin, amax): """ Read a portion of the lightcone between two red shift ranges The lightcone from FastPM is sorted in Aemit and an index is built. So we make use of that. CrowCanyon is z > 0; We paste the mirror image to form a full sky. """ edges = cat.attrs['aemitIndex.edges'] offsets = cat.attrs['aemitIndex.offset'] start, end = edges.searchsorted([amin, amax]) if cat.comm.rank == 0:"Range of index is %d to %d" % ((start + 1, end + 1))) start = offsets[start + 1] end = offsets[end + 1] cat = cat.query_range(start, end) cat1 = cat.copy() cat1['Position'] = cat1['Position'] * [1, 1, -1.] cat3 = ConcatenateSources(cat, cat1) if cat1.csize > 0: cat3['RA'], cat3['DEC'] = CartesianToEquatorial(cat3['Position'], frame='galactic') else: cat3['RA'] = 0 cat3['DEC'] = 0 return cat3
def read_range(cat, amin, amax): """ Read a portion of the lightcone between two red shift ranges The lightcone from FastPM is sorted in Aemit and an index is built. So we make use of that. CrowCanyon new runs are full sky """ edges = cat.attrs['aemitIndex.edges'] offsets = cat.attrs['aemitIndex.offset'] start, end = edges.searchsorted([amin, amax]) if cat.comm.rank == 0:"Range of index is %d to %d" %(( start + 1, end + 1))) start = offsets[start + 1] end = offsets[end + 1] cat = cat.query_range(start, end) if cat.csize > 0: cat['RA'], cat['DEC'] = CartesianToEquatorial(cat['Position'], frame='galactic') else: cat['RA'] = 0 cat['DEC'] = 0 return cat
def run(self): """ Calculate the pair counts in a simulation box. This adds the following attributes to the class: - :attr:`SimulationBoxPairCount.pairs` Attributes ---------- pairs : :class:`~nbodykit.binned_statistic.BinnedStatistic` a BinnedStatistic object holding the pair count results. The coordinate grid will be ``(r,)``, ``(r,mu)``, ``(rp, pi)``, or ``(theta,)`` when ``mode`` is '1d', '2d', 'projected', 'angular', respectively. The BinnedStatistic stores the following variables: - ``r``, ``rp``, or ``theta`` : the mean separation value in the bin - ``npairs``: the number of pairs in the bin - ``weightavg``: the average weight value in the bin; each pair contributes the product of the individual weight values """ # setup mode = self.attrs['mode'] BoxSize = self.attrs['BoxSize'] first, second = self.first, self.second attrs = self.attrs.copy() # determine the axes order # NOTE: LOS axis should be final column los = attrs['los'] axes_order = [i for i in [0, 1, 2] if i != los] + [los] # compute the max cartesian distance for smoothing smoothing = numpy.max(attrs['edges']) if mode == 'projected': smoothing = numpy.sqrt(smoothing**2 + attrs['pimax']**2) elif mode == 'angular': smoothing = 2 * numpy.sin(0.5 * numpy.deg2rad(smoothing)) # if not angular, decompose sim box data (x,y,z) if mode != 'angular': from .domain import decompose_box_data # domain decompose the data (pos1, w1), (pos2, w2) = decompose_box_data(first, second, attrs, self.logger, smoothing) # reorder to make LOS last column pos1 = pos1[:, axes_order] pos2 = pos2[:, axes_order] # NOTE: if doing angular, shift observer to box center and use RA, DEC # go from (x,y,z) to (ra,dec), using observer in the middle of the box else: from nbodykit.transform import CartesianToEquatorial from nbodykit.utils import get_data_bounds from .domain import decompose_survey_data # make sure Position is shifted to an observer at box center # and then convert to RA,DEC pos1 = shift_to_box_center(first['Position'], BoxSize, self.comm) first['ra'], first['dec'] = CartesianToEquatorial(pos1) # do the same thing for second source if second is not None and second is not first: pos2 = shift_to_box_center(second['Position'], BoxSize, self.comm) second['ra'], second['dec'] = CartesianToEquatorial(pos2) # domain decompose the data attrs['ra'], attrs['dec'] = 'ra', 'dec' (pos1, w1), (pos2, w2) = decompose_survey_data(first, second, attrs, self.logger, smoothing, angular=True) # get the Corrfunc callable based on mode kws = {k: attrs[k] for k in ['periodic', 'BoxSize', 'show_progress']} if attrs['mode'] == '1d': from .corrfunc.theory import DD func = DD(attrs['edges'], **kws) elif attrs['mode'] == '2d': from .corrfunc.theory import DDsmu func = DDsmu(attrs['edges'], attrs['Nmu'], **kws) elif attrs['mode'] == 'projected': from .corrfunc.theory import DDrppi func = DDrppi(attrs['edges'], attrs['pimax'], **kws) elif attrs['mode'] == 'angular': from .corrfunc.mocks import DDtheta_mocks func = DDtheta_mocks(attrs['edges'], show_progress=attrs['show_progress']) # do the calculation self.pairs = func(pos1, w1, pos2, w2, **attrs['config'])