def save_chunk(self, chunk_position): x, y, z = chunk_position # try to load the chunk file # if it doesn't exist, create a new one chunk_path = self.chunk_position_to_path(chunk_position) try: chunk_data = nbt.load(chunk_path) except FileNotFoundError: chunk_data = nbt.File({"": nbt.Compound({"Level": nbt.Compound()})}) chunk_data["Level"]["xPos"] = x chunk_data["Level"]["zPos"] = z # fill the chunk file with the blocks from our chunk chunk_blocks = nbt.ByteArray([0] * (chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH * chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT * chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH)) for x in range(chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH): for y in range(chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT): for z in range(chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH): chunk_blocks[ x * chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH * chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT + z * chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT + y] =[chunk_position].blocks[x][y][z] # save the chunk file chunk_data["Level"]["Blocks"] = chunk_blocks, gzipped = True)
def dump_nbt( root: NbtCompound, path: Path, options: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ): """Dump a NBT file synchronously.""" nbtfile = nbtlib.File({"": root}), **options)
def save(self, file_path: str, empty_block: str = None): root = nbt.Compound() root["blocks"] = self.__get_blocks(empty_block) root["entities"] = self._entities root["palette"] = self.__get_palette() root["size"] = self._size root["DataVersion"] = self.data_version file = nbt.File({"": root}), gzipped=True)
print('您要转换的文件是:', argv[1]) img =[1]) materiallist = set({}) for i in range(0, img.size[0]): for j in range(0, img.size[1]): materiallist.add(cid2bid(sci(img.load()[i, j]))) materiallist = tuple(materiallist) new_file = nbtlib.File( { '': Compound({ 'DataVersion': Int(1631), 'size': List[Int]([img.size[0], 1, img.size[1]]), 'palette': List[Compound]([{ 'Name': String('minecraft:' + str(i)) } for i in materiallist]), 'blocks': List[Compound]([{ 'pos': List[Int]([j, 0, i]), 'state': Int(materiallist.index(cid2bid(sci(img.load()[j, i])))) } for i in range(0, img.size[1]) for j in range(0, img.size[0])]) }) }, gzipped=True)'picture.nbt')
def final(self,filename): return nbtlib.File({"":self},gzipped=True).save(filename=filename)
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(im): frame = frame.resize((384, 237)) for i_ in range(6): image = frame.crop((128 * (i_ % 3), 128 * (i_ // 3), 128 * (i_ % 3) + 128, 128 * (i_ // 3) + 128)) image = image.convert("RGB") data = image.getdata() image.close() print(data[0]) output = nbtlib.File({ "": nbtlib.tag.Compound({ "data": nbtlib.tag.Compound({ "zCenter": nbtlib.tag.Int(0), "xCenter": nbtlib.tag.Int(0), "scale": nbtlib.tag.Byte(3), 'dimension': nbtlib.tag.Int(7) }) }) }) colors = [] for i in data: st = nd = float("inf") sti = ndi = -1 for j, k in colormap.items(): new = ColourDistance(i, k) if new < st: st, nd = new, st sti, ndi = j, sti