예제 #1
def getTimeIndxs(ncFile):
    #Validate case of list of dates vs start and end date...
    st = ed = None
        st = ncu.parseDate(START_DATE)
        ed = ncu.parseDate(END_DATE)

    return ncu.getPeriodIndexes(ncFile, st, ed)
예제 #2
def getFileDate(fileName):
    #Would be best if provided some kind of format or regex to exactly match the format of the date in the file name
    #Regex not generic (just works for TRMM data)
    dat = re.match(r'^.+\.(\d{10})', fileName).group(1)
    return ncu.parseDate('-'.join([dat[:4], dat[4:6], dat[6:8]]) + 'T' + dat[8:])
예제 #3
 #Means want to extract from a bunch of files, get list of files contained in it
 print('multi file mode...')
 ncFiles = ncu.getNCFiles(DATA)
 #See if all the files (only the first, lets be optimist) can be opened with MFDataset (NC4 and time dim), else
 #Open one by one.
 if isPartOfMFDataset(ncFiles[0]):
     print('Opening all files as MFDataset...')
     print('Files not eligible for MFDataset, opening one by one...')
     #This could be that the files dont have a time dimension (then the date must be on the file name)
     #or that the files are not in a supported version of netCDF (and could have time dimension anyways)
     #Lets asume that the dates are in the file name then
     ncFiles = [(getFileDate(f), f) for f in ncFiles]
     #Filter files to get only the wanted period
     if START_DATE and END_DATE:
         ncFiles = [f for f in ncFiles if f[0] >= ncu.parseDate(START_DATE)
         and f[0] <= ncu.parseDate(END_DATE)]
     #else select files from wanted date list
     ncFiles = sorted(ncFiles)
     #Could be more specific (if for some case there are also a time dimension, but not now)
     #Now get the indexes of the area wanted to extract
     latIndexes = lonIndexes = None
     lats = lons = None
     with Dataset(ncFiles[0][1], 'r') as ncFile:
         latIndexes, lonIndexes = getLocIndxs(ncFile)
         lats = ncFile.variables[ncu.LAT_KEY][latIndexes]
         lons = ncFile.variables[ncu.LON_KEY][lonIndexes]
     #Once the dates (files) and location (indexes) are set, start writing the data to the file...
     if FORMAT == FMT_CSV:
예제 #4
                                      num2date(timeStep[0], timeUnits))
                #This may never happen, except for bad parsed date...
                print('Can\'t extract time data, bad date format!')

            #Once the dates and location (indexes) are set, start writing the data to the file...
        print('Files not eligible for MFDataset, opening one by one...')
        #This could be that the files dont have a time dimension (then the date must be on the file name)
        #or that the files are not in a supported version of netCDF (and could have time dimension anyways)
        #Lets asume that the dates are in the file name then
        ncFiles = [(getFileDate(f), f) for f in ncFiles]
        #Filter files to get only the wanted period
        if START_DATE and END_DATE:
            ncFiles = [
                f for f in ncFiles if f[0] >= ncu.parseDate(START_DATE)
                and f[0] <= ncu.parseDate(END_DATE)
        #else select files from wanted date list

        ncFiles = sorted(ncFiles)
        #Could be more specific (if for some case there are also a time dimension, but not now)
        #Now get the indexes of the area wanted to extract
        latIndexes = lonIndexes = None
        lats = lons = None
        with Dataset(ncFiles[0][1], 'r') as ncFile:
            latIndexes, lonIndexes = getLocIndxs(ncFile)
            lats = ncFile.variables[ncu.LAT_KEY][latIndexes]
            lons = ncFile.variables[ncu.LON_KEY][lonIndexes]

        #Once the dates (files) and location (indexes) are set, start writing the data to the file...