예제 #1
def test_ErrorAnnotFileNotExists(tmpdir):
    '''Test the class ErrorAnnotFileNotExists (error when an annotation file doesn't exist)'''
    # This file is not created, just a tmp path
    tmpfile = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "tmpfile")
    # Test instantiation
    test_error = NCBImetaErrors.ErrorAnnotFileNotExists(tmpfile)
    # Test str representation (error message)
    error_output = str(test_error)
    error_expect = ("\n\nFile does not exist." + "\n" + "User entered: --annotfile " + tmpfile)
    assert error_output == error_expect
db_value_sep = ";"

#                           Argument Checking                           #

#---------------------------Check Database------------------------------#

if os.path.exists(db_name):
    conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)
    print('\nOpening database: ' + db_name, flush=True)
    raise NCBImetaErrors.ErrorDBNotExists(db_name)

if not os.path.exists(annot_file_name):
    raise NCBImetaErrors.ErrorAnnotFileNotExists(annot_file_name)

# no errors were raised, safe to connect to db
cur = conn.cursor()

#---------------------------Check Table---------------------------------#

# Check table name
table_name = db_table
table_name_sanitize = NCBImetaUtilities.sql_sanitize(table_name)
if table_name != table_name_sanitize:
    raise NCBImetaErrors.ErrorSQLNameSanitize(table_name, table_name_sanitize)

# Check table exists
if not NCBImetaUtilities.table_exists(cur, db_table):
    raise NCBImetaErrors.ErrorTableNotInDB(db_table)