예제 #1
파일: admin.py 프로젝트: tazjel/gdms
def score_complete_votes():
    # this will identify votes which are overdue based on being in progress
    # beyond due date and with resmethod of vote - probably shouldn't happen
    # but leave in for now for testing
    # There is currently no method to call this funcion from the menu but generally shouldn't be required

    votemethods = db(db.resolvemethod.method == 'Vote').select()
    votelist = [x.resolve_name for x in votemethods]

    query = (db.question.duedate > datetime.datetime.utcnow()) & (db.question.status == 'In Progress')
    quests = db(query).select()

    for x in quests:
        if x.resolvemethod in votelist:
            score_question(x.id,0,False, anon_resolve=PARAMS.anon_resolve)
    return True
예제 #2
def quickanswer():
    This willl provide a quick method of approving an action or issue by means of approve disapprove buttons
    basically needs to create a userquestion record and remove the buttons from the relevant row which
    may be more challenging - it will never apply to questions and there is a question about how scope changes and
    geography changes should be handled - but for now we are going to implicitly answer that these stay where they are
    and retrieve them from the question

    questid = request.args(0, cast=int, default=0)
    answer = request.args(1, cast=int, default=-1)

    quest = db(db.question.id == questid).select().first()
    uq = db((db.userquestion.questionid == questid)
            & (db.userquestion.auth_userid == auth.user_id)
            & (db.userquestion.status == 'In Progress')).select()

    if quest and not uq:
        uqid = db.userquestion.insert(questionid=questid,

        status = score_question(questid, uqid)
        if status == 'Resolved':
        messagetxt = 'Answer recorded for item:' + str(questid)

        intunpanswers = quest.unpanswers
        if answer != -1:
            intunpanswers += 1

        if session.answered:  # optional if user selects question to answer
        anscount = quest.answercounts
        anscount[answer] += 1

        # update the question record based on above
        db(db.question.id == quest.id).update(answercounts=anscount,
    elif uq:
        messagetxt = 'You have already answered this item'
        messagetxt = 'Answer not recorded'

    return 'jQuery(".w2p_flash").html("' + messagetxt + '").slideDown().delay(1500).slideUp(); $("#target").html("' \
       + messagetxt + '"); $("#btns' + str(questid) + ' .btn-success").addClass("disabled").removeClass("btn-success"); $("#btns'\
      + str(questid) + ' .btn-danger").addClass("disabled").removeClass("btn-danger");'
예제 #3
파일: answer.py 프로젝트: DonaldMc/gdms
def score_complete_votes():
    # this will identify votes which are overdue based on being in progress 
    # beyond due date and with resmethod of vote - probably shouldn't happen
    # but leave in for now for testing
    # TODO Sort out if this function ever needed

    votemethods = db(db.resolvemethod.method == 'Vote').select()
    votelist = [x.resolve_name for x in votemethods]

    query = (db.question.duedate > datetime.datetime.utcnow()) & (db.question.status == 'In Progress')
    quests = db(query).select()

    for x in quests:
        if x.resolvemethod in votelist:
            # print('scoring' + x.id)
    # if quests:
    #     print('processsed ' + str(len(quests)))
    # else:
    #    print('zero items to process')
    return True
예제 #4
파일: answer.py 프로젝트: DonaldMc/gdms
def quickanswer():
    This willl provide a quick method of approving an action or issue by means of approve disapprove buttons
    basically needs to create a userquestion record and remove the buttons from the relevant row which
    may be more challenging - it will never apply to questions and there is a question about how scope changes and
    geography changes should be handled - but for now we are going to implicitly answer that these stay where they are
    and retrieve them from the question

    questid = request.args(0, cast=int, default=0)
    answer = request.args(1, cast=int, default=-1)

    quest = db(db.question.id == questid).select().first()
    uq = db((db.userquestion.questionid == questid) & (db.userquestion.auth_userid == auth.user_id) &
            (db.userquestion.status == 'In Progress')).select()

    if quest and not uq:
        uqid = db.userquestion.insert(questionid=questid, auth_userid=auth.user_id, uq_level=quest.question_level,
                                      answer=answer, reject=False, urgency=quest.urgency, importance=quest.importance,
                                      category=quest.category, activescope=quest.activescope, continent=quest.continent,

        status = score_question(questid, uqid)
        if status == 'Resolved':
            scheduler.queue_task('send_email_resolved', pvars=dict(questid=questid), period=600)
        messagetxt = 'Answer recorded for item:' + str(questid)

        intunpanswers = quest.unpanswers
        if answer != -1:
            intunpanswers += 1

        if session.answered:  # optional if user selects question to answer
        anscount = quest.answercounts
        anscount[answer] += 1

        # update the question record based on above
        db(db.question.id == quest.id).update(answercounts=anscount, unpanswers=intunpanswers,
                                              urgency=quest.urgency, importance=quest.importance)

    elif uq:
        messagetxt = 'You have already answered this item'
        messagetxt = 'Answer not recorded'

    return 'jQuery(".flash").html("' + messagetxt + '").slideDown().delay(1500).slideUp(); $("#target").html("' \
       + messagetxt + '"); $("#btns' + str(questid) + ' .btn-success").addClass("disabled").removeClass("btn-success"); $("#btns'\
      + str(questid) + ' .btn-danger").addClass("disabled").removeClass("btn-danger");'
예제 #5
def callscorequest():
    questid = request.args(0, default='G')
    score_question(questid, 0, false, anon_resolve=PARAMS.anon_resolve)
예제 #6
def answer_question():
    This allows the user to answer the question or pass and the result is 
    handled by the score question function.  This can really now be called
    from any event and it is an exposed url - so now need to check if not 
    resolved or already answered and if so we will not accept another answer

    questid = request.args(0, cast=int, default=0)
    questtype = request.args(1, default='quest')  # This will be All if on an event flow and this will flow to viewquest
    # This will display the question submitted to it by get_question

    form2 = SQLFORM(db.userquestion, showid=False, fields=['answer', 'reject', 'urgency', 'importance', 'answerreason',
                                                           'changecat', 'category', 'changescope',
                                                           'activescope', 'continent', 'country', 'subdivision'],
                    submit_button='Answer', col3={'answer': 'Enter 0 to Pass',
                                                  'reject': 'Select if invalid or off subject '},
                    hidden=dict(uq_level='level'), formstyle='table3cols')

    #quest = db(db.question.id == questid).select().first().as_dict()

    form2.element(_type='submit')['_class'] = "btn btn-success"

    quest = db(db.question.id == questid).select().first()
    if session.exclude_groups is None:
        session.exclude_groups = get_exclude_groups(auth.user_id)

    if quest['answer_group'] in session.exclude_groups:
        redirect(URL('viewquest', 'notshowing', args=[questid, questtype]))

    if quest['status'] != 'In Progress':
        redirect(URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[questid, questtype]))
        uq = db((db.userquestion.questionid == questid) &
                (db.userquestion.status == 'In Progress') &
                (db.userquestion.auth_userid == auth.user_id)).select(db.userquestion.id).first()
        if uq:  # User has already answered item so not allowed to answer again
            redirect(URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[questid, questtype]))

    form2.vars.activescope = quest['activescope']
    form2.vars.continent = quest['continent']
    form2.vars.country = quest['country']
    form2.vars.subdivision = quest['subdivision']
    form2.vars.category = quest['category']

    if form2.validate():
        form2.vars.auth_userid = auth.user.id
        form2.vars.questionid = questid
        form2.vars.uq_level = quest['question_level']
        form2.vars.status = 'In Progress'
        # default to urgency 10 for testing so questions that are answered continue to get answered
        if auth.user.first_name[:4] == 'Test':
            form2.vars.urgency = 10
            form2.vars.importance = 10

        form2.vars.id = db.userquestion.insert(**dict(form2.vars))
        response.flash = 'form accepted'
        status = score_question(questid, form2.vars.id,False, anon_resolve=PARAMS.anon_resolve)
        if status == 'Resolved':
            scheduler.queue_task('send_email_resolved', pvars=dict(questid=questid), period=600)
        redirect(URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[questid, questtype]))
    elif form2.errors:
        response.flash = 'form has errors'

    form2.vars.continet = quest['continent']
    form2.vars.country = quest['country']
    form2.vars.subdivision = quest['subdivision']
    form2.vars.category = quest['category']

    return dict(form2=form2, quest=quest)
예제 #7
def callscorequest():
    questid = request.args(0, default='G')
예제 #8
파일: answer.py 프로젝트: DonaldMc/gdms
def answer_question():
    This allows the user to answer the question or pass and the result is 
    handled by the score question function.  This can really now be called
    from any event and it is an exposed url - so now need to check if not 
    resolved or already answered and if so we will not accept another answer

    questid = request.args(0, cast=int, default=0)
    questtype = request.args(1, default='quest') # This will be All if on an event flow and this will flow to viewquest
    # This will display the question submitted to it by get_question

    form2 = SQLFORM(db.userquestion, showid=False, fields=['answer', 'reject', 'urgency', 'importance', 'answerreason',
                                                           'changecat', 'category', 'changescope',
                                                           'activescope', 'continent', 'country', 'subdivision'],
                    submit_button='Answer', col3={'answer': 'Enter 0 to Pass',
                                                  'reject': 'Select if invalid or off subject '},
                    hidden=dict(uq_level='level'), formstyle='table3cols')

    # bootstrap3_inline
    # quest = db(db.question.id == questid).select(cache=(cache.ram, 600), cacheable=True).first().as_dict()
    # this now caused userquestion to be set to wrong level so caching removed for now
    quest = db(db.question.id == questid).select().first().as_dict()

    if session.exclude_groups is None:
        session.exclude_groups = get_exclude_groups(auth.user_id)

    if quest['answer_group'] in session.exclude_groups:
        redirect(URL('viewquest', 'notshowing', args=[questid, questtype]))

    if quest['status'] != 'In Progress':
        redirect(URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[questid, questtype]))
        uq = db((db.userquestion.questionid == questid) &
                (db.userquestion.status == 'In Progress') &
                (db.userquestion.auth_userid == auth.user_id)).select(db.userquestion.id).first()
        if uq:  # User has already answered item so not allowed to answer again
            redirect(URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[questid, questtype]))

    form2.vars.activescope = quest['activescope']
    form2.vars.continent = quest['continent']
    form2.vars.country = quest['country']
    form2.vars.subdivision = quest['subdivision']
    form2.vars.category = quest['category']

    if form2.validate():
        form2.vars.auth_userid = auth.user.id
        form2.vars.questionid = questid
        form2.vars.uq_level = quest['question_level']
        form2.vars.status = 'In Progress'
        # default to urgency 10 for testing so questions that are answered continue to get answered
        if auth.user.first_name[:4] == 'Test':
            form2.vars.urgency = 10
            form2.vars.importance = 10

        form2.vars.id = db.userquestion.insert(**dict(form2.vars))
        response.flash = 'form accepted'
        # redirect(URL('update_question', args=form2.vars.id))
        status = score_question(questid, form2.vars.id)
        if status == 'Resolved':
            scheduler.queue_task('send_email_resolved', pvars=dict(questid=questid), period=600)
        redirect(URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[questid, questtype]))
    elif form2.errors:
        response.flash = 'form has errors'

    form2.vars.continet = quest['continent']
    form2.vars.country = quest['country']
    form2.vars.subdivision = quest['subdivision']
    form2.vars.category = quest['category']

    return dict(form2=form2, quest=quest)