예제 #1
    def get_time_not_schedulable(self, start, end, blackouts=True):
        What is the set of time ([(start, end)]) in the given time window
        where this session is not schedulable?
        Here we consolidate all events so that we can use them to make
        calculations of the percentage of time available.

        # WTF?
        if self.project is None:
            return []

        dts = set([])
        dts = dts.union(self.get_receiver_blackout_ranges(start, end))
        dts = dts.union(self.project.get_prescheduled_times(start, end))
        if blackouts:
            dts = dts.union(self.project.get_blackout_times(start, end))

        # the call to unions won't accept the None used
        # sometimes by get_receiver_blackout_range, so substitue in
        # the given boundries for these
        newDts = []
        for (s, e) in list(dts):
            if s is None:
                s = start
            if e is None:
                e = end
            newDts.append((s, e))

        return sorted(AnalogSet.unions(newDts))