예제 #1
 def solar_avoidance_degrees(self):
     Returns 0.0 if there is no solar avoidance, otherwise returns
     this obs param in degrees.
     sa = self.get_solar_avoidance()
     return 0.0 if sa is None else TimeAgent.rad2deg(sa)
예제 #2
def _get_future_maintenance_dates3():
    today = TimeAgent.truncateDt(datetime.now())
    mp = Period.objects\
        .filter(session__observing_type__type = "maintenance")\

    last_date = mp.start
    week = today - timedelta(today.weekday()) # get the date of the Monday of this week.
    dates = {}

    # now loop, one week at a time, until that last date, gathering
    # all the maintenance periods.  Each group will be represented as
    # a day of the week: 'A' = 0 (Monday), 'B' = 1 (Tuesday), etc.
    # These dates are then entered into the list of possible future
    # dates.
    while week < last_date:
        groups = Maintenance_Activity_Group.get_maintenance_activity_groups(week)

        for i in groups:
            d = str(i.get_start().date())
            if not dates.has_key(d):
                dates[d] = []
        week += timedelta(7)

    return dates
예제 #3
    def end(self):
        end = self.contained.period.end()
        end = TimeAgent.utc2est(end) if self.TZ == 'ET' else end
        end = datetime(end.year, end.month, end.day, 0, 0) + timedelta(days = 1)\
            if self.end_cutoff else end

        return end
예제 #4
        def get_due_date(template):
            if template.repeat_interval == 30:
                due_dates = get_monthly_due_dates(template)

                for i in range(0, 7):
                    dday = self.week + timedelta(days = i)
                    if dday in due_dates:
                        return dday
            if template.repeat_interval == 7:
                week = TimeAgent.truncateDt(self.week)
                start_date = TimeAgent.truncateDt(template.get_start())
                diff = timedelta(days = (week - start_date).days % \
                return week + timedelta(7) - diff
            return None
예제 #5
        def good_fit(template, mag):
            # Checks to see if this template wouldn't work better
            # elsewhere.  If so, returns False.  If not, returns True.

            # first, take care of simple cases: repeat = 1, or no
            # published mags this week, the template is due, and this
            # is the highest U:

            if template.repeat_interval == 1:
                return False if better_fit(t, other_groups_today) else True

            if len(published_groups_this_week) == 0 \
                    and is_highest_U(mag):
                return True

            if is_P(self):
                # Here we generate a dictionary to weigh the possible dates that a 
                # repeat event can be substantiated in. The lower the number the better. 
                # A slight preference is given to the date that comes before the due date
                # over one that comes after, but that's really just for tie-breaking purposes.
                #dm = {-4: 40, -3: 30, -2: 20, -1: 10, 0: 0, 1: 15, 2: 25, 3: 35, 4: 45}
                dayLen = 30
                dm = [(i,10*abs(i)) for i in range(-dayLen,1)]
                dm.extend([(i,(10*i)+5) for i in range(1,dayLen)])
                dm = dict(dm)

                today = TimeAgent.truncateDt(self.period.start)
                p = [mag.period for mag in published_groups_this_week]
                due_date = get_due_date(template)
                diff = (today - due_date).days

                if diff:
                    # doesn't fall on this date.  Is this the closest
                    # period though?
                    for j in p:
                        if j != self.period:  # check only other periods
                            mod = (TimeAgent.truncateDt(j.start) - due_date).days

                            # Test to see if it's a better fit in
                            # another period.  and if so, don't
                            # use here.
                            if dm[mod] < dm[diff]:
                                return False
                return True
            return False
예제 #6
    def test_getSchedulingRange(self):

        # scheduling range is 0:00 of timezone of first day
        # to the last day at 8:00 EST

        # test it in winter time
        dt = datetime(2010, 1, 1)
        days = 2
        expStart = datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0)
        expEnd   = datetime(2010, 1, 3, 13)
        expDur = TimeAgent.dtDiffMins(expStart, expEnd)

        start, dur = ScheduleTools().getSchedulingRange(dt, 'UTC', days)
        self.assertEquals(expStart, start)
        self.assertEquals(expDur, dur)

        # make sure it works in ET too
        expStart = datetime(2010, 1, 1, 5)
        expEnd   = datetime(2010, 1, 3, 13)
        expDur = TimeAgent.dtDiffMins(expStart, expEnd)

        start, dur = ScheduleTools().getSchedulingRange(dt, 'ET', days)
        self.assertEquals(expStart, start)

        # test it in summer time
        dt = datetime(2010, 6, 10)
        days = 3
        expStart = datetime(2010, 6, 10, 0)
        expEnd   = datetime(2010, 6, 13, 12)
        expDur = TimeAgent.dtDiffMins(expStart, expEnd)

        start, dur = ScheduleTools().getSchedulingRange(dt, 'UTC', days)
        self.assertEquals(expStart, start)
        self.assertEquals(expDur, dur)

        # make sure it works in ET too
        expStart = datetime(2010, 6, 10, 4)
        expEnd   = datetime(2010, 6, 13, 12)
        expDur = TimeAgent.dtDiffMins(expStart, expEnd)

        start, dur = ScheduleTools().getSchedulingRange(dt, 'ET', days)
        self.assertEquals(expStart, start)
        self.assertEquals(expDur, dur)
예제 #7
    def start(self):
        start = self.contained.period.start

        if self.TZ == 'ET':
            start = TimeAgent.utc2est(start)

        if self.start_cutoff:
            start = datetime(start.year, start.month, start.day) + timedelta(days = 1)

        return start
예제 #8
    def start(self):
        w = self.contained.get_week()
        # assume start time of 8:00 ET, to be converted to UT below,
        # if necessary.
        dt = datetime(w.year, w.month, w.day, 8)

        if self.TZ != 'ET':
            dt = TimeAgent.est2utc(dt)

        return dt
예제 #9
    def get_end(self, tzname = None):
        If this is a fixed maintenance period then return the period's
        end, if not return the end of the week.

        if self.period:
            end = self.period.end()
            return TimeAgent.utc2est(end) if tzname == 'ET' else end
            return self.get_week() + timedelta(7)
예제 #10
 def get_start(self, tzname = None):
     If this is a fixed maintenance period there will have been a
     period assigned.  If so, return this period's start.  If not,
     return the start-of-week date.
     if self.period:
         start = self.period.start
         return TimeAgent.utc2est(start) if tzname == 'ET' else start
         return self.get_week()
예제 #11
    def set_base_fields(self, fdata):
        fsestype = fdata.get("type", "open")
        fobstype = fdata.get("science", "testing")
        proj_code = fdata.get("pcode", "GBT09A-001")

            p  = Project.objects.get(pcode = proj_code)
        except Project.DoesNotExist:
            p = Project.objects.all()[0]

        self.sesshun.project          = p
        self.sesshun.session_type     = Session_Type.objects.get(type = fsestype)
        self.sesshun.observing_type   = Observing_Type.objects.get(type = fobstype)
        self.sesshun.original_id      = \
            self.get_field(fdata, "orig_ID", None, lambda x: int(float(x)))
        self.sesshun.name             = fdata.get("name", None)
        self.sesshun.frequency        = fdata.get("freq", None)
        self.sesshun.max_duration     = TimeAgent.rndHr2Qtr(float(fdata.get("req_max", 12.0)))
        self.sesshun.min_duration     = TimeAgent.rndHr2Qtr(float(fdata.get("req_min",  3.0)))
        self.sesshun.time_between     = fdata.get("between", None)
예제 #12
 def jsondict(self, tz):
     start = self.period.start if tz == 'UTC' else TimeAgent.utc2est(self.period.start)
     end   = self.period.end() if tz == 'UTC' else TimeAgent.utc2est(self.period.end())
     w = self.period.window
     # stakeholder want's 'T' or '' for this
     sponsored = self.period.session.project.is_sponsored()
     sponsored = '' if not sponsored else 'T'
     js =   {"id"           : self.period.id
           , "session"      : SessionHttpAdapter(self.period.session).jsondict()
           , "session_name" : self.period.session.name
           , "handle"       : self.period.toHandle()
           , "stype"        : self.period.session.session_type.type[0].swapcase()
           , "end_date"     : d2str(end)
           , "end_time"     : t2str(end)
           , "date"         : d2str(start)
           , "time"         : t2str(start)
           , "lst"          : str(TimeAgent.dt2tlst(self.period.start))
           , "duration"     : self.period.duration
           , "sscore"       : self.period.score       # scheduling score
           , "cscore"       : -1.0                    # current score
           , "forecast"     : dt2str(self.period.forecast)
           , "backup"       : self.period.backup
           , "moc_ack"      : self.period.moc_ack if self.period.moc_ack is not None else False
           , "state"        : self.period.state.abbreviation if self.period.state is not None else ""
           , "windowed"     : True if w is not None else False
           , "wdefault"     : self.period.is_windowed_default() \
                                  if w is not None else None
           , "wstart"       : d2str(w.start_date()) if w is not None else None
           , "wend"         : d2str(w.last_date()) if w is not None else None
           , "sponsored"    : sponsored
           , "sponsor"      : self.period.session.project.sponsor_text()
           , "receivers"    : self.period.get_rcvrs_json()
     # include the accounting but keep the dict flat
     if self.period.accounting is not None:
         accounting_js = self.period.accounting.jsondict()
         # make sure the final jsondict has only one 'id'
         accounting_id = accounting_js.pop('id')
         accounting_js.update({'accounting_id' : accounting_id})
     return js
예제 #13
    def clone(self, group = None):
        Creates a clone of the template, assigning the 'group' field
        to the parameter 'group' if this parameter is provided.  The
        object will not be identical: there will be a different id,
        for instance.

        ma = Maintenance_Activity();
        # will be overwritten if template and group provided.
        ma.group = group if group else self.group
        # subject to a more recent one being found (see below)
        template = self

        # If this is a repeat template:
        if self.repeat_interval:
            ma.repeat_interval = 0
            ma.repeat_end = None
            ma.repeat_template = self.repeat_template \
                if self.repeat_template else self

            if group:
                template = self.get_template(group)

                # all maintenance activities are based on local time,
                # i.e. start 8:00 AM means that regardless of whether
                # DST is active or not.  To do this, we get ET version
                # of group and template start so that it can be saved
                # as the appropriate UTC time to account for DST.
                t_start = template.get_start('ET')
                g_start = TimeAgent.utc2est(group.get_start())

                start = datetime(g_start.year, g_start.month, g_start.day,
                                 t_start.hour, t_start.minute)

            # if this is a template, include the original creation
            # date for the repeat activity.
            # we want the group's date, and the original's time in ET
            if group:
                start = datetime(group.get_start().date().year, group.get_start().date().month,
                                 group.get_start().date().day, self.get_start('ET').hour,
                start = self.get_start('ET')

        ma.set_start(start if start else template.start, 'ET' if start else None)
        return ma
예제 #14
def GenerateBlackoutReport():
    outfile = open("./DssBlackoutReport.txt", 'w')
    now     = datetime.utcnow()
    later   = now + timedelta(days = 7)

    outfile.write("Project     | Start (UTC) |  End (UTC)  |  Start (ET) |  End (ET)\n")

    sorted_projects = sorted(Project.objects.filter(complete = False)
                           , lambda x, y: cmp(x.pcode, y.pcode))
    for p in sorted_projects:
        blackouts = p.get_blackout_times(now, later)
        if blackouts:
            for start, end in blackouts:
                outfile.write("%s | %s | %s | %s | %s\n" % \
                   , start.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")
                   , end.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")
                   , TimeAgent.utc2est(start).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")
                   , TimeAgent.utc2est(end).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")))

예제 #15
    def getBlackedOutSchedulableTime(self, start, end):
        Of the hours in the given range that are schedulable,
        how many have been blacked out?
        Returns tuple of hours (scheduble but ignoring blackouts
                              , scheduable but blacked out)
        Returns tuple of (scheduable but ignoring blackouts total
                        , scheduable but blacked out total
                        , [2-tuple of scheduable-but-ignoring-blackouts range)]
                        , [[2-tuple of scheduable-but-blacked-out-range]])
        nss1 = self.get_time_not_schedulable(start, end, blackouts=False)

        nss = self.trim_events(nss1, start, end)

        # now convert the non-schedulable time ranges to the
        # time that IS schedulable:
        schedulable = self.compliment_events(nss, start, end)

        # how much time is that?
        hrsSchedulable = sum([TimeAgent.timedelta2minutes(s[1] - s[0]) / 60.0 for s in schedulable])

        # now, for each chunk of schedulable time, how much is
        # blacked out?
        hrsBlackedOut = 0.0
        bss = []
        # print "schedulable loop:"
        for s in schedulable:
            bs = self.project.get_blackout_times(s[0], s[1])
            # but these blackout times might not match to the schedulable
            # end points, so we may need to truncate them
            bs = self.trim_events(bs, s[0], s[1])
            if len(bs) != 0:
            bsTime = sum([TimeAgent.timedelta2minutes(b[1] - b[0]) / 60.0 for b in bs])
            hrsBlackedOut += bsTime

        # return a summary of what we've found
        return (hrsSchedulable, hrsBlackedOut, schedulable, bss)
예제 #16
        def get_monthly_due_dates(template):
            start_date = template._start.date()
            end = template.repeat_end
            dates = []
            midnight = time(0, 0, 0)
            months = 0
            ddate = start_date

            while ddate < end:
                dates.append(datetime.combine(ddate, midnight))
                months = months + 1
                ddate = TimeAgent.add_months(start_date, months)
            return dates
예제 #17
def _get_fixed_maint_events(mags, day, timezone):
    _get_fixed_maint_events(mags, day, timezone)

    Takes a set of maintenance activity groups and returns the one for
    'day' if there is a fixed one for 'day'.

    evs = []
    day = TimeAgent.truncateDt(day)
    tomorrow = day + timedelta(1)

    for mag in mags:
        if mag.period:  # fixed if period is set
            if (
                TimeAgent.truncateDt(mag.get_start(timezone)) == day
                or TimeAgent.truncateDt(mag.get_end(timezone)) == day
                ev = CalEventFixedMaintenance(
                    mag, mag.get_start(timezone) < day, mag.get_end(timezone) >= tomorrow, True, timezone
    return evs
예제 #18
    def read(self, request, *args, **kws):
        if len(args) == 1:
            tz,          = args
            startPeriods = request.GET.get("startPeriods", datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
            daysPeriods  = request.GET.get("daysPeriods",  '14')

            dt           = TimeAgent.str2dt(startPeriods)
            start        = dt if tz == 'UTC' else TimeAgent.est2utc(dt)
            duration     = int(daysPeriods) * 24 * 60
            periods      = Period.get_periods(start, duration)
            pjson = [DssPeriodHttpAdapter(p).jsondict(tz) for p in periods]
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps(dict(total   = len(periods)
                              , periods = pjson
                              , success = 'ok'))
              , content_type = "application/json")
            tz, id = args
            p      = Period.objects.get(id = id)
            return HttpResponse(
                              , success = 'ok'))
              , content_type = "application/json")
예제 #19
    def get_start(self, tzname = None):
        if self.group:
            date = self.group.get_start().date()

            if self._start.hour < self.group.get_start().hour and \
                    self._start.hour < self.group.get_end().hour:
                date = date + timedelta(1)
            start = datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day,
                             self._start.hour, self._start.minute)
            start = self._start

        return TimeAgent.utc2est(start) if tzname == 'ET' else start
예제 #20
        def good_fit(template, mag):
            # Checks to see if this template wouldn't work better
            # elsewhere.  If so, returns False.  If not, returns True.

            # first, take care of simple cases: repeat = 1, or no
            # published mags this week, the template is due, and this
            # is the highest U:

            if template.repeat_interval == 1:
                return False if better_fit(t, other_groups_today) else True

            if len(published_groups_this_week) == 0 \
                    and is_highest_U(mag):
                return True

            if is_P(self):
                dm = {-4: 40, -3: 30, -2: 20, -1: 10, 0: 0, 1: 15, 2: 25, 3: 35, 4: 45}
                today = TimeAgent.truncateDt(self.period.start)
                p = [mag.period for mag in published_groups_this_week]
                due_date = get_due_date(template)
                diff = (today - due_date).days

                if diff:
                    # doesn't fall on this date.  Is this the closest
                    # period though?
                    for j in p:
                        if j != self.period:  # check only other periods
                            mod = (TimeAgent.truncateDt(j.start) - due_date).days

                            # Test to see if it's a better fit in
                            # another period.  and if so, don't
                            # use here.
                            if dm[mod] < dm[diff]:
                                return False
                return True
            return False
예제 #21
def receivers_schedule(request, *args, **kws):
    For a given period, specified by a start date and duration, show
    all the receiver changes. Receiver changes are aligned with maintenance

    # interpret the inputs
    startdate = request.GET.get("startdate", None)
    startdate = datetime.strptime(startdate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if startdate else None

    duration = request.GET.get("duration", None)
    duration = int(duration) if duration else duration

    # use the input to get the basic rx schedule
    schedule = Receiver_Schedule.extract_schedule(startdate, duration)
    jsonschd = Receiver_Schedule.jsondict(schedule)

    # some clients also need the diff schedule
    diff = Receiver_Schedule.diff_schedule(schedule)
    jsondiff = Receiver_Schedule.jsondict_diff(diff).get("diff_schedule", None)

    # get the dates for maintenace that cover from the start of this
    # rcvr schedule.
    maintenance = [
        for p in Period.objects.filter(session__observing_type__type="maintenance", start__gte=startdate).order_by(

    # which receivers are temporarily unavailable?
    unavailable = [r.jsondict() for r in Receiver.objects.filter(available=False).order_by("freq_low")]

    # clients want to also know all the latest rcvrs
    rcvrs = [r.jsondict() for r in Receiver.objects.all().order_by("freq_low") if r.abbreviation != "NS"]
    return HttpResponse(
                "schedule": jsonschd,
                "diff": jsondiff,
                "maintenance": maintenance,
                "unavailable": unavailable,
                "receivers": rcvrs,
예제 #22
파일: TestEmail.py 프로젝트: mmccarty/nell
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestEmail, self).setUp()

        weekdays = {"0" : "Sun",
                    "1" : "Mon",
                    "2" : "Tue",
                    "3" : "Wed",
                    "4" : "Thu",
                    "5" : "Fri",
                    "6" : "Sat"}

        months = {"1"  : "Jan",
                  "2"  : "Feb",
                  "3"  : "Mar",
                  "4"  : "Apr",
                  "5"  : "May",
                  "6"  : "Jun",
                  "7"  : "Jul",
                  "8"  : "Aug",
                  "9"  : "Sep",
                  "10" : "Oct",
                  "11" : "Nov",
                  "12" : "Dec"}
        self.sender = "frog@pond"
        self.recipients_list = ["toad@toadstool", "newt@leaflitter"]
        self.recipients = "toad@toadstool,newt@leaflitter"
        self.subject = "Flies are yummy"
        self.body = "Delicious!"
        self.date = datetime.now()
        self.datestring = "%s, %s %s %s -0%d00" % (weekdays[self.date.strftime("%w")],
                                                   self.date.strftime("%Y %H:%M:%S"),

        self.text =  'From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nDate: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n%s\r\n' \
            % (self.sender, self.recipients, self.datestring, self.subject, self.body)

        self.e1 = Email()
        self.e2 = Email(sender = self.sender,
                        recipients = self.recipients,
                        subject = self.subject,
                        body = self.body,
                        date = self.date)
예제 #23
파일: Target.py 프로젝트: mmccarty/nell
    def get_horizontal(self):
        "Returns the horizontal component in sexigesimal form."
        if self.horizontal is None:
            return ""

        if self.system.name == 'Galactic':
            return self.get_deg(self.horizontal)

        horz = TimeAgent.rad2hr(self.horizontal)
        mins = (horz - int(horz)) * 60
        secs = (mins - int(mins)) * 60
        if abs(secs - 60.) < 0.1:
            mins = int(mins) + 1
            if abs(mins - 60.) < 0.1:
                mins = 0.0
                horz = int(horz) + 1
            secs = 0.0
        return "%02i:%02i:%04.1f" % (int(horz), int(mins), secs)
예제 #24
    def update_solar_avoid_obs_param(self, fdata, old_value):
        For taking a json dict and converting its given
        solar avoid float field into a 'Solar Avoid' float 
        observing parameter.
        new_value = self.get_field(fdata, "solar_avoid", None, float)
        if new_value is not None: # make sure it's in a legal range
                fv = float(new_value)
                if fv < 0.0 or fv > 360.0:  # should this be 90?
                    return # value out of range
                new_value = TimeAgent.deg2rad(new_value) # DB in radians
                return # nonsense value

        parameter = Parameter.objects.filter(name="Solar Avoid")[0]
        self.update_parameter(old_value, new_value, parameter)
예제 #25
def _get_future_maintenance_dates3():
    today = TimeAgent.truncateDt(datetime.now())
    mp = Period.objects\
        .filter(session__observing_type__type = "maintenance")\

    last_date = mp.start
    week = today - timedelta(today.weekday()) # get the date of the Monday of this week.
    dates = {}

    # now loop, one week at a time, until that last date, gathering
    # all the maintenance periods.  Each group will be represented as
    # a day of the week: 'A' = 0 (Monday), 'B' = 1 (Tuesday), etc.
    # These dates are then entered into the list of possible future
    # dates.

    while week < last_date:
        groups = Maintenance_Activity_Group.get_maintenance_activity_groups(week)

        for i in groups:
            d = str(i.get_start().date())

            if not dates.has_key(d):
                dates[d] = []

            # we want either the start time--in format "HH:MM"--if a
            # period is assigned, or the rank, if still floating.
            if (i.period):
                # t will be in format "HH:MM:SS"
                t = str(i.get_start(tzname = 'ET').time())
                # use only "HH:MM" part of time string

        week += timedelta(7)

    for i in dates:

    return dates
예제 #26
def _get_incidental_events(today, timezone):
    Gathers up all the non-maintenance-period maintenance activities,
    and returns them in a list of CalEvent objects.

    utc_today = TimeAgent.est2utc(today) if timezone == "ET" else today

    mas = (
        .filter(_start__lt=utc_today + timedelta(days=1))

    if mas.exists():
        ev = CalEventIncidental(mas, TZ=timezone)
        return [ev]

    return []
예제 #27
파일: Target.py 프로젝트: mmccarty/nell
    def get_deg(self, value):
        degs = TimeAgent.rad2deg(value)

        if degs < 0:
            degs = abs(degs)
            sign = "-"
            sign = " "

        fpart, ddegs = modf(degs)
        fpart, dmins = modf(fpart * 60)
        dsecs = round(fpart * 60, 1)

        if dsecs > 59.9:
            dmins = dmins + 1
            dsecs = 0.0
        if dmins > 59.9:
            ddegs = ddegs + 1
            dmins = 0.0

        return "%s%02i:%02i:%04.1f" % (sign, int(ddegs), int(dmins), dsecs)
예제 #28
    def getSchedulingRange(self, firstDay, timezone, days):
        Converts given time range (start dt, days) to 'scheduling range' 
        (start dt, minutes)

        startHour = 0 if timezone == 'UTC' else self.getUTCHour(firstDay, 0)
        start = datetime(firstDay.year
                       , firstDay.month
                       , firstDay.day
                       , startHour

        lastDay = firstDay + timedelta(days = days)

        end   = datetime(lastDay.year
                       , lastDay.month
                       , lastDay.day
                       , self.getUTCHour(lastDay, self.schedulingEnd)

        duration = TimeAgent.dtDiffMins(end, start)

        return (start, duration)
예제 #29
from users.models import Maintenance_Activity, Maintenance_Activity_Group
from scheduler.models import Period
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from nell.utilities import TimeAgent

from scheduler.models import Period

periods = Period.objects.filter(session__observing_type__type = "maintenance")\
    .exclude(state__name = "Deleted").order_by("start")

for p in periods:
    if p:
        mag = Maintenance_Activity_Group()
        mag.period = p
        mag.week = TimeAgent.truncateDt(p.start - timedelta(p.start.weekday()))
        mag.deleted = True if p.state.name == 'Deleted' else False
        print "Period %i -> Group %i" % (p.id, mag.id)
        mas = [m for m in p.maintenance_activity_set.all()]
        for ma in mas:
            ma.group = mag
            ma.period = None

mags = Maintenance_Activity_Group.objects.all()
week = set()

for mag in mags:
예제 #30
    def jsondict(self):
        irradiance = self.sesshun.irradiance()
        solarAvoid = self.sesshun.get_solar_avoidance()
        solarAvoid = None if solarAvoid is None else TimeAgent.rad2deg(solarAvoid) # DB in radians

        d = {"id"         : self.sesshun.id
           , "pcode"      : self.sesshun.project.pcode
           , "handle"     : self.sesshun.toHandle()
           , "type"       : self.sesshun.session_type.type
           , "science"    : self.sesshun.observing_type.type
           , "total_time" : self.sesshun.allotment.total_time
           , "PSC_time"   : self.sesshun.allotment.psc_time
           , "sem_time"   : self.sesshun.allotment.max_semester_time
           , "remaining"  : 0 if self.sesshun.observing_type.type == "maintenance" \
                              else TimeAccounting().getTimeRemaining(self.sesshun)
           , "grade"      : self.sesshun.allotment.grade
           , "orig_ID"    : self.sesshun.original_id
           , "name"       : self.sesshun.name
           , "freq"       : self.sesshun.frequency
           , "req_max"    : self.sesshun.max_duration
           , "req_min"    : self.sesshun.min_duration
           , "between"    : self.sesshun.time_between
           , "enabled"    : self.sesshun.status.enabled
           , "authorized" : self.sesshun.status.authorized
           , "complete"   : self.sesshun.status.complete
           , "backup"     : self.sesshun.status.backup
           , "guaranteed" : self.sesshun.guaranteed()
           , "gas"        : self.sesshun.good_atmospheric_stability() or False
           , "transit"    : self.sesshun.transit() or False
           #, "nighttime"  : self.sesshun.nighttime() or False
           , "time_of_day": self.sesshun.get_time_of_day()
           , "lst_ex"     : self.sesshun.get_lst_string('LST Exclude') or ""
           , "lst_in"     : self.sesshun.get_lst_string('LST Include') or ""
           , "receiver"   : self.sesshun.get_receiver_req()
           , "project_complete" : "Yes" if self.sesshun.project.complete else "No"
           , "xi_factor"  : self.sesshun.get_min_eff_tsys_factor() or 1.0
           , "el_limit"   : self.sesshun.get_elevation_limit() or None # None is default 
           , "solar_avoid": solarAvoid 
           , "trk_err_threshold"   : self.sesshun.get_tracking_error_threshold()
           , "src_size"   : self.sesshun.get_source_size()
           , "keyhole"    : self.sesshun.keyhole()
           , "irradiance" : 300 if irradiance is None and 
                                   self.sesshun.observing_type.type == 'continuum' 
                                else irradiance
            target = self.sesshun.target
        except Target.DoesNotExist:
            d.update({"source"     : target.source
                    , "coord_mode" : target.system.name
                    , "source_h"   : TimeAgent.rad2deg(target.horizontal) \
                                       if target.system.name == 'Galactic' \
                                       else TimeAgent.rad2hr(target.horizontal)
                    , "source_v"   : TimeAgent.rad2deg(target.vertical) 

        #  Remove all None values
        for k, v in d.items():
            if v is None:
                _ = d.pop(k)

        return d