def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """Initializes the BERTTextClassifier model.""" # shared params for dataset and data loaders self.dataset_cfg = cfg.dataset self.class_weights = None super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.classifier = SequenceClassifier( hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_classes=cfg.dataset.num_classes, num_layers=cfg.classifier_head.num_output_layers, activation='relu', log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.classifier_head.fc_dropout, use_transformer_init=True, idx_conditioned_on=0, ) self.create_loss_module() # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=cfg.dataset.num_classes, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True ) # register the file containing the labels into the artifacts to get stored in the '.nemo' file later if 'class_labels' in cfg and 'class_labels_file' in cfg.class_labels and cfg.class_labels.class_labels_file: self.register_artifact('class_labels.class_labels_file', cfg.class_labels.class_labels_file)
def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): self._tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(cfg.tokenizer, add_prefix_space=True) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.num_labels = len(constants.ALL_TAG_LABELS) self.mode = cfg.get('mode', 'joint') self.model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained( cfg.transformer, num_labels=self.num_labels) self.transformer_name = cfg.transformer self.max_sequence_len = cfg.get('max_sequence_len', self._tokenizer.model_max_length) # Loss Functions self.loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( ignore_index=constants.LABEL_PAD_TOKEN_ID) # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( self.num_labels, constants.LABEL_IDS, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True) # Language self.lang = cfg.get('lang', None)
def __init__( self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None, ): self.cfg = cfg self.data_prepared = False self.setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) if self.cfg.library == "huggingface": self.language_model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained( cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name) self.language_model.resize_token_embeddings( len(self.tokenizer.tokenizer)) elif self.cfg.library == "megatron": self.language_model = MegatronGPTModel.restore_from( cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, trainer=trainer) # 1 corresponds to intent slot; 0 corresponds to squad self.prompt_tags = [1, 0] if 'prompt_table' in dir( self.language_model) else [] if hasattr(self.language_model, 'prompt_table'): self.language_model.prompt_tuning_param_freeze_and_optimizer_setup( ) # Init all new prompts for idx, tag in enumerate(cfg.new_prompt_tags): self.prompt_tags.append(tag) init_method = cfg.new_prompt_init_methods[idx] if init_method == "text": init_text = cfg.new_prompt_init_text[idx] self.language_model.init_prompt_from_text(tag, init_text) elif init_method == 'random': self.language_model.init_prompt_from_random(tag) else: raise ValueError( f'\n Soft prompt init method {init_method} is not recognized, please use text or random' ) all_labels = list( self._train_dl.dataset.all_possible_labels.union( self._validation_dl.dataset.all_possible_labels, self._test_dl.dataset.all_possible_labels)) self.label_to_ids = collections.defaultdict(int) for i in range(len(all_labels)): self.label_to_ids[all_labels[i]] = i self.all_existing_labels = set(self.label_to_ids.keys()) self.token_to_words = {} self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.label_to_ids) + 1, mode='micro', label_ids=self.label_to_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True) self.eval_mode = cfg.eval_mode self.cfg = cfg
def test_classification_report(self): classification_report_nemo = ClassificationReport( num_classes=self.num_classes, label_ids=self.label_ids) preds = torch.Tensor([0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0]) labels = torch.Tensor([1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0]) tp, fp, fn = classification_report_nemo(preds, labels) def __convert_to_tensor(sklearn_metric): return torch.Tensor([round(sklearn_metric * 100)])[0] for mode in ['macro', 'micro', 'weighted']: precision, recall, f1 = classification_report_nemo.get_precision_recall_f1( tp, fn, fp, mode) pr_sklearn, recall_sklearn, f1_sklearn, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support( labels, preds, average=mode) self.assertEqual(torch.round(precision), __convert_to_tensor(pr_sklearn), f'wrong precision for {mode}') self.assertEqual(torch.round(recall), __convert_to_tensor(recall_sklearn), f'wrong recall for {mode}') self.assertEqual(torch.round(f1), __convert_to_tensor(f1_sklearn), f'wrong f1 for {mode}')
def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """Initializes Token Classification Model.""" # extract str to int labels mapping if a mapping file provided if isinstance(cfg.label_ids, str): if os.path.exists(cfg.label_ids): f'Reusing label_ids file found at {cfg.label_ids}.') label_ids = get_labels_to_labels_id_mapping(cfg.label_ids) # update the config to store name to id mapping cfg.label_ids = OmegaConf.create(label_ids) else: raise ValueError(f'{cfg.label_ids} not found.') self.class_weights = None super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.classifier = TokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_classes=len(self._cfg.label_ids), num_layers=self._cfg.head.num_fc_layers, activation=self._cfg.head.activation, log_softmax=False, dropout=self._cfg.head.fc_dropout, use_transformer_init=self._cfg.head.use_transformer_init, ) self.loss = self.setup_loss( class_balancing=self._cfg.dataset.class_balancing) # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( len(self._cfg.label_ids), label_ids=self._cfg.label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True)
def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Initializes BERT Joint Intent and Slot model. """ self.data_dir = cfg.data_dir self.max_seq_length = cfg.language_model.max_seq_length self.data_desc = IntentSlotDataDesc( data_dir=cfg.data_dir, modes=[cfg.train_ds.prefix, cfg.validation_ds.prefix]) self._setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) # init superclass super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) # initialize Bert model self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=cfg.language_model.config_file, config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.language_model.config) if cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, ) self.classifier = SequenceTokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_intents=self.data_desc.num_intents, num_slots=self.data_desc.num_slots, dropout=cfg.head.fc_dropout, num_layers=cfg.head.num_output_layers, log_softmax=False, ) # define losses if cfg.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss': # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss( logits_ndim=2, weight=self.data_desc.intent_weights) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss( logits_ndim=3, weight=self.data_desc.slot_weights) else: self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=2) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.total_loss = AggregatorLoss( num_inputs=2, weights=[cfg.intent_loss_weight, 1.0 - cfg.intent_loss_weight]) # setup to track metrics self.intent_classification_report = ClassificationReport( self.data_desc.num_intents, self.data_desc.intents_label_ids) self.slot_classification_report = ClassificationReport( self.data_desc.num_slots, self.data_desc.slots_label_ids) # Optimizer setup needs to happen after all model weights are ready self.setup_optimization(cfg.optim)
def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Initializes BERT Punctuation and Capitalization model. """ self.setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=self.register_artifact('language_model.config_file', cfg.language_model.config_file), config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.language_model.config) if cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, vocab_file=self.register_artifact('tokenizer.vocab_file', cfg.tokenizer.vocab_file), ) self.punct_classifier = TokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=len(self._cfg.punct_label_ids), activation=cfg.punct_head.activation, log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.punct_head.fc_dropout, num_layers=cfg.punct_head.punct_num_fc_layers, use_transformer_init=cfg.punct_head.use_transformer_init, ) self.capit_classifier = TokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=len(self._cfg.capit_label_ids), activation=cfg.capit_head.activation, log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.capit_head.fc_dropout, num_layers=cfg.capit_head.capit_num_fc_layers, use_transformer_init=cfg.capit_head.use_transformer_init, ) self.loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.agg_loss = AggregatorLoss(num_inputs=2) # setup to track metrics self.punct_class_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self._cfg.punct_label_ids), label_ids=self._cfg.punct_label_ids, mode='macro', dist_sync_on_step=True, ) self.capit_class_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self._cfg.capit_label_ids), label_ids=self._cfg.capit_label_ids, mode='macro', dist_sync_on_step=True, )
def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """Initializes the BERTTextClassifier model.""" # shared params for dataset and data loaders self.dataset_cfg = cfg.dataset # tokenizer needs to get initialized before the super.__init__() # as dataloaders and datasets need it to process the data self.setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=cfg.language_model.config_file, config_dict=cfg.language_model.config, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, ) self.classifier = SequenceClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=cfg.dataset.num_classes, num_layers=cfg.classifier_head.num_output_layers, activation='relu', log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.classifier_head.fc_dropout, use_transformer_init=True, idx_conditioned_on=0, ) class_weights = None if cfg.dataset.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss': if cfg.train_ds.file_path: class_weights = calc_class_weights(cfg.train_ds.file_path, cfg.dataset.num_classes) else: 'Class_balancing feature is enabled but no train file is given. Calculating the class weights is skipped.' ) if class_weights: # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.loss = CrossEntropyLoss(weight=class_weights) else: self.loss = CrossEntropyLoss() # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=cfg.dataset.num_classes, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True) # register the file containing the labels into the artifacts to get stored in the '.nemo' file later if 'class_labels' in cfg and 'class_labels_file' in cfg.class_labels and cfg.class_labels.class_labels_file: self.register_artifact('class_labels', cfg.class_labels.class_labels_file)
def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """Initializes the BERTTextClassifier model.""" # shared params for dataset and data loaders self.dataset_cfg = cfg.dataset # tokenizer needs to get initialized before the super.__init__() # as dataloaders and datasets need it to process the data self.setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) self.class_weights = None super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=self.register_artifact('language_model.config_file', cfg.language_model.config_file), config_dict=cfg.language_model.config, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, nemo_file=self.register_artifact( 'language_model.nemo_file', cfg.language_model.get('nemo_file', None)), vocab_file=self.register_artifact('tokenizer.vocab_file', cfg.tokenizer.vocab_file), trainer=trainer, ) if cfg.language_model.get('nemo_file', None) is not None: hidden_size = self.bert_model.cfg.hidden_size else: hidden_size = self.bert_model.config.hidden_size self.classifier = SequenceClassifier( hidden_size=hidden_size, num_classes=cfg.dataset.num_classes, num_layers=cfg.classifier_head.num_output_layers, activation='relu', log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.classifier_head.fc_dropout, use_transformer_init=True, idx_conditioned_on=0, ) self.create_loss_module() # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=cfg.dataset.num_classes, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True) # register the file containing the labels into the artifacts to get stored in the '.nemo' file later if 'class_labels' in cfg and 'class_labels_file' in cfg.class_labels and cfg.class_labels.class_labels_file: self.register_artifact('class_labels.class_labels_file', cfg.class_labels.class_labels_file)
def setup(self, stage): # setup to track metrics, need to put here # as data_parallel_group is initialized when calling `fit, or test function` app = AppState() self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.classes), label_ids=self.label_ids, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True, process_group=app.data_parallel_group, )
def _reconfigure_classifier(self) -> None: """ Method reconfigures the classifier depending on the settings of model cfg.data_desc """ self.classifier = SequenceTokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_intents=len(self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels), num_slots=len(self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels), dropout=self.cfg.head.fc_dropout, num_layers=self.cfg.head.num_output_layers, log_softmax=False, ) # define losses if self.cfg.class_balancing == "weighted_loss": # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.intent_loss = BCEWithLogitsLoss( logits_ndim=2, pos_weight=self.cfg.data_desc.intent_weights) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss( logits_ndim=3, weight=self.cfg.data_desc.slot_weights) else: self.intent_loss = BCEWithLogitsLoss(logits_ndim=2) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.total_loss = AggregatorLoss( num_inputs=2, weights=[ self.cfg.intent_loss_weight, 1.0 - self.cfg.intent_loss_weight ], ) # setup to track metrics self.intent_classification_report = MultiLabelClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels), label_ids=self.cfg.data_desc.intent_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode="micro", ) self.slot_classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels), label_ids=self.cfg.data_desc.slot_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode="micro", )
def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """Initializes Token Classification Model.""" self._setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) self._cfg = cfg self.data_desc = None self.update_data_dir(cfg.dataset.data_dir) self.setup_loss(class_balancing=self._cfg.dataset.class_balancing) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=cfg.language_model.config_file, config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.language_model.config) if cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, ) self.classifier = TokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=len(self._cfg.label_ids), num_layers=self._cfg.head.num_fc_layers, activation=self._cfg.head.activation, log_softmax=self._cfg.head.log_softmax, dropout=self._cfg.head.fc_dropout, use_transformer_init=self._cfg.head.use_transformer_init, ) self.loss = self.setup_loss( class_balancing=self._cfg.dataset.class_balancing) # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( len(self._cfg.label_ids), label_ids=self._cfg.label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True)
class TextClassificationModel(NLPModel, Exportable): @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.bert_model.input_types @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.classifier.output_types def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """Initializes the BERTTextClassifier model.""" # shared params for dataset and data loaders self.dataset_cfg = cfg.dataset # tokenizer needs to get initialized before the super.__init__() # as dataloaders and datasets need it to process the data self.setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) self.class_weights = None super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=self.register_artifact('language_model.config_file', cfg.language_model.config_file), config_dict=cfg.language_model.config, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, vocab_file=self.register_artifact('tokenizer.vocab_file', cfg.tokenizer.vocab_file), ) self.classifier = SequenceClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=cfg.dataset.num_classes, num_layers=cfg.classifier_head.num_output_layers, activation='relu', log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.classifier_head.fc_dropout, use_transformer_init=True, idx_conditioned_on=0, ) self.create_loss_module() # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=cfg.dataset.num_classes, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True) # register the file containing the labels into the artifacts to get stored in the '.nemo' file later if 'class_labels' in cfg and 'class_labels_file' in cfg.class_labels and cfg.class_labels.class_labels_file: self.register_artifact('class_labels.class_labels_file', cfg.class_labels.class_labels_file) def create_loss_module(self): # create the loss module if it is not yet created by the training data loader if not hasattr(self, 'loss'): if hasattr(self, 'class_weights') and self.class_weights: # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.loss = CrossEntropyLoss(weight=self.class_weights) else: self.loss = CrossEntropyLoss() @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask): """ No special modification required for Lightning, define it as you normally would in the `nn.Module` in vanilla PyTorch. """ hidden_states = self.bert_model(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) logits = self.classifier(hidden_states=hidden_states) return logits def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ # forward pass input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, labels = batch logits = self.forward(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) train_loss = self.loss(logits=logits, labels=labels) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('train_loss', train_loss) self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) return { 'loss': train_loss, 'lr': lr, } def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, labels = batch logits = self.forward(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) val_loss = self.loss(logits=logits, labels=labels) preds = torch.argmax(logits, axis=-1) tp, fn, fp, _ = self.classification_report(preds, labels) return {'val_loss': val_loss, 'tp': tp, 'fn': fn, 'fp': fp} def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ if not outputs: return {} if self.trainer.testing: prefix = 'test' else: prefix = 'val' avg_loss = torch.stack([x[f'val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and classification report precision, recall, f1, report = self.classification_report.compute()'{prefix}_report: {report}') self.log(f'{prefix}_loss', avg_loss, prog_bar=True) self.log(f'{prefix}_precision', precision) self.log(f'{prefix}_f1', f1) self.log(f'{prefix}_recall', recall) self.classification_report.reset() def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each test step. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not train_data_config or not train_data_config.file_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the train is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=train_data_config) # calculate the class weights to be used in the loss function if self.cfg.dataset.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss': self.class_weights = calc_class_weights( train_data_config.file_path, self.cfg.dataset.num_classes) else: self.class_weights = None # we need to create/update the loss module by using the weights calculated from the training data self.create_loss_module() def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not val_data_config or not val_data_config.file_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the validation is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=val_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not test_data_config or not test_data_config.file_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the test is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=test_data_config) def _setup_dataloader_from_config( self, cfg: Dict) -> '': input_file = cfg.file_path if not os.path.exists(input_file): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{input_file} not found! The data should be be stored in TAB-separated files \n\ "validation_ds.file_path" and "train_ds.file_path" for train and evaluation respectively. \n\ Each line of the files contains text sequences, where words are separated with spaces. \n\ The label of the example is separated with TAB at the end of each line. \n\ Each line of the files should follow the format: \n\ [WORD][SPACE][WORD][SPACE][WORD][...][TAB][LABEL]') dataset = TextClassificationDataset( tokenizer=self.tokenizer, input_file=input_file, max_seq_length=self.dataset_cfg.max_seq_length, num_samples=cfg.get("num_samples", -1), shuffle=cfg.shuffle, use_cache=self.dataset_cfg.use_cache, ) return dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.get("num_workers", 0), pin_memory=cfg.get("pin_memory", False), drop_last=cfg.get("drop_last", False), collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) @torch.no_grad() def classifytext(self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int = 1, max_seq_length: int = -1) -> List[int]: """ Get prediction for the queries Args: queries: text sequences batch_size: batch size to use during inference max_seq_length: sequences longer than max_seq_length will get truncated. default -1 disables truncation. Returns: all_preds: model predictions """ # store predictions for all queries in a single list all_preds = [] mode = device = next(self.parameters()).device try: # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() logging_level = logging.get_verbosity() logging.set_verbosity(logging.WARNING) dataloader_cfg = { "batch_size": batch_size, "num_workers": 3, "pin_memory": False } infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader( dataloader_cfg, queries, max_seq_length) for i, batch in enumerate(infer_datalayer): input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, subtokens_mask = batch logits = self.forward(,,, ) preds = tensor2list(torch.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) all_preds.extend(preds) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) logging.set_verbosity(logging_level) return all_preds def _setup_infer_dataloader( self, cfg: Dict, queries: List[str], max_seq_length: int = -1) -> '': """ Setup function for a infer data loader. Args: cfg: config dictionary containing data loader params like batch_size, num_workers and pin_memory queries: text max_seq_length: maximum length of queries, default is -1 for no limit Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ dataset = TextClassificationDataset(tokenizer=self.tokenizer, queries=queries, max_seq_length=max_seq_length) return dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg["batch_size"], shuffle=False, num_workers=cfg.get("num_workers", 0), pin_memory=cfg.get("pin_memory", False), drop_last=False, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: pass @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, name: str): pass
class PunctuationCapitalizationModel(NLPModel, Exportable): @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.bert_model.input_types @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return { "punct_logits": NeuralType(('B', 'T', 'C'), LogitsType()), "capit_logits": NeuralType(('B', 'T', 'C'), LogitsType()), } def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Initializes BERT Punctuation and Capitalization model. """ self.setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=cfg.language_model.config_file, config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.language_model.config) if cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, ) self.punct_classifier = TokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=len(self._cfg.punct_label_ids), activation=cfg.punct_head.activation, log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.punct_head.fc_dropout, num_layers=cfg.punct_head.punct_num_fc_layers, use_transformer_init=cfg.punct_head.use_transformer_init, ) self.capit_classifier = TokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=len(self._cfg.capit_label_ids), activation=cfg.capit_head.activation, log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.capit_head.fc_dropout, num_layers=cfg.capit_head.capit_num_fc_layers, use_transformer_init=cfg.capit_head.use_transformer_init, ) self.loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.agg_loss = AggregatorLoss(num_inputs=2) # setup to track metrics self.punct_class_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self._cfg.punct_label_ids), label_ids=self._cfg.punct_label_ids, mode='macro', dist_sync_on_step=True, ) self.capit_class_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self._cfg.capit_label_ids), label_ids=self._cfg.capit_label_ids, mode='macro', dist_sync_on_step=True, ) @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids=None): """ No special modification required for Lightning, define it as you normally would in the `nn.Module` in vanilla PyTorch. """ hidden_states = self.bert_model( input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask ) punct_logits = self.punct_classifier(hidden_states=hidden_states) capit_logits = self.capit_classifier(hidden_states=hidden_states) return punct_logits, capit_logits def _make_step(self, batch): input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, subtokens_mask, loss_mask, punct_labels, capit_labels = batch punct_logits, capit_logits = self( input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask ) punct_loss = self.loss(logits=punct_logits, labels=punct_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) capit_loss = self.loss(logits=capit_logits, labels=capit_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) loss = self.agg_loss(loss_1=punct_loss, loss_2=capit_loss) return loss, punct_logits, capit_logits def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ loss, _, _ = self._make_step(batch) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) self.log('train_loss', loss) return {'loss': loss, 'lr': lr} def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ _, _, _, subtokens_mask, _, punct_labels, capit_labels = batch val_loss, punct_logits, capit_logits = self._make_step(batch) subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 punct_preds = torch.argmax(punct_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] punct_labels = punct_labels[subtokens_mask] self.punct_class_report.update(punct_preds, punct_labels) capit_preds = torch.argmax(capit_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] capit_labels = capit_labels[subtokens_mask] self.capit_class_report.update(capit_preds, capit_labels) return { 'val_loss': val_loss, 'punct_tp':, 'punct_fn': self.punct_class_report.fn, 'punct_fp': self.punct_class_report.fp, 'capit_tp':, 'capit_fn': self.capit_class_report.fn, 'capit_fp': self.capit_class_report.fp, } def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ _, _, _, subtokens_mask, _, punct_labels, capit_labels = batch test_loss, punct_logits, capit_logits = self._make_step(batch) subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 punct_preds = torch.argmax(punct_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] punct_labels = punct_labels[subtokens_mask] self.punct_class_report.update(punct_preds, punct_labels) capit_preds = torch.argmax(capit_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] capit_labels = capit_labels[subtokens_mask] self.capit_class_report.update(capit_preds, capit_labels) return { 'test_loss': test_loss, 'punct_tp':, 'punct_fn': self.punct_class_report.fn, 'punct_fp': self.punct_class_report.fp, 'capit_tp':, 'capit_fn': self.capit_class_report.fn, 'capit_fp': self.capit_class_report.fp, } def multi_validation_epoch_end(self, outputs, dataloader_idx: int = 0): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ avg_loss = torch.stack([x['val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and log classification report for Punctuation task punct_precision, punct_recall, punct_f1, punct_report = self.punct_class_report.compute()'Punctuation report: {punct_report}') # calculate metrics and log classification report for Capitalization task capit_precision, capit_recall, capit_f1, capit_report = self.capit_class_report.compute()'Capitalization report: {capit_report}') self.log('val_loss', avg_loss, prog_bar=True) self.log('punct_precision', punct_precision) self.log('punct_f1', punct_f1) self.log('punct_recall', punct_recall) self.log('capit_precision', capit_precision) self.log('capit_f1', capit_f1) self.log('capit_recall', capit_recall) def multi_test_epoch_end(self, outputs, dataloader_idx: int = 0): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ avg_loss = torch.stack([x['test_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and log classification report for Punctuation task punct_precision, punct_recall, punct_f1, punct_report = self.punct_class_report.compute()'Punctuation report: {punct_report}') # calculate metrics and log classification report for Capitalization task capit_precision, capit_recall, capit_f1, capit_report = self.capit_class_report.compute()'Capitalization report: {capit_report}') self.log('test_loss', avg_loss, prog_bar=True) self.log('punct_precision', punct_precision) self.log('punct_f1', punct_f1) self.log('punct_recall', punct_recall) self.log('capit_precision', capit_precision) self.log('capit_f1', capit_f1) self.log('capit_recall', capit_recall) def update_data_dir(self, data_dir: str) -> None: """ Update data directory Args: data_dir: path to data directory """ if os.path.exists(data_dir):'Setting model.dataset.data_dir to {data_dir}.') self._cfg.dataset.data_dir = data_dir else: raise ValueError(f'{data_dir} not found') def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig] = None): """Setup training data""" if train_data_config is None: train_data_config = self._cfg.train_ds # for older(pre - 1.0.0.b3) configs compatibility if not hasattr(self._cfg, "class_labels") or self._cfg.class_labels is None: OmegaConf.set_struct(self._cfg, False) self._cfg.class_labels = {} self._cfg.class_labels = OmegaConf.create( {'punct_labels_file': 'punct_label_ids.csv', 'capit_labels_file': 'capit_label_ids.csv'} ) self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=train_data_config) if not torch.distributed.is_initialized() or torch.distributed.get_rank() == 0: self.register_artifact( self._cfg.class_labels.punct_labels_file, self._train_dl.dataset.punct_label_ids_file ) self.register_artifact( self._cfg.class_labels.capit_labels_file, self._train_dl.dataset.capit_label_ids_file ) # save label maps to the config self._cfg.punct_label_ids = OmegaConf.create(self._train_dl.dataset.punct_label_ids) self._cfg.capit_label_ids = OmegaConf.create(self._train_dl.dataset.capit_label_ids) def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[Dict] = None): """ Setup validaton data val_data_config: validation data config """ if val_data_config is None: val_data_config = self._cfg.validation_ds self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=val_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[Dict] = None): if test_data_config is None: test_data_config = self._cfg.test_ds self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=test_data_config) def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig): # use data_dir specified in the ds_item to run evaluation on multiple datasets if 'ds_item' in cfg and cfg.ds_item is not None: data_dir = cfg.ds_item else: data_dir = self._cfg.dataset.data_dir text_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.text_file) label_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.labels_file) dataset = BertPunctuationCapitalizationDataset( tokenizer=self.tokenizer, text_file=text_file, label_file=label_file, pad_label=self._cfg.dataset.pad_label, punct_label_ids=self._cfg.punct_label_ids, capit_label_ids=self._cfg.capit_label_ids, max_seq_length=self._cfg.dataset.max_seq_length, ignore_extra_tokens=self._cfg.dataset.ignore_extra_tokens, ignore_start_end=self._cfg.dataset.ignore_start_end, use_cache=self._cfg.dataset.use_cache, num_samples=cfg.num_samples, punct_label_ids_file=self._cfg.class_labels.punct_labels_file if 'class_labels' in self._cfg else 'punct_label_ids.csv', capit_label_ids_file=self._cfg.class_labels.capit_labels_file if 'class_labels' in self._cfg else 'capit_label_ids.csv', ) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=self._cfg.dataset.num_workers, pin_memory=self._cfg.dataset.pin_memory, drop_last=self._cfg.dataset.drop_last, ) def _setup_infer_dataloader(self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int) -> '': """ Setup function for a infer data loader. Args: queries: lower cased text without punctuation batch_size: batch size to use during inference Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ dataset = BertPunctuationCapitalizationInferDataset( tokenizer=self.tokenizer, queries=queries, max_seq_length=self._cfg.dataset.max_seq_length ) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=self._cfg.dataset.num_workers, pin_memory=self._cfg.dataset.pin_memory, drop_last=False, ) def add_punctuation_capitalization(self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int = None) -> List[str]: """ Adds punctuation and capitalization to the queries. Use this method for debugging and prototyping. Args: queries: lower cased text without punctuation batch_size: batch size to use during inference Returns: result: text with added capitalization and punctuation """ if queries is None or len(queries) == 0: return [] if batch_size is None: batch_size = len(queries)'Using batch size {batch_size} for inference') # We will store the output here result = [] # Model's mode and device mode = device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' try: # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() self = infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader(queries, batch_size) # store predictions for all queries in a single list all_punct_preds = [] all_capit_preds = [] for batch in infer_datalayer: input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, subtokens_mask = batch punct_logits, capit_logits = self.forward(,,, ) subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 punct_preds = tensor2list(torch.argmax(punct_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask]) capit_preds = tensor2list(torch.argmax(capit_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask]) all_punct_preds.extend(punct_preds) all_capit_preds.extend(capit_preds) queries = [q.strip().split() for q in queries] queries_len = [len(q) for q in queries] if sum(queries_len) != len(all_punct_preds) or sum(queries_len) != len(all_capit_preds): raise ValueError('Pred and words must have the same length') punct_ids_to_labels = {v: k for k, v in self._cfg.punct_label_ids.items()} capit_ids_to_labels = {v: k for k, v in self._cfg.capit_label_ids.items()} start_idx = 0 end_idx = 0 for query in queries: end_idx += len(query) # extract predictions for the current query from the list of all predictions punct_preds = all_punct_preds[start_idx:end_idx] capit_preds = all_capit_preds[start_idx:end_idx] start_idx = end_idx query_with_punct_and_capit = '' for j, word in enumerate(query): punct_label = punct_ids_to_labels[punct_preds[j]] capit_label = capit_ids_to_labels[capit_preds[j]] if capit_label != self._cfg.dataset.pad_label: word = word.capitalize() query_with_punct_and_capit += word if punct_label != self._cfg.dataset.pad_label: query_with_punct_and_capit += punct_label query_with_punct_and_capit += ' ' result.append(query_with_punct_and_capit.strip()) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) return result @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained model which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] result.append( PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="Punctuation_Capitalization_with_BERT", location="", description="The model was trained with NeMo BERT base uncased checkpoint on a subset of data from the following sources: Tatoeba sentences, books from Project Gutenberg, Fisher transcripts.", ) ) result.append( PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="Punctuation_Capitalization_with_DistilBERT", location="", description="The model was trained with DiltilBERT base uncased checkpoint from HuggingFace on a subset of data from the following sources: Tatoeba sentences, books from Project Gutenberg, Fisher transcripts.", ) ) return result def _prepare_for_export(self): return self.bert_model._prepare_for_export() def export( self, output: str, input_example=None, output_example=None, verbose=False, export_params=True, do_constant_folding=True, keep_initializers_as_inputs=False, onnx_opset_version: int = 12, try_script: bool = False, set_eval: bool = True, check_trace: bool = True, use_dynamic_axes: bool = True, ): """ Unlike other models' export() this one creates 5 output files, not 3: punct_<output> - fused punctuation model (BERT+PunctuationClassifier) capit_<output> - fused capitalization model (BERT+CapitalizationClassifier) bert_<output> - common BERT neural net punct_classifier_<output> - Punctuation Classifier neural net capt_classifier_<output> - Capitalization Classifier neural net """ if input_example is not None or output_example is not None: logging.warning( "Passed input and output examples will be ignored and recomputed since" " PunctuationCapitalizationModel consists of three separate models with different" " inputs and outputs." ) qual_name = self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__qualname__ output1 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'bert_' + os.path.basename(output)) output1_descr = qual_name + ' BERT exported to ONNX' bert_model_onnx = self.bert_model.export( output1, None, # computed by input_example() None, verbose, export_params, do_constant_folding, keep_initializers_as_inputs, onnx_opset_version, try_script, set_eval, check_trace, use_dynamic_axes, ) output2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'punct_classifier_' + os.path.basename(output)) output2_descr = qual_name + ' Punctuation Classifier exported to ONNX' punct_classifier_onnx = self.punct_classifier.export( output2, None, # computed by input_example() None, verbose, export_params, do_constant_folding, keep_initializers_as_inputs, onnx_opset_version, try_script, set_eval, check_trace, use_dynamic_axes, ) output3 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'capit_classifier_' + os.path.basename(output)) output3_descr = qual_name + ' Capitalization Classifier exported to ONNX' capit_classifier_onnx = self.capit_classifier.export( output3, None, # computed by input_example() None, verbose, export_params, do_constant_folding, keep_initializers_as_inputs, onnx_opset_version, try_script, set_eval, check_trace, use_dynamic_axes, ) punct_output_model = attach_onnx_to_onnx(bert_model_onnx, punct_classifier_onnx, "PTCL") output4 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'punct_' + os.path.basename(output)) output4_descr = qual_name + ' Punctuation BERT+Classifier exported to ONNX', output4) capit_output_model = attach_onnx_to_onnx(bert_model_onnx, capit_classifier_onnx, "CPCL") output5 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'capit_' + os.path.basename(output)) output5_descr = qual_name + ' Capitalization BERT+Classifier exported to ONNX', output5) return ( [output1, output2, output3, output4, output5], [output1_descr, output2_descr, output3_descr, output4_descr, output5_descr], )
class DuplexTaggerModel(NLPModel): """ Transformer-based (duplex) tagger model for TN/ITN. """ def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): self._tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(cfg.tokenizer, add_prefix_space=True) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.num_labels = len(constants.ALL_TAG_LABELS) self.model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained( cfg.transformer, num_labels=self.num_labels) self.transformer_name = cfg.transformer # Loss Functions self.loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( ignore_index=constants.LABEL_PAD_TOKEN_ID) # setup to track metrics label_ids = {l: idx for idx, l in enumerate(constants.ALL_TAG_LABELS)} self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( self.num_labels, label_ids, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True) # Language self.lang = cfg.get('lang', None) # Training def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ num_labels = self.num_labels # Apply Transformer tag_logits = self.model(batch['input_ids'], batch['attention_mask']).logits # Loss train_loss = self.loss_fct(tag_logits.view(-1, num_labels), batch['labels'].view(-1)) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('train_loss', train_loss) self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) return {'loss': train_loss, 'lr': lr} # Validation and Testing def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ # Apply Transformer tag_logits = self.model(batch['input_ids'], batch['attention_mask']).logits tag_preds = torch.argmax(tag_logits, dim=2) # Update classification_report predictions, labels = tag_preds.tolist(), batch['labels'].tolist() for prediction, label in zip(predictions, labels): cur_preds = [ p for (p, l) in zip(prediction, label) if l != constants.LABEL_PAD_TOKEN_ID ] cur_labels = [ l for (p, l) in zip(prediction, label) if l != constants.LABEL_PAD_TOKEN_ID ] self.classification_report( torch.tensor(cur_preds).to(self.device), torch.tensor(cur_labels).to(self.device)) def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ # calculate metrics and classification report precision, _, _, report = self.classification_report.compute() self.log('val_token_precision', precision) self.classification_report.reset() def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each test step. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) # Functions for inference @torch.no_grad() def _infer(self, sents: List[List[str]], inst_directions: List[str]): """ Main function for Inference Args: sents: A list of inputs tokenized by a basic tokenizer. inst_directions: A list of str where each str indicates the direction of the corresponding instance (i.e., INST_BACKWARD for ITN or INST_FORWARD for TN). Returns: all_tag_preds: A list of list where each list contains the raw tag predictions for the corresponding input. nb_spans: A list of ints where each int indicates the number of semiotic spans in each input. span_starts: A list of lists where each list contains the starting locations of semiotic spans in an input. span_ends: A list of lists where each list contains the ending locations of semiotic spans in an input. """ self.eval() # Append prefix texts = [] for ix, sent in enumerate(sents): if inst_directions[ix] == constants.INST_BACKWARD: prefix = constants.ITN_PREFIX if inst_directions[ix] == constants.INST_FORWARD: prefix = constants.TN_PREFIX texts.append([prefix] + sent) # Apply the model encodings = self._tokenizer(texts, is_split_into_words=True, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt') logits = self.model(** pred_indexes = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1).tolist() # Extract all_tag_preds for words all_tag_preds = [] batch_size, max_len = encodings['input_ids'].size() for ix in range(batch_size): raw_tag_preds = [ constants.ALL_TAG_LABELS[p] for p in pred_indexes[ix][2:] ] # remove first special token and task prefix token tag_preds, previous_word_idx = [], None word_ids = encodings.word_ids(batch_index=ix)[2:] for jx, word_idx in enumerate(word_ids): if word_idx is None: continue if word_idx != previous_word_idx: tag_preds.append( raw_tag_preds[jx]) # without special token at index 0 previous_word_idx = word_idx all_tag_preds.append(tag_preds) # Postprocessing all_tag_preds = [ self.postprocess_tag_preds(words, inst_dir, ps) for words, inst_dir, ps in zip(sents, inst_directions, all_tag_preds) ] # Decoding nb_spans, span_starts, span_ends = self.decode_tag_preds(all_tag_preds) return all_tag_preds, nb_spans, span_starts, span_ends def postprocess_tag_preds(self, words, inst_dir, preds): """ Function for postprocessing the raw tag predictions of the model. It corrects obvious mistakes in the tag predictions such as a TRANSFORM span starts with I_TRANSFORM_TAG (instead of B_TRANSFORM_TAG). Args: words: The words in the input sentence inst_dir: The direction of the instance (i.e., INST_BACKWARD or INST_FORWARD). preds: The raw tag predictions Returns: The processed raw tag predictions """ final_preds = [] for ix, p in enumerate(preds): # a TRANSFORM span starts with I_TRANSFORM_TAG, change to B_TRANSFORM_TAG if p == constants.I_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG: if ix == 0 or (not constants.TRANSFORM_TAG in final_preds[ix - 1]): final_preds.append(constants.B_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG) continue # a span has numbers but does not have TRANSFORM tags (for TN) if inst_dir == constants.INST_FORWARD: if has_numbers( words[ix]) and (not constants.TRANSFORM_TAG in p): final_preds.append(constants.B_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG) continue # Convert B-TASK tag to B-SAME tag if p == constants.B_PREFIX + constants.TASK_TAG: final_preds.append(constants.B_PREFIX + constants.SAME_TAG) continue # Default final_preds.append(p) return final_preds def decode_tag_preds(self, tag_preds): """ Decoding the raw tag predictions to locate the semiotic spans in the input texts. Args: tag_preds: A list of list where each list contains the raw tag predictions for the corresponding input. Returns: nb_spans: A list of ints where each int indicates the number of semiotic spans in each input. span_starts: A list of lists where each list contains the starting locations of semiotic spans in an input. span_ends: A list of lists where each list contains the ending locations of semiotic spans in an input. """ nb_spans, span_starts, span_ends = [], [], [] for i, preds in enumerate(tag_preds): cur_nb_spans, cur_span_start = 0, None cur_span_starts, cur_span_ends = [], [] for ix, pred in enumerate(preds + ['EOS']): if pred != constants.I_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG: if not cur_span_start is None: cur_nb_spans += 1 cur_span_starts.append(cur_span_start) cur_span_ends.append(ix - 1) cur_span_start = None if pred == constants.B_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG: cur_span_start = ix nb_spans.append(cur_nb_spans) span_starts.append(cur_span_starts) span_ends.append(cur_span_ends) return nb_spans, span_starts, span_ends # Functions for processing data def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not train_data_config or not train_data_config.data_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the train is missing, so no data loader for train is created!" ) self._train_dl = None return self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=train_data_config, mode="train") def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not val_data_config or not val_data_config.data_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the validation is missing, so no data loader for validation is created!" ) self._validation_dl = None return self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=val_data_config, mode="val") def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not test_data_config or test_data_config.data_path is None: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the test is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=test_data_config, mode="test") def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig, mode: str): start_time = perf_counter()'Creating {mode} dataset') input_file = cfg.data_path tagger_data_augmentation = cfg.get('tagger_data_augmentation', False) dataset = TextNormalizationTaggerDataset( input_file, self._tokenizer, self.transformer_name, cfg.mode, cfg.do_basic_tokenize, tagger_data_augmentation, cfg.lang, cfg.get('use_cache', False), cfg.get('max_insts', -1), ) data_collator = DataCollatorForTokenClassification(self._tokenizer) dl =, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, collate_fn=data_collator) running_time = perf_counter() - start_time'Took {running_time} seconds') return dl @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained model which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] return result
class IntentSlotClassificationModel(NLPModel): @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.bert_model.input_types @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.classifier.output_types def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Initializes BERT Joint Intent and Slot model. """ self.max_seq_length = cfg.language_model.max_seq_length # Setup tokenizer. self.setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) # Check the presence of data_dir. if not cfg.data_dir or not os.path.exists(cfg.data_dir): # Disable setup methods. IntentSlotClassificationModel._set_model_restore_state(is_being_restored=True) # Set default values of data_desc. self._set_defaults_data_desc(cfg) else: self.data_dir = cfg.data_dir # Update configuration of data_desc. self._set_data_desc_to_cfg(cfg, cfg.data_dir, cfg.train_ds, cfg.validation_ds) # init superclass super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) # Enable setup methods. IntentSlotClassificationModel._set_model_restore_state(is_being_restored=False) # Initialize Bert model self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=self.cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=self.register_artifact('language_model.config_file', cfg.language_model.config_file), config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(self.cfg.language_model.config) if self.cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=self.cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, vocab_file=self.register_artifact('tokenizer.vocab_file', cfg.tokenizer.vocab_file), ) # Initialize Classifier. self._reconfigure_classifier() def _set_defaults_data_desc(self, cfg): """ Method makes sure that cfg.data_desc params are set. If not, set's them to "dummy" defaults. """ if not hasattr(cfg, "data_desc"): OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, False) cfg.data_desc = {} # Intents. cfg.data_desc.intent_labels = " " cfg.data_desc.intent_label_ids = {" ": 0} cfg.data_desc.intent_weights = [1] # Slots. cfg.data_desc.slot_labels = " " cfg.data_desc.slot_label_ids = {" ": 0} cfg.data_desc.slot_weights = [1] cfg.data_desc.pad_label = "O" OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, True) def _set_data_desc_to_cfg(self, cfg, data_dir, train_ds, validation_ds): """ Method creates IntentSlotDataDesc and copies generated values to cfg.data_desc. """ # Save data from data desc to config - so it can be reused later, e.g. in inference. data_desc = IntentSlotDataDesc(data_dir=data_dir, modes=[train_ds.prefix, validation_ds.prefix]) OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, False) if not hasattr(cfg, "data_desc") or cfg.data_desc is None: cfg.data_desc = {} # Intents. cfg.data_desc.intent_labels = list(data_desc.intents_label_ids.keys()) cfg.data_desc.intent_label_ids = data_desc.intents_label_ids cfg.data_desc.intent_weights = data_desc.intent_weights # Slots. cfg.data_desc.slot_labels = list(data_desc.slots_label_ids.keys()) cfg.data_desc.slot_label_ids = data_desc.slots_label_ids cfg.data_desc.slot_weights = data_desc.slot_weights cfg.data_desc.pad_label = data_desc.pad_label # for older(pre - 1.0.0.b3) configs compatibility if not hasattr(cfg, "class_labels") or cfg.class_labels is None: cfg.class_labels = {} cfg.class_labels = OmegaConf.create( {'intent_labels_file': 'intent_labels.csv', 'slot_labels_file': 'slot_labels.csv'} ) slot_labels_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.class_labels.slot_labels_file) intent_labels_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.class_labels.intent_labels_file) self._save_label_ids(data_desc.slots_label_ids, slot_labels_file) self._save_label_ids(data_desc.intents_label_ids, intent_labels_file) self.register_artifact(cfg.class_labels.intent_labels_file, intent_labels_file) self.register_artifact(cfg.class_labels.slot_labels_file, slot_labels_file) OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, True) def _save_label_ids(self, label_ids: Dict[str, int], filename: str) -> None: """ Saves label ids map to a file """ with open(filename, 'w') as out: labels, _ = zip(*sorted(label_ids.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])) out.write('\n'.join(labels))'Labels: {label_ids}')'Labels mapping saved to : {}') def _reconfigure_classifier(self): """ Method reconfigures the classifier depending on the settings of model cfg.data_desc """ self.classifier = SequenceTokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_intents=len(self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels), num_slots=len(self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels), dropout=self.cfg.head.fc_dropout, num_layers=self.cfg.head.num_output_layers, log_softmax=False, ) # define losses if self.cfg.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss': # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=2, weight=self.cfg.data_desc.intent_weights) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3, weight=self.cfg.data_desc.slot_weights) else: self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=2) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.total_loss = AggregatorLoss( num_inputs=2, weights=[self.cfg.intent_loss_weight, 1.0 - self.cfg.intent_loss_weight] ) # setup to track metrics self.intent_classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels), label_ids=self.cfg.data_desc.intent_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode='micro', ) self.slot_classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels), label_ids=self.cfg.data_desc.slot_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode='micro', ) def update_data_dir_for_training(self, data_dir: str, train_ds, validation_ds) -> None: """ Update data directory and get data stats with Data Descriptor. Also, reconfigures the classifier - to cope with data with e.g. different number of slots. Args: data_dir: path to data directory """'Setting data_dir to {data_dir}.') self.data_dir = data_dir # Update configuration with new data. self._set_data_desc_to_cfg(self.cfg, data_dir, train_ds, validation_ds) # Reconfigure the classifier for different settings (number of intents, slots etc.). self._reconfigure_classifier() def update_data_dir_for_testing(self, data_dir) -> None: """ Update data directory. Args: data_dir: path to data directory """'Setting data_dir to {data_dir}.') self.data_dir = data_dir @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask): """ No special modification required for Lightning, define it as you normally would in the `nn.Module` in vanilla PyTorch. """ hidden_states = self.bert_model( input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask ) intent_logits, slot_logits = self.classifier(hidden_states=hidden_states) return intent_logits, slot_logits def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ # forward pass input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask, intent_labels, slot_labels = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self( input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask ) # calculate combined loss for intents and slots intent_loss = self.intent_loss(logits=intent_logits, labels=intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_loss(logits=slot_logits, labels=slot_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) train_loss = self.total_loss(loss_1=intent_loss, loss_2=slot_loss) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('train_loss', train_loss) self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) return { 'loss': train_loss, 'lr': lr, } def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask, intent_labels, slot_labels = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self( input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask ) # calculate combined loss for intents and slots intent_loss = self.intent_loss(logits=intent_logits, labels=intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_loss(logits=slot_logits, labels=slot_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) val_loss = self.total_loss(loss_1=intent_loss, loss_2=slot_loss) # calculate accuracy metrics for intents and slot reporting # intents preds = torch.argmax(intent_logits, axis=-1) self.intent_classification_report.update(preds, intent_labels) # slots subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 preds = torch.argmax(slot_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] slot_labels = slot_labels[subtokens_mask] self.slot_classification_report.update(preds, slot_labels) return { 'val_loss': val_loss, 'intent_tp':, 'intent_fn': self.intent_classification_report.fn, 'intent_fp': self.intent_classification_report.fp, 'slot_tp':, 'slot_fn': self.slot_classification_report.fn, 'slot_fp': self.slot_classification_report.fp, } def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ avg_loss = torch.stack([x['val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and log classification report (separately for intents and slots) intent_precision, intent_recall, intent_f1, intent_report = self.intent_classification_report.compute()'Intent report: {intent_report}') slot_precision, slot_recall, slot_f1, slot_report = self.slot_classification_report.compute()'Slot report: {slot_report}') self.log('val_loss', avg_loss) self.log('intent_precision', intent_precision) self.log('intent_recall', intent_recall) self.log('intent_f1', intent_f1) self.log('slot_precision', slot_precision) self.log('slot_recall', slot_recall) self.log('slot_f1', slot_f1) return { 'val_loss': avg_loss, 'intent_precision': intent_precision, 'intent_recall': intent_recall, 'intent_f1': intent_f1, 'slot_precision': slot_precision, 'slot_recall': slot_recall, 'slot_f1': slot_f1, } def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each test step. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=train_data_config) def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=val_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=test_data_config) def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig): input_file = f'{self.data_dir}/{cfg.prefix}.tsv' slot_file = f'{self.data_dir}/{cfg.prefix}_slots.tsv' if not (os.path.exists(input_file) and os.path.exists(slot_file)): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{input_file} or {slot_file} not found. Please refer to the documentation for the right format \ of Intents and Slots files.' ) dataset = IntentSlotClassificationDataset( input_file=input_file, slot_file=slot_file, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, max_seq_length=self.max_seq_length, num_samples=cfg.num_samples, pad_label=self.cfg.data_desc.pad_label, ignore_extra_tokens=self.cfg.ignore_extra_tokens, ignore_start_end=self.cfg.ignore_start_end, ) return DataLoader( dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.num_workers, pin_memory=cfg.pin_memory, drop_last=cfg.drop_last, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) def _setup_infer_dataloader(self, queries: List[str], test_ds) -> '': """ Setup function for a infer data loader. Args: queries: text batch_size: batch size to use during inference Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ dataset = IntentSlotInferenceDataset( tokenizer=self.tokenizer, queries=queries, max_seq_length=-1, do_lower_case=False ) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=test_ds.batch_size, shuffle=test_ds.shuffle, num_workers=test_ds.num_workers, pin_memory=test_ds.pin_memory, drop_last=test_ds.drop_last, ) def predict_from_examples(self, queries: List[str], test_ds) -> List[List[str]]: """ Get prediction for the queries (intent and slots) Args: queries: text sequences test_ds: Dataset configuration section. Returns: predicted_intents, predicted_slots: model intent and slot predictions """ predicted_intents = [] predicted_slots = [] mode = try: device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' # Retrieve intent and slot vocabularies from configuration. intent_labels = self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels slot_labels = self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels # Initialize tokenizer. # if not hasattr(self, "tokenizer"): # self._setup_tokenizer(self.cfg.tokenizer) # Initialize modules. # self._reconfigure_classifier() # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() # Dataset. infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader(queries, test_ds) for batch in infer_datalayer: input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self.forward(,,, ) # predict intents and slots for these examples # intents intent_preds = tensor2list(torch.argmax(intent_logits, axis=-1)) # convert numerical outputs to Intent and Slot labels from the dictionaries for intent_num in intent_preds: if intent_num < len(intent_labels): predicted_intents.append(intent_labels[int(intent_num)]) else: # should not happen predicted_intents.append("Unknown Intent") # slots slot_preds = torch.argmax(slot_logits, axis=-1) for slot_preds_query, mask_query in zip(slot_preds, subtokens_mask): query_slots = '' for slot, mask in zip(slot_preds_query, mask_query): if mask == 1: if slot < len(slot_labels): query_slots += slot_labels[int(slot)] + ' ' else: query_slots += 'Unknown_slot ' predicted_slots.append(query_slots.strip()) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) return predicted_intents, predicted_slots @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained model which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] model = PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="Joint_Intent_Slot_Assistant", location="", description="This models is trained on this dataset which includes 64 various intents and 55 slots. Final Intent accuracy is about 87%, Slot accuracy is about 89%.", ) result.append(model) return result
class IntentSlotClassificationModel(NLPModel, Exportable): @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.bert_model.input_types @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.classifier.output_types def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Initializes BERT Joint Intent and Slot model. """ self.data_dir = cfg.data_dir self.max_seq_length = cfg.language_model.max_seq_length self.data_desc = IntentSlotDataDesc( data_dir=cfg.data_dir, modes=[cfg.train_ds.prefix, cfg.validation_ds.prefix]) self._setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) # init superclass super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) # initialize Bert model self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=cfg.language_model.config_file, config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.language_model.config) if cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, ) self.classifier = SequenceTokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_intents=self.data_desc.num_intents, num_slots=self.data_desc.num_slots, dropout=cfg.head.fc_dropout, num_layers=cfg.head.num_output_layers, log_softmax=False, ) # define losses if cfg.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss': # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss( logits_ndim=2, weight=self.data_desc.intent_weights) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss( logits_ndim=3, weight=self.data_desc.slot_weights) else: self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=2) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.total_loss = AggregatorLoss( num_inputs=2, weights=[cfg.intent_loss_weight, 1.0 - cfg.intent_loss_weight]) # setup to track metrics self.intent_classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=self.data_desc.num_intents, label_ids=self.data_desc.intents_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode='micro', ) self.slot_classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=self.data_desc.num_slots, label_ids=self.data_desc.slots_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode='micro', ) def update_data_dir(self, data_dir: str) -> None: """ Update data directory and get data stats with Data Descriptor Weights are later used to setup loss Args: data_dir: path to data directory """ self.data_dir = data_dir'Setting model.data_dir to {data_dir}.') @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask): """ No special modification required for Lightning, define it as you normally would in the `nn.Module` in vanilla PyTorch. """ hidden_states = self.bert_model(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) intent_logits, slot_logits = self.classifier( hidden_states=hidden_states) return intent_logits, slot_logits def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ # forward pass input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask, intent_labels, slot_labels = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) # calculate combined loss for intents and slots intent_loss = self.intent_loss(logits=intent_logits, labels=intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_loss(logits=slot_logits, labels=slot_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) train_loss = self.total_loss(loss_1=intent_loss, loss_2=slot_loss) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('train_loss', train_loss) self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) return { 'loss': train_loss, 'lr': lr, } def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask, intent_labels, slot_labels = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) # calculate combined loss for intents and slots intent_loss = self.intent_loss(logits=intent_logits, labels=intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_loss(logits=slot_logits, labels=slot_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) val_loss = self.total_loss(loss_1=intent_loss, loss_2=slot_loss) # calculate accuracy metrics for intents and slot reporting # intents preds = torch.argmax(intent_logits, axis=-1) self.intent_classification_report.update(preds, intent_labels) # slots subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 preds = torch.argmax(slot_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] slot_labels = slot_labels[subtokens_mask] self.slot_classification_report.update(preds, slot_labels) return { 'val_loss': val_loss, 'intent_tp':, 'intent_fn': self.intent_classification_report.fn, 'intent_fp': self.intent_classification_report.fp, 'slot_tp':, 'slot_fn': self.slot_classification_report.fn, 'slot_fp': self.slot_classification_report.fp, } def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ avg_loss = torch.stack([x['val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and log classification report (separately for intents and slots) intent_precision, intent_recall, intent_f1, intent_report = self.intent_classification_report.compute( )'Intent report: {intent_report}') slot_precision, slot_recall, slot_f1, slot_report = self.slot_classification_report.compute( )'Slot report: {slot_report}') self.log('val_loss', avg_loss) self.log('intent_precision', intent_precision) self.log('intent_recall', intent_recall) self.log('intent_f1', intent_f1) self.log('slot_precision', slot_precision) self.log('slot_recall', slot_recall) self.log('slot_f1', slot_f1) return { 'val_loss': avg_loss, 'intent_precision': intent_precision, 'intent_recall': intent_recall, 'intent_f1': intent_f1, 'slot_precision': slot_precision, 'slot_recall': slot_recall, 'slot_f1': slot_f1, } def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each test step. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=train_data_config) def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=val_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=test_data_config) def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig): input_file = f'{self.data_dir}/{cfg.prefix}.tsv' slot_file = f'{self.data_dir}/{cfg.prefix}_slots.tsv' if not (os.path.exists(input_file) and os.path.exists(slot_file)): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{input_file} or {slot_file} not found. Please refer to the documentation for the right format \ of Intents and Slots files.') dataset = IntentSlotClassificationDataset( input_file=input_file, slot_file=slot_file, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, max_seq_length=self.max_seq_length, num_samples=cfg.num_samples, pad_label=self.data_desc.pad_label, ignore_extra_tokens=self._cfg.ignore_extra_tokens, ignore_start_end=self._cfg.ignore_start_end, ) return DataLoader( dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.num_workers, pin_memory=cfg.pin_memory, drop_last=cfg.drop_last, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) def _setup_infer_dataloader( self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int) -> '': """ Setup function for a infer data loader. Args: queries: text batch_size: batch size to use during inference Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ dataset = IntentSlotInferenceDataset(tokenizer=self.tokenizer, queries=queries, max_seq_length=-1, do_lower_case=False) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=self._cfg.test_ds.num_workers, pin_memory=self._cfg.test_ds.pin_memory, drop_last=False, ) def predict_from_examples(self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int = 32) -> List[List[str]]: """ Get prediction for the queries (intent and slots) Args: queries: text sequences batch_size: batch size to use during inference Returns: predicted_intents, predicted_slots: model intent and slot predictions """ predicted_intents = [] predicted_slots = [] mode = try: device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader(queries, batch_size) # load intent and slot labels from the dictionary files (user should have them in a data directory) intent_labels, slot_labels = IntentSlotDataDesc.intent_slot_dicts( self.data_dir) for batch in infer_datalayer: input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self.forward(,,, ) # predict intents and slots for these examples # intents intent_preds = tensor2list(torch.argmax(intent_logits, axis=-1)) # convert numerical outputs to Intent and Slot labels from the dictionaries for intent_num in intent_preds: if intent_num < len(intent_labels): predicted_intents.append(intent_labels[intent_num]) else: # should not happen predicted_intents.append("Unknown Intent") # slots slot_preds = torch.argmax(slot_logits, axis=-1) for slot_preds_query, mask_query in zip( slot_preds, subtokens_mask): query_slots = '' for slot, mask in zip(slot_preds_query, mask_query): if mask == 1: if slot < len(slot_labels): query_slots += slot_labels[slot] + ' ' else: query_slots += 'Unknown_slot ' predicted_slots.append(query_slots.strip()) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) return predicted_intents, predicted_slots @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained model which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] model = PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="Joint_Intent_Slot_Assistant", location= "", description= "This models is trained on this dataset which includes 64 various intents and 55 slots. Final Intent accuracy is about 87%, Slot accuracy is about 89%.", ) result.append(model) return result def export( self, output: str, input_example=None, output_example=None, verbose=False, export_params=True, do_constant_folding=True, keep_initializers_as_inputs=False, onnx_opset_version: int = 12, try_script: bool = False, set_eval: bool = True, check_trace: bool = True, use_dynamic_axes: bool = True, ): if input_example is not None or output_example is not None: logging.warning( "Passed input and output examples will be ignored and recomputed since" " IntentSlotClassificationModel consists of two separate models with different" " inputs and outputs.") qual_name = self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__qualname__ output1 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'bert_' + os.path.basename(output)) output1_descr = qual_name + ' BERT exported to ONNX' bert_model_onnx = self.bert_model.export( output1, None, # computed by input_example() None, verbose, export_params, do_constant_folding, keep_initializers_as_inputs, onnx_opset_version, try_script, set_eval, check_trace, use_dynamic_axes, ) output2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'classifier_' + os.path.basename(output)) output2_descr = qual_name + ' Classifier exported to ONNX' classifier_onnx = self.classifier.export( output2, None, # computed by input_example() None, verbose, export_params, do_constant_folding, keep_initializers_as_inputs, onnx_opset_version, try_script, set_eval, check_trace, use_dynamic_axes, ) output_model = attach_onnx_to_onnx(bert_model_onnx, classifier_onnx, "ISC") output_descr = qual_name + ' BERT+Classifier exported to ONNX', output) return ([output, output1, output2], [output_descr, output1_descr, output2_descr])
class TextClassificationModel(NLPModel, Exportable): @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.bert_model.input_types @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.classifier.output_types def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """Initializes the BERTTextClassifier model.""" # shared params for dataset and data loaders self.dataset_cfg = cfg.dataset # tokenizer needs to get initialized before the super.__init__() # as dataloaders and datasets need it to process the data self._setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) # init superclass super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=cfg.language_model.config_file, config_dict=cfg.language_model.config, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, ) self.classifier = SequenceClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=cfg.dataset.num_classes, num_layers=cfg.classifier_head.num_output_layers, activation='relu', log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.classifier_head.fc_dropout, use_transformer_init=True, idx_conditioned_on=0, ) class_weights = None if cfg.dataset.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss': if cfg.train_ds.file_path: class_weights = calc_class_weights(cfg.train_ds.file_path, cfg.dataset.num_classes) else: 'Class_balancing feature is enabled but no train file is given. Calculating the class weights is skipped.' ) if class_weights: # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.loss = CrossEntropyLoss(weight=class_weights) else: self.loss = CrossEntropyLoss() # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( cfg.dataset.num_classes) def _setup_tokenizer(self, cfg: DictConfig): tokenizer = get_tokenizer( tokenizer_name=cfg.tokenizer_name, vocab_file=self.register_artifact( config_path='tokenizer.vocab_file', src=cfg.vocab_file), special_tokens=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.special_tokens) if cfg.special_tokens else None, tokenizer_model=self.register_artifact( config_path='tokenizer.tokenizer_model', src=cfg.tokenizer_model), ) self.tokenizer = tokenizer @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask): """ No special modification required for Lightning, define it as you normally would in the `nn.Module` in vanilla PyTorch. """ hidden_states = self.bert_model(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) logits = self.classifier(hidden_states=hidden_states) return logits def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ # forward pass input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, labels = batch logits = self.forward(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) train_loss = self.loss(logits=logits, labels=labels) tensorboard_logs = { 'train_loss': train_loss, 'lr': self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] } return {'loss': train_loss, 'log': tensorboard_logs} def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ if self.testing: prefix = 'test' else: prefix = 'val' input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, labels = batch logits = self.forward(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) val_loss = self.loss(logits=logits, labels=labels) preds = torch.argmax(logits, axis=-1) tp, fp, fn = self.classification_report(preds, labels) tensorboard_logs = { f'{prefix}_loss': val_loss, f'{prefix}_tp': tp, f'{prefix}_fn': fn, f'{prefix}_fp': fp } return {f'{prefix}_loss': val_loss, 'log': tensorboard_logs} def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ if not outputs: return {} if self.testing: prefix = 'test' else: prefix = 'val' avg_loss = torch.stack([x[f'{prefix}_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and log classification report tp = torch.sum( torch.stack([x['log'][f'{prefix}_tp'] for x in outputs]), 0) fn = torch.sum( torch.stack([x['log'][f'{prefix}_fn'] for x in outputs]), 0) fp = torch.sum( torch.stack([x['log'][f'{prefix}_fp'] for x in outputs]), 0) precision, recall, f1 = self.classification_report.get_precision_recall_f1( tp, fn, fp, mode='micro') tensorboard_logs = { f'{prefix}_loss': avg_loss, f'{prefix}_precision': precision, f'{prefix}_recall': recall, f'{prefix}_f1': f1, } return {f'{prefix}_loss': avg_loss, 'log': tensorboard_logs} def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each test step. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not train_data_config or not train_data_config.file_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the train is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=train_data_config) def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not val_data_config or not val_data_config.file_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the validation is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=val_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not test_data_config or not test_data_config.file_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the test is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=test_data_config) def _setup_dataloader_from_config( self, cfg: Dict) -> '': input_file = cfg.file_path if not os.path.exists(input_file): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{input_file} not found! The data should be be stored in TAB-separated files \n\ "validation_ds.file_path" and "train_ds.file_path" for train and evaluation respectively. \n\ Each line of the files contains text sequences, where words are separated with spaces. \n\ The label of the example is separated with TAB at the end of each line. \n\ Each line of the files should follow the format: \n\ [WORD][SPACE][WORD][SPACE][WORD][...][TAB][LABEL]') dataset = TextClassificationDataset( tokenizer=self.tokenizer, input_file=input_file, max_seq_length=self.dataset_cfg.max_seq_length, num_samples=cfg.get("num_samples", -1), shuffle=cfg.shuffle, use_cache=self.dataset_cfg.use_cache, ) return dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.get("num_workers", 0), pin_memory=cfg.get("pin_memory", False), drop_last=cfg.get("drop_last", False), collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) @torch.no_grad() def classifytext(self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int = 1, max_seq_length: int = -1) -> List[int]: """ Get prediction for the queries Args: queries: text sequences batch_size: batch size to use during inference max_seq_length: sequences longer than max_seq_length will get truncated. default -1 disables truncation. Returns: all_preds: model predictions """ # store predictions for all queries in a single list all_preds = [] mode = device = next(self.parameters()).device try: # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() logging_level = logging.get_verbosity() logging.set_verbosity(logging.WARNING) dataloader_cfg = { "batch_size": batch_size, "num_workers": 3, "pin_memory": False } infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader( dataloader_cfg, queries, max_seq_length) for i, batch in enumerate(infer_datalayer): input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, subtokens_mask = batch logits = self.forward(,,, ) preds = tensor2list(torch.argmax(logits, axis=-1)) all_preds.extend(preds) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) logging.set_verbosity(logging_level) return all_preds def _setup_infer_dataloader( self, cfg: Dict, queries: List[str], max_seq_length: int = -1) -> '': """ Setup function for a infer data loader. Args: cfg: config dictionary containing data loader params like batch_size, num_workers and pin_memory queries: text max_seq_length: maximum length of queries, default is -1 for no limit Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ dataset = TextClassificationDataset(tokenizer=self.tokenizer, queries=queries, max_seq_length=max_seq_length) return dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg["batch_size"], shuffle=False, num_workers=cfg.get("num_workers", 0), pin_memory=cfg.get("pin_memory", False), drop_last=False, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: pass @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, name: str): pass def _prepare_for_export(self): return self.bert_model._prepare_for_export() def export( self, output: str, input_example=None, output_example=None, verbose=False, export_params=True, do_constant_folding=True, keep_initializers_as_inputs=False, onnx_opset_version: int = 12, try_script: bool = False, set_eval: bool = True, check_trace: bool = True, use_dynamic_axes: bool = True, ): if input_example is not None or output_example is not None: logging.warning( "Passed input and output examples will be ignored and recomputed since" " TextClassificationModel consists of two separate models with different" " inputs and outputs.") bert_model_onnx = self.bert_model.export( 'bert_' + output, None, # computed by input_example() None, verbose, export_params, do_constant_folding, keep_initializers_as_inputs, onnx_opset_version, try_script, set_eval, check_trace, use_dynamic_axes, ) classifier_onnx = self.classifier.export( 'classifier_' + output, None, # computed by input_example() None, verbose, export_params, do_constant_folding, keep_initializers_as_inputs, onnx_opset_version, try_script, set_eval, check_trace, use_dynamic_axes, ) output_model = attach_onnx_to_onnx(bert_model_onnx, classifier_onnx, "CL"), output)
class PunctuationCapitalizationModel(NLPModel, Exportable): @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.bert_model.input_types @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return { "punct_logits": NeuralType(('B', 'T', 'C'), LogitsType()), "capit_logits": NeuralType(('B', 'T', 'C'), LogitsType()), } def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Initializes BERT Punctuation and Capitalization model. """ self.setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=self.register_artifact('language_model.config_file', cfg.language_model.config_file), config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.language_model.config) if cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, vocab_file=self.register_artifact('tokenizer.vocab_file', cfg.tokenizer.vocab_file), ) self.punct_classifier = TokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=len(self._cfg.punct_label_ids), activation=cfg.punct_head.activation, log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.punct_head.fc_dropout, num_layers=cfg.punct_head.punct_num_fc_layers, use_transformer_init=cfg.punct_head.use_transformer_init, ) self.capit_classifier = TokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=len(self._cfg.capit_label_ids), activation=cfg.capit_head.activation, log_softmax=False, dropout=cfg.capit_head.fc_dropout, num_layers=cfg.capit_head.capit_num_fc_layers, use_transformer_init=cfg.capit_head.use_transformer_init, ) self.loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.agg_loss = AggregatorLoss(num_inputs=2) # setup to track metrics self.punct_class_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self._cfg.punct_label_ids), label_ids=self._cfg.punct_label_ids, mode='macro', dist_sync_on_step=True, ) self.capit_class_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self._cfg.capit_label_ids), label_ids=self._cfg.capit_label_ids, mode='macro', dist_sync_on_step=True, ) @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids=None): """ No special modification required for Lightning, define it as you normally would in the `nn.Module` in vanilla PyTorch. """ hidden_states = self.bert_model( input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask ) punct_logits = self.punct_classifier(hidden_states=hidden_states) capit_logits = self.capit_classifier(hidden_states=hidden_states) return punct_logits, capit_logits def _make_step(self, batch): input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, subtokens_mask, loss_mask, punct_labels, capit_labels = batch punct_logits, capit_logits = self( input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask ) punct_loss = self.loss(logits=punct_logits, labels=punct_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) capit_loss = self.loss(logits=capit_logits, labels=capit_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) loss = self.agg_loss(loss_1=punct_loss, loss_2=capit_loss) return loss, punct_logits, capit_logits def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ loss, _, _ = self._make_step(batch) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) self.log('train_loss', loss) return {'loss': loss, 'lr': lr} def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ _, _, _, subtokens_mask, _, punct_labels, capit_labels = batch val_loss, punct_logits, capit_logits = self._make_step(batch) subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 punct_preds = torch.argmax(punct_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] punct_labels = punct_labels[subtokens_mask] self.punct_class_report.update(punct_preds, punct_labels) capit_preds = torch.argmax(capit_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] capit_labels = capit_labels[subtokens_mask] self.capit_class_report.update(capit_preds, capit_labels) return { 'val_loss': val_loss, 'punct_tp':, 'punct_fn': self.punct_class_report.fn, 'punct_fp': self.punct_class_report.fp, 'capit_tp':, 'capit_fn': self.capit_class_report.fn, 'capit_fp': self.capit_class_report.fp, } def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ _, _, _, subtokens_mask, _, punct_labels, capit_labels = batch test_loss, punct_logits, capit_logits = self._make_step(batch) subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 punct_preds = torch.argmax(punct_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] punct_labels = punct_labels[subtokens_mask] self.punct_class_report.update(punct_preds, punct_labels) capit_preds = torch.argmax(capit_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] capit_labels = capit_labels[subtokens_mask] self.capit_class_report.update(capit_preds, capit_labels) return { 'test_loss': test_loss, 'punct_tp':, 'punct_fn': self.punct_class_report.fn, 'punct_fp': self.punct_class_report.fp, 'capit_tp':, 'capit_fn': self.capit_class_report.fn, 'capit_fp': self.capit_class_report.fp, } def multi_validation_epoch_end(self, outputs, dataloader_idx: int = 0): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ avg_loss = torch.stack([x['val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and log classification report for Punctuation task punct_precision, punct_recall, punct_f1, punct_report = self.punct_class_report.compute()'Punctuation report: {punct_report}') # calculate metrics and log classification report for Capitalization task capit_precision, capit_recall, capit_f1, capit_report = self.capit_class_report.compute()'Capitalization report: {capit_report}') self.log('val_loss', avg_loss, prog_bar=True) self.log('punct_precision', punct_precision) self.log('punct_f1', punct_f1) self.log('punct_recall', punct_recall) self.log('capit_precision', capit_precision) self.log('capit_f1', capit_f1) self.log('capit_recall', capit_recall) self.punct_class_report.reset() self.capit_class_report.reset() def multi_test_epoch_end(self, outputs, dataloader_idx: int = 0): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ avg_loss = torch.stack([x['test_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and log classification report for Punctuation task punct_precision, punct_recall, punct_f1, punct_report = self.punct_class_report.compute()'Punctuation report: {punct_report}') # calculate metrics and log classification report for Capitalization task capit_precision, capit_recall, capit_f1, capit_report = self.capit_class_report.compute()'Capitalization report: {capit_report}') self.log('test_loss', avg_loss, prog_bar=True) self.log('punct_precision', punct_precision) self.log('punct_f1', punct_f1) self.log('punct_recall', punct_recall) self.log('capit_precision', capit_precision) self.log('capit_f1', capit_f1) self.log('capit_recall', capit_recall) def update_data_dir(self, data_dir: str) -> None: """ Update data directory Args: data_dir: path to data directory """ if os.path.exists(data_dir):'Setting model.dataset.data_dir to {data_dir}.') self._cfg.dataset.data_dir = data_dir else: raise ValueError(f'{data_dir} not found') def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig] = None): """Setup training data""" if train_data_config is None: train_data_config = self._cfg.train_ds # for older(pre - 1.0.0.b3) configs compatibility if not hasattr(self._cfg, "class_labels") or self._cfg.class_labels is None: OmegaConf.set_struct(self._cfg, False) self._cfg.class_labels = {} self._cfg.class_labels = OmegaConf.create( {'punct_labels_file': 'punct_label_ids.csv', 'capit_labels_file': 'capit_label_ids.csv'} ) self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=train_data_config) if not torch.distributed.is_initialized() or torch.distributed.get_rank() == 0: self.register_artifact('class_labels.punct_labels_file', self._train_dl.dataset.punct_label_ids_file) self.register_artifact('class_labels.capit_labels_file', self._train_dl.dataset.capit_label_ids_file) # save label maps to the config self._cfg.punct_label_ids = OmegaConf.create(self._train_dl.dataset.punct_label_ids) self._cfg.capit_label_ids = OmegaConf.create(self._train_dl.dataset.capit_label_ids) def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[Dict] = None): """ Setup validaton data val_data_config: validation data config """ if val_data_config is None: val_data_config = self._cfg.validation_ds self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=val_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[Dict] = None): if test_data_config is None: test_data_config = self._cfg.test_ds self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=test_data_config) def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig): # use data_dir specified in the ds_item to run evaluation on multiple datasets if 'ds_item' in cfg and cfg.ds_item is not None: data_dir = cfg.ds_item else: data_dir = self._cfg.dataset.data_dir text_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.text_file) label_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.labels_file) dataset = BertPunctuationCapitalizationDataset( tokenizer=self.tokenizer, text_file=text_file, label_file=label_file, pad_label=self._cfg.dataset.pad_label, punct_label_ids=self._cfg.punct_label_ids, capit_label_ids=self._cfg.capit_label_ids, max_seq_length=self._cfg.dataset.max_seq_length, ignore_extra_tokens=self._cfg.dataset.ignore_extra_tokens, ignore_start_end=self._cfg.dataset.ignore_start_end, use_cache=self._cfg.dataset.use_cache, num_samples=cfg.num_samples, punct_label_ids_file=self._cfg.class_labels.punct_labels_file if 'class_labels' in self._cfg else 'punct_label_ids.csv', capit_label_ids_file=self._cfg.class_labels.capit_labels_file if 'class_labels' in self._cfg else 'capit_label_ids.csv', ) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=self._cfg.dataset.num_workers, pin_memory=self._cfg.dataset.pin_memory, drop_last=self._cfg.dataset.drop_last, ) def _setup_infer_dataloader( self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int, max_seq_length: int, step: int, margin: int, ) -> """ Setup function for a infer data loader. Args: model: a ``PunctuationCapitalizationModel`` instance for which data loader is created. queries: lower cased text without punctuation batch_size: batch size to use during inference max_seq_length: length of segments into which queries are split. ``max_seq_length`` includes ``[CLS]`` and ``[SEP]`` so every segment contains at most ``max_seq_length-2`` tokens from input a query. step: number of tokens by which a segment is offset to a previous segment. Parameter ``step`` cannot be greater than ``max_seq_length-2``. margin: number of tokens near the edge of a segment which label probabilities are not used in final prediction computation. Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ if max_seq_length is None: max_seq_length = self._cfg.dataset.max_seq_length if step is None: step = self._cfg.dataset.step if margin is None: margin = self._cfg.dataset.margin dataset = BertPunctuationCapitalizationInferDataset( tokenizer=self.tokenizer, queries=queries, max_seq_length=max_seq_length, step=step, margin=margin ) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=self._cfg.dataset.num_workers, pin_memory=self._cfg.dataset.pin_memory, drop_last=False, ) @staticmethod def _remove_margins(tensor, margin_size, keep_left, keep_right): tensor = tensor.detach().clone() if not keep_left: tensor = tensor[margin_size + 1 :] # remove left margin and CLS token if not keep_right: tensor = tensor[: tensor.shape[0] - margin_size - 1] # remove right margin and SEP token return tensor def _transform_logit_to_prob_and_remove_margins_and_extract_word_probs( self, punct_logits: torch.Tensor, capit_logits: torch.Tensor, subtokens_mask: torch.Tensor, start_word_ids: Tuple[int], margin: int, is_first: Tuple[bool], is_last: Tuple[bool], ) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray], List[int]]: """ Applies softmax to get punctuation and capitalization probabilities, applies ``subtokens_mask`` to extract probabilities for words from probabilities for tokens, removes ``margin`` probabilities near edges of a segment. Left margin of the first segment in a query and right margin of the last segment in a query are not removed. Calculates new ``start_word_ids`` taking into the account the margins. If the left margin of a segment is removed corresponding start word index is increased by number of words (number of nonzero values in corresponding ``subtokens_mask``) in the margin. Args: punct_logits: a float tensor of shape ``[batch_size, segment_length, number_of_punctuation_labels]`` capit_logits: a float tensor of shape ``[batch_size, segment_length, number_of_capitalization_labels]`` subtokens_mask: a float tensor of shape ``[batch_size, segment_length]`` start_word_ids: indices of segment first words in a query margin: number of tokens near edges of a segment which probabilities are discarded is_first: is segment the first segment in a query is_last: is segment the last segment in a query Returns: b_punct_probs: list containing ``batch_size`` numpy arrays. The numpy arrays have shapes ``[number_of_word_in_this_segment, number_of_punctuation_labels]``. Word punctuation probabilities for segments in the batch. b_capit_probs: list containing ``batch_size`` numpy arrays. The numpy arrays have shapes ``[number_of_word_in_this_segment, number_of_capitalization_labels]``. Word capitalization probabilities for segments in the batch. new_start_word_ids: indices of segment first words in a query after margin removal """ new_start_word_ids = list(start_word_ids) subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 b_punct_probs, b_capit_probs = [], [] for i, (first, last, pl, cl, stm) in enumerate( zip(is_first, is_last, punct_logits, capit_logits, subtokens_mask) ): if not first: new_start_word_ids[i] += torch.count_nonzero(stm[: margin + 1]).numpy() # + 1 is for [CLS] token stm = self._remove_margins(stm, margin, keep_left=first, keep_right=last) for b_probs, logits in [(b_punct_probs, pl), (b_capit_probs, cl)]: p = torch.nn.functional.softmax( self._remove_margins(logits, margin, keep_left=first, keep_right=last)[stm], dim=-1, ) b_probs.append(p.detach().cpu().numpy()) return b_punct_probs, b_capit_probs, new_start_word_ids @staticmethod def _move_acc_probs_to_token_preds( pred: List[int], acc_prob: np.ndarray, number_of_probs_to_move: int ) -> Tuple[List[int], np.ndarray]: """ ``number_of_probs_to_move`` rows in the beginning are removed from ``acc_prob``. From every remove row the label with the largest probability is selected and appended to ``pred``. Args: pred: list with ready label indices for a query acc_prob: numpy array of shape ``[number_of_words_for_which_probabilities_are_accumulated, number_of_labels]`` number_of_probs_to_move: int Returns: pred: list with ready label indices for a query acc_prob: numpy array of shape ``[number_of_words_for_which_probabilities_are_accumulated - number_of_probs_to_move, number_of_labels]`` """ if number_of_probs_to_move > acc_prob.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"Not enough accumulated probabilities. Number_of_probs_to_move={number_of_probs_to_move} " f"acc_prob.shape={acc_prob.shape}" ) if number_of_probs_to_move > 0: pred = pred + list(np.argmax(acc_prob[:number_of_probs_to_move], axis=-1)) acc_prob = acc_prob[number_of_probs_to_move:] return pred, acc_prob @staticmethod def _update_accumulated_probabilities(acc_prob: np.ndarray, update: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Args: acc_prob: numpy array of shape ``[A, L]`` update: numpy array of shape ``[A + N, L]`` Returns: numpy array of shape ``[A + N, L]`` """ acc_prob = np.concatenate([acc_prob * update[: acc_prob.shape[0]], update[acc_prob.shape[0] :]], axis=0) return acc_prob def apply_punct_capit_predictions(self, query: str, punct_preds: List[int], capit_preds: List[int]) -> str: """ Restores punctuation and capitalization in ``query``. Args: query: a string without punctuation and capitalization punct_preds: ids of predicted punctuation labels capit_preds: ids of predicted capitalization labels Returns: a query with restored punctuation and capitalization """ query = query.strip().split() assert len(query) == len( punct_preds ), f"len(query)={len(query)} len(punct_preds)={len(punct_preds)}, query[:30]={query[:30]}" assert len(query) == len( capit_preds ), f"len(query)={len(query)} len(capit_preds)={len(capit_preds)}, query[:30]={query[:30]}" punct_ids_to_labels = {v: k for k, v in self._cfg.punct_label_ids.items()} capit_ids_to_labels = {v: k for k, v in self._cfg.capit_label_ids.items()} query_with_punct_and_capit = '' for j, word in enumerate(query): punct_label = punct_ids_to_labels[punct_preds[j]] capit_label = capit_ids_to_labels[capit_preds[j]] if capit_label != self._cfg.dataset.pad_label: word = word.capitalize() query_with_punct_and_capit += word if punct_label != self._cfg.dataset.pad_label: query_with_punct_and_capit += punct_label query_with_punct_and_capit += ' ' return query_with_punct_and_capit[:-1] def get_labels(self, punct_preds: List[int], capit_preds: List[int]) -> str: """ Returns punctuation and capitalization labels in NeMo format (see user-guide/docs/en/main/nlp/punctuation_and_capitalization.html#nemo-data-format). Args: punct_preds: ids of predicted punctuation labels capit_preds: ids of predicted capitalization labels Returns: labels in NeMo format """ assert len(capit_preds) == len( punct_preds ), f"len(capit_preds)={len(capit_preds)} len(punct_preds)={len(punct_preds)}" punct_ids_to_labels = {v: k for k, v in self._cfg.punct_label_ids.items()} capit_ids_to_labels = {v: k for k, v in self._cfg.capit_label_ids.items()} result = '' for capit_label, punct_label in zip(capit_preds, punct_preds): punct_label = punct_ids_to_labels[punct_label] capit_label = capit_ids_to_labels[capit_label] result += punct_label + capit_label + ' ' return result[:-1] def add_punctuation_capitalization( self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int = None, max_seq_length: int = 64, step: int = 8, margin: int = 16, return_labels: bool = False, ) -> List[str]: """ Adds punctuation and capitalization to the queries. Use this method for inference. Parameters ``max_seq_length``, ``step``, ``margin`` are for controlling the way queries are split into segments which then processed by the model. Parameter ``max_seq_length`` is a length of a segment after tokenization including special tokens [CLS] in the beginning and [SEP] in the end of a segment. Parameter ``step`` is shift between consequent segments. Parameter ``margin`` is used to exclude negative effect of subtokens near borders of segments which have only one side context. If segments overlap, probabilities of overlapping predictions are multiplied and then the label with corresponding to the maximum probability is selected. Args: queries: lower cased text without punctuation batch_size: batch size to use during inference max_seq_length: maximum sequence length of segment after tokenization. step: relative shift of consequent segments into which long queries are split. Long queries are split into segments which can overlap. Parameter ``step`` controls such overlapping. Imagine that queries are tokenized into characters, ``max_seq_length=5``, and ``step=2``. In such a case query "hello" is tokenized into segments ``[['[CLS]', 'h', 'e', 'l', '[SEP]'], ['[CLS]', 'l', 'l', 'o', '[SEP]']]``. margin: number of subtokens in the beginning and the end of segments which are not used for prediction computation. The first segment does not have left margin and the last segment does not have right margin. For example, if input sequence is tokenized into characters, ``max_seq_length=5``, ``step=1``, and ``margin=1``, then query "hello" will be tokenized into segments ``[['[CLS]', 'h', 'e', 'l', '[SEP]'], ['[CLS]', 'e', 'l', 'l', '[SEP]'], ['[CLS]', 'l', 'l', 'o', '[SEP]']]``. These segments are passed to the model. Before final predictions computation, margins are removed. In the next list, subtokens which logits are not used for final predictions computation are marked with asterisk: ``[['[CLS]'*, 'h', 'e', 'l'*, '[SEP]'*], ['[CLS]'*, 'e'*, 'l', 'l'*, '[SEP]'*], ['[CLS]'*, 'l'*, 'l', 'o', '[SEP]'*]]``. return_labels: whether to return labels in NeMo format (see user-guide/docs/en/main/nlp/punctuation_and_capitalization.html#nemo-data-format) instead of queries with restored punctuation and capitalization. Returns: result: text with added capitalization and punctuation or punctuation and capitalization labels """ if len(queries) == 0: return [] if batch_size is None: batch_size = len(queries)'Using batch size {batch_size} for inference') result: List[str] = [] mode = try: self.eval() infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader(queries, batch_size, max_seq_length, step, margin) # Predicted labels for queries. List of labels for every query all_punct_preds: List[List[int]] = [[] for _ in queries] all_capit_preds: List[List[int]] = [[] for _ in queries] # Accumulated probabilities (or product of probabilities acquired from different segments) of punctuation # and capitalization. Probabilities for words in a query are extracted using `subtokens_mask`. Probabilities # for newly processed words are appended to the accumulated probabilities. If probabilities for a word are # already present in `acc_probs`, old probabilities are replaced with a product of old probabilities # and probabilities acquired from new segment. Segments are processed in an order they appear in an # input query. When all segments with a word are processed, a label with the highest probability # (or product of probabilities) is chosen and appended to an appropriate list in `all_preds`. After adding # prediction to `all_preds`, probabilities for a word are removed from `acc_probs`. acc_punct_probs: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None for _ in queries] acc_capit_probs: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None for _ in queries] d = self.device for batch_i, batch in tqdm( enumerate(infer_datalayer), total=ceil(len(infer_datalayer.dataset) / batch_size), unit="batch" ): inp_ids, inp_type_ids, inp_mask, subtokens_mask, start_word_ids, query_ids, is_first, is_last = batch punct_logits, capit_logits = self.forward(,,, ) _res = self._transform_logit_to_prob_and_remove_margins_and_extract_word_probs( punct_logits, capit_logits, subtokens_mask, start_word_ids, margin, is_first, is_last ) punct_probs, capit_probs, start_word_ids = _res for i, (q_i, start_word_id, bpp_i, bcp_i) in enumerate( zip(query_ids, start_word_ids, punct_probs, capit_probs) ): for all_preds, acc_probs, b_probs_i in [ (all_punct_preds, acc_punct_probs, bpp_i), (all_capit_preds, acc_capit_probs, bcp_i), ]: if acc_probs[q_i] is None: acc_probs[q_i] = b_probs_i else: all_preds[q_i], acc_probs[q_i] = self._move_acc_probs_to_token_preds( all_preds[q_i], acc_probs[q_i], start_word_id - len(all_preds[q_i]), ) acc_probs[q_i] = self._update_accumulated_probabilities(acc_probs[q_i], b_probs_i) for all_preds, acc_probs in [(all_punct_preds, acc_punct_probs), (all_capit_preds, acc_capit_probs)]: for q_i, (pred, prob) in enumerate(zip(all_preds, acc_probs)): if prob is not None: all_preds[q_i], acc_probs[q_i] = self._move_acc_probs_to_token_preds(pred, prob, len(prob)) for i, query in enumerate(queries): result.append( self.get_labels(all_punct_preds[i], all_capit_preds[i]) if return_labels else self.apply_punct_capit_predictions(query, all_punct_preds[i], all_capit_preds[i]) ) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) return result @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained model which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] result.append( PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="punctuation_en_bert", location="", description="The model was trained with NeMo BERT base uncased checkpoint on a subset of data from the following sources: Tatoeba sentences, books from Project Gutenberg, Fisher transcripts.", ) ) result.append( PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="punctuation_en_distilbert", location="", description="The model was trained with DiltilBERT base uncased checkpoint from HuggingFace on a subset of data from the following sources: Tatoeba sentences, books from Project Gutenberg, Fisher transcripts.", ) ) return result @property def input_module(self): return self.bert_model @property def output_module(self): return self
def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None) -> None: super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) label_map_file = self.register_artifact("label_map", cfg.label_map, verify_src_exists=True) semiotic_classes_file = self.register_artifact("semiotic_classes", cfg.semiotic_classes, verify_src_exists=True) self.label_map = read_label_map(label_map_file) self.semiotic_classes = read_semiotic_classes(semiotic_classes_file) self.num_labels = len(self.label_map) self.num_semiotic_labels = len(self.semiotic_classes) self.id_2_tag = { tag_id: tagging.Tag(tag) for tag, tag_id in self.label_map.items() } self.id_2_semiotic = { semiotic_id: semiotic for semiotic, semiotic_id in self.semiotic_classes.items() } self.max_sequence_len = cfg.get( 'max_sequence_len', self.tokenizer.tokenizer.model_max_length) # setup to track metrics # we will have (len(self.semiotic_classes) + 1) labels # last one stands for WRONG (span in which the predicted tags don't match the labels) # this is needed to feed the sequence of classes to classification_report during validation label_ids = self.semiotic_classes.copy() label_ids["WRONG"] = len(self.semiotic_classes) self.tag_classification_report = ClassificationReport( len(self.semiotic_classes) + 1, label_ids=label_ids, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True) self.tag_multiword_classification_report = ClassificationReport( len(self.semiotic_classes) + 1, label_ids=label_ids, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True) self.semiotic_classification_report = ClassificationReport( len(self.semiotic_classes) + 1, label_ids=label_ids, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True) self.hidden_size = cfg.hidden_size self.logits = TokenClassifier(self.hidden_size, num_classes=self.num_labels, num_layers=1, log_softmax=False, dropout=0.1) self.semiotic_logits = TokenClassifier( self.hidden_size, num_classes=self.num_semiotic_labels, num_layers=1, log_softmax=False, dropout=0.1) self.loss_fn = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.builder = bert_example.BertExampleBuilder( self.label_map, self.semiotic_classes, self.tokenizer.tokenizer, self.max_sequence_len)
class IntentSlotClassificationModel(NLPModel): @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.bert_model.input_types @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.classifier.output_types def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Initializes BERT Joint Intent and Slot model. """ self.max_seq_length = cfg.language_model.max_seq_length # Setup tokenizer. self.setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) self.cfg = cfg # Check the presence of data_dir. if not cfg.data_dir or not os.path.exists(cfg.data_dir): # Disable setup methods. IntentSlotClassificationModel._set_model_restore_state( is_being_restored=True) # Set default values of data_desc. self._set_defaults_data_desc(cfg) else: self.data_dir = cfg.data_dir # Update configuration of data_desc. self._set_data_desc_to_cfg(cfg, cfg.data_dir, cfg.train_ds, cfg.validation_ds) # init superclass super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) # Initialize Bert model self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=self.cfg.language_model. pretrained_model_name, config_file=self.register_artifact('language_model.config_file', cfg.language_model.config_file), config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(self.cfg.language_model.config) if self.cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=self.cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, vocab_file=self.register_artifact('tokenizer.vocab_file', cfg.tokenizer.vocab_file), ) # Enable setup methods. IntentSlotClassificationModel._set_model_restore_state( is_being_restored=False) # Initialize Classifier. self._reconfigure_classifier() def _set_defaults_data_desc(self, cfg): """ Method makes sure that cfg.data_desc params are set. If not, set's them to "dummy" defaults. """ if not hasattr(cfg, "data_desc"): OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, False) cfg.data_desc = {} # Intents. cfg.data_desc.intent_labels = " " cfg.data_desc.intent_label_ids = {" ": 0} cfg.data_desc.intent_weights = [1] # Slots. cfg.data_desc.slot_labels = " " cfg.data_desc.slot_label_ids = {" ": 0} cfg.data_desc.slot_weights = [1] cfg.data_desc.pad_label = "O" OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, True) def _set_data_desc_to_cfg(self, cfg, data_dir, train_ds, validation_ds): """ Method creates IntentSlotDataDesc and copies generated values to cfg.data_desc. """ # Save data from data desc to config - so it can be reused later, e.g. in inference. data_desc = IntentSlotDataDesc( data_dir=data_dir, modes=[train_ds.prefix, validation_ds.prefix]) OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, False) if not hasattr(cfg, "data_desc") or cfg.data_desc is None: cfg.data_desc = {} # Intents. cfg.data_desc.intent_labels = list(data_desc.intents_label_ids.keys()) cfg.data_desc.intent_label_ids = data_desc.intents_label_ids cfg.data_desc.intent_weights = data_desc.intent_weights # Slots. cfg.data_desc.slot_labels = list(data_desc.slots_label_ids.keys()) cfg.data_desc.slot_label_ids = data_desc.slots_label_ids cfg.data_desc.slot_weights = data_desc.slot_weights cfg.data_desc.pad_label = data_desc.pad_label # for older(pre - 1.0.0.b3) configs compatibility if not hasattr(cfg, "class_labels") or cfg.class_labels is None: cfg.class_labels = {} cfg.class_labels = OmegaConf.create({ 'intent_labels_file': 'intent_labels.csv', 'slot_labels_file': 'slot_labels.csv' }) slot_labels_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.class_labels.slot_labels_file) intent_labels_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.class_labels.intent_labels_file) self._save_label_ids(data_desc.slots_label_ids, slot_labels_file) self._save_label_ids(data_desc.intents_label_ids, intent_labels_file) self.register_artifact('class_labels.intent_labels_file', intent_labels_file) self.register_artifact('class_labels.slot_labels_file', slot_labels_file) OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, True) def _save_label_ids(self, label_ids: Dict[str, int], filename: str) -> None: """ Saves label ids map to a file """ with open(filename, 'w') as out: labels, _ = zip(*sorted(label_ids.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])) out.write('\n'.join(labels))'Labels: {label_ids}')'Labels mapping saved to : {}') def _reconfigure_classifier(self): """ Method reconfigures the classifier depending on the settings of model cfg.data_desc """ self.classifier = SequenceTokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_intents=len(self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels), num_slots=len(self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels), dropout=self.cfg.head.fc_dropout, num_layers=self.cfg.head.num_output_layers, log_softmax=False, ) # define losses if self.cfg.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss': # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss( logits_ndim=2, weight=self.cfg.data_desc.intent_weights) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss( logits_ndim=3, weight=self.cfg.data_desc.slot_weights) else: self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=2) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.total_loss = AggregatorLoss(num_inputs=2, weights=[ self.cfg.intent_loss_weight, 1.0 - self.cfg.intent_loss_weight ]) # setup to track metrics self.intent_classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels), label_ids=self.cfg.data_desc.intent_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode='micro', ) self.slot_classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels), label_ids=self.cfg.data_desc.slot_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode='micro', ) def update_data_dir_for_training(self, data_dir: str, train_ds, validation_ds) -> None: """ Update data directory and get data stats with Data Descriptor. Also, reconfigures the classifier - to cope with data with e.g. different number of slots. Args: data_dir: path to data directory """'Setting data_dir to {data_dir}.') self.data_dir = data_dir # Update configuration with new data. self._set_data_desc_to_cfg(self.cfg, data_dir, train_ds, validation_ds) # Reconfigure the classifier for different settings (number of intents, slots etc.). self._reconfigure_classifier() def update_data_dir_for_testing(self, data_dir) -> None: """ Update data directory. Args: data_dir: path to data directory """'Setting data_dir to {data_dir}.') self.data_dir = data_dir @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask): """ No special modification required for Lightning, define it as you normally would in the `nn.Module` in vanilla PyTorch. """ hidden_states = self.bert_model(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) intent_logits, slot_logits = self.classifier( hidden_states=hidden_states) return intent_logits, slot_logits def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ # forward pass input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask, intent_labels, slot_labels = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) # calculate combined loss for intents and slots intent_loss = self.intent_loss(logits=intent_logits, labels=intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_loss(logits=slot_logits, labels=slot_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) train_loss = self.total_loss(loss_1=intent_loss, loss_2=slot_loss) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('train_loss', train_loss) self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) return { 'loss': train_loss, 'lr': lr, } def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask, intent_labels, slot_labels = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) # calculate combined loss for intents and slots intent_loss = self.intent_loss(logits=intent_logits, labels=intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_loss(logits=slot_logits, labels=slot_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) val_loss = self.total_loss(loss_1=intent_loss, loss_2=slot_loss) # calculate accuracy metrics for intents and slot reporting # intents intent_preds = torch.argmax(intent_logits, axis=-1) self.intent_classification_report.update(intent_preds, intent_labels) # slots subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 slot_preds = torch.argmax(slot_logits, axis=-1) self.slot_classification_report.update(slot_preds[subtokens_mask], slot_labels[subtokens_mask]) return { 'val_loss': val_loss, 'intent_tp':, 'intent_fn': self.intent_classification_report.fn, 'intent_fp': self.intent_classification_report.fp, 'slot_tp':, 'slot_fn': self.slot_classification_report.fn, 'slot_fp': self.slot_classification_report.fp, 'intent_preds': intent_preds, 'intent_labels': intent_labels, 'slot_preds': slot_preds, 'slot_labels': slot_labels, 'input': input_ids, 'subtokens_mask': subtokens_mask, } @staticmethod def get_continuous_slots(slot_ids, utterance_tokens): """ Extract continuous spans of slot_ids Args: Slot_ids: list of str representing slot of each word token For instance, 'O', 'email_address', 'email_address', 'email_address', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'] Corresponds to ['enter', 'atdfd@yahoo', 'dot', 'com', 'into', 'my', 'contact', 'list'] Returns: list of str where each element is a slot name-value pair e.g. ['email_address(atdfd@yahoo dot com)'] """ slot_id_stack = [] position_stack = [] for i, slot_id in enumerate(slot_ids): if not slot_id_stack or slot_id != slot_id_stack[-1]: slot_id_stack.append(slot_id) position_stack.append([]) position_stack[-1].append(i) slot_id_to_start_and_exclusive_end = { slot_id_stack[i]: [position_stack[i][0], position_stack[i][-1] + 1] for i in range(len(position_stack)) if slot_id_stack[i] != 'O' } slot_to_words = { slot: ' '.join(utterance_tokens[position[0]:position[1]]) for slot, position in slot_id_to_start_and_exclusive_end.items() } slot_name_and_values = [ "{}({})".format(slot, value) for slot, value in slot_to_words.items() ] return slot_name_and_values def get_unified_metrics(self, outputs): slot_preds = [] slot_labels = [] subtokens_mask = [] inputs = [] intent_preds = [] intent_labels = [] for output in outputs: slot_preds += output['slot_preds'] slot_labels += output["slot_labels"] subtokens_mask += output["subtokens_mask"] inputs += output["input"] intent_preds += output["intent_preds"] intent_labels += output["intent_labels"] ground_truth_labels = self.convert_intent_ids_to_intent_names( intent_labels) generated_labels = self.convert_intent_ids_to_intent_names( intent_preds) predicted_slots = self.mask_unused_subword_slots( slot_preds, subtokens_mask) ground_truth_slots = self.mask_unused_subword_slots( slot_labels, subtokens_mask) all_generated_slots = [] all_ground_truth_slots = [] all_utterances = [] for i in range(len(predicted_slots)): utterance = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.decode( inputs[i], skip_special_tokens=True) utterance_tokens = utterance.split() ground_truth_slot_names = ground_truth_slots[i].split() predicted_slot_names = predicted_slots[i].split() if len(utterance_tokens) != len(ground_truth_slot_names): # fix the bug that abc@xyz get tokenized to 3 tokens and @xyz to 2 tokens utterance_tokens = IntentSlotClassificationModel.join_tokens_containing_at_sign( utterance_tokens, ground_truth_slot_names) processed_ground_truth_slots = IntentSlotClassificationModel.get_continuous_slots( ground_truth_slot_names, utterance_tokens) processed_predicted_slots = IntentSlotClassificationModel.get_continuous_slots( predicted_slot_names, utterance_tokens) all_generated_slots.append(processed_predicted_slots) all_ground_truth_slots.append(processed_ground_truth_slots) all_utterances.append(' '.join(utterance_tokens)) os.makedirs(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, "predictions.jsonl") IntentSlotMetrics.save_predictions( filename, generated_labels, all_generated_slots, ground_truth_labels, all_ground_truth_slots, ['' for i in range(len(generated_labels))], ['' for i in range(len(generated_labels))], all_utterances, ) slot_precision, slot_recall, slot_f1, slot_joint_goal_accuracy = IntentSlotMetrics.get_slot_filling_metrics( all_generated_slots, all_ground_truth_slots) return slot_precision, slot_recall, slot_f1, slot_joint_goal_accuracy @staticmethod def join_tokens_containing_at_sign(utterance_tokens, slot_names): """ assumes utterance contains only one @ sign """ target_length = len(slot_names) current_length = len(utterance_tokens) diff = current_length - target_length at_sign_positions = [ index for index, token in enumerate(utterance_tokens) if token == "@" ] if len(at_sign_positions) > 1: raise ValueError( "Current method does not support utterances with more than 1 @ sign ({} encountered), please extend this method for utterance {} with slot names {}" .format(len(at_sign_positions), utterance_tokens, slot_names)) elif diff == 1: new_tokens = [] for index, token in enumerate(utterance_tokens): if utterance_tokens[index - 1] == "@": new_tokens[-1] += token else: new_tokens.append(token) elif diff == 2: new_tokens = [] for index, token in enumerate(utterance_tokens[:-1]): if utterance_tokens[index - 1] == "@" or token == "@": new_tokens[-1] += token else: new_tokens.append(token) elif diff == 3: new_tokens = [] for index, token in enumerate(utterance_tokens[:-1]): if utterance_tokens[index + 1] == "@" or utterance_tokens[ index - 1] == "@" or token == "@": new_tokens[-1] += token else: new_tokens.append(token) else: raise ValueError( "Difference of more than 3 ({}) encountered. please extend this method for utterance {} with slots {}" .format(diff, utterance_tokens, slot_names)) return new_tokens def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ ( unified_slot_precision, unified_slot_recall, unified_slot_f1, unified_slot_joint_goal_accuracy, ) = self.get_unified_metrics(outputs) avg_loss = torch.stack([x['val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and log classification report (separately for intents and slots) intent_precision, intent_recall, intent_f1, intent_report = self.intent_classification_report.compute( )'Intent report: {intent_report}') slot_precision, slot_recall, slot_f1, slot_report = self.slot_classification_report.compute( )'Slot report: {slot_report}') self.log('val_loss', avg_loss) self.log('intent_precision', intent_precision) self.log('intent_recall', intent_recall) self.log('intent_f1', intent_f1) self.log('slot_precision', slot_precision) self.log('slot_recall', slot_recall) self.log('slot_f1', slot_f1) self.log('unified_slot_precision', unified_slot_precision) self.log('unified_slot_recall', unified_slot_recall) self.log('unified_slot_f1', unified_slot_f1) self.log('unified_slot_joint_goal_accuracy', unified_slot_joint_goal_accuracy) self.intent_classification_report.reset() self.slot_classification_report.reset() return { 'val_loss': avg_loss, 'intent_precision': intent_precision, 'intent_recall': intent_recall, 'intent_f1': intent_f1, 'slot_precision': slot_precision, 'slot_recall': slot_recall, 'slot_f1': slot_f1, 'unified_slot_precision': unified_slot_precision, 'unified_slot_recall': unified_slot_recall, 'unified_slot_f1': unified_slot_f1, 'unified_slot_joint_goal_accuracy': unified_slot_joint_goal_accuracy, } def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each test step. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=train_data_config, dataset_split='train') def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=val_data_config, dataset_split='dev') def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=test_data_config, dataset_split='test') def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig, dataset_split: str): data_processor = DialogueAssistantDataProcessor( self.data_dir, self.tokenizer) dataset = DialogueBERTDataset( dataset_split, data_processor, self.tokenizer, self.cfg. dataset, # this is the model.dataset cfg, which is diff from train_ds cfg etc ) return DataLoader( dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.num_workers, pin_memory=cfg.pin_memory, drop_last=cfg.drop_last, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) def _setup_infer_dataloader(self, queries: List[str], test_ds) -> '': """ Setup function for a infer data loader. Args: queries: text batch_size: batch size to use during inference Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ dataset = IntentSlotInferenceDataset(tokenizer=self.tokenizer, queries=queries, max_seq_length=-1, do_lower_case=False) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=test_ds.batch_size, shuffle=test_ds.shuffle, num_workers=test_ds.num_workers, pin_memory=test_ds.pin_memory, drop_last=test_ds.drop_last, ) def update_data_dirs(self, data_dir: str, dialogues_example_dir: str): """ Update data directories Args: data_dir: path to data directory dialogues_example_dir: path to preprocessed dialogues example directory, if not exists will be created. """ if not os.path.exists(data_dir): raise ValueError(f"{data_dir} is not found") self.cfg.dataset.data_dir = data_dir self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir = dialogues_example_dir'Setting model.dataset.data_dir to {data_dir}.') f'Setting model.dataset.dialogues_example_dir to {dialogues_example_dir}.' ) def predict_from_examples(self, queries: List[str], test_ds) -> List[List[str]]: """ Get prediction for the queries (intent and slots) Args: queries: text sequences test_ds: Dataset configuration section. Returns: predicted_intents, predicted_slots: model intent and slot predictions """ predicted_intents = [] predicted_slots = [] mode = device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() # Dataset. infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader(queries, test_ds) for batch in infer_datalayer: input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self.forward(,,, ) # predict intents intent_preds = tensor2list(torch.argmax(intent_logits, axis=-1)) predicted_intents += self.convert_intent_ids_to_intent_names( intent_preds) # predict slots slot_preds = torch.argmax(slot_logits, axis=-1) predicted_slots += self.mask_unused_subword_slots( slot_preds, subtokens_mask) # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) return predicted_intents, predicted_slots def convert_intent_ids_to_intent_names(self, intent_preds): # Retrieve intent and slot vocabularies from configuration. intent_labels = self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels predicted_intents = [] # convert numerical outputs to Intent and Slot labels from the dictionaries for intent_num in intent_preds: # if intent_num < len(intent_labels): predicted_intents.append(intent_labels[int(intent_num)]) # else: # # should not happen # predicted_intents.append("Unknown Intent") return predicted_intents def mask_unused_subword_slots(self, slot_preds, subtokens_mask): # Retrieve intent and slot vocabularies from configuration. slot_labels = self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels predicted_slots = [] for slot_preds_query, mask_query in zip(slot_preds, subtokens_mask): query_slots = '' for slot, mask in zip(slot_preds_query, mask_query): if mask == 1: # if slot < len(slot_labels): query_slots += slot_labels[int(slot)] + ' ' # else: # query_slots += 'Unknown_slot ' predicted_slots.append(query_slots.strip()) return predicted_slots @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained model which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] model = PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="Joint_Intent_Slot_Assistant", location= "", description= "This models is trained on this dataset which includes 64 various intents and 55 slots. Final Intent accuracy is about 87%, Slot accuracy is about 89%.", ) result.append(model) return result
class PTuneTextClassificationModel(NLPModel, Exportable): @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return {"sentences": [NeuralType(('T'), StringType())], "labels": [NeuralType(('T'), StringLabel())]} @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return { "floss": NeuralType((), LossType()), "returned_pred": NeuralType(('B'), PredictionsType()), "returned_label": NeuralType(('B'), PredictionsType()), } def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """Initializes the PTune TextClassifier model.""" super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) initialize_model_parallel_for_nemo( world_size=trainer.world_size, global_rank=trainer.global_rank, local_rank=trainer.local_rank, tensor_model_parallel_size=cfg.get('tensor_model_parallel_size', 1), seed=cfg.get('seed', 1234), ) # shared params for dataset and data loaders self.dataset_cfg = cfg.dataset # tokenizer needs to get initialized before the super.__init__() # as dataloaders and datasets need it to process the data self.tokenizer = get_nmt_tokenizer( library=cfg.tokenizer.library, model_name=cfg.tokenizer.type, tokenizer_model=self.register_artifact("tokenizer.model", cfg.tokenizer.model), vocab_file=self.register_artifact("tokenizer.vocab_file", cfg.tokenizer.vocab_file), merges_file=self.register_artifact("tokenizer.merges_file", cfg.tokenizer.merge_file), ) self.class_weights = None self.model = MegatronGPTModel.restore_from( self.register_artifact('language_model.nemo_file', cfg.language_model.get('nemo_file', None)), trainer=trainer, ) if not cfg.use_lm_finetune: self.model.freeze() hidden_size = self.model.cfg.hidden_size # register the file containing the labels into the artifacts to get stored in the '.nemo' file later self.classes = cfg.dataset.classes self.embeddings = self.model.model.language_model.embedding.word_embeddings # set allowed vocab set self.vocab = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.get_vocab() # make sure classes are part of the vocab for k in cfg.dataset.classes: if token_wrapper(k) not in self.vocab: logging.error(f'class {k} is not part of the vocabulary. Please add it to your vocab') self.allowed_vocab_ids = set(self.vocab[token_wrapper(k)] for k in cfg.dataset.classes) # map from id to label self.allowed_vocab = {} self.label_ids = {} self.id_to_label = {} for i, k in enumerate(cfg.dataset.classes): self.allowed_vocab[self.vocab[token_wrapper(k)]] = i self.label_ids[k] = i self.id_to_label[i] = k self.template = cfg.prompt_encoder.template self.prompt_encoder = PromptEncoder( template=cfg.prompt_encoder.template, hidden_size=hidden_size, lstm_dropout=cfg.prompt_encoder.dropout, num_layers=cfg.prompt_encoder.num_layers, ) # load prompt encoder self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.tokenizer.add_special_tokens({'additional_special_tokens': [cfg.pseudo_token]}) self.pseudo_token_id = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.get_vocab()[cfg.pseudo_token] self.pad_token_id = ( self.tokenizer.tokenizer.pad_token_id if self.tokenizer.tokenizer.pad_token_id is not None else self.tokenizer.tokenizer.unk_token_id ) self.spell_length = sum(self.template) def setup(self, stage): # setup to track metrics, need to put here # as data_parallel_group is initialized when calling `fit, or test function` app = AppState() self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.classes), label_ids=self.label_ids, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True, process_group=app.data_parallel_group, ) def embed_input(self, queries): bz = queries.shape[0] queries_for_embedding = queries.clone() queries_for_embedding[(queries == self.pseudo_token_id)] = self.pad_token_id raw_embeds = self.embeddings(queries_for_embedding) blocked_indices = ( (queries == self.pseudo_token_id).nonzero().reshape((bz, self.spell_length, 2))[:, :, 1] ) # bz replace_embeds = self.prompt_encoder() for bidx in range(bz): for i in range(self.prompt_encoder.spell_length): raw_embeds[bidx, blocked_indices[bidx, i], :] = replace_embeds[i, :] return raw_embeds def get_query(self, x_h, prompt_tokens, x_t=None): max_seq_len = self.model._cfg.encoder_seq_length input_token_ids = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(self.tokenizer.tokenizer.tokenize(' ' + x_h)) cut = 0 if len(input_token_ids) + sum(self.template) > max_seq_len: logging.warning("Input sequence is longer than the LM model max seq, will cut it off to fit") cut = len(input_token_ids) + sum(self.template) - max_seq_len return [ prompt_tokens * self.template[0] + input_token_ids[cut:] # head entity + prompt_tokens * self.template[1] + ( self.tokenizer.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(self.tokenizer.tokenize(' ' + x_t)) if x_t is not None else [] ) ] def get_ground_truth_labels(self, batch_size, label_ids): returned_label = [] for i in range(batch_size): returned_label.append(self.allowed_vocab[label_ids[i, 0].item()]) return torch.tensor(returned_label).to(self.device) def get_prediction(self, batch_size, label_position, logits): pred_ids = torch.argsort(logits, dim=2, descending=True) top10 = [] returned_pred = [] for i in range(batch_size): top10.append([]) pred_seq = pred_ids[i, label_position[i, 0]].tolist() for pred in pred_seq: if pred in self.allowed_vocab_ids: top10[-1].append(pred) if len(top10[-1]) >= 10: break pred = top10[-1][0] returned_pred.append(self.allowed_vocab[pred]) return top10, torch.tensor(returned_pred).to(self.device) def get_encoder_input(self, sentences): batch_size = len(sentences) # construct query ids prompt_tokens = [self.pseudo_token_id] queries = [torch.LongTensor(self.get_query(sentences[i], prompt_tokens)).squeeze(0) for i in range(batch_size)] queries = pad_sequence(queries, True, padding_value=self.pad_token_id).long().to(self.device) # attention_mask indicates the boundary of attention attention_mask = queries != self.pad_token_id # get embedded input inputs_embeds = self.embed_input(queries) bz, seq_len, _ = inputs_embeds.shape # get the GPT causal mask causal_mask = torch.tril(torch.ones((bz, seq_len, seq_len), device=self.device)).view(bz, 1, seq_len, seq_len) # combine the attention_mask and causal_mask r = causal_mask.permute((1, 2, 0, 3)) * new_atten = r.permute((2, 0, 1, 3)) # convert it to the boolean new_atten = new_atten < 0.5 # calculate the position embedding based on the seq_len position_ids = torch.arange(seq_len, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) position_ids = position_ids.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(inputs_embeds[:, :, 0]) position_embeddings = self.model.model.language_model.embedding.position_embeddings(position_ids) # get the final input for encoder encoder_input = inputs_embeds + position_embeddings # calculate the position of the output token label_position = (attention_mask.long().sum(dim=1) - 1).unsqueeze(1) return encoder_input, new_atten, label_position def get_label_input(self, labels, label_position, seq_len): batch_size, _ = label_position.shape x_ts = [token_wrapper(x_t) for x_t in labels] # construct label ids label_ids = ( torch.LongTensor(self.tokenizer.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(x_ts)) .reshape((batch_size, -1)) .to(self.device) ) labels = torch.zeros(batch_size, seq_len).to(self.device).fill_(SMALL_LOGITS).long() # bz * seq_len labels = labels.scatter_(1, label_position, label_ids) return labels, label_ids def forward_eval(self, sentences): encoder_input, new_atten, label_position = self.get_encoder_input(sentences) batch_size, _, seq_len, _ = new_atten.shape # workaround to do auto-cast # get the LM dtype dtype = self.model.model.language_model.encoder.layers[0].dtype if dtype == torch.float32: output = self.model.model( None, None,, ) else: with torch.autocast(device_type="cuda", dtype=dtype): output = self.model.model( None, None,, ) logits = output _, returned_pred = self.get_prediction(batch_size,, logits) return returned_pred @typecheck() def forward(self, sentences, labels): encoder_input, new_atten, label_position = self.get_encoder_input(sentences) batch_size, _, seq_len, _ = new_atten.shape labels_input, label_ids = self.get_label_input(labels, label_position, seq_len) # workaround to do auto-cast # get the LM dtype dtype = self.model.model.language_model.encoder.layers[0].dtype if dtype == torch.float32: output = self.model.model( None, None, encoder_input=encoder_input, attention_mask=new_atten, labels=labels_input ) else: with torch.autocast(device_type="cuda", dtype=dtype): output = self.model.model( None, None, encoder_input=encoder_input, attention_mask=new_atten, labels=labels_input ) loss, logits = output floss = (loss[(labels_input != SMALL_LOGITS)]).mean() _, returned_pred = self.get_prediction(batch_size, label_position, logits) returned_label = self.get_ground_truth_labels(batch_size, label_ids) return floss, returned_pred, returned_label def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ # forward pass sentences, labels = batch train_loss, _, _ = self.forward(sentences=sentences, labels=labels) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('train_loss', train_loss) self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) return { 'loss': train_loss, 'lr': lr, } def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ sentences, labels = batch val_loss, preds, gt_labels = self.forward(sentences=sentences, labels=labels) hit = 0 for pred, gt_label in zip(preds, gt_labels): if pred == gt_label: hit += 1 tp, fn, fp, _ = self.classification_report(preds, gt_labels) return {'val_loss': val_loss, 'tp': tp, 'fn': fn, 'fp': fp, 'hit': hit} def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ if not outputs: return {} if self.trainer.testing: prefix = 'test' else: prefix = 'val' avg_loss = torch.stack([x[f'val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() total_hit = sum([x[f'hit'] for x in outputs]) # calculate metrics and classification report precision, recall, f1, report = self.classification_report.compute() total_data = torch.sum(self.classification_report.num_examples_per_class) accuracy = total_hit / total_data.item()'{prefix}_report: {report}')'{total_hit} correct out of {total_data}, accuracy: {accuracy*100:.2f}') self.log(f'{prefix}_loss', avg_loss, prog_bar=True) self.log(f'{prefix}_accuracy', accuracy) self.log(f'{prefix}_precision', precision) self.log(f'{prefix}_f1', f1) self.log(f'{prefix}_recall', recall) self.classification_report.reset() def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each test step. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not train_data_config or not train_data_config.file_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the train is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=train_data_config) def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not val_data_config or not val_data_config.file_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the validation is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=val_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not test_data_config or not test_data_config.file_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the test is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=test_data_config) def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: Dict) -> '': input_file = cfg.file_path if not os.path.exists(input_file): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{input_file} not found! The data should be be stored in TAB-separated files \n\ "validation_ds.file_path" and "train_ds.file_path" for train and evaluation respectively. \n\ Each line of the files contains text sequences, where words are separated with spaces. \n\ The label of the example is separated with TAB at the end of each line. \n\ Each line of the files should follow the format: \n\ [WORD][SPACE][WORD][SPACE][WORD][...][TAB][LABEL]' ) dataset = PTuneTextClassificationDataset(input_file) return dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.get("num_workers", 0), pin_memory=cfg.get("pin_memory", False), drop_last=cfg.get("drop_last", False), collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) @torch.no_grad() def classifytext(self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int = 1, prompt: str = 'Sentiment') -> List[int]: """ Get prediction for the queries Args: queries: text sequences batch_size: batch size to use during inference prompt: the prompt string appended at the end of your input sentence Returns: all_preds: model predictions """ # store predictions for all queries in a single list all_preds = [] mode = try: # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() logging_level = logging.get_verbosity() logging.set_verbosity(logging.WARNING) dataloader_cfg = {"batch_size": batch_size, "num_workers": 3, "pin_memory": False} infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader(dataloader_cfg, queries, prompt) for i, batch in enumerate(infer_datalayer): sentences, _ = batch preds = self.forward_eval(sentences) all_preds.extend([self.id_to_label[i.item()] for i in preds]) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) logging.set_verbosity(logging_level) return all_preds def _setup_infer_dataloader(self, cfg: Dict, queries: List[str], prompt: str) -> '': """ Setup function for a infer data loader. Args: cfg: config dictionary containing data loader params like batch_size, num_workers and pin_memory queries: text prompt: the prompt string appended at the end of your input sentence Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ dataset = PTuneTextClassificationDataset(None, queries, prompt) return dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg["batch_size"], shuffle=False, num_workers=cfg.get("num_workers", 0), pin_memory=cfg.get("pin_memory", False), drop_last=False, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: pass
class DuplexTaggerModel(NLPModel): """ Transformer-based (duplex) tagger model for TN/ITN. """ def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): self._tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(cfg.tokenizer, add_prefix_space=True) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.num_labels = len(constants.ALL_TAG_LABELS) self.mode = cfg.get('mode', 'joint') self.model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained( cfg.transformer, num_labels=self.num_labels) self.transformer_name = cfg.transformer self.max_sequence_len = cfg.get('max_sequence_len', self._tokenizer.model_max_length) # Loss Functions self.loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( ignore_index=constants.LABEL_PAD_TOKEN_ID) # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( self.num_labels, constants.LABEL_IDS, mode='micro', dist_sync_on_step=True) # Language self.lang = cfg.get('lang', None) # Training def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ num_labels = self.num_labels # Apply Transformer tag_logits = self.model(batch['input_ids'], batch['attention_mask']).logits # Loss train_loss = self.loss_fct(tag_logits.view(-1, num_labels), batch['labels'].view(-1)) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('train_loss', train_loss) self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) return {'loss': train_loss, 'lr': lr} # Validation and Testing def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ # Apply Transformer tag_logits = self.model(batch['input_ids'], batch['attention_mask']).logits tag_preds = torch.argmax(tag_logits, dim=2) # Update classification_report predictions, labels = tag_preds.tolist(), batch['labels'].tolist() for prediction, label in zip(predictions, labels): cur_preds = [ p for (p, l) in zip(prediction, label) if l != constants.LABEL_PAD_TOKEN_ID ] cur_labels = [ l for (p, l) in zip(prediction, label) if l != constants.LABEL_PAD_TOKEN_ID ] self.classification_report( torch.tensor(cur_preds).to(self.device), torch.tensor(cur_labels).to(self.device)) def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ # calculate metrics and classification report precision, _, _, report = self.classification_report.compute() self.log('val_token_precision', precision) self.classification_report.reset() def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each test step. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) # Functions for inference @torch.no_grad() def _infer(self, sents: List[List[str]], inst_directions: List[str], do_basic_tokenization=True): """ Main function for Inference Args: sents: A list of inputs tokenized by a basic tokenizer. inst_directions: A list of str where each str indicates the direction of the corresponding instance (i.e., INST_BACKWARD for ITN or INST_FORWARD for TN). Returns: all_tag_preds: A list of list where each list contains the raw tag predictions for the corresponding input words in sents. nb_spans: A list of ints where each int indicates the number of semiotic spans in input words. span_starts: A list of lists where each list contains the starting locations of semiotic spans in input words. span_ends: A list of lists where each list contains the ending locations of semiotic spans in input words. do_basic_tokenization: whether to do a pre-processing to separate punctuation marks, recommended to set to True """ self.eval() # Append prefix texts = [] for ix, sent in enumerate(sents): if inst_directions[ix] == constants.INST_BACKWARD: prefix = constants.ITN_PREFIX elif inst_directions[ix] == constants.INST_FORWARD: prefix = constants.TN_PREFIX if do_basic_tokenization: texts.append([prefix] + sent) else: texts.append(prefix + " " + sent) # Apply the model if do_basic_tokenization: is_split_into_words = True else: is_split_into_words = False encodings = self._tokenizer(texts, is_split_into_words=is_split_into_words, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt') inputs = encodings encodings_reduced = None # check that the length of the 'input_ids' equals as least the length of the original input # if an input symbol is missing in the tokenizer's vocabulary (such as emoji or a Chinese character), it could be skipped if do_basic_tokenization: len_texts = [len(x) for x in texts] else: len_texts = [len(x.split()) for x in texts] len_ids = [ len( self._tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens( x, skip_special_tokens=True)) for x in encodings['input_ids'] ] idx_valid = [ i for i, (t, enc) in enumerate(zip(len_texts, len_ids)) if enc >= t ] if len(idx_valid) != len(texts): logging.warning( 'Some of the examples have symbols that were skipped during the tokenization. Such examples will be skipped.' ) for i in range(len(texts)): if i not in idx_valid: logging.warning(f'Invalid input: {texts[i]}') # skip these sentences and fall back to the input # exclude invalid examples from the encodings encodings_reduced = { k: tensor[idx_valid, :] for k, tensor in encodings.items() } for k, tensor in encodings_reduced.items(): if tensor.ndim == 1: encodings_reduced[k] = tensor.unsqueeze(dim=0) inputs = BatchEncoding(data=encodings_reduced) # skip the batch if no valid inputs are present if encodings_reduced and encodings_reduced['input_ids'].numel() == 0: # -1 to exclude tag for the prompt token all_tag_preds = [[constants.SAME_TAG] * (len(x) - 1) for x in texts] nb_spans = [0] * len(texts) span_starts = [] * len(texts) span_ends = [] * len(texts) return all_tag_preds, nb_spans, span_starts, span_ends logits = self.model(** pred_indexes = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1).tolist() # Extract all_tag_preds for words all_tag_preds = [] batch_size, max_len = encodings['input_ids'].size() pred_idx = 0 for ix in range(batch_size): if ix in idx_valid: # remove first special token and task prefix token raw_tag_preds = [ constants.ALL_TAG_LABELS[p] for p in pred_indexes[pred_idx][2:] ] tag_preds, previous_word_idx = [], None word_ids = encodings.word_ids(batch_index=ix)[2:] for jx, word_idx in enumerate(word_ids): if word_idx is None: continue if word_idx != previous_word_idx: tag_preds.append(raw_tag_preds[jx] ) # without special token at index 0 previous_word_idx = word_idx pred_idx += 1 else: # for excluded examples, use SAME tags for all words tag_preds = [constants.SAME_TAG] * (len(texts[ix]) - 1) all_tag_preds.append(tag_preds) # Post-correction of simple tagger mistakes, i.e. I- tag is proceeding the B- tag in a span all_tag_preds = [ self._postprocess_tag_preds(words, inst_dir, ps) for words, inst_dir, ps in zip(sents, inst_directions, all_tag_preds) ] # Decoding nb_spans, span_starts, span_ends = self.decode_tag_preds(all_tag_preds) return all_tag_preds, nb_spans, span_starts, span_ends def _postprocess_tag_preds(self, words: List[str], inst_dir: str, preds: List[str]): """ Function for postprocessing the raw tag predictions of the model. It corrects obvious mistakes in the tag predictions such as a TRANSFORM span starts with I_TRANSFORM_TAG (instead of B_TRANSFORM_TAG). Args: words: The words in the input sentence inst_dir: The direction of the instance (i.e., constants.INST_BACKWARD or INST_FORWARD). preds: The raw tag predictions Returns: The processed raw tag predictions """ final_preds = [] for ix, p in enumerate(preds): # a TRANSFORM span starts with I_TRANSFORM_TAG, change to B_TRANSFORM_TAG if p == constants.I_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG: if ix == 0 or (not constants.TRANSFORM_TAG in final_preds[ix - 1]): final_preds.append(constants.B_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG) continue # a span has numbers but does not have TRANSFORM tags (for TN) if inst_dir == constants.INST_FORWARD: if has_numbers( words[ix]) and (not constants.TRANSFORM_TAG in p): final_preds.append(constants.B_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG) continue # Convert B-TASK tag to B-SAME tag if p == constants.B_PREFIX + constants.TASK_TAG: final_preds.append(constants.B_PREFIX + constants.SAME_TAG) continue # Default final_preds.append(p) return final_preds def decode_tag_preds(self, tag_preds: List[List[str]]): """ Decoding the raw tag predictions to locate the semiotic spans in the input texts. Args: tag_preds: A list of list where each list contains the raw tag predictions for the corresponding input words. Returns: nb_spans: A list of ints where each int indicates the number of semiotic spans in each input. span_starts: A list of lists where each list contains the starting locations of semiotic spans in an input words. span_ends: A list of lists where each list contains the inclusive ending locations of semiotic spans in an input words. """ nb_spans, span_starts, span_ends = [], [], [] for i, preds in enumerate(tag_preds): cur_nb_spans, cur_span_start = 0, None cur_span_starts, cur_span_ends = [], [] for ix, pred in enumerate(preds + ['EOS']): if pred != constants.I_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG: if not cur_span_start is None: cur_nb_spans += 1 cur_span_starts.append(cur_span_start) cur_span_ends.append(ix - 1) cur_span_start = None if pred == constants.B_PREFIX + constants.TRANSFORM_TAG: cur_span_start = ix nb_spans.append(cur_nb_spans) span_starts.append(cur_span_starts) span_ends.append(cur_span_ends) return nb_spans, span_starts, span_ends # Functions for processing data def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not train_data_config or not train_data_config.data_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the train is missing, so no data loader for train is created!" ) self._train_dl = None return self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=train_data_config, data_split="train") def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not val_data_config or not val_data_config.data_path: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the validation is missing, so no data loader for validation is created!" ) self._validation_dl = None return self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=val_data_config, data_split="val") def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not test_data_config or test_data_config.data_path is None: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the test is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=test_data_config, data_split="test") def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig, data_split: str): start_time = perf_counter()'Creating {data_split} dataset') input_file = cfg.data_path tagger_data_augmentation = cfg.get('tagger_data_augmentation', False) dataset = TextNormalizationTaggerDataset( input_file=input_file, tokenizer=self._tokenizer, tokenizer_name=self.transformer_name, mode=self.mode, do_basic_tokenize=cfg.do_basic_tokenize, tagger_data_augmentation=tagger_data_augmentation, lang=self.lang, max_seq_length=self.max_sequence_len, use_cache=cfg.get('use_cache', False), max_insts=cfg.get('max_insts', -1), ) data_collator = DataCollatorForTokenClassification(self._tokenizer) dl =, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, collate_fn=data_collator) running_time = perf_counter() - start_time'Took {running_time} seconds') return dl @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained model which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] return result
def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Get metrics based on the candidate label with the highest predicted likelihood and the ground truth label for intent """ output_logits =[output['logits'] for output in outputs], dim=0) output_input_ids = [output['input_ids'] for output in outputs], dim=0) output_labels =[output['labels'] for output in outputs], dim=0) if self.cfg.library == 'huggingface': entail_logits = output_logits[..., 2] decoded_input_ids = [ self.tokenizer.decode(output_input_ids[i]) for i in range(len(output_input_ids)) ] utterance_candidate_pairs = [ i.split(self.tokenizer.sep_token) for i in decoded_input_ids ] utterances = [ i[0].replace(self.tokenizer.bos_token, '').replace(self.tokenizer.eos_token, '') for i in utterance_candidate_pairs ] elif self.cfg.library == 'megatron': entail_logits = output_logits[..., 1] decoded_input_ids = [ self.tokenizer.tokenizer.decode(output_input_ids[i]) for i in range(len(output_input_ids)) ] utterance_candidate_pairs = [ i.split(self.tokenizer.tokenizer.sep_token) for i in decoded_input_ids ] utterances = [ i[0].replace(self.tokenizer.tokenizer.bos_token, '').replace(self.tokenizer.tokenizer.eos_token, '') for i in utterance_candidate_pairs ] # account for uncased tokenization candidates = [ i[1].replace(self.cfg.dataset.prompt_template.lower(), '').replace(self.cfg.dataset.prompt_template, '').strip() for i in utterance_candidate_pairs ] utterance_to_idx = defaultdict(list) for idx, utterance in enumerate(utterances): utterance_to_idx[utterance].append(idx) predicted_labels = [] ground_truth_labels = [] utterances = [] for utterance, idxs in utterance_to_idx.items(): utterance_candidates = [candidates[idx] for idx in idxs] logits = [entail_logits[idx].item() for idx in idxs] labels = [output_labels[idx].item() for idx in idxs] correct_candidate = utterance_candidates[np.argmax(labels)] predicted_candidate = utterance_candidates[np.argmax(logits)] predicted_labels.append(predicted_candidate) ground_truth_labels.append(correct_candidate) utterances.append(utterance) os.makedirs(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, "test_predictions.jsonl") DialogueGenerationMetrics.save_predictions( filename, predicted_labels, ground_truth_labels, utterances, ) label_to_ids = { label: idx for idx, label in enumerate( list(set(predicted_labels + ground_truth_labels))) } self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(label_to_ids), mode='micro', label_ids=label_to_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True).to(output_logits[0].device) predicted_label_ids = torch.tensor([ label_to_ids[label] for label in predicted_labels ]).to(output_logits[0].device) ground_truth_label_ids = torch.tensor([ label_to_ids[label] for label in ground_truth_labels ]).to(output_logits[0].device) tp, fn, fp, _ = self.classification_report(predicted_label_ids, ground_truth_label_ids) precision, recall, f1, report = self.classification_report.compute() label_acc = np.mean([ int(predicted_labels[i] == ground_truth_labels[i]) for i in range(len(predicted_labels)) ]) avg_loss = torch.stack([x[f'val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() self.log('unified_precision', precision) self.log('unified_f1', f1) self.log('unified_recall', recall) self.log('unfied_accuracy', label_acc * 100) self.log('val_loss', avg_loss, prog_bar=True) self.classification_report.reset()
class DialogueZeroShotIntentModel(TextClassificationModel): """TextClassificationModel to be trained on two- or three-class textual entailment data, to be used for zero shot intent recognition.""" def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): self.cfg = cfg super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) if self.cfg.library == 'megatron': # zero shot intent classification loading # cannot directly load as .nemo uses the pre-refactor model # therefore transfer its attributes over if self.cfg.original_nemo_checkpoint is not None: original_model = DialogueZeroShotIntentModel.restore_from( self.cfg.original_nemo_checkpoint) self.classifier = original_model.classifier self.bert_model = original_model.bert_model self.loss = original_model.loss self.classification_report = original_model.classification_report elif self.cfg.library == "huggingface": self.nli_model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained( 'facebook/bart-large-mnli') self.bert_model = self.nli_model.model self.classifier = self.nli_model.classification_head original_model = DialogueZeroShotIntentModel.restore_from( self.cfg.original_nemo_checkpoint) self.loss = original_model.loss self.classification_report = original_model.classification_report self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( 'facebook/bart-large-mnli') self.tokenizer.max_seq_length = self.cfg.dataset.max_seq_length def _setup_dataloader_from_config( self, cfg: DictConfig, dataset_split) -> '': if self._cfg.dataset.task == "zero_shot": self.data_processor = DialogueAssistantDataProcessor( self.cfg.data_dir, self.tokenizer, cfg=self.cfg.dataset) elif self._cfg.dataset.task == "design": self.data_processor = DialogueDesignDataProcessor( data_dir=self._cfg.dataset.data_dir, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, cfg=self._cfg.dataset) elif self._cfg.dataset.task == 'sgd': self.data_processor = DialogueSGDDataProcessor( data_dir=self._cfg.dataset.data_dir, dialogues_example_dir=self._cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, cfg=self._cfg.dataset, ) else: raise ValueError( "Only zero_shot, design and sgd supported for Zero Shot Intent Model" ) dataset = DialogueZeroShotIntentDataset( dataset_split, self.data_processor, self.tokenizer, self.cfg. dataset, # this is the model.dataset cfg, which is diff from train_ds cfg etc ) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.get("num_workers", 0), pin_memory=cfg.get("pin_memory", False), drop_last=cfg.get("drop_last", False), ) def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids): if self.cfg.library == 'megatron': hidden_states = self.bert_model(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) if isinstance(hidden_states, tuple): hidden_states = hidden_states[0] logits = self.classifier(hidden_states=hidden_states) elif self.cfg.library == 'huggingface': output = self.nli_model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) logits = output['logits'] return logits def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not train_data_config: f"Dataloader config or file_name for the training set is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( train_data_config, "train") # calculate the class weights to be used in the loss function if self.cfg.dataset.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss': self.class_weights = calc_class_weights_from_dataloader( self._train_dl, self.cfg.dataset.num_classes, self.cfg.dataset.data_dir) else: self.class_weights = None # we need to create/update the loss module by using the weights calculated from the training data self.create_loss_module() def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not val_data_config: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the validation data set is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( val_data_config, "dev") def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not test_data_config: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the test data set is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( test_data_config, "test") def _setup_infer_dataloader( self, queries: List[str], candidate_labels: List[str], hypothesis_template=str, batch_size=1, max_seq_length: int = -1, ) -> '': """ Setup method for inference data loader. Here the premise-hypothesis pairs are made from queries and candidate labels. Args: queries: the queries to classify candidate_labels: strings to be used as labels hypothesis_template: the template used to turn each label into an NLI-style hypothesis. Must include a {} or similar syntax for the candidate label to be inserted. batch_size: batch size to use during inference max_seq_length: maximum length of queries, default is -1 for no limit Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ dataset = ZeroShotIntentInferenceDataset( queries=queries, candidate_labels=candidate_labels, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, max_seq_length=max_seq_length, hypothesis_template=hypothesis_template, ) return dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=2, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, labels = batch logits = self.forward(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) val_loss = self.loss(logits=logits, labels=labels) preds = torch.argmax(logits, axis=-1) tp, fn, fp, _ = self.classification_report(preds, labels) return { 'val_loss': val_loss, 'tp': tp, 'fn': fn, 'fp': fp, 'logits': logits, 'input_ids': input_ids, 'labels': labels, } def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Get metrics based on the candidate label with the highest predicted likelihood and the ground truth label for intent """ output_logits =[output['logits'] for output in outputs], dim=0) output_input_ids = [output['input_ids'] for output in outputs], dim=0) output_labels =[output['labels'] for output in outputs], dim=0) if self.cfg.library == 'huggingface': entail_logits = output_logits[..., 2] decoded_input_ids = [ self.tokenizer.decode(output_input_ids[i]) for i in range(len(output_input_ids)) ] utterance_candidate_pairs = [ i.split(self.tokenizer.sep_token) for i in decoded_input_ids ] utterances = [ i[0].replace(self.tokenizer.bos_token, '').replace(self.tokenizer.eos_token, '') for i in utterance_candidate_pairs ] elif self.cfg.library == 'megatron': entail_logits = output_logits[..., 1] decoded_input_ids = [ self.tokenizer.tokenizer.decode(output_input_ids[i]) for i in range(len(output_input_ids)) ] utterance_candidate_pairs = [ i.split(self.tokenizer.tokenizer.sep_token) for i in decoded_input_ids ] utterances = [ i[0].replace(self.tokenizer.tokenizer.bos_token, '').replace(self.tokenizer.tokenizer.eos_token, '') for i in utterance_candidate_pairs ] # account for uncased tokenization candidates = [ i[1].replace(self.cfg.dataset.prompt_template.lower(), '').replace(self.cfg.dataset.prompt_template, '').strip() for i in utterance_candidate_pairs ] utterance_to_idx = defaultdict(list) for idx, utterance in enumerate(utterances): utterance_to_idx[utterance].append(idx) predicted_labels = [] ground_truth_labels = [] utterances = [] for utterance, idxs in utterance_to_idx.items(): utterance_candidates = [candidates[idx] for idx in idxs] logits = [entail_logits[idx].item() for idx in idxs] labels = [output_labels[idx].item() for idx in idxs] correct_candidate = utterance_candidates[np.argmax(labels)] predicted_candidate = utterance_candidates[np.argmax(logits)] predicted_labels.append(predicted_candidate) ground_truth_labels.append(correct_candidate) utterances.append(utterance) os.makedirs(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, "test_predictions.jsonl") DialogueGenerationMetrics.save_predictions( filename, predicted_labels, ground_truth_labels, utterances, ) label_to_ids = { label: idx for idx, label in enumerate( list(set(predicted_labels + ground_truth_labels))) } self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(label_to_ids), mode='micro', label_ids=label_to_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True).to(output_logits[0].device) predicted_label_ids = torch.tensor([ label_to_ids[label] for label in predicted_labels ]).to(output_logits[0].device) ground_truth_label_ids = torch.tensor([ label_to_ids[label] for label in ground_truth_labels ]).to(output_logits[0].device) tp, fn, fp, _ = self.classification_report(predicted_label_ids, ground_truth_label_ids) precision, recall, f1, report = self.classification_report.compute() label_acc = np.mean([ int(predicted_labels[i] == ground_truth_labels[i]) for i in range(len(predicted_labels)) ]) avg_loss = torch.stack([x[f'val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() self.log('unified_precision', precision) self.log('unified_f1', f1) self.log('unified_recall', recall) self.log('unfied_accuracy', label_acc * 100) self.log('val_loss', avg_loss, prog_bar=True) self.classification_report.reset() def predict( self, queries: Union[str, List[str]], candidate_labels: Union[str, List[str]], hypothesis_template='This example is {}.', batch_size=1, multi_label=True, entailment_idx=1, contradiction_idx=0, ) -> List[Dict]: """ Given a list of queries and a list of candidate labels, return a ranked list of labels and scores for each query. Example usage: queries = ["I'd like a veggie burger, fries, and a coke", "Turn off the lights in the living room",] candidate_labels = ["Food order", "Change lighting"] model.predict(queries, candidate_labels) Example output: [{'sentence': "I'd like a veggie burger, fries, and a coke", 'labels': ['Food order', 'Change lighting'], 'scores': [0.8557153344154358, 0.12036784738302231]}, {'sentence': 'Turn off the lights in the living room', 'labels': ['Change lighting', 'Food order'], 'scores': [0.8506497144699097, 0.06594637036323547]}] Args: queries: the query or list of queries to classify candidate_labels: string or list of strings to be used as labels hypothesis_template: the template used to turn each label into an NLI-style hypothesis. Must include a {} or similar syntax for the candidate label to be inserted. batch_size: the batch size to use for inference. multi_label: whether or not multiple candidate labels can be true. If False, the scores are normalized such that all class probabilities sum to 1. If True, the labels are considered independent and probabilities are normalized for each candidate by doing a softmax of the entailment score vs. the contradiction score. entailment_idx: the index of the "entailment" class in the trained model; models trained on MNLI using NeMo's or use an index of 1 by default. contradiction_idx: the index of the "contradiction" class in the trained model; models trained on MNLI using NeMo's or use an index of 0 by default. Returns: list of dictionaries; one dict per input query. Each dict has keys "sentence", "labels", "scores". labels and scores are parallel lists (with each score corresponding to the label at the same index), sorted from highest to lowest score. """ if not queries: raise ValueError("No queries were passed for classification!") if not candidate_labels: raise ValueError("No candidate labels were provided!") queries = [queries] if isinstance(queries, str) else queries candidate_labels = [candidate_labels] if isinstance( candidate_labels, str) else candidate_labels if len(candidate_labels) == 1: multi_label = True mode = try: device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader( queries, candidate_labels, hypothesis_template=hypothesis_template, batch_size=batch_size, max_seq_length=self._cfg.dataset.max_seq_length, ) all_batch_logits = [] for batch in infer_datalayer: input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, _ = batch logits = self.forward(,,, ) all_batch_logits.append(logits.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_logits = np.concatenate(all_batch_logits) outputs = all_logits.reshape( (len(queries), len(candidate_labels), -1)) if not multi_label: # softmax the "entailment" logits over all candidate labels entail_logits = outputs[..., entailment_idx] scores = np.exp(entail_logits) / np.exp(entail_logits).sum( -1, keepdims=True) else: # softmax over the entailment vs. contradiction dim for each label independently entail_contr_logits = outputs[ ..., [contradiction_idx, entailment_idx]] scores = np.exp(entail_contr_logits) / np.exp( entail_contr_logits).sum(-1, keepdims=True) scores = scores[..., 1] result = [] for i in range(len(queries)): sorted_idxs = list(reversed(scores[i].argsort())) result.append({ "sentence": queries[i], "labels": [candidate_labels[j] for j in sorted_idxs], "scores": scores[i][sorted_idxs].tolist(), }) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) return result @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained models which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] result.append( PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="zeroshotintent_en_bert_base_uncased", location= "", description= "DialogueZeroShotIntentModel trained by fine tuning BERT-base-uncased on the MNLI (Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference) dataset, which achieves an accuracy of 84.9% and 84.8% on the matched and mismatched dev sets, respectively.", )) result.append( PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="zeroshotintent_en_megatron_uncased", location= "", description= "DialogueZeroShotIntentModel trained by fine tuning Megatron-BERT-345m=M-uncased on the MNLI (Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference) dataset, which achieves an accuracy of 90.0% and 89.9% on the matched and mismatched dev sets, respectively", )) return result
def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Get metrics based on the candidate label with the highest predicted likelihood and the ground truth label for intent """ output_preds =[output['preds'] for output in outputs], dim=0) output_labels =[output['labels'] for output in outputs], dim=0) inputs =[output['inputs'] for output in outputs], dim=0) decoded_preds = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.batch_decode( output_preds, skip_special_tokens=True) decoded_labels = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.batch_decode( output_labels, skip_special_tokens=True) decoded_inputs = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.batch_decode( inputs, skip_special_tokens=True) prompt_len = len(self.cfg.dataset.prompt_template.strip()) predicted_labels = [i[prompt_len:].strip() for i in decoded_preds] ground_truth_labels = [i[prompt_len:].strip() for i in decoded_labels] os.makedirs(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, "test_predictions.jsonl") DialogueGenerationMetrics.save_predictions( filename, predicted_labels, ground_truth_labels, decoded_inputs, ) label_to_ids = { label: idx for idx, label in enumerate( list(set(predicted_labels + ground_truth_labels))) } self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(label_to_ids), mode='micro', label_ids=label_to_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True).to(output_preds[0].device) predicted_label_ids = torch.tensor([ label_to_ids[label] for label in predicted_labels ]).to(output_preds[0].device) ground_truth_label_ids = torch.tensor([ label_to_ids[label] for label in ground_truth_labels ]).to(output_preds[0].device) tp, fn, fp, _ = self.classification_report(predicted_label_ids, ground_truth_label_ids) precision, recall, f1, report = self.classification_report.compute() label_acc = np.mean([ int(predicted_labels[i] == ground_truth_labels[i]) for i in range(len(predicted_labels)) ]) self.log('unified_precision', precision) self.log('unified_f1', f1) self.log('unified_recall', recall) self.log('unfied_accuracy', label_acc * 100) self.classification_report.reset()
class MultiLabelIntentSlotClassificationModel(IntentSlotClassificationModel): def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Initializes BERT Joint Intent and Slot model. Args: cfg: configuration object trainer: trainer for Pytorch Lightning """ self.max_seq_length = cfg.language_model.max_seq_length # Optimal Threshold self.threshold = 0.5 self.max_f1 = 0 # Check the presence of data_dir. if not cfg.data_dir or not os.path.exists(cfg.data_dir): # Set default values of data_desc. self._set_defaults_data_desc(cfg) else: self.data_dir = cfg.data_dir # Update configuration of data_desc. self._set_data_desc_to_cfg(cfg, cfg.data_dir, cfg.train_ds, cfg.validation_ds) # init superclass super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) # Initialize Classifier. self._reconfigure_classifier() def _set_data_desc_to_cfg( self, cfg: DictConfig, data_dir: str, train_ds: DictConfig, validation_ds: DictConfig ) -> None: """ Creates MultiLabelIntentSlotDataDesc and copies generated values to Configuration object's data descriptor. Args: cfg: configuration object data_dir: data directory train_ds: training dataset file name validation_ds: validation dataset file name Returns: None """ # Save data from data desc to config - so it can be reused later, e.g. in inference. data_desc = MultiLabelIntentSlotDataDesc(data_dir=data_dir, modes=[train_ds.prefix, validation_ds.prefix]) OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, False) if not hasattr(cfg, "data_desc") or cfg.data_desc is None: cfg.data_desc = {} # Intents. cfg.data_desc.intent_labels = list(data_desc.intents_label_ids.keys()) cfg.data_desc.intent_label_ids = data_desc.intents_label_ids cfg.data_desc.intent_weights = data_desc.intent_weights # Slots. cfg.data_desc.slot_labels = list(data_desc.slots_label_ids.keys()) cfg.data_desc.slot_label_ids = data_desc.slots_label_ids cfg.data_desc.slot_weights = data_desc.slot_weights cfg.data_desc.pad_label = data_desc.pad_label # for older(pre - 1.0.0.b3) configs compatibility if not hasattr(cfg, "class_labels") or cfg.class_labels is None: cfg.class_labels = {} cfg.class_labels = OmegaConf.create( {"intent_labels_file": "intent_labels.csv", "slot_labels_file": "slot_labels.csv",} ) slot_labels_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.class_labels.slot_labels_file) intent_labels_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.class_labels.intent_labels_file) self._save_label_ids(data_desc.slots_label_ids, slot_labels_file) self._save_label_ids(data_desc.intents_label_ids, intent_labels_file) self.register_artifact("class_labels.intent_labels_file", intent_labels_file) self.register_artifact("class_labels.slot_labels_file", slot_labels_file) OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, True) def _reconfigure_classifier(self) -> None: """ Method reconfigures the classifier depending on the settings of model cfg.data_desc """ self.classifier = SequenceTokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_intents=len(self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels), num_slots=len(self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels), dropout=self.cfg.head.fc_dropout, num_layers=self.cfg.head.num_output_layers, log_softmax=False, ) # define losses if self.cfg.class_balancing == "weighted_loss": # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.intent_loss = BCEWithLogitsLoss(logits_ndim=2, pos_weight=self.cfg.data_desc.intent_weights) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3, weight=self.cfg.data_desc.slot_weights) else: self.intent_loss = BCEWithLogitsLoss(logits_ndim=2) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.total_loss = AggregatorLoss( num_inputs=2, weights=[self.cfg.intent_loss_weight, 1.0 - self.cfg.intent_loss_weight], ) # setup to track metrics self.intent_classification_report = MultiLabelClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels), label_ids=self.cfg.data_desc.intent_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode="micro", ) self.slot_classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels), label_ids=self.cfg.data_desc.slot_label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True, mode="micro", ) def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx) -> None: """ Validation Loop. Pytorch Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. Args: batch: batches of data from DataLoader batch_idx: batch idx from DataLoader Returns: None """ (input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask, intent_labels, slot_labels,) = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self( input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, ) # calculate combined loss for intents and slots intent_loss = self.intent_loss(logits=intent_logits, labels=intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_loss(logits=slot_logits, labels=slot_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) val_loss = self.total_loss(loss_1=intent_loss, loss_2=slot_loss) intent_probabilities = torch.round(torch.sigmoid(intent_logits)) self.intent_classification_report.update(intent_probabilities, intent_labels) # slots subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 preds = torch.argmax(slot_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] slot_labels = slot_labels[subtokens_mask] self.slot_classification_report.update(preds, slot_labels) return { "val_loss": val_loss, "intent_tp":, "intent_fn": self.intent_classification_report.fn, "intent_fp": self.intent_classification_report.fp, "slot_tp":, "slot_fn": self.slot_classification_report.fn, "slot_fp": self.slot_classification_report.fp, } def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig) -> DataLoader: """ Creates the DataLoader from the configuration object Args: cfg: configuration object Returns: DataLoader for model's data """ input_file = f"{self.data_dir}/{cfg.prefix}.tsv" slot_file = f"{self.data_dir}/{cfg.prefix}_slots.tsv" intent_dict_file = self.data_dir + "/dict.intents.csv" lines = open(intent_dict_file, "r").readlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()] num_intents = len(lines) if not (os.path.exists(input_file) and os.path.exists(slot_file)): raise FileNotFoundError( f"{input_file} or {slot_file} not found. Please refer to the documentation for the right format \ of Intents and Slots files." ) dataset = MultiLabelIntentSlotClassificationDataset( input_file=input_file, slot_file=slot_file, num_intents=num_intents, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, max_seq_length=self.max_seq_length, num_samples=cfg.num_samples, pad_label=self.cfg.data_desc.pad_label, ignore_extra_tokens=self.cfg.ignore_extra_tokens, ignore_start_end=self.cfg.ignore_start_end, ) return DataLoader( dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.num_workers, pin_memory=cfg.pin_memory, drop_last=cfg.drop_last, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) def prediction_probabilities(self, queries: List[str], test_ds: DictConfig) -> npt.NDArray: """ Get prediction probabilities for the queries (intent and slots) Args: queries: text sequences test_ds: Dataset configuration section. Returns: numpy array of intent probabilities """ probabilities = [] mode = try: device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() # Dataset. infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader(queries, test_ds) for batch in infer_datalayer: input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self.forward(,,, ) # predict intents for these examples probabilities.append(torch.sigmoid(intent_logits).detach().cpu().numpy()) probabilities = np.concatenate(probabilities) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) return probabilities def optimize_threshold(self, test_ds: DictConfig, file_name: str) -> None: """ Set the optimal threshold of the model from performance on validation set. This threshold is used to round the logits to 0 or 1. Args: test_ds: location of test dataset file_name: name of input file to retrieve validation set Returns: None """ input_file = f"{self.data_dir}/{file_name}.tsv" with open(input_file, "r") as f: input_lines = f.readlines()[1:] # Skipping headers at index 0 dataset = list(input_lines) metrics_labels, sentences = [], [] for input_line in dataset: sentence = input_line.strip().split("\t")[0] sentences.append(sentence) parts = input_line.strip().split("\t")[1:][0] parts = list(map(int, parts.split(","))) parts = [1 if label in parts else 0 for label in range(len(self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels))] metrics_labels.append(parts) # Retrieve class probabilities for each sentence intent_probabilities = self.prediction_probabilities(sentences, test_ds) metrics_dict = {} # Find optimal logits rounding threshold for intents for i in np.arange(0.5, 0.96, 0.01): predictions = (intent_probabilities >= i).tolist() precision = precision_score(metrics_labels, predictions, average='micro') recall = recall_score(metrics_labels, predictions, average='micro') f1 = f1_score(metrics_labels, predictions, average='micro') metrics_dict[i] = [precision, recall, f1] max_precision = max(metrics_dict, key=lambda x: metrics_dict[x][0]) max_recall = max(metrics_dict, key=lambda x: metrics_dict[x][1]) max_f1_score = max(metrics_dict, key=lambda x: metrics_dict[x][2]) f'Best Threshold for F1-Score: {max_f1_score}, [Precision, Recall, F1-Score]: {metrics_dict[max_f1_score]}' ) f'Best Threshold for Precision: {max_precision}, [Precision, Recall, F1-Score]: {metrics_dict[max_precision]}' ) f'Best Threshold for Recall: {max_recall}, [Precision, Recall, F1-Score]: {metrics_dict[max_recall]}' ) if metrics_dict[max_f1_score][2] > self.max_f1: self.max_f1 = metrics_dict[max_f1_score][2]'Setting Threshold to: {max_f1_score}') self.threshold = max_f1_score def predict_from_examples( self, queries: List[str], test_ds: DictConfig, threshold: float = None ) -> Tuple[List[List[Tuple[str, float]]], List[str], List[List[int]]]: """ Get prediction for the queries (intent and slots) Args: queries: text sequences test_ds: Dataset configuration section. threshold: Threshold for rounding prediction logits Returns: predicted_intents: model intent predictions with their probabilities Example: [[('flight', 0.84)], [('airfare', 0.54), ('flight', 0.73), ('meal', 0.24)]] predicted_slots: model slot predictions Example: ['O B-depart_date.month_name B-depart_date.day_number', 'O O B-flight_stop O O O'] predicted_vector: model intent predictions for each individual query. Binary values within each list indicate whether a class is prediced for the given query (1 for True, 0 for False) Example: [[1,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0,0,0]] """ predicted_intents = [] if threshold is None: threshold = self.threshold'Using threshold = {threshold}') predicted_slots = [] predicted_vector = [] mode = try: device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # Retrieve intent and slot vocabularies from configuration. intent_labels = self.cfg.data_desc.intent_labels slot_labels = self.cfg.data_desc.slot_labels # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() # Dataset. infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader(queries, test_ds) for batch in infer_datalayer: input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self.forward(,,, ) # predict intents and slots for these examples # intents intent_preds = tensor2list(torch.sigmoid(intent_logits)) # convert numerical outputs to Intent and Slot labels from the dictionaries for intents in intent_preds: intent_lst = [] temp_list = [] for intent_num, probability in enumerate(intents): if probability >= threshold: intent_lst.append((intent_labels[int(intent_num)], round(probability, 2))) temp_list.append(1) else: temp_list.append(0) predicted_vector.append(temp_list) predicted_intents.append(intent_lst) # slots slot_preds = torch.argmax(slot_logits, axis=-1) temp_slots_preds = [] for slot_preds_query, mask_query in zip(slot_preds, subtokens_mask): temp_slots = "" query_slots = "" for slot, mask in zip(slot_preds_query, mask_query): if mask == 1: if slot < len(slot_labels): query_slots += slot_labels[int(slot)] + " " temp_slots += f"{slot} " else: query_slots += "Unknown_slot " temp_slots += "0 " predicted_slots.append(query_slots.strip()) temp_slots_preds.append(temp_slots) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) return predicted_intents, predicted_slots, predicted_vector @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ To be added """ result = [] return result
class IntentSlotClassificationModel(NLPModel): @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.bert_model.input_types @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.classifier.output_types def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Initializes BERT Joint Intent and Slot model. """ self.data_dir = cfg.data_dir self.max_seq_length = cfg.language_model.max_seq_length self.data_desc = IntentSlotDataDesc( data_dir=cfg.data_dir, modes=[cfg.train_ds.prefix, cfg.validation_ds.prefix]) self._setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) # init superclass super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) # initialize Bert model self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=cfg.language_model.config_file, config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.language_model.config) if cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, ) self.classifier = SequenceTokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_intents=self.data_desc.num_intents, num_slots=self.data_desc.num_slots, dropout=cfg.head.fc_dropout, num_layers=cfg.head.num_output_layers, log_softmax=False, ) # define losses if cfg.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss': # You may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss( logits_ndim=2, weight=self.data_desc.intent_weights) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss( logits_ndim=3, weight=self.data_desc.slot_weights) else: self.intent_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=2) self.slot_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) self.total_loss = AggregatorLoss( num_inputs=2, weights=[cfg.intent_loss_weight, 1.0 - cfg.intent_loss_weight]) # setup to track metrics self.intent_classification_report = ClassificationReport( self.data_desc.num_intents, self.data_desc.intents_label_ids) self.slot_classification_report = ClassificationReport( self.data_desc.num_slots, self.data_desc.slots_label_ids) # Optimizer setup needs to happen after all model weights are ready self.setup_optimization(cfg.optim) @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask): """ No special modification required for Lightning, define it as you normally would in the `nn.Module` in vanilla PyTorch. """ hidden_states = self.bert_model(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) intent_logits, slot_logits = self.classifier( hidden_states=hidden_states) return intent_logits, slot_logits def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ # forward pass input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask, intent_labels, slot_labels = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) # calculate combined loss for intents and slots intent_loss = self.intent_loss(logits=intent_logits, labels=intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_loss(logits=slot_logits, labels=slot_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) train_loss = self.total_loss(loss_1=intent_loss, loss_2=slot_loss) tensorboard_logs = { 'train_loss': train_loss, 'lr': self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] } return {'loss': train_loss, 'log': tensorboard_logs} def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, loss_mask, subtokens_mask, intent_labels, slot_labels = batch intent_logits, slot_logits = self(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) # calculate combined loss for intents and slots intent_loss = self.intent_loss(logits=intent_logits, labels=intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_loss(logits=slot_logits, labels=slot_labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) val_loss = self.total_loss(loss_1=intent_loss, loss_2=slot_loss) # calculate accuracy metrics for intents and slot reporting # intents preds = torch.argmax(intent_logits, axis=-1) intent_tp, intent_fp, intent_fn = self.intent_classification_report( preds, intent_labels) # slots subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 preds = torch.argmax(slot_logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] slot_labels = slot_labels[subtokens_mask] slot_tp, slot_fp, slot_fn = self.slot_classification_report( preds, slot_labels) tensorboard_logs = { 'val_loss': val_loss, 'intent_tp': intent_tp, 'intent_fn': intent_fn, 'intent_fp': intent_fp, 'slot_tp': slot_tp, 'slot_fn': slot_fn, 'slot_fp': slot_fp, } return {'val_loss': val_loss, 'log': tensorboard_logs} def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ avg_loss = torch.stack([x['val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and log classification report (separately for intents and slots) tp = torch.sum(torch.stack([x['log']['intent_tp'] for x in outputs]), 0) fn = torch.sum(torch.stack([x['log']['intent_fn'] for x in outputs]), 0) fp = torch.sum(torch.stack([x['log']['intent_fp'] for x in outputs]), 0) intent_precision, intent_recall, intent_f1 = self.intent_classification_report.get_precision_recall_f1( tp, fn, fp, mode='micro') tp = torch.sum(torch.stack([x['log']['slot_tp'] for x in outputs]), 0) fn = torch.sum(torch.stack([x['log']['slot_fn'] for x in outputs]), 0) fp = torch.sum(torch.stack([x['log']['slot_fp'] for x in outputs]), 0) slot_precision, slot_recall, slot_f1 = self.slot_classification_report.get_precision_recall_f1( tp, fn, fp, mode='micro') tensorboard_logs = { 'val_loss': avg_loss, 'intent_precision': intent_precision, 'intent_recall': intent_recall, 'intent_f1': intent_f1, 'slot_precision': slot_precision, 'slot_recall': slot_recall, 'slot_f1': slot_f1, } return {'val_loss': avg_loss, 'log': tensorboard_logs} def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. :param outputs: list of individual outputs of each test step. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) def _setup_tokenizer(self, cfg: DictConfig): tokenizer = get_tokenizer( tokenizer_name=cfg.tokenizer_name, tokenizer_model=cfg.tokenizer_model, special_tokens=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.special_tokens) if cfg.special_tokens else None, vocab_file=cfg.vocab_file, ) self.tokenizer = tokenizer def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=train_data_config) def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=val_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=test_data_config) def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig): input_file = f'{self.data_dir}/{cfg.prefix}.tsv' slot_file = f'{self.data_dir}/{cfg.prefix}_slots.tsv' if not (os.path.exists(input_file) and os.path.exists(slot_file)): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{input_file} or {slot_file} not found. Please refer to the documentation for the right format \ of Intents and Slots files.') dataset = IntentSlotClassificationDataset( input_file=input_file, slot_file=slot_file, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, max_seq_length=self.max_seq_length, num_samples=cfg.num_samples, pad_label=self.data_desc.pad_label, ignore_extra_tokens=self._cfg.ignore_extra_tokens, ignore_start_end=self._cfg.ignore_start_end, ) return DataLoader( dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.num_workers, pin_memory=cfg.pin_memory, drop_last=cfg.drop_last, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained model which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] model = PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="Joint_Intent_Slot_Assistant", location= "", description= "This models is trained on this dataset which includes 64 various intents and 55 slots. Final Intent accuracy is about 87%, Slot accuracy is about 89%.", ) result.append(model) return result
class DialogueNearestNeighbourModel(NLPModel): """Dialogue Nearest Neighbour Model identifies the intent of an utterance using the cosine similarity between sentence embeddings of the utterance and various label descriptions """ def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): self.cfg = cfg super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) if self.cfg.library == "huggingface": self.language_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained( self.cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name) def _setup_dataloader_from_config( self, cfg: DictConfig, dataset_split) -> '': if self._cfg.dataset.task == "zero_shot": self.data_processor = DialogueAssistantDataProcessor( self.cfg.data_dir, self.tokenizer, cfg=self.cfg.dataset) elif self._cfg.dataset.task == "design": self.data_processor = DialogueDesignDataProcessor( data_dir=self._cfg.dataset.data_dir, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, cfg=self._cfg.dataset) elif self._cfg.dataset.task == 'sgd': self.data_processor = DialogueSGDDataProcessor( data_dir=self._cfg.dataset.data_dir, dialogues_example_dir=self._cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, cfg=self._cfg.dataset, ) else: raise ValueError( "Only zero_shot, design and sgd supported for Zero Shot Intent Model" ) dataset = DialogueNearestNeighbourDataset( dataset_split, self.data_processor, self.tokenizer, self.cfg. dataset, # this is the model.dataset cfg, which is diff from train_ds cfg etc ) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=cfg.get("num_workers", 0), pin_memory=cfg.get("pin_memory", False), drop_last=cfg.get("drop_last", False), ) def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask): if self.cfg.library == 'huggingface': output = self.language_model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) return output def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): raise NotImplementedError def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx, mode='test') @staticmethod def mean_pooling(model_output, attention_mask): token_embeddings = model_output[ 0] # First element of model_output contains all token embeddings input_mask_expanded = attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand( token_embeddings.size()).float() return torch.sum(token_embeddings * input_mask_expanded, 1) / torch.clamp(input_mask_expanded.sum(1), min=1e-9) def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx, mode='val'): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ input_ids, input_mask, labels = batch preds = [] gts = [] inputs = [] for i in range(input_ids.size(0)): output = self.forward(input_ids=input_ids[i], attention_mask=input_mask[i]) sentence_embeddings = DialogueNearestNeighbourModel.mean_pooling( output, input_mask[i]) sentence_embeddings = F.normalize(sentence_embeddings, p=2, dim=1) cos_sim = F.cosine_similarity(sentence_embeddings[:1, :], sentence_embeddings[1:, :]) pred = torch.argmax(cos_sim).item() + 1 gt = torch.argmax(labels[i][1:]).item() + 1 preds.append(input_ids[i, pred]) gts.append(input_ids[i, gt]) inputs.append(input_ids[i, 0]) return { 'preds': torch.stack(preds), 'labels': torch.stack(gts), 'inputs': torch.stack(inputs) } def multi_test_epoch_end(self, outputs, dataloader_idx): return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Get metrics based on the candidate label with the highest predicted likelihood and the ground truth label for intent """ output_preds =[output['preds'] for output in outputs], dim=0) output_labels =[output['labels'] for output in outputs], dim=0) inputs =[output['inputs'] for output in outputs], dim=0) decoded_preds = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.batch_decode( output_preds, skip_special_tokens=True) decoded_labels = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.batch_decode( output_labels, skip_special_tokens=True) decoded_inputs = self.tokenizer.tokenizer.batch_decode( inputs, skip_special_tokens=True) prompt_len = len(self.cfg.dataset.prompt_template.strip()) predicted_labels = [i[prompt_len:].strip() for i in decoded_preds] ground_truth_labels = [i[prompt_len:].strip() for i in decoded_labels] os.makedirs(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(self.cfg.dataset.dialogues_example_dir, "test_predictions.jsonl") DialogueGenerationMetrics.save_predictions( filename, predicted_labels, ground_truth_labels, decoded_inputs, ) label_to_ids = { label: idx for idx, label in enumerate( list(set(predicted_labels + ground_truth_labels))) } self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( num_classes=len(label_to_ids), mode='micro', label_ids=label_to_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True).to(output_preds[0].device) predicted_label_ids = torch.tensor([ label_to_ids[label] for label in predicted_labels ]).to(output_preds[0].device) ground_truth_label_ids = torch.tensor([ label_to_ids[label] for label in ground_truth_labels ]).to(output_preds[0].device) tp, fn, fp, _ = self.classification_report(predicted_label_ids, ground_truth_label_ids) precision, recall, f1, report = self.classification_report.compute() label_acc = np.mean([ int(predicted_labels[i] == ground_truth_labels[i]) for i in range(len(predicted_labels)) ]) self.log('unified_precision', precision) self.log('unified_f1', f1) self.log('unified_recall', recall) self.log('unfied_accuracy', label_acc * 100) self.classification_report.reset() def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not train_data_config: f"Dataloader config or file_name for the training set is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( train_data_config, "train") # self.create_loss_module() def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not val_data_config: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the validation data set is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( val_data_config, "dev") def setup_multiple_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): self.setup_test_data(test_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): if not test_data_config: f"Dataloader config or file_path for the test data set is missing, so no data loader for test is created!" ) self._test_dl = None return self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( test_data_config, "test") @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained models which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] return result
class TokenClassificationModel(NLPModel, Exportable): """Token Classification Model with BERT, applicable for tasks such as Named Entity Recognition""" @property def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.bert_model.input_types @property def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]: return self.classifier.output_types def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """Initializes Token Classification Model.""" # extract str to int labels mapping if a mapping file provided if isinstance(cfg.label_ids, str): if os.path.exists(cfg.label_ids): f'Reusing label_ids file found at {cfg.label_ids}.') label_ids = get_labels_to_labels_id_mapping(cfg.label_ids) # update the config to store name to id mapping cfg.label_ids = OmegaConf.create(label_ids) else: raise ValueError(f'{cfg.label_ids} not found.') self._setup_tokenizer(cfg.tokenizer) super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) self.bert_model = get_lm_model( pretrained_model_name=cfg.language_model.pretrained_model_name, config_file=cfg.language_model.config_file, config_dict=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.language_model.config) if cfg.language_model.config else None, checkpoint_file=cfg.language_model.lm_checkpoint, ) self.classifier = TokenClassifier( hidden_size=self.bert_model.config.hidden_size, num_classes=len(self._cfg.label_ids), num_layers=self._cfg.head.num_fc_layers, activation=self._cfg.head.activation, log_softmax=False, dropout=self._cfg.head.fc_dropout, use_transformer_init=self._cfg.head.use_transformer_init, ) self.class_weights = None self.loss = self.setup_loss( class_balancing=self._cfg.dataset.class_balancing) # setup to track metrics self.classification_report = ClassificationReport( len(self._cfg.label_ids), label_ids=self._cfg.label_ids, dist_sync_on_step=True) def update_data_dir(self, data_dir: str) -> None: """ Update data directory and get data stats with Data Descriptor Weights are later used to setup loss Args: data_dir: path to data directory """ self._cfg.dataset.data_dir = data_dir'Setting model.dataset.data_dir to {data_dir}.') def setup_loss(self, class_balancing: str = None): """Setup loss Setup or update loss. Args: class_balancing: whether to use class weights during training """ if class_balancing == 'weighted_loss' and self.class_weights: # you may need to increase the number of epochs for convergence when using weighted_loss loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3, weight=self.class_weights) else: loss = CrossEntropyLoss(logits_ndim=3) return loss @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask): hidden_states = self.bert_model(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) logits = self.classifier(hidden_states=hidden_states) return logits def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the training loop with the data from the training dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, subtokens_mask, loss_mask, labels = batch logits = self(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) loss = self.loss(logits=logits, labels=labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] self.log('train_loss', loss) self.log('lr', lr, prog_bar=True) return { 'loss': loss, 'lr': lr, } def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the validation loop with the data from the validation dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, subtokens_mask, loss_mask, labels = batch logits = self(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) val_loss = self.loss(logits=logits, labels=labels, loss_mask=loss_mask) subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 preds = torch.argmax(logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask] labels = labels[subtokens_mask] tp, fn, fp, _ = self.classification_report(preds, labels) return {'val_loss': val_loss, 'tp': tp, 'fn': fn, 'fp': fp} def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation to aggregate outputs. outputs: list of individual outputs of each validation step. """ avg_loss = torch.stack([x['val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() # calculate metrics and classification report precision, recall, f1, report = self.classification_report.compute() self.log('val_loss', avg_loss, prog_bar=True) self.log('precision', precision) self.log('f1', f1) self.log('recall', recall) def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Lightning calls this inside the test loop with the data from the test dataloader passed in as `batch`. """ return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx) def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test to aggregate outputs. """ return self.validation_epoch_end(outputs) def _setup_tokenizer(self, cfg: DictConfig): tokenizer = get_tokenizer( tokenizer_name=cfg.tokenizer_name, vocab_file=self.register_artifact( config_path='tokenizer.vocab_file', src=cfg.vocab_file), special_tokens=OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.special_tokens) if cfg.special_tokens else None, tokenizer_model=self.register_artifact( config_path='tokenizer.tokenizer_model', src=cfg.tokenizer_model), ) self.tokenizer = tokenizer def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig] = None): if train_data_config is None: train_data_config = self._cfg.train_ds labels_file = os.path.join(self._cfg.dataset.data_dir, train_data_config.labels_file) label_ids, label_ids_filename, self.class_weights = get_label_ids( label_file=labels_file, is_training=True, pad_label=self._cfg.dataset.pad_label, label_ids_dict=self._cfg.label_ids, get_weights=self._cfg.dataset.class_balancing == 'weighted_loss', ) # save label maps to the config self._cfg.label_ids = OmegaConf.create(label_ids) self.register_artifact('label_ids.csv', label_ids_filename) self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=train_data_config) def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig] = None): if val_data_config is None: val_data_config = self._cfg.validation_ds labels_file = os.path.join(self._cfg.dataset.data_dir, val_data_config.labels_file) get_label_ids( label_file=labels_file, is_training=False, pad_label=self._cfg.dataset.pad_label, label_ids_dict=self._cfg.label_ids, get_weights=False, ) self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=val_data_config) def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig] = None): if test_data_config is None: test_data_config = self._cfg.test_ds labels_file = os.path.join(self._cfg.dataset.data_dir, test_data_config.labels_file) get_label_ids( label_file=labels_file, is_training=False, pad_label=self._cfg.dataset.pad_label, label_ids_dict=self._cfg.label_ids, get_weights=False, ) self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config( cfg=test_data_config) def _setup_dataloader_from_config(self, cfg: DictConfig) -> DataLoader: """ Setup dataloader from config Args: cfg: config for the dataloader Return: Pytorch Dataloader """ dataset_cfg = self._cfg.dataset data_dir = dataset_cfg.data_dir if not os.path.exists(data_dir): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Data directory is not found at: {data_dir}.") text_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.text_file) labels_file = os.path.join(data_dir, cfg.labels_file) if not (os.path.exists(text_file) and os.path.exists(labels_file)): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{text_file} or {labels_file} not found. The data should be split into 2 files: text.txt and \ labels.txt. Each line of the text.txt file contains text sequences, where words are separated with \ spaces. The labels.txt file contains corresponding labels for each word in text.txt, the labels are \ separated with spaces. Each line of the files should follow the format: \ [WORD] [SPACE] [WORD] [SPACE] [WORD] (for text.txt) and \ [LABEL] [SPACE] [LABEL] [SPACE] [LABEL] (for labels.txt).') dataset = BertTokenClassificationDataset( text_file=text_file, label_file=labels_file, max_seq_length=dataset_cfg.max_seq_length, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, num_samples=cfg.num_samples, pad_label=dataset_cfg.pad_label, label_ids=self._cfg.label_ids, ignore_extra_tokens=dataset_cfg.ignore_extra_tokens, ignore_start_end=dataset_cfg.ignore_start_end, use_cache=dataset_cfg.use_cache, ) return DataLoader( dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=cfg.shuffle, num_workers=dataset_cfg.num_workers, pin_memory=dataset_cfg.pin_memory, drop_last=dataset_cfg.drop_last, ) def _setup_infer_dataloader( self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int) -> '': """ Setup function for a infer data loader. Args: queries: text batch_size: batch size to use during inference Returns: A pytorch DataLoader. """ dataset = BertTokenClassificationInferDataset(tokenizer=self.tokenizer, queries=queries, max_seq_length=-1) return dataset=dataset, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=self._cfg.dataset.num_workers, pin_memory=self._cfg.dataset.pin_memory, drop_last=False, ) @torch.no_grad() def _infer(self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int = None) -> List[int]: """ Get prediction for the queries Args: queries: text sequences batch_size: batch size to use during inference. Returns: all_preds: model predictions """ # store predictions for all queries in a single list all_preds = [] mode = try: device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' # Switch model to evaluation mode self.eval() infer_datalayer = self._setup_infer_dataloader(queries, batch_size) for batch in infer_datalayer: input_ids, input_type_ids, input_mask, subtokens_mask = batch logits = self.forward(,,, ) subtokens_mask = subtokens_mask > 0.5 preds = tensor2list( torch.argmax(logits, axis=-1)[subtokens_mask]) all_preds.extend(preds) finally: # set mode back to its original value self.train(mode=mode) return all_preds def add_predictions(self, queries: Union[List[str], str], batch_size: int = 32) -> List[str]: """ Add predicted token labels to the queries. Use this method for debugging and prototyping. Args: queries: text batch_size: batch size to use during inference. Returns: result: text with added entities """ if queries is None or len(queries) == 0: return [] result = [] all_preds = self._infer(queries, batch_size) queries = [q.strip().split() for q in queries] num_words = [len(q) for q in queries] if sum(num_words) != len(all_preds): raise ValueError('Pred and words must have the same length') ids_to_labels = {v: k for k, v in self._cfg.label_ids.items()} start_idx = 0 end_idx = 0 for query in queries: end_idx += len(query) # extract predictions for the current query from the list of all predictions preds = all_preds[start_idx:end_idx] start_idx = end_idx query_with_entities = '' for j, word in enumerate(query): # strip out the punctuation to attach the entity tag to the word not to a punctuation mark # that follows the word if word[-1].isalpha(): punct = '' else: punct = word[-1] word = word[:-1] query_with_entities += word label = ids_to_labels[preds[j]] if label != self._cfg.dataset.pad_label: query_with_entities += '[' + label + ']' query_with_entities += punct + ' ' result.append(query_with_entities.strip()) return result def evaluate_from_file( self, output_dir: str, text_file: str, labels_file: Optional[str] = None, add_confusion_matrix: Optional[bool] = False, normalize_confusion_matrix: Optional[bool] = True, batch_size: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Run inference on data from a file, plot confusion matrix and calculate classification report. Use this method for final evaluation. Args: output_dir: path to output directory to store model predictions, confusion matrix plot (if set to True) text_file: path to file with text. Each line of the text.txt file contains text sequences, where words are separated with spaces: [WORD] [SPACE] [WORD] [SPACE] [WORD] labels_file (Optional): path to file with labels. Each line of the labels_file should contain labels corresponding to each word in the text_file, the labels are separated with spaces: [LABEL] [SPACE] [LABEL] [SPACE] [LABEL] (for labels.txt).' add_confusion_matrix: whether to generate confusion matrix normalize_confusion_matrix: whether to normalize confusion matrix batch_size: batch size to use during inference. """ output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) with open(text_file, 'r') as f: queries = f.readlines() all_preds = self._infer(queries, batch_size) with_labels = labels_file is not None if with_labels: with open(labels_file, 'r') as f: all_labels_str = f.readlines() all_labels_str = ' '.join( [labels.strip() for labels in all_labels_str]) # writing labels and predictions to a file in output_dir is specified in the config os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'infer_' + os.path.basename(text_file)) try: with open(filename, 'w') as f: if with_labels: f.write('labels\t' + all_labels_str + '\n')'Labels save to {filename}') # convert labels from string label to ids ids_to_labels = {v: k for k, v in self._cfg.label_ids.items()} all_preds_str = [ids_to_labels[pred] for pred in all_preds] f.write('preds\t' + ' '.join(all_preds_str) + '\n')'Predictions saved to {filename}') if with_labels and add_confusion_matrix: all_labels = all_labels_str.split() # convert labels from string label to ids label_ids = self._cfg.label_ids all_labels = [label_ids[label] for label in all_labels] plot_confusion_matrix(all_labels, all_preds, output_dir, label_ids=label_ids, normalize=normalize_confusion_matrix) get_classification_report(all_labels, all_preds, label_ids)) except Exception: logging.error( f'When providing a file with labels, check that all labels in {labels_file} were' f'seen during training.') raise @classmethod def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]: """ This method returns a list of pre-trained model which can be instantiated directly from NVIDIA's NGC cloud. Returns: List of available pre-trained models. """ result = [] model = PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name="NERModel", location= "", description= "The model was trained on GMB (Groningen Meaning Bank) corpus for entity recognition and achieves 74.61 F1 Macro score.", ) result.append(model) return result def _prepare_for_export(self): return self.bert_model._prepare_for_export() def export( self, output: str, input_example=None, output_example=None, verbose=False, export_params=True, do_constant_folding=True, keep_initializers_as_inputs=False, onnx_opset_version: int = 12, try_script: bool = False, set_eval: bool = True, check_trace: bool = True, use_dynamic_axes: bool = True, ): if input_example is not None or output_example is not None: logging.warning( "Passed input and output examples will be ignored and recomputed since" " TokenClassificationModel consists of two separate models with different" " inputs and outputs.") qual_name = self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__qualname__ output1 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'bert_' + os.path.basename(output)) output1_descr = qual_name + ' BERT exported to ONNX' bert_model_onnx = self.bert_model.export( output1, None, # computed by input_example() None, verbose, export_params, do_constant_folding, keep_initializers_as_inputs, onnx_opset_version, try_script, set_eval, check_trace, use_dynamic_axes, ) output2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'classifier_' + os.path.basename(output)) output2_descr = qual_name + ' Classifier exported to ONNX' classifier_onnx = self.classifier.export( output2, None, # computed by input_example() None, verbose, export_params, do_constant_folding, keep_initializers_as_inputs, onnx_opset_version, try_script, set_eval, check_trace, use_dynamic_axes, ) output_model = attach_onnx_to_onnx(bert_model_onnx, classifier_onnx, "TKCL") output_descr = qual_name + ' BERT+Classifier exported to ONNX', output) return ([output, output1, output2], [output_descr, output1_descr, output2_descr])