예제 #1
    vfiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, vdir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculatet the average KE.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    meanke = np.ndarray(shape=[len(ufiles), nz + 1])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(ufiles)):
        print ufiles[k]
        # Load & mask the current U velocity field.
        u = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('vozoce3u', '', '', ufiles[k], 'U'))
        u = nemo.mask_field(u, umask)
        e3u = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e3u', '', '', ufiles[k], 'U'))
        e3u = nemo.mask_field(e3u, umask)
        u = u / e3u
        e3u = None

        # Load and mask the current V velocity field.
        v = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('vomece3v', '', '', vfiles[k], 'V'))
        v = nemo.mask_field(v, vmask)
        e3v = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e3v', '', '', vfiles[k], 'V'))
        e3v = nemo.mask_field(e3v, vmask)
        v = v / e3v
        e3v = None

        # Calculate the KE for the current velocity fields
        ke = nemo.calc_ke(u.data, v.data, nx, ny, nz, tmask)
예제 #2
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# Load the mixed layer fields remask them.
somxlr103_01 = np.squeeze(
        [homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
somxlr103_01 = nemo.mask_field(somxlr103_01[:, :, None], tmask)
somxlr103_08 = np.squeeze(
        [homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
somxlr103_08 = nemo.mask_field(somxlr103_08[:, :, None], tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Set the max mxl that I want to plot.
max_mxl = 100.

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
예제 #3
filename = 'siconc_DJF_1951-1954.npy'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

ice = np.load(''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'POST/', filename]))
ice = nemo.mask_field(ice, tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Set the max mxl that I want to plot.
max_ice = 1.

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spstere', boundinglat=-35, lon_0=-150, round='true')

# Draw grid lines and label the longitudes.
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.5, color='w')
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30),
예제 #4
# Load the coordinates.
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# Load the field to plot and remask it.
icethic = np.squeeze(
        homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
icethic = nemo.mask_field(icethic[:, :, None], tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-35, lon_0=-150, round='true')
# map.shadedrelief()
# map.fillcontinents(color='black', lake_color='white')

# Draw grid lines and label the longitudes.
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.25)
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30), labels=12 * [True], linewidth=0.25)
예제 #5
ufiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, udir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculate the ice volume.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    wind = np.ndarray(shape=[len(ufiles), 2])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(ufiles)):
        # Load & mask the current ice fraction field.
        zonalwind = nemo.load_field('sozotaux', '', '', ufiles[k], 'U')
        zonalwind = nemo.mask_field(zonalwind, umask)

        # Calculate the area of the grid box covered in ice.
        total = (e1u[0:nx - 1, :, :] * e2u[0:nx - 1, :, :] *
                 zonalwind[0:nx - 1, :, :]).sum()

        # Store the total area for output.
        wind[k, 0] = ufiles[k].split('/ORCH0083-LIM3_', 1)[1].split('_U', 1)[0]
        wind[k, 1] = total

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spit the numbers out to file, if requested.
if save_output:
        ''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/zonalwindinput_m01']),
예제 #6
glamt = np.expand_dims(
    np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('LONGITUDE', homedir, nemodir, filename)), 1)

# Load the coordinates.
gphit = np.expand_dims(
    np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('LATITUDE', homedir, nemodir, filename)), 1)
glamt = np.expand_dims(
    np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('LONGITUDE', homedir, nemodir, filename)), 1)

glamt, gphit = np.meshgrid(glamt, gphit)

# Load the field to plot and remask it.
mxl = nemo.load_field('DEPTH_MIXED_LAYER', homedir, nemodir, filename)
mxlmask = np.isfinite(mxl)
mxl[np.isnan(mxl)] = 0.0
mxl = nemo.mask_field(mxl, mxlmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Set the max mxl that I want to plot.
max_mxl = 500.

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spstere', boundinglat=-35, lon_0=-150, round='true')
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.5, color='w')
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30),
                  labels=12 * [True],
예제 #7
ifiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, idir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculate the ice volume.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    icearea = np.ndarray(shape=[len(ifiles), 2])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(ifiles)):
        # Load & mask the current ice fraction field.
        icefrac = nemo.load_field('siconc', '', '', ifiles[k], 'T')
        icefrac = nemo.mask_field(icefrac, tmask)

        # Calculate the area of the grid box covered in ice.
        area = (e1t * e2t * icefrac).sum()

        # Store the total area for output.
        icearea[k, 0] = ifiles[k].split('/ORCH0083-LIM3_',
                                        1)[1].split('_I', 1)[0]
        icearea[k, 1] = area

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spit the numbers out to file, if requested.
if save_output:
    np.save(''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/icearea']), icearea)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
예제 #8
    tfiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, tdir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculatet the average KE.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    meansalty = np.ndarray(shape=[len(tfiles), nz + 1])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(tfiles)):
        print tfiles[k]
        # Load & mask the current theta field.
        salty = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('vosale3t', '', '', tfiles[k], 'T'))
        salty = nemo.mask_field(salty, tmask)

        # Load & mask the current e3t field.
        e3t = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e3t', '', '', tfiles[k], 'T'))
        e3t = nemo.mask_field(e3t, tmask)

        # Calculate the area average surface temperature.
        meansalty[k, 0] = tfiles[k].split('/ORCH0083-LIM3_',
                                          1)[1].split('_T', 1)[0]
                  1:] = np.sum(salty * area, axis=(0, 1)) / np.sum(e3t * area,
                                                                   axis=(0, 1))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spit the numbers out to file, if requested.
if save_output:
예제 #9
# Load the zonal grid spacing and latitudes
e1t = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e1t', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the temperature fields and remask them.
sst2 = np.squeeze(
        [homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
sst2 = nemo.mask_field(sst2[:, :, None], tmask)
sst = np.squeeze(
        [homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
sst = nemo.mask_field(sst[:, :, None], tmask)

# Calculate the temperature variance.
tvar = sst2 - sst * sst

# Integrate the temperature variance.
nemo_tvar_exp00 = (tvar * e1t[:, :, None] * tmask).sum(axis=0) / \
                  (e1t[:, :, None] * tmask).sum(axis=0)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
예제 #10
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the grid spacings.
e2u = nemo.load_field('e2u', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'U')

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'T'))[:, :, 0:1]
umask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('umask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'U'))

# Load the velocity fields and remask them.
uvele3u = np.squeeze(
        [homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
uvele3u = nemo.mask_field(uvele3u, umask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Calculate the barotropic streamfunction.
psi = uvele3u.sum(axis=2)
psi = np.cumsum(psi.data[:, :, None] * umask[:, :, 0:1] * e2u[:, :, 0:1],
psi = nemo.mask_field(psi, umask[:, :, 0:1])

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
예제 #11
nz = 75

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask',
                                   homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T')[:, :, 0:1])

# Load the temperature fields and remask them.
flux = np.squeeze(np.load(''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
flux = nemo.mask_field(flux, tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-35,
              lon_0=-150, round='true')

# Draw grid lines and label the longitudes.
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.25, color='w')
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30), labels=12*[True], linewidth=0.25,
예제 #12
ifiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, idir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculatet the ice volume.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    thickness = np.ndarray(shape=[len(ifiles), 2])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(ifiles)):
        # Load & mask the current U velocity field.
        icethick = nemo.load_field('sithic', '', '', ifiles[k], 'T')
        icethick = nemo.mask_field(icethick, tmask)
        iceconc = nemo.load_field('siconc', '', '', ifiles[k], 'T')
        iceconc = nemo.mask_field(iceconc, tmask)

        # Calculate the KE for the current velocity fields
        thick = (e1t * e2t * icethick * iceconc).sum() / (e1t * e2t *

        # Calculate the area average surface KE.
        thickness[k, 0] = ifiles[k].split('/ORCH0083-LIM3_',
                                          1)[1].split('_I', 1)[0]
        thickness[k, 1] = thick

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spit the numbers out to file, if requested.
if save_output:
예제 #13
                                   homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Find the number of files in the directory that we want to calculate KE for.
ifiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, idir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
for k in range(0, len(ifiles)+1, 5):

    # Load the velocity fields and remask them.
    siconc = nemo.load_field('siconc', '', '', ifiles[k], 'T')
    siconc = nemo.mask_field(siconc, tmask)

    # Create a new figure window.
    plt.figure(figsize=(4.0, 4.0))

    # Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
    map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd',
                  boundinglat=-35, lon_0=180, round='true')

    # Draw grid lines and label the longitudes.
    map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.25)
    map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30), fontsize=4,
                      labels=12*[True], linewidth=0.25)

    # Draw the contour plot.
예제 #14
# Specify the number of grid boxes.
nx = 4320
ny = 2000
nz = 75

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
e3t_0 = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e3t_0', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
depth = (e3t_0 * tmask).sum(axis=2)
depth = nemo.mask_field(depth[:, :, None], tmask[:, :, 0:1])

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-35, lon_0=-150, round='true')

# Draw grid lines and label the longitudes.
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.25, color='w')
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30),
                  labels=12 * [True],
예제 #15
filename = 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/1952/d01/T/ORCH0083-LIM3_19521231_T_d01.nc'
gridfile = 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/MESH/mesh_mask.nc'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask',
                                   homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# Load the field to plot and remask it.
mxl = nemo.load_field('somxlr103', homedir, nemodir, filename, 'T')
mxl = nemo.mask_field(mxl, tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Set the max mxl that I want to plot.
max_mxl = 100.

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-10,
              lon_0=180, round='true')
# map.shadedrelief()
# map.fillcontinents(color='black', lake_color='white')
예제 #16
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# Load the velocity fields and remask them.
ssh2 = np.squeeze(
        [homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
         'sosssh2_ANN_1952-1954.npy'])))[:, :, None]
ssh2 = nemo.mask_field(ssh2, tmask)
ssh = np.squeeze(
        [homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
         'sossheig_ANN_1952-1954.npy'])))[:, :, None]
ssh = nemo.mask_field(ssh, tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Calculate the SSH variance.
sshvar = ssh2 - ssh * ssh

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))
예제 #17
    tfiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, tdir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculatet the average KE.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    meansss = np.ndarray(shape=[len(tfiles), 2])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(tfiles)):
        # Load & mask the current sss field.
        sss = nemo.load_field('sosaline', '', '', tfiles[k], 'T')
        sss = nemo.mask_field(sss, tmask)

        # Calculate the area average surface temperature.
        meansss[k, 0] = tfiles[k].split('/ORCH0083-LIM3_',
                                        1)[1].split('_T', 1)[0]
        meansss[k, 1] = (sss * area).sum() / area.sum()

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spit the numbers out to file, if requested.
if save_output:
    np.save(''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/meansss']), meansss)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not saving the number, we're loading them.
if not save_output:
    meansss = np.load(''.join(
예제 #18
filename = 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/1948/V/ORCH0083-LIM3_19481227_V_d05.nc'
gridfile = 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/MESH/mesh_mask.nc'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
glamv = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamv', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'V'))
gphiv = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphiv', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'V'))

# Load the relevant mask.
vmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('umask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'V'))[:, :, 0:1]

# Load the field to plot and remask it.
ssv = nemo.load_field('sossvssv', homedir, nemodir, filename, 'V')
ssv = nemo.mask_field(ssv, vmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-10, lon_0=180, round='true')
# map.shadedrelief()
# map.fillcontinents(color='black', lake_color='white')

# Draw grid lines and label the longitudes.
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.25)
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30), labels=12 * [True], linewidth=0.25)
예제 #19
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the zonal grid spaing and latitudes
e1t = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e1t', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Load the field to plot and remask it.
sss = nemo.load_field('vosaline', homedir, nemodir, 'INIT/vosaline.1949.nc',
                      'T')[:, :, 0:1, 0]
sss = nemo.mask_field(sss, tmask)

# Integrate the temperature variance.
nemo_sss_init = (sss * e1t[:, :, None] * tmask).sum(axis=0) / \
                  (e1t[:, :, None] * tmask).sum(axis=0)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the temperature fields and remask them.
sss = np.squeeze(
        [homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/',
sss = nemo.mask_field(sss[:, :, None], tmask)

# Integrate the temperature variance.
예제 #20
# Specify the names of the different files that I want to load from.
filename = ''.join([nemodir, year, '/ORCA025-N401_2010y01T.nc'])
gridfile = ''.join([homedir, 'examples/data/fields/mesh_hgr_matt.nc'])

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
gdept = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gdept_0', homedir, nemodir, gridfile))
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# Load the field and remask it.
transect = nemo.load_field('sossheig', homedir, nemodir, filename, 'T')
transect = nemo.mask_field(transect, tmask)

#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(12.0, 12.0))

#Define polar projection map and fill background black.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-10, lon_0=-150, round='true')

# Plot the contour.
transplt = map.contourf(glamt.T,
                        np.arange(-2., 2., 0.025),
예제 #21
filename = 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/1948/U/ORCH0083-LIM3_19481227_U_d05.nc'
gridfile = 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/MESH/mesh_mask.nc'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
glamu = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamu', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'U'))
gphiu = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphiu', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'U'))

# Load the relevant mask.
umask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('umask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'U'))[:, :, 0:1]

# Load the field to plot and remask it.
ssu = nemo.load_field('sossussu', homedir, nemodir, filename, 'U')
ssu = nemo.mask_field(ssu, umask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-10, lon_0=180, round='true')
# map.shadedrelief()
# map.fillcontinents(color='black', lake_color='white')

# Draw grid lines and label the longitudes.
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.25)
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30), labels=12 * [True], linewidth=0.25)
예제 #22
filename = 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/1951/d01/T/ORCH0083-LIM3_19511231_T_d01.nc'
gridfile = 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/MESH/mesh_mask.nc'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask',
                                   homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# Load the field to plot and remask it.
sst = nemo.load_field('sosstsst', homedir, nemodir, filename, 'T')
sst = nemo.mask_field(sst, tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))
# Use: plt.savefig('sst.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=1200)

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-35,
              lon_0=180, round='true')
# map.shadedrelief()
# map.fillcontinents(color='black', lake_color='white')

# Draw grid lines and label the longitudes.
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.25)
예제 #23
ny = 2000
nz = 75

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the coordinates.
glamt = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
gphit = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile,
                                   'T'))[:, :, 0:1]

# Load the salinity fields and remask them.
sss2 = nemo.load_field('sosalsqu', homedir, nemodir, sfilename, 'T')
sss2 = nemo.mask_field(sss2, tmask)
sss = nemo.load_field('sosaline', homedir, nemodir, sfilename, 'T')
sss = nemo.mask_field(sss, tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Calculate the temperature variance.
svar = sss2 - sss * sss

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-35, lon_0=-150, round='true')
예제 #24
    # Load the coordinates.
    gphit = np.squeeze(
        nemo.load_field('gphit', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
    glamt = np.squeeze(
        nemo.load_field('glamt', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))
    gdept = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('gdept_0', homedir, nemodir, gridfile))

    # Load the mask
    tmask_1 = np.squeeze(
        nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

    # Load the field and remask it.
    ntemp = np.squeeze(
        nemo.load_field('vosaline', homedir, nemodir, filename, 'T'))
    ntemp = nemo.mask_field(ntemp, tmask_1)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Create a new figure window.
    plt.figure(figsize=(12.0, 12.0))

    # Draw the contour plot.
    transplt = plt.contourf(np.repeat(gphit[1039:1040, :].T, 75, axis=1),
                            -np.repeat(gdept.T[:, None], 1021, axis=1).T,
                            np.squeeze(ntemp[1039:1040, :, :]),
                            np.arange(34., 38., .05),
예제 #25
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculatet the average KE.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    tacc = np.ndarray(shape=[len(ufiles), 2])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(ufiles)):
        bounds = [2599, 2600, 0, 1999, 0, 74]
        # Load & mask the current U velocity field.
        uoce = nemo.load_field('vozoce3u', '', '', ufiles[k],
                               'U')[2599:2600, :, :]
        uoce = nemo.mask_field(uoce, umask)

        # Calculate the Drake Passage transport.
        tacc[k, 0] = ufiles[k].split('/ORCH0083-LIM3_', 1)[1].split('_U', 1)[0]
        tacc[k, 1] = (uoce * e2u * umask).sum() / 1.E6

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spit the numbers out to file, if requested.
if save_output:
    np.save(''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/tacc']), tacc)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not saving the number, we're loading them.
if not save_output:
    tacc = np.load(''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/tacc.npy']))
예제 #26
# Specify the number of grid boxes.
nx = 4320
ny = 2000
nz = 75

# Choose whether to save/load KE values.
save_output = 1

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Load the relevant mask.
vmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('vmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'V'))

# Load the grid spacings.
e2v = nemo.load_field('e2v', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'V')
e2v = nemo.mask_field(e2v, vmask[:, :, 0:1])

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Find the number of files in the directory that we want to calculate KE for.
if save_output:
    vfiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, vdir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculatet the average KE.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    amoc = np.ndarray(shape=[len(vfiles), 2])
예제 #27
# Specify the names of the different files that I want to load from.
tfilename = 'OUTPUTS/ORCH0083-LIM3_1h_19480101_19480101_grid_T_1948010101-1948010101.nc'
gridfile = 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/MESH/mesh_mask.nc'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

e1t = nemo.load_field('e1t', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T')
e2t = nemo.load_field('e2t', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T')
e3t_0 = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e3t_0', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Load the relevant mask.
tmask = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('tmask', homedir, nemodir, gridfile, 'T'))

# Mask the e3's.
e3t_0 = nemo.mask_field(e3t_0, tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

e3t = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e3t', homedir, nemodir, tfilename, 'T'))
e3t = nemo.mask_field(e3t, tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

vt_0 = e1t * e2t * e3t_0
vt_0 = vt_0.sum()
print 'vt_0 =', vt_0

vt = e1t * e2t * e3t
vt = vt.sum()
print 'vt =', vt
예제 #28
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Find the number of files in the directory that we want to calculate KE for.
tfiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, tdir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
for k in range(0, len(tfiles) + 1, 1):
    print tfiles[k]

    # Load the velocity fields and remask them.
    age = np.squeeze(
        nemo.load_field('voagee3t', '', '', tfiles[k], 'T')[3250:3251, :, :])
    age = nemo.mask_field(age, tmask)
    e3t = np.squeeze(
        nemo.load_field('e3t', '', '', tfiles[k], 'T')[3250:3251, :, :])
    e3t = nemo.mask_field(e3t, tmask)

    # Factor out the layer thickness.
    age = age / e3t
    e3t = None

    # Create a new figure window.
    plt.figure(figsize=(4.0, 4.0))

    # Draw the contour plot.
    cs_age = plt.contourf(np.repeat(gphit[3250:3251, :].T, 75, axis=1),
                          -np.repeat(gdept.T[:, None], 2000, axis=1).T,
예제 #29
tfiles = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([homedir, nemodir, tdir, '*'])))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculate the mean ssh.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    ssheight = np.ndarray(shape=[len(tfiles), 2])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(tfiles)):
        # Load & mask the current U velocity field.
        ssh = nemo.load_field('sossheig', '', '', tfiles[k], 'T')
        ssh = nemo.mask_field(ssh, tmask)

        # Calculate the KE for the current velocity fields
        avessh = (e1t * e2t * ssh).sum() / (e1t * e2t).sum()

        # Calculate the area average surface KE.
        ssheight[k, 0] = tfiles[k].split('/ORCH0083-LIM3_', 1)[1].split('_T', 1)[0]
        ssheight[k, 1] = avessh

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spit the numbers out to file, if requested.
if save_output:
    np.save(''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/ssheight']), ssheight)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not saving the number, we're loading them.
예제 #30
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not loading the data, then loop over all the available files and
# calculatet the average KE.

if save_output:
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    meanke = np.ndarray(shape=[len(ufiles), nz])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(ufiles)):
        # Load & mask the current UU velocity field.
        uu = np.squeeze(
            nemo.load_field('vozocrtx2', '', '', ufiles[k], 'U', nx, ny))
        uu = nemo.mask_field(uu, umask)

        # Load and mask the current VV velocity field.
        vv = np.squeeze(
            nemo.load_field('vomecrty2', '', '', vfiles[k], 'V', nx, ny))
        vv = nemo.mask_field(vv, vmask)

        # Calculate the KE for the current velocity fields
        ke = nemo.calc_ke(uu.data, vv.data, nx, ny, nz, tmask)

        # Load & mask the current e3t field.
        e3t = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e3t', '', '', tfiles[k], 'T', nx,
        e3t = nemo.mask_field(e3t, tmask)

        # Calculate the area average surface temperature.