def fill_in_default_metadata(rec, modelspecs, IsReload=False, **context): ''' Sets any uninitialized metadata to defaults that should help us find it in nems_db again. (fitter, recording, date, etc) ''' if not IsReload: # Add metadata to help you reload this state later for modelspec in modelspecs: meta = get_modelspec_metadata(modelspec) if 'fitter' not in meta: set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'fitter', 'None') if 'fit_time' not in meta: set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'fitter', 'None') if 'recording' not in meta: recname = if rec else 'None' set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'recording', recname) if 'recording_uri' not in meta: uri = rec.uri if rec and rec.uri else 'None' set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'recording_uri', uri) if 'date' not in meta: set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'date', iso8601_datestring()) if 'hostname' not in meta: set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'hostname', socket.gethostname()) return {'modelspecs': modelspecs}
def pup_pred_sum(batch=294, fs=4, jkn=20): """ # User parameters: batch = 294 # VOC + pupil #batch 289 # NAT + pupil # fs = 4 # 20 Hz or 4 Hz # jkn = 20 """ if batch == 294: modelnames = [ "psth.fs{}{}-psthfr.j-basic".format(fs, jkn), "psth.fs{}{}-psthfr.j-basic".format(fs, jkn) ] elif batch == 289: modelnames = [ "psth.fs{}{}-psthfr.j-basic".format(fs, jkn), "psth.fs{}{}-psthfr.j-basic".format(fs, jkn) ] celldata = nd.get_batch_cells(batch=batch) cellids = celldata['cellid'].tolist() d = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cellid','state_chan','MI','MI_pup0','g','d', 'r','r_pup0','r_se','r_se_pup0']) for mod_i, m in enumerate(modelnames): print('Loading ', m) modelspecs = nems_db.params._get_modelspecs(cellids, batch, m, multi='mean') for modelspec in modelspecs: c = modelspec[0]['meta']['cellid'] dc = modelspec[0]['phi']['d'] gain = modelspec[0]['phi']['g'] meta = ms.get_modelspec_metadata(modelspec) state_mod = meta['state_mod'] state_mod_se = meta['se_state_mod'] state_chans = meta['state_chans'] sc = 'pupil' j = 1 ii = ((d['cellid'] == c) & (d['state_chan'] == sc)) if np.sum(ii)==0: d = d.append({'cellid': c, 'state_chan': sc}, ignore_index=True) ii = ((d['cellid'] == c) & (d['state_chan'] == sc)) if mod_i == 0: d.loc[ii, 'MI'] = (state_mod[j]) d.loc[ii, 'g'] = (gain[0,j]) d.loc[ii, 'd'] = (dc[0,j]) d.loc[ii, 'r'] = (meta['r_test'][0]) d.loc[ii, 'r_se'] = (meta['se_test'][0]) elif mod_i == 1: d.loc[ii, 'MI_pup0'] = (state_mod[j]) d.loc[ii, 'r_pup0'] = (meta['r_test'][0]) d.loc[ii, 'r_se_pup0'] = (meta['se_test'][0]) d['goodcells'] = ((d['r']-d['r_se']) > (d['r_pup0']+d['r_se_pup0'])) #ax = None #stateplots.beta_comp(d['r_pup0'], d['r'], n1="r pup0", n2="r pup", # title='stategain', hist_range=[-0.05, 0.95], # ax=ax, highlight=d['goodcells']) return d
def tree_path(recording, modelspecs, xfspec): ''' Returns a relative path (excluding filename, host, port) for URIs. Editing this function edits the path in the file tree of every file saved! ''' xformname = xfspec_shortname(xfspec) modelname = get_modelspec_shortname(modelspecs[0]) recname = # Or from rec.uri??? meta = get_modelspec_metadata(modelspecs[0]) date = meta.get('date', iso8601_datestring()) path = '/' + recname + '/' + modelname + '/' + xformname + '/' + date + '/' return path
def get_model_results_per_state_model(batch=307, state_list=None, loader="psth.fs20.pup-ld-", fitter="_jk.nf20-basic", basemodel="-ref-psthfr.s_sdexp.S"): """ loader = "psth.fs20.pup-ld-" fitter = "_jk.nf20-basic" basemodel = "-ref-psthfr.s_sdexp.S" state_list = ['st.pup0.beh0','st.pup0.beh','st.pup.beh0','st.pup.beh'] d=get_model_results_per_state_model(batch=307, state_list=state_list, loader=loader,fitter=fitter, basemodel=basemodel) state_list defaults to ['st.pup0.beh0','st.pup0.beh','st.pup.beh0','st.pup.beh'] """ if state_list is None: state_list = [ 'st.pup0.beh0', 'st.pup0.beh', 'st.pup.beh0', 'st.pup.beh' ] modelnames = [loader + s + basemodel + fitter for s in state_list] celldata = nd.get_batch_cells(batch=batch) cellids = celldata['cellid'].tolist() isolation = [ nd.get_isolation(cellid=c, batch=batch).loc[0, 'min_isolation'] for c in cellids ] if state_list[-1].endswith('fil') or state_list[-1].endswith('pas'): include_AP = True else: include_AP = False d = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'cellid', 'modelname', 'state_sig', 'state_chan', 'MI', 'isolation', 'r', 'r_se', 'd', 'g', 'sp', 'state_chan_alt' ]) new_sdexp = False for mod_i, m in enumerate(modelnames): print('Loading modelname: ', m) modelspecs = nems_db.params._get_modelspecs(cellids, batch, m, multi='mean') for modelspec in modelspecs: meta = ms.get_modelspec_metadata(modelspec) phi = list(modelspec[0]['phi'].keys()) c = meta['cellid'] iso = isolation[cellids.index(c)] state_mod = meta['state_mod'] state_mod_se = meta['se_state_mod'] state_chans = meta['state_chans'] if 'g' in phi: dc = modelspec[0]['phi']['d'] gain = modelspec[0]['phi']['g'] elif ('amplitude_g' in phi) & ('amplitude_d' in phi): new_sdexp = True dc = None gain = None g_amplitude = modelspec[0]['phi']['amplitude_g'] g_base = modelspec[0]['phi']['base_g'] g_kappa = modelspec[0]['phi']['kappa_g'] g_offset = modelspec[0]['phi']['offset_g'] d_amplitude = modelspec[0]['phi']['amplitude_d'] d_base = modelspec[0]['phi']['base_d'] d_kappa = modelspec[0]['phi']['kappa_d'] d_offset = modelspec[0]['phi']['offset_d'] gain_mod = None dc_mod = None if 'state_mod_gain' in meta.keys(): gain_mod = meta['state_mod_gain'] dc_mod = meta['state_mod_dc'] if dc is not None: sp = modelspec[0]['phi'].get('sp', np.zeros(gain.shape)) if dc.ndim > 1: dc = dc[0, :] gain = gain[0, :] sp = sp[0, :] a_count = 0 p_count = 0 for j, sc in enumerate(state_chans): if gain is not None: gain_val = gain[j] dc_val = dc[j] sp_val = sp[j] else: gain_val = None dc_val = None sp_val = None r = { 'cellid': c, 'state_chan': sc, 'modelname': m, 'isolation': iso, 'state_sig': state_list[mod_i], 'g': gain_val, 'd': dc_val, 'sp': sp_val, 'MI': state_mod[j], 'r': meta['r_test'][0], 'r_se': meta['se_test'][0] } if new_sdexp: r.update({ 'g_amplitude': g_amplitude[0, j], 'g_base': g_base[0, j], 'g_kappa': g_kappa[0, j], 'g_offset': g_offset[0, j], 'd_amplitude': d_amplitude[0, j], 'd_base': d_base[0, j], 'd_kappa': d_kappa[0, j], 'd_offset': d_offset[0, j] }) if gain_mod is not None: r.update({'gain_mod': gain_mod[j], 'dc_mod': dc_mod[j]}) d = d.append(r, ignore_index=True) l = len(d) - 1 if include_AP and sc.startswith("FILE_"): siteid = c.split("-")[0] fn = "%" + sc.replace("FILE_", "") + "%" sql = "SELECT * FROM gDataRaw WHERE cellid=%s" +\ " AND parmfile like %s" dcellfile = nd.pd_query(sql, (siteid, fn)) if dcellfile.loc[0]['behavior'] == 'active': a_count += 1 d.loc[l, 'state_chan_alt'] = "ACTIVE_{}".format(a_count) else: p_count += 1 d.loc[l, 'state_chan_alt'] = "PASSIVE_{}".format(p_count) else: d.loc[l, 'state_chan_alt'] = d.loc[l, 'state_chan'] #d['r_unique'] = d['r'] - d['r0'] #d['MI_unique'] = d['MI'] - d['MI0'] return d
def get_model_results(batch=307, state_list=None, loader="psth.fs20.pup-ld-", fitter="_jk.nf20-basic", basemodel="-ref-psthfr.s_sdexp.S"): """ loader = "psth.fs20.pup-ld-" fitter = "_jk.nf20-basic" basemodel = "-ref-psthfr.s_sdexp.S" state_list defaults to ['st.pup0.beh0','st.pup0.beh','st.pup.beh0','st.pup.beh'] """ if state_list is None: state_list = [ 'st.pup0.beh0', 'st.pup0.beh', 'st.pup.beh0', 'st.pup.beh' ] modelnames = [loader + s + basemodel + fitter for s in state_list] celldata = nd.get_batch_cells(batch=batch) cellids = celldata['cellid'].tolist() d = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'cellid', 'modelname', 'state_sig', 'state_sig0', 'state_chan', 'MI', 'r', 'r_se', 'd', 'g', 'MI0', 'r0', 'r0_se' ]) for mod_i, m in enumerate(modelnames): print('Loading modelname: ', m) modelspecs = nems_db.params._get_modelspecs(cellids, batch, m, multi='mean') for modelspec in modelspecs: meta = ms.get_modelspec_metadata(modelspec) c = meta['cellid'] state_mod = meta['state_mod'] state_mod_se = meta['se_state_mod'] state_chans = meta['state_chans'] dc = modelspec[0]['phi']['d'] gain = modelspec[0]['phi']['g'] for j, sc in enumerate(state_chans): ii = ((d['cellid'] == c) & (d['state_chan'] == sc)) if np.sum(ii) == 0: r = {'cellid': c, 'state_chan': sc} d = d.append(r, ignore_index=True) ii = ((d['cellid'] == c) & (d['state_chan'] == sc)) if mod_i == 3: # full model d.loc[ii, ['modelname', 'state_sig', 'g', 'd', 'MI', 'r', 'r_se']] = \ [m, state_list[mod_i], gain[0, j], dc[0, j], state_mod[j], meta['r_test'][0], meta['se_test'][0]] elif (mod_i == 1) & (sc == 'pupil'): # pupil shuffled model d.loc[ii, ['state_sig0', 'MI0', 'r0', 'r0_se']] = \ [state_list[mod_i], state_mod[j], meta['r_test'][0], meta['se_test'][0]] elif (mod_i == 0) & (sc == 'baseline'): d.loc[ii, ['state_sig0', 'r0', 'r0_se']] = \ [state_list[mod_i], meta['r_test'][0], meta['se_test'][0]] elif (mod_i == 2) & (sc not in ['baseline', 'pupil']): # pupil shuffled model d.loc[ii, ['state_sig0', 'MI0', 'r0', 'r0_se']] = \ [state_list[mod_i], state_mod[j], meta['r_test'][0], meta['se_test'][0]] d['r_unique'] = d['r'] - d['r0'] d['MI_unique'] = d['MI'] - d['MI0'] return d
d = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'cellid', 'state_chan', 'MI', 'MI_fil0', 'MI_pup0', 'g', 'd', 'r', 'r_fil0', 'r_pup0', 'r_se', 'r_se_fil0', 'r_se_pup0' ]) for mod_i, m in enumerate(modelnames): print('Loading ', m) modelspecs = nems_db.params._get_modelspecs(cellids, batch, m, multi='mean') for modelspec in modelspecs: c = modelspec[0]['meta']['cellid'] dc = modelspec[0]['phi']['d'] gain = modelspec[0]['phi']['g'] meta = ms.get_modelspec_metadata(modelspec) state_mod = meta['state_mod'] state_mod_se = meta['se_state_mod'] state_chans = meta['state_chans'] for j, sc in enumerate(state_chans): ii = ((d['cellid'] == c) & (d['state_chan'] == sc)) if np.sum(ii) == 0: d = d.append( { 'cellid': c, 'state_chan': sc, 'g': gain[0, j], 'd': dc[0, j], 'MI': state_mod[j] }, ignore_index=True)
def get_model_results_per_state_model(batch=307, state_list=None, loader="psth.fs20.pup-ld-", fitter="_jk.nf20-basic", basemodel="-ref-psthfr.s_sdexp.S"): """ loader = "psth.fs20.pup-ld-" fitter = "_jk.nf20-basic" basemodel = "-ref-psthfr.s_sdexp.S" state_list = ['st.pup0.beh0','st.pup0.beh','st.pup.beh0','st.pup.beh'] d=get_model_results_per_state_model(batch=307, state_list=state_list, loader=loader,fitter=fitter, basemodel=basemodel) state_list defaults to ['st.pup0.beh0','st.pup0.beh','st.pup.beh0','st.pup.beh'] """ if state_list is None: state_list = [ 'st.pup0.beh0', 'st.pup0.beh', 'st.pup.beh0', 'st.pup.beh' ] modelnames = [loader + s + basemodel + fitter for s in state_list] celldata = nd.get_batch_cells(batch=batch) cellids = celldata['cellid'].tolist() isolation = [ nd.get_isolation(cellid=c, batch=batch).loc[0, 'min_isolation'] for c in cellids ] if state_list[-1].endswith('fil') or state_list[-1].endswith('pas'): include_AP = True else: include_AP = False DI_data = nd.pd_query( "SELECT DISTINCT sCellFile.stimfile, sCellFile.cellid, sCellFile.rawid, gData.value" +\ " FROM gData INNER JOIN sCellFile ON gData.rawid=sCellFile.rawid" +\ " INNER JOIN sRunData ON sCellFile.cellid=sRunData.cellid" +\ f" WHERE sRunData.batch={batch} AND'DiscriminationIndex'" +\ " ORDER BY sCellFile.cellid, sCellFile.rawid") u_cellids = list(set(DI_data['cellid'])) for c in u_cellids: DI_cell = DI_data.loc[DI_data.cellid == c] acount = 0 for index, row in DI_cell.iterrows(): acount += 1 astring = f"ACTIVE_{acount}" DI_data.loc[(DI_data.cellid == c) & (DI_data.rawid == row['rawid']), 'state_chan'] = astring d = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'cellid', 'modelname', 'state_sig', 'state_chan', 'MI', 'isolation', 'DI' 'r', 'r_se', 'd', 'g', 'sp', 'state_chan_alt' ]) new_sdexp = False for mod_i, m in enumerate(modelnames): print('Loading modelname: ', m) modelspecs = nems_db.params._get_modelspecs(cellids, batch, m, multi='mean') for modelspec in modelspecs: meta = ms.get_modelspec_metadata(modelspec) phi = list(modelspec[0]['phi'].keys()) c = meta['cellid'] iso = isolation[cellids.index(c)] state_mod = meta['state_mod'] state_mod_se = meta['se_state_mod'] state_chans = meta['state_chans'] if 'g' in phi: dc = modelspec[0]['phi']['d'] gain = modelspec[0]['phi']['g'] elif ('amplitude_g' in phi) & ('amplitude_d' in phi): new_sdexp = True dc = None gain = None g_amplitude = modelspec[0]['phi']['amplitude_g'] g_base = modelspec[0]['phi']['base_g'] g_kappa = modelspec[0]['phi']['kappa_g'] g_offset = modelspec[0]['phi']['offset_g'] d_amplitude = modelspec[0]['phi']['amplitude_d'] d_base = modelspec[0]['phi']['base_d'] d_kappa = modelspec[0]['phi']['kappa_d'] d_offset = modelspec[0]['phi']['offset_d'] gain_mod = None dc_mod = None if 'state_mod_gain' in meta.keys(): gain_mod = meta['state_mod_gain'] dc_mod = meta['state_mod_dc'] if dc is not None: sp = modelspec[0]['phi'].get('sp', np.zeros(gain.shape)) if dc.ndim > 1: dc = dc[0, :] gain = gain[0, :] sp = sp[0, :] a_count = 0 p_count = 0 if 'ACTIVE_0' in state_chans: active_offset = 1 else: active_offset = 0 for j, sc in enumerate(state_chans): if gain is not None: gain_val = gain[j] dc_val = dc[j] sp_val = sp[j] else: gain_val = None dc_val = None sp_val = None #if c == 'BRT026c-02-2': # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() if sc.startswith("ACTIVE"): ac = int(sc.split("_")[-1]) + active_offset sc_test = "ACTIVE_" + str(ac) else: sc_test = sc v = DI_data.loc[(DI_data.cellid == c) & (DI_data.state_chan == sc_test), 'value'] if len(v): DI = v.values[0] else: DI = 0 r = { 'cellid': c, 'state_chan': sc, 'modelname': m, 'isolation': iso, 'DI': DI, 'state_sig': state_list[mod_i], 'g': gain_val, 'd': dc_val, 'sp': sp_val, 'MI': state_mod[j], 'r': meta['r_test'][0], 'r_se': meta['se_test'][0] } if new_sdexp: r.update({ 'g_amplitude': g_amplitude[0, j], 'g_base': g_base[0, j], 'g_kappa': g_kappa[0, j], 'g_offset': g_offset[0, j], 'd_amplitude': d_amplitude[0, j], 'd_base': d_base[0, j], 'd_kappa': d_kappa[0, j], 'd_offset': d_offset[0, j] }) if gain_mod is not None: r.update({'gain_mod': gain_mod[j], 'dc_mod': dc_mod[j]}) d = d.append(r, ignore_index=True) l = len(d) - 1 if include_AP and sc.startswith("FILE_"): siteid = c.split("-")[0] fn = "%" + sc.replace("FILE_", "") + "%" sql = "SELECT * FROM gDataRaw WHERE cellid=%s" +\ " AND parmfile like %s" dcellfile = nd.pd_query(sql, (siteid, fn)) if dcellfile.loc[0]['behavior'] == 'active': a_count += 1 d.loc[l, 'state_chan_alt'] = "ACTIVE_{}".format(a_count) else: p_count += 1 d.loc[l, 'state_chan_alt'] = "PASSIVE_{}".format(p_count) else: d.loc[l, 'state_chan_alt'] = d.loc[l, 'state_chan'] #d['r_unique'] = d['r'] - d['r0'] #d['MI_unique'] = d['MI'] - d['MI0'] return d