예제 #1
class Connection(NengoObject):
    """Connects two objects together.

    Almost any Nengo object can act as the pre or post side of a connection.
    Additionally, you can use Python slice syntax to access only some of the
    dimensions of the pre or post object.

    For example, if ``node`` has ``size_out=2`` and ``ensemble`` has
    ``size_in=1``, we could not create the following connection::

        nengo.Connection(node, ensemble)

    But, we could create either of these two connections.

        nengo.Connection(node[0], ensemble)
        nengo.Connection(ndoe[1], ensemble)

    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The source Nengo object for the connection.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The destination object for the connection.

    label : string
        A descriptive label for the connection.
    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but not including `transform`.
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    synapse : float, optional
        Post-synaptic time constant (PSTC) to use for filtering.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like, optional
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
        This transform is in terms of the sliced size; if either pre
        or post is a slice, the transform must be of shape
        (len(pre_slice), len(post_slice)).
    solver : Solver
        Instance of a Solver class to compute decoders or weights
        (see `nengo.solvers`). If solver.weights is True, a full
        connection weight matrix is computed instead of decoders.
    function : callable, optional
        Function to compute using the pre population (pre must be Ensemble).
    modulatory : bool, optional
        Specifies whether the connection is modulatory (does not physically
        connect to post, for use by learning rules), or not (default).
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int, optional
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    scale_eval_points : bool
        Indicates whether the eval_points should be scaled by the radius of
        the pre Ensemble. Defaults to True.
    learning_rule_type : instance or list or dict of LearningRuleType, optional
        Methods of modifying the connection weights during simulation.

    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but before applying the `transform`.
    function : callable
        The given function.
    function_size : int
        The output dimensionality of the given function. Defaults to 0.
    label : str
        A human-readable connection label for debugging and visualization.
        Incorporates the labels of the pre and post objects.
    learning_rule : LearningRule or collection of LearningRule
        The LearningRule objects corresponding to `learning_rule_type`, and in
        the same format. Use these to probe the learning rules.
    learning_rule_type : instance or list or dict of LearningRuleType, optional
        The learning rule types.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The given pre object.
    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The given pre object.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
    modulatory : bool
        Whether the output of this signal is to act as an error signal for a
        learning rule.
    seed : int
        The seed used for random number generation.

    pre = NengoObjectParam(nonzero_size_out=True)
    post = NengoObjectParam(nonzero_size_in=True)
    synapse = SynapseParam(default=Lowpass(0.005))
    transform = TransformParam(default=np.array(1.0))
    solver = ConnectionSolverParam(default=LstsqL2())
    function_info = ConnectionFunctionParam(default=None, optional=True)
    modulatory = BoolParam(default=False)
    learning_rule_type = ConnectionLearningRuleTypeParam(default=None,
    eval_points = EvalPointsParam(default=None,
                                  sample_shape=('*', 'size_in'))
    scale_eval_points = BoolParam(default=True)
    seed = IntParam(default=None, optional=True)
    probeable = ListParam(default=['output', 'input', 'transform', 'decoders'])

    def __init__(self,
        self.pre = pre
        self.post = post

        self.probeable = Default
        self.solver = solver  # Must be set before learning rule
        self.learning_rule_type = learning_rule_type
        self.modulatory = modulatory
        self.synapse = synapse
        self.transform = transform
        self.scale_eval_points = scale_eval_points
        self.eval_points = eval_points  # Must be set before function
        self.function_info = function  # Must be set after transform

    def function(self):
        return self.function_info.function

    def function(self, function):
        self.function_info = function

    def pre_obj(self):
        return self.pre.obj if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else self.pre

    def pre_slice(self):
        return self.pre.slice if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else slice(None)

    def post_obj(self):
        return self.post.obj if isinstance(self.post, ObjView) else self.post

    def post_slice(self):
        return (self.post.slice
                if isinstance(self.post, ObjView) else slice(None))

    def size_in(self):
        """Output size of sliced `pre`; input size of the function."""
        return self.pre.size_out

    def size_mid(self):
        """Output size of the function; input size of the transform.

        If the function is None, then `size_in == size_mid`.
        size = self.function_info.size
        return self.size_in if size is None else size

    def size_out(self):
        """Output size of the transform; input size to the sliced post."""
        return self.post.size_in

    def _label(self):
        return "from %s to %s%s" % (self.pre, self.post,
                                    " computing '%s'" % self.function.__name__
                                    if self.function is not None else "")

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Connection %s>" % self._label

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Connection at 0x%x %s>" % (id(self), self._label)

    def learning_rule(self):
        if self.learning_rule_type is not None and self._learning_rule is None:
            types = self.learning_rule_type
            if isinstance(types, dict):
                self._learning_rule = types.__class__()  # dict of same type
                for k, v in iteritems(types):
                    self._learning_rule[k] = LearningRule(self, v)
            elif is_iterable(types):
                self._learning_rule = [LearningRule(self, v) for v in types]
            elif isinstance(types, LearningRuleType):
                self._learning_rule = LearningRule(self, types)
                raise ValueError("Invalid type for `learning_rule_type`: %s" %
        return self._learning_rule
예제 #2
 class Test(object):
     nop = NengoObjectParam('nop')
예제 #3
 class Test(object):
     nin = NengoObjectParam('nin', nonzero_size_in=True)
     nout = NengoObjectParam('nout', nonzero_size_out=True)
예제 #4
 class Test:
     nop = NengoObjectParam('nop')
예제 #5
class Probe(NengoObject):
    """A probe is an object that receives data from the simulation.

    This is to be used in any situation where you wish to gather simulation
    data (spike data, represented values, neuron voltages, etc.) for analysis.

    Probes cannot directly affect the simulation.

    TODO: Example usage for each object.

    target : Ensemble, Node, Connection
        The Nengo object to connect to the probe.
    attr : str, optional
        The quantity to probe. Refer to the target's ``probeable`` list for
        details. Defaults to the first element in the list.
    sample_every : float, optional
        Sampling period in seconds.
    conn_args : dict, optional
        Optional keyword arguments to pass to the Connection created for this
        probe. For example, passing ``synapse=pstc`` will filter the data.

    target = NengoObjectParam(nonzero_size_out=True)
    attr = StringParam(default=None)
    sample_every = NumberParam(default=None, optional=True, low=1e-10)
    conn_args = DictParam(default=None)
    seed = IntParam(default=None, optional=True)

    def __init__(self,
        if not hasattr(target, 'probeable') or len(target.probeable) == 0:
            raise TypeError("Type '%s' is not probeable" %

        conn_args.setdefault('synapse', None)

        # We'll use the first in the list as default
        self.attr = attr if attr is not Default else target.probeable[0]

        if self.attr not in target.probeable:
            raise ValueError("'%s' is not probeable for '%s'" %
                             (self.attr, target))

        self.target = target
        self.sample_every = sample_every
        self.conn_args = conn_args
        self.seed = conn_args.get('seed', None)

    def label(self):
        return "Probe(%s.%s)" % (self.target.label, self.attr)

    def size_in(self):
        # TODO: A bit of a hack; make less hacky.
        if isinstance(self.target, Ensemble) and self.attr != "decoded_output":
            return self.target.neurons.size_out
        return self.target.size_out

    def size_out(self):
        return 0
예제 #6
 class Test:
     nop = NengoObjectParam("nop")
예제 #7
 class Test:
     nin = NengoObjectParam("nin", nonzero_size_in=True)
     nout = NengoObjectParam("nout", nonzero_size_out=True)
예제 #8
class Connection(NengoObject):
    """Connects two objects together.

    TODO: Document slice syntax here and in the transform parameter.

    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The source Nengo object for the connection.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The destination object for the connection.

    label : string
        A descriptive label for the connection.
    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but not including `transform`.
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    synapse : float, optional
        Post-synaptic time constant (PSTC) to use for filtering.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like, optional
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
    solver : Solver
        Instance of a Solver class to compute decoders or weights
        (see `nengo.decoders`). If solver.weights is True, a full
        connection weight matrix is computed instead of decoders.
    function : callable, optional
        Function to compute using the pre population (pre must be Ensemble).
    modulatory : bool, optional
        Specifies whether the connection is modulatory (does not physically
        connect to post, for use by learning rules), or not (default).
    eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre_size) array_like or int, optional
        Points at which to evaluate `function` when computing decoders,
        spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
    learning_rule : LearningRule or list of LearningRule, optional
        Methods of modifying the connection weights during simulation.

    dimensions : int
        The number of output dimensions of the pre object, including
        `function`, but before applying the `transform`.
    function : callable
        The given function.
    function_size : int
        The output dimensionality of the given function. Defaults to 0.
    label : str
        A human-readable connection label for debugging and visualization.
        Incorporates the labels of the pre and post objects.
    learning_rule : list of LearningRule
        The given learning rules. If given a single LearningRule, this will be
        a list with a single element.
    post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
        The given pre object.
    pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
        The given pre object.
    transform : (post_size, pre_size) array_like
        Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
    modulatory : bool
        Whether the output of this signal is to act as an error signal for a
        learning rule.
    seed : int
        The seed used for random number generation.

    pre = NengoObjectParam(nonzero_size_out=True)
    post = NengoObjectParam(nonzero_size_in=True)
    synapse = SynapseParam(default=Lowpass(0.005))
    transform = TransformParam(default=np.array(1.0))
    solver = ConnectionSolverParam(default=LstsqL2())
    function_info = ConnectionFunctionParam(default=None, optional=True)
    modulatory = BoolParam(default=False)
    learning_rule = ConnectionLearningRuleParam(default=None, optional=True)
    eval_points = EvalPointsParam(default=None,
                                  shape=('*', 'size_in'))
    seed = IntParam(default=None, optional=True)
    probeable = ListParam(default=['signal'])

    def __init__(self,
        self.pre = pre
        self.post = post

        self.probeable = Default
        self.solver = solver  # Must be set before learning rule
        self.learning_rule = learning_rule
        self.modulatory = modulatory
        self.synapse = synapse
        self.transform = transform
        self.eval_points = eval_points  # Must be set before function
        self.function_info = function  # Must be set after transform

    def function(self):
        return self.function_info.function

    def function(self, function):
        self.function_info = function

    def pre_obj(self):
        return self.pre.obj if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else self.pre

    def pre_slice(self):
        return self.pre.slice if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else slice(None)

    def post_obj(self):
        return self.post.obj if isinstance(self.post, ObjView) else self.post

    def post_slice(self):
        return (self.post.slice
                if isinstance(self.post, ObjView) else slice(None))

    def size_in(self):
        """Output size of sliced `pre`; input size of the function."""
        return self.pre.size_out

    def size_mid(self):
        """Output size of the function; input size of the transform.

        If the function is None, then `size_in == size_mid`.
        size = self.function_info.size
        return self.size_in if size is None else size

    def size_out(self):
        """Output size of the transform; input size to the sliced post."""
        return self.post.size_in

    def label(self):
        label = "%s->%s" % (self.pre.label, self.post.label)
        if self.function is not None:
            return "%s:%s" % (label, self.function.__name__)
        return label