예제 #1
    def __init__(
            self, network, dt=0.001, seed=None, model=None, progress_bar=True):
        self.closed = False
        self.progress_bar = progress_bar

        if model is None:
            self._model = Model(dt=float(dt),
                                label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
            self._model = model

        if network is not None:
            # Build the network into the model
            self._model.build(network, progress_bar=self.progress_bar)

        # -- map from Signal.base -> ndarray
        self.signals = SignalDict()
        for op in self._model.operators:

        # Order the steps (they are made in `Simulator.reset`)
        self.dg = operator_depencency_graph(self._model.operators)
        self._step_order = [op for op in toposort(self.dg)
                            if hasattr(op, 'make_step')]

        # Add built states to the probe dictionary
        self._probe_outputs = self._model.params

        # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
        self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

        seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, network, dt=0.001, seed=None, model=None):
        self.closed = False

        if model is None:
            dt = float(dt)  # make sure it's a float (for division purposes)
            self.model = Model(dt=dt,
                               label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
            self.model = model

        if network is not None:
            # Build the network into the model


        # -- map from Signal.base -> ndarray
        self.signals = SignalDict()
        for op in self.model.operators:

        # Order the steps (they are made in `Simulator.reset`)
        self.dg = operator_depencency_graph(self.model.operators)
        self._step_order = [op for op in toposort(self.dg)
                            if hasattr(op, 'make_step')]

        # Add built states to the probe dictionary
        self._probe_outputs = self.model.params

        # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
        self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

        seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed
예제 #3
 def _get_host_model(network, dt, seeds, seeded):
     model = nengo.builder.Model(
         label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
     return model
예제 #4
    def __init__(self,
        self.closed = True  # Start closed in case constructor raises exception
        self.progress_bar = progress_bar
        self.optimize = optimize

        if model is None:
            self.model = Model(
                label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
            self.model = model

        pt = ProgressTracker(progress_bar, Progress("Building", "Build"))
        with pt:
            if network is not None:
                # Build the network into the model
                                 progress=pt.next_stage("Building", "Build"))

            # Order the steps (they are made in `Simulator.reset`)
            self.dg = operator_dependency_graph(self.model.operators)

            if optimize:
                with pt.next_stage("Building (running optimizer)",
                    opmerge_optimize(self.model, self.dg)

        self._step_order = [
            op for op in toposort(self.dg) if hasattr(op, "make_step")

        # -- map from Signal.base -> ndarray
        self.signals = SignalDict()
        for op in self.model.operators:

        # Add built states to the raw simulation data dictionary
        self._sim_data = self.model.params

        # Provide a nicer interface to simulation data
        self.data = SimulationData(self._sim_data)

        if seed is None:
            if network is not None and network.seed is not None:
                seed = network.seed + 1
                seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint)

        self.closed = False
예제 #5
    def __init__(self,
        # --- check version
        if nengo.version.version_info in bad_nengo_versions:
            raise ValueError(
                "This simulator does not support Nengo version %s. Upgrade "
                "with 'pip install --upgrade --no-deps nengo'." %
        elif nengo.version.version_info > latest_nengo_version_info:
            warnings.warn("This version of `nengo_ocl` has not been tested "
                          "with your `nengo` version (%s). The latest fully "
                          "supported version is %s" %
                          (nengo.__version__, latest_nengo_version))

        # --- create these first since they are used in __del__
        self.closed = False
        self.model = None

        # --- arguments/attributes
        if context is None and Simulator.some_context is None:
            print('No context argument was provided to nengo_ocl.Simulator')
            print("Calling pyopencl.create_some_context() for you now:")
            Simulator.some_context = cl.create_some_context()
        if profiling is None:
            profiling = int(os.getenv("NENGO_OCL_PROFILING", 0))
        self.context = Simulator.some_context if context is None else context
        self.profiling = profiling
        self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(
            self.context, properties=PROFILING_ENABLE if self.profiling else 0)

        if if_python_code not in ['none', 'warn', 'error']:
            raise ValueError("%r not a valid value for `if_python_code`" %
        self.if_python_code = if_python_code
        self.n_prealloc_probes = n_prealloc_probes
        self.progress_bar = progress_bar

        # --- Nengo build
        with Timer() as nengo_timer:
            if model is None:
                self.model = Model(dt=float(dt),
                                   label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
                self.model = model

            if network is not None:
                # Build the network into the model

        logger.info("Nengo build in %0.3f s" % nengo_timer.duration)

        # --- operators
        with Timer() as planner_timer:
            operators = list(self.model.operators)

            # convert DotInc and Copy to MultiDotInc
            operators = list(map(MultiDotInc.convert_to, operators))
            operators = MultiDotInc.compress(operators)

            # plan the order of operations, combining where appropriate
            op_groups = planner(operators)
            assert len([typ for typ, _ in op_groups if typ is Reset
                        ]) < 2, ("All resets not planned together")

            self.operators = operators
            self.op_groups = op_groups

        logger.info("Planning in %0.3f s" % planner_timer.duration)

        with Timer() as signals_timer:
            # Initialize signals
            all_signals = stable_unique(sig for op in operators
                                        for sig in op.all_signals)
            all_bases = stable_unique(sig.base for sig in all_signals)

            sigdict = SignalDict()  # map from Signal.base -> ndarray
            for op in operators:

            # Add built states to the probe dictionary
            self._probe_outputs = dict(self.model.params)

            # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
            self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

            # Create data on host and add views
            self.all_data = RaggedArray(
                [sigdict[sb] for sb in all_bases],
                names=[getattr(sb, 'name', '') for sb in all_bases],

            view_builder = ViewBuilder(all_bases, self.all_data)
            for probe in self.model.probes:

            self.all_bases = all_bases
            self.sidx = {
                k: np.int32(v)
                for k, v in iteritems(view_builder.sidx)
            self._A_views = view_builder._A_views
            self._X_views = view_builder._X_views
            self._YYB_views = view_builder._YYB_views
            del view_builder

            # Copy data to device
            self.all_data = CLRaggedArray(self.queue, self.all_data)

        logger.info("Signals in %0.3f s" % signals_timer.duration)

        # --- set seed
        self.seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)

        # --- create list of plans
        self._raggedarrays_to_reset = {}
        self._cl_rngs = {}
        self._python_rngs = {}

        plans = []
        with Timer() as plans_timer:
            for op_type, op_list in op_groups:
                plans.extend(self.plan_op_group(op_type, op_list))

        logger.info("Plans in %0.3f s" % plans_timer.duration)

        # -- create object to execute list of plans
        self._plans = Plans(plans, self.profiling)

        self.rng = None  # all randomness set, should no longer be used
        self._reset_probes()  # clears probes from previous model builds
예제 #6
    def __init__(
            self, network, dt=0.001, seed=None, model=None,
            partitioner=None, assignments=None, save_file=""):
        """ A simulator that can be executed in parallel using MPI.

        network : nengo.Network
            A network object to be built and then simulated.
        dt : float
            The length of a simulator timestep, in seconds.
        seed : int
            A seed for all stochastic operators used in this simulator.
            Note that there are not stochastic operators implemented
            currently, so this parameters does nothing.
        model : nengo.builder.Model
            A model object that contains build artifacts to be simulated.
            Usually the simulator will build this model for you; however,
            if you want to build the network manually, or to inject some
            build artifacts in the Model before building the network,
            then you can pass in an instance of ``MpiModel`` instance
            or a ``nengo.builder.Model`` instance. If the latter, it
            will be converted into an ``MpiModel``.
        partitioner: Partitioner
            Specifies how to assign nengo objects to MPI processes.
            ``partitioner`` and ``assignment`` cannot both be supplied.
        assignments: dict
            Dictionary mapping from nengo objects to indices of
            partition components. ``partitioner`` and ``assignment``
            cannot both be supplied.
        save_file: string
            Name of file that will store all data added to the simulator.
            The simulator can later be reconstructed from this file. If
            equal to the empty string, then no file is created.

        print("Beginning build of MPI model...")
        then = time.time()

        self.runnable = not save_file

        if self.runnable and self._open_simulators:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Attempting to create active instance of nengo_mpi.Simulator "
                "while another instance exists that has not been "
                "closed. Call `close` on existing instances before "
                "creating new ones.")

        if partitioner is not None and assignments is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot supply both ``assignments'' and ``partitioner'' to "

        if assignments is not None:
            p = verify_assignments(network, assignments)
            if partitioner is None:
                partitioner = Partitioner()

            print("    Partitioning network...")
            p = partitioner.partition(network)

        self.n_components, self.assignments = p

        dt = float(dt)
        self.model = MpiModel(
            self.n_components, self.assignments, dt=dt,
            label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),

        print("    Calling build...")
        MpiBuilder.build(self.model, network)


        print("    Finalizing build...")

        # probe -> list
        self._probe_outputs = self.model.params

        self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

        if self.runnable:

            seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed

        print("Building network took %f seconds." % (time.time() - then))
예제 #7
    def __init__(self,

        with Timer() as nengo_timer:
            if model is None:
                self.model = Model(dt=float(dt),
                                   label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
                self.model = model

            if network is not None:
                # Build the network into the model

        logger.info("Nengo build in %0.3f s" % nengo_timer.duration)

        # --- set seed
        seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed
        self.seed = seed
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)

        self._step = Signal(np.array(0.0, dtype=np.float64), name='step')
        self._time = Signal(np.array(0.0, dtype=np.float64), name='time')

        # --- operators
        with Timer() as planner_timer:
            operators = list(self.model.operators)

            # convert DotInc, Reset, Copy, and ProdUpdate to MultiProdUpdate
            operators = list(map(MultiProdUpdate.convert_to, operators))
            operators = MultiProdUpdate.compress(operators)

            # plan the order of operations, combining where appropriate
            op_groups = planner(operators)
            assert len([typ for typ, _ in op_groups if typ is Reset
                        ]) < 2, ("All resets not planned together")

            # add time operator after planning, to ensure it goes first
            time_op = TimeUpdate(self._step, self._time)
            operators.insert(0, time_op)
            op_groups.insert(0, (type(time_op), [time_op]))

            self.operators = operators
            self.op_groups = op_groups

        logger.info("Planning in %0.3f s" % planner_timer.duration)

        with Timer() as signals_timer:
            # Initialize signals
            all_signals = signals_from_operators(operators)
            all_bases = stable_unique([sig.base for sig in all_signals])

            sigdict = SignalDict()  # map from Signal.base -> ndarray
            for op in operators:

            # Add built states to the probe dictionary
            self._probe_outputs = self.model.params

            # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
            self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

            self.all_data = RaggedArray(
                [sigdict[sb] for sb in all_bases],
                [getattr(sb, 'name', '') for sb in all_bases],

            builder = ViewBuilder(all_bases, self.all_data)
            self._AX_views = {}
            self._YYB_views = {}
            for op_type, op_list in op_groups:
                self.setup_views(builder, op_type, op_list)
            for probe in self.model.probes:

            self.all_bases = all_bases
            self.sidx = builder.sidx


        logger.info("Signals in %0.3f s" % signals_timer.duration)

        # --- create list of plans
        with Timer() as plans_timer:
            self._plan = []
            for op_type, op_list in op_groups:
                self._plan.extend(self.plan_op_group(op_type, op_list))

        logger.info("Plans in %0.3f s" % plans_timer.duration)

        self.n_steps = 0
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, network, dt=0.001, seed=None, model=None,

        with Timer() as nengo_timer:
            if model is None:
                self.model = Model(dt=float(dt),
                                   label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
                self.model = model

            if network is not None:
                # Build the network into the model

        logger.info("Nengo build in %0.3f s" % nengo_timer.duration)

        # --- set seed
        seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed
        self.seed = seed
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)

        self._step = Signal(np.array(0.0, dtype=np.float64), name='step')
        self._time = Signal(np.array(0.0, dtype=np.float64), name='time')

        # --- operators
        with Timer() as planner_timer:
            operators = list(self.model.operators)

            # convert DotInc, Reset, Copy, and ProdUpdate to MultiProdUpdate
            operators = list(map(MultiProdUpdate.convert_to, operators))
            operators = MultiProdUpdate.compress(operators)

            # plan the order of operations, combining where appropriate
            op_groups = planner(operators)
            assert len([typ for typ, _ in op_groups if typ is Reset]) < 2, (
                "All resets not planned together")

            # add time operator after planning, to ensure it goes first
            time_op = TimeUpdate(self._step, self._time)
            operators.insert(0, time_op)
            op_groups.insert(0, (type(time_op), [time_op]))

            self.operators = operators
            self.op_groups = op_groups

        logger.info("Planning in %0.3f s" % planner_timer.duration)

        with Timer() as signals_timer:
            # Initialize signals
            all_signals = signals_from_operators(operators)
            all_bases = stable_unique([sig.base for sig in all_signals])

            sigdict = SignalDict()  # map from Signal.base -> ndarray
            for op in operators:

            # Add built states to the probe dictionary
            self._probe_outputs = self.model.params

            # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
            self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

            self.all_data = RaggedArray(
                [sigdict[sb] for sb in all_bases],
                [getattr(sb, 'name', '') for sb in all_bases],

            builder = ViewBuilder(all_bases, self.all_data)
            self._AX_views = {}
            self._YYB_views = {}
            for op_type, op_list in op_groups:
                self.setup_views(builder, op_type, op_list)
            for probe in self.model.probes:

            self.all_bases = all_bases
            self.sidx = builder.sidx


        logger.info("Signals in %0.3f s" % signals_timer.duration)

        # --- create list of plans
        with Timer() as plans_timer:
            self._plan = []
            for op_type, op_list in op_groups:
                self._plan.extend(self.plan_op_group(op_type, op_list))

        logger.info("Plans in %0.3f s" % plans_timer.duration)

        self.n_steps = 0
    def __init__(self, network, dt=0.001, period=10.0, timescale=1.0):
        """Create a new Simulator with the given network.

        period : float or None
            Duration of one period of the simulator. This determines how much
            memory will be allocated to store precomputed and probed data.
        timescale : float
            Scaling factor to apply to the simulation, e.g., a value of `0.5`
            will cause the simulation to run at half real-time.
        # Add this simulator to the set of open simulators

        # Create a controller for the machine and boot if necessary
        hostname = rc.get("spinnaker_machine", "hostname")
        machine_width = rc.getint("spinnaker_machine", "width")
        machine_height = rc.getint("spinnaker_machine", "height")

        self.controller = MachineController(hostname)
        self.controller.boot(machine_width, machine_height)

        # Create the IO controller
        io_cls = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io", Ethernet)
        io_kwargs = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io_kwargs",
        self.io_controller = io_cls(**io_kwargs)

        # Calculate the machine timestep, this is measured in microseconds
        # (hence the 1e6 scaling factor).
        self.timescale = timescale
        machine_timestep = int((dt / timescale) * 1e6)

        # Determine the maximum run-time
        self.max_steps = None if period is None else int(period / dt)

        self.steps = 0  # Steps simulated

        # If the simulator is in "run indefinite" mode (i.e., max_steps=None)
        # then we modify the builders to ignore function of time Nodes and
        # probes.
        builder_kwargs = self.io_controller.builder_kwargs
        if self.max_steps is None:
            raise NotImplementedError

        # Create a model from the network, using the IO controller
        logger.debug("Building model")
        start_build = time.time()
        self.model = Model(dt=dt, machine_timestep=machine_timestep,
        self.model.build(network, **builder_kwargs)

        forced_removals = get_force_removal_passnodes(network)
                                       network.config, forced_removals)

        logger.info("Build took {:.3f} seconds".format(time.time() -

        self.dt = self.model.dt
        self._closed = False  # Whether the simulator has been closed or not

        self.host_sim = self._create_host_sim()

        # Holder for probe data
        self.data = {}

        # Holder for profiling data
        self.profiler_data = {}

        # Convert the model into a netlist
        logger.info("Building netlist")
        start = time.time()
        self.netlist = self.model.make_netlist(self.max_steps or 0)

        # Get a system-info object to place & route against
        logger.info("Getting SpiNNaker machine specification")
        system_info = self.controller.get_system_info()

        # Place & Route
        logger.info("Placing and routing")
            place=getconfig(network.config, Simulator,
                            'placer', rig.place_and_route.place),
            place_kwargs=getconfig(network.config, Simulator,
                                   'placer_kwargs', {}),

        logger.info("{} cores in use".format(len(self.netlist.placements)))
        chips = set(six.itervalues(self.netlist.placements))
        logger.info("Using {}".format(chips))

        # Prepare the simulator against the placed, allocated and routed
        # netlist.
        self.io_controller.prepare(self.model, self.controller, self.netlist)

        # Load the application
        logger.info("Loading application")
        self.netlist.load_application(self.controller, system_info)

        # Check if any cores are in bad states
        if self.controller.count_cores_in_state(["exit", "dead", "watchdog",
            for vertex in self.netlist.vertices:
                x, y = self.netlist.placements[vertex]
                p = self.netlist.allocations[vertex][Cores].start
                status = self.controller.get_processor_status(p, x, y)
                if status.cpu_state is not AppState.sync0:
                    print("Core ({}, {}, {}) in state {!s}".format(
                        x, y, p, status.cpu_state))
            raise Exception("Unexpected core failures.")

        logger.info("Preparing and loading machine took {:3f} seconds".format(
            time.time() - start

        logger.info("Setting router timeout to 16 cycles")
        for x in range(machine_width):
            for y in range(machine_height):
                with self.controller(x=x, y=y):
                    if (x, y) in system_info:
                        data = self.controller.read(0xf1000000, 4)
                        self.controller.write(0xf1000000, data[:-1] + b'\x10')
예제 #10
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new Simulator with the given network.

        period : float or None
            Duration of one period of the simulator. This determines how much
            memory will be allocated to store precomputed and probed data.
        timescale : float
            Scaling factor to apply to the simulation, e.g., a value of `0.5`
            will cause the simulation to run at half real-time.
        hostname : string or None
            Hostname of the SpiNNaker machine to use; if None then the machine
            specified in the config file will be used.
        use_spalloc : bool or None
            Allocate a SpiNNaker machine for the simulator using ``spalloc``.
            If None then the setting specified in the config file will be used.

        Other Parameters
           Fudge factor to allocate more cores than really necessary when using
           `spalloc` to ensure that (a) there are sufficient "live" cores in
           the allocated machine, (b) there is sufficient room for a good place
           and route solution. This should generally be more than 0.1 (10% more
           cores than necessary) to account for the usual rate of missing
        # Add this simulator to the set of open simulators

        # Create the IO controller
        io_cls = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io", Ethernet)
        io_kwargs = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io_kwargs",
        self.io_controller = io_cls(**io_kwargs)

        # Calculate the machine timestep, this is measured in microseconds
        # (hence the 1e6 scaling factor).
        self.timescale = timescale
        machine_timestep = int((dt / timescale) * 1e6)

        # Determine the maximum run-time
        self.max_steps = None if period is None else int(period / dt)

        self.steps = 0  # Steps simulated

        # If the simulator is in "run indefinite" mode (i.e., max_steps=None)
        # then we modify the builders to ignore function of time Nodes and
        # probes.
        builder_kwargs = self.io_controller.builder_kwargs
        if self.max_steps is None:
            raise NotImplementedError

        # Create a model from the network, using the IO controller
        logger.debug("Building model")
        start_build = time.time()
        self.model = Model(dt=dt,
        self.model.build(network, **builder_kwargs)

        logger.info("Build took {:.3f} seconds".format(time.time() -

        self.dt = self.model.dt
        self._closed = False  # Whether the simulator has been closed or not

        self.host_sim = self._create_host_sim()

        # Holder for probe data
        self.data = {}

        # Holder for profiling data
        self.profiler_data = {}

        # Convert the model into a netlist
        logger.info("Building netlist")
        start = time.time()
        self.netlist = self.model.make_netlist(self.max_steps or 0)

        # Determine whether to use a spalloc machine or not
        if use_spalloc is None:
            # Default is to not use spalloc; this is indicated by either the
            # absence of the option in the config file OR the option being set
            # to false.
            use_spalloc = (rc.has_option("spinnaker_machine", "use_spalloc")
                           and rc.getboolean("spinnaker_machine",

        # Create a controller for the machine and boot if necessary
        self.job = None
        if not use_spalloc or hostname is not None:
            # Use the specified machine rather than trying to get one
            # allocated.
            if hostname is None:
                hostname = rc.get("spinnaker_machine", "hostname")
            # Attempt to get a machine allocated to us
            from spalloc import Job

            # Determine how many boards to ask for (assuming 16 usable cores
            # per chip and 48 chips per board).
            n_cores = self.netlist.n_cores * (1.0 + allocation_fudge_factor)
            n_boards = int(np.ceil((n_cores / 16.) / 48.))

            # Request the job
            self.job = Job(n_boards)
            logger.info("Allocated job ID %d...", self.job.id)

            # Wait until we're given the machine
            logger.info("Waiting for machine allocation...")

            # spalloc recommends a slight delay before attempting to boot the
            # machine, later versions of spalloc server may relax this
            # requirement.

            # Store the hostname
            hostname = self.job.hostname
            logger.info("Using %d board(s) of \"%s\" (%s)",
                        len(self.job.boards), self.job.machine_name, hostname)

        self.controller = MachineController(hostname)

        # Get a system-info object to place & route against
        logger.info("Getting SpiNNaker machine specification")
        system_info = self.controller.get_system_info()

        # Place & Route
        logger.info("Placing and routing")
            place=getconfig(network.config, Simulator, 'placer',
            place_kwargs=getconfig(network.config, Simulator, 'placer_kwargs',

        logger.info("{} cores in use".format(len(self.netlist.placements)))
        chips = set(six.itervalues(self.netlist.placements))
        logger.info("Using {}".format(chips))

        # Prepare the simulator against the placed, allocated and routed
        # netlist.
        self.io_controller.prepare(self.model, self.controller, self.netlist)

        # Load the application
        logger.info("Loading application")
        self.netlist.load_application(self.controller, system_info)

        # Check if any cores are in bad states
        if self.controller.count_cores_in_state(
            ["exit", "dead", "watchdog", "runtime_exception"]):
            for vertex, (x, y) in six.iteritems(self.netlist.placements):
                p = self.netlist.allocations[vertex][Cores].start
                status = self.controller.get_processor_status(p, x, y)
                if status.cpu_state is not AppState.sync0:
                    print("Core ({}, {}, {}) in state {!s}".format(
                        x, y, p, status))
                    print(self.controller.get_iobuf(p, x, y))
            raise Exception("Unexpected core failures.")

        logger.info("Preparing and loading machine took {:3f} seconds".format(
            time.time() - start))

        logger.info("Setting router timeout to 16 cycles")
        for x, y in system_info.chips():
            with self.controller(x=x, y=y):
                data = self.controller.read(0xf1000000, 4)
                self.controller.write(0xf1000000, data[:-1] + b'\x10')
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, network, dt=0.001, period=10.0, timescale=1.0,
                 hostname=None, use_spalloc=None,
        """Create a new Simulator with the given network.

        period : float or None
            Duration of one period of the simulator. This determines how much
            memory will be allocated to store precomputed and probed data.
        timescale : float
            Scaling factor to apply to the simulation, e.g., a value of `0.5`
            will cause the simulation to run at half real-time.
        hostname : string or None
            Hostname of the SpiNNaker machine to use; if None then the machine
            specified in the config file will be used.
        use_spalloc : bool or None
            Allocate a SpiNNaker machine for the simulator using ``spalloc``.
            If None then the setting specified in the config file will be used.

        Other Parameters
           Fudge factor to allocate more cores than really necessary when using
           `spalloc` to ensure that (a) there are sufficient "live" cores in
           the allocated machine, (b) there is sufficient room for a good place
           and route solution. This should generally be more than 0.1 (10% more
           cores than necessary) to account for the usual rate of missing
        # Add this simulator to the set of open simulators

        # Create the IO controller
        io_cls = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io", Ethernet)
        io_kwargs = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io_kwargs",
        self.io_controller = io_cls(**io_kwargs)

        # Calculate the machine timestep, this is measured in microseconds
        # (hence the 1e6 scaling factor).
        self.timescale = timescale
        machine_timestep = int((dt / timescale) * 1e6)

        # Determine the maximum run-time
        self.max_steps = None if period is None else int(period / dt)

        self.steps = 0  # Steps simulated

        # If the simulator is in "run indefinite" mode (i.e., max_steps=None)
        # then we modify the builders to ignore function of time Nodes and
        # probes.
        builder_kwargs = self.io_controller.builder_kwargs
        if self.max_steps is None:
            raise NotImplementedError

        # Create a model from the network, using the IO controller
        logger.debug("Building model")
        start_build = time.time()
        self.model = Model(dt=dt, machine_timestep=machine_timestep,
        self.model.build(network, **builder_kwargs)

        logger.info("Build took {:.3f} seconds".format(time.time() -

        self.dt = self.model.dt
        self._closed = False  # Whether the simulator has been closed or not

        self.host_sim = self._create_host_sim()

        # Holder for probe data
        self.data = {}

        # Holder for profiling data
        self.profiler_data = {}

        # Convert the model into a netlist
        logger.info("Building netlist")
        start = time.time()
        self.netlist = self.model.make_netlist(self.max_steps or 0)

        # Determine whether to use a spalloc machine or not
        if use_spalloc is None:
            # Default is to not use spalloc; this is indicated by either the
            # absence of the option in the config file OR the option being set
            # to false.
            use_spalloc = (
                rc.has_option("spinnaker_machine", "use_spalloc") and
                rc.getboolean("spinnaker_machine", "use_spalloc"))

        # Create a controller for the machine and boot if necessary
        self.job = None
        if not use_spalloc or hostname is not None:
            # Use the specified machine rather than trying to get one
            # allocated.
            if hostname is None:
                hostname = rc.get("spinnaker_machine", "hostname")
            # Attempt to get a machine allocated to us
            from spalloc import Job

            # Determine how many boards to ask for (assuming 16 usable cores
            # per chip and 48 chips per board).
            n_cores = self.netlist.n_cores * (1.0 + allocation_fudge_factor)
            n_boards = int(np.ceil((n_cores / 16.) / 48.))

            # Request the job
            self.job = Job(n_boards)
            logger.info("Allocated job ID %d...", self.job.id)

            # Wait until we're given the machine
            logger.info("Waiting for machine allocation...")

            # spalloc recommends a slight delay before attempting to boot the
            # machine, later versions of spalloc server may relax this
            # requirement.

            # Store the hostname
            hostname = self.job.hostname
            logger.info("Using %d board(s) of \"%s\" (%s)",
                        len(self.job.boards), self.job.machine_name, hostname)

        self.controller = MachineController(hostname)

        # Get a system-info object to place & route against
        logger.info("Getting SpiNNaker machine specification")
        system_info = self.controller.get_system_info()

        # Place & Route
        logger.info("Placing and routing")
            place=getconfig(network.config, Simulator,
                            'placer', rig.place_and_route.place),
            place_kwargs=getconfig(network.config, Simulator,
                                   'placer_kwargs', {}),

        logger.info("{} cores in use".format(len(self.netlist.placements)))
        chips = set(six.itervalues(self.netlist.placements))
        logger.info("Using {}".format(chips))

        # Prepare the simulator against the placed, allocated and routed
        # netlist.
        self.io_controller.prepare(self.model, self.controller, self.netlist)

        # Load the application
        logger.info("Loading application")
        self.netlist.load_application(self.controller, system_info)

        # Check if any cores are in bad states
        if self.controller.count_cores_in_state(["exit", "dead", "watchdog",
            for vertex, (x, y) in six.iteritems(self.netlist.placements):
                p = self.netlist.allocations[vertex][Cores].start
                status = self.controller.get_processor_status(p, x, y)
                if status.cpu_state is not AppState.sync0:
                    print("Core ({}, {}, {}) in state {!s}".format(
                        x, y, p, status))
                    print(self.controller.get_iobuf(p, x, y))
            raise Exception("Unexpected core failures.")

        logger.info("Preparing and loading machine took {:3f} seconds".format(
            time.time() - start

        logger.info("Setting router timeout to 16 cycles")
        for x, y in system_info.chips():
            with self.controller(x=x, y=y):
                data = self.controller.read(0xf1000000, 4)
                self.controller.write(0xf1000000, data[:-1] + b'\x10')
예제 #12
    def __init__(self,
                 dtype=rc.get('precision', 'dtype')):
        """Initialize the simulator with a network and (optionally) a model.

        Most of the time, you will pass in a network and sometimes a dt::

            sim1 = nengo.Simulator(my_network)  # Uses default 0.001s dt
            sim2 = nengo.Simulator(my_network, dt=0.01)  # Uses 0.01s dt

        For more advanced use cases, you can initialize the model yourself,
        and also pass in a network that will be built into the same model
        that you pass in::

            sim = nengo.Simulator(my_network, model=my_model)

        If you want full control over the build process, then you can build
        your network into the model manually. If you do this, then you must
        explicitly pass in ``None`` for the network::

            sim = nengo.Simulator(None, model=my_model)

        network : nengo.Network instance or None
            A network object to the built and then simulated.
            If a fully built ``model`` is passed in, then you can skip
            building the network by passing in network=None.
        dt : float
            The length of a simulator timestep, in seconds.
        seed : int
            A seed for all stochastic operators used in this simulator.
            Note that there are not stochastic operators implemented
            currently, so this parameters does nothing.
        model : nengo.builder.Model instance or None
            A model object that contains build artifacts to be simulated.
            Usually the simulator will build this model for you; however,
            if you want to build the network manually, or to inject some
            build artifacts in the Model before building the network,
            then you can pass in a ``nengo.builder.Model`` instance.
        dt = float(dt)  # make sure it's a float (for division purposes)
        if model is None:
            self.model = Model(dt=dt,
                               label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
            self.model = model

        if network is not None:
            # Build the network into the model


        self.seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)

        # -- map from Signal.base -> ndarray
        self.signals = SignalDict(
            __time__=np.asarray(npext.castDecimal(0), dtype=self.dtype))
        for op in self.model.operators:
        self.dg = operator_depencency_graph(self.model.operators)
        self._step_order = [
            node for node in toposort(self.dg) if hasattr(node, 'make_step')
        self._steps = [
            node.make_step(self.signals, dt, self.rng)
            for node in self._step_order

        # Add built states to the probe dictionary
        self._probe_outputs = self.model.params

        # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
        self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

예제 #13
    def __init__(self, network, dt=0.001, seed=None):
        self.model = Model(
            label="Nengo RS model",

        signal_to_engine_id = {}
        for signal_dict in self.model.sig.values():
            for signal in signal_dict.values():
                self.add_sig(signal_to_engine_id, signal)
        x = SignalU64("step", 0)
        signal_to_engine_id[self.model.step] = x
        signal_to_engine_id[self.model.time] = SignalF64("time", 0.0)
        self._sig_to_ngine_id = signal_to_engine_id

        dg = BidirectionalDAG(operator_dependency_graph(self.model.operators))
        toposorted_dg = toposort(dg.forward)
        node_indices = {node: idx for idx, node in enumerate(toposorted_dg)}

        ops = []
        for op in toposorted_dg:
            dependencies = [node_indices[node] for node in dg.backward[op]]
            if isinstance(op, core_op.Reset):
                        np.asarray(op.value, dtype=np.float64),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.dst),
            elif isinstance(op, core_op.TimeUpdate):
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, self.model.step),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, self.model.time),
            elif isinstance(op, core_op.ElementwiseInc):
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.Y),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.A),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.X),
            elif isinstance(op, core_op.Copy):
                assert op.src_slice is None and op.dst_slice is None
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.src),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.dst),
            elif isinstance(op, core_op.DotInc):
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.Y),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.A),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.X),
            elif isinstance(op, neurons.SimNeurons):
                signals = SignalDict()
                         for s in op.states] if hasattr(op, "states") else [],
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.J),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.output),
            elif isinstance(op, processes.SimProcess):
                signals = SignalDict()
                shape_in = (0, ) if op.input is None else op.input.shape
                shape_out = op.output.shape
                rng = None
                state = {k: signals[s] for k, s in op.state.items()}
                step_fn = op.process.make_step(shape_in, shape_out, self.dt,
                                               rng, state)
                        op.mode == "inc",
                        lambda *args, step_fn=step_fn: np.asarray(
                            step_fn(*args), dtype=float),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.t),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.output),
                        None if op.input is None else self.get_sig(
                            signal_to_engine_id, op.input),
            elif isinstance(op, core_op.SimPyFunc):
                        lambda *args, op=op: np.asarray(op.fn(*args),
                        self.get_sig(signal_to_engine_id, op.output),
                        None if op.t is None else self.get_sig(
                            signal_to_engine_id, op.t),
                        None if op.x is None else self.get_sig(
                            signal_to_engine_id, op.x),
                raise Exception(f"missing: {op}")

        self.probe_mapping = {}
        for probe in self.model.probes:
            self.probe_mapping[probe] = Probe(

        self._engine = Engine(list(signal_to_engine_id.values()), ops,
        self.data = SimData(self)

예제 #14
    def __init__(self, network, dt=0.001, period=10.0):
        """Create a new Simulator with the given network.

        period : float or None
            Duration of one period of the simulator. This determines how much
            memory will be allocated to store precomputed and probed data.
        # Add this simulator to the set of open simulators

        # Create a controller for the machine and boot if necessary
        hostname = rc.get("spinnaker_machine", "hostname")
        machine_width = rc.getint("spinnaker_machine", "width")
        machine_height = rc.getint("spinnaker_machine", "height")

        self.controller = MachineController(hostname)
        test_and_boot(self.controller, hostname, machine_width, machine_height)

        # Create the IO controller
        io_cls = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io", Ethernet)
        io_kwargs = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io_kwargs",
        self.io_controller = io_cls(**io_kwargs)

        # Determine the maximum run-time
        self.max_steps = None if period is None else int(period / dt)

        self.steps = 0  # Steps simulated

        # Create the IO controller. Function of time nodes are only enabled if
        # the simulator period is not None.
        io_cls = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io", Ethernet)
        io_kwargs = getconfig(network.config, Simulator, "node_io_kwargs",
        self.io_controller = io_cls(
            function_of_time_nodes=self.max_steps is not None, **io_kwargs

        # Create a model from the network, using the IO controller. Probes are
        # only built if the simulator period is not None.
        logger.debug("Building model")
        start_build = time.time()
        self.model = Model(dt, decoder_cache=get_default_decoder_cache())
        self.model.build(network, build_probes=self.max_steps is not None,
        logger.info("Build took {:.3f} seconds".format(time.time() -

        self.dt = self.model.dt
        self._closed = False  # Whether the simulator has been closed or not
        self._running = False
        self._halt = False

        self.host_sim = self._create_host_sim()

        # Holder for probe data
        self.data = {}

        # Holder for profiling data
        self.profiler_data = {}

        # Convert the model into a netlist
        logger.info("Building netlist")
        start = time.time()
        self.netlist = self.model.make_netlist(self.max_steps or 0)

        # Get a machine object to place & route against
        logger.info("Getting SpiNNaker machine specification")
        machine = self.controller.get_machine()

        # Place & Route
        logger.info("Placing and routing")

        logger.info("{} cores in use".format(len(self.netlist.placements)))
        chips = set(six.itervalues(self.netlist.placements))
        logger.info("Using {}".format(chips))

        # Prepare the simulator against the placed, allocated and routed
        # netlist.
        self.io_controller.prepare(self.model, self.controller, self.netlist)

        # Load the application
        logger.info("Loading application")

        # Check if any cores are in bad states
        if self.controller.count_cores_in_state(["exit", "dead", "watchdog",
            for vertex in self.netlist.vertices:
                x, y = self.netlist.placements[vertex]
                p = self.netlist.allocations[vertex][Cores].start
                status = self.controller.get_processor_status(p, x, y)
                if status.cpu_state is not AppState.sync0:
                    print("Core ({}, {}, {}) in state {!s}".format(
                        x, y, p, status.cpu_state))
            raise Exception("Unexpected core failures.")

        logger.info("Preparing and loading machine took {:3f} seconds".format(
            time.time() - start

        logger.info("Setting router timeout to 16 cycles")
        for x in range(machine_width):
            for y in range(machine_height):
                with self.controller(x=x, y=y):
                    if (x, y) in machine:
                        data = self.controller.read(0xf1000000, 4)
                        self.controller.write(0xf1000000, data[:-1] + b'\x10')
예제 #15
    def __init__(self, network, dt=0.001, seed=None, model=None, context=None,
                 n_prealloc_probes=32, profiling=None, ocl_only=False,
        # --- create these first since they are used in __del__
        self.closed = False
        self.model = None

        # --- check version
        if nengo.version.version_info[:2] != latest_nengo_version_info[:2]:
            raise ValueError(
                "This simulator only supports Nengo %s.x (got %s)" %
                ('.'.join(str(i) for i in latest_nengo_version_info[:2]),
        elif nengo.version.version_info > latest_nengo_version_info:
            warnings.warn("This version of `nengo_ocl` has not been tested "
                          "with your `nengo` version (%s). The latest fully "
                          "supported version is %s" % (
                              nengo.__version__, latest_nengo_version))

        # --- arguments/attributes
        if context is None:
            print('No context argument was provided to nengo_ocl.Simulator')
            print("Calling pyopencl.create_some_context() for you now:")
            context = cl.create_some_context()
        if profiling is None:
            profiling = int(os.getenv("NENGO_OCL_PROFILING", 0))
        self.context = context
        self.profiling = profiling
        if self.profiling:
            self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(context, properties=PROFILING_ENABLE)
            self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

        self.n_prealloc_probes = n_prealloc_probes
        self.ocl_only = ocl_only

        # --- Nengo build
        if model is None or model.decoder_cache is None:
            cache = get_default_decoder_cache()
            cache = model.decoder_cache

        with cache, Timer() as nengo_timer:
            if model is None:
                self.model = Model(dt=float(dt),
                                   label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
                self.model = model

            if network is not None:
                # Build the network into the model


        logger.info("Nengo build in %0.3f s" % nengo_timer.duration)

        # --- operators
        with Timer() as planner_timer:
            operators = list(self.model.operators)

            # convert DotInc and Copy to MultiDotInc
            operators = list(map(MultiDotInc.convert_to, operators))
            operators = MultiDotInc.compress(operators)

            # plan the order of operations, combining where appropriate
            op_groups = planner(operators)
            assert len([typ for typ, _ in op_groups if typ is Reset]) < 2, (
                "All resets not planned together")

            self.operators = operators
            self.op_groups = op_groups

        logger.info("Planning in %0.3f s" % planner_timer.duration)

        with Timer() as signals_timer:
            # Initialize signals
            all_signals = stable_unique(
                sig for op in operators for sig in op.all_signals)
            all_bases = stable_unique(sig.base for sig in all_signals)

            sigdict = SignalDict()  # map from Signal.base -> ndarray
            for op in operators:

            # Add built states to the probe dictionary
            self._probe_outputs = dict(self.model.params)

            # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
            self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

            # Create data on host and add views
            self.all_data = RaggedArray(
                [sigdict[sb] for sb in all_bases],
                names=[getattr(sb, 'name', '') for sb in all_bases],

            view_builder = ViewBuilder(all_bases, self.all_data)
            for probe in self.model.probes:

            self.all_bases = all_bases
            self.sidx = {
                k: np.int32(v) for k, v in iteritems(view_builder.sidx)}
            self._A_views = view_builder._A_views
            self._X_views = view_builder._X_views
            self._YYB_views = view_builder._YYB_views
            del view_builder

            # Copy data to device
            self.all_data = CLRaggedArray(self.queue, self.all_data)

        logger.info("Signals in %0.3f s" % signals_timer.duration)

        # --- set seed
        self.seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed

        # --- create list of plans
        self._raggedarrays_to_reset = {}
        self._cl_rngs = {}

        with Timer() as plans_timer:
            self._plan = []
            for op_type, op_list in op_groups:
                self._plan.extend(self.plan_op_group(op_type, op_list))

        logger.info("Plans in %0.3f s" % plans_timer.duration)

        # -- create object to execute list of plans
        self._plans = Plans(self._plan, self.profiling)

예제 #16
파일: simulator.py 프로젝트: epaxon/nengo
    def __init__(self, network, dt=0.001, seed=None, model=None):
        """Initialize the simulator with a network and (optionally) a model.

        Most of the time, you will pass in a network and sometimes a dt::

            sim1 = nengo.Simulator(my_network)  # Uses default 0.001s dt
            sim2 = nengo.Simulator(my_network, dt=0.01)  # Uses 0.01s dt

        For more advanced use cases, you can initialize the model yourself,
        and also pass in a network that will be built into the same model
        that you pass in::

            sim = nengo.Simulator(my_network, model=my_model)

        If you want full control over the build process, then you can build
        your network into the model manually. If you do this, then you must
        explicitly pass in ``None`` for the network::

            sim = nengo.Simulator(None, model=my_model)

        network : nengo.Network instance or None
            A network object to the built and then simulated.
            If a fully built ``model`` is passed in, then you can skip
            building the network by passing in network=None.
        dt : float, optional
            The length of a simulator timestep, in seconds.
        seed : int, optional
            A seed for all stochastic operators used in this simulator.
        model : nengo.builder.Model instance or None, optional
            A model object that contains build artifacts to be simulated.
            Usually the simulator will build this model for you; however,
            if you want to build the network manually, or to inject some
            build artifacts in the Model before building the network,
            then you can pass in a ``nengo.builder.Model`` instance.
        if model is None:
            dt = float(dt)  # make sure it's a float (for division purposes)
            self.model = Model(dt=dt,
                               label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
            self.model = model

        if network is not None:
            # Build the network into the model


        # -- map from Signal.base -> ndarray
        self.signals = SignalDict(__time__=np.asarray(0.0, dtype=np.float64))
        for op in self.model.operators:

        # Order the steps (they are made in `Simulator.reset`)
        self.dg = operator_depencency_graph(self.model.operators)
        self._step_order = [op for op in toposort(self.dg)
                            if hasattr(op, 'make_step')]

        # Add built states to the probe dictionary
        self._probe_outputs = self.model.params

        # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
        self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

        seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, network, dt=0.001, seed=None, model=None, context=None,
                 n_prealloc_probes=32, profiling=None, if_python_code='none',
                 planner=greedy_planner, progress_bar=True):
        # --- check version
        if nengo.version.version_info in bad_nengo_versions:
            raise ValueError(
                "This simulator does not support Nengo version %s. Upgrade "
                "with 'pip install --upgrade --no-deps nengo'."
                % nengo.__version__)
        elif nengo.version.version_info > latest_nengo_version_info:
            warnings.warn("This version of `nengo_ocl` has not been tested "
                          "with your `nengo` version (%s). The latest fully "
                          "supported version is %s" % (
                              nengo.__version__, latest_nengo_version))

        # --- create these first since they are used in __del__
        self.closed = False
        self.model = None

        # --- arguments/attributes
        if context is None and Simulator.some_context is None:
            print('No context argument was provided to nengo_ocl.Simulator')
            print("Calling pyopencl.create_some_context() for you now:")
            Simulator.some_context = cl.create_some_context()
        if profiling is None:
            profiling = int(os.getenv("NENGO_OCL_PROFILING", 0))
        self.context = Simulator.some_context if context is None else context
        self.profiling = profiling
        self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(
            self.context, properties=PROFILING_ENABLE if self.profiling else 0)

        if if_python_code not in ['none', 'warn', 'error']:
            raise ValueError("%r not a valid value for `if_python_code`"
                             % if_python_code)
        self.if_python_code = if_python_code
        self.n_prealloc_probes = n_prealloc_probes
        self.progress_bar = progress_bar

        # --- Nengo build
        with Timer() as nengo_timer:
            if model is None:
                self.model = Model(dt=float(dt),
                                   label="%s, dt=%f" % (network, dt),
                self.model = model

            if network is not None:
                # Build the network into the model

        logger.info("Nengo build in %0.3f s" % nengo_timer.duration)

        # --- operators
        with Timer() as planner_timer:
            operators = list(self.model.operators)

            # convert DotInc and Copy to MultiDotInc
            operators = list(map(MultiDotInc.convert_to, operators))
            operators = MultiDotInc.compress(operators)

            # plan the order of operations, combining where appropriate
            op_groups = planner(operators)
            assert len([typ for typ, _ in op_groups if typ is Reset]) < 2, (
                "All resets not planned together")

            self.operators = operators
            self.op_groups = op_groups

        logger.info("Planning in %0.3f s" % planner_timer.duration)

        with Timer() as signals_timer:
            # Initialize signals
            all_signals = stable_unique(
                sig for op in operators for sig in op.all_signals)
            all_bases = stable_unique(sig.base for sig in all_signals)

            sigdict = SignalDict()  # map from Signal.base -> ndarray
            for op in operators:

            # Add built states to the probe dictionary
            self._probe_outputs = dict(self.model.params)

            # Provide a nicer interface to probe outputs
            self.data = ProbeDict(self._probe_outputs)

            # Create data on host and add views
            self.all_data = RaggedArray(
                [sigdict[sb] for sb in all_bases],
                names=[getattr(sb, 'name', '') for sb in all_bases],

            view_builder = ViewBuilder(all_bases, self.all_data)
            for probe in self.model.probes:

            self.all_bases = all_bases
            self.sidx = {
                k: np.int32(v) for k, v in iteritems(view_builder.sidx)}
            self._A_views = view_builder._A_views
            self._X_views = view_builder._X_views
            self._YYB_views = view_builder._YYB_views
            del view_builder

            # Copy data to device
            self.all_data = CLRaggedArray(self.queue, self.all_data)

        logger.info("Signals in %0.3f s" % signals_timer.duration)

        # --- set seed
        self.seed = np.random.randint(npext.maxint) if seed is None else seed
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)

        # --- create list of plans
        self._raggedarrays_to_reset = {}
        self._cl_rngs = {}
        self._python_rngs = {}

        plans = []
        with Timer() as plans_timer:
            for op_type, op_list in op_groups:
                plans.extend(self.plan_op_group(op_type, op_list))

        logger.info("Plans in %0.3f s" % plans_timer.duration)

        # -- create object to execute list of plans
        self._plans = Plans(plans, self.profiling)

        self.rng = None  # all randomness set, should no longer be used
        self._reset_probes()  # clears probes from previous model builds