def StandbyValidators(): if len(Blockchain._validators) < 1: vlist = settings.STANDBY_VALIDATORS for pkey in settings.STANDBY_VALIDATORS: Blockchain._validators.append(ECDSA.decode_secp256r1(pkey).G) return Blockchain._validators
def Deserialize(self, reader): """ Deserialize full object. Args: reader (neo.Core.IO.BinaryReader): """ super(AssetState, self).Deserialize(reader) self.AssetId = reader.ReadUInt256() self.AssetType = ord(reader.ReadByte()) self.Name = reader.ReadVarString() position = try: self.Amount = reader.ReadFixed8() except Exception: self.Amount = reader.ReadFixed8() self.Available = reader.ReadFixed8() self.Precision = ord(reader.ReadByte()) # fee mode reader.ReadByte() self.Fee = reader.ReadFixed8() self.FeeAddress = reader.ReadUInt160() self.Owner = ECDSA.Deserialize_Secp256r1(reader) self.Admin = reader.ReadUInt160() self.Issuer = reader.ReadUInt160() self.Expiration = reader.ReadUInt32() self.IsFrozen = reader.ReadBool()
def gather_param(index, param_type, do_continue=True): ptype = ContractParameterType(param_type) prompt_message = '[Param %s] %s input: ' % (index, try: result = get_input_prompt(prompt_message) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Input cancelled") return None, True except Exception as e: print(str(e)) # no results, abort True return None, True try: if ptype == ContractParameterType.String: return str(result), False elif ptype == ContractParameterType.Integer: return int(result), False elif ptype == ContractParameterType.Boolean: return bool(result), False elif ptype == ContractParameterType.PublicKey: try: return ECDSA.decode_secp256r1(result).G, False except ValueError: return None, True elif ptype == ContractParameterType.ByteArray: if isinstance(result, str) and len(result) == 34 and result[0] == 'A': return Helper.AddrStrToScriptHash(result).Data, False res = eval( result, {"__builtins__": { 'bytearray': bytearray, 'bytes': bytes }}, {}) if isinstance(res, bytes): return bytearray(res), False return res, False elif ptype == ContractParameterType.Array: res = eval(result) if isinstance(res, list): return res, False raise Exception("Please provide a list") else: raise Exception("Unknown param type %s " % except KeyboardInterrupt: # Control-C pressed: exit return None, True except Exception as e: print("Could not parse param as %s : %s " % (ptype, e)) if do_continue: return gather_param(index, param_type, do_continue) return None, True
def Deserialize(self, reader: BinaryReader): """ Deserialize full object. Args: reader (neo.Core.IO.BinaryReader): """ super(ValidatorState, self).Deserialize(reader) self.PublicKey = ECDSA.Deserialize_Secp256r1(reader) self.Registered = reader.ReadBool() self.Votes = reader.ReadFixed8()
def DeserializeExclusiveData(self, reader): """ Deserialize full object. Args: reader (neo.IO.BinaryReader): Raises: Exception: If the version read is incorrect. """ if self.Version is not 0: raise Exception('Invalid format') self.PublicKey = ECDSA.Deserialize_Secp256r1(reader)
def __init__(self, priv_key): """ Create an instance. Args: priv_key (bytes): a private key. Raises: ValueError: if the input `priv_key` length is not 32, 96, or 104 if the input `priv_key` length is 32 but the public key still could not be determined """ self.setup_curve() self.PublicKeyHash = None self.PublicKey = None self.PrivateKey = None length = len(priv_key) if length != 32 and length != 96 and length != 104: raise ValueError("Invalid private key") self.PrivateKey = bytearray(priv_key[-32:]) pubkey_encoded_not_compressed = None if length == 32: try: pubkey_encoded_not_compressed = bitcoin.privkey_to_pubkey( priv_key) except Exception: raise ValueError("Could not determine public key") elif length == 96 or length == 104: skip = length - 96 pubkey_encoded_not_compressed = bytearray(b'\x04') + bytearray( priv_key[skip:skip + 64]) if pubkey_encoded_not_compressed: pubkey_points = bitcoin.decode_pubkey( pubkey_encoded_not_compressed, 'bin') pubx = pubkey_points[0] puby = pubkey_points[1] edcsa = ECDSA.secp256r1() self.PublicKey = edcsa.Curve.point(pubx, puby) self.PublicKeyHash = Crypto.ToScriptHash( self.PublicKey.encode_point(True), unhex=True)
def DeserializeExclusiveData(self, reader): """ Deserialize full object. Args: reader (neo.IO.BinaryReader): """ self.Type = TransactionType.RegisterTransaction self.AssetType = ord(reader.ReadByte()) self.Name = reader.ReadVarString() self.Amount = reader.ReadFixed8() self.Precision = ord(reader.ReadByte()) self.Owner = ECDSA.Deserialize_Secp256r1(reader) # self.Owner = ecdsa.G self.Admin = reader.ReadUInt160()
def SystemShare(): """ Register AntShare. Returns: RegisterTransaction: """ amount = Fixed8.FromDecimal( sum(Blockchain.GENERATION_AMOUNT) * Blockchain.DECREMENT_INTERVAL) owner = ECDSA.secp256r1().Curve.Infinity admin = Crypto.ToScriptHash(PUSHT) return RegisterTransaction( [], [], AssetType.GoverningToken, "[{\"lang\":\"zh-CN\",\"name\":\"小蚁股\"},{\"lang\":\"en\",\"name\":\"AntShare\"}]", amount, 0, owner, admin)
def gather_signatures(context, itx, owners): do_exit = False print("\n\n*******************\n") print("Gather Signatures for Transaction:\n%s " % json.dumps(itx.ToJson(), indent=4)) print("Please use a client to sign the following: %s " % itx.GetHashData()) owner_index = 0 while not context.Completed and not do_exit: next_script = owners[owner_index] next_addr = scripthash_to_address(next_script.Data) try: print("\n*******************\n") owner_input = prompt('Public Key and Signature for %s> ' % next_addr) items = owner_input.split(' ') pubkey = ECDSA.decode_secp256r1(items[0]).G sig = items[1] contract = Contract.CreateSignatureContract(pubkey) if contract.Address == next_addr: context.Add(contract, 0, sig) print("Adding signature %s " % sig) owner_index += 1 else: print("Public Key does not match address %s " % next_addr) except ValueError: # expected from ECDSA if public key is invalid print(f"Invalid public key: {items[0]}") do_exit = True except EOFError: # Control-D pressed: quit do_exit = True except KeyboardInterrupt: # Control-C pressed: do nothing do_exit = True except Exception as e: print("Could not parse input %s " % e) if context.Completed: print("Signatures complete") itx.scripts = context.GetScripts() return True else: print("Could not finish signatures") return False
def FromJson(json): """ Convert a json object to a ContractParameter object Args: item (dict): The item to convert to a ContractParameter object Returns: ContractParameter """ type = ContractParameterType.FromString(json['type']) value = json['value'] param = ContractParameter(type=type, value=None) if type == ContractParameterType.Signature or type == ContractParameterType.ByteArray: param.Value = bytearray.fromhex(value) elif type == ContractParameterType.Boolean: param.Value = bool(value) elif type == ContractParameterType.Integer: param.Value = int(value) elif type == ContractParameterType.Hash160: param.Value = UInt160.ParseString(value) elif type == ContractParameterType.Hash256: param.Value = UInt256.ParseString(value) # @TODO Not sure if this is working... elif type == ContractParameterType.PublicKey: param.Value = ECDSA.decode_secp256r1(value).G elif type == ContractParameterType.String: param.Value = str(value) elif type == ContractParameterType.Array: val = [ContractParameter.FromJson(item) for item in value] param.Value = val return param
def SystemCoin(): """ Register AntCoin Returns: RegisterTransaction: """ amount = Fixed8.FromDecimal( sum(Blockchain.GENERATION_AMOUNT) * Blockchain.DECREMENT_INTERVAL) owner = ECDSA.secp256r1().Curve.Infinity precision = 8 admin = Crypto.ToScriptHash(PUSHF) return RegisterTransaction( [], [], AssetType.UtilityToken, "[{\"lang\":\"zh-CN\",\"name\":\"小蚁币\"},{\"lang\":\"en\",\"name\":\"AntCoin\"}]", amount, precision, owner, admin)
def Runtime_CheckWitness(self, engine: ExecutionEngine): hashOrPubkey = engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetByteArray() result = False if len(hashOrPubkey) == 20: result = self.CheckWitnessHash(engine, UInt160(data=hashOrPubkey)) elif len(hashOrPubkey) == 33: try: point = ECDSA.decode_secp256r1(hashOrPubkey, unhex=False).G except ValueError: return False result = self.CheckWitnessPubkey(engine, point) else: return False engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.PushT(result) return True
def CreateMultiSigContract(publicKeyHash, m, publicKeys): pk = [ECDSA.decode_secp256r1(p).G for p in publicKeys] return Contract(Contract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(m, pk), bytearray(m), publicKeyHash)
def AddSignature(self, contract, pubkey, signature): if contract.Type == ContractType.MultiSigContract: item = self.CreateItem(contract) if item is None: return False for p in item.ContractParameters: if p.Value is not None: return False if item.Signatures is None: item.Signatures = {} elif pubkey.encode_point(True) in item.Signatures: return False ecdsa = ECDSA.secp256r1() points = [] temp = binascii.unhexlify(contract.Script) ms = MemoryStream(binascii.unhexlify(contract.Script)) reader = BinaryReader(ms) numr = reader.ReadUInt8() try: while reader.ReadUInt8() == 33: ecpoint = binascii.hexlify(reader.ReadBytes(33)).decode()) points.append(ecpoint) except ValueError: return False finally: ms.close() if pubkey not in points: return False item.Signatures[pubkey.encode_point( True).decode()] = binascii.hexlify(signature) if len(item.Signatures) == len(contract.ParameterList): i = 0 points.sort(reverse=True) for k in points: pubkey = k.encode_point(True).decode() if pubkey in item.Signatures: if self.Add(contract, i, item.Signatures[pubkey]) is None: raise Exception("Invalid operation") i += 1 item.Signatures = None return True else: index = -1 if contract.ParameterList == '00': contract.ParameterList = b'\x00' length = len(contract.ParameterList) for i in range(0, length): if ContractParameterType(contract.ParameterList[i] ) == ContractParameterType.Signature: if index >= 0: raise Exception("Signature must be first") else: index = i return self.Add(contract, index, signature)
def Asset_Create(self, engine: ExecutionEngine): tx = engine.ScriptContainer asset_type = int( engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetBigInteger()) if asset_type not in AssetType.AllTypes() or \ asset_type == AssetType.CreditFlag or \ asset_type == AssetType.DutyFlag or \ asset_type == AssetType.GoverningToken or \ asset_type == AssetType.UtilityToken: return False if len(engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Peek().GetByteArray() ) > 1024: return False name = engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetByteArray( ).decode('utf-8') amount = Fixed8( engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetBigInteger()) if amount == Fixed8.Zero() or amount < Fixed8.NegativeSatoshi(): return False if asset_type == AssetType.Invoice and amount != Fixed8.NegativeSatoshi( ): return False precision = int( engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetBigInteger()) if precision > 8: return False if asset_type == AssetType.Share and precision != 0: return False if amount != Fixed8.NegativeSatoshi() and amount.value % pow( 10, 8 - precision) != 0: return False ownerData = engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetByteArray() try: owner = ECDSA.decode_secp256r1(ownerData, unhex=False).G except ValueError: return False if owner.IsInfinity: return False if not self.CheckWitnessPubkey(engine, owner): logger.error("check witness false...") return False admin = UInt160( data=engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetByteArray()) issuer = UInt160( data=engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop().GetByteArray()) new_asset = AssetState(asset_id=tx.Hash, asset_type=asset_type, name=name, amount=amount, available=Fixed8.Zero(), precision=precision, fee_mode=0, fee=Fixed8.Zero(), fee_addr=UInt160(), owner=owner, admin=admin, issuer=issuer, expiration=Blockchain.Default().Height + 1 + 2000000, is_frozen=False) asset = self._assets.ReplaceOrAdd(tx.Hash.ToBytes(), new_asset) # print("*****************************************************") # print("CREATED ASSET %s " % tx.Hash.ToBytes()) # print("*****************************************************") engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.PushT( StackItem.FromInterface(asset)) return True