def test_send_with_fee_and_from_addr(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Send.prompt', side_effect=[UserWalletTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): PromptData.Wallet = self.GetWallet1(recreate=True) args = [ 'send', 'neo', self.watch_addr_str, '1', '--from-addr=AJQ6FoaSXDFzA6wLnyZ1nFN7SGSN2oNTc3', '--fee=0.005' ] res = Wallet.CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertTrue(res) # verify successful tx json_res = res.ToJson() self.assertEqual(self.watch_addr_str, json_res['vout'][0] ['address']) # verify correct address_to self.assertEqual( self.wallet_1_addr, json_res['vout'][1] ['address']) # verify correct address_from self.assertEqual(json_res['net_fee'], "0.005") # verify correct fee self.assertIn("Sending with fee: 0.005", mock_print.getvalue())
def test_send_token_ok(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Tokens.prompt', side_effect=[UserWalletTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: PromptData.Wallet = self.GetWallet1(recreate=True) token_hash = '31730cc9a1844891a3bafd1aa929a4142860d8d3' ImportToken(PromptData.Wallet, token_hash) args = [ 'send', 'NXT4', self.watch_addr_str, '30', '--from-addr=%s' % self.wallet_1_addr ] res = Wallet.CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertTrue(res) self.assertIn( "Will transfer 30.00000000 NXT4 from AJQ6FoaSXDFzA6wLnyZ1nFN7SGSN2oNTc3 to AGYaEi3W6ndHPUmW7T12FFfsbQ6DWymkEm", mock_print.getvalue())
def test_wallet_claim_3(self): self.OpenWallet1() # test with bad --to-addr with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=[WalletFixtureTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): args = ['claim', '--to-addr=AGYaEi3W6ndHPUmW7T12FFfsbQ6DWymkEn'] # bad address checksum claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertEqual(claim_tx, None) self.assertFalse(relayed) self.assertIn("Address format error", mock_print.getvalue()) # test with an invalid --to-addr with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=[WalletFixtureTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): args = ['claim', '--to-addr=blah'] # completely wrong address format claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertEqual(claim_tx, None) self.assertFalse(relayed) self.assertIn("Not correct Address, wrong length", mock_print.getvalue()) # test with --to-addr nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=[WalletFixtureTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): args = ['claim', '--to-addr=' + self.watch_addr_str] claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertIsInstance(claim_tx, ClaimTransaction) self.assertTrue(relayed) json_tx = claim_tx.ToJson() self.assertEqual(json_tx['vout'][0]['address'], self.watch_addr_str) # note how the --to-addr supercedes the default change address nodemgr.reset_for_test()
def __init__(self, wallet=None): if not os.getenv("NEOPYTHON_UNITTEST"): stdio_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stdio_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) _logger = logging.getLogger('aiohttp.access') _logger.addHandler(stdio_handler) _logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) = web.Application(logger=_logger) else: = web.Application() self.port = settings.RPC_PORT self.wallet = wallet self.nodemgr = NodeManager() cors = aiohttp_cors.setup(, defaults={ "*": aiohttp_cors.ResourceOptions( allow_headers=('Content-Type', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Authorization', 'X-Requested-With') ) })"/", self.home) # TODO: find a fix for adding an OPTIONS route in combination with CORS. It works fine without CORS #"/", self.home)"/", self.home) for route in list( if not isinstance(route.resource, web.StaticResource): # <<< WORKAROUND cors.add(route)
def test_wallet_claim_2(self): self.OpenWallet2() # test with bad --from-addr with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=[WalletFixtureTestCase.wallet_2_pass()]): args = ['claim', '--from-addr=AJQ6FoaSXDFzA6wLnyZ1nFN7SGSN2oNTc'] # address is too short claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertEqual(claim_tx, None) self.assertFalse(relayed) self.assertIn("Not correct Address, wrong length.", mock_print.getvalue()) # test with invalid --from-addr with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=[WalletFixtureTestCase.wallet_2_pass()]): args = ['claim', '--from-addr=VJQ6FoaSXDFzA6wLnyZ1nFN7SGSN2oNTc3'] # address does not start with 'A' claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertEqual(claim_tx, None) self.assertFalse(relayed) self.assertIn("Address format error", mock_print.getvalue()) # successful test with --from-addr nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=[WalletFixtureTestCase.wallet_2_pass()]): with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): args = ['claim', '--from-addr=' + self.wallet_1_addr] claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertIsInstance(claim_tx, ClaimTransaction) self.assertTrue(relayed) json_tx = claim_tx.ToJson() self.assertEqual(json_tx['vout'][0]['address'], self.wallet_1_addr) nodemgr.reset_for_test()
def test_sendmany_good_simple(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Send.prompt', side_effect=[ "neo", self.watch_addr_str, "1", "gas", self.watch_addr_str, "1", UserWalletTestCase.wallet_1_pass() ]): PromptData.Wallet = self.GetWallet1(recreate=True) args = ['sendmany', '2'] res = Wallet.CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertTrue(res) # verify successful tx self.assertIn("Sending with fee: 0", mock_print.getvalue()) json_res = res.ToJson() # check for 2 transfers transfers = 0 for info in json_res['vout']: if info['address'] == self.watch_addr_str: transfers += 1 self.assertEqual(2, transfers)
async def wait_for_peers(self): while len(NodeManager().nodes) < 10: self.logger.debug( 'waiting for at least 10 NodeManager peers. currently %s connected.' % len(NodeManager().nodes)) await asyncio.sleep(1) self.logger.debug('%s connected NodeManager peers!' % len(NodeManager().nodes))
def InvokeWithTokenVerificationScript(wallet, tx, token, fee=Fixed8.Zero(), invoke_attrs=None): try: wallet_tx = wallet.MakeTransaction(tx=tx, fee=fee, use_standard=True) except ValueError: print("Insufficient funds") return False if wallet_tx: token_contract_state = Blockchain.Default().GetContract(token.ScriptHash.ToString()) print("token contract %s " % token_contract_state) tx.Attributes = [ TransactionAttribute(usage=TransactionAttributeUsage.Script, data=token.ScriptHash.Data) ] if invoke_attrs: tx.Attributes += invoke_attrs reedeem_script = token_contract_state.Code.Script.hex() # there has to be at least 1 param, and the first # one needs to be a signature param param_list = bytearray(b'\x00\x00') verification_contract = Contract.Create(reedeem_script, param_list, wallet.GetDefaultContract().PublicKeyHash) context = ContractParametersContext(wallet_tx) wallet.Sign(context) context.Add(verification_contract, 0, 0) if context.Completed: wallet_tx.scripts = context.GetScripts() nodemgr = NodeManager() relayed = nodemgr.relay(wallet_tx) if relayed: print("Relayed Tx: %s " % wallet_tx.Hash.ToString()) # if it was relayed, we save tx wallet.SaveTransaction(wallet_tx) return wallet_tx else: print("Could not relay tx %s " % wallet_tx.Hash.ToString()) else: print("Incomplete signature") else: print("Insufficient funds") return False
async def start(self): Message._magic = settings.MAGIC self.nodemgr = NodeManager() self.syncmgr = SyncManager(self.nodemgr) ledger = Ledger() self.syncmgr.ledger = ledger logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.loop.set_debug(False) self.nodemgr_task = self.loop.create_task(self.nodemgr.start()) self.loop.create_task(self.syncmgr.start())
def test_5_wallet_claim_ok(self): wallet = self.GetWallet1() nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', return_value=self.wallet_1_pass()): claim_tx, relayed = ClaimGas(wallet) self.assertIsInstance(claim_tx, ClaimTransaction) self.assertTrue(relayed)
def InvokeContract(wallet, tx, fee=Fixed8.Zero(), from_addr=None, owners=None): if from_addr is not None: from_addr = PromptUtils.lookup_addr_str(wallet, from_addr) try: wallet_tx = wallet.MakeTransaction(tx=tx, fee=fee, use_standard=True, from_addr=from_addr) except ValueError: print("Insufficient funds") return False if wallet_tx: if owners: for owner in list(owners): wallet_tx.Attributes.append(TransactionAttribute(usage=TransactionAttributeUsage.Script, data=owner)) wallet_tx.Attributes = make_unique_script_attr(tx.Attributes) context = ContractParametersContext(wallet_tx) wallet.Sign(context) if owners: gather_signatures(context, wallet_tx, list(owners)) if context.Completed: wallet_tx.scripts = context.GetScripts() passed, reason = validate_simple_policy(wallet_tx) if not passed: print(reason) return False nodemgr = NodeManager() relayed = nodemgr.relay(wallet_tx) if relayed: print("Relayed Tx: %s " % wallet_tx.Hash.ToString()) wallet.SaveTransaction(wallet_tx) return wallet_tx else: print("Could not relay tx %s " % wallet_tx.Hash.ToString()) else: print("Incomplete signature") else: print("Insufficient funds") return False
def test_sendmany_good_complex(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Send.prompt', side_effect=[ "neo", "AXjaFSP23Jkbe6Pk9pPGT6NBDs1HVdqaXK", "1", "gas", "AXjaFSP23Jkbe6Pk9pPGT6NBDs1HVdqaXK", "1", UserWalletTestCase.wallet_1_pass() ]): PromptData.Wallet = self.GetWallet1(recreate=True) args = [ 'sendmany', '2', '--from-addr=%s' % self.wallet_1_addr, '--change-addr=%s' % self.watch_addr_str, '--fee=0.005' ] address_from_account_state = Blockchain.Default( ).GetAccountState(self.wallet_1_addr).ToJson() address_from_gas = next( filter( lambda b: b['asset'] == '0x602c79718b16e442de58778e148d0b1084e3b2dffd5de6b7b16cee7969282de7', address_from_account_state['balances'])) address_from_gas_bal = address_from_gas['value'] res = Wallet.CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertTrue(res) # verify successful tx json_res = res.ToJson() self.assertEqual("AXjaFSP23Jkbe6Pk9pPGT6NBDs1HVdqaXK", json_res['vout'][0] ['address']) # verify correct address_to self.assertEqual( self.watch_addr_str, json_res['vout'][2] ['address']) # verify correct change address self.assertEqual( float(address_from_gas_bal) - 1 - 0.005, float(json_res['vout'][3]['value'])) self.assertEqual('0.005', json_res['net_fee']) self.assertIn("Sending with fee: 0.005", mock_print.getvalue())
class NetworkService(Singleton): def init(self): self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.syncmgr = None self.nodemgr = None self.nodemgr_task = None async def start(self): Message._magic = settings.MAGIC self.nodemgr = NodeManager() self.syncmgr = SyncManager(self.nodemgr) ledger = Ledger() self.syncmgr.ledger = ledger logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.loop.set_debug(False) self.nodemgr_task = self.loop.create_task(self.nodemgr.start()) self.loop.create_task(self.syncmgr.start()) async def shutdown(self): if self.nodemgr_task and self.nodemgr_task.done(): # starting nodemanager can fail if a port is in use, we need to retrieve and mute this exception on shutdown with suppress(SystemExit): self.nodemgr_task.exception() with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): if self.syncmgr: await self.syncmgr.shutdown() with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): if self.nodemgr: await self.nodemgr.shutdown()
def test_send_gas(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Send.prompt', side_effect=[UserWalletTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): PromptData.Wallet = self.GetWallet1(recreate=True) args = ['send', 'gas', self.watch_addr_str, '5'] res = Wallet.CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertTrue(res) self.assertIn("Sending with fee: 0", mock_print.getvalue())
def test_wallet_claim_4(self): self.OpenWallet2() # test with --from-addr and --to-addr nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=[WalletFixtureTestCase.wallet_2_pass()]): with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): args = ['claim', '--from-addr=' + self.wallet_1_addr, '--to-addr=' + self.wallet_2_addr] claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertIsInstance(claim_tx, ClaimTransaction) self.assertTrue(relayed) json_tx = claim_tx.ToJson() self.assertEqual(json_tx['vout'][0]['address'], self.wallet_2_addr) # note how the --to-addr also supercedes the from address if both are specified nodemgr.reset_for_test()
def test_bad_attributes(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Send.prompt', side_effect=[UserWalletTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): PromptData.Wallet = self.GetWallet1(recreate=True) args = [ 'send', 'gas', self.watch_addr_str, '2', '--tx-attr=[{"usa:241"data":his is a remark"}]' ] res = Wallet.CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertTrue(res) self.assertEqual(1, len(res.Attributes))
def test_transaction_size_1(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Send.prompt', side_effect=[UserWalletTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): with patch('neo.Core.TX.Transaction.Transaction.Size', return_value=1026): # returns a size of 1026 PromptData.Wallet = self.GetWallet1(recreate=True) args = ['send', 'gas', self.watch_addr_str, '5'] res = Wallet.CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertFalse(res) self.assertIn( 'Transaction cancelled. The tx size (1026) exceeds the max free tx size (1024).\nA network fee of 0.001 GAS is required.', mock_print.getvalue() ) # notice the required fee is equal to the low priority threshold
def test_wallet_claim_1(self): # test with no wallet with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: args = ['claim'] res = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertFalse(res) self.assertIn("Please open a wallet", mock_print.getvalue()) self.OpenWallet1() # test wrong password with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=["wrong"]): args = ['claim'] claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertEqual(claim_tx, None) self.assertFalse(relayed) self.assertIn("Incorrect password", mock_print.getvalue()) # test successful nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=[WalletFixtureTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): args = ['claim'] claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertIsInstance(claim_tx, ClaimTransaction) self.assertTrue(relayed) json_tx = claim_tx.ToJson() self.assertEqual(json_tx['vout'][0]['address'], self.wallet_1_addr) nodemgr.reset_for_test() # test nothing to claim anymore with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Wallet.prompt', side_effect=[WalletFixtureTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): args = ['claim'] claim_tx, relayed = CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertEqual(claim_tx, None) self.assertFalse(relayed) self.assertIn("No claims to process", mock_print.getvalue())
def test_9_send_neo_tx(self): with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): wallet = self.GetWallet1() tx = ContractTransaction() tx.outputs = [TransactionOutput(Blockchain.SystemShare().Hash, Fixed8.FromDecimal(10.0), self.import_watch_addr)] try: tx = wallet.MakeTransaction(tx) except (ValueError): pass cpc = ContractParametersContext(tx) wallet.Sign(cpc) tx.scripts = cpc.GetScripts() nodemgr = NodeManager() # we need at least 1 node for relay to be mocked nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] result = nodemgr.relay(tx) self.assertEqual(result, True)
def test_attributes(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.Send.prompt', side_effect=[UserWalletTestCase.wallet_1_pass()]): PromptData.Wallet = self.GetWallet1(recreate=True) args = [ 'send', 'gas', self.watch_addr_str, '2', '--tx-attr={"usage":241,"data":"This is a remark"}' ] res = Wallet.CommandWallet().execute(args) self.assertTrue(res) self.assertEqual( 2, len(res.Attributes) ) # By default the script_hash of the transaction sender is added to the TransactionAttribute list, therefore the Attributes length is `count` + 1
def execute(self, arguments): c1 = get_arg(arguments) if c1 is not None: try: c1 = int(c1) except ValueError: print("Invalid argument") return if c1 > 10: print("Max peers is limited to 10") return try: settings.set_max_peers(c1) if c1 < settings.CONNECTED_PEER_MIN: settings.set_min_peers(c1) print(f"Minpeers set to {c1}") except ValueError: print("Please supply a positive integer for maxpeers") return nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.max_clients = c1 current_max = settings.CONNECTED_PEER_MAX connected_count = len(nodemgr.nodes) if current_max < connected_count: to_remove = connected_count - c1 for _ in range(to_remove): last_connected_node = nodemgr.nodes[-1] wait_for(last_connected_node.disconnect() ) # need to avoid it being labelled as dead/bad print(f"Maxpeers set to {c1}") return c1 else: print(f"Maintaining maxpeers at {settings.CONNECTED_PEER_MAX}") return
def test_6_split_unspent(self): wallet = self.GetWallet1(recreate=True) addr = wallet.ToScriptHash('AJQ6FoaSXDFzA6wLnyZ1nFN7SGSN2oNTc3') nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.nodes = [NeoNode(object, object)] with patch('neo.Network.node.NeoNode.relay', return_value=self.async_return(True)): # bad inputs tx = SplitUnspentCoin(None, self.NEO, addr, 0, 2) self.assertEqual(tx, None) tx = SplitUnspentCoin(wallet, self.NEO, addr, 3, 2) self.assertEqual(tx, None) tx = SplitUnspentCoin(wallet, 'bla', addr, 0, 2) self.assertEqual(tx, None) # should be ok with patch('neo.Prompt.Commands.WalletAddress.prompt', return_value=self.wallet_1_pass()): tx = SplitUnspentCoin(wallet, self.NEO, addr, 0, 2) self.assertIsNotNone(tx) # rebuild wallet and try with non-even amount of neo, should be split into integer values of NEO wallet = self.GetWallet1(True) tx = SplitUnspentCoin(wallet, self.NEO, addr, 0, 3) self.assertIsNotNone(tx) self.assertEqual([ Fixed8.FromDecimal(17), Fixed8.FromDecimal(17), Fixed8.FromDecimal(16) ], [item.Value for item in tx.outputs]) # try with gas wallet = self.GetWallet1(True) tx = SplitUnspentCoin(wallet, self.GAS, addr, 0, 3) self.assertIsNotNone(tx)
def execute(self, arguments=None): show_verbose = get_arg(arguments) == 'verbose' show_queued = get_arg(arguments) == 'queued' show_known = get_arg(arguments) == 'known' show_bad = get_arg(arguments) == 'bad' nodemgr = NodeManager() len_nodes = len(nodemgr.nodes) out = "" if len_nodes > 0: out = f"Connected: {len_nodes} of max {nodemgr.max_clients}\n" for i, node in enumerate(nodemgr.nodes): out += f"Peer {i} {node.version.user_agent:>12} {node.address:>21} height: {node.best_height:>8}\n" else: print("No nodes connected yet\n") if show_verbose: out += f"\n" out += f"Addresses in queue: {len(nodemgr.queued_addresses)}\n" out += f"Known addresses: {len(nodemgr.known_addresses)}\n" out += f"Bad addresses: {len(nodemgr.bad_addresses)}\n" if show_queued: out += f"\n" if len(nodemgr.queued_addresses) == 0: out += "No queued addresses" else: out += f"Queued addresses:\n" for addr in nodemgr.queued_addresses: out += f"{addr}\n" if show_known: out += f"\n" if len(nodemgr.known_addresses) == 0: out += "No known addresses other than connect peers" else: out += f"Known addresses:\n" for addr in nodemgr.known_addresses: out += f"{addr}\n" if show_bad: out += f"\n" if len(nodemgr.bad_addresses) == 0: out += "No bad addresses" else: out += f"Bad addresses:\n" for addr in nodemgr.bad_addresses: out += f"{addr}\n" print(out) return out
def parse_and_sign(wallet, jsn): try: context = ContractParametersContext.FromJson(jsn) if context is None: print("Failed to parse JSON") return wallet.Sign(context) if context.Completed: print("Signature complete, relaying...") tx = context.Verifiable tx.scripts = context.GetScripts() wallet.SaveTransaction(tx) print("will send tx: %s " % json.dumps(tx.ToJson(), indent=4)) nodemgr = NodeManager() relayed = nodemgr.relay(tx) if relayed: print("Relayed Tx: %s " % tx.Hash.ToString()) else: print("Could not relay tx %s " % tx.Hash.ToString()) return else: print("Transaction initiated, but the signature is incomplete") print(json.dumps(context.ToJson(), separators=(',', ':'))) return except Exception as e: print("Could not send: %s " % e) traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc()
def test_show_nodes(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() # test "nodes" with no nodes connected args = ['nodes'] with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as mock_print: res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertFalse(res) self.assertIn('No nodes connected yet', mock_print.getvalue()) # test "nodes verbose" with no nodes connected args = ['nodes', 'verbose'] res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertIn('Addresses in queue: 0', res) self.assertIn('Known addresses: 0', res) self.assertIn('Bad addresses: 0', res) # test "nodes queued" with no nodes connected args = ['nodes', 'queued'] res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertIn('No queued addresses', res) # test "nodes known" with no nodes connected args = ['nodes', 'known'] res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertIn('No known addresses other than connect peers', res) # test "nodes bad" with no nodes connected args = ['nodes', 'bad'] res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertIn('No bad addresses', res) # query nodes with connected peers # first make sure we have a predictable state node1 = NeoNode(object, object) node2 = NeoNode(object, object) node1.address = "" node2.address = "" node1.best_height = 1025 node2.best_height = 1026 node1.version = MagicMock() node2.version = MagicMock() node1.version.user_agent = "test_user_agent" node2.version.user_agent = "test_user_agent" nodemgr.nodes = [node1, node2] queued_address = "" known_address = "" bad_address = "" nodemgr.queued_addresses.append(queued_address) nodemgr.known_addresses.append(known_address) nodemgr.bad_addresses.append(bad_address) # now use "node" args = ['node'] res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertIn("Connected: 2", res) self.assertIn("Peer 1", res) self.assertIn("1025", res) # test "nodes verbose" with queued, known, and bad addresses args = ['nodes', 'verbose'] res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertIn("Addresses in queue: 1", res) self.assertIn("Known addresses: 1", res) self.assertIn("Bad addresses: 1", res) # test "nodes queued" with queued, known, and bad addresses args = ['nodes', 'queued'] res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertIn("Queued addresses:", res) self.assertIn(queued_address, res) # test "nodes known" with queued, known, and bad addresses args = ['nodes', 'known'] res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertIn("Known addresses:", res) self.assertIn(known_address, res) # test "nodes bad" with queued, known, and bad addresses args = ['nodes', 'bad'] res = CommandShow().execute(args) self.assertIn("Bad addresses:", res) self.assertIn(bad_address, res) nodemgr.reset_for_test()
def SplitUnspentCoin(wallet, asset_id, from_addr, index, divisions, fee=Fixed8.Zero()): """ Split unspent asset vins into several vouts Args: wallet (neo.Wallet): wallet to show unspent coins from. asset_id (UInt256): a bytearray (len 32) representing an asset on the blockchain. from_addr (UInt160): a bytearray (len 20) representing an address. index (int): index of the unspent vin to split divisions (int): number of vouts to create fee (Fixed8): A fee to be attached to the Transaction for network processing purposes. Returns: neo.Core.TX.Transaction.ContractTransaction: contract transaction created """ if wallet is None: print("Please open a wallet.") return unspent_items = wallet.FindUnspentCoinsByAsset(asset_id, from_addr=from_addr) if not unspent_items: print(f"No unspent assets matching the arguments.") return if index < len(unspent_items): unspent_item = unspent_items[index] else: print(f"unspent-items: {unspent_items}") print( f"Could not find unspent item for asset {asset_id} with index {index}" ) return outputs = split_to_vouts(asset_id, from_addr, unspent_item.Output.Value, divisions) # subtract a fee from the first vout if outputs[0].Value > fee: outputs[0].Value -= fee else: print("Fee could not be subtracted from outputs.") return contract_tx = ContractTransaction(outputs=outputs, inputs=[unspent_item.Reference]) ctx = ContractParametersContext(contract_tx) wallet.Sign(ctx) print("Splitting: %s " % json.dumps(contract_tx.ToJson(), indent=4)) try: passwd = prompt("[Password]> ", is_password=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Splitting cancelled") return if not wallet.ValidatePassword(passwd): print("incorrect password") return if ctx.Completed: contract_tx.scripts = ctx.GetScripts() nodemgr = NodeManager() # this blocks, consider moving this wallet function to async instead relayed = nodemgr.relay(contract_tx) if relayed: wallet.SaveTransaction(contract_tx) print("Relayed Tx: %s " % contract_tx.Hash.ToString()) return contract_tx else: print("Could not relay tx %s " % contract_tx.Hash.ToString())
async def run_loop(self): nodemgr = NodeManager() while not nodemgr.running: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await self.custom_background_code()
async def get_status(self, request): return { 'current_height': Blockchain.Default().Height, 'version': settings.VERSION_NAME, 'num_peers': len(NodeManager().nodes) }
def setUpClass(cls): Blockchain.DeregisterBlockchain() super(BlockchainFixtureTestCase, cls).setUpClass() # for some reason during testing asyncio.get_event_loop() fails and does not create a new one if needed. This is the workaround try: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() except RuntimeError: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) nodemgr = NodeManager() nodemgr.reset_for_test() # setup Blockchain DB if not os.path.exists(cls.FIXTURE_FILENAME): "downloading fixture block database from %s. this may take a while" % cls.FIXTURE_REMOTE_LOC) response = requests.get(cls.FIXTURE_REMOTE_LOC, stream=True) response.raise_for_status() os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cls.FIXTURE_FILENAME), exist_ok=True) with open(cls.FIXTURE_FILENAME, 'wb+') as handle: for block in response.iter_content(1024): handle.write(block) try: tar = tar.extractall(path=settings.DATA_DIR_PATH) tar.close() except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Could not extract tar file - %s. You may want need to remove the fixtures file %s manually to fix this." % (e, cls.FIXTURE_FILENAME)) if not os.path.exists(cls.leveldb_testpath()): raise Exception("Error downloading fixtures at %s" % cls.leveldb_testpath()) settings.setup_unittest_net() cls._blockchain = Blockchain( getBlockchainDB(path=cls.leveldb_testpath()), skip_version_check=True) cls._blockchain.UT = True Blockchain.RegisterBlockchain(cls._blockchain) # setup Notification DB if not os.path.exists(cls.N_FIXTURE_FILENAME): "downloading fixture notification database from %s. this may take a while" % cls.N_FIXTURE_REMOTE_LOC) response = requests.get(cls.N_FIXTURE_REMOTE_LOC, stream=True) response.raise_for_status() with open(cls.N_FIXTURE_FILENAME, 'wb+') as handle: for block in response.iter_content(1024): handle.write(block) try: tar = tar.extractall(path=settings.DATA_DIR_PATH) tar.close() except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Could not extract tar file - %s. You may want need to remove the fixtures file %s manually to fix this." % (e, cls.N_FIXTURE_FILENAME)) if not os.path.exists(cls.N_NOTIFICATION_DB_NAME): raise Exception("Error downloading fixtures at %s" % cls.N_NOTIFICATION_DB_NAME) settings.NOTIFICATION_DB_PATH = cls.N_NOTIFICATION_DB_NAME ndb = NotificationDB.instance() ndb.start()
def process_transaction(wallet, contract_tx, scripthash_from=None, scripthash_change=None, fee=None, owners=None, user_tx_attributes=None): try: tx = wallet.MakeTransaction(tx=contract_tx, change_address=scripthash_change, fee=fee, from_addr=scripthash_from) except ValueError: print( "Insufficient funds. No unspent outputs available for building the transaction.\n" "If you are trying to sent multiple transactions in 1 block, then make sure you have enough 'vouts'\n." "Use `wallet unspent` and `wallet address split`, or wait until the first transaction is processed before sending another." ) return if tx is None: logger.debug("insufficient funds") return try: print("Validate your transaction details") print("-" * 33) input_coinref = wallet.FindCoinsByVins(tx.inputs)[0] source_addr = input_coinref.Address for order in tx.outputs: dest_addr = order.Address value = order.Value.ToString() # fixed8 if order.AssetId == Blockchain.Default().SystemShare().Hash: asset_name = 'NEO' else: asset_name = 'GAS' if source_addr != dest_addr: print( f"Sending {value} {asset_name} from {source_addr} to {dest_addr}" ) else: print( f"Returning {value} {asset_name} as change to {dest_addr}") print(" ") print("Enter your password to send to the network") try: passwd = prompt("[Password]> ", is_password=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Transaction cancelled") return if not wallet.ValidatePassword(passwd): print("Incorrect password") return standard_contract = wallet.GetStandardAddress() if scripthash_from is not None: signer_contract = wallet.GetContract(scripthash_from) else: signer_contract = wallet.GetContract(standard_contract) if not signer_contract.IsMultiSigContract and owners is None: data = standard_contract.Data tx.Attributes = [ TransactionAttribute(usage=TransactionAttributeUsage.Script, data=data) ] # insert any additional user specified tx attributes tx.Attributes = tx.Attributes + user_tx_attributes if owners: owners = list(owners) for owner in owners: tx.Attributes.append( TransactionAttribute( usage=TransactionAttributeUsage.Script, data=owner)) context = ContractParametersContext( tx, isMultiSig=signer_contract.IsMultiSigContract) wallet.Sign(context) if owners: owners = list(owners) gather_signatures(context, tx, owners) if context.Completed: tx.scripts = context.GetScripts() passed, reason = validate_simple_policy(tx) if not passed: print(reason) return nodemgr = NodeManager() relayed = nodemgr.relay(tx) if relayed: wallet.SaveTransaction(tx) print("Relayed Tx: %s " % tx.Hash.ToString()) return tx else: print("Could not relay tx %s " % tx.Hash.ToString()) else: print( "Transaction initiated, but the signature is incomplete. Use the `sign` command with the information below to complete signing." ) print(json.dumps(context.ToJson(), separators=(',', ':'))) return except Exception as e: print("Could not send: %s " % e) traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc() return