예제 #1
    def add_block_flight_info(self, nodeid, height, header_hash) -> None:
        request_info = self.block_requests.get(header_hash, None)  # type: RequestInfo

        if request_info is None:
            # no outstanding requests for this particular hash, so we create it
            req = RequestInfo(height)
            req.add_new_flight(FlightInfo(nodeid, height))
            self.block_requests[header_hash] = req
            request_info.flights.update({nodeid: FlightInfo(nodeid, height)})
예제 #2
class SyncManager(Singleton):


    def init(self, nodemgr: 'NodeManager'):
        self.nodemgr = nodemgr
        self.controller = None
        self.block_requests = dict()  # header_hash:RequestInfo
        self.header_request = None  # type: RequestInfo
        self.ledger = None
        self.block_cache = []
        self.header_cache = []
        self.raw_block_cache = []
        self.is_persisting_blocks = False
        self.is_persisting_headers = False
        self.keep_running = True
        self.service_task = None
        self.persist_task = None
        self.health_task = None

        msgrouter.on_headers += self.on_headers_received
        msgrouter.on_block += self.on_block_received

    async def start(self) -> None:
        while not self.nodemgr.running:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        self.service_task = asyncio.create_task(self.run_service())
        self.health_task = asyncio.create_task(self.block_health())

    async def shutdown(self):
        print("Shutting down sync manager...", end='')
        self.keep_running = False
        self.block_cache = []
        shutdown_tasks = []

        # start up errors can cause the tasks to not have been assigned,
        # so we must validate their presence before feeding them to `gather`
        if self.service_task:

        if self.health_task:

        if self.persist_task:
        await asyncio.gather(*shutdown_tasks, return_exceptions=True)


    async def block_health(self):
        # TODO: move this to nodemanager, once the network in general supports ping/pong
        #  we can then make smarter choices by looking at individual nodes advancing or not and dropping just those
        error_counter = 0
        last_height = await self.ledger.cur_block_height()
        while self.keep_running:
            await asyncio.sleep(15)
            cur_height = await self.ledger.cur_block_height()
            if cur_height == last_height:
                error_counter += 1
                if error_counter == 3:
                    to_disconnect = list(map(lambda n: n, self.nodemgr.nodes))
                    logger.debug(f"Block height not advancing. Replacing nodes: {to_disconnect}")
                    for n in to_disconnect:
                        await self.nodemgr.replace_node(n)
                error_counter = 0

            last_height = cur_height

    async def run_service(self):
        while self.keep_running:
            await self.check_timeout()
            await self.sync()
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def sync(self) -> None:
        await self.sync_header()
        await self.sync_block()
        await self.persist_headers()
        if not self.is_persisting_blocks:
            self.persist_task = asyncio.create_task(self.persist_blocks())

    async def sync_header(self) -> None:
        if self.header_request:

        cur_header_height = await self.ledger.cur_header_height()
        cur_block_height = await self.ledger.cur_block_height()
        if cur_header_height - cur_block_height >= self.HEADER_MAX_LOOK_AHEAD:

        node = self.nodemgr.get_next_node(cur_header_height + 1)
        if not node:
            # No connected nodes or no nodes with our height. We'll wait for node manager to resolve this
            # or for the nodes to increase their height on the next produced block

        self.header_request = RequestInfo(cur_header_height + 1)
        self.header_request.add_new_flight(FlightInfo(node.nodeid, cur_header_height + 1))

        cur_header_hash = await self.ledger.header_hash_by_height(cur_header_height)
        await node.get_headers(hash_start=cur_header_hash)

        logger.debug(f"Requested headers starting at {cur_header_height + 1} from node {node.nodeid_human}")

    async def persist_headers(self):
        self.is_persisting_headers = True
        if len(self.header_cache) > 0:
            while self.keep_running:
                    headers = self.header_cache.pop(0)
                        await self.ledger.add_headers(headers)
                    except Exception as e:
                    await asyncio.sleep(0)
                except IndexError:
                    # cache empty

            # reset header_request such that the a new header sync task can be added
            self.header_request = None
            logger.debug("Finished processing headers")

        self.is_persisting_headers = False

    async def sync_block(self) -> None:
        # to simplify syncing, don't ask for more data if we still have requests in flight
        if len(self.block_requests) > 0:

        # the block cache might not have been fully processed, so we want to avoid asking for data we actually already have
        best_block_height = await self.get_best_stored_block_height()
        cur_header_height = await self.ledger.cur_header_height()
        blocks_to_fetch = cur_header_height - best_block_height
        if blocks_to_fetch <= 0:

        block_cache_space = self.BLOCK_MAX_CACHE_SIZE - len(self.block_cache)
        if block_cache_space <= 0:

        if blocks_to_fetch > block_cache_space or blocks_to_fetch > self.BLOCK_NETWORK_REQ_LIMIT:
            blocks_to_fetch = min(block_cache_space, self.BLOCK_NETWORK_REQ_LIMIT)

            best_node_height = max(map(lambda node: node.best_height, self.nodemgr.nodes))
        except ValueError:
            # if the node list is empty max() fails on an empty list

        node = self.nodemgr.get_next_node(best_node_height)
        if not node:
            # no nodes with our desired height. We'll wait for node manager to resolve this
            # or for the nodes to increase their height on the next produced block

        hashes = []
        endheight = None
        for i in range(1, blocks_to_fetch + 1):
            next_block_height = best_block_height + i
            if self.is_in_blockcache(next_block_height):

            if next_block_height > best_node_height:

            next_header_hash = await self.ledger.header_hash_by_height(next_block_height)
            if next_header_hash == UInt256.zero():
                # we do not have enough headers to fill the block cache. That's fine, just return

            endheight = next_block_height
            self.add_block_flight_info(node.nodeid, next_block_height, next_header_hash)

        if len(hashes) > 0:
            logger.debug(f"Asking for blocks {best_block_height + 1} - {endheight} from {node.nodeid_human}")
            await node.get_data(InventoryType.block, hashes)

    async def persist_blocks(self) -> None:
        self.is_persisting_blocks = True
        while self.keep_running:
                b = self.block_cache.pop(0)
                raw_b = self.raw_block_cache.pop(0)
                await self.ledger.add_block(raw_b)
                await asyncio.sleep(0.001)
            except IndexError:
                # cache empty
        self.is_persisting_blocks = False

    async def check_timeout(self) -> None:
        task1 = asyncio.create_task(self.check_header_timeout())
        task2 = asyncio.create_task(self.check_block_timeout())
            await asyncio.gather(task1, task2)
        except Exception:

    async def check_header_timeout(self) -> None:
        if not self.header_request:
            # no data requests outstanding

        last_flight_info = self.header_request.most_recent_flight()

        now = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
        delta = now - last_flight_info.start_time
        if delta < self.HEADER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT:
            # we're still good on time

        node = self.nodemgr.get_node_by_nodeid(last_flight_info.node_id)
        if node:
            logger.debug(f"Header timeout limit exceeded by {delta - self.HEADER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT:.2f}s for node {node.nodeid_human}")

        cur_header_height = await self.ledger.cur_header_height()
        if last_flight_info.height <= cur_header_height:
            # it has already come in in the mean time
            # reset so sync_header will request new headers
            self.header_request = None

        # punish node that is causing header_timeout and retry using another node
        await self.nodemgr.add_node_timeout_count(last_flight_info.node_id)

        # retry with a new node
        node = self.nodemgr.get_node_with_min_failed_time(self.header_request)
        if node is None:
            # only happens if there are no nodes that have data matching our needed height
            self.header_request = None

        hash = await self.ledger.header_hash_by_height(last_flight_info.height - 1)
        logger.debug(f"Retry requesting headers starting at {last_flight_info.height} from new node {node.nodeid_human}")
        await node.get_headers(hash_start=hash)

        # restart start_time of flight info or else we'll timeout too fast for the next node
        self.header_request.add_new_flight(FlightInfo(node.nodeid, last_flight_info.height))

    async def check_block_timeout(self) -> None:
        if len(self.block_requests) == 0:
            # no data requests outstanding

        now = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
        block_timeout_flights = dict()

        # test for timeout
        for block_hash, request_info in self.block_requests.items():  # type: _, RequestInfo
            flight_info = request_info.most_recent_flight()
            if now - flight_info.start_time > self.BLOCK_REQUEST_TIMEOUT:
                block_timeout_flights[block_hash] = flight_info

        if len(block_timeout_flights) == 0:
            # no timeouts

        # 1) we first filter out invalid requests as some might have come in by now
        # 2) for each block_sync cycle we requested blocks in batches of max 500 per node, now when resending we try to
        #    create another batch
        # 3) Blocks arrive one by one in 'inv' messages. In the block_sync cycle we created a FlightInfo object per
        #    requested block such that we can determine speed among others. If one block in a request times out all
        #    others for the same request will of course do as well (as they arrive in a linear fashion from the same node).
        #    As such we only want to tag the individual node once (per request) for being slower than our timeout threshold not 500 times.
        remaining_requests = []
        nodes_to_tag_for_timeout = set()
        nodes_to_mark_failed = dict()

        best_stored_block_height = await self.get_best_stored_block_height()

        for block_hash, fi in block_timeout_flights.items():  # type: _, FlightInfo

                request_info = self.block_requests[block_hash]
            except KeyError:
                # means on_block_received popped it of the list
                # we don't have to retry for data anymore

            if fi.height <= best_stored_block_height:
                with suppress(KeyError):

            nodes_to_mark_failed[request_info] = fi.node_id
            remaining_requests.append((block_hash, fi.height, request_info))

        for nodeid in nodes_to_tag_for_timeout:
            await self.nodemgr.add_node_timeout_count(nodeid)

        for request_info, node_id in nodes_to_mark_failed.items():

        # for the remaining requests that need to be queued again, we create new FlightInfo objects that use a new node
        # and ask them in a single batch from that new node.
        hashes = []
        if len(remaining_requests) > 0:
            # retry the batch with a new node
            ri_first = remaining_requests[0][2]
            ri_last = remaining_requests[-1][2]

            # using `ri_last` because this has the highest block height and we want a node that supports that
            node = self.nodemgr.get_node_with_min_failed_time(ri_last)
            if not node:

            for block_hash, height, ri in remaining_requests:  # type: _, int, RequestInfo
                ri.add_new_flight(FlightInfo(node.nodeid, height))


            if len(hashes) > 0:
                logger.debug(f"Block time out for blocks {ri_first.height} - {ri_last.height}. Trying again using new node {node.nodeid_human} {hashes[0]}")
                await node.get_data(InventoryType.block, hashes)

    async def on_headers_received(self, from_nodeid, headers: List[Header]) -> int:
        if len(headers) == 0:
            return -1

        if self.header_request is None:
            return -2

        height = headers[0].index
        if height != self.header_request.height:
            # received headers we did not ask for
            return -3
        logger.debug(f"Headers received {headers[0].index} - {headers[-1].index}")

        if headers in self.header_cache:
            return -4

        cur_header_height = await self.ledger.cur_header_height()
        if height <= cur_header_height:
            return -5


        return 1

    async def on_block_received(self, from_nodeid, block: 'Block', raw_block) -> None:
        # TODO: take out raw_block and raw_block_cache once we can serialize a full block
        # print(f"{block.index} {block.hash} received")

        next_header_height = await self.ledger.cur_header_height() + 1
        if block.index > next_header_height:

        cur_block_height = await self.ledger.cur_block_height()
        if block.index <= cur_block_height:

            ri = self.block_requests.pop(block.hash)  # type: RequestInfo
            fi = ri.flights.pop(from_nodeid)  # type: FlightInfo
            now = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
            delta_time = now - fi.start_time
            speed = (block._size / 1024) / delta_time  # KB/s

            node = self.nodemgr.get_node_by_nodeid(fi.node_id)
            if node:
        except KeyError:
            # it's a block we did not ask for
            # this can either be caused by rogue actors sending bad blocks
            # or as a reply to our `get_data` on a broadcasted `inv` message by the node.
            # (neo-cli nodes broadcast `inv` messages with their latest hash, we currently need to do a `get_data`
            # and receive the full block to know what their best height is as we have no other mechanism (yet))
            # TODO: remove once the network all start using neo-cli 2.10.1 or above which support ping/pong for height
            sync_distance = block.index - cur_block_height
            if sync_distance != 1:
            # but if the distance is 1 we're in sync so we add the block anyway
            # to avoid having the `sync_block` task request the same data again
            # this is also necessary for neo-cli nodes because they maintain a TaskSession and refuse to send recently requested data

        if not self.is_in_blockcache(block.index) and self.keep_running:

    async def get_best_stored_block_height(self) -> int:
        Helper to return the highest block in our possession (either in ledger or in block_cache)
        best_block_cache_height = 0
        if len(self.block_cache) > 0:
            best_block_cache_height = self.block_cache[-1].index

        ledger_height = await self.ledger.cur_block_height()

        return max(ledger_height, best_block_cache_height)

    def is_in_blockcache(self, block_height: int) -> bool:
        for b in self.block_cache:
            if b.index == block_height:
                return True
            return False

    def add_block_flight_info(self, nodeid, height, header_hash) -> None:
        request_info = self.block_requests.get(header_hash, None)  # type: RequestInfo

        if request_info is None:
            # no outstanding requests for this particular hash, so we create it
            req = RequestInfo(height)
            req.add_new_flight(FlightInfo(nodeid, height))
            self.block_requests[header_hash] = req
            request_info.flights.update({nodeid: FlightInfo(nodeid, height)})

    def reset(self) -> None:
        self.header_request = None
        self.block_requests = dict()
        self.block_cache = []
        self.raw_block_cache = []