def test_alternate_related_node_template(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1, name="Alice")
     b = g.put_node(2, name="Bob")
     ab = g.put_relationship(9, a, b, "KNOWS", since=1999)
     r = cypher_repr(ab, related_node_template="{}")
     self.assertEqual(u'(Alice)-[:KNOWS {since: 1999}]->(Bob)', r)
 def test_basic_relationship(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1)
     b = g.put_node(2)
     ab = g.put_relationship(9, a, b, "KNOWS", since=1999)
     r = cypher_repr(ab)
     self.assertEqual(u'(_1)-[:KNOWS {since: 1999}]->(_2)', r)
 def test_basic_graph(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1)
     b = g.put_node(2)
     c = g.put_node(3)
     d = g.put_node(4)
     ab = g.put_relationship(7, a, b, "KNOWS")
     cb = g.put_relationship(8, c, b, "KNOWS")
     cd = g.put_relationship(9, c, d, "KNOWS")
     r = cypher_repr(g)
     self.assertEqual(u"<Graph order=4 size=3>", r)
 def test_basic_path(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1)
     b = g.put_node(2)
     c = g.put_node(3)
     d = g.put_node(4)
     ab = g.put_relationship(7, a, b, "KNOWS")
     cb = g.put_relationship(8, c, b, "KNOWS")
     cd = g.put_relationship(9, c, d, "KNOWS")
     p = Path(a, ab, cb, cd)
     r = cypher_repr(p)
         u"(_1)-[:KNOWS {}]->(_2)<-[:KNOWS {}]-(_3)-[:KNOWS {}]->(_4)", r)
 def test_node_with_multiple_labels(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1, {"Person", "Employee"})
     r = cypher_repr(a, node_template="{labels} {properties}")
     self.assertEqual(u"(:Employee:Person {})", r)
 def test_unsupported_type(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         _ = cypher_repr(object())
 def test_empty_node(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = Node(g, 1)
     r = cypher_repr(a, node_template="{labels} {properties}")
     self.assertEqual(u"({})", r)
 def test_string_with_alternate_quotes(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr("hello, world", quote='"'),
                      '"hello, world"')
 def test_map_with_empty_key(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = cypher_repr({"": ""})
 def test_selection(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1, {"Person", "Employee"}, name="Alice", age=33)
     r = cypher_repr(a, node_template="{labels.Person} {}")
     self.assertEqual(u"(:Person {name: 'Alice'})", r)
 def test_failed_selection(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1, {"Person", "Employee"}, name="Alice", age=33)
     r = cypher_repr(a, node_template="{labels.Cat} {properties.paws}")
     self.assertEqual(u"({})", r)
 def test_bytes(self):
     value = bytearray([0x00, 0x33, 0x66, 0x99, 0xCC, 0xFF])
                      "bytearray([0x00, 0x33, 0x66, 0x99, 0xCC, 0xFF])")
 def test_list(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr([1, True, 3.1415]), "[1, true, 3.1415]")
 def test_illegal_quote_character(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = cypher_repr("hello, world", quote="`")
 def test_string_from_bytes(self):
         self.assertIn(cypher_repr(b"Abc"), {"'Abc'"})
     except TypeError:
         raise SkipTest("Must be Python 3")
 def test_string_containing_double_quote(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr("JSON is a \"data type\""),
                      "'JSON is a \"data type\"'")
 def test_string_containing_single_quote(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr("Adam's apple"), "\"Adam's apple\"")
 def test_empty_string(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr(""), "''")
 def test_node_with_labels_and_properties(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1, {"Person"}, name="Alice")
     r = cypher_repr(a, node_template="{labels} {properties}")
     self.assertEqual(u"(:Person {name: 'Alice'})", r)
 def test_float(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr(3.1415926), "3.1415926")
 def test_node_with_only_properties(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1, name="Alice", age=33)
     r = cypher_repr(a, node_template="{labels} {properties}")
     self.assertEqual(u"({age: 33, name: 'Alice'})", r)
 def test_integer(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr(42), "42")
 def test_selection_by_property_value_only(self):
     g = Graph()
     a = g.put_node(1, {"Person", "Employee"}, name="Alice", age=33)
     r = cypher_repr(a, node_template="{}")
     self.assertEqual(u"(Alice)", r)
 def test_boolean_false(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr(False), "false")
 def test_list_with_alternate_sequence_separator(self):
         cypher_repr([1, True, 3.1415], sequence_separator="; "),
         "[1; true; 3.1415]")
 def test_string(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr("hello, world"), "'hello, world'")
 def test_map(self):
     value = OrderedDict([("one", "eins"), ("number 2", "zwei")])
                      "{one: 'eins', `number 2`: 'zwei'}")
 def test_map_with_alternate_key_value_separator(self):
     value = OrderedDict([("one", "eins"), ("number 2", "zwei")])
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr(value, key_value_separator="="),
                      "{one='eins', `number 2`='zwei'}")
예제 #29
 def __repr__(self):
     from neo4j.cypher.encoding import cypher_repr
     return cypher_repr(self)
 def test_boolean_true(self):
     self.assertEqual(cypher_repr(True), "true")