예제 #1
 def test_path_hashing(self):
     alice = Node.hydrate(1, {"Person"}, {"name": "Alice", "age": 33})
     bob = Node.hydrate(2, {"Person"}, {"name": "Bob", "age": 44})
     carol = Node.hydrate(3, {"Person"}, {"name": "Carol", "age": 55})
     alice_knows_bob = Relationship(alice.id, bob.id, "KNOWS", {"since": 1999})
     carol_dislikes_bob = Relationship(carol.id, bob.id, "DISLIKES")
     path_1 = Path(alice, alice_knows_bob, bob, carol_dislikes_bob, carol)
     path_2 = Path(alice, alice_knows_bob, bob, carol_dislikes_bob, carol)
     assert hash(path_1) == hash(path_2)
예제 #2
 def test_null_properties(self):
     stuff = Node(good=["puppies", "kittens"], bad=None)
     assert set(stuff.keys()) == {"good"}
     assert stuff.get("good") == ["puppies", "kittens"]
     assert stuff.get("bad") is None
     assert len(stuff) == 1
     assert stuff["good"] == ["puppies", "kittens"]
     assert stuff["bad"] is None
     assert "good" in stuff
     assert "bad" not in stuff
예제 #3
 def test_can_create_relationship(self):
     alice = Node.hydrate(1, {"Person"}, {"name": "Alice", "age": 33})
     bob = Node.hydrate(2, {"Person"}, {"name": "Bob", "age": 44})
     alice_knows_bob = Relationship(alice.id, bob.id, "KNOWS", {"since": 1999})
     assert alice_knows_bob.start == alice.id
     assert alice_knows_bob.type == "KNOWS"
     assert alice_knows_bob.end == bob.id
     assert set(alice_knows_bob.keys()) == {"since"}
     assert set(alice_knows_bob.values()) == {1999}
     assert set(alice_knows_bob.items()) == {("since", 1999)}
     assert alice_knows_bob.get("since") == 1999
     assert repr(alice_knows_bob)
예제 #4
 def test_node_hashing(self):
     node_1 = Node()
     node_1.id = 1234
     node_2 = Node()
     node_2.id = 1234
     node_3 = Node()
     node_3.id = 5678
     assert hash(node_1) == hash(node_2)
     assert hash(node_1) != hash(node_3)
예제 #5
 def test_can_create_path(self):
     alice = Node.hydrate(1, {"Person"}, {"name": "Alice", "age": 33})
     bob = Node.hydrate(2, {"Person"}, {"name": "Bob", "age": 44})
     carol = Node.hydrate(3, {"Person"}, {"name": "Carol", "age": 55})
     alice_knows_bob = Relationship(alice.id, bob.id, "KNOWS", {"since": 1999})
     carol_dislikes_bob = Relationship(carol.id, bob.id, "DISLIKES")
     path = Path(alice, alice_knows_bob, bob, carol_dislikes_bob, carol)
     assert path.start == alice
     assert path.end == carol
     assert path.nodes == (alice, bob, carol)
     assert path.relationships == (alice_knows_bob, carol_dislikes_bob)
     assert list(path) == [alice_knows_bob, carol_dislikes_bob]
     assert repr(path)
예제 #6
 def test_node_equality(self):
     node_1 = Node()
     node_1.id = 1234
     node_2 = Node()
     node_2.id = 1234
     node_3 = Node()
     node_3.id = 5678
     assert node_1 == node_2
     assert node_1 != node_3
     assert node_1 != "this is not a node"
예제 #7
 def test_can_hydrate_path(self):
     alice = Node.hydrate(1, {"Person"}, {"name": "Alice", "age": 33})
     bob = Node.hydrate(2, {"Person"}, {"name": "Bob", "age": 44})
     carol = Node.hydrate(3, {"Person"}, {"name": "Carol", "age": 55})
     alice_knows_bob = Relationship(alice.id, bob.id, "KNOWS", {"since": 1999})
     carol_dislikes_bob = Relationship(carol.id, bob.id, "DISLIKES")
     rels = [UnboundRelationship(alice_knows_bob.type, alice_knows_bob.properties),
             UnboundRelationship(carol_dislikes_bob.type, carol_dislikes_bob.properties)]
     rels[0].id = alice_knows_bob.id
     rels[1].id = carol_dislikes_bob.id
     path = Path.hydrate([alice, bob, carol], rels, [1, 1, -2, 2])
     assert path.start == alice
     assert path.end == carol
     assert path.nodes == (alice, bob, carol)
     assert path.relationships == (alice_knows_bob, carol_dislikes_bob)
     assert list(path) == [alice_knows_bob, carol_dislikes_bob]
     assert repr(path)
예제 #8
def get_node(string_entity):
    if string_entity[0] != "(":
        raise ValueError("Excpected node which shuld start with '('. Got: %s" %
    split_at = string_entity.find(')')
    if split_at == -1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Excpected node which shuld end with ')'. Found no such character in: %s"
            % string_entity)
    n, string_entity = split_two(string_entity, split_at + 1)
    n = n[1:-1]
    labels, properties, n = get_labels_and_properties(n)
    node = Node(labels=labels, properties=properties)
    return node, string_entity
예제 #9
 def test_can_create_node(self):
     alice = Node({"Person"}, {"name": "Alice", "age": 33})
     assert alice.labels == {"Person"}
     assert set(alice.keys()) == {"name", "age"}
     assert set(alice.values()) == {"Alice", 33}
     assert set(alice.items()) == {("name", "Alice"), ("age", 33)}
     assert alice.get("name") == "Alice"
     assert alice.get("age") == 33
     assert repr(alice)
     assert len(alice) == 2
     assert alice["name"] == "Alice"
     assert alice["age"] == 33
     assert "name" in alice
     assert "age" in alice
     assert set(iter(alice)) == {"name", "age"}