def get(self, index): img = CellLoader.klb.readFull(timepoint_paths[index]).getImg() # Each cell has "1" as its dimension in the last axis (time) # and index as its min coordinate in the last axis (time) return Cell( Intervals.dimensionsAsIntArray(img) + array([1], 'i'), Intervals.minAsLongArray(img) + array([index], 'l'), extractArrayAccess(img))
def makeInterpolatedImage(img1, img2, weight): """ weight: float between 0 and 1 """ edge_pix1 = findEdgePixels(img1) kdtree1 = KDTree(edge_pix1, edge_pix1) search1 = NearestNeighborSearchOnKDTree(kdtree1) edge_pix2 = findEdgePixels(img2) kdtree2 = KDTree(edge_pix2, edge_pix2) search2 = NearestNeighborSearchOnKDTree(kdtree2) img3 = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img1)) c1 = img1.cursor() c2 = img2.cursor() c3 = img3.cursor() pos = zeros(img1.numDimensions(), 'l') while c3.hasNext(): t1 = t2 = t3 = sign1 = -1 if 0 == t1.get() else 1 sign2 = -1 if 0 == t2.get() else 1 value1 = sign1 * search1.getDistance() * weight value2 = sign2 * search2.getDistance() * (1 - weight) if value1 + value2 > 0: t3.setOne() return img3
def asNormalizedUnsignedByteArrayImg(interval, invert, blockRadius, n_bins, slope, matrices, copy_threads, index, imp): sp = imp.getProcessor() # ShortProcessor sp.setRoi(interval.min(0), interval.min(1), interval.max(0) - interval.min(0) + 1, interval.max(1) - interval.min(1) + 1) sp = sp.crop() if invert: sp.invert() ImagePlus("", sp), blockRadius, n_bins, slope, None ) # far less memory requirements than NormalizeLocalContrast, and faster. minimum, maximum = autoAdjust(sp) # Transform and convert image to 8-bit, mapping to display range img = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts( sp.getPixels(), [sp.getWidth(), sp.getHeight()]) sp = None affine = AffineTransform2D() affine.set(matrices[index]) imgI = Views.interpolate(Views.extendZero(img), NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) imgA = RealViews.transform(imgI, affine) imgT = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(imgA, img)) imgMinMax = convert(imgT, RealUnsignedByteConverter(minimum, maximum), UnsignedByteType) aimg = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img)) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgMinMax, aimg.factory()), aimg, copy_threads) img = imgI = imgA = imgT = imgMinMax = None return aimg
def crop_along_one_axis(ops, data, intervals, axis_type): """Crop along a single axis using Views. Parameters ---------- intervals : List with two values specifying the start and the end of the interval. axis_type : Along which axis to crop. Can be ["X", "Y", "Z", "TIME", "CHANNEL"] """ axis = get_axis(axis_type) interval_start = [ data.min(d) if d != data.dimensionIndex(axis) else intervals[0] for d in range(0, data.numDimensions()) ] interval_end = [ data.max(d) if d != data.dimensionIndex(axis) else intervals[1] for d in range(0, data.numDimensions()) ] interval = interval_start + interval_end interval = Intervals.createMinMax(*interval) output ="transform.crop", data, interval, True) return output
def test(iraf): # Test dimensions: should be the same as the one input image print "Dimensions:", Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(iraf) # Test Cursor c = iraf.cursor() pos = zeros(2, 'l') while c.hasNext(): c.fwd() c.localize(pos) print "Cursor:", pos, "::", c.get() # Test RandomAccess ra = iraf.randomAccess() c = iraf.cursor() while c.hasNext(): c.fwd() ra.setPosition(c) c.localize(pos) print "RandomAccess:", pos, "::", ra.get() # Test source img: should be untouched c = img.cursor() while c.hasNext(): print "source:", # Test interval view: the middle 2x2 square v = Views.interval(iraf, [1, 1], [2, 2]) IL.wrap(v, "+2 view").show()
def rotatedView(img, angle, enlarge=True, extend=Views.extendBorder): """ Return a rotated view of the image, around the Z axis, with an expanded (or reduced) interval view so that all pixels are exactly included. img: a RandomAccessibleInterval angle: in degrees """ cx = img.dimension(0) / 2.0 cy = img.dimension(1) / 2.0 toCenter = AffineTransform2D() toCenter.translate(-cx, -cy) rotation = AffineTransform2D() # Step 1: place origin of rotation at the center of the image rotation.preConcatenate(toCenter) # Step 2: rotate around the Z axis rotation.rotate(radians(angle)) # Step 3: undo translation to the center rotation.preConcatenate(toCenter.inverse()) rotated = RV.transform(Views.interpolate(extend(img), NLinearInterpolatorFactory()), rotation) if enlarge: # Bounds: bounds = repeat((sys.maxint, 0)) # initial upper- and lower-bound values # for min, max to compare against transformed = zeros(2, 'f') for corner in product(*zip(repeat(0), Intervals.maxAsLongArray(img))): rotation.apply(corner, transformed) bounds = [(min(vmin, int(floor(v))), max(vmax, int(ceil(v)))) for (vmin, vmax), v in zip(bounds, transformed)] minC, maxC = map(list, zip(*bounds)) # transpose list of 2 pairs # into 2 lists of 2 values imgRot = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(rotated, minC, maxC)) else: imgRot = Views.interval(rotated, img) return imgRot
def twoStep(index=0): # The current way: img = klb.readFull(filepaths[index]) # klb_loader.get(filepaths[index]) imgE = Views.extendZero(img) imgI = Views.interpolate(imgE, NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) imgT = RealViews.transform(imgI, cmIsotropicTransforms[index]) imgB = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(imgT, roi[0], roi[1])) # bounded: crop with ROI imgBA = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgB)) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgB, imgBA.factory()), imgBA) imgP = prepareImgForDeconvolution( imgBA, affine3D(fineTransformsPostROICrop[index]).inverse(), FinalInterval([0, 0, 0], [imgB.dimension(d) - 1 for d in xrange(3)])) # Copy transformed view into ArrayImg for best performance in deconvolution imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgP)) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgP, imgA.factory()), imgA) IL.wrap(imgA, "two step").show()
def translate(self, dx, dy): a = zeros(2, 'l') self.interval.min(a) width = self.cell_dimensions[0] height = self.cell_dimensions[1] x0 = max(0, min(a[0] + dx, self.img_dimensions[0] - width)) y0 = max(0, min(a[1] + dy, self.img_dimensions[1] - height)) self.interval = FinalInterval([x0, y0], [x0 + width - 1, y0 + height - 1]) syncPrintQ(str(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(self.interval))) self.cache.clear()
def projectMax(img, minC, maxC, reduce_max): imgA = ArrayImgs.unsignedSorts( Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgC)) ImgUtil.copy( ImgView.wrap( convert( Views.collapseReal( Views.interval(img, minC, maxC)), reduce_max.newInstance(), imglibtype), img.factory()), imgA) return imgA
def makeImg(filepaths, pixelType, loadImg, img_dimensions, matrices, cropInterval, preload): dims = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(cropInterval) voldims = [dims[0], dims[1], len(filepaths)] cell_dimensions = [dims[0], dims[1], 1] grid = CellGrid(voldims, cell_dimensions) cellGet = TranslatedSectionGet(filepaths, loadImg, matrices, img_dimensions, cell_dimensions, cropInterval, preload=preload) return LazyCellImg(grid, pixelType(), cellGet), cellGet
def crop(event): global cropped, cropped_imp coords = [int(float(tf.getText())) for tf in textfields] minC = [max(0, c) for c in coords[0:3]] maxC = [min(d -1, c) for d, c in izip(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(images[0]), coords[3:6])] storeRoi(minC, maxC) print "ROI min and max coordinates" print minC print maxC cropped = [Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(img, minC, maxC)) for img in images] cropped_imp = showAsStack(cropped, title="cropped") cropped_imp.setDisplayRange(imp.getDisplayRangeMin(), imp.getDisplayRangeMax()) if cropContinuationFn: cropContinuationFn(images, minC, maxC, cropped, cropped_imp)
def populateInstances(instances, synth_imgs, class_index, mins, maxs): # Populate the training data: create the filter bank for each feature image # by reading values from the interval defined by mins and maxs target = ArrayImgs.floats([width, height]) interval = FinalInterval(mins, maxs) n_samples = Intervals.numElements(interval) for img in synth_imgs: vectors = [zeros(len(attributes), 'd') for _ in xrange(n_samples)] for k, op in enumerate(filterBank(img, sumType=DoubleType())): imgOp = compute(op).into(target) for i, v in enumerate(Views.interval(imgOp, interval)): vectors[i][k] = v.getRealDouble() for vector in vectors: vector[-1] = class_index instances.add(DenseInstance(1.0, vector))
def asNormalizedUnsignedByteArrayImg(interval, invert, blockRadius, n_bins, slope, matrices, index, imp): sp = imp.getProcessor() # ShortProcessor # Crop to interval if needed x = interval.min(0) y = interval.min(1) width = interval.max(0) - interval.min(0) + 1 height = interval.max(1) - interval.min(1) + 1 if 0 != x or 0 != y or sp.getWidth() != width or sp.getHeight( ) != height: sp.setRoi(x, y, width, height) sp = sp.crop() if invert: sp.invert() ImagePlus("", sp), blockRadius, n_bins, slope, None ) # far less memory requirements than NormalizeLocalContrast, and faster. minimum, maximum = autoAdjust(sp) # Transform and convert image to 8-bit, mapping to display range img = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts( sp.getPixels(), [sp.getWidth(), sp.getHeight()]) sp = None imp = None # Must use linear interpolation for subpixel precision affine = AffineTransform2D() affine.set(matrices[index]) imgI = Views.interpolate(Views.extendZero(img), NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) imgA = RealViews.transform(imgI, affine) imgT = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(imgA, img)) # Convert to 8-bit imgMinMax = convert2(imgT, RealUnsignedByteConverter(minimum, maximum), UnsignedByteType, randomAccessible=False) # use IterableInterval aimg = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img)) # ImgUtil copies multi-threaded, which is not appropriate here as there are many other images being copied too #ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgMinMax, aimg.factory()), aimg) # Single-threaded copy copier = createBiConsumerTypeSet(UnsignedByteType) LoopBuilder.setImages(imgMinMax, aimg).forEachPixel(copier) img = imgI = imgA = imgMinMax = imgT = None return aimg
def prepare(index): # Prepare the img for deconvolution: # 0. Transform in one step. # 1. Ensure its pixel values conform to expectations (no zeros inside) # 2. Copy it into an ArrayImg for faster recurrent retrieval of same pixels syncPrint("Preparing %s CM0%i for deconvolution" % (tm_dirname, index)) img = klb_loader.get(filepaths[index]) # of UnsignedShortType imgP = prepareImgForDeconvolution( img, transforms[index], target_interval) # returns of FloatType # Copy transformed view into ArrayImg for best performance in deconvolution imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgP)) #ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgP, imgA.factory()), imgA) ImgUtil.copy(imgP, imgA, n_threads / 2) # parallel copying syncPrint("--Completed preparing %s CM0%i for deconvolution" % (tm_dirname, index)) imgP = None img = None return (index, imgA)
def crop_along_one_axis(ops, data, intervals, axis_type): """Crop along a single axis using Views. Parameters ---------- intervals : List with two values specifying the start and the end of the interval. axis_type : Along which axis to crop. Can be ["X", "Y", "Z", "TIME", "CHANNEL"] """ axis = get_axis(axis_type) interval_start = [data.min(d) if d != data.dimensionIndex(axis) else intervals[0] for d in range(0, data.numDimensions())] interval_end = [data.max(d) if d != data.dimensionIndex(axis) else intervals[1] for d in range(0, data.numDimensions())] interval = interval_start + interval_end interval = Intervals.createMinMax(*interval) output ="transform.crop", data, interval, True) return output
def makeInterpolatedImage(img1, search1, img2, search2, weight): """ weight: float between 0 and 1 """ img3 = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img1)) c1 = img1.cursor() c2 = img2.cursor() c3 = img3.cursor() while c3.hasNext(): t1 = t2 = t3 = sign1 = -1 if 0 == t1.get() else 1 sign2 = -1 if 0 == t2.get() else 1 value1 = sign1 * search1.getDistance() * (1 - weight) value2 = sign2 * search2.getDistance() * weight if value1 + value2 > 0: t3.setOne() return img3
def oneStep(index=0): # Combining transforms into one, via a translation to account of the ROI crop img = klb.readFull(filepaths[index]) # klb_loader.get(filepaths[index]) t1 = cmIsotropicTransforms[index] t2 = affine3D( [1, 0, 0, -roi[0][0], 0, 1, 0, -roi[0][1], 0, 0, 1, -roi[0][2]]) t3 = affine3D(fineTransformsPostROICrop[index]).inverse() aff = AffineTransform3D() aff.set(t1) aff.preConcatenate(t2) aff.preConcatenate(t3) # Final interval is now rooted at 0,0,0 given that the transform includes the translation imgP = prepareImgForDeconvolution( img, aff, FinalInterval([0, 0, 0], [maxC - minC for minC, maxC in izip(roi[0], roi[1])])) # Copy transformed view into ArrayImg for best performance in deconvolution imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgP)) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgP, imgA.factory()), imgA) IL.wrap(imgA, "one step index %i" % index).show()
def filterBankRotations(img, angles=xrange(0, 46, 9), # sequence, in degrees filterBankFn=filterBank, # function that takes an img as sole positional argument outputType=FloatType()): """ img: a RandomAccessibleInterval. filterBankFn: the function from which to obtain a sequence of ImgMath ops. angles: a sequence of angles in degrees. outputType: for materializing rotated operations and rotating them back. For every angle, will prepare a rotated view of the image, then create a list of ops on the basis of that rotated view, then materialize each op into an image so that an unrotated view can be returned back. returns a list of unrotated views, each containing the values of applying each op to the rotated view. """ ops_rotations = [] for angle in angles: imgRot = img if 0 == angle else rotatedView(img, angle) ops = filterBankFn(imgRot) # Materialize these two combination ops and rotate them back (rather, a rotated view) interval = Intervals.translate(img, [(imgRot.dimension(d) - img.dimension(d)) / 2 for d in xrange(img.numDimensions())]) for op in ops: imgOpRot = compute(op).intoArrayImg(outputType) if 0 == angle: ops_rotations.append(imgOpRot) continue # Rotate them back and crop view imgOpUnrot = rotatedView(imgOpRot, -angle, enlarge=False) imgOp = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(imgOpUnrot, interval)) #if angle == 0 or angle == 45: # IL.wrap(imgOpRot, "imgOpRot angle=%i" % angle).show() # IL.wrap(imgOpUnrot, "imgOpUnrot angle=%i" % angle).show() # IL.wrap(imgOp, "imgOp angle=%i" % angle).show() ops_rotations.append(imgOp) return ops_rotations
def crop(ops, data, intervals): """Crop along a one or more axis. Parameters ---------- intervals : Dict specifying which axis to crop and with what intervals. Example : intervals = {'X' : [0, 50], 'Y' : [0, 50]} """ intervals_start = [data.min(d) for d in range(0, data.numDimensions())] intervals_end = [data.max(d) for d in range(0, data.numDimensions())] for axis_type, interval in intervals.items(): index = data.dimensionIndex(get_axis(axis_type)) intervals_start[index] = interval[0] intervals_end[index] = interval[1] intervals = Intervals.createMinMax(*intervals_start + intervals_end) output ="transform.crop", data, intervals, True) return output
aff = AffineTransform3D() aff.set(*matrix) return aff # Transform the kernel for each view kernels = [kernel, transformPSFKernelToView(kernel, affine3D(matrices["imgB0-imgB1"])), transformPSFKernelToView(kernel, affine3D(matrices["imgB0-imgB2"])), transformPSFKernelToView(kernel, affine3D(matrices["imgB0-imgB3"]))] def deconvolve(images, kernels, name, n_iterations): # Bayesian-based multi-view deconvolution exe = newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() -2) try: mylambda = 0.0006 blockSize = Intervals.dimensionsAsIntArray(images[0]) # [128, 128, 128] cptf = ComputeBlockSeqThreadCPUFactory(exe, mylambda, blockSize, ArrayImgFactory(FloatType())) psiInitFactory = PsiInitBlurredFusedFactory() # PsiInitAvgPreciseFactory() fails with type mismatch: UnsignedByteType (?) vs FloatType weight = Views.interval(ConstantRandomAccessible(FloatType(1), images[0].numDimensions()), FinalInterval(images[0])) filterBlocksForContent = False # Run once with True, none were removed decon_views = DeconViews([DeconView(exe, img, weight, kernel, PSFTYPE.INDEPENDENT, blockSize, 1, filterBlocksForContent) for img in images], exe) #n_iterations = 10 decon = MultiViewDeconvolutionSeq(decon_views, n_iterations, psiInitFactory, cptf, ArrayImgFactory(FloatType())) if not decon.initWasSuccessful(): print "Something went wrong initializing MultiViewDeconvolution" else: decon.runIterations() img = decon.getPSI() imp = IL.wrap(img, name + "_deconvolved_" + str(n_iterations) + "_iterations")
print median, max_sum # Turns out the maximum is infinity. # Therefore, discard all infinity values, and also any above 1.5 * median threshold = median * 1.5 filtered = [ filename for filename, pixel_sum in sums if pixel_sum < threshold ] n_threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() threads = [] chunk_size = len(filtered) / n_threads aimgs = [] first = klb.readFull(os.path.join(srcDir, filtered[0])) dimensions = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(first) for i in xrange(n_threads): m = Max(dimensions, filtered[i * chunk_size:(i + 1) * chunk_size]) m.start() threads.append(m) # Await completion of all for m in threads: m.join() # Merge all results into a single maximum projection max_projection = computeInto(maximum([m.aimg for m in threads]), ArrayImgs.floats(dimensions)) max3D = writeZip(max_projection,
from net.imglib2.util import Intervals from net.imagej.axis import Axes from net.imglib2.type.numeric.real import FloatType from java.lang.Math import floor # crop PSF to desired size, this makes decon run faster with little effect on final quality psfX = psf.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.X)) psfY = psf.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.Y)) psfZ = psf.dimension(2) psf_ = ops.transform().crop( psf.getImgPlus(), Intervals.createMinMax(psfX / 2 - psfXSize / 2, psfY / 2 - psfYSize / 2, 0, psfX / 2 + psfXSize / 2 - 1, psfY / 2 + psfYSize / 2 - 1, psfZ - 1)) psf_ = ops.convert().float32(psf_) maxPSF = ops.stats().max(psf_).getRealFloat() psfBackground = psfBackgroundPercent * maxPSF # subtract background from psf for t in psf_: val = t.getRealFloat() - psfBackground if val < 0: val = 0 t.setReal(val) # normalize psf
IL.wrap(img_sub, "LoopBuilder").show() """ # Example 2b: with ImgLib2 LoopBuilder using a clojure-defined TriConsumer from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions as IL from net.imglib2.converter import Converters from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImgs from net.imglib2.util import Intervals from net.imglib2.loops import LoopBuilder from org.scijava.plugins.scripting.clojure import ClojureScriptEngine img = IL.wrap(imp_rgb) # an ARGBType Img red = Converters.argbChannel(img, 1) # a view of the ARGB red channel green = Converters.argbChannel(img, 2) # a view of the ARGB green channel img_sub = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img)) # the img to store the result code = """ (deftype Consumer [^long threshold] %s (accept [self red green result] ; can't type-hint, doesn't find matching method (let [^%s r red ^%s g green ^%s s result] (.setInteger s (if (>= (.getInteger r) threshold) (.getInteger g) 0))))) """ % ((LoopBuilder.TriConsumer.getName(),) \ + tuple(a.randomAccess().get().getClass().getName() for a in [red, green, img_sub])) clj = ClojureScriptEngine()
def makeCropUI(imp, images, tgtDir, panel=None, cropContinuationFn=None): """ imp: the ImagePlus to work on. images: the list of ImgLib2 images, one per frame, not original but already isotropic. (These are views that use a nearest neighbor interpolation using the calibration to scale to isotropy.) tgtDir: the target directory where e.g. CSV files will be stored, for ROI, features, pointmatches. panel: optional, a JPanel controlled by a GridBagLayout. cropContinuationFn: optional, a function to execute after cropping, which is given as arguments the original images, minC, maxC (both define a ROI), and the cropped images. """ independent = None == panel if not panel: panel = JPanel() panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10,10,10,10)) gb = GridBagLayout() gc = GBC() else: gb = panel.getLayout() # Constraints of the last component gc = gb.getConstraints(panel.getComponent(panel.getComponentCount() - 1)) # Horizontal line to separate prior UI components from crop UI gc.gridx = 0 gc.gridy += 1 gc.gridwidth = 4 gc.anchor = GBC.WEST gc.fill = GBC.HORIZONTAL sep = JSeparator() sep.setMinimumSize(Dimension(200, 10)) gb.setConstraints(sep, gc) panel.add(sep) # ROI UI header title = JLabel("ROI controls:") gc.gridy +=1 gc.anchor = GBC.WEST gc.gridwidth = 4 gb.setConstraints(title, gc) panel.add(title) # Column labels for the min and max coordinates gc.gridy += 1 gc.gridwidth = 1 for i, title in enumerate(["", "X", "Y", "Z"]): gc.gridx = i gc.anchor = GBC.CENTER label = JLabel(title) gb.setConstraints(label, gc) panel.add(label) textfields = [] rms = [] # Load stored ROI if any roi_path = path = os.path.join(tgtDir, "crop-roi.csv") if os.path.exists(roi_path): with open(roi_path, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar="\"") # header minC = map(int,[1:]) maxC = map(int,[1:]) # Place the ROI over the ImagePlus imp.setRoi(Roi(minC[0], minC[1], maxC[0] + 1 - minC[0], maxC[1] + 1 - minC[1])) else: # Use whole image dimensions minC = [0, 0, 0] maxC = [v -1 for v in Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(images[0])] # Text fields for the min and max coordinates for rowLabel, coords in izip(["min coords: ", "max coords: "], [minC, maxC]): gc.gridx = 0 gc.gridy += 1 label = JLabel(rowLabel) gb.setConstraints(label, gc) panel.add(label) for i in xrange(3): gc.gridx += 1 tf = JTextField(str(coords[i]), 10) gb.setConstraints(tf, gc) panel.add(tf) textfields.append(tf) listener = RoiMaker(imp, textfields, len(textfields) -1) rms.append(listener) tf.addKeyListener(listener) tf.addMouseWheelListener(listener) # Listen to changes in the ROI of imp rfl = RoiFieldListener(imp, textfields) Roi.addRoiListener(rfl) # ... and enable cleanup ImagePlus.addImageListener(FieldDisabler(rfl, rms)) # Functions for cropping images cropped = None cropped_imp = None def storeRoi(minC, maxC): if os.path.exists(roi_path): # Load ROI with open(path, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar="\"") # header same = True for a, b in izip(minC + maxC, map(int,[1:] +[1:])): if a != b: same = False # Invalidate any CSV files for features and pointmatches: different cropping for filename in os.listdir(tgtDir): if filename.endswith("features.csv") or filename.endswith("pointmatches.csv"): os.remove(os.path.join(tgtDir, filename)) break if same: return # Store the ROI as crop-roi.csv with open(roi_path, 'w') as csvfile: w = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar="\"", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) w.writerow(["coords", "x", "y", "z"]) w.writerow(["min"] + map(int, minC)) w.writerow(["max"] + map(int, maxC)) def crop(event): global cropped, cropped_imp coords = [int(float(tf.getText())) for tf in textfields] minC = [max(0, c) for c in coords[0:3]] maxC = [min(d -1, c) for d, c in izip(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(images[0]), coords[3:6])] storeRoi(minC, maxC) print "ROI min and max coordinates" print minC print maxC cropped = [Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(img, minC, maxC)) for img in images] cropped_imp = showAsStack(cropped, title="cropped") cropped_imp.setDisplayRange(imp.getDisplayRangeMin(), imp.getDisplayRangeMax()) if cropContinuationFn: cropContinuationFn(images, minC, maxC, cropped, cropped_imp) # Buttons to create a ROI and to crop to ROI, # which when activated enables the fine registration buttons crop_button = JButton("Crop to ROI") crop_button.addActionListener(crop) gc.gridx = 0 gc.gridy += 1 gc.gridwidth = 4 gc.anchor = GBC.WEST buttons_panel = JPanel() buttons_panel.add(crop_button) gb.setConstraints(buttons_panel, gc) panel.add(buttons_panel) if independent: frame = JFrame("Crop by ROI") frame.getContentPane().add(panel) frame.pack() frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE) frame.addWindowListener(CloseControl(destroyables=rms + [rfl])) frame.setVisible(True) else: # Re-pack the JFrame parent = panel.getParent() while not isinstance(parent, JFrame) and parent is not None: parent = parent.getParent() if parent: frame = parent frame.pack() found = False for wl in frame.getWindowListeners(): if isinstance(wl, CloseControl): wl.addDestroyables(rms + [rfl]) found = True break if not found: frame.addWindowListener(CloseControl(destroyables=rms + [rfl])) frame.setVisible(True) return panel
def maxProjectLastDimension(img, strategy="1by1", chunk_size=0): last_dimension = img.numDimensions() -1 if "1by1" == strategy: exe = newFixedThreadPool() try: n_threads = exe.getCorePoolSize() imgTs = [ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts(list(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img))[:-1]) for i in xrange(n_threads)] def mergeMax(img1, img2, imgT): return compute(maximum(img1, img2)).into(imgT) def hyperSlice(index): return Views.hyperSlice(img, last_dimension, index) # The first n_threads mergeMax: futures = [exe.submit(Task(mergeMax, hyperSlice(i*2), hyperSlice(i*2 +1), imgTs[i])) for i in xrange(n_threads)] # As soon as one finishes, merge it with the next available hyperSlice next = n_threads while len(futures) > 0: # i.e. not empty imgT = futures.pop(0).get() if next < img.dimension(last_dimension): futures.append(exe.submit(Task(mergeMax, imgT, hyperSlice(next), imgT))) next += 1 else: # Run out of hyperSlices to merge if 0 == len(futures): return imgT # done # Merge imgT to each other until none remain futures.append(exe.submit(Task(mergeMax, imgT, futures.pop(0).get(), imgT))) finally: exe.shutdownNow() else: # By chunks imglibtype = img.randomAccess().get().getClass() # The Converter class reduce_max = makeCompositeToRealConverter(reducer_class=Math, reducer_method="max", reducer_method_signature="(DD)D") if chunk_size > 0: # map reduce approach exe = newFixedThreadPool() try: def projectMax(img, minC, maxC, reduce_max): imgA = ArrayImgs.unsignedSorts(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgC)) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(convert(Views.collapseReal(Views.interval(img, minC, maxC)), reduce_max.newInstance(), imglibtype), img.factory()), imgA) return imgA # The min and max coordinates of all dimensions except the last one minCS = [0 for d in xrange(last_dimension)] maxCS = [img.dimension(d) -1 for d in xrange(last_dimension)] # Process every chunk in parallel futures = [exe.submit(Task(projectMax, img, minCS + [offset], maxCS + [min(offset + chunk_size, img.dimension(last_dimension)) -1])) for offset in xrange(0, img.dimension(last_dimension), chunk_size)] return reduce(lambda f1, f2: compute(maximum(f1.get(), f2.get())).into(f1.get(), futures)) finally: exe.shutdownNow() else: # One chunk: all at once # Each sample of img3DV is a virtual vector over all time frames at that 3D coordinate # Reduce each vector to a single scalar, using a Converter img3DC = convert(Views.collapseReal(img), reduce_max.newInstance(), imglibtype) imgA = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts([img.dimension(d) for d in xrange(last_dimension)]) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgV, img.factory()), imgA) return imgA
# first take a look at the size and type of each dimension for d in range(data.numDimensions()): print "axis d: type: " + str(data.axis(d).type()) + " length: " + str( data.dimension(d)) img = data.getImgPlus() xLen = data.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.X)) yLen = data.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.Y)) zLen = data.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.Z)) cLen = data.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.CHANNEL)) # crop a channel c0 = ops.transform().crop( img, Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, 0, 0, xLen - 1, yLen - 1, 0, zLen - 1)) c0.setName("c0") # crop both channels at z=12 z12 = ops.transform().crop( img, Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, 0, 12, xLen - 1, yLen - 1, cLen - 1, 12)) z12.setName("z12") # crop channel 0 at z=12 c0z12 = ops.transform().crop( img, Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, 0, 12, xLen - 1, yLen - 1, 0, 12)) c0z12.setName("c0z12") # crop an roi at channel 0, z=12 roiC0z12 = ops.transform().crop( img, Intervals.createMinMax(150, 150, 0, 12, 200, 200, 0, 12))
from net.imglib2.util import Intervals from net.imagej.axis import Axes # first take a look at the size and type of each dimension for d in range(data.numDimensions()): print "axis d: type: "+str(data.axis(d).type())+" length: "+str(data.dimension(d)) img=data.getImgPlus() xLen = data.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.X)) yLen = data.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.Y)) zLen = data.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.Z)) cLen = data.dimension(data.dimensionIndex(Axes.CHANNEL)) # crop a channel c0=ops.transform().crop(img, Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, 0,0,xLen-1, yLen-1, 0, zLen-1)) c0.setName("c0") # crop both channels at z=12 z12=ops.transform().crop(img, Intervals.createMinMax(0,0,0,12, xLen-1, yLen-1, cLen-1, 12)) z12.setName("z12") # crop channel 0 at z=12 c0z12=ops.transform().crop(img, Intervals.createMinMax(0,0,0,12, xLen-1, yLen-1, 0, 12)) c0z12.setName("c0z12") # crop an roi at channel 0, z=12 roiC0z12=ops.transform().crop(img, Intervals.createMinMax(150,150,0,12, 200, 200, 0, 12)) roiC0z12.setName("roiC0z12")
#@ OpService ops #@ SCIFIO scifio #@ DatasetService datasetService #@ String input_path #@ String output_path #@ UIService ui import os from net.imglib2.util import Intervals from net.imglib2.view import IterableRandomAccessibleInterval try: os.unlink(output_path) except OSError: pass input = scifio.datasetIO().open(input_path) dims = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(input) output_dims = dims[:-1] output = ops.create().img(output_dims) ops.transform().project(IterableRandomAccessibleInterval(output), input, ops.op('stats.max', input.getImgPlus()), len(output_dims)) scifio.datasetIO().save(datasetService.create(output), output_path) print("OK")
def export8bitN5( filepaths, loadFn, img_dimensions, matrices, name, exportDir, interval, gzip_compression=6, invert=True, CLAHE_params=[400, 256, 3.0], n5_threads=0, # 0 means as many as CPU cores block_size=[128, 128, 128]): """ Export into an N5 volume, in parallel, in 8-bit. filepaths: the ordered list of filepaths, one per serial section. loadFn: a function to load a filepath into an ImagePlus. name: name to assign to the N5 volume. matrices: the list of transformation matrices (each one is an array), one per section exportDir: the directory into which to save the N5 volume. interval: for cropping. gzip_compression: defaults to 6 as suggested by Saalfeld. 0 means no compression. invert: Defaults to True (necessary for FIBSEM). Whether to invert the images upon loading. CLAHE_params: defaults to [400, 256, 3.0]. If not None, the a list of the 3 parameters needed for a CLAHE filter to apply to each image. n5_threads: defaults to 0, meaning as many as CPU cores. block_size: defaults to 128x128x128 px. A list of 3 integer numbers, the dimensions of each individual block. """ dims = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(interval) voldims = [dims[0], dims[1], len(filepaths)] cell_dimensions = [dims[0], dims[1], 1] def asNormalizedUnsignedByteArrayImg(interval, invert, blockRadius, n_bins, slope, matrices, index, imp): sp = imp.getProcessor() # ShortProcessor # Crop to interval if needed x = interval.min(0) y = interval.min(1) width = interval.max(0) - interval.min(0) + 1 height = interval.max(1) - interval.min(1) + 1 if 0 != x or 0 != y or sp.getWidth() != width or sp.getHeight( ) != height: sp.setRoi(x, y, width, height) sp = sp.crop() if invert: sp.invert() ImagePlus("", sp), blockRadius, n_bins, slope, None ) # far less memory requirements than NormalizeLocalContrast, and faster. minimum, maximum = autoAdjust(sp) # Transform and convert image to 8-bit, mapping to display range img = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts( sp.getPixels(), [sp.getWidth(), sp.getHeight()]) sp = None imp = None # Must use linear interpolation for subpixel precision affine = AffineTransform2D() affine.set(matrices[index]) imgI = Views.interpolate(Views.extendZero(img), NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) imgA = RealViews.transform(imgI, affine) imgT = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(imgA, img)) # Convert to 8-bit imgMinMax = convert2(imgT, RealUnsignedByteConverter(minimum, maximum), UnsignedByteType, randomAccessible=False) # use IterableInterval aimg = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img)) # ImgUtil copies multi-threaded, which is not appropriate here as there are many other images being copied too #ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgMinMax, aimg.factory()), aimg) # Single-threaded copy copier = createBiConsumerTypeSet(UnsignedByteType) LoopBuilder.setImages(imgMinMax, aimg).forEachPixel(copier) img = imgI = imgA = imgMinMax = imgT = None return aimg blockRadius, n_bins, slope = CLAHE_params # A CacheLoader that interprets the list of filepaths as a 3D volume: a stack of 2D slices loader = SectionCellLoader( filepaths, asArrayImg=partial(asNormalizedUnsignedByteArrayImg, interval, invert, blockRadius, n_bins, slope, matrices), loadFn=loadFn) # How to preload block_size[2] files at a time? Or at least as many as numCPUs()? # One possibility is to query the for its entries, using a ScheduledExecutorService, # and preload sections ahead for the whole blockSize[2] dimension. cachedCellImg = lazyCachedCellImg(loader, voldims, cell_dimensions, UnsignedByteType, BYTE) exe_preloader = newFixedThreadPool(n_threads=min( block_size[2], n5_threads if n5_threads > 0 else numCPUs()), name="preloader") def preload(cachedCellImg, loader, block_size, filepaths, exe): """ Find which is the last cell index in the cache, identify to which block (given the blockSize[2] AKA Z dimension) that index belongs to, and concurrently load all cells (sections) that the Z dimension of the blockSize will need. If they are already loaded, these operations are insignificant. """ try: # The is a ConcurrentHashMap with Long keys, aka numbers cache = cachedCellImg.getCache() f1 = cache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "cache") # LoaderCacheAsCacheAdapter.cache f1.setAccessible(True) softCache = f1.get(cache) cache = None f2 = softCache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "map") # f2.setAccessible(True) keys = sorted(f2.get(softCache).keySet()) if 0 == len(keys): return first = max(0, keys[-1] - (keys[-1] % block_size[2])) last = min(len(filepaths), first + block_size[2]) - 1 keys = None syncPrintQ("### Preloading %i-%i ###" % (first, last)) futures = [] for index in xrange(first, last + 1): futures.append( exe.submit(TimeItTask(softCache.get, index, loader))) softCache = None # Wait for all loaded_any = False count = 0 while len(futures) > 0: r, t = futures.pop(0).get() # waits for the image to load if t > 1000: # in miliseconds. Less than this is for sure a cache hit, more a cache miss and reload loaded_any = True r = None # t in miliseconds syncPrintQ("preloaded index %i in %f ms" % (first + count, t)) count += 1 if not loaded_any: syncPrintQ("Completed preloading %i-%i" % (first, first + block_size[2] - 1)) except: syncPrintQ(sys.exc_info()) preloader = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor() preloader.scheduleWithFixedDelay( RunTask(preload, cachedCellImg, loader, block_size, filepaths, exe_preloader), 10, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) try: syncPrint("N5 directory: " + exportDir + "\nN5 dataset name: " + name + "\nN5 blockSize: " + str(block_size)) writeN5(cachedCellImg, exportDir, name, block_size, gzip_compression_level=gzip_compression, n_threads=n5_threads) finally: preloader.shutdown() exe_preloader.shutdown()
# @Dataset data # @Dataset mask # @OUTPUT Dataset output # Given a mask (binary image) and a raw image, remove background pixel from raw by # keeping only those in the mask (different from 0). # Note : As specified by @stelfrich on Gitter, the particular case when foreground pixel # are 1 and background pixels are 0 can be simpler to write with a multiplication of the two # images. from net.imglib2.util import Intervals # Check dimensions are the same for 'data' and 'mask' if not Intervals.equalDimensions(data, mask): raise Exception("Dimensions from input dataset does not match.") # Create the cursors output = data.duplicate() targetCursor = output.localizingCursor() dataRA = data.randomAccess() maskRA = mask.randomAccess() # Iterate over each pixels of the datasets while targetCursor.hasNext(): targetCursor.fwd() dataRA.setPosition(targetCursor) maskRA.setPosition(targetCursor) if maskRA.get().get() == 0:
def get(self, index): img = self.asArrayImg(index, self.loadFn(self.filepaths[index])) dims = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img) return Cell( list(dims) + [1], [0] * img.numDimensions() + [index], img.update(None))
# by using the 'transformed' float array. # We compute the bounds by, for every corner, checking if the floor of each dimension # of a corner coordinate is smaller than the previously found minimum value, # and by checking if the ceil of each corner coordinate is larger than the # previously found value, packing the new pair of minimum and maximum values # into the list of pairs that is 'bounds'. # Notice the min coordinates can have negative values, as the rotated image # has pixels now somewhere to the left and up from the top-left 0,0,0 origin # of coordinates. That's why we use Views.zeroMin, to ensure that downstream # uses of the transformed image see it as fitting within bounds that start at 0,0,0. bounds = repeat( (sys.maxint, 0) ) # initial upper- and lower-bound values for min, max to compare against transformed = zeros(img.numDimensions(), 'f') for corner in product(*zip(repeat(0), Intervals.maxAsLongArray(img))): rotation.apply(corner, transformed) bounds = [(min(vmin, int(floor(v))), max(vmax, int(ceil(v)))) for (vmin, vmax), v in zip(bounds, transformed)] minC, maxC = map(list, zip(*bounds)) # transpose list of lists imgRot2dFit = IL.wrap(Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(rotated, minC, maxC)), imp.getTitle() + " - rot2dFit") matrix = rotation.getRowPackedCopy() pprint([list(matrix[i:i + 4]) for i in xrange(0, 12, 4)])
converted = ops.convert().float32(data) # Get the first frame (TODO: find a more convenient way !) t_dim = data.dimensionIndex(Axes.TIME) interval_start = [] interval_end = [] for d in range(0, data.numDimensions()): if d != t_dim: interval_start.append(0) interval_end.append(data.dimension(d) - 1) else: interval_start.append(0) interval_end.append(0) intervals = interval_start + interval_end intervals = Intervals.createMinMax(*intervals) first_frame = ops.transform().crop(converted, intervals) # Allocate output memory (wait for hybrid CF version of slice) subtracted = ops.create().img(converted) # Create the op sub_op = ops.op("math.subtract", first_frame, first_frame) # Setup the fixed axis fixed_axis = [d for d in range(0, data.numDimensions()) if d != t_dim] # Run the op ops.slice(subtracted, converted, sub_op, fixed_axis)