예제 #1
    def dog_detection(overlay,img, imp, cal):

                 # Create a variable of the correct type (UnsignedByteType) for the value-extended view
				 zero = img.randomAccess().get().createVariable()
				 # Run the difference of Gaussian
				 cell = 8.0 # microns in diameter
				 min_peak = 2.0 # min intensity for a peak to be considered
				 dog = DogDetection(Views.extendValue(img, zero), img,
				                   [cal.pixelWidth, cal.pixelHeight,cal.pixelDepth],
				                   cell / 2, cell,
				                   min_peak, False,
				 peaks = dog.getPeaks()
				 roi = OvalRoi(0, 0, cell/cal.pixelWidth, cell/cal.pixelHeight)  
				 print ('Number of cells = ', len(peaks))
			 	 p = zeros(img.numDimensions(), 'i')  
				 boundRect = imp.getRoi()
				 for peak in peaks:  
				    # Read peak coordinates into an array of integers  XYZ location of spots
				    if(boundRect is not None and boundRect.contains(p[0], p[1])):
						    oval = OvalRoi(p[0], p[1],cell/cal.pixelWidth,  cell/cal.pixelHeight)
 def create(self, index):
     cell_dimensions = [
     n_cols = grid.imgDimension(0) / cell_dimensions[0]
     x0 = (index % n_cols) * cell_dimensions[0]
     y0 = (index / n_cols) * cell_dimensions[1]
     index += 1  # 1-based slice indices in ij.ImageStack
     if index < 1 or index > self.stack.size():
         # Return blank image: a ByteAccess that always returns 255
         return Cell(
             cell_dimensions, [x0, y0],
             type('ConstantValue', (ByteAccess, ), {
                 'getValue': lambda self, index: 255
         # ImageJ stack slice indices are 1-based
         img = IL.wrap(ImagePlus("", self.stack.getProcessor(index)))
         # Create extended image with the padding color value
         imgE = Views.extendValue(img, self.t.copy())
         # A view that includes the padding between slices
         minC = [-self.cell_padding for d in xrange(img.numDimensions())]
         maxC = [
             img.dimension(d) - 1 + self.cell_padding
             for d in xrange(img.numDimensions())
         imgP = Views.interval(imgE, minC, maxC)
         return Cell(cell_dimensions, [x0, y0],
                     ProxyByteAccess(imgP, self.grid))
예제 #3
def findEdgePixels(img):
  edge_pix = []
  zero = img.firstElement().createVariable()
  imgE = Views.extendValue(img, zero)
  pos = zeros(img.numDimensions(), 'l')
  inc = partial(operator.add, 1)
  dec = partial(operator.add, -1)
  cursor = img.cursor()
  while cursor.hasNext():
    t = cursor.next()
    # A pixel is on the edge of the binary mask
    # if it has a non-zero value
    if 0 == t.getByte():
    # ... and its immediate neighbors ...
    minimum = array(imap(dec, pos), 'l') # map(dec, pos) also works, less performance
    maximum = array(imap(inc, pos), 'l') # map(inc, pos) also works, less performance
    neighborhood = Views.interval(imgE, minimum, maximum)
    # ... have at least one zero value:
    # Good performance: the "if x in <iterable>" approach stops upon finding the first x    
    if 0 in imap(UnsignedByteType.getByte, neighborhood):
      edge_pix.append(RealPoint(array(list(pos), 'f')))
  return edge_pix
예제 #4
def findEdgePixels(img):
    edge_pix = []
    zero = img.firstElement().createVariable()
    imgE = Views.extendValue(img, zero)
    pos = zeros(img.numDimensions(), 'l')
    inc = partial(operator.add, 1)
    dec = partial(operator.add, -1)
    cursor = img.cursor()
    while cursor.hasNext():
        t = cursor.next()
        if 0 == t.getIntegerLong():
        # Sum neighbors of non-zero pixel: if any is zero, sum is less than 27
        # and we have found an edge pixel
        minimum = map(dec, pos)
        maximum = map(inc, pos)
        box = Views.interval(imgE, minimum, maximum)
        if sum(imap(UnsignedByteType.getIntegerLong, box)) < 27:
            edge_pix.append(RealPoint(array(list(pos), 'f')))
    return edge_pix
예제 #5
     iso.getDimension(2)], FloatType())
c1 = iso.createCursor()
c2 = copy.cursor()
while c1.hasNext():


# Measure mean intensity at every peak
sphereFactory = HyperSphereNeighborhood.factory()
radius = 2
intensities1 = []
copy2 = Views.extendValue(copy, FloatType(0))
ra = copy2.randomAccess()

t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()

for peak in peaks:
    sphere = sphereFactory.create(
        [int(peak[0]), int(peak[1]), int(peak[2])], radius, ra)
    s = sum(imap(FloatType.getRealFloat, sphere.cursor()))
    intensities1.append(float(s) / sphere.size())

t2 = System.currentTimeMillis()

print "Elapsed time:", (t2 - t1), "ms"

#print intensities1
예제 #6

imp = IJ.getImage()
cal = imp.getCalibration()  # in microns

img = IJF.wrap(imp)

# Create a variable of the correct type (UnsignedByteType) for the value-extended view
zero = img.randomAccess().get().createVariable()

# Run the difference of Gaussian
cell = 30.0  # microns in diameter
min_peak = 10.0  # min intensity for a peak to be considered
dog = DogDetection(
    Views.extendValue(img, zero),
    [cal.pixelWidth, cal.pixelHeight],
    cell / 2,
    DogDetection.ExtremaType.MAXIMA,  #MAXIMA

peaks = dog.getPeaks()
roi = OvalRoi(0, 0, cell / cal.pixelWidth, cell / cal.pixelHeight)
print('Number of cells = ', len(peaks))
p = zeros(img.numDimensions(), 'i')
overlay = Overlay()
예제 #7
width = img.dimension(0)  # same as imp.getWidth()
height = img.dimension(1)  # same as imp.getHeight()

# from half an image beyond 0,0 (to the left and up) to half an image beyond width,height
imgExtended = Views.interval(extendedView, [-width / 2, -height / 2],
                             [width + width / 2 - 1, height + height / 2 - 1
                              ])  # RandomAccessibleInterval

IL.show(imgExtended, "enlarged canvas with extended mirror symmetry")

# The viewing interval doesn't have to overlap with the interval where the original image is defined
# For example:

imgSomewhere = Views.interval(extendedView, [41000, 60000], [42000, 61000])

IL.show(imgSomewhere, "Arbitrary interval somewhere")

# Other forms of extended views:
extendedEmptyView = Views.extendZero(img)
extendedValueView = Views.extendValue(img, 50)

# Find out the pixel type and its min and max values
t = img.randomAccess().get()
min_value = t.getMinValue()  # minimum value for the pixel type
max_value = t.getMaxValue()  # maximum
extendedRandomView = Views.extendRandom(img, min_value, max_value)
imgExtRandom = Views.interval(extendedRandomView, [-width / 2, -height / 2],
                              [width + width / 2, height + height / 2])

IL.show(imgExtRandom, "extended with random noise")
예제 #8
cal = imp.getCalibration()  # in microns

img = IJF.wrap(imp)

# Create a variable of the correct type (UnsignedByteType) for the value-extended view
zero = img.randomAccess().get().createVariable()

# Run the difference of Gaussian
cell = 4.0  # microns in diameter
min_peak = 5.0  # min intensity for a peak to be considered
WhiteBackground = True
if WhiteBackground:
    Type = DogDetection.ExtremaType.MAXIMA
    Type = DogDetection.ExtremaType.MINIMA
dog = DogDetection(Views.extendValue(img, zero), img,
                   [cal.pixelWidth, cal.pixelHeight], cell / 2, cell, Type,
                   min_peak, False, DoubleType())

peaks = dog.getPeaks()

roi = OvalRoi(0, 0, cell / cal.pixelWidth, cell / cal.pixelHeight)

p = zeros(img.numDimensions(), 'i')
overlay = Overlay()
regionpeak = 0
for peak in peaks:

    # Read peak coordinates into an array of integers
for t in img1:
    if 0 != t.getIntegerLong():

for t in img2:
    if 0 != t.getIntegerLong():

# Make both fit within the same window, centered

dims1 = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img1)
dims2 = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img2)
dims3 = [max(a, b) for a, b in izip(dims1, dims2)]

zero = UnsignedByteType(0)
img1E = Views.extendValue(img1, zero)
img2E = Views.extendValue(img2, zero)

img1M = Views.interval(
    img1E, [(dim1 - dim3) / 2 for dim1, dim3 in izip(dims1, dims3)],
    [dim1 + (dim3 - dim1) / 2 - 1 for dim1, dim3 in izip(dims1, dims3)])

img2M = Views.interval(
    img2E, [(dim2 - dim3) / 2 for dim2, dim3 in izip(dims2, dims3)],
    [dim2 + (dim3 - dim2) / 2 - 1 for dim2, dim3 in izip(dims2, dims3)])

IL.show(img1M, "img1M")
IL.show(img2M, "img2M")

# Scale by half (too slow otherwise)  -- ERROR: the smaller one (img1) doesn't remain centered.
s = [0.5 for d in xrange(img1.numDimensions())]
                                                separator )

        coordinateTracker.addVisitor( fitTracker )
        if doRender:
            coordinateTracker.addVisitor( matrixTracker )
            coordinateTracker.addVisitor( floorTracker )
        coordinateTracker.addVisitor( multiplierTracker )
        coordinateTracker.addVisitor( weightsTracker )

        # ImageJFunctions.show( subStrip )

        tf     = StripToMatrix( wholeStrip.dimension(0) / 2 )
        store  = ArrayImgs.doubles( subStrip.dimension( 0 ), subStrip.dimension( 1 ) )
        CopyFromIntervalToInterval.copyToRealType( subStrip, store )
        matrix = Views.interval( TransformView( Views.extendValue( store, DoubleType( Double.NaN ) ), tf ),
                                 FinalInterval( [subStrip.dimension(1), subStrip.dimension(1)] ) )
        # ImageJFunctions.show( matrix )


        # ImageJFunctions.show( subStrip )
        # ImageJFunctions.show( matrix )
        print "adding thread for lower=%d and upper=%d" % (lower, upper)
        t = Thread( target = run, args = ( matrix, startingCoordinates, coordinateTracker, options ) )
        threads.append( t )

    for t in threads: