def generateInitialProfileWRF(fstr): wrfout = ncdf('%s' % (fstr)) hgt = wrfout.variables['HGT'][0,:,:] wlat,wlon = wrfdict.latlon(wrfout) z,zs = wrfdict.getheight(wrfout) dx = wrfout.DX ; dy = wrfout.DY u = wrfdict.unstagger3d(wrfout.variables['U'][0,:,:,:],2) v = wrfdict.unstagger3d(wrfout.variables['V'][0,:,:,:],1) w = wrfdict.unstagger3d(wrfout.variables['W'][0,:,:,:],0) T = wrfout.variables['T'][0,:,:,:]+300.0 avgu = np.mean(np.mean(u,axis=2),axis=1) avgv = np.mean(np.mean(v,axis=2),axis=1) avgw = np.mean(np.mean(w,axis=2),axis=1) avgT = np.mean(np.mean(T,axis=2),axis=1) avgzs = np.mean(np.mean(zs,axis=2),axis=1) avgu = np.append(np.zeros(1),avgu) avgv = np.append(np.zeros(1),avgv) avgw = np.append(np.zeros(1),avgw) avgT = np.append(avgT[0],avgT) avgzs = np.append(np.zeros(1),avgzs) nz = np.shape(avgzs)[0] return avgzs,avgu,avgv,avgw,avgT
def getvar(self, var, domain, datestr): ''' Read variable form netCDF file and return array ''' # define and load input file input_fn = var + '_d0' + str(domain) + '_' + datestr input_file = os.path.join(self.rundir, input_fn) ncfile = ncdf(input_file, 'r') # read variable and close netCDF file tmp = ncfile.variables[var][:] ncfile.close() return tmp
def timesteps_wrfout(wrfout): ''' return a list of timesteps (as datetime objects) in a wrfout file Input variables: - wrfout: path to a wrfout file ''' from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncdf from datetime import timedelta check_file_exists(wrfout) # check if wrfout file exists # read time information from wrfout file ncfile = ncdf(wrfout, format='NETCDF4') # minutes since start of simulation, rounded to 1 decimal float tvar = [round(nc, 0) for nc in ncfile.variables['XTIME'][:]] ncfile.close() # get start date from wrfout filename time_string = wrfout[-19:-6] start_time = return_validate(time_string) # times in netcdf file time_steps = [start_time + timedelta(minutes=step) for step in tvar] return time_steps
def timesteps_wrfout(wrfout): ''' return a list of timesteps (as datetime objects) in a wrfout file Input variables: - wrfout: path to a wrfout file ''' from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncdf from datetime import timedelta check_file_exists(wrfout) # check if wrfout file exists # read time information from wrfout file ncfile = ncdf(wrfout, format='NETCDF4') # minutes since start of simulation, rounded to 1 decimal float tvar = [round(nc,0) for nc in ncfile.variables['XTIME'][:]] ncfile.close() # get start date from wrfout filename time_string = wrfout[-19:-6] start_time = return_validate(time_string) # times in netcdf file time_steps = [start_time + timedelta(minutes=step) for step in tvar] return time_steps
cdict = {'red': reds, 'green': greens, 'blue': blues} return clr.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 256) if __name__ == '__main__': # import packages for basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncdf # setting fig size fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) # calling the netCDF of ndvi nc = ncdf('') # setting variables for basemap lat = nc.variables['lat'][:] lon = nc.variables['lon'][:] elv = nc.variables['elv'][:] lon,lat = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) # setting up the basemap object m = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=lat.min(),urcrnrlat=lat.max(),\ llcrnrlon=lon.min(),urcrnrlon=lon.max(),lat_ts=28.125,\ resolution='c') # plotting the lat and lon coordinates to Basemap projection x,y = m(lon,lat)
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncdf import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime ############## # part 1 ############## # setting figure size fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) # calling the netCDF of ndvi nc = ncdf('') # setting variables time = nc.variables['time'][:] lat = nc.variables['lat'][:] lon = nc.variables['lon'][:] soilm = nc.variables['w150'][599, 0, :, :] lon,lat = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) # setting up the basemap object m = Basemap(projection='laea', width=12000000,\ height=8000000, resolution='c', lat_ts=50., lat_0=50.,\ lon_0=-100.) # plotting the lat and lon coordinates to Basemap projection x,y = m(lon,lat)
def write_WRF_to_NCDF(lat,lon,datadir,outputfile,dom=1, prefix='wrfout_d{:02d}_*00'): """ What it does: Given a WRF file and a lat/lon pair, several surface variables and profiles will be extracted and written to a new file. Who made it: [email protected] When: 2/4/19 """ # Find all wrfout_d0X files to loop over. Expects 1 time per file wrfoutf = sorted(glob(os.path.join(datadir,prefix.format(dom)))) nt = len(wrfoutf) # Number of times # Initialize time-series variables; pblh = np.zeros((nt)); ustr = np.zeros((nt)) u10 = np.zeros((nt)); v10 = np.zeros((nt)) T2 = np.zeros((nt)); TH2 = np.zeros((nt)) swdwn = np.zeros((nt)); psfc = np.zeros((nt)) time = np.zeros((nt)); wdate = np.zeros((nt)) hfx = np.zeros((nt)) # - - - WRF Data - - - for cc,ff in enumerate(wrfoutf): # Loop over all WRF files wrfout = ncdf(ff) year,month,day,hour = wrfdict.wrf_times_to_hours(wrfout) # Finds the WRF time wdate[cc] = year*10000 + month*100 + day # Generates an integer in form YYYMMDD time[cc] = hour if cc == 0: # Initialize 2D vars and gather necessary variables poii, poij = wrfdict.latlon_to_ij(wrfout,lat,lon) # i,j location closest to given lat/lon z,zs = wrfdict.get_height_at_ind(wrfout,poij,poii) # Get z values at location nz = len(zs) # number of heights height = zs[:] # tower heights # Initialize 2D variables u = np.zeros((nt,nz)) v = np.zeros((nt,nz)) w = np.zeros((nt,nz)) T = np.zeros((nt,nz)) P = np.zeros((nt,nz)) Q = np.zeros((nt,nz)) # Load variables from WRF file hfx[cc] = wrfout.variables['HFX'][0,poij,poii] pblh[cc] = wrfout.variables['PBLH'][0,poij,poii] psfc[cc] = wrfout.variables['PSFC'][0,poij,poii] ustr[cc] = wrfout.variables['UST'][0,poij,poii] u10[cc] = wrfout.variables['U10'][0,poij,poii] v10[cc] = wrfout.variables['V10'][0,poij,poii] T2[cc] = wrfout.variables['T2'][0,poij,poii] TH2[cc] = wrfout.variables['TH2'][0,poij,poii] swdwn[cc] = wrfout.variables['SWDOWN'][0,poij,poii] # U and V need to be interpolated to cell-center u[cc] = wrfdict.unstagger(wrfout.variables['U'][0,:,poij,poii-1:poii+1],ax=1)[:,0] v[cc] = wrfdict.unstagger(wrfout.variables['V'][0,:,poij-1:poij+1,poii],ax=1)[:,0] # W needs to be unstaggered in the vertical direction ws = wrfout.variables['W'][0,:,poij,poii] w[cc] = (ws[1:] + ws[:-1])*0.5 # T is perturbation temp... need to add 300.0 K T[cc] = wrfout.variables['T'][0,:,poij,poii]+300.0 # Pressure is perturbation + base P[cc] = wrfout.variables['P'][0,:,poij,poii]+wrfout.variables['PB'][0,:,poij,poii] # Mixing ratio of water vapor Q[cc] = wrfout.variables['QVAPOR'][0,:,poij,poii] # Write new NetCDF file newncdf = ncdf(outputfile.format(dom),'w',format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC') # Create time and height dimensions newncdf.createDimension('NZ',nz) newncdf.createDimension('time',nt) # Set global values newncdf.location = '({:f}, {:f})'.format( wrfout.variables['XLAT'][0,poij,poii], wrfout.variables['XLONG'][0,poij,poii]) newncdf.elevation = '{:f} m'.format(wrfout.variables['HGT'][0,poij,poii]) newncdf.description = \ 'Extracted using mmctools.wrf.extract on {:s} from wrfout files located at {:s}'.format( str(,datadir) # Create new variables times = newncdf.createVariable('Time',np.float64, ('time',)) dates = newncdf.createVariable('Date',np.float64, ('time',)) hgts = newncdf.createVariable('Height',np.float64, ('NZ',)) hfxo = newncdf.createVariable('HFX',np.float64, ('time',)) pblho = newncdf.createVariable('PBLH',np.float64, ('time',)) psfco = newncdf.createVariable('PSFC',np.float64, ('time',)) ustro = newncdf.createVariable('USTAR',np.float64, ('time',)) u10o = newncdf.createVariable('U10',np.float64, ('time',)) v10o = newncdf.createVariable('V10',np.float64, ('time',)) T2o = newncdf.createVariable('T2',np.float64, ('time',)) TH2o = newncdf.createVariable('TH2',np.float64, ('time',)) swdwno = newncdf.createVariable('SWDOWN',np.float64, ('time',)) uout = newncdf.createVariable('U',np.float64, ('time','NZ',)) vout = newncdf.createVariable('V',np.float64, ('time','NZ',)) wout = newncdf.createVariable('W',np.float64, ('time','NZ',)) Tout = newncdf.createVariable('T',np.float64, ('time','NZ',)) Pout = newncdf.createVariable('P',np.float64, ('time','NZ',)) Qout = newncdf.createVariable('Q',np.float64, ('time','NZ',)) # Assign data to new variables times[:] = time dates[:] = wdate hgts[:] = height hfxo[:] = hfx pblho[:] = pblh psfco[:] = psfc ustro[:] = ustr u10o[:] = u10 v10o[:] = v10 T2o[:] = T2 TH2o[:] = TH2 swdwno[:] = swdwn uout[:] = u vout[:] = v wout[:] = w Tout[:] = T Pout[:] = P Qout[:] = Q # Write and close the new NetCDF file newncdf.close()
def write_combined_data_netcdf(data, stationid, lon, lat, elevation): ''' description ''' from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncdf import netcdftime from datetime import datetime from dateutil import tz from numpy import zeros from numpy import nan as npnan from numpy import dtype import time ncfile = ncdf('output'+str(stationid)+'.nc', 'w', format='NETCDF4') # description of the file ncfile.description = 'KNMI ' + str(stationid) ncfile.history = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time()) # create time dimension timevar = ncfile.createDimension('time', None) # create lon/lat dimensions lonvar = ncfile.createDimension('longitude', 1) latvar = ncfile.createDimension('latitude', 1) # elevation elvar = ncfile.createDimension('elevation', 1) # inititalize time axis timeaxis = [int(round(netcdftime.date2num(data['datetime'][idx], units='minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='gregorian'))) for idx in range(0,len(data['datetime']))] # netcdf time variable UTC timevar = ncfile.createVariable('time', 'i4', ('time',), zlib=True) timevar[:] = timeaxis timevar.units = 'minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00' timevar.calendar = 'gregorian' timevar.standard_name = 'time' timevar.long_name = 'time in UTC' # lon/lat variables lonvar = ncfile.createVariable('longitude',dtype('float32').char,('longitude',)) lonvar.units = 'degrees_east' lonvar.axis = 'X' lonvar.standard_name = 'longitude' lonvar[:] = lon latvar = ncfile.createVariable('latitude',dtype('float32').char,('latitude',)) latvar.units = 'degrees_north' latvar.axis = 'Y' latvar.standard_name = 'latitude' latvar[:] = lat # elevation variable elvar = ncfile.createVariable('elevation', dtype('float32').char, ('elevation',)) elvar.units = 'meter' elvar.axis = 'Z' elvar.standard_name = 'elevation' elvar[:] = elevation # create other variables in netcdf file for variable in data.keys(): if variable not in ['YYYMMDD', 'Time', '<br>', 'datetime', '# STN', None]: # add variables in netcdf file # convert strings to npnan if array contains numbers if True in [is_number(c) for c in data[variable]]: data[variable] = [npnan if isinstance( fitem(c), str) else fitem(c) for c in data[ variable]] # check if variable is a string if not isinstance(data[variable][1], str): # fill variable variableName = variable values = ncfile.createVariable( variableName, type(data[variable][1]), ('time',), zlib=True, fill_value=-999) else: # string variables cannot have fill_value values = ncfile.createVariable( variable, type(data[variable][1]), ('time',), zlib=True) try: # fill variable values[:] = data[variable][:] except IndexError: # for strings the syntax is slightly different values = data[variable][:]
if smoothed: smooth_str = 'smooth' else: smooth_str = 'raw' if (new_data != 'OVERWRITE') and (new_data != 'FILL'): new_file = '{}{}/{}'.format(new_dir, smooth_str, met_file.split('/')[-1]) else: new_file = '{}{}'.format(new_dir, met_file.split('/')[-1]) print(new_file) if path.exists(new_file): print('skipping...') else: met = ncdf(met_file, 'r') m_lat = met.variables['XLAT_M'][0, :, :] m_lon = met.variables['XLONG_M'][0, :, :] if reanalysis == 'GFS': m_sst = met.variables['SKINTEMP'][0, :, :] else: m_sst = met.variables['SST'][0, :, :] m_mask = met.variables['LANDMASK'][0, :, :] met_timeb = met.variables['Times'][:].data[0] met_dx = met.DX met_dy = met.DY met.close() # if reanalysis != 'ERA5': #if new_data != 'OVERWRITE':
pblh = np.zeros((nt)) ustr = np.zeros((nt)) u10 = np.zeros((nt)) v10 = np.zeros((nt)) T2 = np.zeros((nt)) TH2 = np.zeros((nt)) swdwn = np.zeros((nt)) psfc = np.zeros((nt)) time = np.zeros((nt)) wdate = np.zeros((nt)) hfx = np.zeros((nt)) # - - - WRF Data - - - cc = 0 # Start counter for ff in wrfoutf: # Loop over all WRF files wrfout = ncdf(ff) year, month, day, hour = wrfdict.wrftimes2hours( wrfout) # Finds the WRF time wdate[ cc] = year * 10000 + month * 100 + day # Generates an integer in form YYYMMDD time[cc] = hour if cc == 0: # Initialize 2D vars and gather necessary variables poii, poij = wrfdict.latlon2ij(wrfout, stnlat, stnlon) # i,j location # closest to given lat/lon z, zs = wrfdict.getheightloc(wrfout, poij, poii) # Get z values at location nz = np.shape(zs)[0] # number of heights height = zs[:, poij, poii] # tower heights # Initialize 2D variables u = np.zeros((nt, nz)) v = np.zeros((nt, nz))
def archive(self): ''' archive standard output files ''' # loop over all domains for domain in range(1, self.ndoms + 1): # get lat/lon information from wrfout datestr_fn = self.startdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') wrfout_n = 'wrfout_d0' + str(domain) + '_' + datestr_fn wrfout = ncdf(os.path.join(self.rundir, wrfout_n), 'r') lat = wrfout.variables['XLAT'][:] lon = wrfout.variables['XLONG'][:] lat_u = wrfout.variables['XLAT_U'][:] lon_u = wrfout.variables['XLONG_U'][:] lat_v = wrfout.variables['XLAT_V'][:] lon_v = wrfout.variables['XLONG_V'][:] frc_urb = wrfout.variables['FRC_URB2D'][:] wrfout.close() # iterate over all variables that need to be archived for var in (self.hour_var + self.minute_var): print(var) output_fn = (var + '_d0' + str(domain) + '_' + datestr_fn + '.nc') output_file = os.path.join(self.archivedir, output_fn) for cdate in pandas.date_range(self.startdate, self.enddate, freq='2H')[:-1]: datestr_in = cdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') if not var == 'TC2M_URB': tmp = self.getvar(var, domain, datestr_in) else: # compute TC2M_URB from T2, TP2M_URB and FRC_URB2D # load required variables tp2m_urb = self.getvar('TP2M_URB', domain, datestr_in) # set non-urban points to NaN instead of 0 tp2m_urb[tp2m_urb == 0] = np.nan t2 = self.getvar('T2', domain, datestr_in) # compute tc2m_urb tmp = (t2 - (1 - frc_urb) * tp2m_urb) / frc_urb # compute spatial filtered variant tmpF = (self.spatial_filter(t2) - (1 - frc_urb) * self.spatial_filter(tp2m_urb)) / frc_urb # overwrite outer edges of domain with original data tmpF[:, 0, :] = tmp[:, 0, :] tmpF[:, -1, :] = tmp[:, -1, :] tmpF[:, :, 0] = tmp[:, :, 0] tmpF[:, :, -1] = tmp[:, :, -1] # difference between filtered/unfiltered diff = np.abs(tmp - tmpF) # replace points in tmp where diff>1 with tmpF tmp[diff > 1] = tmpF[diff > 1] # set NaN to 0 in tc2m_urb tmp[np.isnan(tmp)] = 0 # combine steps from input files if var in self.deac_var: # need to deaccumulate this variable try: output = np.vstack((output, np.diff(tmp, axis=0))) except NameError: output = np.vstack((tmp[0, :][np.newaxis, :], np.diff(tmp, axis=0))) else: # variable only needs appending try: output = np.vstack((output, tmp[1:])) except NameError: output = tmp # find number of dimensions (3d/4d variable) dim = np.ndim(tmp) del tmp # cleanup # define time variable in output file if (var in self.minute_var) and (domain == self.ndoms): # minute variable in inner domain => minute output dt = pandas.date_range(self.startdate, self.enddate, freq='1min')[:] else: # else hourly output dt = pandas.date_range(self.startdate, self.enddate, freq='1H')[:] # write netcdf outfile if var == 'U': self.write_netcdf(var, output, lat_u, lon_u, dt, dim, output_file) elif var == 'V': self.write_netcdf(var, output, lat_v, lon_v, dt, dim, output_file) else: self.write_netcdf(var, output, lat, lon, dt, dim, output_file) del output
def write_netcdf(self, var, inpdata, lat, lon, dt, dim, outfile): ''' Write netcdf output file ''' # open output file ncfile = ncdf(outfile, 'w') # create dimensions and variables if dim == 3: ncfile.createDimension('time', len(dt)) ncfile.createDimension('south_north', np.shape(inpdata)[1]) ncfile.createDimension('west_east', np.shape(inpdata)[2]) data = ncfile.createVariable(var, 'f4', ('time', 'south_north', 'west_east',), zlib=True, fill_value=-999) elif dim == 4: ncfile.createDimension('time', len(dt)) ncfile.createDimension('bottom_top', np.shape(inpdata)[1]) ncfile.createDimension('south_north', np.shape(inpdata)[2]) ncfile.createDimension('west_east', np.shape(inpdata)[3]) data = ncfile.createVariable(var, 'f4', ('time', 'bottom_top', 'south_north', 'west_east',), zlib=True, fill_value=-999) data1 = ncfile.createVariable('latitude', 'f4', ('south_north', 'west_east',), zlib=True) data2 = ncfile.createVariable('longitude', 'f4', ('south_north', 'west_east',), zlib=True) timevar = ncfile.createVariable('time', 'f4', ('time',), zlib=True) # time axis UTC dt = [date2num(d.to_datetime(), units='minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='gregorian') for d in dt] # define attributes timevar.units = 'minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00' timevar.calendar = 'gregorian' timevar.standard_name = 'time' timevar.long_name = 'time in UTC' data1.units = 'degree_east' data1.standard_name = 'longitude' data1.FieldType = 104 data1.description = "longitude, west is negative" data1.MemoryOrder = "XY" data1.coordinates = "lon lat" data2.units = 'degree_north' data2.standard_name = 'latitude' data2.description = 'latitude, south is negative' data2.FieldType = 104 data2.MemoryOrder = "XY" data2.coordinates = "lon lat" try: data[:] = inpdata[:] except IndexError: raise # lat/lon should be a static field try: data1[:] = lat[0, :] data2[:] = lon[0, :] except IndexError: raise timevar[:] = dt # Add global attributes ncfile.history = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time()) ncfile.close()
def createNewNetCDF(fname,dimnames,dims,ncformat='NETCDF4_CLASSIC'): newncdf = ncdf(fname,'w',format=ncformat) for dd,dim in enumerate(dimnames): newncdf.createDimension(dim,dims[dd]) return newncdf
def write_netcdf(self, filename, data, lon, lat, elevation): ''' write data to netcdf file ''' # write time, longitude, latitude, elevation ncfile = ncdf(filename, 'w', format='NETCDF4') # description of the file ncfile.description = 'UK METOFF ' ncfile.history = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time()) # create time dimension timevar = ncfile.createDimension('time', None) # create lon/lat dimensions lonvar = ncfile.createDimension('longitude', 1) latvar = ncfile.createDimension('latitude', 1) elevar = ncfile.createDimension('elevation', 1) # inititalize time axis timevar = ncfile.createVariable('time', 'i4', ('time', ), zlib=True) timevar.units = 'minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00' timevar.calendar = 'gregorian' timevar.standard_name = 'time' timevar.long_name = 'time in UTC' # lon/lat variables lonvar = ncfile.createVariable('longitude', 'float32', ('longitude', )) lonvar.units = 'degrees_east' lonvar.axis = 'X' lonvar.standard_name = 'longitude' latvar = ncfile.createVariable('latitude', 'float32', ('latitude', )) latvar.units = 'degrees_north' latvar.axis = 'Y' latvar.standard_name = 'latitude' # elevation elevar = ncfile.createVariable('elevation', 'i4', ('elevation', )) elevar.units = 'meter' elevar.standard_name = 'elevation' timeaxis = [ int( round( date2num(data['datetime'][idx], units='minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='gregorian'))) for idx in range(0, len(data['datetime'])) ] timevar[:] = timeaxis lonvar[:] = lon latvar[:] = lat elevar[:] = elevation # create other variables in netcdf file for variable in data.keys(): if variable not in [ 'YYYMMDD', 'Time', '<br>', 'datetime', '# STN', None ]: # add variables in netcdf file # convert strings to npnan if array contains numbers if True in [is_number(c) for c in data[variable]]: data[variable] = [ npnan if isinstance(fitem(c), str) else fitem(c) for c in data[variable] ] data[variable] = ma.masked_array(data[variable], mask=pd.isnull( data[variable])) # check if variable is a string try: if not isinstance(data[variable][~data[variable].mask][0], str): try: # fill variable variableName = variable values = ncfile.createVariable( variableName, type(data[variable][~data[variable].mask][0]), ('time', ), zlib=True, fill_value=-999) except TypeError: continue else: # string variables cannot have fill_value try: values = ncfile.createVariable( variable, type(data[variable][~data[variable].mask][0]), ('time', ), zlib=True) except TypeError: continue except IndexError: continue try: # fill variable values[:] = data[variable][:] except IndexError: # for strings the syntax is slightly different values = data[variable][:] #self.fill_attribute_data() except UnboundLocalError: continue except TypeError: values = data[variable][:] ncfile.close()
def write_combined_data_netcdf(self, data, stationid, lon, lat, elevation): ''' description ''' from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncdf import netcdftime from datetime import datetime from dateutil import tz from numpy import zeros from numpy import nan as npnan from numpy import dtype import time ncfile = ncdf(os.path.join( self.outputdir, 'output' + "".join(str(stationid).split()) + '.nc'), 'w', format='NETCDF4') # description of the file ncfile.description = 'KNMI ' + str(stationid) ncfile.history = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time()) # create time dimension timevar = ncfile.createDimension('time', None) # create lon/lat dimensions lonvar = ncfile.createDimension('longitude', 1) latvar = ncfile.createDimension('latitude', 1) # elevation elvar = ncfile.createDimension('elevation', 1) # inititalize time axis timeaxis = [ int( round( date2num(data['datetime'][idx], units='minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='gregorian'))) for idx in range(0, len(data['datetime'])) ] # netcdf time variable UTC timevar = ncfile.createVariable('time', 'i4', ('time', ), zlib=True) timevar[:] = timeaxis timevar.units = 'minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00' timevar.calendar = 'gregorian' timevar.standard_name = 'time' timevar.long_name = 'time in UTC' # lon/lat variables lonvar = ncfile.createVariable('longitude', dtype('float32').char, ('longitude', )) lonvar.units = 'degrees_east' lonvar.axis = 'X' lonvar.standard_name = 'longitude' lonvar[:] = lon latvar = ncfile.createVariable('latitude', dtype('float32').char, ('latitude', )) latvar.units = 'degrees_north' latvar.axis = 'Y' latvar.standard_name = 'latitude' latvar[:] = lat # elevation variable elvar = ncfile.createVariable('elevation', dtype('float32').char, ('elevation', )) elvar.units = 'meter' elvar.axis = 'Z' elvar.standard_name = 'elevation' elvar[:] = elevation # create other variables in netcdf file for variable in data.keys(): if variable not in [ 'YYYMMDD', 'Time', '<br>', 'datetime', '# STN', None ]: # add variables in netcdf file # convert strings to npnan if array contains numbers if True in [is_number(c) for c in data[variable]]: data[variable] = [ npnan if isinstance(fitem(c), str) else fitem(c) for c in data[variable] ] data[variable] = ma.masked_array(data[variable], mask=pd.isnull( data[variable])) try: # check if variable is a string if not isinstance(data[variable][~data[variable].mask][0], str): try: # fill variable variableName = variable values = ncfile.createVariable( variableName, type(data[variable][~data[variable].mask][0]), ('time', ), zlib=True, fill_value=-999) except TypeError: continue else: # string variables cannot have fill_value try: values = ncfile.createVariable( variable, type(data[variable][~data[variable].mask][0]), ('time', ), zlib=True) except TypeError: continue except IndexError: continue try: # fill variable values[:] = data[variable][:] except IndexError: # for strings the syntax is slightly different values = data[variable][:] #self.fill_attribute_data() except UnboundLocalError: continue except TypeError: values = data[variable][:] ncfile.close()
def write_combined_data_netcdf(self): ncfile = ncdf(self.outputfile, 'w', format='NETCDF4') # description of the file ncfile.description = 'Hobby meteorologists data ' + self.inputdir ncfile.history = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time()) # create time dimension timevar = ncfile.createDimension('time', None) # create time variable local time Europe/Amsterdam timeaxisLocal = zeros(len([self.dateUTCstring][1:])) # define UTC and local time-zone (hardcoded) from_zone = tz.gettz('UTC') to_zone = tz.gettz('Europe/Amsterdam') # convert time string to datetime object for idx in range(1, len([self.dateUTCstring])): # define time object from string timeObject = datetime.strptime([self.dateUTCstring][idx], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # tell timeObject that it is in UTC timeObject = timeObject.replace(tzinfo=from_zone) # time axis UTC try: timeaxis = npappend(timeaxis, ncdf_date2num( timeObject.replace(tzinfo=None), units='minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='gregorian')) except NameError: timeaxis = ncdf_date2num( timeObject.replace(tzinfo=None), units='minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='gregorian') # netcdf time variable UTC timevar = ncfile.createVariable('time', 'i4', ('time',), zlib=True) timevar[:] = timeaxis timevar.units = 'minutes since 2010-01-01 00:00:00' timevar.calendar = 'gregorian' timevar.standard_name = 'time' timevar.long_name = 'time in UTC' # write lon/lat variables if available if (( and (self.lon)): lonvar = ncfile.createDimension('longitude', 1) lonvar = ncfile.createVariable('longitude', 'float32',('longitude',)) lonvar.units = 'degrees_east' lonvar.axis = 'X' lonvar.standard_name = 'longitude' lonvar[:] = self.lon latvar = ncfile.createDimension('latitude', 1) latvar = ncfile.createVariable('latitude', 'float32',('latitude',)) latvar.units = 'degrees_north' latvar.axis = 'Y' latvar.standard_name = 'latitude' latvar[:] = # create other variables in netcdf file for self.variable in if self.variable not in [self.dateUTCstring, 'Time', '<br>', None]: # add variables in netcdf file # convert strings to npnan if array contains numbers if True in [utils.is_number(c) for c in[self.variable]]:[self.variable] = [npnan if isinstance( utils.fitem(c), str) else utils.fitem(c) for c in[ self.variable]] # check if variable is a string if not isinstance([self.variable][1], str): # fill variable if self.variable == 'SolarRadiationWatts/m^2': #variableName = 'SolarRadiation' continue elif ((self.variable == 'TemperatureC') or (self.variable == 'TemperatureF')): variableName = 'temperature' else: variableName = self.variable self.values = ncfile.createVariable( variableName, type([self.variable][1]), ('time',), zlib=True, fill_value=-999) else: # string variables cannot have fill_value self.values = ncfile.createVariable( self.variable, type([self.variable][1]), ('time',), zlib=True) # TODO: km/h->m/s ?? try: # fill variable if not self.variable in ['TemperatureC', 'TemperatureF']: self.values[:] =[self.variable][1:] elif self.variable == 'TemperatureC': self.values[:] = 273.15 + nparray([self.variable][1:]) elif self.variable == 'TemperatureF': self.values[:] = (nparray([self.variable][1:]) - 32.)/1.8 except IndexError: # for strings the syntax is slightly different self.values =[self.variable][1:] self.fill_attribute_data() ncfile.close()