def integrate(p0, R0, pdot0, om0, t_out): ''' integrate Newton-Euler equations, then integrate kinematics t_out = times at which to return states ''' # setup t0 = t_out[0] tf_out = t_out[-1] n_t_out = t_out.size # integration times dt = .001 t = np.arange(t0, tf_out + dt, dt) # tf_out+dt: make sure tf_out is included tf = t[-1] n_t = t.size # integrate newton-euler (state is pdot & om) pdot_om0 = np.concatenate((pdot0, om0)) sol = sp.integrate.solve_ivp(newton_euler, (t0, tf), pdot_om0, method='RK45', t_eval=t) pdot_om = sol.y pdot = pdot_om[:3, :] om = pdot_om[3:, :] # 1st-order forward Euler integration of kinematics to get p and R p = np.full((3, n_t), np.nan) R = np.full((3, 3, n_t), np.nan) p[:, 0] = p0 R[:, :, 0] = R0 for i in range(1, n_t): p[:, i] = p[:, i - 1] + dt * pdot[:, i - 1] R[:, :, i] = R[:, :, i - 1] @ so3.exp(so3.cross(dt * om[:, i - 1])) # get tangent space representation of R so we can interpolate s = np.full((3, n_t), np.nan) for i in range(n_t): s[:, i] = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R[:, :, i])) # interpolate t values using state x=(p,s,v,om) x = np.concatenate((p, s, pdot, om), axis=0) interp_fun = sp.interpolate.interp1d(t, x) x_out = interp_fun(t_out) # get x values p_out = x_out[:3, :] s_out = x_out[3:6, :] pdot_out = x_out[6:9, :] om_out = x_out[9:, :] # convert tangent space s back into rotations R_out = np.full((3, 3, n_t_out), np.nan) for i in range(n_t_out): R_out[:, :, i] = so3.exp(so3.cross(s_out[:, i])) return p_out, R_out, pdot_out, om_out
def conversion_and_error(t, p, R, pdot, om, p_filt, R_filt, pdot_filt, om_filt, p_meas, R_meas, COV_XX_ALL, save_dir): # determine n_ims n_ims = p.shape[1] # translation: convert to cm p *= conv.m_to_cm p_meas *= conv.m_to_cm p_filt *= conv.m_to_cm pdot *= conv.m_to_cm pdot_filt *= conv.m_to_cm # translation: errors p_err_filt = np.linalg.norm(p_filt - p, axis=0) p_err_meas = np.linalg.norm(p_meas - p, axis=0) # rotation: errors R_err_filt = np.full(n_ims, np.nan) R_err_meas = np.full(n_ims, np.nan) s_err_filt = np.full((3,n_ims), np.nan) for j in range(n_ims): R_err_filt[j] = so3.geodesic_distance(R[:,:,j], R_filt[:,:,j]) s_err_filt[:,j] = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R[:,:,j].T @ R_filt[:,:,j])) R_err_meas[j] = so3.geodesic_distance(R[:,:,j], R_meas[:,:,j]) # rotation: convert to degrees R_err_filt *= conv.rad_to_deg R_err_meas *= conv.rad_to_deg s_err_filt *= conv.rad_to_deg om *= conv.rad_to_deg om_filt *= conv.rad_to_deg # translation and rotation: convert covariance p_unit_vec = np.tile(conv.m_to_cm, 6) R_unit_vec = np.tile(conv.rad_to_deg, 6) unit_vec = np.block([p_unit_vec, R_unit_vec]) UNIT_MAT = np.diag(unit_vec) COV_XX_ALL_OLD = np.copy(COV_XX_ALL) for i in range(n_ims): COV_XX_ALL[:,:,i] = UNIT_MAT @ COV_XX_ALL[:,:,i] @ UNIT_MAT # save to file filter_results_npz = os.path.join(save_dir, 'filter_results.npz') np.savez(filter_results_npz, t=t, p=p, R=R, pdot=pdot, om=om, p_meas=p_meas, R_meas=R_meas, p_err_meas=p_err_meas, R_err_meas=R_err_meas, p_filt=p_filt, R_filt=R_filt, pdot_filt=pdot_filt, om_filt=om_filt, p_err_filt=p_err_filt, R_err_filt=R_err_filt, s_err_filt=s_err_filt, COV_XX_ALL=COV_XX_ALL)
def filter(p0_hat, R0_hat, pdot0_hat, om0_hat, COV_xx_0_hat, COV_ww, COV_vv, U, P_MEAS, R_MEAS, dt): ''' Unscented Filter from Section 3.7 of Optimal Estimation of Dynamic Systems (2nd ed.) by Crassidis & Junkins ''' # system constants alpha = 1e-2 beta = 2 kappa = 2 n = 12 n_w = COV_ww.shape[0] n_v = COV_vv.shape[0] n_t = P_MEAS.shape[1] # number of time points n_y = 6 # constants L = n + n_w + n_v # size of augmented state lam = (alpha**2) * (L + kappa) - L # eq. 3.256 gam = np.sqrt(L + lam) # eq. 3.255 # weights W_mean = np.full(2 * L + 1, np.nan) W_cov = np.full(2 * L + 1, np.nan) W_mean[0] = lam / (L + lam) W_cov[0] = W_mean[0] + (1 - alpha**2 + beta) W_mean[1:] = 1 / (2 * (L + lam)) W_cov[1:] = 1 / (2 * (L + lam)) # create arrays for saving values in the for loop P_HAT = np.full((3, n_t), np.nan) R_HAT = np.full((3, 3, n_t), np.nan) PDOT_HAT = np.full((3, n_t), np.nan) OM_HAT = np.full((3, n_t), np.nan) COV_XX_ALL = np.full((n, n, n_t), np.nan) Y_HAT = np.full((n_y, 2 * L + 1), np.nan) # y_hat^(i) for i=0,...,2L # fill arraysw with initial estimates P_HAT[:, 0] = p0_hat R_HAT[:, :, 0] = R0_hat PDOT_HAT[:, 0] = pdot0_hat OM_HAT[:, 0] = om0_hat s0_hat = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # initialize variables to be used in for loop x_hat = np.block([p0_hat, s0_hat, pdot0_hat, om0_hat]) x_hat = x_hat[:, np.newaxis] COV_xx = COV_xx_0_hat R_hat = R0_hat # iterate over all time points for i in range(1, n_t): # load control and measurement at time i u = U[:, i] s_meas = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_hat.T @ R_MEAS[:, :, i])) # eq. 5 y = np.block([P_MEAS[:, i], s_meas]) y = y[:, np.newaxis] # cross-correlations (usually zero, see Crassidis after eq. 3.252) COV_xw = np.full((n, n_w), 0.0) COV_xv = np.full((n, n_v), 0.0) COV_wv = np.full((n_w, n_v), 0.0) # sigma points COV_chi = np.block([[COV_xx, COV_xw, COV_xv], [COV_xw.T, COV_ww, COV_wv], [COV_xv.T, COV_wv.T, COV_vv]]) M = gam * np.linalg.cholesky( COV_chi) # returns L such that COV_chi = L @ L.T sig = np.block([M, -M]) chi_hat_pls = np.block([[x_hat], [np.zeros((n_w + n_v, 1))]]) CHI_HAT = np.block([chi_hat_pls, chi_hat_pls + sig ]) # all chi_hat^(i) for i=0,...,2L X_HAT = CHI_HAT[:n, :] # all x_hat^(i) for i=0,...,2L W_HAT = CHI_HAT[n:n + n_w, :] # all w_hat^(i) for i=0,...,2L V_HAT = CHI_HAT[n + n_w:, :] # all v_hat^(i) for i=0,...,2L # iteration (over all sigma points) for k in range(2 * L + 1): # dynamics om_k = X_HAT[9:, k] R_k = R_hat @ so3.exp(so3.cross(X_HAT[3:6, k])) p_new, R_new, v_new, om_new = f(X_HAT[:3, k], R_k, X_HAT[6:9, k], om_k, W_HAT[:, k], u, dt) s_new = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_hat.T @ R_new)) X_HAT[:, k] = np.block([p_new, s_new, v_new, om_new]) # measurement p_meas, R_meas = h(p_new, R_new, u, V_HAT[:, k]) s_meas = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_hat.T @ R_meas)) Y_HAT[:, k] = np.block([p_meas, s_meas]) # predictions x_hat = np.sum(W_mean * X_HAT, axis=1) x_hat = x_hat[:, np.newaxis] COV_xx = W_cov * (X_HAT - x_hat) @ (X_HAT - x_hat).T # COV_xx minus y_hat = np.sum(W_mean * Y_HAT, axis=1) # eq. 2.262 y_hat = y_hat[:, np.newaxis] # covariances COV_yy = W_cov * (Y_HAT - y_hat) @ (Y_HAT - y_hat).T COV_xy = W_cov * (X_HAT - x_hat) @ (Y_HAT - y_hat).T # update e = y - y_hat # eq. 3.250 K = COV_xy @ np.linalg.inv(COV_yy) # eq. 3.251 x_hat = x_hat + K @ e # eq. 3.249a COV_xx = COV_xx - K @ COV_yy @ K.T # eq. 3.249b # rotation R_hat = R_hat @ so3.exp(so3.cross(x_hat[3:6].ravel())) x_hat[3:6] = 0 # save values P_HAT[:, i] = x_hat[:3].ravel() R_HAT[:, :, i] = R_hat PDOT_HAT[:, i] = x_hat[6:9].ravel() OM_HAT[:, i] = x_hat[9:].ravel() COV_XX_ALL[:, :, i] = COV_xx return P_HAT, R_HAT, PDOT_HAT, OM_HAT, COV_XX_ALL
def plot_velocities(): # load results from file dat = np.load(filter_results_npz) t = dat['t'] pdot = dat['pdot'] pdot_filt = dat['pdot_filt'] om = dat['om'] om_filt = dat['om_filt'] # errors over time pdot_err = np.abs(pdot_filt - pdot) om_err = np.abs(om_filt - om) # setup pp.figure() pp.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=.65) # velocity sp1 = pp.subplot(2,1,1) sp1.set_title('translational velocity errors', fontsize=title_font_size) sp1.plot(t, pdot_err[0,:], 'y', label='$| \hat{\dot{p}}_1 - \dot{p}_1 |$') sp1.plot(t, pdot_err[1,:], 'm', label='$| \hat{\dot{p}}_2 - \dot{p}_2 |$') sp1.plot(t, pdot_err[2,:], 'c', label='$| \hat{\dot{p}}_3 - \dot{p}_3 |$') # labels pp.xlabel('time [s]', fontsize=xlabel_font_size) pp.ylabel('[cm/s]', fontsize=xlabel_font_size) pp.xticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.yticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.legend(fontsize=legend_font_size) # angular velocity sp2 = pp.subplot(2,1,2) sp2.set_title('rotational velocity errors', fontsize=title_font_size) sp2.plot(t, om_err[0,:], 'y', label='$| \hat{\omega}_1 - \omega_1 |$') sp2.plot(t, om_err[1,:], 'm', label='$| \hat{\omega}_2 - \omega_2 |$') sp2.plot(t, om_err[2,:], 'c', label='$| \hat{\omega}_3 - \omega_3 |$') # labels pp.ylim([-5, 80]) pp.xlabel('time [s]', fontsize=xlabel_font_size) pp.ylabel('[\\textdegree/s]', fontsize=xlabel_font_size) pp.xticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.yticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.legend(fontsize=legend_font_size, loc='upper right') # plot network's estimates of velocities based on a finite difference plot_fd = 0 if plot_fd: dt = t[1]-t[0] pdot = dat['pdot'] p_meas = dat['p_meas'] R = dat['R'] R_meas = dat['R_meas'] t_fd = t[1:] n_fd = t_fd.size n_t = t.size p_meas_min1 = np.roll(p_meas, 1, axis=1) pdot_meas = (p_meas - p_meas_min1)/dt pdot_meas_err = np.abs(pdot - pdot_meas) pdot_meas_err = pdot_meas_err[:,1:] sp1.plot(t_fd, pdot_meas_err[0,:], 'y:') sp1.plot(t_fd, pdot_meas_err[1,:], 'm:') sp1.plot(t_fd, pdot_meas_err[2,:], 'c:') print(np.min(pdot_meas_err)) import as so3 import as conv dist = np.full(n_fd, np.nan) s = np.full((3,n_t), np.nan) s_meas = np.full((3,n_t), np.nan) for i in range(n_t): s_meas[:,i] = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_meas[:,:,i])) s_meas_min1 = np.roll(s_meas, 1, axis=1) om_meas = (s_meas - s_meas_min1)/dt om_meas_err = np.abs(om - om_meas) om_meas_err *= conv.rad_to_deg om_meas_err = om_meas_err[:,1:] import pdb; pdb.set_trace() sp2.plot(t_fd, om_meas_err[0,:], 'y:') sp2.plot(t_fd, om_meas_err[1,:], 'm:') sp2.plot(t_fd, om_meas_err[2,:], 'c:') # save file_name = os.path.join(dirs.paper_figs_dir, 'simulation_velocities.png') pp.savefig(file_name, dpi=300)
def plot_translation_and_rotation(): # load x data data_dope = np.load(os.path.join(dirs.trans_x_dir, 'dope_pR.npz')) p_dope_x = data_dope['p'] with open(os.path.join(dirs.trans_x_dir, 'to_render.pkl'), 'rb') as file: data_true = pickle.load(file) p_true_x = data_true.pos # load y data data_dope = np.load(os.path.join(dirs.trans_y_dir, 'dope_pR.npz')) p_dope_y = data_dope['p'] with open(os.path.join(dirs.trans_y_dir, 'to_render.pkl'), 'rb') as file: data_true = pickle.load(file) p_true_y = data_true.pos # load z data data_dope = np.load(os.path.join(dirs.trans_z_dir, 'dope_pR.npz')) p_dope_z = data_dope['p'] with open(os.path.join(dirs.trans_z_dir, 'to_render.pkl'), 'rb') as file: data_true = pickle.load(file) p_true_z = data_true.pos # load x rotation data data_dope = np.load(os.path.join(dirs.rot_x_dir, 'dope_pR.npz')) R_dope_x = data_dope['R'] with open(os.path.join(dirs.rot_x_dir, 'to_render.pkl'), 'rb') as file: data_true = pickle.load(file) R_true_x = data_true.rot_mat # load y rotation data data_dope = np.load(os.path.join(dirs.rot_y_dir, 'dope_pR.npz')) R_dope_y = data_dope['R'] with open(os.path.join(dirs.rot_y_dir, 'to_render.pkl'), 'rb') as file: data_true = pickle.load(file) R_true_y = data_true.rot_mat # load z rotation data data_dope = np.load(os.path.join(dirs.rot_z_dir, 'dope_pR.npz')) R_dope_z = data_dope['R'] with open(os.path.join(dirs.rot_z_dir, 'to_render.pkl'), 'rb') as file: data_true = pickle.load(file) R_true_z = data_true.rot_mat # convert position to cm p_dope_x *= conv.m_to_cm p_dope_y *= conv.m_to_cm p_dope_z *= conv.m_to_cm p_true_x *= conv.m_to_cm p_true_y *= conv.m_to_cm p_true_z *= conv.m_to_cm # convert rotation to tangent space representation n_ims = p_dope_x.shape[1] s_x = np.full((3, n_ims), np.nan) s_y = np.full((3, n_ims), np.nan) s_z = np.full((3, n_ims), np.nan) s_offset_x = np.full((3, n_ims), np.nan) s_offset_y = np.full((3, n_ims), np.nan) s_offset_z = np.full((3, n_ims), np.nan) for i in range(n_ims): # x R_i = R_true_x[:, :, i] R_est_i = R_dope_x[:, :, i] R_offset_i = R_i.T @ R_est_i s_x[:, i] = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_i @ R_upright.T)) s_offset_x[:, i] = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_offset_i)) # y R_i = R_true_y[:, :, i] R_est_i = R_dope_y[:, :, i] R_offset_i = R_i.T @ R_est_i s_y[:, i] = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_i @ R_upright.T)) s_offset_y[:, i] = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_offset_i)) # z R_i = R_true_z[:, :, i] R_est_i = R_dope_z[:, :, i] R_offset_i = R_i.T @ R_est_i s_z[:, i] = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_i @ R_upright.T)) s_offset_z[:, i] = so3.skew_elements(so3.log(R_offset_i)) # convert rotation to degrees s_x *= conv.rad_to_deg s_y *= conv.rad_to_deg s_z *= conv.rad_to_deg s_offset_x *= conv.rad_to_deg s_offset_y *= conv.rad_to_deg s_offset_z *= conv.rad_to_deg # plot settings pp.rc('text', usetex=True) pp.rc('text.latex', preamble= r'\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{textcomp}') x_font_size = 18 tick_font_size = 14 # make figure fig = pp.figure(figsize=(7, 10)) pp.subplots_adjust(left=.15, bottom=.10, right=.95, top=.95, wspace=None, hspace=0.9) # x ax1 = pp.subplot(6, 1, 1) pp.ylim(-1.0, 1.0) pp.plot(p_true_x[0, :], p_dope_x[0, :] - p_true_x[0, :]) pp.xlabel('$x$ [cm]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.ylabel('$\\hat{x} - x$ [cm]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.xticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.yticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) ax1.axhline(0, color='gray', linewidth=0.5) # y ax2 = pp.subplot(6, 1, 2) pp.ylim(-35.0, 35.0) pp.plot(p_true_y[1, :], p_dope_y[1, :] - p_true_y[1, :]) pp.xlabel('$y$ [cm]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.ylabel('$\\hat{y} - y$ [cm]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.xticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.yticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) ax2.axhline(0, color='gray', linewidth=0.5) # z ax3 = pp.subplot(6, 1, 3) pp.ylim(-1.0, 1.0) pp.plot(p_true_z[2, :], p_dope_z[2, :] - p_true_z[2, :]) pp.xlabel('$z$ [cm]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.ylabel('$\\hat{z} - z$ [cm]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.xticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.yticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) ax3.axhline(0, color='gray', linewidth=0.5) # s_1 ax4 = pp.subplot(6, 1, 4) pp.plot(s_x[0, :], s_offset_x[0, :], 'r') pp.ylim(-3.4, 3.4) pp.xlabel('$s_1$ [\\textdegree]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.ylabel('$\\hat{s}_1 - s_1$ [\\textdegree]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.xticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.yticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) ax4.axhline(0, color='gray', linewidth=0.5) # s_2 ax5 = pp.subplot(6, 1, 5) pp.plot(s_y[1, :], s_offset_y[1, :], 'r') pp.ylim(-5.7, 5.7) pp.xlabel('$s_2$ [\\textdegree]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.ylabel('$\\hat{s}_2 - s_2$ [\\textdegree]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.xticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.yticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) ax5.axhline(0, color='gray', linewidth=0.5) # s_3 ax6 = pp.subplot(6, 1, 6) pp.plot(s_z[2, :], s_offset_z[2, :], 'r') pp.ylim(-2.3, 2.3) pp.xlabel('$s_3$ [\\textdegree]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.ylabel('$\\hat{s}_3 - s_3$ [\\textdegree]', fontsize=x_font_size) pp.xticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) pp.yticks(fontsize=tick_font_size) ax6.axhline(0, color='gray', linewidth=0.5) # save plot pp.savefig(os.path.join(dirs.paper_figs_dir, 'trans_rot.png'), dpi=300)