예제 #1
def _inet_pton_af_inet(ip_string):
    Convert an IP address in string format ( to the 32-bit packed
    binary format used in low-level network functions. Differs from inet_aton
    by only support decimal octets. Using octal or hexadecimal values will
    raise a ValueError exception.
    #TODO: optimise this ... use inet_aton with mods if available ...
    if hasattr(ip_string, 'split'):
        invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string)
        #   Support for hexadecimal and octal octets.
        tokens = ip_string.split('.')

        #   Pack octets.
        if len(tokens) == 4:
            words = []
            for token in tokens:
                if token.startswith('0x') or \
                  (token.startswith('0') and len(token) > 1):
                    raise invalid_addr
                    octet = int(token)
                except ValueError:
                    raise invalid_addr

                if (octet >> 8) != 0:
                    raise invalid_addr
                words.append(_pack('B', octet))
            return _bytes_join(words)
            raise invalid_addr

    raise ValueError('argument should be a string, not %s' % type(ip_string))
예제 #2
def _inet_pton_af_inet(ip_string):
    Convert an IP address in string format ( to the 32-bit packed
    binary format used in low-level network functions. Differs from inet_aton
    by only support decimal octets. Using octal or hexadecimal values will
    raise a ValueError exception.
    #TODO: optimise this ... use inet_aton with mods if available ...
    if _is_str(ip_string):
        invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string)
        #   Support for hexadecimal and octal octets.
        tokens = ip_string.split('.')

        #   Pack octets.
        if len(tokens) == 4:
            words = []
            for token in tokens:
                if token.startswith('0x') or (token.startswith('0')
                                              and len(token) > 1):
                    raise invalid_addr
                    octet = int(token)
                except ValueError:
                    raise invalid_addr

                if (octet >> 8) != 0:
                    raise invalid_addr
                words.append(_pack('B', octet))
            return _bytes_join(words)
            raise invalid_addr

    raise ValueError('argument should be a string, not %s' % type(ip_string))
예제 #3
def test_compat_py2():
    assert _is_str(unicode(''))

    #   Python 2.x - 8 bit strings are just regular strings
    str_8bit = _bytes_join(['a', 'b', 'c'])
    assert str_8bit == 'abc'.encode()
    assert "'abc'" == '%r' % str_8bit
예제 #4
def test_compat_py2():
    assert _is_str(unicode(''))

    #   Python 2.x - 8 bit strings are just regular strings
    str_8bit = _bytes_join(['a', 'b', 'c'])
    assert str_8bit == 'abc'.encode()
    assert "'abc'" == '%r' % str_8bit
예제 #5
def test_compat_py3():
    assert _is_str(''.encode())

    #   byte string join tests.
    str_8bit = _bytes_join(['a'.encode(), 'b'.encode(), 'c'.encode()])

    assert str_8bit == 'abc'.encode()
    assert "b'abc'" == '%r' % str_8bit
예제 #6
def test_compat_py3():
    assert _is_str(''.encode())

    #   byte string join tests.
    str_8bit = _bytes_join(['a'.encode(), 'b'.encode(), 'c'.encode()])

    assert str_8bit == 'abc'.encode()
    assert "b'abc'" == '%r' % str_8bit
예제 #7
def inet_aton(ip_string):
    Convert an IP address in string format ( to the 32-bit packed
    binary format used in low-level network functions.
    if hasattr(ip_string, 'split'):
        invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string)
        #   Support for hexadecimal and octal octets.
        tokens = []

        base = 10
        for token in ip_string.split('.'):
            if token.startswith('0x'):
                base = 16
            elif token.startswith('0') and len(token) > 1:
                base = 8
            elif token == '':
                tokens.append(int(token, base))
            except ValueError:
                raise invalid_addr

        #   Zero fill missing octets.
        num_tokens = len(tokens)
        if num_tokens < 4:
            fill_tokens = [0] * (4 - num_tokens)
            if num_tokens > 1:
                end_token = tokens.pop()
                tokens = tokens + fill_tokens + [end_token]
                tokens = tokens + fill_tokens

        #   Pack octets.
        if len(tokens) == 4:
            words = []
            for token in tokens:
                if (token >> 8) != 0:
                    raise invalid_addr
                words.append(_pack('B', token))
            return _bytes_join(words)
            raise invalid_addr

    raise ValueError('argument should be a string, not %s' % type(ip_string))
예제 #8
def inet_aton(ip_string):
    Convert an IP address in string format ( to the 32-bit packed
    binary format used in low-level network functions.
    if hasattr(ip_string, 'split'):
        invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string)
        #   Support for hexadecimal and octal octets.
        tokens = []

        base = 10
        for token in ip_string.split('.'):
            if token.startswith('0x'):
                base = 16
            elif token.startswith('0') and len(token) > 1:
                base = 8
            elif token == '':
                tokens.append(int(token, base))
            except ValueError:
                raise invalid_addr

        #   Zero fill missing octets.
        num_tokens = len(tokens)
        if num_tokens < 4:
            fill_tokens = [0] * (4 - num_tokens)
            if num_tokens > 1:
                end_token = tokens.pop()
                tokens = tokens + fill_tokens + [end_token]
                tokens = tokens + fill_tokens

        #   Pack octets.
        if len(tokens) == 4:
            words = []
            for token in tokens:
                if (token >> 8) != 0:
                    raise invalid_addr
                words.append(_pack('B', token))
            return _bytes_join(words)
            raise invalid_addr

    raise ValueError('argument should be a string, not %s' % type(ip_string))
예제 #9
def inet_pton(af, ip_string):
    Convert an IP address from string format to a packed string suitable for
    use with low-level network functions.
    if af == AF_INET:
        #   IPv4.
        return _inet_pton_af_inet(ip_string)
    elif af == AF_INET6:
        invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string)
        #   IPv6.
        values = []

        if not hasattr(ip_string, 'split'):
            raise invalid_addr

        if 'x' in ip_string:
            #   Don't accept hextets with the 0x prefix.
            raise invalid_addr

        if '::' in ip_string:
            if ip_string == '::':
                #   Unspecified address.
                return '\x00'.encode() * 16
            #   IPv6 compact mode.
                prefix, suffix = ip_string.split('::')
            except ValueError:
                raise invalid_addr

            l_prefix = []
            l_suffix = []

            if prefix != '':
                l_prefix = prefix.split(':')

            if suffix != '':
                l_suffix = suffix.split(':')

            #   IPv6 compact IPv4 compatibility mode.
            if len(l_suffix) and '.' in l_suffix[-1]:
                ipv4_str = _inet_pton_af_inet(l_suffix.pop())
                l_suffix.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[0:2])[0])
                l_suffix.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[2:4])[0])

            token_count = len(l_prefix) + len(l_suffix)

            if not 0 <= token_count <= 8 - 1:
                raise invalid_addr

            gap_size = 8 - ( len(l_prefix) + len(l_suffix) )

            values = [_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in l_prefix] \
                   + ['\x00\x00'.encode() for i in range(gap_size)] \
                   + [_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in l_suffix]
                for token in l_prefix + l_suffix:
                    word = int(token, 16)
                    if not 0 <= word <= 0xffff:
                        raise invalid_addr
            except ValueError:
                raise invalid_addr
            #   IPv6 verbose mode.
            if ':' in ip_string:
                tokens = ip_string.split(':')

                if '.' in ip_string:
                    ipv6_prefix = tokens[:-1]
                    if ipv6_prefix[:-1] != ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0']:
                        raise invalid_addr

                    if ipv6_prefix[-1].lower() not in ('0', 'ffff'):
                        raise invalid_addr

                    #   IPv6 verbose IPv4 compatibility mode.
                    if len(tokens) != 7:
                        raise invalid_addr

                    ipv4_str = _inet_pton_af_inet(tokens.pop())
                    tokens.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[0:2])[0])
                    tokens.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[2:4])[0])

                    values = [_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in tokens]
                    #   IPv6 verbose mode.
                    if len(tokens) != 8:
                        raise invalid_addr
                    tokens = [int(token, 16) for token in tokens]
                    for token in tokens:
                        if not 0 <= token <= 0xffff:
                            raise invalid_addr

                except ValueError:
                    raise invalid_addr

                values = [_pack('>H', i) for i in tokens]
                raise invalid_addr

        return _bytes_join(values)
        raise ValueError('Unknown address family %d' % af)
예제 #10
def inet_pton(af, ip_string):
    Convert an IP address from string format to a packed string suitable for
    use with low-level network functions.
    if af == AF_INET:
        #   IPv4.
        return _inet_pton_af_inet(ip_string)
    elif af == AF_INET6:
        invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string)
        #   IPv6.
        values = []

        if not _is_str(ip_string):
            raise invalid_addr

        if 'x' in ip_string:
            #   Don't accept hextets with the 0x prefix.
            raise invalid_addr

        if '::' in ip_string:
            if ip_string == '::':
                #   Unspecified address.
                return '\x00'.encode() * 16
            #   IPv6 compact mode.
                prefix, suffix = ip_string.split('::')
            except ValueError:
                raise invalid_addr

            l_prefix = []
            l_suffix = []

            if prefix != '':
                l_prefix = prefix.split(':')

            if suffix != '':
                l_suffix = suffix.split(':')

            #   IPv6 compact IPv4 compatibility mode.
            if len(l_suffix) and '.' in l_suffix[-1]:
                ipv4_str = _inet_pton_af_inet(l_suffix.pop())
                l_suffix.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[0:2])[0])
                l_suffix.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[2:4])[0])

            token_count = len(l_prefix) + len(l_suffix)

            if not 0 <= token_count <= 8 - 1:
                raise invalid_addr

            gap_size = 8 - (len(l_prefix) + len(l_suffix))

            values = ([_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in l_prefix] +
                      ['\x00\x00'.encode() for i in range(gap_size)] +
                      [_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in l_suffix])
                for token in l_prefix + l_suffix:
                    word = int(token, 16)
                    if not 0 <= word <= 0xffff:
                        raise invalid_addr
            except ValueError:
                raise invalid_addr
            #   IPv6 verbose mode.
            if ':' in ip_string:
                tokens = ip_string.split(':')

                if '.' in ip_string:
                    ipv6_prefix = tokens[:-1]
                    if ipv6_prefix[:-1] != ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0']:
                        raise invalid_addr

                    if ipv6_prefix[-1].lower() not in ('0', 'ffff'):
                        raise invalid_addr

                    #   IPv6 verbose IPv4 compatibility mode.
                    if len(tokens) != 7:
                        raise invalid_addr

                    ipv4_str = _inet_pton_af_inet(tokens.pop())
                    tokens.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[0:2])[0])
                    tokens.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[2:4])[0])

                    values = [_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in tokens]
                    #   IPv6 verbose mode.
                    if len(tokens) != 8:
                        raise invalid_addr
                    tokens = [int(token, 16) for token in tokens]
                    for token in tokens:
                        if not 0 <= token <= 0xffff:
                            raise invalid_addr

                except ValueError:
                    raise invalid_addr

                values = [_pack('>H', i) for i in tokens]
                raise invalid_addr

        return _bytes_join(values)
        raise ValueError('Unknown address family %d' % af)