def readVar(fn, vstr, cl=1): xDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(fn, vstr, cl) v = xDict['v'] x = xDict['x'] y = xDict['y'] z = xDict['z'] xDict = None return v, x, y, z
varname = args.varname writeAscii = args.writeAscii #==========================================================# # Obtain a list of files to include. fileNos, fileList = filesFromList( fileKey+'*' ) fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(12,10)) for fn in fileNos: VNU = varname.upper() if('MAG' in VNU or 'U1' in VNU or 'U2' in VNU or 'DIR' in VNU): dataDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF( fileList[fn] , 'u', cl ) u = dataDict['v'] dataDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF( fileList[fn] , 'v', cl ) v = dataDict['v'] if('MAG' in VNU ): # vr := Umag vr = np.sqrt( u**2 + v**2 ); u = None; v = None else: um = np.mean( u, axis=(0) ); vm = np.mean( v, axis=(0) ) a = np.arctan( vm/(um+1.e-5) ); um = None; vm = None if( 'U1' in VNU ): vr = u * np.cos(a) + v * np.sin(a) elif('U2' in VNU): # U2 vr =-u * np.sin(a) + v * np.cos(a) else:# direction vr = np.arctan( v/(u+1.e-5) ) * (180./np.pi)
#==========================================================# ''' Establish two boolean variables which indicate whether the created variable is an independent or dependent variable in function createNetcdfVariable(). ''' parameter = True variable = False strKey = inputIfNone(strKey, " Enter search string: ") fileNos, fileList = filesFromList(strKey + "*") for fn in fileNos: # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # First fluctuation component cl = 1 ncDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(fileList[fn], varnames[0], cl) v1 = ncDict['v'] # 'v' is a generic name for a variable in ncDict # Second fluctuation component ncDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(fileList[fn], varnames[1], cl) v2 = ncDict['v'] # Dims nt, nz, ny, nx = np.shape(v1) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Spatial coords and time x = ncDict['x'] y = ncDict['y'] z = ncDict['z'] time = ncDict['time']
normalize = args.normalize Nbins = args.nbins mode = args.mode cl = abs(args.coarse) varname = args.varname #==========================================================# # Obtain a list of files to include. fileNos, fileList = filesFromList(fileKey + '*') first = True fig = None for fn in fileNos: dataDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(fileList[fn], varname, cl) v = dataDict['v'] x = dataDict['x'] y = dataDict['y'] z = dataDict['z'] time = dataDict['time'] if (first): infoStr = ''' Coord. range: min(x)={0} ... max(x)={1}, nx = {2} min(y)={3} ... max(y)={4}, ny = {5} min(z)={6} ... max(z)={7}, nz = {8} '''.format(\ np.min(x), np.max(x), len(x),\ np.min(y), np.max(y), len(y),\
''' Establish two boolean variables which indicate whether the created variable is an independent or dependent variable in function createNetcdfVariable(). ''' parameter = True; variable = False # Create a dict that is passed into the function read3dDataFromNetCDF nameDict = dict() nameDict['xname'] = args.xname nameDict['yname'] = args.yname nameDict['zname'] = args.zname # First fluctuation component nameDict['varname'] = varname[0] cl = 1 ncDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF( filename , nameDict, cl ) v = ncDict['v'] # 'v' is a generic name for a variable in ncDict # Spatial coords and time x = ncDict['x']; y = ncDict['y']; z = ncDict['z'] time = ncDict['time'] # Now check whether the given indices make sense # Here we set i = 0 and j = 0. ijk1 = sensibleIds( np.array([0,0,kIds[0]]), x, y, z ) ijk2 = sensibleIds( np.array([0,0,kIds[1]]), x, y, z ) print(' Check (1): i, j, k = {}'.format(ijk1)) print(' Check (2): i, j, k = {}'.format(ijk2)) # = = = = = = = = = = = = = # Mean and variance
if (mode == 'mean'): sfunc = bs_stats.mean if (mode == 'std'): sfunc = bs_stats.std if (mode == 'var'): sfunc = bs_stats.var # Obtain a list of files to include. fileNos, fileList = filesFromList(fileKey + '*', allfiles) fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(12, 10)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.075, 0.875, 0.81]) #[left, top, width, height] for fn in fileNos: vr = None for i in range(len(varnames)): if (varnames[i].upper() == 'U1' or varnames[i].upper() == 'U2'): dataDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(fileList[fn], 'u', 1) u = dataDict['v'] dataDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(fileList[fn], 'v', 1) v = dataDict['v'] um = np.mean(u, axis=(0)) vm = np.mean(v, axis=(0)) a = np.arctan(vm / (um + 1.e-5)) um = None vm = None # Carry the data within dataDict. if (varnames[i].upper() == 'U1'): dataDict['v'] = u * np.cos(a) + v * np.sin(a) else: dataDict['v'] = -u * np.sin(a) + v * np.cos(a) # Free memory u = None
ijk1 = args.ijk1 ijk2 = args.ijk2 axisLim = args.axisLim nkpoints = args.nkpoints ustar = args.ustar holewidth = args.holewidth weighted = args.weighted npixels = args.npixels ofile = args.outputToFile printOn = args.printOn #==========================================================# first = True fig = None # First fluctuation component ncDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(filename, varnames[0], cl) v1 = ncDict['v'] # 'v' is a generic name for a variable in ncDict # Second fluctuation component ncDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(filename, varnames[1], cl) v2 = ncDict['v'] # Spatial coords and time x = ncDict['x'] y = ncDict['y'] z = ncDict['z'] time = ncDict['time'] # Plot coord. information. This aids the user in the beginning. infoStr = ''' Coord. range:
complexOn = args.complex ofile = args.outputToFile saveFig = gridOn = args.gridOn limsOn = args.limsOn #==========================================================# ''' Establish two boolean variables which indicate whether the created variable is an independent or dependent variable in function createNetcdfVariable(). ''' parameter = True; variable = False # Read data from NETCDF file cl = 1 ncDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF( filename , varname, cl ) v = ncDict['v'] # 'v' is a generic name for a variable in ncDict # Spatial coords and time x = ncDict['x'] y = ncDict['y'] z = ncDict['z'] time = ncDict['time'] # Plot coord. information. This aids the user in the beginning. infoStr = ''' Coord. range: min(x)={0} ... max(x)={1}, nx = {2} min(y)={3} ... max(y)={4}, ny = {5} min(z)={6} ... max(z)={7}, nz = {8} '''.format(\