def _download_list_songs_to_file(self, song_urls, save_path_list, total=None): ''' 批量通过歌曲的url list 下载歌曲到本地 :param song_urls: 歌曲 download url list :param save_path_list: 歌曲保存地址list :return: ''' n = len(song_urls) if n != len(save_path_list): raise ParamsError( "len(song_urls) must be equal to len(save_path_list)!") for i in range(n): Helper.download_network_resource(song_urls[i], save_path_list[i]) if total is None:"Download %d/%d %s to %s!" % (i + 1, n, song_urls[i], save_path_list[i])) else: # 加锁,更新计数器 if self.lock.acquire(): self.no_counter += 1"Download %d/%d %s to %s!" % (self.no_counter, total, song_urls[i], save_path_list[i])) self.lock.release()
def download_play_list_songs(self, play_list_id, limit=1000): ''' 下载歌单中的全部歌曲,单线程 :param play_list_id: 歌单id :param limit: 下载的最大数量 :return: ''' start_time = time.time() # 获取歌单详情 res = self.get_play_list_detail(play_list_id, limit).json() songs_id_list = [] # 获取歌单歌曲id list for content in res['playlist']["trackIds"]: songs_id_list.append(content['id']) # 歌单名字 play_list_name = res['playlist']['name'] # 歌单下载音乐保存地址 save_path = os.path.join(Constants.PLAY_LIST_SAVE_DIR, play_list_name) Helper.mkdir(save_path) # 获取歌曲名+歌手名字符串列表 songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list = self.get_songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list_by_ids_list( songs_id_list) # 获取歌曲下载url list urls_list = self.get_download_urls_by_ids(songs_id_list) # 全部歌曲数目 total = len(urls_list)"play list %s has total %d songs!" % (play_list_name, total)) "(single thread)Now start download musics of %s(save path is:%s):" % (play_list_name, save_path)) for index, url in enumerate(urls_list, 1): try: Helper.download_network_resource( url, os.path.join( save_path, "%s.mp3" % songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list[index - 1])) "Successfully download %d/%d(%s)!" % (index, total, songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list[index - 1])) except Exception: "Fail download %d/%d(%s)!" % (index, total, songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list[index - 1])) continue end_time = time.time() "It costs %.2f seconds to download play list %s(id=%s)'s %d songs to %s " "using single thread!" % ((end_time - start_time), play_list_name, play_list_id, total, save_path))
def download_singer_hot_songs_by_name(self, singer_name): ''' 通过输入歌手名字来下载歌手的全部热门歌曲,单线程实现 :param singer_name: 歌手名字 :return: ''' start_time = time.time() # 热门歌曲保存地址 save_path = os.path.join(Constants.SINGER_SAVE_DIR, singer_name, Constants.HOT_SONGS_SAVE_NAME) # 根据名字得到歌手id uid = self.get_singer_id_by_name(singer_name) # 歌手主页地址 singer_url = "" % uid # 歌手全部热门歌曲id list hot_songs_ids = Helper.get_singer_hot_songs_ids(singer_url) # 通过歌曲id得到下载url urls_list = self.get_download_urls_by_ids(hot_songs_ids) # 通过歌曲id获得歌曲名 songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list = self.get_songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list_by_ids_list( hot_songs_ids) # 全部热门歌曲数 total = len(urls_list) Helper.mkdir(save_path)"%s has total %d hot songs!" % (singer_name, total)) "(single thread)Now start download hot musics of %s(save path is:%s):" % (singer_name, save_path)) for index, url in enumerate(urls_list, 1): try: # 下载 Helper.download_network_resource( url, os.path.join( save_path, "%s.mp3" % songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list[index - 1])) "Successfully download %d/%d(%s)!" % (index, total, songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list[index - 1])) except Exception: "Fail download %d/%d(%s)!" % (index, total, songs_name_and_singer_name_str_list[index - 1])) continue end_time = time.time() "It costs %.2f seconds to download singer %s's %d hot songs to %s " "using single thread!" % ((end_time - start_time), singer_name, total, save_path))