예제 #1
def test_polynomial_ET_Segm(domain, alpha):
    order = alpha
    m = ngm.Mesh()
    m.dim = 1
    nel = 1
    pnums = []
    for i in range(0, nel+1):
        pnums.append (m.Add (ngm.MeshPoint (ngm.Pnt(i/nel, 0, 0))))
    for i in range(0,nel):
        m.Add (ngm.Element1D ([pnums[i],pnums[i+1]], index=1))
    m.Add (ngm.Element0D (pnums[0], index=1))
    m.Add (ngm.Element0D (pnums[nel], index=2))
    mesh = Mesh(m)
    x_ast = 0.78522
    levelset = x_ast-x
    referencevals = {POS:pow(x_ast, alpha+1)/(alpha+1), NEG:(1-pow(x_ast, alpha+1))/(alpha+1), IF: pow(x_ast, alpha)}
    V = H1(mesh, order=1)
    lset_approx = GridFunction(V)
    f = x**alpha
    integral = Integrate(levelset_domain = { "levelset" : lset_approx, "domain_type" : domain},
                             cf=f, mesh=mesh, order = order)
    print("Result of Integration Key ",domain," : ", integral)
    error = abs(integral - referencevals[domain])
    print("Error: ", error)
    assert error < 5e-15*(order+1)*(order+1)
예제 #2
def test_convection1d_dg():
    m = meshing.Mesh()
    m.dim = 1
    nel = 20
    pnums = []
    for i in range(0, nel + 1):
        pnums.append(m.Add(meshing.MeshPoint(Pnt(i / nel, 0, 0))))

    for i in range(0, nel):
        m.Add(meshing.Element1D([pnums[i], pnums[i + 1]], index=1))

    m.Add(meshing.Element0D(pnums[0], index=1))
    m.Add(meshing.Element0D(pnums[nel], index=2))

    mesh = Mesh(m)

    fes = L2(mesh, order=4)

    u = fes.TrialFunction()
    v = fes.TestFunction()

    b = CoefficientFunction(1)
    bn = b * specialcf.normal(1)

    a = BilinearForm(fes)
    a += SymbolicBFI(-u * b * grad(v))
    a += SymbolicBFI(bn * IfPos(bn, u, u.Other()) * v, element_boundary=True)

    u = GridFunction(fes)
    pos = 0.5
    u0 = exp(-100 * (x - pos) * (x - pos))

    w = u.vec.CreateVector()

    t = 0
    tau = 1e-4
    tend = 1

    with TaskManager():
        while t < tend - tau / 2:
            a.Apply(u.vec, w)
            fes.SolveM(rho=CoefficientFunction(1), vec=w)
            u.vec.data -= tau * w
            t += tau

    l2error = sqrt(Integrate((u - u0) * (u - u0), mesh))
    assert l2error < 1e-2
예제 #3
def test_1dlaplace():
    m = meshing.Mesh()
    m.dim = 1

    nel = 20

    pnums = []
    for i in range(0, nel + 1):
        pnums.append(m.Add(meshing.MeshPoint(meshing.Pnt(i / nel, 0, 0))))

    for i in range(0, nel):
        m.Add(meshing.Element1D([pnums[i], pnums[i + 1]], index=1))

    m.Add(meshing.Element0D(pnums[0], index=1))
    m.Add(meshing.Element0D(pnums[nel], index=2))

    mesh = Mesh(m)

    order = 10

    fes = H1(mesh, order=order, dirichlet=[1, 2])

    u = fes.TrialFunction()
    v = fes.TestFunction()

    n = specialcf.normal(mesh.dim)
    h = specialcf.mesh_size
    ugf = GridFunction(fes)
    uex = GridFunction(fes)
    uex.Set(sin(pi * x))

    a = BilinearForm(fes)
    a += SymbolicBFI(grad(u) * grad(v))

    l = LinearForm(fes)
    l += SymbolicLFI(pi * pi * uex * v)

    invmat = a.mat.Inverse(fes.FreeDofs())
    ugf.vec.data = invmat * l.vec
    error = sqrt(Integrate((ugf - uex) * (ugf - uex), mesh))
    assert error <= 1e-14
예제 #4
def MakeMesh1D():
    a = 0
    b = 1
    nel = 10
    m = msh.Mesh()
    m.dim = 1
    pnums = []

    for i in range(nel + 1):
        pnums.append(m.Add(msh.MeshPoint(msh.Pnt(a + (b - a) * i / nel, 0,

    for i in range(2):
        m.Add(msh.Element1D([pnums[i], pnums[i + 1]], index=1))
    for i in range(2, 5):
        m.Add(msh.Element1D([pnums[i], pnums[i + 1]], index=3))
    for i in range(5, 7):
        m.Add(msh.Element1D([pnums[i], pnums[i + 1]], index=1))
    for i in range(7, nel):
        m.Add(msh.Element1D([pnums[i], pnums[i + 1]], index=2))

    m.SetMaterial(1, 'base')
    m.SetMaterial(2, 'chip')
    m.SetMaterial(3, 'top')

    # add points
    m.Add(msh.Element0D(pnums[0], index=1))
    m.Add(msh.Element0D(pnums[2], index=2))
    m.Add(msh.Element0D(pnums[5], index=2))
    m.Add(msh.Element0D(pnums[7], index=2))
    m.Add(msh.Element0D(pnums[nel], index=2))

    # set boundary condition names
    m.SetBCName(0, 'bottom')
    m.SetBCName(1, 'other')

    return m
예제 #5
x_min = -50
x_max = 50
length = x_max - x_min
pnums = []
xs = []
for i in range(0, n_elems + 1):
    pnt_x = x_min + length * i / n_elems
    pnums.append(m.Add(ngm.MeshPoint(ngm.Pnt(pnt_x, 0, 0))))

for i in range(0, n_elems):
    m.Add(ngm.Element1D([pnums[i], pnums[i + 1]], index=1))

m.SetMaterial(1, 'material')

m.Add(ngm.Element0D(pnums[0], index=1))
m.Add(ngm.Element0D(pnums[n_elems], index=2))

## NGSolve
mesh = ngs.Mesh(m)
fes = ngs.H1(mesh, order=1, dirichlet=[1, 2], complex=True)

u = fes.TrialFunction()
v = fes.TestFunction()

## Potentials
### Potential barrier
barrier_w = 2
barrier_h = 1
potential = ngs.CoefficientFunction(
    ngs.IfPos(x, barrier_h, 0) - ngs.IfPos(x - barrier_w, barrier_h, 0))