def test_10_network_comment(self): tabString = ''' Nw: NN 2020/092 Na: Region=Atlantis Na: Comment="This is commentary" Na: Remark="Remarkable!" Sl: AA01 "Zeus" Q330/N%xxxx STS-2/N%yyyy 20 Z 30 -15 -2 2.0 2020/093 ''' tabFile = self._writeTempTab(tabString) t = Tab(None, None, 'filters', None, None) t.digest(tabFile) t.digest(self.instFile) t.check() os.unlink(tabFile) sc3inv = t.sc3Obj() self.assertTrue(sc3inv) outFile = '/tmp/testTabInvComment.xml' self._writeNewInvXML(sc3inv, '/tmp/testTabInvComment.xml') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outFile)) # Further checks: that the file contains a network with PID. TODO (elem, ns) = xmlparse(outFile) for e in elem: for f in e: if f.tag == ns + 'network': g = f.findall(ns + 'comment') self.assertTrue(len(g) == 1)
def test_6_network_pid(self): '''Key 'Pid' is an allowed network attribute''' tabString = ''' Nw: QQ 2001/001 Na: Region=Atlantis Na: Pid=10.123/xyz ''' tabFile = self._writeTempTab(tabString) t = Tab(None, None, '.', None, None) t.digest(tabFile) os.unlink(tabFile)
def SKIPtest_3_digest_check(self): tabFile = self._writeTempTab(self.simpleTab) t = Tab(None, None, 'filters', None, None) t.digest(tabFile) t.digest(self.instFile) t.check() os.unlink(tabFile)
def test_9_network_pid_sc3Obj(self): '''Load a network with PID, write XML, confirm PID is there. Older nettabs reported 'ignoring attribute Pid'. ''' tabFile = self._writeTempTab(self.tabWithPid) t = Tab(None, None, 'filters', None, None) t.digest(tabFile) t.digest(self.instFile) sc3inv = t.sc3Obj() self.assertTrue(sc3inv) outFile = '/tmp/testTabInvPid.xml' self._writeNewInvXML(sc3inv, outFile) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outFile)) # Check that the file contains exactly one network comment # which is a JSON string with PID. # e.g. '{"type": "DOI", "value": "10.1234/xsdfa"}' (elem, ns) = xmlparse(outFile) for e in elem: for f in e: if f.tag == ns + 'network': g = f.findall(ns + 'comment') self.assertTrue(len(g) == 1) t = g[0].findall(ns + 'text') text = t[0].text j = json.loads(t[0].text) self.assertEqual(j['type'], 'DOI') self.assertEqual(j['value'], '10.1234/xyz')
def test_2_defaults_warning(self): '''Provide and load a defaults file''' defaults = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) print(''' Nw: QQ 2001/001 ''', file=defaults) defaultsFile = defaults.close() t = Tab(None, defaultsFile, '.', None, None) os.unlink(defaultsFile) print("Expect: 'Warning: Defaults file can only contain attributes'", file=sys.stderr)
def test_2_defaults_attributes(self): '''Provide and load a defaults file''' defaults = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) print(''' Na: Foo=bar Sa: StationFoo=bla * * Ia: InstrumentFoo=blu * ''', file=defaults) defaultsFile = defaults.close() t = Tab(None, defaultsFile, '.', None, None) os.unlink(defaultsFile)
def test_4_digest_twice(self): '''Exception is raised by digesting twice.''' tabFile = self._writeTempTab(self.simpleTab) t = Tab(None, None, '.', None, None) t.digest(tabFile) with self.assertRaises(Exception): t.digest(tabFile) # print('Expect: "Warning: File {name} is already digested."') os.unlink(tabFile)
def test_6_network_pid_check(self): '''No problem to define extra unhandled attributes''' tabString = ''' Nw: QQ 2001/001 Na: Region=Atlantis Na: Pid=10.123/xyz Na: Foo=bar ''' tabFile = self._writeTempTab(tabString) t = Tab(None, None, '.', None, None) t.digest(tabFile) t.check() os.unlink(tabFile)
def test_8_network_sc3Obj(self): '''Call sc3Obj with an actual network, write XML''' tabFile = self._writeTempTab(self.simpleTab) t = Tab(None, None, 'filters', None, None) t.digest(tabFile) t.digest(self.instFile) sc3inv = t.sc3Obj() # Returns ok, but reports inst.db errors and warnings to stdout. self.assertTrue(sc3inv) if sc3inv is None: assert ('scinv is None') sc3inv outFile = '/tmp/testTabInv.xml' try: os.unlink(outFile) except OSError: # Python3: Catch FileNotFoundError instead. pass self._writeInvXML(sc3inv, filename=outFile) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outFile))
def main(): # Creating the parser parser = OptionParser(usage="Tab to Inventory (sc3) converter", version="1.0", add_help_option=True) parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", type="string", help="Prefix to be added to each instrument generated.", dest="instrumentPrefix", default=None) parser.add_option( "-f", "--filterf", type="string", help="Indicates a folder containing the filters coefficients files", dest="ffolder", default=None) parser.add_option( "-x", "--xmlf", type="string", help= "Indicates a folder containing the XML inventory files (needed for station group support)", dest="xfolder", default=None) parser.add_option( "-D", "--database", type="string", help="Database URL for inventory (needed for station group support)", dest="database", default=None) parser.add_option("", "--force", action="store_true", help="Don't stop on error of individual files", dest="force", default=False) parser.add_option("-g", "--generate", action="store_true", help="Generate XML file at the end", dest="generate", default=False) parser.add_option("-c", "--check", action="store_true", help="Check the loaded files", dest="check", default=False) parser.add_option("-d", "--default", type="string", help="Indicates the default file", dest="defaultFile", default=None) parser.add_option("-o", "--output", type="string", help="Indicates the output file", dest="outFile", default="-") # Parsing & Error check (options, args) = parser.parse_args() error = False if len(args) < 1: print("No input file(s) to digest", file=sys.stderr) error = True if error: print("Use -h for help on usage", file=sys.stderr) return 1 # Execution try: inv = None t = Tab(options.instrumentPrefix, options.defaultFile, options.ffolder, options.xfolder, options.database) for f in args: try: t.digest(f) except Exception as e: print("Error digesting %s:\n %s" % (f, e), file=sys.stderr) if not options.force: raise e if options.check: t.check() return if options.generate: inv = t.sc3Obj() if inv: ar = print("Generating file: %s" % options.outFile, file=sys.stderr) ar.create(options.outFile) ar.setFormattedOutput(True) ar.setCompression(False) ar.writeObject(inv) ar.close() except Exception as e: print("Error: " + str(e), file=sys.stderr) return 1 finally: print("Ending.", file=sys.stderr) return 0
def main(): # Creating the parser parser = OptionParser(usage="Tab to Inventory (sc3) converter", version="1.0", add_help_option=True) parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", type="string", help="Prefix to be added to each instrument generated.", dest="instrumentPrefix", default=None) parser.add_option("-f", "--filterf", type="string", help="Indicates a folder containing the filters coefficients files", dest="ffolder", default=None) parser.add_option("-x", "--xmlf", type="string", help="Indicates a folder containing the XML inventory files (needed for station group support)", dest="xfolder", default=None) parser.add_option("-D", "--database", type="string", help="Database URL for inventory (needed for station group support)", dest="database", default=None) parser.add_option("", "--force", action="store_true", help="Don't stop on error of individual files", dest="force", default=False) parser.add_option("-g", "--generate", action="store_true", help="Generate XML file at the end", dest="generate", default=False) parser.add_option("-c", "--check", action="store_true", help="Check the loaded files", dest="check", default=False) parser.add_option("-d", "--default", type="string", help="Indicates the default file", dest="defaultFile", default=None) parser.add_option("-o", "--output", type="string", help="Indicates the output file", dest="outFile", default="-") # Parsing & Error check (options, args) = parser.parse_args() error = False if len(args) < 1: print >> sys.stderr, "No input file(s) to digest" error = True if error: print >> sys.stderr, "Use -h for help on usage" return 1 # Execution try: inv = None t=Tab(options.instrumentPrefix, options.defaultFile, options.ffolder, options.xfolder, options.database) for f in args: try: t.digest(f) except Exception,e: print >> sys.stderr, "Error digesting %s:\n %s" % (f, e) if not options.force: raise e if options.check: t.check() return if options.generate: inv = t.sc3Obj() if inv: ar = IO.XMLArchive() print >> sys.stderr, "Generating file: %s" % options.outFile ar.create(options.outFile) ar.setFormattedOutput(True) ar.setCompression(False) ar.writeObject(inv) ar.close()
def loadInstrumentsFile(self, filename, filterFolder): tab = Tab(filterFolder=filterFolder) tab.digest(filename) if tab.i: self.inst = tab.i
def test_2_filter(self): '''Provide a (trivial, non-useful) filter folder''' t = Tab(None, None, '.', None, None)
def test_1(self): '''Create object''' t = Tab() print('Expect: "Warning, not filter folder supplied."', file=sys.stderr)
def test_7_sc3Obj(self): '''Call sc3Obj with a trivial t''' t = Tab(None, None, '.', None, None) sc3inv = t.sc3Obj()
def test_3_digest(self): tabFile = self._writeTempTab(self.simpleTab) t = Tab(None, None, '.', None, None) t.digest(tabFile) os.unlink(tabFile)