예제 #1
def find_threshold(o_samples_npy, context, c_model, min_thres=0, max_thres=50, n_iters=10):
    graph = build_memory_graph(o_samples_npy, context, c_model, min_thres)
    assert is_connected(graph)
    graph = build_memory_graph(o_samples_npy, context, c_model, max_thres)
    assert not is_connected(graph)
    for count in range(n_iters):
        threshold = (min_thres + max_thres) / 2
        graph = build_memory_graph(o_samples_npy, context, c_model, threshold)
        if is_connected(graph):
            min_thres = threshold
            max_thres = threshold
    print(min_thres, max_thres)
    return min_thres
def make_graph_with_same_degree_dist(G):
    G_sequence = list(d for n, d in G.degree())
    sorted_G_sequence = list((d, n) for n, d in G.degree())
    sorted_G_sequence.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])
    done = False
    while not done:
        G_prime = nx.configuration_model(G_sequence)
        G_prime = nx.Graph(G_prime)
        tries = 10
        while tries > 0 and (len(G.edges()) != len(G_prime.edges())):
            sorted_G_prime_sequence = list((d, n) for n, d in G_prime.degree())
            sorted_G_prime_sequence.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])
            #print("Sorted G_sequence:")
            #print("Sorted G_prime_sequence:")
            missing = []
            for i in range(0, len(G.nodes())):
                while sorted_G_sequence[i][0] > sorted_G_prime_sequence[i][0]:
                    sorted_G_prime_sequence[i] = (
                        sorted_G_prime_sequence[i][0] + 1,
            missing = np.random.permutation(missing)
            if len(missing) % 2 != 0:
                print("Sanity issue! Alert!")
            #print("Edges before:")
            for i in range(0, int(len(missing) / 2)):
                G_prime.add_edge(missing[2 * i], missing[2 * i + 1])
            G_prime = nx.Graph(G_prime)
            #print("Edges after:")
            if not is_connected(G_prime):
                # print("Bad: G_prime disconnected")
            tries -= 1
        if not is_connected(G_prime):
        elif len(G.edges()) == len(G_prime.edges()):
            #print("Graph creation successful")
            done = True
    return G_prime
예제 #3
def generate_erdos_renyi_graph(n: int,
                               p: float) -> Tuple[Set[Tuple[int, int]], Text]:
    """Return edges of a Erdos Renyi graph.

    A generalized random graph.
    Can be disconnected

    The following statements are true on average

        np < 1 has O(log(n)) clusters
        np = 1 has O(n^2/3) clusters
        np -> c > 1 will cluster to one large component, sub clusters have O(log(n)) vertices

        p < ln(n)/n the graph will be disconnected
        p > ln(n)/n the graph will be connected


        n: Number of vertices
        p: Probability of edge creation
    connected = False
    while not connected:
        G = fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p)
        connected = is_connected(G)

    return set(G.edges), f"G({n},{p})"
예제 #4
def test_graphs(db):
    pipeline = insert_pipeline(db, 'test_graphs')
    dg = pipeline.to_graph()

    assert len(dg.nodes) == 0
    assert len(dg.edges) == 0

    n1 = PipelineNode(pipeline_id=pipeline.id)
    n2 = PipelineNode(pipeline_id=pipeline.id)

    l1 = PipelineLink(pipeline_id=pipeline.id,


    assert len(pipeline.nodes) == 2
    assert len(pipeline.links) == 1

    dg = pipeline.to_graph()
    assert len(dg.nodes) == len(pipeline.nodes)
    assert len(dg.edges) == len(pipeline.links)
    assert dg.is_directed()

    with pytest.raises(NetworkXNoCycle):

    assert is_connected(dg.to_undirected())
예제 #5
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: qurit/raiven
def validate_pipeline_structure(graph: Union[Graph, DiGraph]) -> bool:
    assert is_connected(
        graph.to_undirected()), 'The pipeline must be connected.'

    except NetworkXNoCycle:
        raise ValueError('The pipeline must not contain a cycle.')

    return True
예제 #6
def resolve_duplicate_clusters(clusters, pairs):
    if not clusters:
        summary.add('Duplicate components', 0)
        summary.add('Clusters truely duplicate', 0)
        return dict(), dict()

    G = nx.Graph()

    # print('Nodes:', G.number_of_nodes())
    # print('Edges:', G.number_of_edges())

    components_list = []
    if not components.is_connected(G):
        # verbosity('Graph not connected, components = ' + str(components.number_connected_components(G)), args.quiet)
        for component in components.connected_components(G):

    summary.add('Duplicate components', components.number_connected_components(G))

    translation_dict = {}
    duplicate_weights = {}
    for component in components_list:
        main_node = min(component)
            duplicate_weights[len(component)] += 1
        except KeyError:
            duplicate_weights[len(component)] = 1

        for node in component:
            translation_dict[node] = main_node
            summary.add('Clusters truely duplicate')

    return translation_dict, duplicate_weights
예제 #7
def get_subgraph_list(data, n):
    Gets all subgroups of size n.

    G : networkx graph

    k_paths : list of k-paths
    G = to_networkx(data, to_undirected=True, remove_self_loops=True)
    N = G.number_of_nodes()
    indices = list(range(N))

    subgraphs = []
    for node_set in combinations(indices, n):
        G_sub = G.subgraph(node_set)
        if is_connected(G_sub):
    return subgraphs
예제 #8
def report_connectedness(G, save_img_path=None):
        Checks if the graph is connected
        and returns the connected components
        if the graph is disconnected
        G (nx.Graph): graph for which the 
                top nodes must be determined.
        save_img_path (str): path to save visualisation
                of the components detected.
            True: if the given graph is connected.
            False, connected_components: if the graph
                is disconnected along with list of sets of
                nodes representing the components.
    # aggregrate connectedness metrics
    is_connected = components.is_connected(G)
    # get the connected components
    connected_components = components.connected_components(G)

    # save the disconnected components visualisation if the path given
    if save_img_path:
        colors = np.linspace(0, 1, len(connected_components))
        com_color_map = dict()
        for idx, com in enumerate(connected_components):
            for node in com:
                com_color_map[node] = colors[idx]

        labels = nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos=pos)
        nx.draw(G, pos, node_color=list(com_color_map.values()))
        plt.savefig(save_img_path, format="PNG")

    return (is_connected, connected_components)
예제 #9
    def print_Measures(self,

        #verify if graph is connected or not
            blnGraphConnected = is_connected(G)
            blnGraphConnected = False

        no_nodes = str(len(G.nodes()))
        no_edges = str(len(G.edges()))
        print("# Nodes: " + no_nodes)
        print("# Edges: " + no_edges)

        #Calculate and print Diameter
        if blnCalculateDimater == True:
            if blnGraphConnected == True:
                diameter_value = str(distance_measures.diameter(G))
                print("Diameter: " + diameter_value)
                diameter_value = "Not possible to calculate diameter. Graph must be connected"

        #Calculate and print Radius
        if blnCalculateRadius == True:
            if blnGraphConnected == True:
                radius_value = str(distance_measures.radius(G))
                print("Radius: " + radius_value)
                radius_value = "Not possible to calculate radius. Graph must be connected"

        #Calculate and print Extrema bounding
        if blnCalculateExtremaBounding == True:
            if blnGraphConnected == True:
                extrema_bounding_value = str(
                print("Extrema bounding: " + extrema_bounding_value)
                extrema_bounding_value = "Not possible to calculate Extrema bounding. Graph must be connected"

        #Calculate and print Centers
        if blnCalculateCenterNodes == True:
            str_centers_nodes = ""
            if blnGraphConnected == True:
                centers_nodes = distance_measures.center(G)
                str_centers_nodes = str(
                           key=lambda x: x[1],
                print("Centers with their degree: " + str_centers_nodes)
                centers_nodes = "Not possible to calculate Centers. Graph must be connected"

        # if file name is passed in the parameters, we save the measures into a file
        if fileName_to_print != None:
            #creates path if does not exists

            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fileName_to_print)):

            f = open(fileName_to_print, "w")
            f.write("# Nodes: " + no_nodes + "\n")
            f.write("# Edges: " + no_edges + "\n")

            if blnCalculateDimater == True:
                f.write("Diameter: " + diameter_value + "\n")
            if blnCalculateRadius == True:
                f.write("Radius: " + radius_value + "\n")
            #if blnCalculateBaryCenter == True:
            #    f.write("Bary Center: " + barycenter_node + "\n")
            if blnCalculateExtremaBounding == True:
                f.write("Extrema bounding: " + extrema_bounding_value + "\n")
            if blnCalculateCenterNodes == True:
                f.write("Centers with their degree: " + str_centers_nodes +

def asyn_fluidc(G, k, max_iter=100, enable_pr=True):
    """Returns communities in `G` as detected by Fluid Communities algorithm.

    The asynchronous fluid communities algorithm is described in
    [1]_. The algorithm is based on the simple idea of fluids interacting
    in an environment, expanding and pushing each other. It's initialization is
    random, so found communities may vary on different executions.

    The algorithm proceeds as follows. First each of the initial k communities
    is initialized in a random vertex in the graph. Then the algorithm iterates
    over all vertices in a random order, updating the community of each vertex
    based on its own community and the communities of its neighbours. This
    process is performed several times until convergence.
    At all times, each community has a total density of 1, which is equally
    distributed among the vertices it contains. If a vertex changes of
    community, vertex densities of affected communities are adjusted
    immediately. When a complete iteration over all vertices is done, such that
    no vertex changes the community it belongs to, the algorithm has converged
    and returns.

    This is the original version of the algorithm described in [1]_.
    Unfortunately, it does not support weighted graphs yet.

    G : Graph

    k : integer
        The number of communities to be found.

    max_iter : integer
        The number of maximum iterations allowed. By default 15.

    enable_pr : Enable/disable Pagerank for initialize starting points

    communities : iterable
        Iterable of communities given as sets of nodes.

    k variable is not an optional argument.

    .. [1] Parés F., Garcia-Gasulla D. et al. "Fluid Communities: A
       Competitive and Highly Scalable Community Detection Algorithm".
    # Initial checks
    if not isinstance(k, int):
        raise NetworkXError("k must be an integer.")
    if not k > 0:
        raise NetworkXError("k must be greater than 0.")
    if not is_connected(G):
        raise NetworkXError("Fluid Communities can only be run on connected\
    if len(G) < k:
        raise NetworkXError("k must be greater than graph size.")
    # Initialization
    max_density = 1.0
    vertices = list(G)
    # print "@@@",vertices
    if enable_pr:
        # Run PageRank with alpha of 0.9 the push them to the head of vertices
        #  so that it will be understand as start points
        maybe_print("PageRanks: {0}".format(pagerank(G)), 2, u'i')
        # Find the top k  keys by page rank: run pr, sort the value, then get top k key
        top_keys = [word_id for word_id,_ in list(sorted(pagerank(G).items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True))]
        # random.shuffle(top_keys[:(len(top_keys))/4])
        top_keys = top_keys[:k]
        maybe_print("Top keys: {0}".format(top_keys), 2, u'i')
        # print "+++", top_keys
        # Remove these top keys from the vertices, then append top_key to the head
        top_keys.extend([v for v in vertices if v not in top_keys])
        # print "XXX", vertices

    communities = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(vertices[:k])}
    density = {}
    com_to_numvertices = {}
    for vertex in communities.keys():
        com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] = 1
        density[communities[vertex]] = max_density
    # Set up control variables and start iterating
    iter_count = 0
    cont = True
    while cont:
        cont = False
        iter_count += 1
        # Loop over all vertices in graph in a random order
        vertices = list(G)
        for vertex in vertices:
            # Updating rule
            com_counter = Counter()
            # Take into account self vertex community
            except KeyError:
            # Gather neighbour vertex communities
            for v in G[vertex]:
                except KeyError:
            # Check which is the community with highest density
            new_com = -1
            if len(com_counter.keys()) > 0:
                max_freq = max(com_counter.values())
                best_communities = [com for com, freq in com_counter.items()
                                    if (max_freq - freq) < 0.0001]
                # If actual vertex com in best communities, it is preserved
                    if communities[vertex] in best_communities:
                        new_com = communities[vertex]
                except KeyError:
                # If vertex community changes...
                if new_com == -1:
                    # Set flag of non-convergence
                    cont = True
                    # Randomly chose a new community from candidates
                    new_com = random.choice(best_communities)
                    # Update previous community status
                        com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] -= 1
                        density[communities[vertex]] = max_density / \
                    except KeyError:
                    # Update new community status
                    communities[vertex] = new_com
                    com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] += 1
                    density[communities[vertex]] = max_density / \
        # If maximum iterations reached --> output actual results
        if iter_count > max_iter:
    # Return results by grouping communities as list of vertices
    return iter(groups(communities).values())
예제 #11
파일: asyn_fluid.py 프로젝트: ynux/networkx
def asyn_fluidc(G, k, max_iter=100, seed=None):
    """Returns communities in `G` as detected by Fluid Communities algorithm.

    The asynchronous fluid communities algorithm is described in
    [1]_. The algorithm is based on the simple idea of fluids interacting
    in an environment, expanding and pushing each other. It's initialization is
    random, so found communities may vary on different executions.

    The algorithm proceeds as follows. First each of the initial k communities
    is initialized in a random vertex in the graph. Then the algorithm iterates
    over all vertices in a random order, updating the community of each vertex
    based on its own community and the communities of its neighbours. This
    process is performed several times until convergence.
    At all times, each community has a total density of 1, which is equally
    distributed among the vertices it contains. If a vertex changes of
    community, vertex densities of affected communities are adjusted
    immediately. When a complete iteration over all vertices is done, such that
    no vertex changes the community it belongs to, the algorithm has converged
    and returns.

    This is the original version of the algorithm described in [1]_.
    Unfortunately, it does not support weighted graphs yet.

    G : Graph

    k : integer
        The number of communities to be found.

    max_iter : integer
        The number of maximum iterations allowed. By default 15.

    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
        Indicator of random number generation state.
        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.

    communities : iterable
        Iterable of communities given as sets of nodes.

    k variable is not an optional argument.

    .. [1] Parés F., Garcia-Gasulla D. et al. "Fluid Communities: A
       Competitive and Highly Scalable Community Detection Algorithm".
    # Initial checks
    if not isinstance(k, int):
        raise NetworkXError("k must be an integer.")
    if not k > 0:
        raise NetworkXError("k must be greater than 0.")
    if not is_connected(G):
        raise NetworkXError("Fluid Communities require connected Graphs.")
    if len(G) < k:
        raise NetworkXError("k cannot be bigger than the number of nodes.")
    # Initialization
    max_density = 1.0
    vertices = list(G)
    communities = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(vertices[:k])}
    density = {}
    com_to_numvertices = {}
    for vertex in communities.keys():
        com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] = 1
        density[communities[vertex]] = max_density
    # Set up control variables and start iterating
    iter_count = 0
    cont = True
    while cont:
        cont = False
        iter_count += 1
        # Loop over all vertices in graph in a random order
        vertices = list(G)
        for vertex in vertices:
            # Updating rule
            com_counter = Counter()
            # Take into account self vertex community
                    {communities[vertex]: density[communities[vertex]]})
            except KeyError:
            # Gather neighbour vertex communities
            for v in G[vertex]:
                        {communities[v]: density[communities[v]]})
                except KeyError:
            # Check which is the community with highest density
            new_com = -1
            if len(com_counter.keys()) > 0:
                max_freq = max(com_counter.values())
                best_communities = [
                    com for com, freq in com_counter.items()
                    if (max_freq - freq) < 0.0001
                # If actual vertex com in best communities, it is preserved
                    if communities[vertex] in best_communities:
                        new_com = communities[vertex]
                except KeyError:
                # If vertex community changes...
                if new_com == -1:
                    # Set flag of non-convergence
                    cont = True
                    # Randomly chose a new community from candidates
                    new_com = seed.choice(best_communities)
                    # Update previous community status
                        com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] -= 1
                        density[communities[vertex]] = max_density / \
                    except KeyError:
                    # Update new community status
                    communities[vertex] = new_com
                    com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] += 1
                    density[communities[vertex]] = max_density / \
        # If maximum iterations reached --> output actual results
        if iter_count > max_iter:
    # Return results by grouping communities as list of vertices
    return iter(groups(communities).values())
예제 #12
def asyn_fluidc(G, k, max_iter=100, seed=None):
    # noqa, pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
    """This function is adapted from networks directly."""
    # Initial checks
    if not isinstance(k, int):
        raise NetworkXError("k must be an integer.")
    if not k > 0:
        raise NetworkXError("k must be greater than 0.")
    if not is_connected(G):
        raise NetworkXError("Fluid Communities require connected Graphs.")
    if len(G) < k:
        raise NetworkXError("k cannot be bigger than the number of nodes.")
    # Initialization
    max_density = 1.0
    vertices = list(G)
    communities = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(vertices[:k])}
    density = {}
    com_to_numvertices = {}
    for vertex in communities.keys():
        com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] = 1
        density[communities[vertex]] = max_density
    # Set up control variables and start iterating
    iter_count = 0
    cont = True
    while cont:
        cont = False
        iter_count += 1
        # Loop over all vertices in graph in a random order
        vertices = list(G)
        for vertex in vertices:
            # Updating rule
            com_counter = Counter()
            # Take into account self vertex community
                    {communities[vertex]: density[communities[vertex]]})
            except KeyError:
            # Gather neighbour vertex communities
            for v in G[vertex]:
                        {communities[v]: density[communities[v]]})
                except KeyError:
            # Check which is the community with highest density
            new_com = -1
            if com_counter.keys():
                max_freq = max(com_counter.values())
                best_communities = [
                    com for com, freq in com_counter.items()
                    if (max_freq - freq) < 0.0001
                # If actual vertex com in best communities, it is preserved
                    if communities[vertex] in best_communities:
                        new_com = communities[vertex]
                except KeyError:
                # If vertex community changes...
                if new_com == -1:
                    # Set flag of non-convergence
                    cont = True
                    # Randomly chose a new community from candidates
                    new_com = seed.choice(best_communities)
                    # Update previous community status
                        com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] -= 1
                        density[communities[vertex]] = (
                            max_density /
                    except KeyError:
                    # Update new community status
                    communities[vertex] = new_com
                    com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] += 1
                    density[communities[vertex]] = (
                        max_density / com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]])
        # If maximum iterations reached --> output actual results
        if iter_count > max_iter:
    # Return results by grouping communities as list of vertices
    return list(iter(groups(communities).values())), list(density.values())
예제 #13
def asyn_fluidc(G, k, max_iter=100, seed=None):
    """Returns communities in `G` as detected by Fluid Communities algorithm.

    The asynchronous fluid communities algorithm is described in
    [1]_. The algorithm is based on the simple idea of fluids interacting
    in an environment, expanding and pushing each other. It's initialization is
    random, so found communities may vary on different executions.

    The algorithm proceeds as follows. First each of the initial k communities
    is initialized in a random vertex in the graph. Then the algorithm iterates
    over all vertices in a random order, updating the community of each vertex
    based on its own community and the communities of its neighbours. This
    process is performed several times until convergence.
    At all times, each community has a total density of 1, which is equally
    distributed among the vertices it contains. If a vertex changes of
    community, vertex densities of affected communities are adjusted
    immediately. When a complete iteration over all vertices is done, such that
    no vertex changes the community it belongs to, the algorithm has converged
    and returns.

    This is the original version of the algorithm described in [1]_.
    Unfortunately, it does not support weighted graphs yet.

    G : Graph

    k : integer
        The number of communities to be found.

    max_iter : integer
        The number of maximum iterations allowed. By default 15.

    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
        Indicator of random number generation state.
        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.

    communities : iterable
        Iterable of communities given as sets of nodes.

    k variable is not an optional argument.

    .. [1] Parés F., Garcia-Gasulla D. et al. "Fluid Communities: A
       Competitive and Highly Scalable Community Detection Algorithm".
    # Initial checks
    if not isinstance(k, int):
        raise NetworkXError("k must be an integer.")
    if not k > 0:
        raise NetworkXError("k must be greater than 0.")
    if not is_connected(G):
        raise NetworkXError("Fluid Communities require connected Graphs.")
    if len(G) < k:
        raise NetworkXError("k cannot be bigger than the number of nodes.")
    # Initialization
    max_density = 1.0
    vertices = list(G)
    communities = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(vertices[:k])}
    density = {}
    com_to_numvertices = {}
    for vertex in communities.keys():
        com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] = 1
        density[communities[vertex]] = max_density
    # Set up control variables and start iterating
    iter_count = 0
    cont = True
    while cont:
        cont = False
        iter_count += 1
        # Loop over all vertices in graph in a random order
        vertices = list(G)
        for vertex in vertices:
            # Updating rule
            com_counter = Counter()
            # Take into account self vertex community
            except KeyError:
            # Gather neighbour vertex communities
            for v in G[vertex]:
                except KeyError:
            # Check which is the community with highest density
            new_com = -1
            if len(com_counter.keys()) > 0:
                max_freq = max(com_counter.values())
                best_communities = [com for com, freq in com_counter.items()
                                    if (max_freq - freq) < 0.0001]
                # If actual vertex com in best communities, it is preserved
                    if communities[vertex] in best_communities:
                        new_com = communities[vertex]
                except KeyError:
                # If vertex community changes...
                if new_com == -1:
                    # Set flag of non-convergence
                    cont = True
                    # Randomly chose a new community from candidates
                    new_com = seed.choice(best_communities)
                    # Update previous community status
                        com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] -= 1
                        density[communities[vertex]] = max_density / \
                    except KeyError:
                    # Update new community status
                    communities[vertex] = new_com
                    com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] += 1
                    density[communities[vertex]] = max_density / \
        # If maximum iterations reached --> output actual results
        if iter_count > max_iter:
    # Return results by grouping communities as list of vertices
    return iter(groups(communities).values())
예제 #14
    def elastic_centered_graph(self, start_node=None):

            start_node ():


        logging.info("In elastic centering")
        # Loop on start_nodes, sometimes some nodes cannot be elastically taken
        # inside the cell if you start from a specific node
        ntest_nodes = 0
        start_node = list(self.graph.nodes())[0]

        ntest_nodes += 1
        centered_connected_subgraph = nx.MultiGraph()
        tree = bfs_tree(G=self.graph, source=start_node)

        current_nodes = [start_node]
        nodes_traversed = [start_node]

        inode = 0
        # Loop on "levels" in the tree
        tree_level = 0
        while True:
            tree_level += 1
            logging.debug("In tree level {:d} ({:d} nodes)".format(tree_level, len(current_nodes)))
            new_current_nodes = []
            # Loop on nodes in this level of the tree
            for node in current_nodes:
                inode += 1
                    "  In node #{:d}/{:d} in level {:d} ({})".format(inode, len(current_nodes), tree_level, str(node))
                node_neighbors = list(tree.neighbors(n=node))
                node_edges = centered_connected_subgraph.edges(nbunch=[node], data=True, keys=True)
                # Loop on neighbors of a node (from the tree used)
                for inode_neighbor, node_neighbor in enumerate(node_neighbors):
                        "    Testing neighbor #{:d}/{:d} ({}) of node #{:d} ({})".format(
                    already_inside = False
                    ddeltas = []
                    for n1, n2, key, edata in node_edges:
                        if (n1 == node and n2 == node_neighbor) or (n2 == node and n1 == node_neighbor):
                            if edata["delta"] == (0, 0, 0):
                                already_inside = True
                                thisdelta = edata["delta"]
                                if edata["start"] == node.isite and edata["end"] != node.isite:
                                    thisdelta = edata["delta"]
                                elif edata["end"] == node.isite:
                                    thisdelta = tuple([-dd for dd in edata["delta"]])
                                    raise ValueError("Should not be here ...")
                        "        ddeltas : {}".format(
                            ", ".join(["({})".format(", ".join(str(ddd) for ddd in dd)) for dd in ddeltas])
                    if ddeltas.count((0, 0, 0)) > 1:
                        raise ValueError("Should not have more than one 000 delta ...")
                    if already_inside:
                        logging.debug("          Edge inside the cell ... continuing to next neighbor")
                    logging.debug("          Edge outside the cell ... getting neighbor back inside")
                    if (0, 0, 0) in ddeltas:
                        ddeltas.remove((0, 0, 0))
                    myddelta = np.array(ddeltas[0], np.int_)
                    node_neighbor_edges = centered_connected_subgraph.edges(
                        nbunch=[node_neighbor], data=True, keys=True
                        "            Delta image from node {} to neighbor {} : "
                            "({})".format(", ".join([str(iii) for iii in myddelta])),
                    # Loop on the edges of this neighbor
                    for n1, n2, key, edata in node_neighbor_edges:
                        if (n1 == node_neighbor and n2 != node_neighbor) or (
                            n2 == node_neighbor and n1 != node_neighbor
                            if edata["start"] == node_neighbor.isite and edata["end"] != node_neighbor.isite:
                                centered_connected_subgraph[n1][n2][key]["delta"] = tuple(
                                    np.array(edata["delta"], np.int_) + myddelta
                            elif edata["end"] == node_neighbor.isite:
                                centered_connected_subgraph[n1][n2][key]["delta"] = tuple(
                                    np.array(edata["delta"], np.int_) - myddelta
                                raise ValueError("DUHH")
                                "                  {} to node {} now has delta "
            current_nodes = new_current_nodes
            if not current_nodes:

        # Check if the graph is indeed connected if "periodic" edges (i.e. whose "delta" is not 0, 0, 0) are removed
        check_centered_connected_subgraph = nx.MultiGraph()
            [e for e in centered_connected_subgraph.edges(data=True) if np.allclose(e[2]["delta"], np.zeros(3))]
        if not is_connected(check_centered_connected_subgraph):
            raise RuntimeError("Could not find a centered graph.")
        return centered_connected_subgraph
    #print("Creating Pairs of Graphs")
    start_time = time.time()
    good = False
    while not good:
        # Generate first G
        using_sequence = False
        #sequence = [2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4]  # Set sequence

        G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(size, 0.02)

        G = nx.Graph(G)
        if not is_connected(G):
            # print("Bad: G disconnected")
        good = True
        # G_prime = make_graph_with_same_degree_dist(G)
        G_prime = permute_labels_only(G)

    print("Graph of size %s created in %s seconds." %
          (size, time.time() - start_time))
    start_time = time.time()
    numbers = get_values(G, G_prime)
    end_time = time.time()
    print("%s, %s" % (size, end_time - start_time))
    for i in range(0, size):
        max_cost = numbers[i * size]
        min_cost = max_cost
예제 #16
def wiener_index(G, weight=None):
    """Returns the Wiener index of the given graph.

    The *Wiener index* of a graph is the sum of the shortest-path
    distances between each pair of reachable nodes. For pairs of nodes
    in undirected graphs, only one orientation of the pair is counted.

    G : NetworkX graph

    weight : object
        The edge attribute to use as distance when computing
        shortest-path distances. This is passed directly to the
        :func:`networkx.shortest_path_length` function.

        The Wiener index of the graph `G`.

        If the graph `G` is not connected.

    If a pair of nodes is not reachable, the distance is assumed to be
    infinity. This means that for graphs that are not
    strongly-connected, this function returns ``inf``.

    The Wiener index is not usually defined for directed graphs, however
    this function uses the natural generalization of the Wiener index to
    directed graphs.

    The Wiener index of the (unweighted) complete graph on *n* nodes
    equals the number of pairs of the *n* nodes, since each pair of
    nodes is at distance one::

        >>> import networkx as nx
        >>> n = 10
        >>> G = nx.complete_graph(n)
        >>> nx.wiener_index(G) == n * (n - 1) / 2

    Graphs that are not strongly-connected have infinite Wiener index::

        >>> G = nx.empty_graph(2)
        >>> nx.wiener_index(G)

    is_directed = G.is_directed()
    if (is_directed and not is_strongly_connected(G)) or \
            (not is_directed and not is_connected(G)):
        return float('inf')
    total = sum(chaini(p.values() for v, p in spl(G, weight=weight)))
    # Need to account for double counting pairs of nodes in undirected graphs.
    return total if is_directed else total / 2
예제 #17
def asyn_fluidcWeight(G, k, max_iter=100, seed=None):
    """Returns communities in `G` as detected by Fluid Communities algorithm.

    The asynchronous fluid communities algorithm is described in
    [1]_. The algorithm is based on the simple idea of fluids interacting
    in an environment, expanding and pushing each other. Its initialization is
    random, so found communities may vary on different executions.

    The algorithm proceeds as follows. First each of the initial k communities
    is initialized in a random vertex in the graph. Then the algorithm iterates
    over all vertices in a random order, updating the community of each vertex
    based on its own community and the communities of its neighbours. This
    process is performed several times until convergence.
    At all times, each community has a total density of 1, which is equally
    distributed among the vertices it contains. If a vertex changes of
    community, vertex densities of affected communities are adjusted
    immediately. When a complete iteration over all vertices is done, such that
    no vertex changes the community it belongs to, the algorithm has converged
    and returns.

    This is a modified version of the algorithm described in [1]_.
    This version uses the density aggregate multiplied by the edge weights to determin community

    G : Graph

    k : integer
        The number of communities to be found.

    max_iter : integer
        The number of maximum iterations allowed. By default 100.

    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
        Indicator of random number generation state.
        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.

    communities : iterable
        Iterable of communities given as sets of nodes.

    k variable is not an optional argument.

    .. [1] Parés F., Garcia-Gasulla D. et al. "Fluid Communities: A
       Competitive and Highly Scalable Community Detection Algorithm".
    # Initial checks
    if not isinstance(k, int):
        raise NetworkXError("k must be an integer.")
    if not k > 0:
        raise NetworkXError("k must be greater than 0.")
    if not is_connected(G):
        raise NetworkXError("Fluid Communities require connected Graphs.")
    if len(G) < k:
        raise NetworkXError("k cannot be bigger than the number of nodes.")
    # Initialization
    max_density = 1.0
    vertices = list(G)
    communities = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(vertices[:k])}
    density = {}
    com_to_numvertices = {}
    for vertex in communities.keys():
        com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] = 1
        G.nodes[vertex]["density"] = 1
        density[communities[vertex]] = max_density
    # Set up control variables and start iterating
    iter_count = 0
    cont = True
    while cont:
        cont = False
        iter_count += 1
        # Loop over all vertices in graph in a random order
        vertices = list(G)
        for vertex in vertices:
            # Updating rule
            com_counter = Counter()
            weight_counter = Counter()
            # Take into account self vertex community
                    {communities[vertex]: density[communities[vertex]]})
            except KeyError:
            # Gather neighbour vertex communities
            for v in G[vertex]:
                        {communities[v]: density[communities[v]]})
                        {communities[v]: G.edges[v, vertex]['weight']})
                except KeyError:

            combined = {}
            for k, v in com_counter.items():
                if weight_counter.get(k) is not None:
                    temp = v * weight_counter.get(k)
                    combined.update({k: temp})

            # Check which is the community with highest density
            new_com = -1
            if len(com_counter.keys()) > 0:
                if combined:
                    max_combined = max(combined.values())
                best_communities = [
                    com for com, freq in com_counter.items()
                    if (max_combined == combined.get(com))
                # If actual vertex com in best communities, it is preserved
                    if communities[vertex] in best_communities:
                        new_com = communities[vertex]
                except KeyError:

                # If vertex community changes...
                if new_com == -1:
                    # Set flag of non-convergence
                    cont = True
                    # Randomly chose a new community from candidates
                    if best_communities:
                        new_com = seed.choice(best_communities)

                    # Update previous community status
                        if com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] > 1:
                            com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] -= 1
                            density[communities[vertex]] = (
                                max_density /
                    except KeyError:
                    # Update new community status
                    communities[vertex] = new_com
                    com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]] += 1
                    density[communities[vertex]] = (
                        max_density / com_to_numvertices[communities[vertex]])
        # If maximum iterations reached --> output actual results
        if iter_count > max_iter:
    # Return results by grouping communities as list of vertices
    return iter(groups(communities).values())

# if __name__ == '__main__':

#     name3 = "/home/james/4F90/sg_infectious_graphs/weightededgesX_2009_05_06.out"
#     name = "/home/james/4F90/sg_infectious_graphs/weightededgesX_2009_07_15.out"
# fh2 = open(name, "rb")
# fh3 = open(name3, "rb")
# my_graph2 = nx.read_weighted_edgelist(fh3)
# testg = nx.read_weighted_edgelist(fh3)
# fh2.close()
# graphs = (my_graph2.subgraph(c) for c in nx.connected_components(my_graph2))
# graphs = list(graphs)
# community = asyn_fluidcWeight(my_graph2, 10, seed=1)
# fluid = nx.algorithms.community.asyn_fluidc(my_graph2, 13, seed=10)
# defaultFLuid = algorithms.async_fluid(my_graph2, 13)
# louvain = algorithms.louvain(my_graph2, weight='weight')
# com1 = []
# com2 = []
# coms1 = [list(x) for x in community]
# fluid2 = [list(x) for x in fluid]
# coms2 = cdlib.NodeClustering(coms1, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
# fluid3 = cdlib.NodeClustering(fluid2, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")

# pos = nx.spring_layout(testg, weight='weight',seed=5)
# pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(testg)
# wcom = asyn_fluidcWeight(testg, 10, seed=3)
# wcoms = [list(x) for x in wcom]
# wcoms2 = cdlib.NodeClustering(wcoms, testg, "FluidWeight")

# print(evaluation.newman_girvan_modularity(testg, wcoms2).score)

# labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(testg, 'weight')
# viz.plot_network_clusters(testg, wcoms2, pos,figsize=(20,20),node_size=600,cmap='gist_rainbow', plot_labels=False)
# nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(testg,pos, edge_labels=labels, font_size=6)
# nx.draw_networkx_labels(testg, pos, font_size=8)
# plt.savefig("Algo2_10com.png")
# plt.show()
# plt.close()

# resolut = {}
# resolut["5"] = 4
# resolut["7"] = 2.5
# resolut["10"] = 1.41
# resolut["13"] = 1
# resolut["15"] = 0.9
# resolut["17"] = 0.72
# resolut["20"] = 0.6
# resolutions = [4,2.5,1.41,1,0.9,0.72,0.6]
# louvain = algorithms.louvain(my_graph2, weight='weight', resolution=1)

# count = 0
# for i in fluid3.communities:
#     count = count +1
# print(count)

# count = 0
# for i in louvain.communities:
#     count = count +1
# print(count)

# with open('algo2fluidcontrol20comm.txt', 'w') as f:
#     count = 0
#     s = 0
#     scores = []
#     while count <30:
#         try:
#             print("seed: "+ str(s))
#             print("seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#             wcom = asyn_fluidcWeight(my_graph2, 20, seed=s)
#             wcoms = [list(x) for x in wcom]
#             wcoms2 = cdlib.NodeClustering(wcoms, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#             fluid = nx.algorithms.community.asyn_fluidc(my_graph2, 20, seed=s)
#             fluid2 = [list(x) for x in fluid]
#             fluid3 = cdlib.NodeClustering(fluid2, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#             print("weightedfluid")
#             print(wcoms2.communities)
#             print("Benchmark Fluid")
#             print(fluid3.communities)
#             print("weightedfluid", file=f)
#             print(wcoms2.communities, file=f)
#             print("Benchmark Fluid", file=f)
#             print(fluid3.communities,file=f)
#             scores.append(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, fluid3).score)
#             print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, fluid3), file=f)
#             count+=1
#             s+=1
#         except:
#             # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s))
#             # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#             s+=1
#     print("Adjusted rand indexes")
#     print("Adjusted rand indexes", file=f)
#     print(scores)
#     print(scores, file=f)
#     print("Mean")
#     print("Mean", file=f)
#     print(numpy.mean(scores))
#     print(numpy.mean(scores),file=f)
#     print("Standard deviation")
#     print("Standard deviation", file=f)
#     print(numpy.std(scores))
#     print(numpy.std(scores), file=f)

# with open('algo2louvainnorand20comm.txt', 'w') as f:
#     count = 0
#     s = 0
#     scores = []
#     while count <30:
#         try:
#             print("seed: "+ str(s))
#             print("seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#             wcom = asyn_fluidcWeight(my_graph2, 20, seed=s)
#             wcoms = [list(x) for x in wcom]
#             wcoms2 = cdlib.NodeClustering(wcoms, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#             louvain = algorithms.louvain(my_graph2, weight='weight', resolution=0.4)
#             print("weightedfluid")
#             print(wcoms2.communities)
#             print("Benchmark Fluid")
#             print(louvain.communities)
#             print("weightedfluid", file=f)
#             print(wcoms2.communities, file=f)
#             print("Benchmark Fluid", file=f)
#             print(louvain.communities,file=f)
#             print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain))
#             print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain),file=f)
#             scores.append(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain).score)
#             count+=1
#             s+=1
#         except:
#             # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s))
#             # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#             s+=1
#     print("Adjusted rand indexes")
#     print("Adjusted rand indexes", file=f)
#     print(scores)
#     print(scores, file=f)
#     print("Mean")
#     print("Mean", file=f)
#     print(numpy.mean(scores))
#     print(numpy.mean(scores),file=f)
#     print("Standard deviation")
#     print("Standard deviation", file=f)
#     print(numpy.std(scores))
#     print(numpy.std(scores), file=f)

# with open('algo2louvainrand20comm.txt', 'w') as f:
#     count = 0
#     s = 0
#     scores = []
#     while count <30:
#         try:
#             print("seed: "+ str(s))
#             print("seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#             wcom = asyn_fluidcWeight(my_graph2, 20, seed=s)
#             wcoms = [list(x) for x in wcom]
#             wcoms2 = cdlib.NodeClustering(wcoms, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#             #Adjust resolution to get community size [4,2.5,1.41,1,0.9,0.72,0.6] -> [5,7,10,13,15,17,20]
#             louvain = algorithms.louvain(my_graph2, weight='weight',randomize=1, resolution=0.4)
#             print("weightedfluid")
#             print(wcoms2.communities)
#             print("Benchmark Fluid")
#             print(louvain.communities)
#             print("weightedfluid", file=f)
#             print(wcoms2.communities, file=f)
#             print("Benchmark Fluid", file=f)
#             print(louvain.communities,file=f)
#             print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain))
#             print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain),file=f)
#             scores.append(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain).score)
#             count+=1
#             s+=1
#         except:
#             # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s))
#             # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#             s+=1
#     print("Adjusted rand indexes")
#     print("Adjusted rand indexes", file=f)
#     print(scores)
#     print(scores, file=f)
#     print("Mean")
#     print("Mean", file=f)
#     print(numpy.mean(scores))
#     print(numpy.mean(scores),file=f)
#     print("Standard deviation")
#     print("Standard deviation", file=f)
#     print(numpy.std(scores))
#     print(numpy.std(scores), file=f)

# name2 = "/content/drive/MyDrive/4F90/sg_infectious_graphs/sg_infectious_graphs/weightededgesX_2009_06_02.out"
# name = "/content/drive/MyDrive/4F90/sg_infectious_graphs/sg_infectious_graphs/weightededgesX_2009_07_15.out"
# fh2 = open(name, "rb")
# my_graph2 = nx.read_weighted_edgelist(fh2)
# fh2.close()
# graphs = (my_graph2.subgraph(c) for c in nx.connected_components(my_graph2))
# graphs = list(graphs)

# com1 = []
# com2 = []

# with open('algo2fluidcontrol.txt', 'w') as f:
#   count = 0
#   s = 0
#   while count <30:
#     try:

#       wcom =  asyn_fluidcWeight(my_graph2, 10, seed=s)
#       print("seed: "+ str(s))
#       print("seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#       wcoms = [list(x) for x in wcom]
#       wcoms2 = cdlib.NodeClustering(wcoms, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#       fluid = nx.algorithms.community.asyn_fluidc(my_graph2, 10, seed=s)
#       fluid2 = [list(x) for x in fluid]
#       fluid3 = cdlib.NodeClustering(fluid2, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#       print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, fluid3))
#       print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, fluid3), file=f)
#   count+=1
#   s+=1
# except:
#   # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s))
#   # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#   s+=1

# with open('algo2louvainnorand.txt', 'w') as f:
#   count = 0
#   while count <30:
#     try:

#       wcom =  asyn_fluidcWeight(my_graph2, 10, seed=s)
#       print("seed: "+ str(s))
#       print("seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#       wcoms = [list(x) for x in wcom]
#       wcoms2 = cdlib.NodeClustering(wcoms, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#       louvain = algorithms.louvain(my_graph2, weight='weight')
#       print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain))
#       print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain),file=f)
#       count+=1
#       s+=1
#     except:
#       # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s))
#       # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#       s+=1

# with open('algo2louvainrand.txt', 'w') as f:
#   count = 0
#   while count <30:
#     try:

#       wcom =  asyn_fluidcWeight(my_graph2, 10, seed=s)
#       print("seed: "+ str(s))
#       print("seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#       wcoms = [list(x) for x in wcom]
#       wcoms2 = cdlib.NodeClustering(wcoms, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#       louvain = algorithms.louvain(my_graph2, weight='weight',randomize=1)
#       print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain))
#       print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, louvain),file=f)
#       count+=1
#       s+=1
#     except:
#       # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s))
#       # print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s),file=f)
#       s+=1

# for s in range(1, 30):
#     print("seed: "+ str(s))
#     try:
#       wcom = asyn_fluidcWeight(my_graph2, 10, seed=s)
#       wcoms = [list(x) for x in wcom]
#       wcoms2 = cdlib.NodeClustering(wcoms, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#       fluid = nx.algorithms.community.asyn_fluidc(my_graph2, 10, seed=s)
#       fluid2 = [list(x) for x in fluid]
#       fluid3 = cdlib.NodeClustering(fluid2, my_graph2, "FluidWeight")
#       print(evaluation.adjusted_rand_index(wcoms2, fluid3))
#     except:
#       print("Something went wrong with seed: "+ str(s))
예제 #18
F = nx.Graph()
print("I nodi sono: ", number_of_nodes(F))
# for i in range(20):
#     print(F.nodes[i])

# Per leggere un edgelist
with open("/home/utente/Scaricati/Tesi/edgelist_3", "rb") as fp:
    edgelist = pickle.load(fp)
print("ho caricato il grafo")
# F = nx.Graph()
print("I nodi sono: ", number_of_nodes(F))
print("Gli archi sono: ", number_of_edges(F))
if not is_connected(F):

# Per mostrare e salvare il grafo in ingresso sotto forma di png
nx.draw(test_graph, with_labels=True)
# Questioni di debug sul grafo in ingresso
print("Prima del clustering il grafo ha archi:\n", test_graph.edges)
print('Il grafo di test ha: ', test_graph.number_of_edges(), ' archi')
print('Il grafo di test ha: ', test_graph.number_of_nodes(), ' nodi')
print('Il grafo di test ha: ', number_of_selfloops(test_graph), ' self-edges')