def getSvgForGraphPair(before, after, leftToRight=False): g1 = before.copy() g2 = after.copy() appendTag(g1) appendTag(g2) for n in g2: if 'tag' in g2.nodes[n] and n in g1: if g1.nodes[n].get('tag', None) != g2.nodes[n].get('tag'): g2.nodes[n]['fontcolor'] = 'red' edgesDeleted = [e for e in g1.edges if e not in g2.edges] nodesDeleted = [n for n in g1.nodes if n not in g2.nodes] edgesAdded = [e for e in g2.edges if e not in g1.edges] nodesAdded = [n for n in g2.nodes if n not in g1.nodes] for n in nodesDeleted: g1.nodes[n]['color'] = 'red' g1.nodes[n]['fontcolor'] = 'red' g2.add_node(n, color="white", label="") for n in nodesAdded: g2.nodes[n]['color'] = 'green' g2.nodes[n]['fontcolor'] = 'green' g1.add_node(n, color="white", label="") for (s, t) in edgesDeleted: g1.edges[s, t]['color'] = 'red' g1.edges[s, t]['fontcolor'] = 'red' g2.add_edge(s, t, color="white") for (s, t) in edgesAdded: g2.edges[s, t]['color'] = 'green' g2.edges[s, t]['fontcolor'] = 'green' g1.add_edge(s, t, color="white") if leftToRight: (_, _, x1, y1) = position(g1) transferPositions(g1, g2) (_, _, x2, y2) = position(g2) else: (_, _, x2, y2) = position(g2) transferPositions(g2, g1) (_, _, x1, y1) = position(g1) # Graphviz uses 96 DPI by default desiredX = max(x1, x2) / 96.0 desiredY = max(y1, y2) / 96.0 sizeAttr = "{},{}!".format(desiredX, desiredY) ag1 = to_agraph(g1) ag1.graph_attr['size'] = sizeAttr s1 = ag1.draw(format="svg", prog="neato") ag2 = to_agraph(g2) ag2.graph_attr['size'] = sizeAttr s2 = ag2.draw(format="svg", prog="neato") return (s1.decode("utf-8"), s2.decode("utf-8"))
def draw(g, path=None): """ Draw the graph g and return as png. The graph is plotted inline in an IPython notebook. When a path is given, also save the image to a file at path, using the export function. """ if path is not None: to_agraph(G).draw(format='png', prog='dot', path=path) return Image(to_agraph(G).draw(format='png', prog='dot'))
def static_graph(rules_dag): from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import to_agraph graph = to_agraph(rules_dag) graph.node_attr['fontname'] = 'Arial, sans-serf' graph.edge_attr['fontname'] = 'Arial, sans-serf' with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.dot') as dot_file: graph.write( graph.clear() with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r', suffix='.svg') as temp_file: system(f'dot -Tsvg {} -o {}') # with open( as f: svg = insert_after = 'xmlns:xlink="">' processed = svg.replace(insert_after, insert_after + """ <style> a:hover polygon { fill: red; } </style> """) return processed
def draw_graph(Pline,Qline,Vbus,phibus,filename='graph.png'): G = nx.DiGraph() ppc=case14.case14() cols=['green'] for bus in ppc['bus']: busnum=int(bus[0]) phi=phibus[busnum-1]*180.0/numpy.pi xlabel='V:'+str('%.2f'%round(Vbus[busnum-1],2))+'kV /_'+str("%.2f" % round(phi,2)) G.add_node(busnum,color=cols[0],label=busnum,xlabel=xlabel) for i,line in enumerate(ppc['branch']): ptag='' if numpy.isnan(Pline[i]): ptag='NA' else: ptag=str('%.2f'%round(Pline[i]*100,2)) qtag=str('%.2f'%round(numpy.abs(Qline[i])*100,2)) if Qline[i]<0: label='Pline:'+ptag+'-j'+qtag+'MVA' else: label='Pline:'+ptag+'+j'+qtag+'MVA' G.add_edge(int(line[0]),int(line[1]),taillabel=label) G.graph['graph']={'rankdir':'TD','splines':'ortho','size': (10,10),'nodesep':2.5,'forcelabels':'True'} G.graph['node']={'shape':'line','width':0.1,'style':'filled'} G.graph['edges']={'arrowsize':'4.0','labelfontcolor':'red','labeldistance':5} A = to_agraph(G) print(A) A.layout('dot') A.draw(filename)
def visualize_pipeline(fname_dst, cg=COMP_GRAPH, params=DEFAULT_PARAMS): runner = CompGraphRunner(cg, frozen_tokens=params) ag = to_agraph(runner.token_manager.to_networkx()) ag.layout('dot') ag.draw(fname_dst)
def paths_graph_to_Image(self): '''Returns PIL image of pathways graph Returns -------- img: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` ''' if self.paths_graph: fout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") agraph = to_agraph(self.paths_graph) agraph.graph_attr.update(ratio=1.0, overlap="ipsep", mode="ipsep", splines="true") try: agraph.layout(args="-Gepsilon=0.01 -Gmaxiter=50") except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "There was a problem with Graphviz. See" ) from e if agraph.number_of_nodes() <= 200: agraph.draw(, prog='neato') else: agraph.draw(, prog='dot') img = return img else: raise RuntimeError("Nothing to draw.")
def output_clustered_graph(graph, name, clustering): """Will ommit edge labels """ # Create AGraph via networkx G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(graph.nodes()) G.add_edges_from(graph.edges()) A = to_agraph(G) tableau20 = [ '#1f77b4', '#aec7e8', '#ff7f0e', '#ffbb78', '#2ca02c', '#98df8a', '#d62728', '#ff9896', '#9467bd', '#c5b0d5', '#8c564b', '#c49c94', '#e377c2', '#f7b6d2', '#7f7f7f', '#c7c7c7', '#bcbd22', '#dbdb8d', '#17becf', '#9edae5' ] clist = [ tableau20[i*2] for i in range(0, len(tableau20)/2)] i = 0 for c in clustering: A.add_subgraph(c, name='cluster_%d' % i, color=clist[i % len(clist)]) i += 1 name = 'graphs/%s.png' % name A.write(name + '.dot') A.draw(name, prog="dot")
def drawNetwork2(G, bought, name): G.graph['overlap'] = False G.graph['node'] = {'shape': 'circle'} G.add_nodes_from(bought, style='filled', fillcolor='lawngreen') G.add_nodes_from([ node for node in G.nodes if node not in bought and not G.nodes[node]['immunization'] ], style='filled', fillcolor='darkred') G.add_nodes_from([ node for node in G.nodes if node not in bought and G.nodes[node]['immunization'] ], style='filled', fillcolor='aqua') target = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'target') target_node = [key for key, value in target.items() if value is True] G.add_nodes_from(target_node, style='filled', fillcolor='orange') for node in G: G.add_nodes_from([node], label=(str(node))) A = to_agraph(G) A.layout('dot') A.draw(name)
def visualizeGraph(self, residualGraph, vertex_disjoint_paths, start, end): A = to_agraph(residualGraph) A.node_attr['style'] = 'filled' # iterate over vertex disjoint paths for path in vertex_disjoint_paths: color = "#" + ''.join( [random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for j in range(6)]) i = 0 while i < len(path) - 1: n = A.get_node(path[i]) n.attr['fillcolor'] = color n = A.get_edge(path[i], path[i + 1]) n.attr['fillcolor'] = color i = i + 1 # fill starting and ending node n = A.get_node(start) n.attr['fillcolor'] = "#d64945" n = A.get_node(end) n.attr['fillcolor'] = "#d64945" A.layout('dot') A.draw('graph.png') img = mpimg.imread('graph.png') imgplot = plt.imshow(img)
def show_graph(graph_list: List[nx.DiGraph], path: str, name: str): count = 1 size_list = [] Path("./graph_{}".format(path)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for graph in graph_list: this_size = str(len(graph.nodes)) size_list.append(this_size) try: nx.draw_planar(graph) # only works if the graph is planar except Exception: nx.draw(graph) # if the previous failed, draw nontheless # render = to_agraph( graph ) # this is using graphviz. Graphviz worked better than matplotlib in this case. render.layout( 'dot' ) # this is only one of the possible layouts, I will comment on this on WeChat # other possible layouts: render.graph_attr['label'] = name + "\nnumber of vertices = " + this_size + \ "\nHilbert Function result, so far: [" + fp.reduce( lambda a, b: str(a) + ', ' + str(b), size_list) + "]" render.draw('graph_{}/graph_{}.png'.format(path, count)) count = count + 1
def collate(collation, output="table", layout="horizontal", segmentation=True): algorithm = DekkerSuffixAlgorithm(collation) # build graph graph = VariantGraph() algorithm.build_variant_graph_from_blocks(graph, collation) # join parallel segments if segmentation: join(graph) # check which output format is requested: graph or table if output=="graph" and in_ipython: # visualize the variant graph into SVG format from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import to_agraph agraph = to_agraph(graph.graph) svg = agraph.draw(format="svg", prog="dot", args="-Grankdir=LR -Gid=VariantGraph") return display(SVG(svg)) # create alignment table table = AlignmentTable(collation, graph) if output == "json": return display_alignment_table_as_json(table) if output == "novisualization": return table # create visualization of alignment table if layout == "vertical": prettytable = visualizeTableVertically(table) else: prettytable = visualizeTableHorizontal(table) if in_ipython(): html = prettytable.get_html_string(formatting=True) return display(HTML(html)) return prettytable
def directed_graph_to_graphviz_image(dg, image_path, layout='dot', verbose=0): ag = to_agraph(dg) ag.layout(layout) ag.draw(image_path) if verbose: pil_im =, 'r') plt.imshow(pil_im)
def draw_frequent_itemsets(frquent_itemsets, network_name): list1 = [] list2 = [] g = nx.DiGraph() item_sets = sorted(frquent_itemsets.keys(), key=len, reverse=True) for item in item_sets: if len(item) == len(item_sets[0]): g.add_node(node_data(frquent_itemsets, item), style='filled', fillcolor=node_color(frquent_itemsets[item])) list1.append(item) else: if len(list1[0]) - len(item) == 2: list1 = list2 list2 = [] list2.append(item) g.add_node(node_data(frquent_itemsets, item), style='filled', fillcolor=node_color(frquent_itemsets[item])) for super_set in list1: if set(item) <= set(super_set): g.add_edge(node_data(frquent_itemsets, super_set), node_data(frquent_itemsets, item), color='brown') A = to_agraph(g) A.layout('dot') A.draw(network_name)
def plot_networkx(num_states, T, drug_name): """ This plots the Transition matrix for each condition. """ G = nx.MultiDiGraph() num_states = T.shape[0] # node labels labels = {} for i in range(num_states): labels[i] = "state " + str(i + 1) # add nodes for i in range(num_states): G.add_node(i, pos=(-2, -2), label=labels[i], style='filled', fillcolor='lightblue') # add edges for i in range(num_states): for j in range(num_states): G.add_edge(i, j, penwidth=2 * [i, j], minlen=1) # add graphviz layout options (see G.graph['edge'] = {'arrowsize': '0.6', 'splines': 'curved'} G.graph['graph'] = {'scale': '1'} # adding attributes to edges in multigraphs is more complicated but see # for i in range(num_states): G[i][i][0]['color'] = 'black' A = to_agraph(G) A.layout('dot') A.draw('output/' + str(drug_name) + '.svg')
def draw_network(G): # G = nx.star_graph(20) # pos = nx.spring_layout(G) # colors = range(20) # nx.draw(G, pos, node_color='#A0CBE2', edge_color=colors, # width=4,, with_labels=False) # weights = [] pos = nx.circular_layout(G) for i in"frequency"): weights.append(i[2]) nx.draw(G, pos, node_color=range(len(G.nodes)), edge_color=weights, width=4,,, with_labels=False) for p in pos: # raise text positions pos[p][1] -= 0.1 # nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos) print(to_agraph(G))
def add(self, graph1, graph2): #we use "copy" of graph1 as template for adding graph2 to it self.impactScore = graph1.impactScore.copy() graph2copy = graph2.impactScore.copy() colors = {} for node in graph1.nodes: if node in graph1.explicit: colors[node] = '#669900' else: colors[node] = '#d0f0c0' for term, score in self.impactScore.items(): if term in graph2copy: self.impactScore[term] += graph2copy[term] graph2copy.pop(term) if term in graph2.explicit: colors[term] = '#ffcc00' else: colors[term] = '#fceea7' for term, score in graph2copy.items(): self.impactScore[term] = score if term in graph2.explicit: colors[term] = '#ff0066' else: colors[term] = '#ffb6c1' self.nodes = self.impactScore.keys() self.names = {term: id_to_name[term] for term in self.nodes} self.miniGraph = graph.subgraph(self.nodes) self.gvGraph = to_agraph(self.miniGraph) self.setLabels() self.gvGraph.node_attr['style'] = 'filled' self.gvGraph.layout('dot') for term in colors: self.gvGraph.get_node(term).attr['color'] = colors[term]
def plot(self, plot_file_name, verbose): if verbose: # init graph G = nx.Graph() # add nodes for territory in self.territories.values(): label = f'{}\nt = {territory.troops}\n{territory.ruler}' # label = f'{}\nt = {territory.troops}, ({territory.board_pos})' G.add_node(territory, label=label, fontsize=30, pos=territory.board_pos, fixedsize=True, height=territory.size_on_board, width=territory.size_on_board, shape='oval', fontcolor='#FFFFFF', penwidth=35, fillcolor=territory.fill_color, color=territory.border_color, style='filled') # add edges for path in self.paths: G.add_edge(path.from_territory, path.to_territory, penwidth=5) # convert to graphviz agraph A = to_agraph(G) A.graph_attr.update(splines='true', bgcolor='#BDBDBD') A.layout() # draw and export A.draw(plot_file_name)
def _draw_network(self, nxgraph, filename, layout="dot", write=True, use_LR=False): try: import pygraphviz except (ModuleNotFoundError): raise ModuleNotFoundError("pygraphviz not installed.") pygraph = to_agraph(nxgraph) if use_LR: pygraph.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR' else: pass pygraph.add_subgraph([self.first_smiles], rank='source') pygraph.layout(layout) if write: pygraph.write("") else: pass pygraph.draw(filename) return
def plot_graph(g, fname="graph.pdf"): """Plot a networkx directed multigraph This was not easy to do at all. Plotting directed multigraphs neatly in python is an UNSOLVED problem. * based on * adding attributes to edges in multigraphs is more complicated but see * add graphviz layout options (see Parameters ---------- g: A tuple (vdata, edata, connectivity) graph to plot fname: string filepath to save with Returns ------- """ g = pgn2nx(g) g.graph["edge"] = {"arrowsize": "0.6", "splines": "curved"} g.graph["node"] = {"shape": "box"} g.graph["graph"] = {"scale": "1"} a = to_agraph(g) a.layout("circo") # circo was the friendliest layout for me a.draw(fname)
def compact_show(self,name,colors={},edges_color={}): A=to_agraph(self) try: if 'accept' in self.graph: for n in self.graph['accept']: node = A.get_node(n) node.attr['peripheries'] = 2 for n in self.graph['initial']: node = A.get_node(n) node.attr['penwidth'] = 2 for n,d in self.nodes(data=True): node = A.get_node(n) if 'label' in d: node.attr['label'] = str(n) + "\n" + str(d['label']) for n,c in colors.items(): node = A.get_node(n) node.attr['color'] = c node.attr['style'] = 'filled' print n,c for n,c in edges_color.items(): node = A.get_edge(*n) node.attr['color'] = c node.attr['penwidth'] = 2 print n,c except Exception,e: print "Error on printing graph: ",e
def crear_arbol(df, nombreImg): G = nx.DiGraph(bgcolor=background) global indx global reglasDeInferencia global arbol_labels global arbol_aristas arbol_aristas = [] arbol_labels = [] indx = 0 reglasDeInferencia = [] rec_crear_arbol(df, G, -1, 'f', 'Si ') G.graph['graph'] = {'rankdir': 'TD'} G.graph['node'] = {'shape': 'circle'} G.graph['edges'] = {'arrowsize': '4.0'} A = to_agraph(G) A.layout('dot') A.draw(nombreImg + '.png') #guardo las reglas de inferencia en un archivo fileReglas = open('reglas' + nombreImg + '.txt', "w") for i in reglasDeInferencia: fileReglas.write(i + '\n') fileReglas.close() #guardo el arbol en un archivo fileArbolLabels = open(nombreImg + 'arbolLabels.txt', "w") for i in arbol_labels: fileArbolLabels.write(str(i) + '\n') fileArbolLabels.close() fileArbolAristas = open(nombreImg + 'arbolAristas.txt', "w") for i in arbol_aristas: fileArbolAristas.write(str(i) + '\n') fileArbolAristas.close() return arbol_labels, arbol_aristas
def draw(self): options = { 'node_color': 'blue', 'node_size': 10, 'width': 1, 'font_size': 9 } nx.draw_networkx(self.G, labels=self.labeldict, pos=graphviz_layout(self.G, prog='neato'), with_label=True, **options) nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.G, pos=graphviz_layout(self.G, prog='neato'), arrowstyle='->', arrow=True) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(self.G, pos=graphviz_layout(self.G, prog='neato'), edge_labels=self.edge_label, arrowstyle='-') self.G.graph['graph'] = {'rankdir': 'TD', 'size': "20.,20"} self.G.graph['edges'] = {'arrowsize': '10.0'} G_agraph = to_agraph(self.G) G_agraph.layout(prog='dot') G_agraph.draw(self.filename.split('.')[0] + '.png')'.')[0] + '.png').show()
def createGraphTikz(st, eL): def replaceChars(s): return (s.replace('#', '\#').replace('#', '\\#').replace( u'è', 'e\'').replace(u'é', 'e\'').replace(u'ù', 'u\'').replace( u'ì', 'i\'').replace(u'à', 'a\'').replace(u'ò', 'o\'').replace(u'’', '\'')) G = nx.DiGraph() nodes = list(i for i in range(len(st))) edges = list((st.index(t[0]), st.index(t[1]), t[2]) for t in eL) G.add_nodes_from(nodes) G.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) G.graph['edge'] = {'arrowsize': '1', 'splines': 'curved'} G.graph['graph'] = {'scale': '1000000'} A = to_agraph(G) A.layout('dot') for i, s in enumerate(st): n = A.get_node(i) n.attr['label'] = replaceChars(s) for triplet in edges: e = A.get_edge(triplet[0], triplet[1]) e.attr['label'] = toLatexProb(triplet[2]) A.draw('image.png') texcode = dot2tex.dot2tex(A.to_string(), format='tikz', crop=True) regEx = re.compile(r'(\\begin\{tikzpicture\})(.*?)(\\end\{tikzpicture\})', re.M | re.DOTALL) return ''.join(regEx.findall(texcode)[0])
def genome_to_png(g, name, caption=None): if caption == None: caption = name nodes = [] labels = [] for n in [g.get_node(i) for i in range(len(g.nodes))]: nodes.append(n.innovation_number) labels.append(n.get_type()[0]) connections = [] for c in [g.get_connection(i) for i in range(len(g.connections))]: if c.disabled == False: connections.append( (c.from_node.innovation_number, c.to_node.innovation_number, { "weight": "{:.02f}".format(c.weight) })) G = nx.MultiDiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes) G.add_edges_from(connections) A = to_agraph(G) A.graph_attr["label"] = caption A.node_attr["shape"] = "circle" for i in range(len(nodes)): A.get_node(nodes[i]).attr["label"] = labels[i] for x, y, d in connections: A.get_edge(x, y).attr["label"] = d["weight"] A.layout("dot") A.draw("{}.png".format(name))
def handle(self, *args, **options): re_include = re.compile( "{%\s+?(include|extends)\s+?['|\"](.*?)['|\"]\s+?.*?%}", re.DOTALL) htmlfiles = glob.glob('**/*.html', recursive=True) G = nx.DiGraph() labels = {} for path in sorted(htmlfiles, key=lambda x: os.path.basename(x)): bpath = os.path.basename(path) with open(path, 'r') as datei: allet = includes = re_include.findall(allet) for incl in includes: if incl[0] == 'include': x, y = bpath, os.path.basename(incl[1]) labels[(x, y)] = 'include' else: x, y = os.path.basename(incl[1]), bpath labels[(x, y)] = 'extends' G.add_edge(x, y) # pos = nx.spring_layout(G) # nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels) A = nx_agraph.to_agraph(G) A.graph_attr.update(rankdir='LR') A.draw('dependency_graph.png', prog='dot')
def draw_forwarding_network(source, dst): network = Network() #cmap = matplotlib.colors.get_named_colors_mapping() cmap = plt.get_cmap('gnuplot') #LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["red","green", "blue"]) G = nx.DiGraph() # adding nodes to graph for node in network.get_nodes_on_path(source, dst): G.add_node(node) calc_tot_send_time(network, source, dst, greedy_mode=False, fair_forwarding=True) for link in network.get_links_on_path(source, dst): link_source, link_dst = link penwidth = 1 + 10 * network.get_link_flow((link_source, link_dst)) color = matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex( cmap(network.get_link_flow((link_source, link_dst)))) G.add_edge(link_source, link_dst, penwidth=penwidth, color=color) mapping = {nodename: nodename for nodename in network.get_node_names()} nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping, copy=False) # set defaults G.graph['graph'] = {'rankdir': 'TD'} G.graph['node'] = {'shape': 'circle'} G.graph['edges'] = {'arrowsize': '4.0'} A = to_agraph(G) A.layout('dot') data_name = dst + '_fair_pf.png' A.draw(data_name)
def draw_whole_network(self): network = list(all_subsets(''.join(self.unique_transaction.keys()))) g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_node('Start', style='filled', fillcolor="red") for item in network[1:len(self.unique_transaction)+1]: g.add_node(node_data(self.frquent_itemsets, ''.join(item)), style='filled', fillcolor=node_color( self.frquent_itemsets[''.join(item)]) if ''.join(item) in self.frquent_itemsets else 'white') g.add_edge('Start', node_data( self.frquent_itemsets, ''.join(item))) for item in network[len(self.unique_transaction)+1:]: item = sorted(item) item = ''.join(item) g.add_node(node_data(self.frquent_itemsets, item), style='filled', fillcolor=node_color( self.frquent_itemsets[item]) if item in self.frquent_itemsets else 'white') index1 = index(len(self.unique_transaction), len(item)-2) index2 = index(len(self.unique_transaction), len(item)-1) for item2 in network[int(index1):int(index2)]: item2 = sorted(item2) item2 = ''.join(item2) if set(item) >= set(item2): g.add_edge(node_data(self.frquent_itemsets, item2), node_data(self.frquent_itemsets, item)) A = to_agraph(g) A.layout('dot') A.draw('network.png')
def graph(): options = { "node_color": "#BADD8CFF", "edgecolors": "#8CC63FFF", "edge_color": "grey", #"connectionstyle": "arc3,rad=0.2", "with_labels": True } plt.get_current_fig_manager().set_window_title('Графічна форма') g = nx.MultiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(Ui_Window_2.a) for i in Ui_Window_2.relations_dict.keys(): if Ui_Window_2.relations_dict[i] == 1: g.add_edge(i[0], i[1]) print(i) a = to_agraph(g) a.layout('dot') a.draw("DisLab3/graph.png") # plt.savefig("temp.png") nx.draw(g, pos=nx.spring_layout(g), **options)
def create_topology(self, backbone='zoo/Atmnet.graphml', agg_n=2, a_type='star', k=1, c=()): node,edge = parse_zoo(backbone) G = nx.Graph(edge) G.add_nodes_from(node) A=to_agraph(G) # convert to a graphviz graph A.layout() # neato layout A.draw("") self.backbone = [] self.aggregation = [] self.access = { 'star':[], 'ftree':[], 'bcube':[]} self.backbone += node #node,edge = [0,1,2], self.create_ring(3) + [(2,0)] res = edge agg = [] adjust = lambda x: (x[0] + num_node,x[1]+num_node) num_node = len(node) output = open('topo/{}.txt'.format(backbone),'w+') output.write('name: {}; backbone nodes: {}\n'.format(backbone,len(node))) for i in set(sum(res, ())): a_type = random.choice(['star','ftree','bcube']) if a_type == 'star': k = random.randint(3,7) if a_type == 'ftree': k = random.choice([2,4]) if a_type == 'bcube': c = (random.randint(2,6),random.randint(0,1)) tmp, t = self.aggregate(agg_n,a_type,k=k,c=c) tmp = map(adjust,tmp) print 'agg', self.aggregation self.aggregation += [x+num_node for x in range(agg_n)] #print tmp, [(n,tmp[0][0]),(n,tmp[0][1])] agg += [tmp[0][0],tmp[0][-1]] self.access[a_type] += tmp res += tmp + [(node[i],tmp[0][0]),(node[i],tmp[0][-1])] num_node = max(list(sum(res, ()))) + 1 output.write('Node {}, type: {}, params: {}, nodes: {}\n'.format(i,a_type,(k,c),len(set(sum(tmp, ()))))) #print(max(list(sum(res, ()))), num_node) output.close() ''' elist = [] for p in res: elist.append(u'{} {}'.format(p[0],p[1])) #print elist, len(elist) graph = nx.read_edgelist(elist) print graph.nodes(), graph.edges(), len(graph.nodes()) print agg pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) nx.draw_networkx(graph, pos) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph,pos, nodelist=map(str,node), node_color='g') nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph,pos, nodelist=map(str,agg), node_color='y') ''' return res
def _snap(self, filename): """ Take snapshot image of the graph """ out = to_agraph(self._graph) out.layout(prog='dot') out.draw(filename + '.png') return np.asarray( + '.png'))
def draw_graph(Graph, file): G = nx.DiGraph(Graph, directed=True) G.graph['graph'] = {'rankdir': 'TD'} G.graph['node'] = {'shape': 'box'} G.graph['edges'] = {'arrowsize': '4.0'} A = to_agraph(G) A.layout('dot') A.draw(file)
def main(deep): global max_deep max_deep = deep game_state = np.array([[-1, 1, 4, 0, 7, 2, -1], [-1, 5, 8, 9, 3, 6, -1]]) recursive_function(game_state, None, 0) A = to_agraph(G) A.layout('dot') A.draw('brute_force.png')
def plot(self, G): A = to_agraph(G) A.node_attr['style'] = 'filled' A.node_attr['fillcolor'] = '#000033' A.node_attr['shape'] = 'circle' #A.node_attr['fixedsize'] = 'true' A.node_attr['fontcolor'] = '#FFFFFF' A.draw('chart.png', prog='fdp')
def to_dot(self, path: Optional[str] = None) -> str: from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import to_agraph nx = self.to_networkx() a = to_agraph(nx) if path is not None: a.write(path) return a.to_string()
def draw(res,f): G = nx.Graph(res) #G.add_edges_from(res) for i in set(sum(res, ())): if i in t.backbone: G.add_node(i,style='filled',fillcolor='green') elif i in t.aggregation: G.add_node(i,style='filled',fillcolor='yellow') A=to_agraph(G) # convert to a graphviz graph A.layout() # neato layout A.draw("topo/zoo/"+f+".ps")
def draw_test(res,struct): G = nx.Graph(res) #G.add_edges_from(res) for i in set(sum(res, ())): if i in struct['core']: G.add_node(i,style='filled',fillcolor='green') elif i in struct['agg']: G.add_node(i,style='filled',fillcolor='yellow') elif i in struct['edge']: G.add_node(i,style='filled',fillcolor='red') A=to_agraph(G) # convert to a graphviz graph A.layout() # neato layout A.draw("topo/test/")
def _drawGraph(self, graph, filename): graphviz_graph = to_agraph(graph) graphviz_graph.draw(filename, prog="dot")
import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gengraph import * import pylab as plt from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import graphviz_layout, to_agraph import pygraphviz as pgv g = genGraph(50) pr = nx.pagerank(g) with open('output', 'w') as f: f.write(str(pr)) #print a = to_agraph(g) print a a.layout('dot') a.draw('graph.png')