예제 #1
    def test_circulant_graph(self):
        # Ci_n(1) is the cycle graph for all n
        Ci6_1 = nx.circulant_graph(6, [1])
        C6 = nx.cycle_graph(6)
        assert_edges_equal(Ci6_1.edges(), C6.edges())

        # Ci_n(1, 2, ..., n div 2) is the complete graph for all n
        Ci7 = nx.circulant_graph(7, [1, 2, 3])
        K7 = nx.complete_graph(7)
        assert_edges_equal(Ci7.edges(), K7.edges())

        # Ci_6(1, 3) is K_3,3 i.e. the utility graph
        Ci6_1_3 = nx.circulant_graph(6, [1, 3])
        K3_3 = nx.complete_bipartite_graph(3, 3)
        assert is_isomorphic(Ci6_1_3, K3_3)
예제 #2
    def test_hkn_harary_graph(self):
        # When k == 1, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
        # the path_graph(n)
        for (k, n) in [(1, 6), (1, 7)]:
            G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
            G2 = nx.path_graph(n)
            assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)

        # When k is even, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
        # the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,k/2+1)))
        for (k, n) in [(2, 6), (2, 7), (4, 6), (4, 7)]:
            G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, k // 2 + 1)))
            assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)

        # When k is odd and n is even, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
        # the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(k+1)/2)) plus [n/2])
        for (k, n) in [(3, 6), (5, 8), (7, 10)]:
            G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
            L = list(range(1, (k + 1) // 2))
            L.append(n // 2)
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, L)
            assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)

        # When k is odd and n is odd, the hkn_harary_graph(k,n) is
        # the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(k+1)/2))) with
        # n//2+1 edges added between node i and node i+n//2+1
        for (k, n) in [(3, 5), (5, 9), (7, 11)]:
            G1 = hkn_harary_graph(k, n)
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, (k + 1) // 2)))
            eSet1 = set(G1.edges)
            eSet2 = set(G2.edges)
            eSet3 = set()
            half = n // 2
            for i in range(0, half + 1):
                # add half+1 edges between i and i+half
                eSet3.add((i, (i + half) % n))
            assert eSet1 == eSet2 | eSet3

        # Raise NetworkXError if k<1
        k = 0
        n = 0
        pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hkn_harary_graph, k, n)

        # Raise NetworkXError if n<k+1
        k = 6
        n = 6
        pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hkn_harary_graph, k, n)
예제 #3
def watts_strogatz(N, z, p):
    G = nx.circulant_graph(N, range(1, z + 1))

    # will be useful to have some stuff
    node_labs = np.arange(N)
    edge_set = set(G.edges())

    # ok let's check each edge for rewiring
    edges = G.edges()
    for e in edges:
        if rng.uniform() < p:
            # no self edges
            others = node_labs[node_labs != e[0]]

            # no duplicate edges
            for _ in others:
                target = rng.choice(others)
                new_edge = (e[0], target)

                if new_edge not in edge_set:
                    G.remove_edge(e[0], e[1])
                    G.add_edge(e[0], target)

            # remake the edge set (maybe not efficient)
            edge_set = set(G.edges())

    return G
예제 #4
def load_graph(graph_config):
    """Loads graph from provided configuration dictionary."""
    if graph_config["type"] == "regular":
        num_nodes = graph_config["num nodes"]
        degree = graph_config["degree"]
        graph = nx.circulant_graph(num_nodes, range(degree // 2 + 1))
        print("\tType: regular")
        print("\tNumber of Nodes: " + str(num_nodes))
        print("\tDegree: " + str(degree))

    elif graph_config["type"] == "full":
        graph = nx.complete_graph(graph_config["num nodes"])
        print("\tType: fully connected")
        print("\tNumber of Nodes: " + str(graph_config["num nodes"]))

        raise ValueError("Graph type '" + graph_config["type"] +
                         "' is not supported")
    return graph
예제 #5
    def __generate_agents(self, population, average_degree):
        if self.network_type == "lattice":
            self.network = self.__generate_lattice(population)

        elif self.network_type == "ring":
            self.network = nx.circulant_graph(population, [1])

        elif self.network_type == "ER":
            self.network = nx.random_regular_graph(average_degree, population)

        elif self.network_type == "Complete":
            self.network = nx.complete_graph(population)

        elif self.network_type == "WS":
            self.network = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(population, average_degree,

        elif self.network_type == "BA-SF":
            rearange_edges = int(average_degree * 0.5)
            self.network = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(population, rearange_edges)

        agents = [Agent() for id in range(population)]

        if self.network_type == "lattice":
            n = int(np.sqrt(population))
            for index, focal in enumerate(agents):
                neighbors_id = list(self.network[int(index // n),
                                                 int(index % n)])
                for (x, y) in neighbors_id:
                    nb_id = int(x * n + y)

        # When using another topology
            for index, focal in enumerate(agents):
                neighbors_id = list(self.network[index])
                for nb_id in neighbors_id:

        return agents
예제 #6
 def test_result_circulant_graph_100(self):
     assert (calc_and_compare(NX.circulant_graph(100, [1, 2, 3])))
예제 #7
    def test_hnm_harary_graph(self):
        # When d is even and r = 0, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m) is
        # the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,d/2+1)))
        for (n, m) in [(5, 5), (6, 12), (7, 14)]:
            G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
            d = 2 * m // n
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, d // 2 + 1)))
            assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)

        # When d is even and r > 0, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m) is
        # the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,d/2+1)))
        # with r edges added arbitrarily
        for (n, m) in [(5, 7), (6, 13), (7, 16)]:
            G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
            d = 2 * m // n
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, list(range(1, d // 2 + 1)))
            assert set(G2.edges) < set(G1.edges)
            assert G1.number_of_edges() == m

        # When d is odd and n is even and r = 0, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m)
        # is the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(d+1)/2) plus [n//2])
        for (n, m) in [(6, 9), (8, 12), (10, 15)]:
            G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
            d = 2 * m // n
            L = list(range(1, (d + 1) // 2))
            L.append(n // 2)
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, L)
            assert is_isomorphic(G1, G2)

        # When d is odd and n is even and r > 0, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m)
        # is the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(d+1)/2) plus [n//2])
        # with r edges added arbitrarily
        for (n, m) in [(6, 10), (8, 13), (10, 17)]:
            G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
            d = 2 * m // n
            L = list(range(1, (d + 1) // 2))
            L.append(n // 2)
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, L)
            assert set(G2.edges) < set(G1.edges)
            assert G1.number_of_edges() == m

        # When d is odd and n is odd, the hnm_harary_graph(n,m) is
        # the circulant_graph(n, list(range(1,(d+1)/2))
        # with m - n*(d-1)/2 edges added arbitrarily
        for (n, m) in [(5, 4), (7, 12), (9, 14)]:
            G1 = hnm_harary_graph(n, m)
            d = 2 * m // n
            L = list(range(1, (d + 1) // 2))
            G2 = nx.circulant_graph(n, L)
            assert set(G2.edges) < set(G1.edges)
            assert G1.number_of_edges() == m

        # Raise NetworkXError if n<1
        n = 0
        m = 0
        pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hnm_harary_graph, n, m)

        # Raise NetworkXError if m < n-1
        n = 6
        m = 4
        pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hnm_harary_graph, n, m)

        # Raise NetworkXError if m > n(n-1)/2
        n = 6
        m = 16
        pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, hnm_harary_graph, n, m)
예제 #8
if __name__ == '__main__':
    config_location, save_location = get_args()
    config_dir, _ = path.split(config_location)

    with open(config_location, 'rb') as file_handle:
        config = json.load(file_handle)


    # generate graph
    graph_type = config["graph"]["type"]
    if graph_type == "regular":
        num_nodes = config["graph"]["num nodes"]
        degree = config["graph"]["degree"]
        graph = nx.circulant_graph(num_nodes, range(degree//2 +1))

    elif graph_type == "full":
        graph = nx.complete_graph(config["graph"]["num nodes"])

        raise ValueError(f"Graph type '{graph_type}' is not supported")

    # load strategies
    strategies = {}
    for strategy_cfg in config["strategies"]:
        strategy_type = strategy_cfg["type"]
        if strategy_type == "constant":
            # add strategy to strategies dictionary
            strategies[strategy_cfg["name"]] = {
                "action num" : get_action_num(strategy_cfg["action"]),
예제 #9
# print('Compute Time for graphs of size',len(p1),'and',len(p2),':',end-start,'seconds')

# plt.figure()
fig = draw_geodesic_with_node_weights_fixed_coupling_v2(
    nx.to_numpy_array(G1), nx.to_numpy_array(G2), p1, p2, nodePos_matrix1,
    nodePos_matrix2, opt_coups[np.argmin(losses)])
fig.suptitle('Binary tree-HK20', fontsize=12)
fig.savefig('res_binary_tree-HK20.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

## Cycle to circulant
num_nodes_1 = 20
num_nodes_2 = 20
distribution_exponent = 0

G1 = nx.cycle_graph(num_nodes_1)
G2 = nx.circulant_graph(num_nodes_2, [1, 2, 3, 5])

nodePos1 = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G1)
nodePos2 = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G2)

nodePos_matrix1 = np.array(list(nodePos1.values()))
nodePos_matrix2 = np.array(list(nodePos2.values()))

p1 = node_distribution(G1, 0, distribution_exponent)
p2 = node_distribution(G2, 0, distribution_exponent)

num_steps = 100
num_skips = 1000

# Sample probability polytope
A, b = gw_equality_constraints(p1, p2)
예제 #10
import networkx as nx

from src import sparseToBND as sp
from src import draw as dr
from src import utils as ut

n = 10
m = 2

G = nx.circulant_graph(n, [i for i in range(1, m + 1)],

res = sp.sparseToBND(G)
N = res[0]

dr.printRes(G, N, None)
예제 #11
fig = plt.figure()
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
fig.text(0.02, 0.1, "complete multipartite graph", fontweight='bold')
fig.text(0.02, 0.05, "three subsets whose node counts are 1, 2, and 3")

#circular ladder graph
G = nx.circular_ladder_graph(n)
fig = plt.figure()
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
fig.text(0.02, 0.95, "circular ladder graph", fontweight='bold')
fig.text(0.02, 0.90, "n(node count) = " + str(n))

#circulant graph
G = nx.circulant_graph(10, [1, 2])
fig = plt.figure()
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
fig.text(0.02, 0.95, "circulant graph", fontweight='bold')
fig.text(0.02, 0.90, "n(node count):10 with offset:1, 2")

#cycle graph
G = nx.cycle_graph(n)
fig = plt.figure()
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
fig.text(0.02, 0.95, "cycle graph", fontweight='bold')
fig.text(0.02, 0.90, "n(node count) = " + str(n))
