def find_subgraph(self, start=None, end=None):
        """Find subgraph by provided start and end endpoints

        :param end: task name
        :param start: task name
        :param include: iterable with task names
        :returns: DeploymentGraph instance (subgraph from original)
        working_graph = self

        if start:
            # simply traverse starting from root,
            # A->B, B->C, B->D, C->E
            working_graph = self.subgraph(
                nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(working_graph, start))

        if end:
            # nx.dfs_postorder_nodes traverses graph from specified point
            # to the end by following successors, here is example:
            # A->B, C->D, B->D , and we want to traverse up to the D
            # for this we need to reverse graph and make it
            # B->A, D->C, D->B and use dfs_postorder
            working_graph = self.subgraph(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(
                working_graph.reverse(), end))

        return working_graph
예제 #2
파일: 프로젝트: AmesianX/angr
    def _analyze(self):

        region = self._region.recursive_copy()

        # visit the region in post-order DFS
        parent_map = { }
        stack = [ region ]

        while stack:
            current_region = stack[-1]

            has_region = False
            for node in networkx.dfs_postorder_nodes(current_region.graph, current_region.head):
                if type(node) is GraphRegion:
                    parent_map[node] = current_region
                    has_region = True

            if not has_region:
                # pop this region from the stack

                # Get the parent region
                parent_region = parent_map.get(current_region, None)
                # structure this region
                st = self.project.analyses.Structurer(current_region, parent_region=parent_region)
                # replace this region with the resulting node in its parent region... if it's not an orphan
                if not parent_region:
                    # this is the top-level region. we are done!
                    self.result = st.result
                    self._replace_region(parent_region, current_region, st.result)
예제 #3
파일: 프로젝트: emresefer/Parana
def labelWithSubnodes( T, root, lostNodes ):
    For each node in the tree T, we add two vertex properties:
    1) leaves -- A set containing all of the leaves rooted at this subtree
    2) subnodes -- A set containing all of the nodes (internal & leaves) in this subtree
    3) enets -- A set containing network identifiers for all extant networks which exist as some leaf in this subtree
    lost = 'LOST'
    def enet(nodes):
        r = set([])
        for n in nodes:
            if n not in lostNodes:
            #   if n.find("LOST") != -1:
            #    r.add(n[:2])
        return r

    for n in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(T, root) :
        successors = T.successors(n)
        if len(successors) == 0 :
            T.node[n]['subnodes'] =  set([n])
            T.node[n]['leaves'] = T.node[n]['leaves'].union( set([n]) )
            T.node[n]['enets'] = enet([n])
        else :
            subnodes = [ set([n]) ] + [ set([s]) for s in successors ] + [ T.node[s]['subnodes'] for s in successors ]
            for sn in subnodes:
                T.node[n]['subnodes'] = T.node[n]['subnodes'].union( sn )

            leaves = [ T.node[s]['leaves'] for s in successors ]
            T.node[n]['leaves'] = T.node[n]['leaves'].union( *leaves )
            T.node[n]['enets'] = enet( T.node[n]['leaves'] )
예제 #4
def dfs_edges(G):
    (source,target) for edges in directed spanning tree resulting from depth
    first search
    DG = nx.dfs_tree(G)
    return [(src,targ) for targ in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(DG) for src in DG.predecessors(targ)]
예제 #5
    def extract_genes(self):
        Returns all genes located in the matchtree

        :return: List of gene names

        genes = []

        # iterate through the graph
        for node_id in list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(self.g, source=1)):
            node = self.g.node[node_id]
            if node['type'] == 'genomic':
                if 'hugo_symbol' in node['value']:

                    gene = node['value']['hugo_symbol']

                    if 'wildtype' in node['value'] and node['value']['wildtype'] is True:

                    variant = None
                    for k in ['protein_change', 'wildcard_protein_change']:
                        if k in node['value']:
                            variant = node['value'][k].replace('p.', '')

                    if variant and variant.startswith('!'):
                    if 'variant_category' in node['value'] and node['value']['variant_category'].startswith('!'):

                    if node['value']['hugo_symbol'] not in genes:

        return genes
예제 #6
    def extract_cancer_types(self):
        Returns all cancer types located in the match tree

        :param g: DiGraph match tree
        :return: List of cancer types

        diagnoses = []
        cancer_types_expanded = []
        primary_cancer_types = []
        excluded_cancer_types = []
        onco_tree = oncotreenx.build_oncotree(file_path=TUMOR_TREE)
        liquid_children_txt, solid_children_txt = expand_liquid_oncotree(onco_tree)

        # iterate through the graph
        for node_id in list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(self.g, source=1)):
            node = self.g.node[node_id]
            if node['type'] == 'clinical':
                if 'oncotree_primary_diagnosis' in node['value']:

                    diagnosis = node['value']['oncotree_primary_diagnosis']

                    n = oncotreenx.lookup_text(onco_tree, diagnosis.replace('!', ''))
                    children = list(nx.dfs_tree(onco_tree, n))

                    if diagnosis == '_SOLID_':
                        children_txt = solid_children_txt
                        primary_parent = 'All Solid Tumors'
                        parents_txt = ['All Solid Tumors']
                    elif diagnosis == '_LIQUID_':
                        children_txt = liquid_children_txt
                        primary_parent = 'All Liquid Tumors'
                        parents_txt = ['All Liquid Tumors']
                        children_txt = [onco_tree.node[nn]['text'] for nn in children]

                        if n is not None:
                            parents, parents_txt, primary_parent = get_parents(onco_tree, n)
                            parents_txt = []
                            primary_parent = ''

                    if diagnosis.startswith('!'):
                        excluded_cancer_types.append(diagnosis.replace('!', ''))
                        primary_tumors = get_primary_tumors()
                        cancer_types_expanded.extend([i for i in parents_txt if i.split()[0] not in primary_tumors])

        return {
            'diagnoses': list(set(i for i in diagnoses if i.strip() != 'root')),
            'cancer_types_expanded': list(set(i for i in cancer_types_expanded if i.strip() != 'root')),
            'primary_cancer_types': list(set(i for i in primary_cancer_types if i.strip() != 'root')),
            'excluded_cancer_types': list(set(i for i in excluded_cancer_types if i.strip() != 'root'))
예제 #7
def reduce_node_expr( n, network):
    """reduce_node_expr Reduce the expression on network node. Replace local

    :param n: The node of network currently being processed.
    :param network: Whole network.

    global keys_with_expressions_ 
    global globals_

    attr = network.node[n]
    # Create the expression graph.
    expG = nx.DiGraph( )
    for k, v in attr.items():
        expG.add_node(k, expr = v )
    for k, v in attr.items():
        st = build_ast( v )
        if st is None:
        if reduce_expr(v)[1]:
            expG.node[k]['reduced'] =  reduce_expr(v)[0] 
        for d in get_identifiers( st ):
            expG.add_edge( k, d )

    # Once the dependencies graph is build, we need to reduce it.
    for x in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes( expG ):
        # If its expr is not available locally, look-up in global graph. If we
        # don't find it in global also, then  it must be another node.
        if 'expr' not in expG.node[x]:
            if x in globals_: 
                # Copy its value from globals.
                expG.node[x]['expr'] = globals_[x]
            elif x in network.nodes():
                # x is another node in network. Its expression is itself.
                expG.node[x]['expr'] = x
            else: pass

        # By now we might have an expression on this node. If not, then we just
        # continue. 
        if 'expr' in expG.node[x]:
            expr = expG.node[x]['expr']
            for xx in expG.successors(x):
                if 'expr' in expG.node[xx]:
                    expr = expr.replace( xx, expG.node[xx]['expr'] )
                else: pass
                expG.node[x]['expr'] = reduce_expr( expr )[0]

            # Now only if this key is in keys_with_expressions_ list, then only
            # reduce it. Put the reduced expression into node attribute.
            if x in keys_with_expressions_:
                newExpr = reduce_expr( expr )[0]
                attr[x] = newExpr
                logger_.debug( '@node %s, reduced expr = %s' % (x, newExpr) )
            logger_.debug( "No expression found for node %s, %s" % (x,
def induceTreeOnLeaves(nxtree, leaves):
    leaves = set(leaves)
    dg = nxtree.nxDg
    nodesToKeep = []
    for node in dg.nodes():
        succ = set([nxtree.getName(i) for i in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(dg, node) if nxtree.hasName(i)])
        if len(succ.intersection(leaves)) != 0:
    return NXTree(dg.subgraph(nodesToKeep))
예제 #9
def kosaraju_strongly_connected_components(G, source=None):
    """Generate nodes in strongly connected components of graph.

    G : NetworkX Graph
        An directed graph.

    comp : generator of sets
        A genrator of sets of nodes, one for each strongly connected
        component of G.

        If G is undirected.

    Generate a sorted list of strongly connected components, largest first.

    >>> G = nx.cycle_graph(4, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
    >>> nx.add_cycle(G, [10, 11, 12])
    >>> [len(c) for c in sorted(nx.kosaraju_strongly_connected_components(G),
    ...                         key=len, reverse=True)]
    [4, 3]

    If you only want the largest component, it's more efficient to
    use max instead of sort.

    >>> largest = max(nx.kosaraju_strongly_connected_components(G), key=len)

    See Also

    Uses Kosaraju's algorithm.

    with nx.utils.reversed(G):
        post = list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, source=source))

    seen = set()
    while post:
        r = post.pop()
        if r in seen:
        c = nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(G, r)
        new = {v for v in c if v not in seen}
        yield new
예제 #10
파일: 프로젝트: argriffing/ctmcaas
def get_node_to_subtree_thickness(T, root):
    thickness = {}
    for node in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(T, root):
        successors = T.successors(node)
        if not successors:
            thickness[node] = 1
            w = sorted((thickness[n] for n in successors), reverse=True)
            thickness[node] = max(w + i for i, w in enumerate(w))
    return thickness
예제 #11
파일: 프로젝트: aflaxman/gbd
    def describe(self, data_type):
        G = self.hierarchy
        df = self.get_data(data_type)

        for n in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, "all"):
            G.node[n]["cnt"] = len(df[df["area"] == n].index) + pl.sum([G.node[c]["cnt"] for c in G.successors(n)])
            G.node[n]["depth"] = nx.shortest_path_length(G, "all", n)

        for n in nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(G, "all"):
            if G.node[n]["cnt"] > 0:
                print " *" * G.node[n]["depth"], n, int(G.node[n]["cnt"])
예제 #12
파일: 프로젝트: ajiehust/rosalind
def hdag(N):
    for G in N:
        lst = list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G))[::-1]
        mk = True
        for v in lst[:-1]:
            if not nx.has_path(G, v, lst[lst.index(v) + 1]):  # much faster
                print -1
                mk = False
        if mk:
            print 1, " ".join(map(str, lst))
예제 #13
파일: 프로젝트: ngraetz/dismod_mr
    def describe(self, data_type):
        G = self.hierarchy
        df = self.get_data(data_type)

        for n in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, 'all'):
            G.node[n]['cnt'] = len(df[df['area']==n].index) + pl.sum([G.node[c]['cnt'] for c in G.successors(n)])
            G.node[n]['depth'] = nx.shortest_path_length(G, 'all', n)
        for n in nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(G, 'all'):
            if G.node[n]['cnt'] > 0:
                print ' *'*G.node[n]['depth'], n, int(G.node[n]['cnt'])
예제 #14
def main():
    g = networkx.DiGraph()
    with Timer('Tree Generation'):
        root = generateTree(g, 4, 127)
    print 'Number of nodes: ', nodeNumber
    with Timer('Tree Traversal'):
        nNodes = sum(1 for n in networkx.dfs_postorder_nodes(g, root))
    print 'Number of nodes traversed: ', nNodes
예제 #15
파일: 프로젝트: orenlivne/euler
    def max_repeated(self, k):
        '''Return the node of maximum prefix length with #leaves >= k under it.'''
        g = self._g
        num_leaves = [0] * g.number_of_nodes()
        for node in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(g): num_leaves[node] = 1 if g.out_degree(node) == 0 else sum(num_leaves[child] for child in g.successors_iter(node))
        prefix_len = np.zeros((g.number_of_nodes(),), dtype=int)
        for node in nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(g):
            node_prefix_len = prefix_len[node]
            for child, e_attr in g[node].iteritems(): prefix_len[child] = node_prefix_len + e_attr['weight'][1]

        try: return max(it.ifilter(lambda x: x[0][1] >= k, ((v, k) for k, v in enumerate(zip(prefix_len, num_leaves)))))[1]
        except ValueError: return None
예제 #16
def get_dag(dag):
    sorted_dag = dag.copy()

    # The children of a node are traversed in a random order. Therefore,
    # copy the graph, sort the children and then traverse it
    for adj in sorted_dag.adj:
        sorted_dag.adj[adj] = OrderedDict(
            sorted(sorted_dag.adj[adj].items(), key=lambda item: item[0]))

    nodes = nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(sorted_dag,
    nodes = [node for node in nodes if node !=
    return nodes
예제 #17
파일: 프로젝트: CGenie/solar
def detailed_connection_graph(start_with=None, end_with=None):
    g = nx.MultiDiGraph()

    clients = Connections.read_clients()

    for emitter_name, destination_values in clients.items():
        for emitter_input, receivers in destination_values.items():
            for receiver_name, receiver_input in receivers:
                label = '{}:{}'.format(emitter_input, receiver_input)
                g.add_edge(emitter_name, receiver_name, label=label)

    ret = g

    if start_with is not None:
        ret = g.subgraph(
            nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(ret, start_with)
    if end_with is not None:
        ret = g.subgraph(
            nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(ret.reverse(), end_with)

    return ret
예제 #18
파일: 프로젝트: eldridgejm/umetric
def dendrogram_to_ultrametric(dendrogram):
    """Returns the ultrametric corresponding to the dendrogram.

        dendrogram (networkx.DiGraph): The dendrogram to be converted. Each
        node should have a 'distance' attribute, which denotes the threshold
        at which the children are merged.
        (ndarray): The ultrametric as a condensed distance matrix.
    t = dendrogram.copy()

    leaf_nodes = [x for x in t if t.out_degree(x) == 0]

    n = sum(1 for _ in leaf_nodes)
    ultrametric = _np.zeros((n,n))

    for u in leaf_nodes:
        t.node[u]['leafy_ancestors'] = set([u])

    for u in list(_nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(t)):
        if t.out_degree(u) == 0:

        leafy_ancestors = []
        for child in t.successors(u):

        d = t.node[u]['distance']

        for i in range(len(leafy_ancestors)):
            for j in range(len(leafy_ancestors)):
                if i == j:
                left_set = leafy_ancestors[i]
                right_set = leafy_ancestors[j]

                for x,y in _itertools.product(left_set, right_set):
                    ultrametric[x][y] = ultrametric[y][x] = d

        ancestors = set()
        for x in leafy_ancestors:
            ancestors |= x

        t.node[u]['leafy_ancestors'] = ancestors

    return _distance.squareform(ultrametric)
예제 #19
def flatten_global_expressions( network ):
    global global_expr_g_ 
    g = global_expr_g_
    for x in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes( g ):
        logger_.debug("Trying to reduce expression on node %s" % x)
        if 'expr' not in g.node[x]:
            logger_.debug("Node %s does not have any expr" % x)
            logger_.debug("Not doing anything.")
            expr = flatten_expression_on_node(x, g )
            # update the value global variables.
            if x in network.graph['graph']:
                network.graph['graph'][x] = expr
    return True
예제 #20
파일: 프로젝트: mottosso/deplish
 def buildSceneGraph(self, atNode):
     Evaluate the DAG in a postorder fashion to create a list of the data
     packets in the scene graph sorted by execution order.
     dagPathList = list()
     nodeEvalOrder = networkx.dfs_postorder_nodes(, atNode)
     for dagNode in nodeEvalOrder:
         # Retrieve specialized output types
         specializationDict = dict()
         #for output in dagNode.outputs():
         #    specializationDict[] = self.nodeOutputType(dagNode, output)
     return dagPathList
예제 #21
파일: 프로젝트: mottosso/deplish
    def execute_graph(self, node_eval=None):
            Executes the full graph in order or the nodes given by `node_eval` in the order of the input.

            Note: it is recommended to ensure `node_eval` is topologically sorted (in reverse).
        # Get dag processing order
        if node_eval is None:
            node_eval = networkx.dfs_postorder_nodes(

        # TODO: Wherever the graph starts a new empty Context must be created (or possibly predefined?)
        # TODO: When graph branches a copy must be made of the Context so each branch operates on its own Context.
        # Execute each node
        for node in node_eval:
예제 #22
    def _merge_single_entry_node(self, graph):

        r = False

        while True:
            for node in networkx.dfs_postorder_nodes(graph):
                preds = graph.predecessors(node)
                if len(preds) == 1:
                    # merge the two nodes
                    self._absorb_node(graph, preds[0], node)
                    r = True

        return r
예제 #23
def digraph_eliminate(cpts,evidence,query_list):
    Use elimination algorithm to find joint distribution over variables in
    query_list, given evidence.
    cpts : a list of DataArray with variable names for axis names
    evidence : a dictionary of observed variables (strings) -> values
    query_list : a list of variables (strings)
    marginals : dictionary of variable -> prob_table
    likelihood : likelihood of observations in the model
    # find the directed graphical model
    DG = cpts2digraph(cpts)
    # use postorder (leaves to root) from depth-first search as elimination order
    rvs = nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(DG)

    # modify elimination list so query nodes are at the end
    rvs_elim = [rv for rv in rvs if rv not in query_list] + query_list
    for rv in rvs_elim:
        # find potentials that reference that node
        pots_here = filter(lambda cpt: rv in cpt.names, cpts)
        # remove them from cpts
        cpts = filter(lambda cpt: rv not in cpt.names, cpts)
        # Find joint probability distribution of this variable and the ones coupled to it
        product_pot = multiply_potentials(*pots_here)
        # if node is in query set, we don't sum over it
        if rv not in query_list:
            # if node is in evidence set, take slice
            if rv in evidence: product_pot = product_pot.axis[rv][evidence[rv]]
            # otherwise, sum over it
            else: product_pot = product_pot.sum(axis=rv)

        # add resulting product potential to cpts

    assert len(cpts) == 1
    unnormed_prob = cpts[0]
    likelihood = unnormed_prob.sum()
    return unnormed_prob/likelihood, likelihood
예제 #24
파일: 프로젝트: Zhengzi/maple
def taint():
	lines = [
	"15 | ------ IMark(0x80495b8, 2, 0) ------",
	"16 | t2 = GET:I8(eax)",
	"17 | t1 = GET:I8(eax)",
	"18 | t0 = And8(t2,t1)",
	"19 | PUT(cc_op) = 0x0000000d",
	"20 | t3 = 8Uto32(t0)",
	"21 | PUT(cc_dep1) = t3",
	"22 | PUT(cc_dep2) = 0x00000000",
	"23 | PUT(cc_ndep) = 0x00000000",
	"24 | PUT(eip) = 0x080495ba",
	"25 | ------ IMark(0x80495ba, 6, 0) ------",
	"26 | t5 = GET:I32(cc_op)",
	"27 | t6 = GET:I32(cc_dep1)",
	"28 | t7 = GET:I32(cc_dep2)",
	"29 | t8 = GET:I32(cc_ndep)",
	"30 | t9 = x86g_calculate_condition(0x00000004,t5,t6,t7,t8):Ity_I32",
	"31 | t4 = 32to1(t9)",
	"32 | if (t4) { PUT(eip) = 0x8049735L; Ijk_Boring }",
	"33 | PUT(eip) = 0x080495c0",
	"34 | t10 = GET:I32(eip)"
	queue = []
	cfg = nx.DiGraph()
	for line in lines:
		if "if" in line:
		elif "=" in line:
			ls = line.split('=',1)		
			rhs = re.findall('t[0-9]+|cc_[a-z]+[0-9]?|eax|ebx|ecx|edx|esi|edi|esp|ebp', ls[0])
			lhs = re.findall('t[0-9]+|cc_[a-z]+[0-9]?|eax|ebx|ecx|edx|esi|edi|esp|ebp', ls[1])
			if rhs and lhs:
				r = rhs[0]
				#print lhs.captures(1)
				for item in lhs:
					cfg.add_edge(r, item)
	lst = list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(cfg, "t4"))
	print lst
def kosaraju_strongly_connected_components(G,source=None):
    """Return nodes in strongly connected components of graph.

    G : NetworkX Graph
       An directed graph.

    comp : list of lists
       A list of nodes for each component of G.
       The list is ordered from largest connected component to smallest.

    NetworkXError: If G is undirected

    See Also

    Uses Kosaraju's algorithm.
    if not G.is_directed():
        raise nx.NetworkXError("""Not allowed for undirected graph G. 
              Use connected_components() """)
    while post:
        if r in seen:
        new=[v for v in c if v not in seen]
        seen.update([(u,True) for u in new])
    return components
예제 #26
파일: 프로젝트: angr/angr
    def reverse_post_order_sort_nodes(graph, nodes=None):
        Sort a given set of nodes in reverse post ordering.

        :param networkx.DiGraph graph: A local transition graph of a function.
        :param iterable nodes: A collection of nodes to sort.
        :return: A list of sorted nodes.
        :rtype: list

        post_order = networkx.dfs_postorder_nodes(graph)

        if nodes is None:
            return reversed(list(post_order))
            addrs_to_index = {}
            for i, n in enumerate(post_order):
                addrs_to_index[n.addr] = i
            return sorted(nodes, key=lambda n: addrs_to_index[n.addr], reverse=True)
예제 #27
파일: 프로젝트: AmesianX/angr
def compute_dominance_frontier(graph, domtree):
    Compute a dominance frontier based on the given post-dominator tree.

    This implementation is based on figure 2 of paper An Efficient Method of Computing Static Single Assignment
    Form by Ron Cytron, etc.

    :param graph:   The graph where we want to compute the dominance frontier.
    :param domtree: The dominator tree
    :returns:       A dict of dominance frontier

    df = {}

    # Perform a post-order search on the dominator tree
    for x in networkx.dfs_postorder_nodes(domtree):

        if x not in graph:
            # Skip nodes that are not in the graph

        df[x] = set()

        # local set
        for y in graph.successors(x):
            if x not in domtree.predecessors(y):

        # up set
        if x is None:

        for z in domtree.successors(x):
            if z is x:
            if z not in df:
            for y in df[z]:
                if x not in list(domtree.predecessors(y)):

    return df
예제 #28
파일: 프로젝트: hoonto/reeb
def induce_total_volume(volumeless_tree, root=None):
    Given a tree with edges having the 'volume' metadata, computes the
    'total_volume' edge and node property which is the sum of all edge volumes
    between successors. If the 'root' parameter is not supplied, it will be
    determined by performing a topological sort.
    tree = volumeless_tree.copy()
    if root is None:
        root = nx.topological_sort(tree)[0]
    # compute the depth-first search traversal, returning nodes in post-order
    traversal = nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(tree, root)
    for u in traversal:
        tree.node[u]['total_volume'] = 0
        for v in tree.successors(u):
            tree.node[u]['total_volume'] += (tree.node[v]['total_volume'] +
            tree.edge[u][v]['total_volume'] = (tree.edge[u][v]['volume'] + 
    return tree
예제 #29
    def extract_signatures(self):
        Returns all mutational signatures located in the trial match tree g

        :return: List of mutational signatures

        mmr = []
        ms = []

        # iterate through the graph
        for node_id in list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(self.g, source=1)):
            node = self.g.node[node_id]
            if node['type'] == 'genomic':
                if 'mmr_status' in node['value']:
                if 'ms_status' in node['value']:

        return mmr, ms
예제 #30
def StrahlerOrder(G, root):
    # initialize all nodes to 1
    for p in G.nodes_iter():
        G.node[p]['Strahler'] = 1
        G.node[p]['level'] = 0      # longest path from this node to a leaf - leaves have level 1.
    nodes = nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, root)
    for p in nodes:
        neigh = nx.all_neighbors(G, p)
        delta = 0
        mx = 0
        level = 0
        for q in neigh:
            if G.node[q]['Strahler'] == mx: # we met the max value again
                delta = 1 
            if G.node[q]['Strahler'] > mx:
                mx = G.node[q]['Strahler']
                delta = 0
            level = max(level, G.node[q]['level'])
        G.node[p]['Strahler'] = mx + delta
        G.node[p]['level'] = level + 1 
    # assign Strahler orders to edges too
    for e in G.edges_iter():
        s = min(G.node[e[0]]['Strahler'], G.node[e[1]]['Strahler'])
        G.edge[e[0]] [e[1]] ['Strahler'] = s
        s = min(G.node[e[0]]['level'], G.node[e[1]]['level'])
        G.edge[e[0]] [e[1]] ['level'] = s

    # determine the parent of each node, based on the node 'level'
    for n in G.nodes_iter():
        m = 0
        p = None
        for n2 in G[n]:
            if G.node[n2]['level'] > m and G.node[n2]['level'] > G.node[n]['level']:
                m = G.node[n2]['level']
                p = n2
        G.node[n]['parent'] = p
예제 #31
 def dfs_postorder(self, root):
     G = nx.Graph(self.E)
     tree_graph = nx.dfs_tree(G, root)
     clique_ordering = list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(tree_graph, root))
     return clique_ordering