def fast_approximate_solution_two(graph): """ Given a graph, construct a solution greedily using approximation methods. Performs bad. """ new_graph = nx.Graph() degrees = nx.degree_centrality(graph) largest = argmax(degrees) new_graph.add_node(largest) while new_graph.number_of_edges() < graph.number_of_nodes() - 1: degrees = {n: count_uncovered_degree(graph, new_graph, n) for n in nx.nodes(graph)} neighbor_list = [nx.neighbors(graph, n) for n in new_graph.nodes()] neighbors = set() for lst in neighbor_list: neighbors = neighbors.union(lst) if not neighbors: break next_largest = argmax_in(degrees, neighbors, exceptions = new_graph.nodes()) possible_edge_ends = [n for n in nx.neighbors(graph, next_largest) if graph.has_edge(n, next_largest) and n in new_graph.nodes()] new_graph.add_node(next_largest) edge_end = argmax_in(degrees, possible_edge_ends) new_graph.add_edge(edge_end, next_largest) return new_graph
def main(): universe = nx.read_graphml(sys.argv[1]) beings = filter(lambda x: x[1]["type"] == "Being", universe.nodes(data=True)) clients = filter(lambda x: x[1]["type"] == "client", universe.nodes(data=True)) firm = filter(lambda x: x[1]["type"] == "firm", universe.nodes(data=True)) print len(beings) print len(clients) print len(firm) for b in beings: ns = nx.neighbors(universe,b[0]) rep = ns[0] for n in ns[1:]: for nn in nx.neighbors(universe,n): universe.add_edge(rep,nn) #doesn't preserve directions or properties, yolo universe.remove_node(n) universe.remove_node(b[0]) beings = filter(lambda x: x[1]["type"] == "Being", universe.nodes(data=True)) clients = filter(lambda x: x[1]["type"] == "client", universe.nodes(data=True)) firm = filter(lambda x: x[1]["type"] == "firm", universe.nodes(data=True)) print len(beings) print len(clients) print len(firm) nx.write_graphml(universe,"simplified-{}.graphml".format(int(time.time())))
def chooseNodesByDistributionOld(self): # try: self.nodesToChange = [] #reset from previous turns #choose first node based on distribution rand = random.random() cumProb = 0.0 currIndex = 0 currNode = self.controlledNodes[currIndex] cumProb = cumProb+currNode[1] while rand>cumProb: currIndex = currIndex+1 currNode = self.controlledNodes[currIndex] cumProb = cumProb+currNode[1] chosenNode = copy.deepcopy(currNode[0]) currNode = chosenNode self.nodesToChange.append(chosenNode) #get remaining nodes from neighbors for i in range(self.actionLimit-1): #TODO: consider randomizing number of nodes chosen; consider prioritizing just neighbors of first node newNode = random.sample(nx.neighbors(self.knownGraph, currNode),1) while ((len(newNode)==0)): newNode = random.sample(nx.neighbors(self.knownGraph, currNode),1) if newNode in self.nodesToChange: print 'why?' self.nodesToChange.append(newNode[0]) currNode = newNode[0] for i in range(len(self.nodesToChange)): for j in range(i+1,len(self.nodesToChange)): if self.nodesToChange[i] == self.nodesToChange[j]: print 'problem' return self.nodesToChange
def hinges(self): """ Return a list of all detected hinge nodes """ ret = [] # Consider a node a /possible/ hinge if it meets two criteria: # - it has a degree of at least 3 # - it is in two or more visible faces for node in [x for x in self.graph.nodes_iter() if len(nx.neighbors(self.graph, x)) > 3]: neighbors = nx.neighbors(self.graph, node) faces = set() #print node for n in neighbors: f1 = self.graph[node][n]['face'] f2 = self.graph[n][node]['face'] if f1.visible: faces.add(f1) if f2.visible: faces.add(f2) if len(faces) < 2: continue #print 'sending to examine_hings' result,on = self._examine_hinge(node) if len(result) > 3: #pprint.pprint(on) #pprint.pprint(result) ret.append(node) return ret
def all_children_of(tree, A): """ returns all the children of A """ front = [] children = [] nbrs = nx.neighbors(tree, A) for n in nbrs: if n.i_time > A.i_time: front.append(n) children.append(n) if len(front) < 1: return children while 1: new_front = [] if len(front) < 1: return children for a in front: nbrs = nx.neighbors(tree, a) for n in nbrs: if n.i_time > a.i_time: new_front.append(n) children.append(n) front = new_front
def ministro_ministro(G): """ Cria um grafo de ministros conectados de acordo com a sobreposição de seu uso da legislação Construido a partir to grafo ministro_lei """ GM = nx.Graph() for m in G: try: int(m) except ValueError:# Add only if node is a minister if m != "None": GM.add_node(m.decode('utf-8')) # Add edges for n in GM: for m in GM: if n == m: continue if GM.has_edge(n,m) or GM.has_edge(m,n): continue # Edge weight is the cardinality of the intersection each node neighbor set. w = len(set(nx.neighbors(G,n.encode('utf-8'))) & set(nx.neighbors(G,m.encode('utf-8')))) #encode again to allow for matches if w > 5: GM.add_edge(n,m,{'weight':w}) # abreviate node names GMA = nx.Graph() GMA.add_weighted_edges_from([(o.replace('MIN.','').strip(),d.replace('MIN.','').strip(),di['weight']) for o,d,di in GM.edges_iter(data=True)]) P.figure() nx.draw_spectral(GMA) nx.write_graphml(GMA,'ministro_ministro.graphml') nx.write_gml(GMA,'ministro_ministro.gml') nx.write_pajek(GMA,'ministro_ministro.pajek') nx.write_dot(GMA,'') return GMA
def cluster_graph( g, colors, current_color = 0 ): # Initialize colors degrees = [] for n in g.nodes( ): degrees.append( (, n ), n)) nodeWithMaxDegree = sorted( degrees, reverse = True )[0][1] # Start with node with maximum degree current_color += 1 colors[ nodeWithMaxDegree ] = current_color numIteration = 0 pN = nodeWithMaxDegree stack = [ nodeWithMaxDegree ] while stack: neighbours = nx.neighbors( g, stack.pop( ) ) numIteration += 1 for n in neighbours: if colors[n] > 0: continue # If most neightbours of n are as close to pN as the value current # iteration, then accept this node. potentialCandidates = filter(lambda x: colors[x] == 0, nx.neighbors( g, n )) # print( "Potential neighbours ", potentialCandidates ) distance2pN = [ nx.shortest_path_length( g, x, pN) for x in potentialCandidates ] goodDist2pN = filter( lambda x: x <= numIteration, distance2pN ) accepted = False if len( goodDist2pN ) > 0: accepted = True colors[ n ] = current_color stack.append( n ) # print n, ' -> ', distance2pN, ',', goodDist2pN, 'Accepted', accepted # print stack return g
def RW_Size(G,r = 1000,m=100): sampled = [] now_node = random.choice(G.nodes()) sampled.append(now_node) while True: next_node = random.choice(nx.neighbors(G,now_node)) now_node = next_node sampled.append(now_node) if len(sampled) >= r: break print(1) lst = [] for i in range(0,r-m): if i+m <= r-1: for j in range(i+m,r): # l1 = set(nx.neighbors(G,sampled[i])) # l2 = set(nx.neighbors(G,sampled[j])) # if len(list(l1 & l2)) >= 1: lst.append((sampled[i],sampled[j])) lst.append((sampled[j],sampled[i])) sumA = 0.0 sumB = 0.0 print(len(lst)) for nodes in lst: sumA += float(,nodes[0]))/,nodes[1]) l1 = set(nx.neighbors(G,nodes[0])) l2 = set(nx.neighbors(G,nodes[1])) count = len(list(l1&l2)) sumB += count/(float(,nodes[0]))*,nodes[1])) return sumA/sumB
def expand(seed_set): members = seed_set print 'seed:', members, nx.subgraph(data_graph, set( flatten(map(lambda mem: nx.neighbors(data_graph, mem), members))) | members).edges() is_change = True while is_change: to_check_neighbors = list(flatten(map(lambda mem: nx.neighbors(data_graph, mem), members))) random.shuffle(to_check_neighbors) print to_check_neighbors is_change = False # for neighbor in to_check_neighbors: for neighbor in to_check_neighbors: if fitness(members | {neighbor}) > fitness(members): is_change = True members.add(neighbor) fitness(members, is_print=True) print 'add neighbor:', neighbor, members, 'w_in:', w_in, 'w_all:', w_all break for member in members: if fitness(members - {member}) > fitness(members): is_change = True members.remove(member) fitness(members, is_print=True) print 'remove member:', member, members, 'w_in', w_in, 'w_all:', w_all break print set(members) print '\n----------------------------\n'
def find_sidechains(molecule_graph): # Identify chiral atoms atoms = molecule_graph.atoms chiral_centres = chir.get_chiral_sets(atoms) # Identify sidechains (Ca-Cb-X), apart from proline and glycine. sidechains = {} # Detection of sidechains requires the multiple bonds be present in the atom graph. chir.multi_bonds(atoms) for k, v in chiral_centres.items(): carbons = [atom for atom in v if atom.element == "C"] amides = [ carbon for carbon in carbons if any([type(nb) == chir.GhostAtom and nb.element == "O" for nb in nx.neighbors(atoms, carbon)]) and any([nb.element == "N" or nb.element == "O" for nb in nx.neighbors(atoms, carbon)]) ] nbs_n = [nb for nb in v if nb.element == "N"] if amides and nbs_n: amide_bond = (k, amides[0]) n_bond = (k, nbs_n[0]) h_bond = (k, [h for h in nx.neighbors(atoms, k) if h.element == "H"][0]) # Now find sidechains by cutting the Ca-C, Ca-N and Ca-H bonds atoms.remove_edges_from([amide_bond, n_bond, h_bond]) sidechain_atoms = [ atom for atom in [comp for comp in nx.connected_components(atoms) if k in comp][0] if type(atom) != chir.GhostAtom ] atoms.add_edges_from([amide_bond, n_bond, h_bond]) if not any([k in cycle for cycle in nx.cycle_basis(atoms.subgraph(sidechain_atoms))]): sidechains[k] = atoms.subgraph(sidechain_atoms) chir.remove_ghost_atoms(atoms) return sidechains
def m_projection(graph_orig, members, prods, full_graph):'Projecting the graph on members') graph = graph_orig.subgraph(graph_orig.nodes()) #considering only favorable edges graph.remove_edges_from([e for e in graph.edges(data=True) if e[2]['starRating'] < 4]) assert set(graph) == (set(members) | set(prods)) mg = nx.Graph() mg.add_nodes_from(members) prods_len = float(len(prods)) last_pctg = 0 prod_names = dict() for p_i, p in enumerate(prods): # first check whether two favorable reviews within a WINDOW is significant enough (p-value < 0.5) ts = [e['date'] for e in full_graph[p].values()] # In order for gkde to work, there should be more than one point value if len(ts) >= MIN_TS_LEN and min(ts) < max(ts): gkde = gaussian_kde(ts) p_value, err = dblquad(lambda u, v: gkde(u)*gkde(v), min(ts) - WINDOW/2.0, max(ts) + WINDOW/2.0, lambda v: v - WINDOW/2.0, lambda v: v + WINDOW/2.0) if p_value - EPS >= SIGNF_LEVEL and err < EPS: continue for m1, m2 in itertools.combinations(nx.neighbors(graph, p), 2): # order m1,m2 so the key (m1,m2) for prod_names works regardless of edge direction if m1 > m2: m1, m2 = m2, m1 #assert m1 in members and m2 in members if abs(graph[p][m1]['date'] - graph[p][m2]['date']) < WINDOW: if mg.has_edge(m1, m2): c = mg[m1][m2]['weight'] else: c = 0 prod_names[(m1, m2)] = [] prod_names[(m1, m2)].append(p) mg.add_edge(m1, m2, weight=c + 1) pctg = int(p_i/prods_len*100) if pctg % 10 == 0 and pctg > last_pctg: last_pctg = pctg'%d%% Done' % pctg) logging.debug('Normalizing edge weights: meet/max') for e in mg.edges(): u, v = e if mg[u][v]['weight'] <= 1: mg.remove_edge(u, v) del prod_names[(min(u, v), max(u, v))] else: norm = max(len(nx.neighbors(graph, u)), len(nx.neighbors(graph, v))) mg.add_edge(u, v, weight=float(mg[u][v]['weight']) / norm, denom=norm) # remove isolated nodes degrees = mg.remove_nodes_from([n for n in mg if degrees[n] == 0]) # adding original graph metadata on nodes for m in mg: mg.node[m] = graph_orig.node[m] logging.debug(r'Projected Nodes = %d, Projected Edges = %d' % (mg.order(), len(mg.edges()))) return mg, prod_names
def printroute(self): for src in self.nodes.iterkeys(): print "[Neighors List] neighbor = %s" % (src) print nx.neighbors(self.graph, src) print "[Shortest Paths] - %s " % (src) for dst in self.nodes.iterkeys(): if src != dst: print nx.shortest_path(self.graph, src, dst)
def mindeg_GSK(BG, variables_index=0, verbose=False): Vprime1 = []; Vprime2 = []; layer = nx.get_node_attributes(BG,'bipartite'); var = [x for x in BG.nodes() if layer[x] == variables_index] fac = [x for x in BG.nodes() if layer[x] != variables_index] if verbose==True: print 'Initial variable nodes:', var; print 'Initial factor nodes:', fac; isolated_variables = [x for x in BG.nodes() if,x)==0 and layer[x]==variables_index]; [var.remove(x) for x in isolated_variables] G = BG.copy(); Vprime1.extend(isolated_variables); G.remove_nodes_from(isolated_variables) isolated_factors = [x for x in G.nodes() if,x)==0 and layer[x]!=variables_index]; [fac.remove(x) for x in isolated_factors] G.remove_nodes_from(isolated_factors); while len(var)>0: if verbose==True: print '#var:',len(var),'#fac:', len(fac), '#nodes in depleted graph:', G.number_of_nodes(),'#original BG:',BG.number_of_nodes(); pendant = return_mindeg_pendant(G,layer,variables_index); if len(pendant)==0: ## if not, choose randomly and do the game. if verbose==True: print var m = G.number_of_nodes()*2; degs =; for e in G.edges(): if degs[e[0]] + degs[e[1]] < m: m = degs[e[0]] + degs[e[1]]; v = e; if e[0] in var: v = e[0]; else: v = e[1]; pendant = [] pendant.append(v); pendant.extend(nx.neighbors(G,v)); Vprime2.append(pendant[0]); else: Vprime1.append(pendant[0]); augmented_pendant = [] augmented_pendant.extend(pendant); for n in pendant[1:]: augmented_pendant.extend(nx.neighbors(G,n)); augmented_pendant = list(set(augmented_pendant)); G.remove_nodes_from(augmented_pendant); [var.remove(x) for x in augmented_pendant if x in var]; [fac.remove(x) for x in augmented_pendant if x in fac]; return Vprime1,Vprime2;
def __repr__(self): st = str(self.rootid)+'\n' levels = nx.neighbors(self,self.rootid) st = st + '---'+'\n' for l in levels: nw = len(nx.neighbors(self,l)) st = st + str(l)+' : '+ str(nw) + '\n' return(st)
def explore(u, pre): pre.append(u) if len(nx.neighbors(G,u)) == 0: Leafs[u]=set(pre) return for v in nx.neighbors(G, u): explore(v, pre[:])
def __repr__(self): st = str(self.rootid) + "\n" levels = nx.neighbors(self, self.rootid) st = st + "---" + "\n" for l in levels: nw = len(nx.neighbors(self, l)) st = st + str(l) + " : " + str(nw) + "\n" return st
def Welsh_Powell(g,nome): ''' Função: Resolver o sudoku, é gerado um arquivo com a resolução a resolução também é mostrada no programa Parametros: g, grafo de incompatibilidade do sudoku Retorno: - ''' #Todos os vértices tem o mesmo grau #Atribui uma lista de possíveis "cores" para cada vértice ci = [] for no_atual in range(81): #verifica se o no não tem valor if g.node[no_atual] == 0: g.node[no_atual] = [] #Lista de vértices não resolvidos ci.append(no_atual) #recupera o valor que os vizinhos possuem valores_vertice = [g.node[v] for v in nx.neighbors(g,no_atual)] #Coloca como possível valor do no os valores que não estão presentes em seus #vizinhos for possivel_valor in range(1,10): if possivel_valor not in valores_vertice: g.node[no_atual].append(possivel_valor) #Enquanto houver mais de um elemento por nó while len(ci): #Escolhe um no que não tem seu valor definido for v in ci: #Escolhe um no que tem só uma possibilidade if len(g.node[v]) == 1: no_retirado = g.node[v][0] g.node[v] = g.node[v][0] ci.remove(v) #Remove o valor do no que tinha só uma possibilidade dos vizinhos for i in nx.neighbors(g,v): if i in ci and no_retirado in g.node[i]: g.node[i].remove(no_retirado) resposta = [] for i in range(81): resposta.append(g.node[i]) gravar = int(raw_input('Para guardar a resposta em arquivo digite:\n1 - Sim\n2 - Não\n')) #Grafa a resposta em arquivo if gravar: arq_resposta = open(nome,"w") for i in range(81): if (i+1) % 9 == 0: arq_resposta.write(str(resposta[i])+'\n') else: arq_resposta.write(str(resposta[i])+" ") arq_resposta.close() print '\nResposta: ' #Mostra a resposta no console for i in range(81): print g.node[i], if (i+1) % 9 == 0: print
def mhrw_sampling(network, desired_order): ''' MHRV algorithm ''' # variables here g = nx.Graph() order = 0 go_more = True # Try to get the first node that is not isolated trycount = 0 found_node = False while trycount < 10 and not found_node: v = random.choice(network.nodes()) neighbors = nx.neighbors(network, v) if not neighbors: trycount += 1 else: found_node = True # if didnt find the node, just return if not found_node: return False, g, 0 # now, with the first node, we start our graph g.add_node(v) while order < desired_order and go_more: # If don't find more neighboors, but almost have the order neighbors = nx.neighbors(network, v) if not neighbors: if order < 0.9*desired_order: return False, g, order else: return True, g, order # If find neighboors keep going for i in range(len(neighbors)): g.add_edge(v, neighbors[i]) order_new = g.order() # If we are too big now (more than 30%), lets try again if order_new > 1.3*desired_order: return False, g, order # or If we reach the order we want if order_new >= desired_order: go_more = False # If nothing happened, keep going... v = random.choice(neighbors) order = order_new return True, g, order
def coefficient(node_i,node_j,G): ''' paper : <<Defining and identifying communities in networks>> ''' neighbors_i = set(nx.neighbors(G, node_i)) neighbors_j = set(nx.neighbors(G, node_j)) common = len(set(neighbors_i & neighbors_j)) min_k = min(len(neighbors_i),len(neighbors_j))-1 if(min_k == 0): return 1 else: return common / min_k
def run3(self,cs,ct,cutoff=1): ns = nx.neighbors(self.L.Gt,cs) nt = nx.neighbors(self.L.Gt,ct) print ns print nt path=[] for s in ns: for t in nt: p=nx.dijkstra_path(self.L.Gt,s,t) if not cs in p and not ct in p: path.append(p) return path
def CC2(G,node): n_list = nx.neighbors(G,node) degree = len(n_list) if degree <= 1: return 0 tri = 0 count = 0 for i in range(0,degree-1): n2_list = nx.neighbors(G,n_list[i]) for j in range(i+1,degree): count += 1 if n_list[j] in n2_list: tri += 1 return float(tri)/count
def updateNeighbors(s2,s1,L1,L2,P1,P2,G): L1.append(s1) L2.remove(s1) L2.append(s2) L1.remove(s2) if not hasOutsideNeighbor(s1,P1,G) : L1.remove(s1) if not hasOutsideNeighbor(s2,P2,G) : L2.remove(s2) N1 = nx.neighbors(G,s1) N2 = nx.neighbors(G,s2) for node1 in N1 : if node1 in P1: #print "Nodes",node1,"and",s1,"in the same partition" if hasOutsideNeighbor(node1,P1,G) : #print "Node", node1, "has a neighbor outside from",P1 if node1 not in L1 : L1.append(node1) #print "L1 : ajout de", node1 else : if node1 in L1 : L1.remove(node1) #print "L1 : suppression de", node1 else: #print "Nodes",node1,"and",s1,"not in the same partition" if not hasOutsideNeighbor(node1,P1,G) and node1 in L1: L1.remove(node1) #print "L1 : suppression de", node1 for node2 in N2 : if node2 in P2 : #print "Nodes",node2,"and",s2,"in the same partition" if hasOutsideNeighbor(node2,P2,G) : #print "Node", node2, "has a neighbor outside from",P2 if node2 not in L2 : L2.append(node2) #print "L2 : ajout de", node2 else : if node2 in L2 : L2.remove(node2) #print "L2 : suppression de", node2 else: #print "Nodes",node2,"and",s2,"not in the same partition" if not hasOutsideNeighbor(node2,P2,G) and node2 in L2: L2.remove(node2)
def approximate_solution(graph): """ Given a graph, construct a solution greedily using approximation methods. """ new_graph = nx.Graph() degrees = nx.degree_centrality(graph) largest = argmax(degrees) new_graph.add_node(largest) while new_graph.number_of_edges() < graph.number_of_nodes() - 1: neighbor_list = [nx.neighbors(graph, n) for n in new_graph.nodes()] neighbors = set() for lst in neighbor_list: neighbors = neighbors.union(lst) if not neighbors: return next_largest = argmax_in(degrees, neighbors, exceptions = new_graph.nodes()) next_largest_list = [n for n in neighbors if (n not in new_graph.nodes()) and degrees[n] == degrees[next_largest]] best_edge = None best_score = 0 for n_largest in next_largest_list: possible_edge_ends = [n for n in nx.neighbors(graph, n_largest) if n in new_graph.nodes()] new_graph.add_node(n_largest) edge_end = argmax_in(degrees, possible_edge_ends) new_graph.add_edge(edge_end, n_largest) best_subscore = count_leaves(new_graph) best_end = edge_end new_graph.remove_edge(edge_end, n_largest) for end in possible_edge_ends: new_graph.add_edge(end, n_largest) subscore = count_leaves(new_graph) if subscore > best_subscore: best_end = end best_subscore = subscore new_graph.remove_edge(end, n_largest) new_graph.remove_node(n_largest) if best_subscore > best_score: best_edge = (n_largest, best_end) best_score = best_subscore new_graph.add_edge(best_edge[0], best_edge[1]) return new_graph
def basic_local_search(graph, solution): original = solution.copy() before = count_leaves(solution) best_solution = solution.copy() best_leaves = count_leaves(best_solution) for i in range(10): best = count_leaves(solution) candidates = set(get_vertices_with_degree(solution, 2)) leaves = set(get_vertices_with_degree(solution, 1)) leaf_neighbors = [] for leaf in leaves: leaf_neighbors.extend(nx.neighbors(solution, leaf)) leaf_neighbors = set(leaf_neighbors) vs = candidates.intersection(leaf_neighbors) for v in vs: leafs = [l for l in nx.neighbors(solution, v) if l in leaves] if leafs: leaf = leafs[0] else: break solution.remove_edge(v, leaf) neighbors = nx.neighbors(graph, leaf) for neighbor in neighbors: solution.add_edge(leaf, neighbor) new = count_leaves(solution) if new > best: best = new else: solution.remove_edge(leaf, neighbor) if not nx.is_connected(solution): solution.add_edge(v, leaf) if count_leaves(solution) < best_leaves: solution = best_solution.copy() elif count_leaves(solution) > best_leaves: best_solution = solution.copy() best_leaves = count_leaves(best_solution) after = count_leaves(solution) if before > after: solution = original.copy() if before != after: print 'before/after: ', before, after if before > after: raise Exception('you dun goofed') if not nx.is_connected(solution): raise Exception('you dun goofed') return solution
def triaddist(graph): t = {0:0, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0} for i in graph.nodes(): for j in graph.nodes(): for k in graph.nodes(): x = 0 if i in nx.neighbors(graph, j): x += 1 if i in nx.neighbors(graph, k): x += 1 if j in nx.neighbors(graph, k): x += 1 t[x] += 1 for q in t: t[q] /= 6 return t
def test(rt): global g weight = nx.get_node_attributes(g,"weight") #print "from test :" , weight print rt weights=weight.values() node_words=weight.keys() parent_node = rt question_string = rt neighbours_weights=dict() prev="" for i in range(20): neighbours_weights={} x=nx.neighbors(g,parent_node) print x print prev try : if i!=0: x.remove(prev) for node in x: neighbours_weights[node] = weight[node] prev=parent_node parent_node = max(neighbours_weights) print "Parent node is : ", parent_node question_string = question_string + " " + parent_node except Exception,e: print str(e)
def findReachability(self, state, horizon): """ Finds a reachable set on the graph. Inputs: state: starting point of reachability search horizon: number of edges away from state to be searched. Outputs: the set of all states that are reachable from state in exactly horizon transitions. """ k = 0 prevSet = set() prevSet.add(state) nextSet = set() while k < horizon: nextSet.clear() for node in prevSet: nextSet = nextSet.union(set(nx.neighbors(self.graphRepresentation, node))) if len(nextSet) == 1 and None in nextSet: return None if None in nextSet: nextSet.remove(None) prevSet = copy.deepcopy(nextSet) k += 1 return nextSet
def install_neighbours(self): """ Install the neighbours information inside the Nodes classes. """ # Initialize neighbours sets as empty sets: nodes_nei = [set() for _ in range(self.num_nodes)] # Build translation tables between graph nodes # and node numbers 1 .. self.num_nodes self.graph_to_vec = {} self.vec_to_graph = [] for i,gnd in enumerate(self.graph.nodes_iter()): self.vec_to_graph.append(gnd) self.graph_to_vec[gnd] = i for i,nd in enumerate(self.nodes): # Sample a set of indices (Which represent a set of nodes). # Those nodes will be nd's neighbours: gneighbours = nx.neighbors(self.graph,self.vec_to_graph[i]) nodes_nei[i].update(map(lambda gnei:\ self.graph_to_vec[gnei],gneighbours)) # Make sure that i is not his own neighbour: assert i not in nodes_nei[i] for i,nd in enumerate(self.nodes): # Initialize a list of neighbours: nd.set_neighbours(map(self.make_knode,list(nodes_nei[i])))
def compressGraph(graph): """ compact the gateway nodes to one single node.""" """ Each node in the graph with ID < 0 is a HNA route (a gateway to the Internet). We compact them in one single node for easier analysis.""" newGraph = graph.copy() if 0 in newGraph.nodes(): print "We use node id 0 for representing an abstract gateway node",\ "please do not use ID 0 in the graph definition" sys.exit(1) negNodes = [] negNeighs = [] for node in newGraph.nodes(): if node < 0: negNodes.append(node) for neighs in nx.neighbors(newGraph, node): negNeighs.append(neighs) if len(negNodes) == 0: print "no gateway found for the network. Gateways are expected to ",\ "have an ID lower than zero" newGraph.add_node(0) for neigh in negNeighs: newGraph.add_edge(0, neigh, weight=1) for node in negNodes: newGraph.remove_node(node) return newGraph
def sync_label_propagation(): iter_num = 5 for node in nx.nodes(g): g.node[node]['prev'] = node g.node[node]['next'] = None for i in xrange(iter_num): for node in nx.nodes(g): label_count_dict = {} for neighbor in nx.neighbors(g, node): if g.node[neighbor]['prev'] not in label_count_dict: label_count_dict[g.node[neighbor]['prev']] = 0 label_count_dict[g.node[neighbor]['prev']] += 1 label_list_dict = reverse_dict(label_count_dict) tie_list = label_list_dict[max(list(label_list_dict))] # print label_count_dict # print tie_list g.node[node]['next'] = get_rand_element(tie_list) for node in nx.nodes(g): g.node[node]['prev'] = g.node[node]['next'] print_result(g, 'prev')
def get_new(graph,road): """ Gets a new network from the original synthetic distribution network by swapping an edge with a minimum length reconnection. The created network is rejected if power flow is not satisfied. """ prim_nodes = [n for n in graph if graph.nodes[n]['label']!='H'] reg_nodes = [n for n in graph if graph.nodes[n]['label']=='R'] prim_edges = [e for e in graph.edges() \ if graph[e[0]][e[1]]['label']!='S'] sub = [n for n in graph if graph.nodes[n]['label']=='S'][0] # Reconstruct primary network to alter without modifying original new_graph = graph.__class__() new_graph.add_nodes_from(prim_nodes) new_graph.add_edges_from(prim_edges) # Get edgelist for random sampling and remove an edge edgelist = [e for e in prim_edges if graph.nodes[e[0]]['label']=='T' \ and graph.nodes[e[1]]['label']=='T'] rand_edge = edgelist[np.random.choice(range(len(edgelist)))] rem_geom = graph.edges[rand_edge]['geometry'] new_graph.remove_edge(*rand_edge) # Analyze the two disconnected components target = rand_edge[1] if nx.has_path(new_graph,sub,rand_edge[0]) else rand_edge[0] comps = list(nx.connected_components(new_graph)) if sub in list(comps[0]): not_connected_nodes = list(comps[1]) connected_nodes = list(comps[0]) else: not_connected_nodes = list(comps[0]) connected_nodes = list(comps[1]) # Create a dummy road network new_road = road.__class__() new_road.add_nodes_from(road.nodes) new_road.add_edges_from(road.edges) for e in new_road.edges: new_road.edges[e]['geometry'] = LineString([road.nodes[e[0]]['cord'], road.nodes[e[1]]['cord']]) new_road.edges[e]['length'] = Link(new_road.edges[e]['geometry']).geod_length # Delete the same edge/path from the dummy road network path = [rand_edge[0],rand_edge[1]] if len(rem_geom.coords)>2: path_coords = list(rem_geom.coords)[1:-1] for cord in path_coords: neighbor_dist = {n: geodist(cord,road.nodes[n]['cord']) \ for n in nx.neighbors(road,path[-2])} node_in_path = min(neighbor_dist,key=neighbor_dist.get) path.insert(-1,node_in_path) rem_road_edge = [(path[i],path[i+1]) for i,_ in enumerate(path[:-1])] for edge in rem_road_edge: new_road.remove_edge(*edge) # Get edgeset for n in not_connected_nodes: circle = Point(graph.nodes[n]['cord']).buffer(0.01) nearby_nodes = [m for m in connected_nodes \ if Point(graph.nodes[m]['cord']).within(circle)] sys.exit(0) # Get the set of edges between the disconnected components # edge_set = [] # for e in new_road: # if (e[0] in comps[0] and e[1] in comps[1]) or (e[0] in comps[1] and e[1] in comps[0]): # dict_node = {n:graph.nodes[n]['cord'] for n in connected_nodes \ # if n!=end_node} # center_node = graph.nodes[other_node]['cord'] # near_node = find_nearest_node(center_node,dict_node) # new_edge = (near_node,other_node) # new_graph.add_edge(*new_edge) # create_network(new_graph,graph) # print("Checking power flow result...") powerflow(new_graph) voltage = [new_graph.nodes[n]['voltage'] for n in new_graph \ if new_graph.nodes[n]['label']!='H'] low_voltage_nodes = [v for v in voltage if v<=0.87] check = (len(low_voltage_nodes)/len(voltage))*100.0 if check>5.0: print("Many nodes have low voltage. Percentage:",check) return graph,0 else: print("Acceptable power flow results. Percentage:",check) return new_graph,1
def inducer(graph, node): nebs = nx.neighbors(graph, node) sub_nodes = nebs + [node] sub_g = nx.subgraph(graph, sub_nodes) out_counts = np.sum(map(lambda x: len(nx.neighbors(graph,x)), sub_nodes)) return sub_g, out_counts, nebs
def detect(self): """detect the source with GSBA. Returns: @rtype:int the detected source """ ''' 这是什么时候调用的?这是公式需要,对别的来说,就不是这个了。所有对于贪心是有两个 先验的,一个是要谣言中心性,一个是其他。 我们要加我们的就是加一个先验的,比如覆盖的操作,模仿其谣言定位方式,自己写一个 然后作为先验,放在先验中。 ''' self.reset_centrality() self.prior_detector.set_data( self.prior_detector.detect() self.prior = nx.get_node_attributes(self.subgraph, 'centrality') # print('先验检测器是什么?') # print(self.prior) # epa带权重的东西 self.reset_centrality() epa_weight_object = epa2.EPA_center_weight() epa_weight_object.set_data( epa_weight_object.detect() epa_weight_cnetralities = nx.get_node_attributes(self.subgraph, 'centrality') # 覆盖率中心 self.reset_centrality() cc_object = cc.CoverageCenter() cc_object.set_data( cc_object.detect() coverage_centralities = nx.get_node_attributes(self.subgraph, 'centrality') self.reset_centrality() infected_nodes = set(self.subgraph.nodes()) n = len(infected_nodes) epa_coverage={} for node in infected_nodes: epa_coverage[node] = decimal.Decimal(coverage_centralities[node]*epa_weight_cnetralities[node]) nx.set_node_attributes(self.subgraph,'centrality',epa_coverage) result= self.sort_nodes_by_centrality() print('result') high_value =[x[0] for x in result] new_subgraph =nx.Graph() new_subgraph=[0:40]) new_infect_nodes = new_subgraph.nodes() self.reset_centrality() posterior = {} included = set() neighbours = set() weights = for v in new_infect_nodes: """find the approximate upper bound by greedy searching""" included.clear() neighbours.clear() included.add(v) neighbours.add(v) likelihood = 1 w = {} # effective propagation probabilities: node->w w_key_sorted = blist() w[v] = 1 w_key_sorted.append(v) while len(included) < n and len(w_key_sorted)>1: # print('邻居用来计算所谓的neighbours') # print(neighbours) w_sum = sum([w[j] for j in neighbours]) u = w_key_sorted.pop() # pop out the last element from w_key_sorted with the largest w likelihood *= w[u] / w_sum # print('分母是?') # print(w_sum) # print('likelihood') # print(likelihood) included.add(u) neighbours.remove(u) new = nx.neighbors(new_subgraph, u) # print('new也就是在总图中的邻居') # print(new) for h in new: # print('遍历到某个邻居') # print(h) if h in included: continue neighbours.add(h) # compute w for h w_h2u = weights[[u],[h]] # w_h2u = weights[[u]][[h]] if h in w.keys(): # print('------') # print(w[h]) # print(w_h2u) w[h] = 1 - (1 - w[h]) * (1 - w_h2u) # print('w[h],,,,h在keys') # print(w[h]) else: # print('h不在keys') w[h] = w_h2u # print(w[h]) # print('w是什么') # print(w) # h_neighbor = nx.neighbors(, h) # w_h = 1 # for be in included.intersection(h_neighbor): # w_h *= 1 -, be) # w[h] = 1 - w_h """insert h into w_key_sorted, ranking by w from small to large""" if h in infected_nodes: # print('开始排序了') if h in w_key_sorted: w_key_sorted.remove(h) # remove the old w[h] k = 0 while k < len(w_key_sorted): if w[w_key_sorted[k]] > w[h]: break k += 1 # print(w_key_sorted) w_key_sorted.insert(k, h) # 安排降序加入,就是排列可能性加入,安排顺序插入进去 # print('w_key_sorted') # print(w_key_sorted) # w_key_sorted[k:k] = [h] # print('每次开始的是那个节点呢?') # print(v) # print('每一个的可能性是likehood') # print(likelihood) posterior[v] = (decimal.Decimal(self.prior[v]) * decimal.Decimal(likelihood) * self.prior[v]) nx.set_node_attributes(self.subgraph, 'centrality', posterior) return self.sort_nodes_by_centrality()
def algo9(G): T = nx.Graph() n = len(G) B = nx.Graph() # Add nodes with the node attribute "bipartite" B.add_nodes_from(G.nodes) for node in G.nodes(): tmp = n + node B.add_node(tmp) for a in G.nodes(): for b in nx.neighbors(G, a): # print(G[a][b]['weight']) B.add_edge(a, n + b, weight=G[a][b]['weight']) weightOfNodes = nodesWeight(B, n) currentNode = weightOfNodes[0][0] T.add_node(currentNode) B_prime = B.copy() for node in nx.neighbors(B_prime, currentNode): B.remove_node(node) B.remove_node(currentNode) print(B.edges, 1) i = 1 while len(set(B.nodes) & set(range(n, 2 * n))) != 0: candidate = set() for node in T.nodes(): candidate = candidate | set(nx.neighbors(G, node)) candidate -= T.nodes() # print(candidate, 'candidate') for i in weightOfNodes: if i[0] in list(candidate): currentNode = i[0] break # print(currentNode, 'currentNode') shortest = float('inf') shortestNode = None for j in T.nodes: if ((currentNode, j) in G.edges) and (G[currentNode][j]['weight'] < shortest): shortest = G[currentNode][j]['weight'] shortestNode = j # print(currentNode, shortestNode, G[currentNode][shortestNode]['weight']) T.add_edge(currentNode, shortestNode, weight=G[currentNode][shortestNode]['weight']) # currentNode = weightOfNodes[i][0] T.add_node(currentNode) B_prime = B.copy() for node in nx.neighbors(B_prime, currentNode): B.remove_node(node) B.remove_node(currentNode) return T
def khren2(G): result_s = {} result_d = {} passed_set = [] list_neighbrs = {} for v in G.nodes: list_neighbrs.update({v: set(nx.neighbors(G, v))}) for u in G.nodes: passed_set.append(u) for v in nx.non_neighbors(G, u): if not v in passed_set: cmn_nmbr = list_neighbrs[u] & list_neighbrs[v] # dist = nx.shortest_path_length(G,u,v) # if dist == 2: # cmn_nmbr = G.distance(u,v) if G.nodes[u]["ground_label"] == G.nodes[v]['ground_label']: result_s.update({(u, v): cmn_nmbr}) else: result_d.update({(u, v): cmn_nmbr}) # max_s = max(len(result_s.values())) max_s = len(max(result_s.values(), key=len)) max_d = len(max(result_d.values(), key=len)) print(max_s, max_d) potential = 0 potential_set = set() result_s = {key: val for key, val in result_s.items() if len(val) > max_d} G_s = G.subgraph(list(G.nodes)) edges = list(G_s.edges()) G_s.remove_edges_from(edges) for (u, v) in result_s: G_s.add_edge(u, v) print(G_s.number_of_edges()) print(nx.number_connected_components(G_s)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharey=True, figsize=(14, 7)) pos = nx.spring_layout(G_s) nx.draw(G_s, pos, ax1, with_labels=False, node_color='black', node_size=20, width=1) plt.close() # ground_colors = [G_s.nodes[node]["ground_label"] for node in self.nodes for pair in result_s: potential += 1 potential_set = potential_set | result_s[pair] print("Potential pairs = %d" % potential) print("Potential vertices = %d" % len(potential_set)) for (pair, vertex_list) in result_s.items(): if len(vertex_list) == max_s: max_pair = pair break nx.set_node_attributes(G, {max_pair[0]: 0}, "label") nx.set_node_attributes(G, {max_pair[1]: 0}, "label") marked_nmbr = 0 marked_vertices = {max_pair[0], max_pair[1]} passed_pairs = set() # print(result_s[max_pair]) it = 0 prev_len = 0 while len(marked_vertices) < 500 and len(marked_vertices) > marked_nmbr: marked_nmbr = len(marked_vertices) marked_list = list(marked_vertices) marked_list.reverse() print(marked_list) for marked_pair in itertools.combinations(marked_list, 2): if marked_pair[0] > marked_pair[1]: rev_marked_pair = (marked_pair[1], marked_pair[0]) else: rev_marked_pair = marked_pair if rev_marked_pair in result_s: for pair in result_s: if len(result_s[pair]) > max_d: if len(result_s[pair] & result_s[rev_marked_pair]) > 0 or len( [pair[0]]): pred_labels = dict( zip(list(result_s[pair]), [0 for i in result_s[pair]])) nx.set_node_attributes(G, pred_labels, "label") marked_vertices.update(result_s[pair]) marked_vertices.update([pair[0], pair[1]]) if len(marked_vertices) > prev_len: print(len(marked_vertices)) prev_len = len(marked_vertices) if len(marked_vertices) >= 500: break if len(marked_vertices) >= 500: break print("iteration = %d" % it) it += 1 print(len(marked_vertices)) one_pred = list(set(G.nodes) - marked_vertices) pred_labels = dict(zip(one_pred, [1 for i in one_pred])) nx.set_node_attributes(G, pred_labels, "label") prediction = [v for v in nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'label').values()] # print([G.nodes[node]['ground_label'] for node in G.nodes if node not in marked_vertices]) # print([G.nodes[node]['label'] for node in G.nodes if node not in marked_vertices]) print(max_1(accuracy_score(G.ground_labels, prediction))) print(it) return (result_s, result_d)
def get_orings(atoms, index, possible): ''' atoms: ASE atoms object of the zeolite framework to be analyzed index: (integer) index of the atom that you want to classify possible: (list) of the types of rings known to be present in the zeolite framework you are studying. This information is available on IZA or in the collections module of this package. Returns: Class - The size of rings associated with the oxygen. paths - The actual atom indices that compose those rings. ''' cell = atoms.get_cell_lengths_and_angles()[:3] repeat = [] possible = possible * 2 maxring = max(possible) for i, c in enumerate(cell): if c / 2 < maxring / 2 + 5: l = c re = 1 while l / 2 < maxring / 2 + 5: re += 1 l = c * re repeat.append(re) else: repeat.append(1) atoms2 = atoms.copy() atoms2 = atoms2.repeat(repeat) center = atoms2.get_center_of_mass() trans = center - atoms2.positions[index] atoms2.translate(trans) atoms2.wrap() cutoff = neighborlist.natural_cutoffs(atoms2, mult=1.05) nl = neighborlist.NeighborList(cutoffs=cutoff, self_interaction=False, bothways=True) nl.update(atoms2) matrix = nl.get_connectivity_matrix(sparse=False) m = matrix.copy() G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(matrix) neighbs = nx.neighbors(G, index) for n in neighbs: if atoms2[n].symbol != 'O': fe = [n] fe.append(index) G.remove_edge(fe[0], fe[1]) tmpClass = [] rings = [] while len(tmpClass) < 6: try: path = nx.shortest_path(G, fe[0], fe[1]) except: break length = len(path) if length in possible: tmpClass.append(int(len(path) / 2)) rings.append(path) if length == 18: G.remove_edge(path[8], path[9]) elif length < 16 and length > 6: G.remove_edge(path[3], path[4]) elif length >= 16: G.remove_edge(path[int(len(path) / 2 - 1)], path[int(len(path) / 2)]) if length == 8: G.remove_node(path[4]) if length == 6: G.remove_node(path[3]) else: G.remove_edge(path[int(length / 2)], path[int(length / 2 + 1)]) rings = remove_dups(rings) rings = remove_sec(rings) Class = [] for r in rings: Class.append(int(len(r) / 2)) paths = rings paths = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(Class, paths), reverse=True)] Class.sort(reverse=True) keepers = [] for i in paths: for j in i: if j not in keepers: keepers.append(j) d = [atom.index for atom in atoms2 if atom.index not in keepers] del atoms2[d] return Class, paths, atoms2
def MI(graph_file): G = nx.read_edgelist(graph_file) node_num = nx.number_of_nodes(G) edge_num = nx.number_of_edges(G) print(node_num) print(edge_num) sim_dict = {} # �洢���ƶȵ��ֵ� i = 0 I_pConnect_dict = {} edges = nx.edges(G) ebunch = nx.non_edges(G) for u, v in edges: uDegree =, u) vDegree =, v) pConnect = 1 - (comb( (edge_num - uDegree), vDegree)) / (comb(edge_num, vDegree)) I_pConnect = -math.log2(pConnect) I_pConnect_dict[(u, v)] = I_pConnect I_pConnect_dict[(v, u)] = I_pConnect for u, v in ebunch: uDegree =, u) vDegree =, v) pConnect = 1 - (comb( (edge_num - uDegree), vDegree)) / (comb(edge_num, vDegree)) I_pConnect = -math.log2(pConnect) I_pConnect_dict[(u, v)] = I_pConnect I_pConnect_dict[(v, u)] = I_pConnect ebunchs = nx.non_edges(G) i = 0 for u, v in ebunchs: pMutual_Information = 0 I_pConnect = I_pConnect_dict[(u, v)] for z in nx.common_neighbors(G, u, v): neighbor_num = len(list(nx.neighbors(G, z))) neighbor_list = nx.neighbors(G, z) for m in range(len(neighbor_list)): for n in range(m + 1, len(neighbor_list)): if m != n: I_ppConnect = I_pConnect_dict[(neighbor_list[m], neighbor_list[n])] if nx.clustering(G, z) == 0: pMutual_Information = pMutual_Information + ( 2 / (neighbor_num * (neighbor_num - 1))) * ((I_ppConnect) - (-math.log2(0.0001))) else: pMutual_Information = pMutual_Information + ( 2 / (neighbor_num * (neighbor_num - 1))) * ( (I_ppConnect) - (-math.log2(nx.clustering(G, z)))) sim_dict[(u, v)] = -(I_pConnect - pMutual_Information) i = i + 1 # ============================================================================= # print(i) # print(str(u) + "," + str(v)) # print (sim_dict[(u, v)]) # ============================================================================= print(sim_dict) return sim_dict
def neighbors(self,state): return nx.neighbors(self.graph,state)
def __overlapping_label_propagation(self, ego_minus_ego, ego, max_iteration=100): """ :param max_iteration: number of desired iteration for the label propagation :param ego_minus_ego: ego network minus its center :param ego: ego network center """ t = 0 old_node_to_coms = {} while t < max_iteration: t += 1 label_freq = {} node_to_coms = {} nodes = nx.nodes(ego_minus_ego) random.shuffle(nodes) count = -len(nodes) for n in nodes: n_neighbors = nx.neighbors(ego_minus_ego, n) if count == 0: t += 1 #compute the frequency of the labels for nn in n_neighbors: communities_nn = [nn] if nn in old_node_to_coms: communities_nn = old_node_to_coms[nn] for nn_c in communities_nn: if nn_c in label_freq: v = label_freq.get(nn_c) #case of weighted graph if self.weighted: label_freq[nn_c] = v + ego_minus_ego.edge[nn][ n]['weight'] else: label_freq[nn_c] = v + 1 else: #case of weighted graph if self.weighted: label_freq[nn_c] = ego_minus_ego.edge[nn][n][ 'weight'] else: label_freq[nn_c] = 1 #first run, random choosing of the communities among the neighbors labels if t == 1: if not len(n_neighbors) == 0: r_label = random.sample(label_freq.keys(), 1) ego_minus_ego.node[n]['communities'] = r_label old_node_to_coms[n] = r_label count += 1 continue #choose the majority else: labels = [] max_freq = -1 for l, c in label_freq.items(): if c > max_freq: max_freq = c labels = [l] elif c == max_freq: labels.append(l) node_to_coms[n] = labels if not n in old_node_to_coms or not set( node_to_coms[n]) == set(old_node_to_coms[n]): old_node_to_coms[n] = node_to_coms[n] ego_minus_ego.node[n]['communities'] = labels t += 1 #build the communities reintroducing the ego community_to_nodes = {} for n in nx.nodes(ego_minus_ego): if len(nx.neighbors(ego_minus_ego, n)) == 0: ego_minus_ego.node[n]['communities'] = [n] c_n = ego_minus_ego.node[n]['communities'] for c in c_n: if c in community_to_nodes: com = community_to_nodes.get(c) com.append(n) else: nodes = [n, ego] community_to_nodes[c] = nodes return community_to_nodes
def aa_seq(self, order="dfs", train=True): mol_atoms_heavy = [a for a in self.atoms if a.type.mass >= 2.0] atom_seq_dict_heavy = {} atom_seq_dict_hydrogens = {} atom_predecessors_dict = {} cg_seq = self.cg_seq(order=order, train=train) for bead, predecessor_beads in cg_seq: bead_atoms = bead.atoms heavy_atoms = [a for a in bead_atoms if a.type.mass >= 2.0] hydrogens = [a for a in bead_atoms if a.type.mass < 2.0] predecessor_atoms = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([b.atoms for b in set(predecessor_beads)])) predecessor_atoms_heavy = [a for a in predecessor_atoms if a.type.mass >= 2.0] predecessor_atoms_hydrogens = [a for a in predecessor_atoms if a.type.mass < 2.0] #find start atom psble_start_nodes = [] n_heavy_neighbors = [] for a in heavy_atoms: n_heavy_neighbors.append(len(list(nx.all_neighbors(self.G_heavy, a)))) for n in nx.all_neighbors(self.G_heavy, a): if n in predecessor_atoms_heavy: psble_start_nodes.append(a) if psble_start_nodes: #start_atom = np.random.choice(psble_start_nodes) #weird bonds in cg sPS... therefore just take first one... start_atom = psble_start_nodes[0] else: start_atom = heavy_atoms[np.array(n_heavy_neighbors).argmin()] #else: # start_atom = heavy_atoms[0] #sequence through atoms of bead if order == "bfs": edges = list(nx.bfs_edges(self.G.subgraph(heavy_atoms), start_atom)) atom_seq = [start_atom] + [e[1] for e in edges] elif order == "random": atom_seq = [start_atom] pool = [] for n in range(1, len(heavy_atoms)): pool += list(nx.neighbors(self.G.subgraph(heavy_atoms), atom_seq[-1])) pool = list(set(pool)) next = np.random.choice(pool) while next in atom_seq: next = np.random.choice(pool) pool.remove(next) atom_seq.append(next) else: atom_seq = list(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(self.G.subgraph(heavy_atoms), start_atom)) #hydrogens = self.hydrogens[:] np.random.shuffle(hydrogens) #atom_seq = atom_seq + hydrogens #atom_seq = [] for n in range(0, len(atom_seq)): atom_predecessors_dict[atom_seq[n]] = predecessor_atoms_heavy + atom_seq[:n] for n in range(0, len(hydrogens)): atom_predecessors_dict[hydrogens[n]] = mol_atoms_heavy + predecessor_atoms_hydrogens + hydrogens[:n] atom_seq_dict_heavy[bead] = atom_seq atom_seq_dict_hydrogens[bead] = hydrogens return cg_seq, atom_seq_dict_heavy, atom_seq_dict_hydrogens, atom_predecessors_dict
def FindNeighbors(G, node): tmp = list(nx.neighbors(G, str(node))) return tmp
def get_orings_new(atoms, index, possible): cell = atoms.get_cell_lengths_and_angles()[:3] repeat = [] possible = possible * 2 maxring = max(possible) for i, c in enumerate(cell): if c / 2 < maxring / 2 + 5: l = c re = 1 while l / 2 < maxring / 2 + 5: re += 1 l = c * re repeat.append(re) else: repeat.append(1) atoms2 = atoms.copy() atoms2 = atoms2.repeat(repeat) center = atoms2.get_center_of_mass() trans = center - atoms2.positions[index] atoms2.translate(trans) atoms2.wrap() atoms3 = atoms2.copy() cutoff = neighborlist.natural_cutoffs(atoms2, mult=1.05) nl = neighborlist.NeighborList(cutoffs=cutoff, self_interaction=False, bothways=True) nl.update(atoms2) matrix = nl.get_connectivity_matrix(sparse=False) m = matrix.copy() G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(matrix) neighbs = nx.neighbors(G, index) fe = [] for n in neighbs: if atoms2[n].symbol != 'O': fe.append(n) fe.append(index) rings = [] for path in nx.all_simple_paths(G, index, fe[0], cutoff=max(possible) - 1): rings.append(path) new_rings = [] for r in rings: if len(r) in possible: new_rings.append(r) rings = new_rings delete = [] for j, r in enumerate(rings): flag = False if len(r) >= 12: for i in range(1, len(r) - 3, 2): angle = atoms3.get_angle(r[i], r[i + 2], r[i + 4], mic=True) if angle < 100: delete.append(j) break new_rings = [] for j, r in enumerate(rings): if j not in delete: new_rings.append(r) rings = new_rings rings = remove_sec(rings) rings = remove_dups(rings) Class = [] for r in rings: Class.append(int(len(r) / 2)) paths = rings paths = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(Class, paths), reverse=True)] Class.sort(reverse=True) keepers = [] for i in paths: for j in i: if j not in keepers: keepers.append(j) d = [atom.index for atom in atoms2 if atom.index not in keepers] del atoms2[d] return Class, paths, atoms2
def generate_subgraph_biased_random_walk(id=0): path = '/network/rit/lab/ceashpc/share_data/GraphOpt/datasets/epinions' fn = 'graph.pkl' with open(os.path.join(path, fn), 'rb') as rfile: graph = pickle.load(rfile) print(graph.number_of_nodes()) print(graph.number_of_edges()) print(len([1 for (u, v) in graph.edges() if u in graph[v]])) undigraph = graph.to_undirected() # directed graph to undirected graph print(undigraph.number_of_nodes()) print(undigraph.number_of_edges()) print(nx.is_connected(undigraph)) path = '/network/rit/lab/ceashpc/share_data/GraphOpt/datasets/epinions/dcs_test' fn = '03EdgesC.txt' correlations = {} # edge weight of conceptual network with open(os.path.join(path, fn)) as rfile: for line in rfile: terms = line.strip().split(' ') node_1, node_2, weight = int(terms[0]), int(terms[1]), float( terms[2]) correlations[(node_1, node_2)] = weight num_nodes = undigraph.number_of_nodes() node_degree = np.zeros(num_nodes) for current_node in undigraph.nodes(): sum_weight = 0. for node in nx.neighbors(undigraph, current_node): pair = tuple(sorted(list((node, current_node)))) weight = correlations[pair] if pair in correlations else 0. sum_weight += weight node_degree[current_node] = sum_weight # random walk start_node = next_node = np.random.choice(range(num_nodes)) subgraph = set() subgraph.add(start_node) restart = 0.1 count = 1000 print(start_node) # random walk on undirected physical graph, biased for nodes with higher degree on conceptual network while True: if len(subgraph) >= count: break neighbors = [node for node in nx.neighbors(undigraph, next_node)] neighbor_degree_dist = [node_degree[node] for node in neighbors] sum_prob = np.sum(neighbor_degree_dist) # note, when there are no neighbors for one node on conceptual network, its probabilities to other neighbor nodes are equal normalized_prob_dist = [ prob / sum_prob if not sum_prob == 0. else 1. / len(neighbors) for prob in neighbor_degree_dist ] # if sum_prob == 0.: # print(len(neighbors)) # print(neighbor_degree_dist) # print(sum_prob) # print(normalized_prob_dist) # break # print(len(neighbor_degree_dist)) # print(normalized_prob_dist) if np.random.uniform() > restart: next_node = np.random.choice( neighbors, p=normalized_prob_dist ) # biased for those nodes with high degree else: # restart next_node = start_node subgraph.add(next_node) print(len(subgraph)) if len(subgraph) < count: print('generation fails') return mean_1 = 5. mean_2 = 0. std = 1. attributes = np.zeros(graph.number_of_nodes()) for node in graph.nodes(): if node in subgraph: attributes[node] = np.random.normal(mean_1, std) else: attributes[node] = np.random.normal(mean_2, std) path = '/network/rit/lab/ceashpc/share_data/GraphOpt/datasets/epinions/syn' fn = 'attributes_biased_{}.pkl'.format(id) with open(os.path.join(path, fn), 'wb') as wfile: pickle.dump({'attributes': attributes, 'subgraph': subgraph}, wfile)
while len(list(set(D) - set(F))) != 0: min = 9999 for i in set(D) - set(F): if degree[i] < min: u = i min = degree[i] uu = [] uu.append(u) g = G.subgraph(set(D) - set(uu)) n = len(list(nx.connected_components(g))) if n != 1: F = set(F) | set(uu) else: D = set(D) - set(uu) for s in set(D) & set(list(nx.neighbors(G, u))): degree[s] = degree[s] - 1 if len(list(set(list(nx.neighbors(G, u))) & set(F))) == 0: max = 0 for i in list(nx.neighbors(G, u)): if degree[i] > max: w = i max = degree[i] ww = [] ww.append(w) F = set(F) | set(ww) print(D) print(F) print(set(D) - set(F)) print('\n') print(D)
def neighbors(G, v): return list(nx.neighbors(G, v))
from import label_propagation_communities from import asyn_fluidc from import coverage from import performance from import girvan_newman # preparing data g = nx.read_gml('datasets/dolphins.gml', label='id') # g=nx.karate_club_graph() # g=nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(8,0.7) # g=nx.windmill_graph(8,4) N = len(g) W = np.zeros((N, N)) for i in g: print(i, end="-> ") for j in nx.neighbors(g, i): print(j, end=" ") W[i][j] = 1 W[j][i] = 1 print() # networkx community detection gmc = list(greedy_modularity_communities(g)) alc = list(asyn_lpa_communities(g)) lpac = list(label_propagation_communities(g)) asfl = list(asyn_fluidc(g, 3)) # inititalization anchorList = set([]) U = {}
def greedyDP(G, i, k): #doesn't consider subtrees #This is different since we are considering each node's weight in the graph to be the number of accepting nodes in a given cluster #i = number_of_nodes(G) #k = number of seeds storePayoff = [[0] * i for _ in range(k)] #store payoff storeSeeds = [[[]] * i for _ in range(k)] #store seeds at each stage tree = nx.bfs_tree(G, 1) for numSeeds in range(0, k): #bottom up DP nodes = list(reversed(list( (nx.topological_sort(tree) )))) #look at nodes in reverse topological order for j in range(0, i): if j == 0 and numSeeds == 0: #first entry #breakpoint() storeSeeds[numSeeds][j] = [nodes[j]] nodeWeight = computeNegPayoff(G, nodes[j]) storePayoff[numSeeds][j] = nodeWeight #print("first entry,", storePayoff) elif numSeeds == 0: #if there is only one seed to consider, aka first row last = storePayoff[numSeeds][j - 1] nodeWeight = computeNegPayoff(G, nodes[j]) if nodeWeight > last: storePayoff[numSeeds][j] = nodeWeight storeSeeds[numSeeds][j] = [nodes[j]] else: storePayoff[numSeeds][j] = last table = storeSeeds[numSeeds][j - 1] table2 = table[:] storeSeeds[numSeeds][j] = table2 #print("num seeds 0",storePayoff) elif j == 0: #we only consider first node, so its simple storePayoff[numSeeds][j] = storePayoff[numSeeds - 1][j] storeSeeds[numSeeds][j] = storeSeeds[numSeeds - 1][j][:] else: #where DP comes in last = storePayoff[numSeeds - 1][j - 1] #diagonal-up entry nextGuess = computeNegPayoff(G, nodes[j]) + last for lastNodes in storeSeeds[numSeeds - 1][ j - 1]: #dont want to double count edges! neighbors = nx.neighbors(G, lastNodes) for neighbor in neighbors: if neighbor == nodes[j]: add = G.get_edge_data( lastNodes, nodes[j] ) #neighbor of new node is current node add = add['weight'] nextGuess += add lastEntry = storePayoff[numSeeds][j - 1] #left entry lastEntryUp = storePayoff[numSeeds - 1][j] tup = [(storeSeeds[numSeeds][j - 1], lastEntry), (storeSeeds[numSeeds - 1][j], lastEntryUp), (storeSeeds[numSeeds - 1][j - 1], nextGuess), (storeSeeds[numSeeds - 1][j - 1], last)] tup.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) nextList = tup[-1][0][:] storeSeeds[numSeeds][j] = nextList storePayoff[numSeeds][j] = tup[-1][1] if tup[-1][0] == storeSeeds[numSeeds - 1][j - 1]: storeSeeds[numSeeds][j].append(nodes[j]) f = open("make_matrix.txt", "a") f.write("\n regular DP payoff: " + str(storePayoff)) f.write("\n with seeds: " + str(storeSeeds)) maxVal = storePayoff[k - 1][i - 1] for j in range(0, k): if storePayoff[j][i - 1] > maxVal: maxVal = storePayoff[j][i - 1] return (maxVal, storeSeeds[j][i - 1])
import networkx as nx import operator import pandas as pd import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": G = nx.read_gpickle( "/home/kapxy/networkanalysis/OverflowNA/data/Users_comments_nanremoved_noselfloops.pkl" ) print(len(G.nodes)) centralities = nx.degree_centrality(G) max_centrality = max(centralities.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] print(, max_centrality)) neighbors = list(nx.neighbors(G, max_centrality)) neighbors_of_neighbors = {max_centrality: neighbors} for neighbor in neighbors: neighbors_of_neighbors[neighbor] = list(nx.neighbors(G, neighbor)) #print(neighbors_of_neighbors) thonk = np.array([ y for x in [[(k, target) for target in v] for k, v in neighbors_of_neighbors.items()] for y in x ]) print(thonk[14]) df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(thonk), columns=["Source", "Target"]) df.to_csv("data/two_step_neighbors_from_max_degree_centrality.csv", index=False) # nx.write_edgelist(max_conn, path="data/max_conn_edgelist.csv", delimiter=",", data=False)
def WMI(G): #G = nx.read_edgelist(graph_file) edges = nx.edges(G) nodes = nx.nodes(G) beta = -math.log2(0.0001) sim_dict = {} # 得到图中所有边的权值之和 all_weight = 0 for u, v in edges: all_weight = all_weight + G.get_edge_data(u, v)['weight'] print(all_weight) # 计算图中不同‘点权值’的点之间相连的互信息 nodes_Weight_dict = {} weight_list = [] # 得到每个点的“点权值” for v in nodes: node_weight = 0 v_neighbors = nx.neighbors(G, v) for u in v_neighbors: node_weight += G.get_edge_data(u, v)['weight'] weight_list.append(node_weight) nodes_Weight_dict[v] = node_weight #print(weight_list) #print(nodes_Weight_dict) distinct_weight_list = list(set(weight_list)) #print(distinct_weight_list) size = len(distinct_weight_list) #print(size) self_Connect_dict = {} #得到不同‘点权值’的点之间相连的互信息 for x in range(size): w_x = distinct_weight_list[x] for y in range(x, size): w_y = distinct_weight_list[y] p0 = 1 (w_n, w_m) = pair(w_x, w_y) a = all_weight + 1 b = all_weight - w_m + 1 for i in range(1, int(w_n + 1)): p0 *= (b - i) / (a - i) if p0 == 1: self_Connect_dict[(w_n, w_m)] = beta #self_Connect_dict[(w_m, w_n)] = beta else: self_Connect_dict[(w_n, w_m)] = -math.log2(1 - p0) #self_Connect_dict[(w_m, w_n)] = -math.log2(1 - p0) #print (str(w_n) + "," + str(w_m)) #print (self_Connect_dict[(w_n, w_m)]) #print(self_Connect_dict) self_Conditional_dict = {} for z in nodes: w_z = nodes_Weight_dict[z] if w_z > 1: alpha = 2 / (w_z * (w_z - 1)) cc_z = nx.clustering(G, z) #修改为加权聚类系数 if cc_z == 0: log_c = beta else: log_c = -math.log2(cc_z) # end if s = 0 neighbor_list = nx.neighbors(G, z) size = len(neighbor_list) for i in range(size): m = neighbor_list[i] for j in range(i + 1, size): n = neighbor_list[j] (k_x, k_y) = pair(nodes_Weight_dict[m], nodes_Weight_dict[n]) if i != j: s += (self_Connect_dict[(k_x, k_y)] - log_c) self_Conditional_dict[z] = alpha * s print(self_Conditional_dict) sim_dict = {} # 存储相似度的字典 ebunch = nx.non_edges(G) for x, y in ebunch: s = 0 (k_x, k_y) = pair(nodes_Weight_dict[x], nodes_Weight_dict[y]) for z in nx.common_neighbors(G, x, y): s += self_Conditional_dict[z] sim_dict[(x, y)] = s - self_Connect_dict[(k_x, k_y)] # end if # end for #print(sim_dict) return sim_dict
def get_trings(atoms, index, code, validation='cross_distance', cutoff=3.15): ''' Function to find all the rings asssociated with a T-site in a zeolite framework. INPUTS: atoms: (ASE atoms object) the zeolite framework to be analyzed works best if you remove any adsorbates first index: (integer) index of the atom that you want to classify code: (str) IZA code for the zeolite you are using (i.e. 'CHA') validation: (str) Method in which to determin valid rings. cross_distance: uses cross ring Si-Si distances d2: ensures each ring can't be decomposed into two smaller rings sphere: Checks that no non ring atoms are within some cutoff radius of the center of mass of the ring. Cutoff input is required for this method sp: Custum shortest path method, not very reliable cutoff: (float) Value required for the sphere validation method OUTPUTS: ring_list: (list) The size of rings associated with the oxygen. paths: (2d array) The actual atom indices that compose found rings. ring_atoms: (ASE atoms object) all the rings found ''' #get possible rings, and max rings size ring_sizes = get_ring_sizes(code) * 2 max_ring = max(ring_sizes) # repeat the unit cell so it is large enough to capture the max ring size # also turn this new larger unit cell into a graph G, large_atoms, repeat = atoms_to_graph(atoms, index, max_ring) index = [atom.index for atom in large_atoms if atom.tag == index][0] # to find all the rings associated with a T site, we need all the rings # associated with each oxygen bound to that T site. We will use networkx # neighbors to find those oxygens import networkx as nx paths = [] for n in nx.neighbors(G, index): paths = paths + get_paths(G, n, ring_sizes) # Since we found the rings for each oxygen attached to the T-site, # there will be duplicate rings. Let's remove those. paths = remove_dups(paths) # now we want to remove all the non ring paths, the method for determining # valid rings is designated with the validation input variable. if validation == 'sp': paths = sp(G, paths) if validation == 'd2': paths = d2(G, paths) if validation == 'sphere': if cutoff == None: print( 'INPUT ERROR: Validation with geometry requires cutoff in Å, however, cutoff not set.' ) return paths = sphere(large_atoms, paths, cutoff) if validation == 'cross_distance': paths = cross_distance(large_atoms, paths) # finally organize all outputs: list of ring sizes, atom indices that make # ring paths, and an atoms object that shows all those rings ring_list = [int(len(p) / 2) for p in paths] paths2 = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(ring_list, paths), reverse=True)] tmp_paths = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(ring_list, paths), reverse=True)] paths = [] for p in tmp_paths: temp = [] for i in p: temp.append(large_atoms[i].tag) paths.append(temp) ring_list.sort(reverse=True) ring_atoms = paths_to_atoms(large_atoms, paths2) return ring_list, paths, ring_atoms
def main(self, filename): # #拿到图 # subGraph=self.get_Graph('../Propagation_subgraph/many_methods/result/chouqu.txt') # initG = commons.get_networkByFile('../../../data/CA-GrQc.txt') # initG = commons.get_networkByFile('../../../data/3regular_tree1000.txt') initG = commons.get_networkByFile(filename) # initG = commons.get_networkByFile('../../../data/CA-GrQc.txt') # initG = commons.get_networkByFile('../../../data/4_regular_graph_3000_data.txt') # initG = commons.get_networkByFile('../../../data/email-Eu-core.txt') max_sub_graph = commons.judge_data(initG) # source_list = product_sourceList(max_sub_graph, 2) source_list = commons.product_sourceList(max_sub_graph, 2) # print('两个节点的距离', nx.shortest_path_length(max_sub_graph, source=source_list[0], target=source_list[1])) infectG = commons.propagation1(max_sub_graph, source_list) subinfectG = commons.get_subGraph_true(infectG) # 只取感染点,为2表示,真实的感染图。 self.judge_data(subinfectG) # single_source = commons.revsitionAlgorithm_singlueSource(subinfectG) distance_iter = nx.shortest_path_length(subinfectG) everynode_distance = [] for node, node_distance in distance_iter: # print(node_distance) sort_list = sorted(node_distance.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # print('sort_list',sort_list) everynode_distance.append([node, sort_list[0][0], sort_list[0][1]]) # print('everynode_idstance',everynode_distance) sort_every_distance = sorted(everynode_distance, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) print('sort_every_distance', sort_every_distance) #从两个最远的点进行BFS直到找到单源的位置。 # print(nx.shortest_path_length(infectG,source=single_source[0],target=sort_every_distance[0][0])) # print(nx.shortest_path_length(infectG, source=single_source[0], target=sort_every_distance[0][1])) # # print(nx.shortest_path_length(infectG, source=single_source[0], target=sort_every_distance[1][0])) # print(nx.shortest_path_length(infectG, source=single_source[0], target=sort_every_distance[1][1])) # # print(nx.shortest_path_length(infectG, source=single_source[0], target=sort_every_distance[2][0])) # print(nx.shortest_path_length(infectG, source=single_source[0], target=sort_every_distance[2][1])) # #根据最远得点,把我们的那个啥,分区,然后利用分区点进行单源定位。。 node_twolist = [[], []] lengthA_dict = nx.single_source_bellman_ford_path_length( subinfectG, sort_every_distance[0][0], weight='weight') lengthB_dict = nx.single_source_bellman_ford_path_length( subinfectG, sort_every_distance[0][1], weight='weight') for node in list(subinfectG.nodes): if lengthA_dict[node] > lengthB_dict[node]: # 这个点离b近一些。 node_twolist[1].append(node) elif lengthA_dict[node] < lengthB_dict[node]: node_twolist[0].append(node) # else: # node_twolist[0].append(node) # node_twolist[1].append(node) print('len(node_twolist[0]', len(node_twolist[0])) print('len(node_twolist[1]', len(node_twolist[1])) # 边界点。 bound_list = [] for node_temp in list(infectG.nodes()): # print(node_temp) if infectG.node[node_temp]['SI'] == 2: neighbors_list = list(nx.neighbors(infectG, node_temp)) neighbors_infect_list = [ x for x in neighbors_list if infectG.node[x]['SI'] == 2 ] if len(neighbors_list) != 1 and len( neighbors_infect_list) == 1: # if len(neighbors_infect_list) == 1: bound_list.append(node_temp) print('boundelist', len(bound_list)) print('len(kjlk)', len([x for x in bound_list if x in list(subinfectG.nodes())])) left = [x for x in bound_list if x in node_twolist[0]] right = [x for x in bound_list if x in node_twolist[1]] print('left', left) print('right', right) left_source = commons.revsitionAlgorithm_singlueSource_receive( subinfectG, left) right_source = commons.revsitionAlgorithm_singlueSource_receive( subinfectG, right) if set(left) < set(list(subinfectG.nodes())): print('left在感染点里面啊') if set(right) < set(list(subinfectG.nodes())): print('left在感染点里面啊') distance = commons.cal_distance(infectG, [left_source[0], right_source[0]], source_list) return distance
mapping = {node: str(id) for id, node in enumerate(g.nodes())} g = nx.relabel_nodes(g, mapping=mapping) num_of_nodes = g.number_of_nodes() # perform random walks L = 10000 N = 1 walks = [] for node in g.nodes(): walk = [node] for l in range(1, L): prev = walk[-1] nb_list = list(nx.neighbors(g, prev)) p = np.asarray([float( for nb in nb_list]) p = p / np.sum(p) next = np.random.choice(a=nb_list, size=1, p=p)[0] walk.append(next) walks.append(walk[1:]) # Degree frequency expected_freq = np.zeros(shape=(num_of_nodes, ), dtype=np.float) estimated_freq = np.zeros(shape=(num_of_nodes, ), dtype=np.float) expected_freq = np.asarray( [float(, str(node))) for node in range(num_of_nodes)]) expected_freq = expected_freq / np.sum(expected_freq)
def test_neighbors(self): assert_equal(self.G.neighbors(1), nx.neighbors(self.G, 1)) assert_equal(self.DG.neighbors(1), nx.neighbors(self.DG, 1))
def get_actions_by_node(self, node_name): s_idx = self.get_index_by_name(node_name) ts_idx = list(nx.neighbors(self.g_acs, s_idx)) # send valid actions in ACTION_LOOKUP return [self.get_edge_attr_acs_by_idx(s_idx, t_idx) for t_idx in ts_idx]
# shortest_paths = [list([-1]*len(temp)) for i in range(len(temp))] # # for i in range(len(temp)): # for j in range(len(temp)): # if nx.has_path(G,name_interactor_dict[temp[tabela_genov[i]]], name_interactor_dict[temp[tabela_genov[j]]]): # shortest_paths[i][j] = len(nx.shortest_path(G,name_interactor_dict[temp[tabela_genov[i]]], name_interactor_dict[temp[tabela_genov[j]]])) # else: # shortest_paths[i][j] = 9999 # # print(len(nx.shortest_path(G,name_interactor_dict[temp[tabela_genov[i]]], name_interactor_dict[temp[tabela_genov[j]]]))) gene_neighbours = {} for gene in tabela_genov: # print(gene, n_neighbor(G, name_interactor_dict[temp[gene]],2)) gene_neighbours[name_interactor_dict[temp[gene]]] = nx.neighbors(G,name_interactor_dict[temp[gene]]) gene_neighbours_2 = defaultdict(list) for gene in tabela_genov: # print(gene, n_neighbor(G, name_interactor_dict[temp[gene]],2)) for gen1 in gene_neighbours[name_interactor_dict[temp[gene]]]: gene_neighbours_2[name_interactor_dict[temp[gene]]] += nx.neighbors(G,gen1) # gene_neighbours[name_interactor_dict[temp[gene]]] = nx.neighbors(G,name_interactor_dict[temp[gene]]) for gene in gene_neighbours_2: gene_neighbours_2[gene] = set(gene_neighbours_2[gene]) # print combinations of n genes, orderd by jaccard similarity # for n in [3,4,5]: # comb_num_dict = {} # for c in combinations([key for key in temp if key in simon],n):
def get_all_states_by_node(self, node_name): s_idx = self.get_index_by_name(node_name) ts_idx = list(nx.neighbors(self.g_acs, s_idx)) # send the whole 1st order subgraph (current_index, list_of_neighbor_index, list_of_action_nums) return s_idx, ts_idx, [self.get_edge_attr_acs_by_idx(s_idx, t_idx) for t_idx in ts_idx]
N = 99 Max_Num_Neighbor = 50 resolution = 0.5 G_all = nx.Graph() G_all.add_edges_from(relation_train_positive.values) G_all.add_edges_from(relation_test.values) test_user = relation_test.user.values uninteract_user_list = [] uninteract_item_list = [] for user in test_user: interact_item = nx.neighbors(G_all, user) un_interact_item = list(set(all_item) - set(interact_item)) np.random.shuffle(un_interact_item) if len(un_interact_item) < N: un_interact_item = un_interact_item * (int(N / len(un_interact_item)) + 1) un_interact_item_choose = un_interact_item[:N] uninteract_user_list += [user] * N uninteract_item_list += un_interact_item_choose uninteract = pd.DataFrame(np.array( [uninteract_user_list, uninteract_item_list]).T, columns=['user', 'item']) G = nx.Graph() G.add_edges_from(relation_train_positive.values)
def test_neighbors(self): assert list(self.G.neighbors(1)) == list(nx.neighbors(self.G, 1)) assert list(self.DG.neighbors(1)) == list(nx.neighbors(self.DG, 1))
def neighbors(G, v): return list(nx.neighbors(G, v)) # requires 'v'
def test_orings(atoms, index, possible): cell = atoms.get_cell_lengths_and_angles()[:3] repeat = [] possible = possible * 2 maxring = max(possible) for i, c in enumerate(cell): if c / 2 < maxring / 2 + 5: l = c re = 1 while l / 2 < maxring / 2 + 5: re += 1 l = c * re repeat.append(re) else: repeat.append(1) atoms2 = atoms.copy() atoms2 = atoms2.repeat(repeat) center = atoms2.get_center_of_mass() trans = center - atoms2.positions[index] atoms2.translate(trans) atoms2.wrap() cutoff = neighborlist.natural_cutoffs(atoms2, mult=1.05) nl = neighborlist.NeighborList(cutoffs=cutoff, self_interaction=False, bothways=True) nl.update(atoms2) matrix = nl.get_connectivity_matrix(sparse=False) m = matrix.copy() G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(matrix) neighbs = nx.neighbors(G, index) fe = [] for n in neighbs: if atoms2[n].symbol != 'O': fe.append(n) fe.append(index) tmpClass = [] rings = [] G2 = G.copy() G2.remove_edge(fe[0], fe[2]) pr = sorted(possible) rings = [] for q in pr: tmprings = [] paths = nx.all_simple_paths(G2, fe[0], fe[2], cutoff=q - 1) for p in paths: tmprings.append(p) for r in tmprings: length = len(r) if length in possible: if ((len(r) / 2) % 2) == 0: try: G2.remove_node(r[int(length / 2 - 1)]) except: 2 + 2 elif ((len(r) / 2) % 2) != 0: try: G2.remove_node(r[int(length / 2)]) except: 2 + 2 rings.append(r) rings = remove_dups(rings) rings = remove_sec(rings) Class = [] for r in rings: Class.append(int(len(r) / 2)) paths = rings paths = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(Class, paths), reverse=True)] Class.sort(reverse=True) keepers = [] for i in paths: for j in i: if j not in keepers: keepers.append(j) d = [atom.index for atom in atoms2 if atom.index not in keepers] del atoms2[d] return Class, paths, atoms2