예제 #1
    def __decodeLayer4(self, ipProtocolNum, l3Payload):
        """Internal method that parses the specified header and extracts
        layer4 related proprieties."""

        if ipProtocolNum == Packets.UDP.protocol:
            l4Proto = "UDP"
            l4Decoder = Decoders.UDPDecoder()
            layer4 = l4Decoder.decode(l3Payload)
            l4SrcPort = layer4.get_uh_sport()
            l4DstPort = layer4.get_uh_dport()
            l4Payload = layer4.get_data_as_string()
            return (l4Proto, l4SrcPort, l4DstPort, l4Payload)
        elif ipProtocolNum == Packets.TCP.protocol:
            l4Proto = "TCP"
            l4Decoder = Decoders.TCPDecoder()
            layer4 = l4Decoder.decode(l3Payload)
            l4SrcPort = layer4.get_th_sport()
            l4DstPort = layer4.get_th_dport()
            l4Payload = layer4.get_data_as_string()
            return (l4Proto, l4SrcPort, l4DstPort, l4Payload)
            warnMessage = _("Cannot import one of the provided packets since " +
                            "its layer 4 is unsupported (Only UDP and TCP " +
                            "are currently supported, packet IP protocol " +
                            "number = {0})").format(ipProtocolNum)
            raise NetzobImportException("PCAP", warnMessage, self.INVALID_LAYER4)
예제 #2
    def __decodeLayer2(self, header, payload):
        """Internal method that parses the specified header and extracts
        layer2 related proprieties."""
        def formatMacAddress(arrayMac):
            return ":".join("{0:0>2}".format(hex(b)[2:])
                            for b in arrayMac.tolist())

        if self.datalink == pcapy.DLT_EN10MB:
            l2Decoder = Decoders.EthDecoder()
            l2Proto = "Ethernet"
            layer2 = l2Decoder.decode(payload)
            l2SrcAddr = formatMacAddress(layer2.get_ether_shost())
            l2DstAddr = formatMacAddress(layer2.get_ether_dhost())
            l2Payload = payload[layer2.get_header_size():]
            etherType = layer2.get_ether_type()
        elif self.datalink == pcapy.DLT_LINUX_SLL:
            l2Decoder = Decoders.LinuxSLLDecoder()
            l2Proto = "Linux SLL"
            layer2 = l2Decoder.decode(payload)
            l2SrcAddr = layer2.get_addr()
            l2DstAddr = None
            l2Payload = payload[layer2.get_header_size():]
            etherType = layer2.get_ether_type()
        elif self.datalink == PCAPImporter.PROTOCOL201:
            l2Proto = "Protocol 201"
            hdr = payload.encode('hex')[0:8]
            if hdr[6:] == "01":
                l2SrcAddr = "Received"
                l2SrcAddr = "Sent"
            l2DstAddr = None
            l2Payload = payload[8:]
            etherType = payload[4:6]

        return (l2Proto, l2SrcAddr, l2DstAddr, l2Payload, etherType)
예제 #3
    def __decodeLayer3(self, etherType, l2Payload):
        """Internal method that parses the specified header and extracts
        layer3 related proprieties."""

        if etherType == Packets.IP.ethertype:
            l3Proto = "IP"
            l3Decoder = Decoders.IPDecoder()
            layer3 = l3Decoder.decode(l2Payload)
            paddingSize = len(l2Payload) - layer3.get_ip_len()

            l3SrcAddr = layer3.get_ip_src()
            l3DstAddr = layer3.get_ip_dst()
            l3Payload = l2Payload[layer3.get_header_size():]
            if paddingSize > 0 and len(l3Payload) > paddingSize:
                l3Payload = l3Payload[:len(l3Payload) - paddingSize]
            ipProtocolNum = layer3.get_ip_p()
            return (l3Proto, l3SrcAddr, l3DstAddr, l3Payload, ipProtocolNum)
            warnMessage = _("Cannot import one of the provided packets since "
                            + "its layer 3 is unsupported (Only IP is " +
                            "currently supported, packet ethernet " +
                            "type = {0})").format(etherType)
            raise NetzobImportException("PCAP", warnMessage,
예제 #4
    def getMessageDetails(message):
        """Decode a raw network message and print the content of each
        encapsulated layer.

        :param filePathList: the messages to cluster.
        :type filePathList: a list of :class:`str`
        :param bpfFilter: a string representing a BPF filter.
        :type bpfFilter: :class:`str`
        :param importLayer: an integer representing the protocol layer to start importing.
        :type importLayer: :class:`int`

        decoder = Decoders.EthDecoder()
        return decoder.decode(
            TypeConverter.convert(message.data, HexaString, Raw))