예제 #1
    def searchDataInMessages(self, datas, messages, addTags=True, inParallel=True, dataLabels=None):
        """Search all the data specified in the given messages. Per default, this operation is executed in parallel.

        Example of a search operation executed in sequential

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> stuff = ["protocols", "communication", "games", "tools", "crypto", "people :)"]
        >>> tools = ["Netzob", "zoby", "toto", "your hand", "a knive"]
        >>> places = ["my office", "school", "your bedroom", "your car", "hell"]
        >>> msgs = [ RawMessage("Reversing {0} with {1} in {2} !".format(s, w, p)) for s in stuff for w in tools for p in places]
        >>> sData = [ ASCII("protocol"), ASCII("Reversed"), Integer(10)]
        >>> se = SearchEngine()
        >>> results = se.searchDataInMessages(sData, msgs, inParallel=False)
        >>> print results
        25 occurence(s) found.

        Example of a search operation executed in parallel

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> stuff = ["protocols", "communication", "games", "tools", "crypto", "people :)"]
        >>> tools = ["Netzob", "zoby", "toto", "your hand", "a knive"]
        >>> places = ["my office", "school", "your bedroom", "your car", "hell"]
        >>> msgs = [ RawMessage("Reversing {0} with {1} in {2}!".format(s, w, p)) for s in stuff for w in tools for p in places]
        >>> print len(msgs)
        >>> sData = [ASCII("protocol"), ASCII("Reversed"), Integer(10)]
        >>> se = SearchEngine()
        >>> results = se.searchDataInMessages(sData, msgs, inParallel=True)
        >>> print results
        25 occurence(s) found.

        :parameter data: a list of data to search after. Each data must be provided with its netzob type.
        :type data: a list of :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Types.AbstractType.AbstractType`.
        :parameter messages: the messages in which the search will take place
        :type message: a list of :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.Messages.AbstractMessage`
        :keyword addTags: if set to True, visualization functions are added to the message to highlights found results.
        :type addTags: :class:`bool`
        :keyword inParallel: if set to True, the search will be executed in parallel.
        :type addTags: :class:`bool`
        :keyword dataLabels: an optionnal dict to attach to each data a label to simplify search results identification
        :type dataLabels: dict

        :return: a list of search results detailling where and how occurrences where found. Occurences are also
        identified in the message through dedicated visualization functions automaticaly added to the message.
        :rtype: a list of :class:`netzob.Inference.Vocabulary.SearchEngine.SearchResults.SearchResults`


        if datas is None or len(datas) == 0:
            raise TypeError("There should be at least one data to search after.")
        for data in datas:
            if not isinstance(data, AbstractType):
                raise TypeError("At least one specified data is not an AbstractType.")
        for message in messages:
            if not isinstance(message, AbstractMessage):
                raise TypeError("At least one specified message is not An AbstractMessage.")

        # Remove any duplicate data
        noDuplicateDatas = list(set(datas))

        results = SearchResults()
        if not inParallel:
            # Measure start time
            # start = time.time()

            for message in messages:
                results.extend(self.searchDataInMessage(noDuplicateDatas, message, addTags, dataLabels))
            # Measure end time
            # end = time.time()

            # Async result hosting search results
            self.asyncResult = []

            # Measure start time
            # start = time.time()

            nbThread = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

            # Create a pool of 'nbThead' threads (process)
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nbThread)

            # Execute search operations
            pool.map_async(_executeSearch, zip([noDuplicateDatas] * len(messages), messages, [addTags] * len(messages), [dataLabels] * len(messages)), callback=self.__collectResults_cb)

            # Waits all alignment tasks finish

            # Measure end time
            # end = time.time()


        return results
예제 #2
    def searchDataInMessages(self,
        """Search all the data specified in the given messages. Per default, this operation is executed in parallel.

        Example of a search operation executed in sequential

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> stuff = ["protocols", "communication", "games", "tools", "crypto", "people :)"]
        >>> tools = ["Netzob", "zoby", "toto", "your hand", "a knive"]
        >>> places = ["my office", "school", "your bedroom", "your car", "hell"]
        >>> msgs = [ RawMessage("Reversing {0} with {1} in {2} !".format(s, w, p).encode('utf-8')) for s in stuff for w in tools for p in places]
        >>> sData = [ ASCII("protocol"), ASCII("Reversed"), Integer(10)]
        >>> se = SearchEngine()
        >>> results = se.searchDataInMessages(sData, msgs, inParallel=False)
        >>> print(results)
        25 occurence(s) found.

        Example of a search operation executed in parallel

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> stuff = [b"protocols", b"communication", b"games", b"tools", b"crypto", b"people :)"]
        >>> tools = [b"Netzob", b"zoby", b"toto", b"your hand", b"a knive"]
        >>> places = [b"my office", b"school", b"your bedroom", b"your car", b"hell"]
        >>> msgs = [ RawMessage("Reversing {0} with {1} in {2}!".format(s, w, p)) for s in stuff for w in tools for p in places]
        >>> print(len(msgs))
        >>> sData = [ASCII("protocol"), ASCII("Reversed"), Integer(10)]
        >>> se = SearchEngine()
        >>> results = se.searchDataInMessages(sData, msgs, inParallel=True)
        >>> print(results)
        25 occurence(s) found.

        :parameter data: a list of data to search after. Each data must be provided with its netzob type.
        :type data: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Types.AbstractType.AbstractType`.
        :parameter messages: the messages in which the search will take place
        :type message: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.AbstractMessage`
        :keyword addTags: if set to True, visualization functions are added to the message to highlights found results.
        :type addTags: :class:`bool`
        :keyword inParallel: if set to True, the search will be executed in parallel.
        :type addTags: :class:`bool`
        :keyword dataLabels: an optionnal dict to attach to each data a label to simplify search results identification
        :type dataLabels: dict

        :return: a list of search results detailling where and how occurrences where found. Occurences are also
        identified in the message through dedicated visualization functions automaticaly added to the message.
        :rtype: a list of :class:`netzob.Inference.Vocabulary.SearchEngine.SearchResults.SearchResults`


        if datas is None or len(datas) == 0:
            raise TypeError(
                "There should be at least one data to search after.")
        for data in datas:
            if not isinstance(data, AbstractType):
                raise TypeError(
                    "At least one specified data is not an AbstractType.")
        for message in messages:
            if not isinstance(message, AbstractMessage):
                raise TypeError(
                    "At least one specified message is not An AbstractMessage.")

        # Remove any duplicate data
        noDuplicateDatas = list(set(datas))

        results = SearchResults()
        if not inParallel:
            # Measure start time
            # start = time.time()

            for message in messages:
                    self.searchDataInMessage(noDuplicateDatas, message,
                                             addTags, dataLabels))
            # Measure end time
            # end = time.time()

            # Async result hosting search results
            self.asyncResult = []

            # Measure start time
            # start = time.time()

            nbThread = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

            # Create a pool of 'nbThead' threads (process)
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nbThread)

            # Execute search operations
                    zip([noDuplicateDatas] * len(messages), messages, [
                    ] * len(messages), [dataLabels] * len(messages))),

            # Waits all alignment tasks finish

            # Measure end time
            # end = time.time()


        return results