예제 #1
def log_api(stream, request, query):
    ''' Implements /api/log '''

    # Get logs and options
    logs = LOG.listify()
    options = cgi.parse_qs(query)

    # Reverse logs on request
    if utils.intify(options.get('reversed', ['0'])[0]):
        logs = reversed(logs)

    # Filter according to verbosity
    if utils.intify(options.get('verbosity', ['1'])[0]) < 2:
        logs = [ log for log in logs if log['severity'] != 'DEBUG' ]
    if utils.intify(options.get('verbosity', ['1'])[0]) < 1:
        logs = [ log for log in logs if log['severity'] != 'INFO' ]

    # Human-readable output?
    if utils.intify(options.get('debug', ['0'])[0]):
        logs = [ '%(timestamp)d [%(severity)s]\t%(message)s\r\n' % log
                 for log in logs ]
        body = ''.join(logs).encode('utf-8')
        mimetype = 'text/plain; encoding=utf-8'
        body = json.dumps(logs)
        mimetype = 'application/json'

    # Compose and send response
    response = Message()
    response.compose(code='200', reason='Ok', body=body, mimetype=mimetype)
    stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #2
def collect_allowed(message):

    ''' We are allowed to collect a result in the database if the
        user is informed and has provided the permission to collect
        her Internet address '''

    return (utils.intify(message['privacy_informed']) and
예제 #3
 def _api_index(self, stream, request, query):
      Redirect either to /index.html or /privacy.html depending on
      whether the user has already set privacy permissions or not
     response = Message()
     if (not utils.intify(CONFIG['privacy.informed']) or
       not utils.intify(CONFIG['privacy.can_collect'])):
         response.compose_redirect(stream, '/privacy.html')
         response.compose_redirect(stream, '/index.html')
     stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #4
def collect_allowed(m):

    ''' Returns True if we are allowed to collect a result into the
        database, and False otherwise '''

    if type(m) != types.DictType:
        # XXX This is a shame therefore put the oops() and hope that
        # it does its moral suasion job as expected.
        LOG.oops("TODO: please pass me a dictionary!", LOG.debug)
        m = m.__dict__
    return (not utils.intify(m["privacy_informed"])
            or utils.intify(m["privacy_can_collect"]))
예제 #5
def main(args):

        "speedtest.client.uri": "Base URI to connect to",
        "speedtest.client.nconn": "Number of concurrent connections to use",
        "speedtest.client.latency_tries": "Number of latency measurements",

    common.main("speedtest.client", "Speedtest client", args)
    conf = CONFIG.copy()

    # If possible use the runner, which will execute the
    # test in the context of the neubot daemon.  Then exit
    # to bypass the POLLER.loop() invokation that is below
    # here.
    # If the runner fails, fallback to the usual code path,
    # which executes the test in the context of the local
    # process.
    # Set 'runned.enabled' to 0 to bypass the runner and
    # run the test locally.
    if (utils.intify(conf['runner.enabled']) and
                                  LOG.noisy, "speedtest")):

    LOG.info('Will run the test in the local context...')

    client = ClientSpeedtest(POLLER)
예제 #6
def api_data(stream, request, query):
    ''' Get data stored on the local database '''
    since, until = -1, -1
    test = ''

    dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)

    if "test" in dictionary:
        test = str(dictionary["test"][0])
    if "since" in dictionary:
        since = int(dictionary["since"][0])
    if "until" in dictionary:
        until = int(dictionary["until"][0])

    if test == 'bittorrent':
        table = table_bittorrent
    elif test == 'speedtest':
        table = table_speedtest
    elif test == 'raw':
        table = table_raw
        raise NotImplementedTest("Test not implemented")

    indent, mimetype, sort_keys = None, "application/json", False
    if "debug" in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary["debug"][0]):
        indent, mimetype, sort_keys = 4, "text/plain", True

    response = Message()
    lst = table.listify(DATABASE.connection(), since, until)
    body = json.dumps(lst, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=body, mimetype=mimetype)
    stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #7
    def _api_config(self, stream, request, query):
        response = Message()

        indent, mimetype, sort_keys = None, "application/json", False
        dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)
        if "debug" in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary["debug"][0]):
            indent, mimetype, sort_keys = 4, "text/plain", True

        if request.method == "POST":
            s = request.body.read()
            updates = qs_to_dictionary(s)

            # Very low barrier to prevent damage from kiddies
            if "agent.interval" in updates:
                interval = int(updates["agent.interval"])
                if interval < 1380 and interval != 0:
                    raise ConfigError("Bad agent.interval")

            CONFIG.merge_api(updates, DATABASE.connection())
            STATE.update("config", updates)
            # Empty JSON b/c '204 No Content' is treated as an error
            s = "{}"
            s = json.dumps(CONFIG.conf, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=indent)

        stringio = StringIO.StringIO(s)
        response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=stringio,
        stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #8
 def got_response(self, stream, request, response):
     m = marshal.unmarshal_object(response.body.read(), "text/xml", SpeedtestNegotiate_Response)
     self.conf["speedtest.client.authorization"] = m.authorization
     self.conf["speedtest.client.public_address"] = m.publicAddress
     self.conf["speedtest.client.unchoked"] = utils.intify(m.unchoked)
     if m.queuePos:
         self.conf["speedtest.client.queuepos"] = m.queuePos
예제 #9
def api_results(stream, request, query):
    ''' Populates www/results.html page '''

    dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)
    test = CONFIG['www_default_test_to_show']
    if 'test' in dictionary:
        test = str(dictionary['test'][0])

    # Read the directory each time, so you don't need to restart the daemon
    # after you have changed the description of a test.
    available_tests = {}
    for filename in os.listdir(TESTDIR):
        if filename.endswith('.json'):
            index = filename.rfind('.json')
            if index == -1:
                raise RuntimeError('api_results: internal error')
            name = filename[:index]
            available_tests[name] = filename
    if not test in available_tests:
        raise NotImplementedTest('Test not implemented')

    # Allow power users to customize results.html heavily, by creating JSON
    # descriptions with local modifications.
    filepath = utils_path.append(TESTDIR, available_tests[test], False)
    if not filepath:
        raise RuntimeError("api_results: append() path failed")
    localfilepath = filepath + '.local'
    if os.path.isfile(localfilepath):
        filep = open(localfilepath, 'rb')
        filep = open(filepath, 'rb')
    response_body = json.loads(filep.read())

    # Add extra information needed to populate results.html selection that
    # allows to select which test results must be shown.
    response_body['available_tests'] = available_tests.keys()
    response_body['selected_test'] = test

    descrpath = filepath.replace('.json', '.html')
    if os.path.isfile(descrpath):
        filep = open(descrpath, 'rb')
        response_body['description'] = filep.read()

    # Provide the web user interface some settings it needs, but only if they
    # were not already provided by the `.local` file.
    for variable in COPY_CONFIG_VARIABLES:
        if not variable in response_body:
            response_body[variable] = CONFIG[variable]

    # Note: DO NOT sort keys here: order MUST be preserved
    indent, mimetype = None, 'application/json'
    if 'debug' in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary['debug'][0]):
        indent, mimetype = 4, 'text/plain'

    response = Message()
    body = json.dumps(response_body, indent=indent)
    response.compose(code='200', reason='Ok', body=body, mimetype=mimetype)
    stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #10
def api_results(stream, request, query):
    ''' Provide results for queried tests '''
    since, until = -1, -1
    test = ''

    dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)

    if dictionary.has_key("test"):
        test = str(dictionary["test"][0])
    if dictionary.has_key("since"):
        since = int(dictionary["since"][0])
    if dictionary.has_key("until"):
        until = int(dictionary["until"][0])

    if test == 'bittorrent':
        table = table_bittorrent
    elif test == 'speedtest':
        table = table_speedtest
        raise NotImplementedTest("Test '%s' is not implemented" % test)

    indent, mimetype, sort_keys = None, "application/json", False
    if "debug" in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary["debug"][0]):
        indent, mimetype, sort_keys = 4, "text/plain", True

    response = Message()
    lst = table.listify(DATABASE.connection(), since, until)
    body = json.dumps(lst, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=body, mimetype=mimetype)
    stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #11
def log_api(stream, request, query):
    ''' Implements /api/log '''

    # CAVEAT Currently Neubot do not update logs "in real
    # time" using AJAX.  If it did we would run in trouble
    # because each request for /api/log would generate a
    # new access log record.  In turn, a new access log
    # record will cause a new "logwritten" event, leading
    # to a log-caused Comet storm.

    # Get logs and options
    logs = LOG.listify()
    options = cgi.parse_qs(query)

    # Reverse logs on request
    if utils.intify(options.get('reversed', ['0'])[0]):
        logs = reversed(logs)

    # Filter according to verbosity
    if utils.intify(options.get('verbosity', ['1'])[0]) < 2:
        logs = [ log for log in logs if log['severity'] != 'DEBUG' ]
    if utils.intify(options.get('verbosity', ['1'])[0]) < 1:
        logs = [ log for log in logs if log['severity'] != 'INFO' ]

    # Human-readable output?
    if utils.intify(options.get('debug', ['0'])[0]):
        logs = [ '%(timestamp)d [%(severity)s]\t%(message)s\r\n' % log
                 for log in logs ]
        body = ''.join(logs).encode('utf-8')
        mimetype = 'text/plain; encoding=utf-8'
        body = json.dumps(logs)
        mimetype = 'application/json'

    # Compose and send response
    response = Message()
    response.compose(code='200', reason='Ok', body=body, mimetype=mimetype)
    stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #12
    def _api_configlabels(self, stream, request, query):

        indent, mimetype = None, "application/json"
        dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)
        if "debug" in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary["debug"][0]):
            indent, mimetype = 4, "text/plain"

        response = Message()
        s = json.dumps(CONFIG.descriptions, sort_keys=True, indent=indent)
        stringio = StringIO.StringIO(s)
        response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=stringio,
        stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #13
def count_valid(updates, prefix):

    ''' Return the number of valid privacy settings found
        and return -1 in case of error '''

    count = 0
    for setting in ('informed', 'can_collect', 'can_publish'):
        name = "%s%s" % (prefix, setting)
        if name in updates:
            value = utils.intify(updates[name])
            if not value:
                return -1
            count += 1
    return count
예제 #14
def print_settings(connection, database_path):

    ''' Print privacy settings and exit '''

    sys.stdout.write(USAGE + '\n')
    sys.stdout.write('Current database: %s\n' % database_path)
    sys.stdout.write('Current settings:\n')
    dictionary = table_config.dictionarize(connection)
    for name, value in dictionary.items():
        if name.startswith('privacy.'):
            sys.stdout.write('    %-20s: %d\n' % (name,

    return 0
예제 #15
def print_settings(connection, database_path):

    ''' Print privacy settings and exit '''

    sys.stdout.write('database: %s\n' % database_path)
    dictionary = table_config.dictionarize(connection)
    for name, value in dictionary.items():
        if name.startswith('privacy.'):
            name = name.replace("privacy.", "")
            sys.stdout.write('    %-12s: %d\n' % (name,

    return 0
예제 #16
    def _api_state_complete(self, event, context):
        stream, request, query, t = context

        indent, mimetype = None, "application/json"
        dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)
        if "debug" in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary["debug"][0]):
            indent, mimetype = 4, "text/plain"

        dictionary = STATE.dictionarize()
        octets = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=indent)
        stringio = StringIO.StringIO(octets)
        response = Message()
        response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=stringio,
        stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #17
    def _api_state_complete(event, context):
        ''' Callback invoked when the /api/state has changed '''
        stream, request, query, otime = context

        indent, mimetype = None, "application/json"
        dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)
        if "debug" in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary["debug"][0]):
            indent, mimetype = 4, "text/plain"

        dictionary = STATE.dictionarize()
        octets = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=indent)
        response = Message()
        response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=octets,
        stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #18
    def _api_speedtest(self, stream, request, query):
        since, until = -1, -1

        dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)

        if dictionary.has_key("since"):
            since = int(dictionary["since"][0])
        if dictionary.has_key("until"):
            until = int(dictionary["until"][0])

        indent, mimetype, sort_keys = None, "application/json", False
        if "debug" in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary["debug"][0]):
            indent, mimetype, sort_keys = 4, "text/plain", True

        response = Message()
        lst = table_speedtest.listify(DATABASE.connection(), since, until)
        s = json.dumps(lst, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys)
        stringio = StringIO.StringIO(s)
        response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=stringio,
        stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #19
    def _api_log(self, stream, request, query):

        response = Message()

        dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)
        if "debug" in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary["debug"][0]):
            stringio = StringIO.StringIO()
            for row in LOG.listify():
                ln = "%d [%s]\t%s" % (row["timestamp"], row["severity"],
            mimetype = "text/plain"
            s = json.dumps(LOG.listify())
            stringio = StringIO.StringIO(s)
            mimetype = "application/json"

        response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=stringio,
        stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #20
def check(updates):

    ''' Raises ConfigError if the user is trying to update the
        privacy settings in a wrong way '''

    # Merge a copy of config with privacy settings
    conf = CONFIG.copy()
    for key in PRIVACYKEYS:
        if key in updates:
            conf[key] = utils.intify(updates[key])

    # Extract privacy settings from such copy
    informed = utils.intify(conf.get("privacy.informed", 0))
    can_collect = utils.intify(conf.get("privacy.can_collect", 0))
    can_share = utils.intify(conf.get("privacy.can_share", 0))

    if not informed:

        # When you're not informed you cannot raise the other settings
        if can_collect or can_share:
            raise ConfigError("You cannot set can_collect or can_share "
                             "without asserting that you are informed")


        # It's not possible to share if you don't agree to collect
        if can_share and not can_collect:
            raise ConfigError("You cannot set can_share without also "
                             "setting can_collect (how are we supposed "
                             "to share what we cannot collect)?")

        # You must give the can_collect bit
        if not can_collect:
            raise ConfigError("You must agree to collect or Neubot "
                              "cannot work.  You should uninstall Neubot "
                              "if you don't want it to collect")

    # You cannot remove the informed bit
    if utils.intify(CONFIG['privacy.informed']) and not informed:
        raise ConfigError("Once you're informed you cannot step back")

    # You cannot remove the can_collect bit
    if utils.intify(CONFIG['privacy.can_collect']) and not can_collect:
        raise ConfigError("You can't remove the can_collect bit because "
                          "Neubot cannot work.  You should uninstall Neubot "
                          "if you don't want it to collect")
예제 #21
def api_data(stream, request, query):
    ''' Get data stored on the local database '''
    since, until = -1, -1
    test = ''

    dictionary = cgi.parse_qs(query)

    if "test" in dictionary:
        test = str(dictionary["test"][0])
    if "since" in dictionary:
        since = int(dictionary["since"][0])
    if "until" in dictionary:
        until = int(dictionary["until"][0])

    if test == 'bittorrent':
        table = table_bittorrent
    elif test == 'speedtest':
        table = table_speedtest
    elif test == 'raw':
        table = table_raw
        table = None

    indent, mimetype, sort_keys = None, "application/json", False
    if "debug" in dictionary and utils.intify(dictionary["debug"][0]):
        indent, mimetype, sort_keys = 4, "text/plain", True

    response = Message()

    if table:
        lst = table.listify(DATABASE.connection(), since, until)

    # TODO We should migrate all the tests to use the new
    # generic interface. At that point, we can also change
    # the API to access "pages" of data by index.
    # Until we change the API, we have an API that allows
    # the caller to specify date ranges. For this reason
    # below we emulate the date-ranges semantics provided
    # by database-based tests.
    # Note: we assume that, whatever the test structure,
    # there is a field called "timestamp".
        lst = []
        indexes = [None]
        for index in indexes:
            tmp = BACKEND.walk_generic(test, index)
            if not tmp:
            found_start = False
            for elem in reversed(tmp):
                if until >= 0 and elem["timestamp"] > until:
                if since >= 0 and elem["timestamp"] < since:
                    found_start = True
            if found_start:

    body = json.dumps(lst, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=body, mimetype=mimetype)
    stream.send_response(request, response)
예제 #22
def main(argv):

    slowpath = False
    webgui = False
    start = False
    status = False
    stop = False

    if sys.version_info[0] > 2 or sys.version_info[1] < 5:
        sys.stderr.write("fatal: wrong Python version\n")
        sys.stderr.write("please run neubot using Python >= 2.5 and < 3.0\n")

    if os.environ.get("NEUBOT_DEBUG", ""):
        from neubot import utils
        if utils.intify(os.environ["NEUBOT_DEBUG"]):
            sys.stderr.write("Running in debug mode\n")
            from neubot.debug import PROFILER

    if os.environ.get("NEUBOT_MEMLEAK", ""):
        from neubot import utils
        if utils.intify(os.environ["NEUBOT_MEMLEAK"]):
            sys.stderr.write("Running in leak-detection mode\n")
            import gc

    # Hook for Neubot for MacOSX
    if os.name == 'posix' and sys.platform == 'darwin':
        from neubot import main_macos

    # Quick argv classification

    if len(argv) == 1:
        start = True
        webgui = True

    elif len(argv) == 2:
        command = argv[1]
        if command == "--help":
        elif command == "-V":
            sys.stdout.write(VERSION + "\n")
        elif command == "start":
            start = True
        elif command == "status":
            status = True
        elif command == "stop":
            stop = True
            slowpath = True

        slowpath = True

    # Slow / quick startup

    if slowpath:
        from neubot.main import module

        running = False

        # Running?
        if start or status or stop:
                import httplib

                connection = httplib.HTTPConnection("", "9774")
                connection.request("GET", "/api/version")
                response = connection.getresponse()
                if response.status == 200:
                    running = True

            except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):

        if status:
            if not running:
                sys.stdout.write("Not running\n")

        if running and start:
            sys.stdout.write("Already running\n")
        if not running and stop:
            sys.stdout.write("Not running\n")

        # Stop
        if running and stop:

                connection = httplib.HTTPConnection("", "9774")
                connection.request("POST", "/api/exit")

                # New /api/exit does not send any response
                #response = connection.getresponse()


            except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
                logging.error('Exception', exc_info=1)

        # start / webbrowser

        if os.name == "posix":

            # Fork off a child and use it to start the
            # Neubot agent.  The parent process will
            # open the browser, if needed.  Otherwise
            # it will exit.
            if not running and start:
                if os.fork() == 0:
                    from neubot import agent
                    arguments = [ argv[0] ]

            # It's not wise at all to open the browser when
            # we are running as root.  Assume that when we
            # are root the user wants just to start the agent.
            if webgui and "DISPLAY" in os.environ:
                if os.getuid() != 0:
                    from neubot.main import browser
                    browser.open_patient("", "9774")

        elif os.name == "nt":

            if webgui:
                from neubot.main import browser

                if not running and start:
                    browser.open_patient("", "9774", True)
                    browser.open_patient("", "9774")

            if not running and start:
                from neubot import agent

            sys.stderr.write("Your operating system is not supported\n")
예제 #23
def main(args):

    common.main("bittorrent", "Neubot BitTorrent module", args)
    conf = CONFIG.copy()

    if conf["bittorrent.listen"]:

        # If we need to negotiate and we're runing
        # standalone we also need to bring up the
        # global HTTP server.
        if conf["bittorrent.negotiate"]:
            conf["negotiate.listen"] = True
            negotiate.run(POLLER, conf)

        # Drop privileges after listen() so we can
        # bind() to privileged ports
        if conf["bittorrent.daemonize"]:



        # If possible use the runner, which will execute the
        # test in the context of the neubot daemon.  Then exit
        # to bypass the run() invokation that is below here.
        # If the runner fails, fallback to the usual code path,
        # which executes the test in the context of the local
        # process.
        # Set 'runned.enabled' to 0 to bypass the runner and
        # run the test locally.
        if (utils.intify(conf['runner.enabled']) and
                                      LOG.noisy, "bittorrent")):

        LOG.info('Will run the test in the local context...')

        # When we're connecting to a remote host to perform a test
        # we want Neubot to quit at the end of the test.  When this
        # happens the test code publishes the "testdone" event, so
        # here we prepare to intercept the event and break our main
        # loop.
        NOTIFIER.subscribe("testdone", lambda event, ctx: POLLER.break_loop())

    run(POLLER, conf)

예제 #24
def runner_api(stream, request, query):

    ''' Implements /api/runner '''

    response = Message()

    # DO NOT allow to start a test when another test is in
    # progress because I have noticed that is confusing both
    # from
    # command line and WUI.
    if RUNNER_CORE.test_is_running():
        raise ConfigError('A test is already in progress, try again later')

    # If there is not a query string this API is just
    # a no-operation and returns an empty JSON body to
    # keep happy the AJAX code.
    if not query:
        response.compose(code='200', reason='Ok', body='{}',
        stream.send_response(request, response)

    options = cgi.parse_qs(query)

    # If the query does not contain the name of the
    # test, this is an error and we must notify that
    # to the caller.  Raise ConfigError, which will
    # be automatically transformed into a 500 message
    # with the proper body and reason.
    if not 'test' in options:
        raise ConfigError('Missing "test" option in query string')

    test = options['test'][0]

    # Simple case: the caller does not want to follow the
    # test via log streaming.  We can immediately start
    # the test using the runner and, if everything is OK,
    # we can send a succesful response, with an empty JSON
    # body to keep happy the AJAX code.
    if not 'streaming' in options or not utils.intify(options['streaming'][0]):
        RUNNER_CORE.run(test, runner_api_done)
        response.compose(code='200', reason='Ok', body='{}',
        stream.send_response(request, response)

    # More interesting case: the caller wants to see the log
    # messages during the test via the log streaming API.
    # We prepare a succesful response terminated by EOF and
    # then arrange things so that every new log message will
    # be copied to the HTTP response.
    # Then we kick off the runner, and note that we do that
    # AFTER we setup the response for eventual runner errors
    # to be copied to the HTTP response.
    # The runner core will automatically close all attached
    # streams at the end of the test.
    response.compose(code='200', reason='Ok',
      up_to_eof=True, mimetype='text/plain')
    stream.send_response(request, response)
    RUNNER_CORE.run(test, runner_api_done)
예제 #25
def config_api(stream, request, query):

    ''' Implements /api/config API '''

    # Adapted from neubot/api/server.py

    # Fetch and process common options from the query
    # string, for now the only implemented option is
    # debug, which modifies the semantic to return text
    # for humans instead of JSON.

    mimetype = 'application/json'
    indent = None

    options = cgi.parse_qs(query)

    if utils.intify(options.get('debug', ['0'])[0]):
        mimetype = 'text/plain'
        indent = 4

    # Now that we know the response format, decide what is
    # the content of the response.  If the labels option is
    # available we return the documentation coupled with a
    # setting.  When the method is not POST, return instead
    # the name and value of each setting.

    if utils.intify(options.get('labels', ['0'])[0]):
        obj = CONFIG.descriptions
    elif request.method != 'POST':
        obj = CONFIG.conf

        # When the method is POST we need to read the
        # new settings from the request body.  Settings
        # are a x-www-form-urlencoded dictionary to
        # ease AJAX programming.

        body = request.body.read()
        updates = marshal.qs_to_dictionary(body)

        # PRE-update checks.  We need to make sure that
        # the following things are True:
        # 1. that the incoming dictionary does not contain
        #    invalid privacy settings;
        # 2. that the interval between automatic tests is
        #    either reasonable or set to zero, which means
        #    that it needs to be extracted randomly.

        count = privacy.count_valid(updates, 'privacy.')
        if count < 0:
            raise ConfigError('Passed invalid privacy settings')

        agent_interval = int(updates.get('agent.interval', 0))
        if agent_interval != 0 and agent_interval < 1380:
            raise ConfigError('Passed invalid agent.interval')

        # Merge settings
        CONFIG.merge_api(updates, DATABASE.connection())

        # Update the state, such that, if the AJAX code is
        # tracking the state it gets a notification that
        # some configurations variable have been modified.
        # Given that we communicate the update via that
        # channel, the response body is an empty dict to
        # keep happy the AJAX code.

        STATE.update('config', updates)
        obj = '{}'

    # Now that we know the body, prepare and send
    # the response for the client.

    response = Message()

    body = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, indent=indent)
    response.compose(code="200", reason="Ok", body=body, mimetype=mimetype)
    stream.send_response(request, response)