예제 #1
def testNN():
    train_x, train_y, dev_x, dev_y, test_x, test_y, x_max, y_max = util.loadLinRegData(
    NN = NeuralNet(eps=10**-8, layer_sizes=[9, 7, 5, 3, 1])
    NN.fit(train_x, train_y, y_max[0], test_x, test_y)
    preds = NN.predict(train_x)
    train_nn_rmse = util.findRMSE(preds, train_y) * y_max[0]
    preds = NN.predict(test_x)
    test_nn_rmse = util.findRMSE(preds, test_y) * y_max[0]
    print('NN RMSE:', test_nn_rmse)
    return train_nn_rmse, test_nn_rmse
예제 #2
class Main:
    def __init__(self):
        self.neural_net = NeuralNet()
        self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(

    def connect(self):
        channel = self.connection.channel()

        channel.basic_consume(self.callback, queue="neural_net", no_ack=True)

        print("[*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C")

    def callback(self, channel, method, properties, body):
        print("[x] Received %r" % body)

        parsed_body = json.loads(body)

        if isinstance(parsed_body, list):
            request = parsed_body['request']
            result = self.neural_net.predict(request)

    def send_prediction(self, result):
        print("Send %r" % result)
        channel = self.connection.channel()
        channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='', body=result)
def main():
    xs = np.loadtxt('TrainDigitX.csv.gz', delimiter=',')
    ys = np.loadtxt('TrainDigitY.csv', dtype='int8')
    test_xs = np.loadtxt('TestDigitX.csv.gz', delimiter=',')
    test_ys = np.loadtxt('TestDigitY.csv', dtype='int8')
    test_xs2 = np.loadtxt('TestDigitX2.csv', delimiter=',')

    lrs = [0.1, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5]
    bs = [100, 200, 400, 1000]
    Ls = [3, 4, 5]
    Ns = [32, 64, 128, 256]

    nn = NeuralNet(1, 64, 5, 300, 100)
    errors = nn.train(xs, ys)
    test_err = nn.validate(test_xs, test_ys)
    print('Test Error for TestDigitX.csv:', test_err)
    ypreds = nn.predict(test_xs)
    ypreds2 = nn.predict(test_xs2)
    np.savetxt('TestDigitXPred.txt', ypreds, fmt='%d')
    np.savetxt('TestDigitX2Pred.txt', ypreds2, fmt='%d')

def trainNetwork(godmode):
    game = Game()
    replay_memory = ReplayMemory(5000, 32)
    neural_net = NeuralNet()

    r_0, x_t, terminal = game.run_action(0)
    s_t = np.stack((x_t, x_t), axis=2)

    random_action_generator = RandomActionGenerator()
    keyboard_action = KeyboardAction()

    for t in range(1, 1000):
        if godmode:
            action_index = keyboard_action.action()
            action_index = np.argmax(neural_net.predict(s_t))
            action_index = random_action_generator.adapt_action(action_index)

        r_t, x_t1, terminal = game.run_action(action_index)

        print("TIMESTEP", t, "/ ACTION", action_index, "/ REWARD", r_t,

        x_t1 = np.reshape(x_t1, (80, 80, 1))
        s_t1 = np.append(x_t1, s_t[:, :, :1], axis=2)

            'state': s_t,
            'action': action_index,
            'reward': r_t,
            'next_state': s_t1,
            'terminal': terminal
        s_t = s_t1

예제 #5
'''Play with Neural Net hyperparams'''

layer_architectures = [[15, 3, 1], [19, 7, 3, 1], [9, 7, 5, 3, 1]]

results = []

for arch in layer_architectures:
    cur_result = []

    print("Fitting NN with architecture", arch)
    NN = NeuralNet(layer_sizes=arch)
    NN.fit(train_x, train_y, y_max[0])

    preds = NN.predict(train_x)
    rmse = util.findRMSE(preds, train_y) * y_max[0]

    preds = NN.predict(dev_x)
    rmse = util.findRMSE(preds, dev_y) * y_max[0]
    print('Train rmse', cur_result[1], 'Dev rmse', cur_result[2])

results.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
for result in results:
    print('Architecture: \t', result[0], 'Train RMSE: \t', result[1],
          'Dev RMSE: \t', result[2])

np.savetxt('Output/nn_rmse_various_architectures.csv', results)
예제 #6
        Xtest, ytest = test_set


        binarizer = LabelBinarizer()
        Y = binarizer.fit_transform(y)

        hidden_layer_sizes = [50]
        model = NeuralNet(hidden_layer_sizes, sgd=0)

        t = time.time()
        model.fit(X, Y)
        print("Fitting took %d seconds" % (time.time() - t))

        # Comput training error
        yhat = model.predict(X)
        trainError = np.mean(yhat != y)
        print("Training error = ", trainError)

        # Compute test error
        yhat = model.predict(Xtest)
        testError = np.mean(yhat != ytest)
        print("Test error     = ", testError)

    elif task == "2.1":
        W = np.array([[-2, 2, -1], [1, -2, 0]])
        x = np.array([-3, 2, 2])
        v = np.array([[3], [1]])

        z = x @ W.T
        hz = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-1 * z))
예제 #7
# Results matrix for all parameter combinations
cv_results = grid_search.cv_results_
test_score = cv_results['mean_test_score']
test_score = test_score.reshape(n_params)

print('Mean fit time = %.2e s' % np.mean(cv_results['mean_fit_time']))

print('### GRID SEARCH RESULTS ###')
print('Best params:')
print('Test accuracy = %.3f' % grid_search.best_score_)

# Accuracy using our splitted dataset and not CV results
best_estimator.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_fit = best_estimator.predict(X_train)
y_pred = best_estimator.predict(X_test)
y_proba = best_estimator.predict_proba(X_test)

print('Train accuracy = %.3f' % best_estimator.score(X_train, y_train))
print('Test accuracy = %.3f' % best_estimator.score(X_test, y_test))

# Creating y-arrays with labels due to oddities related to scikitplot version that was installed
y_1 = ['cat' if i == 0 else 'dog' for i in y_test]
y_2 = ['cat' if i == 0 else 'dog' for i in y_pred]

# Plotting
save = 'nbins%d_pca%d_seed%d_ts%.2f' % (n_bins, n_pca, seed, test_size)
fs = 12
예제 #8
파일: bot.py 프로젝트: mlomb/halite2-bot
class Bot:
    def __init__(self, model_location, name):
        self._name = name
        self._neural_net = NeuralNet(cached_model=model_location)

        # Run prediction on random data to make sure that code path is executed at least once before the game starts
        random_input_data = np.random.rand(PLANET_MAX_NUM, PER_PLANET_FEATURES)
        predictions = self._neural_net.predict(random_input_data)
        assert len(predictions) == PLANET_MAX_NUM

    def play(self):
        Play a game using stdin/stdout.

        # Initialize the game.
        game = hlt.Game(self._name)

        while True:
            # Update the game map.
            game_map = game.update_map()
            start_time = time.time()

            # Produce features for each planet.
            features = self.produce_features(game_map)

            # Find predictions which planets we should send ships to.
            predictions = self._neural_net.predict(features)

            # Use simple greedy algorithm to assign closest ships to each planet according to predictions.
            ships_to_planets_assignment = self.produce_ships_to_planets_assignment(
                game_map, predictions)

            # Produce halite instruction for each ship.
            instructions = self.produce_instructions(
                game_map, ships_to_planets_assignment, start_time)

            # Send the command.

    def produce_features(self, game_map):
        For each planet produce a set of features that we will feed to the neural net. We always return an array
        with PLANET_MAX_NUM rows - if planet is not present in the game, we set all featurse to 0.

        :param game_map: game map
        :return: 2-D array where i-th row represents set of features of the i-th planet
        feature_matrix = [[0 for _ in range(PER_PLANET_FEATURES)]
                          for _ in range(PLANET_MAX_NUM)]

        for planet in game_map.all_planets():

            # Compute "ownership" feature - 0 if planet is not occupied, 1 if occupied by us, -1 if occupied by enemy.
            if planet.owner == game_map.get_me():
                ownership = 1
            elif planet.owner is None:
                ownership = 0
            else:  # owned by enemy
                ownership = -1

            my_best_distance = 10000
            enemy_best_distance = 10000

            gravity = 0

            health_weighted_ship_distance = 0
            sum_of_health = 0

            for player in game_map.all_players():
                for ship in player.all_ships():
                    d = ship.calculate_distance_between(planet)
                    if player == game_map.get_me():
                        my_best_distance = min(my_best_distance, d)
                        sum_of_health += ship.health
                        health_weighted_ship_distance += d * ship.health
                        gravity += ship.health / (d * d)
                        enemy_best_distance = min(enemy_best_distance, d)
                        gravity -= ship.health / (d * d)

            distance_from_center = distance(planet.x, planet.y,
                                            game_map.width / 2,
                                            game_map.height / 2)

            health_weighted_ship_distance = health_weighted_ship_distance / sum_of_health

            remaining_docking_spots = planet.num_docking_spots - len(
            signed_current_production = planet.current_production * ownership

            is_active = remaining_docking_spots > 0 or ownership != 1

            feature_matrix[planet.id] = [
                planet.health, remaining_docking_spots,
                planet.remaining_resources, signed_current_production, gravity,
                my_best_distance, enemy_best_distance, ownership,
                distance_from_center, health_weighted_ship_distance, is_active

        return feature_matrix

    def produce_ships_to_planets_assignment(self, game_map, predictions):
        Given the predictions from the neural net, create assignment (undocked ship -> planet) deciding which
        planet each ship should go to. Note that we already know how many ships is going to each planet
        (from the neural net), we just don't know which ones.

        :param game_map: game map
        :param predictions: probability distribution describing where the ships should be sent
        :return: list of pairs (ship, planet)
        undocked_ships = [
            ship for ship in game_map.get_me().all_ships()
            if ship.docking_status == ship.DockingStatus.UNDOCKED

        # greedy assignment
        assignment = []
        number_of_ships_to_assign = len(undocked_ships)

        if number_of_ships_to_assign == 0:
            return []

        planet_heap = []
        ship_heaps = [[] for _ in range(PLANET_MAX_NUM)]

        # Create heaps for greedy ship assignment.
        for planet in game_map.all_planets():
            # We insert negative number of ships as a key, since we want max heap here.
            heapq.heappush(planet_heap, (-predictions[planet.id] *
                                         number_of_ships_to_assign, planet.id))
            h = []
            for ship in undocked_ships:
                d = ship.calculate_distance_between(planet)
                heapq.heappush(h, (d, ship.id))
            ship_heaps[planet.id] = h

        # Create greedy assignment
        already_assigned_ships = set()

        while number_of_ships_to_assign > len(already_assigned_ships):
            # Remove the best planet from the heap and put it back in with adjustment.
            # (Account for the fact the distribution values are stored as negative numbers on the heap.)
            ships_to_send, best_planet_id = heapq.heappop(planet_heap)
            ships_to_send = -(-ships_to_send - 1)
            heapq.heappush(planet_heap, (ships_to_send, best_planet_id))

            # Find the closest unused ship to the best planet.
            _, best_ship_id = heapq.heappop(ship_heaps[best_planet_id])
            while best_ship_id in already_assigned_ships:
                _, best_ship_id = heapq.heappop(ship_heaps[best_planet_id])

            # Assign the best ship to the best planet.

        return assignment

    def produce_instructions(self, game_map, ships_to_planets_assignment,
        Given list of pairs (ship, planet) produce instructions for every ship to go to its respective planet.
        If the planet belongs to the enemy, we go to the weakest docked ship.
        If it's ours or is unoccupied, we try to dock.

        :param game_map: game map
        :param ships_to_planets_assignment: list of tuples (ship, planet)
        :param round_start_time: time (in seconds) between the Epoch and the start of this round
        :return: list of instructions to send to the Halite engine
        command_queue = []
        # Send each ship to its planet
        for ship, planet in ships_to_planets_assignment:
            speed = hlt.constants.MAX_SPEED

            is_planet_friendly = not planet.is_owned(
            ) or planet.owner == game_map.get_me()

            if is_planet_friendly:
                if ship.can_dock(planet):
                        self.navigate(game_map, round_start_time, ship,
                                      ship.closest_point_to(planet), speed))
                docked_ships = planet.all_docked_ships()
                assert len(docked_ships) > 0
                weakest_ship = None
                for s in docked_ships:
                    if weakest_ship is None or weakest_ship.health > s.health:
                        weakest_ship = s
                    self.navigate(game_map, round_start_time, ship,
                                  ship.closest_point_to(weakest_ship), speed))
        return command_queue

    def navigate(self, game_map, start_of_round, ship, destination, speed):
        Send a ship to its destination. Because "navigate" method in Halite API is expensive, we use that method only if
        we haven't used too much time yet.

        :param game_map: game map
        :param start_of_round: time (in seconds) between the Epoch and the start of this round
        :param ship: ship we want to send
        :param destination: destination to which we want to send the ship to
        :param speed: speed with which we would like to send the ship to its destination
        current_time = time.time()
        have_time = current_time - start_of_round < 1.2
        navigate_command = None
        if have_time:
            navigate_command = ship.navigate(destination,
        if navigate_command is None:
            # ship.navigate may return None if it cannot find a path. In such a case we just thrust.
            dist = ship.calculate_distance_between(destination)
            speed = speed if (dist >= speed) else dist
            navigate_command = ship.thrust(
                speed, ship.calculate_angle_between(destination))
        return navigate_command
예제 #9
파일: main.py 프로젝트: jvpoulos/cs289-hw6
# Fit classifier on training data
start = time.time()
network.fit(x_train, y_train, pred_epochs=pred_epochs, max_epoch=max_epoch)
output_file.write("Training time:" + str(np.around((time.time() - start) / 60., 1)) + "minutes\n")
output_file.write(dash * "-" + "\n")

# Plot training error and error rate

plt.plot(network.pred_errors, '-g', label='Error Rate')
plt.plot(network.costs, '-r', label='Training Error')

# Test on validation set
pred_labels = network.predict(x_test)
accuracy = 100 * np.sum(pred_labels == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)) / float(len(y_test))

output_file.write("Validation set accuracy: {} \n".format(accuracy))
output_file.write(dash * "-" + "\n")

# Get Kaggle predictions
indices = np.array(range(1, len(test_features) + 1))
pred_labels = network.predict(test_features)
kaggle_format = np.vstack(((indices), pred_labels)).T

np.savetxt("./results/digits_" + cost + ".csv", kaggle_format, delimiter=",",
           fmt='%d,%d', header='Id,Category', comments='')
def test_predict():
    nn = NeuralNet()  #loads nn again
    nn.predict(np.zeros((80, 80, 4)))
예제 #11
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

from neural_net import NeuralNet
from data_prep import read_mnist

train_labels, train_features = read_mnist(
test_labels, test_features = read_mnist('./mnist_dataset/mnist_test_10.csv')

nn = NeuralNet((784, 100, 10))

for i in range(len(train_labels)):
    nn.train(train_features[i], train_labels[i])

results = [nn.predict(i) for i in test_features]

print([np.argmax(i) for i in test_labels])
예제 #12

X_train, Y_train, X_val, Y_val = getdata()
X_train, X_val = standardise(X_train, X_val)
# print X_train[1].reshape(28,28)
# plt.imshow(X_train[1].reshape(28,28))
# plt.show()
# exit()
model = NeuralNet(784, 1000, 10)

loss_history, train_acc_history = model.train(X_train,

plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title('Loss History')

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.title('Train Accuracy History')
plt.ylabel('Train Accuracy')

print "Train Accuracy:", (model.predict(X_train) == Y_train).mean()
print "Validation Accuracy:", (model.predict(X_val) == Y_val).mean()
예제 #13
from neural_net import NeuralNet
from utils import *

def pre_process(x):
    return add_column_of_ones(normalize(x))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    X_train, labels_train, X_test, labels_test = load_dataset_and_trim()
    print("Loaded dataset")

    train_data = pre_process(X_train)
    test_data = pre_process(X_test)
    print("Pre-processed data")

    neural_net = NeuralNet()
    neural_net.train(train_data, labels_train)
    print("Trained model")

    predictions_train = neural_net.predict(train_data)
    predictions_test = neural_net.predict(test_data)

    training_accuracy = get_frac_equal(predictions_train, labels_train)
    test_accuracy = get_frac_equal(predictions_test, labels_test)

    report_accuracies(training_accuracy, test_accuracy)
예제 #14
                # select 2 non-agent vehicles
                elif x < len(X_test_dataframes) and other_car_limit_test > 0:
                    x_positions_test = np.append(
                        X_test_dataframes[x].iloc[:, 6 * i + 2 + 2].to_numpy())
                    y_positions_test = np.append(
                        X_test_dataframes[x].iloc[:, 6 * i + 2 + 3].to_numpy())

                    other_car_limit_test -= 1

                elif x < len(
                ) and other_car_limit_test == 0 and agent_found_flag_test == True:
                    X_test_x[x] = x_positions_test
                    X_test_y[x] = y_positions_test

        model1 = NeuralNet([50], max_iter=10000)
        model1.fit(X_x, y_x)

        y_hat_x = model1.predict(X_test_x).flatten()

        model2 = NeuralNet([30], max_iter=10000)
        model2.fit(X_y, y_y)

        y_hat_y = model2.predict(X_test_y).flatten()

        y_hat = np.insert(y_hat_y, np.arange(len(y_hat_x)), y_hat_x)
예제 #15
        # ----------------------------------------------- 1.4 MLP --------------------------------------------------- #
        elif model == "MLP":
            hidden_layer_sizes = [50]
            mlp_model = NeuralNet(hidden_layer_sizes,

            t = time.time()
            # mlp_model.fit(X, Y)
            mlp_model.fitWithSGD(X, Y, epoch=40, minibatch_size=2500)
            print("Fitting took %d seconds" % (time.time() - t))

            # Compute training error
            yhat = mlp_model.predict(X)
            tr_error = np.mean(yhat != y)
            print("Training error = ", tr_error)

            # Compute test error
            yhat = mlp_model.predict(Xtest)
            test_error = np.mean(yhat != ytest)
            print("Test error     = ", test_error)

        # ----------------------------------------------- 1.5 CNN --------------------------------------------------- #

        # CITATION: The code for CNN is adapted from Mahan Fathi's Stanford's CS231 Assignment 2 repo
        # https://github.com/MahanFathi/CS231/blob/master/assignment2/cs231n/