예제 #1
def load_raw_binary_gain_chmap_range(rawfile, number_of_channels,
                                     hstype, nprobes=1,
                                     lraw=1, ts=0, te=25000):

    load ecube data preprocessed and return a channels data
    load_a_ch(name, number_of_channels, channel_number, lraw, block_size)
    name - name of file
    number_of_channels - number of channels
    channel_number - channel data to return
    hstype : Headstage type, 'hs64'
    nprobes : Number of probes (default 1)
    lraw - whether raw file or not  (default : raw lraw=1)
    ts : sample start (not seconds but samples),
           default : 0 ( begining of file)
    ts : sample end (not seconds but samples),
           default : -1 ( full data)
    returns time, data

    from neuraltoolkit import ntk_channelmap as ntkc

    gain = np.float64(0.19073486328125)
    d_bgc = np.array([])

    f = open(rawfile, 'rb')

    if lraw:
        tr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64, count=1)
        f.seek(8, 0)
        f.seek(0, 0)

    if (ts == 0) and (te == -1):
        d = np.frombuffer(f.read(-1), dtype=np.int16)
        # check time is not negative
        if te-ts < 1:
            raise ValueError('Please recheck ts and te')
        f.seek(ts*2*number_of_channels, 1)
        block_size = (te - ts)*2*number_of_channels
        d = np.frombuffer(f.read(block_size), dtype=np.int16)


    d_bgc = np.reshape(d, [number_of_channels,
                       np.int64(d.shape[0]/number_of_channels)], order='F')

    if lraw:
        d_bgc = ntkc.channel_map_data(d_bgc, number_of_channels,
                                      hstype, nprobes)
        d_bgc = np.int16(d_bgc * gain)

    if lraw:
        return tr, d_bgc
        return d_bgc
예제 #2
def load_raw_binary_gain_chmap_nsec(name,
    load ecube nsec of data and multiply gain and apply channel mapping
    load_raw_binary_gain_chmap_nsec(name, number_of_channels, hstype,
                                    fs, nsec):
    hstype : 'hs64', 'eibless-hs64_port32', 'eibless-hs64_port64',
             'intan', 'Si_64_KS_chmap',
             'Si_64_KT_T1_K2_chmap' and linear
    fs : sampling rate
    nsec : number of seconds
    nprobes : Number of probes (default 1)
    returns first timestamp and data

    tt, ddgc = ntk.load_raw_binary_gain_chmap_nsec(rawfile, number_of_channels,
                                                   'hs64', 25000, 2)

    from neuraltoolkit import ntk_channelmap as ntkc

    if isinstance(hstype, str):
        hstype = [hstype]

    assert len(hstype) == nprobes, \
        'length of hstype not same as nprobes'

    # constants
    gain = np.float64(0.19073486328125)

    f = open(name, 'rb')
    tr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64, count=1)
    dr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16, count=nsec * number_of_channels * fs)
    length = np.int64(np.size(dr) / number_of_channels)
    drr = np.reshape(dr, [number_of_channels, length], order='F')
    dg = drr * gain
    dgc = ntkc.channel_map_data(dg, number_of_channels, hstype, nprobes)
    return tr, dgc
예제 #3
def load_intan_raw_gain_chanmap(rawfile,
    load intan data and multiply gain and apply channel mapping
    load_intan_raw_gain_chanmap(name, number_of_channels, hstype)
    hstype : 'hs64', 'intan32', 'Si_64_KS_chmap', 'Si_64_KT_T1_K2_chmap'
              and 'linear'
    nprobes : Number of probes (default 1)
    ldin : Flag for getting digital input (default 0)
    returns first timestamp and data

    from neuraltoolkit import ntk_channelmap as ntkc
    from .load_intan_rhd_format_hlab import read_data

    if isinstance(hstype, str):
        hstype = [hstype]

    assert len(hstype) == nprobes, \
        'length of hstype not same as nprobes'

    # Read intan file
    a = read_data(rawfile)

    # Time and data
    tr = np.array(a['t_amplifier'][0])
    dg = np.array(a['amplifier_data'])

    # Apply channel mapping
    dgc = ntkc.channel_map_data(dg, number_of_channels, hstype, nprobes)

    if ldin == 1:
        din = np.array(a['board_dig_in_data'])
        return np.int64(tr), np.int16(dgc), din
        return np.int64(tr), np.int16(dgc)
예제 #4
def load_raw_binary_gain_chmap(name,
    load ecube data and multiply gain and apply channel mapping
    load_raw_binary_gain_chmap(name, number_of_channels, hstype)
    hstype : 'hs64', 'Si_64_KS_chmap', 'Si_64_KT_T1_K2_chmap' and linear
    nprobes : Number of probes (default 1)
    t_only  : if t_only=1, just return tr, timestamp
              (Default 0, returns timestamp and data)
    returns first timestamp and data

    from neuraltoolkit import ntk_channelmap as ntkc

    if isinstance(hstype, str):
        hstype = [hstype]

    assert len(hstype) == nprobes, \
        'length of hstype not same as nprobes'

    # constants
    gain = np.float64(0.19073486328125)

    f = open(name, 'rb')
    tr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64, count=1)
    if t_only:
        return tr

    dr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16, count=-1)
    length = np.int64(np.size(dr) / number_of_channels)
    drr = np.reshape(dr, [number_of_channels, length], order='F')
    dg = drr * gain
    dgc = ntkc.channel_map_data(dg, number_of_channels, hstype, nprobes)
    return tr, dgc
예제 #5
def ecube_raw_to_preprocessed(rawfile, outdir, number_of_channels,
                              hstype, nprobes=1,
                              ts=0, te=25000,

    Convert ecube_raw_to_preprocessed all channels or just a tetrode
    ecube_raw_to_preprocessed(rawfile, outdir, number_of_channels,
                              hstype, nprobes=1,
                              ts=0, te=25000,
    rawfile - name of rawfile with path, '/home/ckbn/Headstage.bin'
    outdir - directory to save preprocessed file, '/home/ckbn/output/'
    number_of_channels - number of channels in rawfile
    hstype : Headstage type, 'hs64' (see manual for full list)
    nprobes : Number of probes (default 1)
    ts : sample start (not seconds but samples),
           default : 0 ( begining of file)
    ts : sample end (not seconds but samples),
           default : -1 ( full data)
    tetrode_channels : default (None, all channels)
                     to select tetrodes give channel numbers as a list
                     Example: tetrode_channels=[4, 5, 6, 7] for second tetrode

    from neuraltoolkit import ntk_channelmap as ntkc
    import struct

    gain = np.float64(0.19073486328125)
    d_bgc = np.array([])

    # Check file exists
    if not (os.path.isfile(rawfile)):
        raise FileExistsError('Raw file not found')

    # Check outdir exists
    print("os.path.isdir(outdir) ", os.path.isdir(outdir))
    if not (os.path.isdir(outdir)):
        raise FileExistsError('Output directory does not exists')

    # Get pfilename
    pbasename = str('P_') + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rawfile))[0] \
        + str('.bin')
    print("pbasename ", pbasename)
    pfilename = os.path.join(outdir, pbasename)
    print("pfilename ", pfilename)

    # Read binary file and order based on channelmap
    f = open(rawfile, 'rb')

    tr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64, count=1)
    print("Time ", tr)
    f.seek(8, 0)

    if (ts == 0) and (te == -1):
        d = np.frombuffer(f.read(-1), dtype=np.int16)
        # check time is not negative
        if te-ts < 1:
            raise ValueError('Please recheck ts and te')
        f.seek(ts*2*number_of_channels, 1)
        block_size = (te - ts)*2*number_of_channels
        d = np.frombuffer(f.read(block_size), dtype=np.int16)


    d_bgc = np.reshape(d, [number_of_channels,
                       np.int64(d.shape[0]/number_of_channels)], order='F')

    d_bgc = ntkc.channel_map_data(d_bgc, number_of_channels,
                                  hstype, nprobes)
    d_bgc = np.int16(d_bgc * gain)

    if tetrode_channels:
        print("tetrode_channels ", tetrode_channels)
        d_bgc = d_bgc[tetrode_channels, :]
        print("tetrode_channels is empty saving all tetrodes")

    # write preprocessed file
    with open(pfilename, "wb") as binary_file:
        # Write data rawdata/digital
예제 #6
def load_raw_gain_chmap_1probe(rawfile, number_of_channels,
                               hstype, nprobes=1,
                               lraw=1, ts=0, te=-1,
                               probenum=0, probechans=64):

    load ecube data and return channel mapped data for single probe
    name - name of file
    number_of_channels - number of channels
    channel_number - channel data to return
    hstype : Headstage type list
             for example ['APT_PCB', 'APT_PCB'] nprobes=2

             Headstage types are
             'eibless-hs64_port32', 'eibless-hs64_port64',
             'intan32', 'intan16test2',

             Si_64_KS_chmap includes  8-K2., 5-KS., 1A-K2. probe
             Si_64_KT_T1_K2_chmap includes 5-KT. and  5-K2. probe

             'PCB_tetrode', 'EAB50chmap_00',

             and 'linear'

    nprobes : Number of probes (default 1)
    lraw - whether raw file or not  (default : raw lraw=1)
    ts : sample start (not seconds but samples),
           default : 0 ( begining of file)
    ts : sample end (not seconds but samples),
           default : -1 ( full data)
    probenum : which probe to return (starts from zero)
    probechans : number of channels per probe (symmetric)
    returns time, data

    from neuraltoolkit import ntk_channelmap as ntkc
    # import time

    # tic = time.time()
    gain = np.float64(0.19073486328125)
    probename = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth",
                 "sixth", "seventh", "eight", "ninth", "tenth"]
    # d_bgc = np.array([])

    if ((number_of_channels/probechans) != nprobes):
        raise ValueError("number of channels/probechans != nprobes")

    # check probe number is in range 0 9
    # max probe in a recording is limitted to 10
    if ((probenum < 0) or (probenum > 9)):
        raise ValueError("Please check probenum {}".format(probenum))

    # Print probe number of probenum is 0 to avoid confusion
    print("Loading data from {} probe\n".format(probename[probenum]))

    f = open(rawfile, 'rb')
    # toc = time.time()
    # print('ntk opening file took {} seconds'.format(toc - tic))
    # tic = time.time()

    if lraw:
        tr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64, count=1)
        f.seek(8, 0)
        f.seek(0, 0)

    if (ts == 0) and (te == -1):
        d_bgc = np.frombuffer(f.read(-1), dtype=np.int16)
        # check time is not negative
        if te-ts < 1:
            raise ValueError('Please recheck ts and te')
        f.seek(ts*2*number_of_channels, 1)
        block_size = (te - ts)*2*number_of_channels
        d_bgc = np.frombuffer(f.read(block_size), dtype=np.int16)

    # toc = time.time()
    # print('ntk reading file took {} seconds'.format(toc - tic))
    # tic = time.time()

    d_bgc = np.reshape(d_bgc, [number_of_channels,
                       np.int64(d_bgc.shape[0]/number_of_channels)], order='F')
    # toc = time.time()
    # print('ntk reshaping file took {} seconds'.format(toc - tic))

    if lraw:
        # tic = time.time()
        d_bgc = d_bgc[((probenum)*probechans):
                      ((probenum+1)*probechans), :]
        # print("d_bgc shape ", d_bgc.shape)
        # toc = time.time()
        # print('ntk probe selecting file took {} seconds'.format(toc - tic))
        # tic = time.time()
        # d_bgc = ntkc.channel_map_data(d_bgc, number_of_channels,
        #                               hstype, nprobes)
        d_bgc = ntkc.channel_map_data(d_bgc, probechans,
                                      list([hstype[probenum]]), 1)
        # toc = time.time()
        # print('ntk channel mapping file took {} seconds'.format(toc - tic))

        # tic = time.time()
        d_bgc = np.int16(d_bgc * gain)
        # toc = time.time()
        # print('ntk adding gain to file took {} seconds'.format(toc - tic))

    if lraw:
        return tr, d_bgc
        return d_bgc