def analyze_pair_connectivity(amps, sign=None):
    """Given response strength records for a single pair, generate summary
    statistics characterizing strength, latency, and connectivity.
    amps : dict
        Contains foreground and background strength analysis records
        (see input format below)
    sign : None, -1, or +1
        If None, then automatically determine whether to treat this connection as
        inhibitory or excitatory.

    Input must have the following structure::
        amps = {
            ('ic', 'fg'): recs, 
            ('ic', 'bg'): recs,
            ('vc', 'fg'): recs, 
            ('vc', 'bg'): recs,
    Where each *recs* must be a structured array containing fields as returned
    by get_amps() and get_baseline_amps().
    The overall strategy here is:
    1. Make an initial decision on whether to treat this pair as excitatory or
       inhibitory, based on differences between foreground and background amplitude
    2. Generate mean and stdev for amplitudes, deconvolved amplitudes, and deconvolved
    3. Generate KS test p values describing the differences between foreground
       and background distributions for amplitude, deconvolved amplitude, and
       deconvolved latency    
    requested_sign = sign
    fields = {}  # used to fill the new DB record
    # Use KS p value to check for differences between foreground and background
    qc_amps = {}
    ks_pvals = {}
    amp_means = {}
    amp_diffs = {}
    for clamp_mode in ('ic', 'vc'):
        clamp_mode_fg = amps[clamp_mode, 'fg']
        clamp_mode_bg = amps[clamp_mode, 'bg']
        if (len(clamp_mode_fg) == 0 or len(clamp_mode_bg) == 0):
        for sign in ('pos', 'neg'):
            # Separate into positive/negative tests and filter out responses that failed qc
            qc_field = {'vc': {'pos': 'in_qc_pass', 'neg': 'ex_qc_pass'}, 'ic': {'pos': 'ex_qc_pass', 'neg': 'in_qc_pass'}}[clamp_mode][sign]
            fg = clamp_mode_fg[clamp_mode_fg[qc_field]]
            bg = clamp_mode_bg[clamp_mode_bg[qc_field]]
            qc_amps[sign, clamp_mode, 'fg'] = fg
            qc_amps[sign, clamp_mode, 'bg'] = bg
            if (len(fg) == 0 or len(bg) == 0):
            # Measure some statistics from these records
            fg = fg[sign + '_dec_amp']
            bg = bg[sign + '_dec_amp']
            pval = scipy.stats.ks_2samp(fg, bg).pvalue
            ks_pvals[(sign, clamp_mode)] = pval
            # we could ensure that the average amplitude is in the right direction:
            fg_mean = np.mean(fg)
            bg_mean = np.mean(bg)
            amp_means[sign, clamp_mode] = {'fg': fg_mean, 'bg': bg_mean}
            amp_diffs[sign, clamp_mode] = fg_mean - bg_mean

    if requested_sign is None:
        # Decide whether to treat this connection as excitatory or inhibitory.
        #   strategy: accumulate evidence for either possibility by checking
        #   the ks p-values for each sign/clamp mode and the direction of the deflection
        is_exc = 0
        # print(expt.acq_timestamp, pair.pre_cell.ext_id, pair.post_cell.ext_id)
        for sign in ('pos', 'neg'):
            for mode in ('ic', 'vc'):
                ks = ks_pvals.get((sign, mode), None)
                if ks is None:
                # turn p value into a reasonable scale factor
                ks = norm_pvalue(ks)
                dif_sign = 1 if amp_diffs[sign, mode] > 0 else -1
                if mode == 'vc':
                    dif_sign *= -1
                is_exc += dif_sign * ks
                # print("    ", sign, mode, is_exc, dif_sign * ks)
        is_exc = requested_sign

    if is_exc > 0:
        fields['synapse_type'] = 'ex'
        signs = {'ic':'pos', 'vc':'neg'}
        fields['synapse_type'] = 'in'
        signs = {'ic':'neg', 'vc':'pos'}

    # compute the rest of statistics for only positive or negative deflections
    for clamp_mode in ('ic', 'vc'):
        sign = signs[clamp_mode]
        fg = qc_amps.get((sign, clamp_mode, 'fg'))
        bg = qc_amps.get((sign, clamp_mode, 'bg'))
        if fg is None or bg is None or len(fg) == 0 or len(bg) == 0:
            fields[clamp_mode + '_n_samples'] = 0
        fields[clamp_mode + '_n_samples'] = len(fg)
        fields[clamp_mode + '_crosstalk_mean'] = np.mean(fg['crosstalk'])
        fields[clamp_mode + '_base_crosstalk_mean'] = np.mean(bg['crosstalk'])
        # measure mean, stdev, and statistical differences between
        # fg and bg for each measurement
        for val, field in [('amp', 'amp'), ('deconv_amp', 'dec_amp'), ('latency', 'dec_latency')]:
            f = fg[sign + '_' + field]
            b = bg[sign + '_' + field]
            fields[clamp_mode + '_' + val + '_mean'] = np.mean(f)
            fields[clamp_mode + '_' + val + '_stdev'] = np.std(f)
            fields[clamp_mode + '_base_' + val + '_mean'] = np.mean(b)
            fields[clamp_mode + '_base_' + val + '_stdev'] = np.std(b)
            # statistical tests comparing fg vs bg
            # Note: we use log(1-log(pval)) because it's nicer to plot and easier to
            # use as a classifier input
            tt_pval = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(f, b, equal_var=False).pvalue
            ks_pval = scipy.stats.ks_2samp(f, b).pvalue
            fields[clamp_mode + '_' + val + '_ttest'] = norm_pvalue(tt_pval)
            fields[clamp_mode + '_' + val + '_ks2samp'] = norm_pvalue(ks_pval)

        ### generate the average response and psp fit
        # collect all bg and fg traces
        # bg_traces = TraceList([Trace(data, sample_rate=db.default_sample_rate) for data in amps[clamp_mode, 'bg']['data']])
        fg_traces = TraceList()
        for rec in fg:
            t0 = rec['response_start_time'] - rec['max_dvdt_time']   # time-align to presynaptic spike
            trace = Trace(rec['data'], sample_rate=db.default_sample_rate, t0=t0)
        # get averages
        # bg_avg = bg_traces.mean()        
        fg_avg = fg_traces.mean()
        base_rgn = fg_avg.time_slice(-6e-3, 0)
        base = float_mode(
        fields[clamp_mode + '_average_response'] =
        fields[clamp_mode + '_average_response_t0'] = fg_avg.t0
        fields[clamp_mode + '_average_base_stdev'] = base_rgn.std()

        sign = {'pos':'+', 'neg':'-'}[signs[clamp_mode]]
        fg_bsub = fg_avg.copy( - base)  # remove base to help fitting
            fit = fit_psp(fg_bsub, mode=clamp_mode, sign=sign, xoffset=(1e-3, 0, 6e-3), yoffset=(0, None, None), rise_time_mult_factor=4)              
            for param, val in fit.best_values.items():
                fields['%s_fit_%s' % (clamp_mode, param)] = val
            fields[clamp_mode + '_fit_yoffset'] = fit.best_values['yoffset'] + base
            fields[clamp_mode + '_fit_nrmse'] = fit.nrmse()
            print("Error in PSP fit:")
        #global fit_plot
        #if fit_plot is None:
            #fit_plot = FitExplorer(fit)
        #raw_input("Waiting to continue..")

    return fields
예제 #2
    y_deconv1 = []
    y_deconv2 = []
    y_deconv3 = []
    y_raw1 = []
    y_raw2 = []
    y_raw3 = []
    inds = np.arange(n_responses)
    for n in range(1, n_responses+1):
        iters = n_responses // n
        for i in range(iters):
            tl = TraceList([deconv[k] for k in inds[n*i:n*(i+1)]])
            x.append(n + np.random.normal(scale=0.1))
            # calculate amplitude from averaged trace
            avg = tl.mean()
            # calculate average of amplitudes measured from individual traces
            amps = []
            for t in tl:
            # calculate a fake amplitude from the baseline region
            amps = []
            for t in tl:
                amps.append(measure_amp(t, baseline=(0, 2e-3), response=(6e-3, 10e-3)))

            # calculate average amplitudes from raw traces
예제 #3
        join stim_pulse on
        join recording post_rec on
        join patch_clamp_recording post_pcrec on
        join multi_patch_probe on
        join recording pre_rec on
        join sync_rec on
        join experiment on
""".format(conditions='\n        and '.join(conditions))


rp = session.execute(query)

recs = rp.fetchall()
data = [np.load(io.BytesIO(rec[0])) for rec in recs]
print("\n\nloaded %d records" % len(data))

plt = pg.plot(labels={'left': ('Vm', 'V')})
traces = TraceList()
for i, x in enumerate(data):
    trace = Trace(x - np.median(x[:100]), sample_rate=20000)
    if i < 100:
        plt.plot(trace.time_values,, pen=(255, 255, 255, 100))

avg = traces.mean()
plt.plot(avg.time_values,, pen='g')
        join patch_clamp_recording post_pcrec on
        join multi_patch_probe on
        join recording pre_rec on
        join sync_rec on
        join experiment on
""".format(conditions='\n        and '.join(conditions))


rp = session.execute(query)

recs = rp.fetchall()
data = [np.load(io.BytesIO(rec[0])) for rec in recs]
print("\n\nloaded %d records" % len(data))

plt = pg.plot(labels={'left': ('Vm', 'V')})
traces = TraceList()
for i,x in enumerate(data):
    trace = Trace(x - np.median(x[:100]), sample_rate=20000)
    if i<100:
        plt.plot(trace.time_values,, pen=(255, 255, 255, 100))

avg = traces.mean()
plt.plot(avg.time_values,, pen='g')

def analyze_pair_connectivity(amps, sign=None):
    """Given response strength records for a single pair, generate summary
    statistics characterizing strength, latency, and connectivity.
    amps : dict
        Contains foreground and background strength analysis records
        (see input format below)
    sign : None, -1, or +1
        If None, then automatically determine whether to treat this connection as
        inhibitory or excitatory.

    Input must have the following structure::
        amps = {
            ('ic', 'fg'): recs, 
            ('ic', 'bg'): recs,
            ('vc', 'fg'): recs, 
            ('vc', 'bg'): recs,
    Where each *recs* must be a structured array containing fields as returned
    by get_amps() and get_baseline_amps().
    The overall strategy here is:
    1. Make an initial decision on whether to treat this pair as excitatory or
       inhibitory, based on differences between foreground and background amplitude
    2. Generate mean and stdev for amplitudes, deconvolved amplitudes, and deconvolved
    3. Generate KS test p values describing the differences between foreground
       and background distributions for amplitude, deconvolved amplitude, and
       deconvolved latency    
    requested_sign = sign
    fields = {}  # used to fill the new DB record
    # Use KS p value to check for differences between foreground and background
    qc_amps = {}
    ks_pvals = {}
    amp_means = {}
    amp_diffs = {}
    for clamp_mode in ('ic', 'vc'):
        clamp_mode_fg = amps[clamp_mode, 'fg']
        clamp_mode_bg = amps[clamp_mode, 'bg']
        if (len(clamp_mode_fg) == 0 or len(clamp_mode_bg) == 0):
        for sign in ('pos', 'neg'):
            # Separate into positive/negative tests and filter out responses that failed qc
            qc_field = {'vc': {'pos': 'in_qc_pass', 'neg': 'ex_qc_pass'}, 'ic': {'pos': 'ex_qc_pass', 'neg': 'in_qc_pass'}}[clamp_mode][sign]
            fg = clamp_mode_fg[clamp_mode_fg[qc_field]]
            bg = clamp_mode_bg[clamp_mode_bg[qc_field]]
            qc_amps[sign, clamp_mode, 'fg'] = fg
            qc_amps[sign, clamp_mode, 'bg'] = bg
            if (len(fg) == 0 or len(bg) == 0):
            # Measure some statistics from these records
            fg = fg[sign + '_dec_amp']
            bg = bg[sign + '_dec_amp']
            pval = scipy.stats.ks_2samp(fg, bg).pvalue
            ks_pvals[(sign, clamp_mode)] = pval
            # we could ensure that the average amplitude is in the right direction:
            fg_mean = np.mean(fg)
            bg_mean = np.mean(bg)
            amp_means[sign, clamp_mode] = {'fg': fg_mean, 'bg': bg_mean}
            amp_diffs[sign, clamp_mode] = fg_mean - bg_mean

    if requested_sign is None:
        # Decide whether to treat this connection as excitatory or inhibitory.
        #   strategy: accumulate evidence for either possibility by checking
        #   the ks p-values for each sign/clamp mode and the direction of the deflection
        is_exc = 0
        # print(expt.acq_timestamp, pair.pre_cell.ext_id, pair.post_cell.ext_id)
        for sign in ('pos', 'neg'):
            for mode in ('ic', 'vc'):
                ks = ks_pvals.get((sign, mode), None)
                if ks is None:
                # turn p value into a reasonable scale factor
                ks = norm_pvalue(ks)
                dif_sign = 1 if amp_diffs[sign, mode] > 0 else -1
                if mode == 'vc':
                    dif_sign *= -1
                is_exc += dif_sign * ks
                # print("    ", sign, mode, is_exc, dif_sign * ks)
        is_exc = requested_sign

    if is_exc > 0:
        fields['synapse_type'] = 'ex'
        signs = {'ic':'pos', 'vc':'neg'}
        fields['synapse_type'] = 'in'
        signs = {'ic':'neg', 'vc':'pos'}

    # compute the rest of statistics for only positive or negative deflections
    for clamp_mode in ('ic', 'vc'):
        sign = signs[clamp_mode]
        fg = qc_amps.get((sign, clamp_mode, 'fg'))
        bg = qc_amps.get((sign, clamp_mode, 'bg'))
        if fg is None or bg is None or len(fg) == 0 or len(bg) == 0:
            fields[clamp_mode + '_n_samples'] = 0
        fields[clamp_mode + '_n_samples'] = len(fg)
        fields[clamp_mode + '_crosstalk_mean'] = np.mean(fg['crosstalk'])
        fields[clamp_mode + '_base_crosstalk_mean'] = np.mean(bg['crosstalk'])
        # measure mean, stdev, and statistical differences between
        # fg and bg for each measurement
        for val, field in [('amp', 'amp'), ('deconv_amp', 'dec_amp'), ('latency', 'dec_latency')]:
            f = fg[sign + '_' + field]
            b = bg[sign + '_' + field]
            fields[clamp_mode + '_' + val + '_mean'] = np.mean(f)
            fields[clamp_mode + '_' + val + '_stdev'] = np.std(f)
            fields[clamp_mode + '_base_' + val + '_mean'] = np.mean(b)
            fields[clamp_mode + '_base_' + val + '_stdev'] = np.std(b)
            # statistical tests comparing fg vs bg
            # Note: we use log(1-log(pval)) because it's nicer to plot and easier to
            # use as a classifier input
            tt_pval = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(f, b, equal_var=False).pvalue
            ks_pval = scipy.stats.ks_2samp(f, b).pvalue
            fields[clamp_mode + '_' + val + '_ttest'] = norm_pvalue(tt_pval)
            fields[clamp_mode + '_' + val + '_ks2samp'] = norm_pvalue(ks_pval)

        ### generate the average response and psp fit
        # collect all bg and fg traces
        # bg_traces = TraceList([Trace(data, sample_rate=db.default_sample_rate) for data in amps[clamp_mode, 'bg']['data']])
        fg_traces = TraceList()
        for rec in fg:
            t0 = rec['response_start_time'] - rec['max_dvdt_time']   # time-align to presynaptic spike
            trace = Trace(rec['data'], sample_rate=db.default_sample_rate, t0=t0)
        # get averages
        # bg_avg = bg_traces.mean()        
        fg_avg = fg_traces.mean()
        base_rgn = fg_avg.time_slice(-6e-3, 0)
        base = float_mode(
        fields[clamp_mode + '_average_response'] =
        fields[clamp_mode + '_average_response_t0'] = fg_avg.t0
        fields[clamp_mode + '_average_base_stdev'] = base_rgn.std()

        sign = {'pos':'+', 'neg':'-'}[signs[clamp_mode]]
        fg_bsub = fg_avg.copy( - base)  # remove base to help fitting
            fit = fit_psp(fg_bsub, mode=clamp_mode, sign=sign, xoffset=(1e-3, 0, 6e-3), yoffset=(0, None, None), rise_time_mult_factor=4)              
            for param, val in fit.best_values.items():
                fields['%s_fit_%s' % (clamp_mode, param)] = val
            fields[clamp_mode + '_fit_yoffset'] = fit.best_values['yoffset'] + base
            fields[clamp_mode + '_fit_nrmse'] = fit.nrmse()
            print("Error in PSP fit:")
        #global fit_plot
        #if fit_plot is None:
            #fit_plot = FitExplorer(fit)
        #raw_input("Waiting to continue..")

    return fields
    y_deconv1 = []
    y_deconv2 = []
    y_deconv3 = []
    y_raw1 = []
    y_raw2 = []
    y_raw3 = []
    inds = np.arange(n_responses)
    for n in range(1, n_responses+1):
        iters = n_responses // n
        for i in range(iters):
            tl = TraceList([deconv[k] for k in inds[n*i:n*(i+1)]])
            x.append(n + np.random.normal(scale=0.1))
            # calculate amplitude from averaged trace
            avg = tl.mean()
            # calculate average of amplitudes measured from individual traces
            amps = []
            for t in tl:
            # calculate a fake amplitude from the baseline region
            amps = []
            for t in tl:
                amps.append(measure_amp(t, baseline=(0, 2e-3), response=(6e-3, 10e-3)))

            # calculate average amplitudes from raw traces