def simhop(net, input, n=10): """ Simuate hopfied network OLD VERSION, now you may use newhop new with native sim method This function may be deleted in future (use newhop(...).sim()) :Parameters: net: Net Simulated recurrent neural network like Hopfield (newhop_old only) input: array like (N x Train input patterns n: int (default 10) Maximum number of simulated steps :Return: output: array Network outputs full_output: list of array Network outputs, including the intermediate results :Exmamle: >>> from .net import newhop_old >>> target = [[-1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1]] >>> net = newhop_old(target) >>> simhop(net, target)[0] array([[-1., -1., -1.], [ 1., -1., 1.]]) """ input = np.asfarray(input) assert input.ndim == 2 assert input.shape[1] == net.layers[-1].co assert input.shape[1] == output = [] for inp in input: net.layers[-1].out = inp out = [] for i in range(n): o = net.step(inp) if i>0 and np.all(out[-1] == o): break out.append(o) output.append(np.array(out)) return np.array([r[-1] for r in output]), output
def __init__(self, ci, cn, distf=None): Layer.__init__(self, ci, cn, cn, {'w': (cn, ci), 'conscience': cn}) self.transf = trans.Competitive() self.initf = init.midpoint self.out_minmax[:] = np.array([self.transf.out_minmax] * cn)['conscience'].fill(1.0) self.distf = euclidean
def __init__(self, ci, cn, transf, max_iter, delta): Layer.__init__(self, ci, cn, cn, {'w': (cn, ci), 'b': cn}) self.max_iter = max_iter = delta self.transf = transf self.outs = [] if not hasattr(transf, 'out_minmax'): test = np.asfarry([-1e100, -100, -10, -1, 0, 1, 10, 100, 1e100]) val = self.transf(test) self.out_minmax = np.array([val.min(), val.max()] * else: self.out_minmax = np.asfarray([transf.out_minmax] * self.initf = None self.s = np.zeros(
def __init__(self, ci, cn, transf): Layer.__init__(self, ci, cn, cn, {'w': (cn, ci), 'b': cn}) self.transf = transf if not hasattr(transf, 'out_minmax'): test = np.asfarry([-1e100, -100, -10, -1, 0, 1, 10, 100, 1e100]) val = self.transf(test) self.out_minmax = np.array([val.min(), val.max()] * else: self.out_minmax = np.asfarray([transf.out_minmax] * # default init function self.initf = init.initwb_reg #self.initf = init.initwb_nw self.s = np.zeros(
def initnw(layer): """ Nguyen-Widrow initialization function """ ci = cn = w_fix = 0.7 * cn ** (1. / ci) w_rand = np.random.rand(cn, ci) * 2 - 1 # Normalize if ci == 1: w_rand = w_rand / np.abs(w_rand) else: w_rand = w_rand * np.sqrt(1. / np.square(w_rand).sum(axis=1).reshape(cn, 1)) w = w_fix * w_rand b = np.array([0]) if cn == 1 else w_fix * np.linspace(-1, 1, cn) * np.sign(w[:, 0]) # Scaleble to inp_active amin, amax = layer.transf.inp_active amin = -1 if amin == -np.Inf else amin amax = 1 if amax == np.Inf else amax x = 0.5 * (amax - amin) y = 0.5 * (amax + amin) w = x * w b = x * b + y # Scaleble to inp_minmax minmax = layer.inp_minmax.copy() minmax[np.isneginf(minmax)] = -1 minmax[np.isinf(minmax)] = 1 x = 2. / (minmax[:, 1] - minmax[:, 0]) y = 1. - minmax[:, 1] * x w = w * x b +=, y)['w'][:] = w['b'][:] = b return