예제 #1
파일: tool.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
def minmax(input):
    Calculate min, max for each row

    input = np.asfarray(input)
    assert input.ndim == 2
    min = input.min(axis=0)
    max = input.max(axis=0)
    out = [x for x in zip(min, max)]
    return tuple(out)
예제 #2
파일: tool.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
    def __init__(self, x):

        x = np.asfarray(x)
        if x.ndim != 2:
            raise ValueError('x mast have 2 dimensions')
        min = np.min(x, axis=0)
        dist = np.max(x, axis=0) - min

        min = min.reshape((1, min.size,)) #replacement for "        min.shape = 1, min.size"
        dist = dist.reshape((1, dist.size,)) #replacement for "        dist.shape = 1, dist.size"

        self.min = min
        self.dist = dist
예제 #3
파일: net.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
def newhem(target, transf=None, max_iter=10, delta=0):
    Create a Hemming recurrent network with 2 layers

        target: array like (l x net.co)
            train target patterns
        transf: func (default SatLinPrm(0.1, 0, 10))
            Activation function of input layer
        max_init: int (default 10)
            Maximum of recurent iterations
        delta: float (default 0)
            Minimum diference between 2 outputs for stop reccurent cycle
        net: Net
        >>> net = newhop([[-1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1]])
        >>> output = net.sim([[-1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1]])


    target = np.asfarray(target)
    assert target.ndim == 2

    cn = target.shape[0]
    ci = target.shape[1]

    if transf is None:
        transf = trans.SatLinPrm(0.1, 0, 10)
    layer_inp = layer.Perceptron(ci, cn, transf)

    # init input layer
    layer_inp.initf = None
    layer_inp.np['b'][:] = float(ci) / 2
    for i, tar in enumerate(target):
        layer_inp.np['w'][i][:] = tar / 2

    layer_out = layer.Reccurent(cn, cn, trans.SatLinPrm(1, 0, 1e6), max_iter, delta)
    # init output layer
    layer_out.initf = None
    layer_out.np['b'][:] = 0
    eps = - 1.0 / cn
    for i in range(cn):
        layer_out.np['w'][i][:] = [eps] * cn
        layer_out.np['w'][i][i] = 1
    # create network
    minmax = [[-1, 1]] * ci
    layers = [layer_inp, layer_out]
    connect = [[-1], [0], [1]]
    net = Net(minmax, cn, layers, connect, None, None)
    return net
예제 #4
파일: layer.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
 def __init__(self, ci, cn, transf, max_iter, delta):
     Layer.__init__(self, ci, cn, cn, {'w': (cn, ci), 'b': cn})
     self.max_iter = max_iter
     self.delta = delta
     self.transf = transf
     self.outs = []
     if not hasattr(transf, 'out_minmax'):
         test = np.asfarry([-1e100, -100, -10, -1, 0, 1, 10, 100, 1e100])
         val = self.transf(test)
         self.out_minmax = np.array([val.min(), val.max()] * self.co)
         self.out_minmax = np.asfarray([transf.out_minmax] * self.co)
     self.initf = None
     self.s = np.zeros(self.cn)
예제 #5
파일: layer.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
    def __init__(self, ci, cn, transf):

        Layer.__init__(self, ci, cn, cn, {'w': (cn, ci), 'b': cn})

        self.transf = transf
        if not hasattr(transf, 'out_minmax'):
            test = np.asfarry([-1e100, -100, -10, -1, 0, 1, 10, 100, 1e100])
            val = self.transf(test)
            self.out_minmax = np.array([val.min(), val.max()] * self.co)
            self.out_minmax = np.asfarray([transf.out_minmax] * self.co)
        # default init function
        self.initf = init.initwb_reg
        #self.initf = init.initwb_nw
        self.s = np.zeros(self.cn)
예제 #6
파일: tool.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
def simhop(net, input, n=10):
    Simuate hopfied network

	OLD VERSION, now you may use newhop new with native sim method
	This function may be deleted in future (use newhop(...).sim())

        net: Net
            Simulated recurrent neural network like Hopfield (newhop_old only)
        input: array like (N x net.ci)
            Train input patterns
        n: int (default 10)
            Maximum number of simulated steps

        output: array
            Network outputs
        full_output: list of array
            Network outputs, including the intermediate results
        >>> from .net import newhop_old
        >>> target = [[-1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1]]
        >>> net = newhop_old(target)
        >>> simhop(net, target)[0]
        array([[-1., -1., -1.],
               [ 1., -1.,  1.]])


    input = np.asfarray(input)

    assert input.ndim == 2
    assert input.shape[1] == net.layers[-1].co
    assert input.shape[1] == net.ci

    output = []
    for inp in input:
        net.layers[-1].out = inp
        out = []
        for i in range(n):
            o = net.step(inp)
            if i>0 and np.all(out[-1] == o):
    return np.array([r[-1] for r in output]), output
예제 #7
파일: net.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
def newhop(target, transf=None, max_init=10, delta=0):
    Create a Hopfield recurrent network

        target: array like (l x net.co)
            train target patterns
        transf: func (default HardLims)
            Activation function
        max_init: int (default 10)
            Maximum of recurent iterations
        delta: float (default 0)
            Minimum diference between 2 outputs for stop reccurent cycle
        net: Net
        >>> net = newhem([[-1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1]])
        >>> output = net.sim([[-1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1]])


    target = np.asfarray(target)
    assert target.ndim == 2

    ci = len(target[0])
    if transf is None:
        transf = trans.HardLims()
    l = layer.Reccurent(ci, ci, transf, max_init, delta)
    w = l.np['w']
    b = l.np['b']

    # init weight
    for i in range(ci):
        for j in range(ci):
            if i == j:
                w[i, j] = 0.0
                w[i, j] = np.sum(target[:, i] * target[:, j]) / ci
        b[i] = 0.0
    l.initf = None

    minmax = transf.out_minmax if hasattr(transf, 'out_minmax') else [-1, 1]

    net = Net([minmax] * ci, ci, [l], [[-1], [0]], None, None)
    return net
예제 #8
파일: core.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
    def __init__(self, inp_minmax, co, layers, connect, trainf, errorf):
        self.inp_minmax = np.asfarray(inp_minmax)
        self.out_minmax = np.zeros([co, 2])
        self.ci = self.inp_minmax.shape[0]
        self.co = co
        self.layers = layers
        self.trainf = trainf
        self.errorf = errorf
        self.inp = np.zeros(self.ci)
        self.out = np.zeros(self.co)
        # Check connect format
        assert self.inp_minmax.ndim == 2
        assert self.inp_minmax.shape[1] == 2
        if len(connect) != len(layers) + 1:
            raise ValueError("Connect error")
        # Check connect links
        tmp = [0] * len(connect)
        for con in connect:
            for s in con:
                if s != -1:
                    tmp[s] += 1
        for l, c in enumerate(tmp):
            if c == 0 and l != len(layers):
                raise ValueError("Connect error: Lost the signal " + "from the layer " + str(l - 1))
        self.connect = connect

        # Set inp_minmax for all layers
        for nl, nums_signal in enumerate(self.connect):
            if nl == len(self.layers):
                minmax = self.out_minmax
                minmax = self.layers[nl].inp_minmax
            ni = 0
            for ns in nums_signal:
                t = self.layers[ns].out_minmax if ns != -1 else self.inp_minmax
                if ni + len(t) > len(minmax):
                    raise ValueError("Connect error: on layer " + str(l - 1))
                minmax[ni : ni + len(t)] = t
                ni += len(t)
            if ni != len(minmax):
                raise ValueError("Connect error: Empty inputs on layer " + str(l - 1))
예제 #9
파일: net.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
def newhop_old(target, transf=None):
    Create a Hopfield recurrent network.

    Old version need tool.simhop for use.
    Will be removed in future versions.

        target: array like (l x net.co)
            train target patterns
        transf: func (default HardLims)
            Activation function
        net: Net
        >>> from neurolab.tool import simhop
        >>> net = newhop_old([[-1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1]])
        >>> output = simhop(net, [[-1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1]])

    target = np.asfarray(target)
    ci = len(target[0])
    if transf is None:
        transf = trans.HardLims()
    l = layer.Perceptron(ci, ci, transf)
    w = l.np['w']
    b = l.np['b']

    # init weight
    for i in range(ci):
        for j in range(ci):
            if i == j:
                w[i, j] = 0.0
                w[i, j] = np.sum(target[:, i] * target[:, j]) / ci
        b[i] = 0.0
    l.initf = None

    minmax = transf.out_minmax if hasattr(transf, 'out_minmax') else [-1, 1]

    net = Net([minmax] * ci, ci, [l], [[0], [0]], None, None)
    return net
예제 #10
파일: core.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
    def sim(self, input):
        Simulate a neural network

            input: array like
                array input vectors
            outputs: array like
                array output vectors
        input = np.asfarray(input)
        assert input.ndim == 2
        assert input.shape[1] == self.ci

        output = np.zeros([len(input), self.co])

        for inp_num, inp in enumerate(input):
            output[inp_num, :] = self.step(inp)

        return output
예제 #11
파일: net.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
def newlvq(minmax, cn0, pc):
    Create a learning vector quantization (LVQ) network

        minmax: list of list, the outer list is the number of input neurons, 
			inner lists must contain 2 elements: min and max
            Range of input value
        cn0: int
            Number of neurons in input layer
        pc: list
            List of percent, sum(pc) == 1
        net: Net
        >>> # create network with 2 inputs,
        >>> # 2 layers and 10 neurons in each layer
        >>> net = newlvq([[-1, 1], [-1, 1]], 10, [0.6, 0.4])

    pc = np.asfarray(pc)
    assert sum(pc) == 1
    ci = len(minmax)
    cn1 = len(pc)
    assert cn0 > cn1

    layer_inp = layer.Competitive(ci, cn0)
    layer_out = layer.Perceptron(cn0, cn1, trans.PureLin())
    layer_out.initf = None
    inx = np.floor(cn0 * pc.cumsum())
    for n, i in enumerate(inx):
        st = 0 if n == 0 else inx[n - 1]
    net = Net(minmax, cn1, [layer_inp, layer_out],
                            [[-1], [0], [1]], train.train_lvq, error.MSE())

    return net
예제 #12
파일: core.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
    def __call__(self, net, input, target=None, **kwargs):
        Run train process
            net: Net instance
            input: array like (l x net.ci)
                train input patterns
            target: array like (l x net.co)
                train target patterns - only for train with teacher
            **kwargs: dict
                other Train parametrs

        self.params = self.defaults.copy()
        self.params["train"] = self.defaults["train"].copy()
        for key in kwargs:
            if key in self.params:
                self.params[key] = kwargs[key]
                self.params["train"][key] = kwargs[key]

        args = []
        input = np.asfarray(input)
        assert input.ndim == 2
        assert input.shape[1] == net.ci
        if target is not None:
            target = np.asfarray(target)
            assert target.ndim == 2
            assert target.shape[1] == net.co
            assert target.shape[0] == input.shape[0]

        def epochf(err, net, *args):
            """Need call on each epoch"""
            if err is None:
                err = train.error(net, *args)
            epoch = len(self.error)
            show = self.params["show"]
            if show and (epoch % show) == 0:
                print("Epoch: {0}; Error: {1};".format(epoch, err))
            if err < self.params["goal"]:
                raise TrainStop("The goal of learning is reached")
            if epoch >= self.params["epochs"]:
                raise TrainStop("The maximum number of train epochs is reached")

        train = self._train_class(net, *args, **self.params["train"])
        Train.__init__(train, epochf, self.params["epochs"])
        self.error = []
            train(net, *args)
        except TrainStop as msg:
            if self.params["show"]:
            if self.params["show"] and len(self.error) >= self.params["epochs"]:
                print("The maximum number of train epochs is reached")
        return self.error
예제 #13
파일: tool.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
    def renorm(self, x):
        x = np.asfarray(x)

        res = x * self.dist + self.min
        return res
예제 #14
파일: tool.py 프로젝트: ixtel/neurolabcl
    def __call__(self, x):
        x = np.asfarray(x)
        res = (x - self.min) / self.dist

        return res