예제 #1
def test_rodriguesToRotationMatrix():

    RES = np.array([[0.50017235, -0.80049871, 0.33019604],
                    [0.80739289, 0.56894174, 0.15627544],
                    [-0.3129606, 0.18843328, 0.9308859]])

    R = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(TEST_UVEC, TEST_ANGLE)

    # assess rotation matrix properties:

    # detR = +=1
    nt.assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.det(R), 1.)

    # R.T = R^-1
    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(np.linalg.inv(R), R.transpose()))

    # check against calculated matrix
    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(R, RES))

    # check if opposite sign generates inverse
    Rinv = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(TEST_UVEC, -TEST_ANGLE)

    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(np.dot(Rinv, R), np.identity(3)))

    # check basic rotations with a range of angles
    for angle in np.linspace(0., 2. * np.pi, 10):

        Rx = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(np.array([1., 0., 0.]), angle)
        Ry = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(np.array([0., 1., 0.]), angle)
        Rz = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(np.array([0., 0., 1.]), angle)

        nt.assert_true(np.allclose(Rx, _Rx(angle)))
        nt.assert_true(np.allclose(Ry, _Ry(angle)))
        nt.assert_true(np.allclose(Rz, _Rz(angle)))
예제 #2
def test_affineTransformPoint():

    point = TREE.value[:COLS.R]
    # rotate 180 and translate, translate back and rotate 180
    # change origin as well

    m = copy(point)

    R = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(TEST_UVEC, 2. * np.pi)

    gtr._affineTransformPoint(m, R, np.zeros(3))

    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(point, m))

    new_orig = np.array([10. , 45., 50.])

    t = np.array([0.1, - 0.1, 40.3])

    R = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(TEST_UVEC, np.pi)

    m = copy(point)

    # change origin, rotate 180 and translate
    gtr._affineTransformPoint(m, R, t, origin=new_orig)

    # translate back
    gtr._affineTransformPoint(m, np.identity(3), -t, origin=np.zeros(3))

    # rotate back
    gtr._affineTransformPoint(m, R, np.zeros(3), origin=new_orig)

    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(point, m))
예제 #3
def test_affineTransformNeuron():

    # rotate 180 and translate, translate back and rotate 180
    # change origin as well

    new_orig = np.array([10. , 45., 50.])

    t = np.array([0.1, - 0.1, 40.3])

    R = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(TEST_UVEC, np.pi)

    m = NEURON.copy()

    # change origin, rotate 180 and translate
    gtr._affineTransformNeuron(m, R, t, origin=new_orig)

    # translate back
    gtr._affineTransformNeuron(m, np.identity(3), -t, origin=np.zeros(3))

    # rotate back
    gtr._affineTransformNeuron(m, R, np.zeros(3), origin=new_orig)

    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(list(m.soma.iter()), list(NEURON.soma.iter())))

    for neu1, neu2 in izip(NEURON.neurites, m.neurites):
        _evaluate(neu1, neu2, lambda x, y: np.allclose(x, y))
예제 #4
def test_rotate_tree():

    m = gtr.rotate(TREE, TEST_UVEC, TEST_ANGLE)

    R = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(TEST_UVEC, TEST_ANGLE)

    # rotation matrix inverse equals its transpose
    Rinv = R.transpose()

    # check that if the inverse rotation on the rotated result returns
    # the initial coordinates
    _evaluate(TREE, m, lambda x, y: np.allclose(np.dot(Rinv, y), x) )

    # check with origin
    new_orig = np.array([-50., 45., 30.])

    m = gtr.rotate(TREE, TEST_UVEC, TEST_ANGLE, origin=new_orig)
    m = gtr.rotate(m, TEST_UVEC, -TEST_ANGLE, origin=new_orig)

    _evaluate(TREE, m, lambda x, y: np.allclose(x, y) )
예제 #5
def test_affineTransformTree():

    # rotate 180 and translate, translate back and rotate 180
    # change origin as well

    new_orig = np.array([10. , 45., 50.])

    t = np.array([0.1, - 0.1, 40.3])

    R = gtr._rodriguesToRotationMatrix(TEST_UVEC, np.pi)

    # change origin, rotate 180 and translate
    m = make_copy(TREE)
    gtr._affineTransformTree(m, R, t, origin=new_orig)

    # translate back
    gtr._affineTransformTree(m, np.identity(3), -t, origin=np.zeros(3))

    # rotate back
    gtr._affineTransformTree(m, R, np.zeros(3), origin=new_orig)

    _evaluate(TREE, m, lambda x, y: np.allclose(x, y))