예제 #1
def coactivation(dataset, seed, threshold=0.0, output_dir='.', prefix='', r=6):
    """ Compute and save coactivation map given input image as seed.

    This is essentially just a wrapper for a meta-analysis defined
    by the contrast between those studies that activate within the seed
    and those that don't.

      dataset: a Dataset instance containing study and activation data.
      seed: either a Nifti or Analyze image defining the boundaries of the
        seed, or a list of triples (x/y/z) defining the seed(s). Note that
        voxels do not need to be contiguous to define a seed--all supra-
        threshold voxels will be lumped together.
      threshold: optional float indicating the threshold above which voxels
        are considered to be part of the seed ROI (default = 0)
      r: optional integer indicating radius (in mm) of spheres to grow
        (only used if seed is a list of coordinates).
      output_dir: output directory to write to. Defaults to current.
        If none, defaults to using the first part of the seed filename.
      prefix: optional string to prepend to all coactivation images.

      A set of meta-analysis images identical to that generated by

    if isinstance(seed, string_types):
        ids = dataset.get_studies(mask=seed, activation_threshold=threshold)
        ids = dataset.get_studies(peaks=seed,

    ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(dataset, ids)
    ma.save_results(output_dir, prefix)
예제 #2
 def neurosynthContrast(self,papers1,papers2,fdr,outdir=None,outprefix=None,image_list=None):
   # Do a meta analysis to contrast the two
   ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(self.db,papers1,papers2,q=float(fdr))
   if outdir:
     print "Saving results to %s" % (outdir)
     ma.save_results(outdir, prefix=outprefix, prefix_sep='_', image_list=image_list)
   return ma.images
예제 #3
 def test_meta_analysis(self):
     """ Test full meta-analysis stream. """
     # run a meta-analysis
     ids = ['study1', 'study3']
     ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(self.dataset, ids)
     # save the results
     tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     ma.save_results(tempdir + os.path.sep, prefix='test')
     from glob import glob
     files = glob(tempdir + os.path.sep + "test_*.nii.gz")
     self.assertEquals(len(files), 9)
예제 #4
  def neurosynthMeta(self,papers,fdr,outdir=None,outprefix=None, image_list=None):
    # Get valid ids from user list
    valid_ids = self.get_valid_ids(papers)

    if (len(valid_ids) > 0):
      # Do meta analysis
      ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(self.db,valid_ids,q=float(fdr))
      if outdir:
        print "Saving results to output directory %s" % (outdir)
        ma.save_results(outdir, prefix=outprefix, prefix_sep='_', image_list=image_list)
      return ma.images
      print "No studies found in database for ids in question!"
예제 #5
def make_coactivation_map(x, y, z, r=6, min_studies=0.01):
    """ Generate a coactivation map on-the-fly for the given seed voxel. """
        dataset = make_coactivation_map.dataset
        ids = dataset.get_studies(peaks=[[x, y, z]], r=r)
        if len(ids) < 50:
            return False
        ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(dataset, ids, min_studies=min_studies)
        outdir = join(settings.IMAGE_DIR, 'coactivation')
        prefix = 'metaanalytic_coactivation_%s_%s_%s' % (str(x), str(y),
        ma.save_results(outdir, prefix, image_list=['specificity_z_FDR_0.01'])
        return True
    except Exception, e:
        print traceback.format_exc()
        return False
 def test_meta_analysis(self):
     """ Test full meta-analysis stream. """
     # run a meta-analysis
     ids = ['study1', 'study3']
     ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(self.dataset, ids)
     # save the results
     tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     ma.save_results(tempdir + os.path.sep, prefix='test')
     files = glob(tempdir + os.path.sep + "test_*.nii.gz")
     self.assertEquals(len(files), 9)
     # test the analyze_features() wrapper
     tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     meta.analyze_features(self.dataset, output_dir=tempdir, prefix="meep")
     files = glob(tempdir + os.path.sep + "meep*.nii.gz")
     self.assertEquals(len(files), 9 * 5)
예제 #7
def run_metaanalysis(ids, name):
    """ Run a user-defined meta-analysis.
        ids (list): list of PMIDs identifying studies to include in the
        name (string): name of the analysis; used in filename of output images
        ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(run_metaanalysis.dataset, ids)
        outdir = join(settings.IMAGE_DIR, 'custom')
            image_list=['specificity_z_FDR_0.01', 'consistency_z_FDR_0.01'])
        return True
    except Exception, e:
        print traceback.format_exc()
        return False
예제 #8
    def _create_cluster_images(self, labels, coactivation_maps):
        ''' Creates a Nifti image of reconstructed cluster labels. 
            labels: A vector of cluster labels
            Cluster_k.nii.gz: Will output a nifti image with cluster labels
        # Reconstruct grid into original space
        # TODO: replace with masker.unmask()
        if hasattr(self, 'grid'):
            regions = self.masker.mask(self.grid)
            unique_regions = np.unique(regions)
            n_regions = unique_regions.size
            m = np.zeros(regions.size)
            for i in range(n_regions):
                m[regions == unique_regions[i]] = labels[i] + 1

            labels = m

        clusters = np.unique(labels)
        n_clusters = len(clusters)

        prefix = '' if self.prefix is None else self.prefix + '_'
        output_dir = join(self.output_dir,
                          prefix + self.algorithm + '_k' + str(n_clusters))

        if not isdir(output_dir):

        outfile = join(output_dir, 'cluster_labels.nii.gz')
        imageutils.save_img(labels, outfile, self.masker)

        # Generate a coactivation map for each cluster
        if coactivation_maps:
            coact_dir = join(output_dir, 'coactivation')
            if not isdir(coact_dir):
            for c in clusters:
                img = np.zeros_like(labels)
                img[labels == c] = 1
                img = self.masker.unmask(img)
                ids = self.dataset.get_ids_by_mask(img, 0.25)
                ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(self.dataset, ids)
                ma.save_results(coact_dir, 'cluster_%d' % c)
예제 #9
def create_nii_files_test(dataset, target_folder, year=None, after=True):
    df_keyword = pd.read_csv('./keyword_list.csv')
    if year is not None:
        raw_data_db = pd.read_csv("./raw_data/database.txt",
        if after:
            masked_id = set(
                raw_data_db.loc[raw_data_db['year'] > year]['id'].tolist())
            masked_id = set(
                raw_data_db.loc[raw_data_db['year'] <= year]['id'].tolist())

    for word in df_keyword['keyword'].tolist():
        ids = dataset.get_studies(features=word, frequency_threshold=0.05)
        if year is not None:
            ids = list(set(ids) & masked_id)

        ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(dataset, ids)
        ma.save_results('./' + target_folder, word)
예제 #10
    def test_feature_search(self):
        """ Test feature-based Mappable search. Tests both the FeatureTable method
        and the Dataset wrapper. """
        tt = self.dataset.feature_table
        features = tt.search_features(['f*'])
        self.assertEqual(len(features), 4)
        d = self.dataset
        ids = d.get_ids_by_features(['f*'], threshold=0.001)
        self.assertEqual(len(ids), 4)
        img_data = d.get_ids_by_features(['f1', 'f3', 'g1'],
        self.assertEqual(img_data.shape, (228453, 5))

        # And some smoke-tests:
        # run a meta-analysis
        ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(d, ids)
        # save the results
        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        ma.save_results(tempdir + os.path.sep)
예제 #11
def coactivation(dataset, seed, threshold=0.0, outroot=None):
    """ Compute and save coactivation map given input image as seed.

    This is essentially just a wrapper for a meta-analysis defined
    by the contrast between those studies that activate within the seed
    and those that don't.

        dataset: a Dataset instance containing study and activation data.
        seed: a Nifti or Analyze image defining the boundaries of the seed
            region. Note that voxels do not need to be contiguous
        threshold: optional float indicating the threshold above which voxels
            are considered to be part of the seed ROI (default = 0)
        outroot: optional string to prepend to all coactivation images.
            If none, defaults to using the first part of the seed filename.

    studies = dataset.get_ids_by_mask(seed, threshold=threshold)
    ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(dataset, studies)
    if outroot is None:
        outroot = seed.split('.')[0] + "_coact"
예제 #12
from neurosynth.base.dataset import Dataset
from neurosynth.analysis import meta
import os
dataset = Dataset('database.txt')
print dataset.get_feature_names()
ids = dataset.get_ids_by_features('emo*', threshold=0.001)
print len(ids)
ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(dataset, ids)
예제 #13
def create_nii_files(dataset, target_folder):
    df_keyword = pd.read_csv('./keyword_list.csv')
    for word in df_keyword['keyword'].tolist():
        ids = dataset.get_studies(features=word, frequency_threshold=0.05)
        ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(dataset, ids)
        ma.save_results('./' + target_folder, word)
예제 #14
def magic(dataset,
    ''' Execute a full clustering analysis pipeline.
        dataset: a Dataset instance to extract all data from.
        method (str): the overall clustering approach to use. Valid options:
            'coactivation' (default): Clusters voxel within the ROI mask based
                on shared pattern of coactivation with the rest of the brain.
            'studies': Treat each study as a feature in an n-dimensional space.
                I.e., voxels will be assigned to the same cluster if they tend
                to be co-reported in similar studies.
        roi_mask: A string, nibabel image, or numpy array providing an
            inclusion mask of voxels to cluster. If None, the default mask
            in the Dataset instance is used (typically, all in-brain voxels).
        coactivation_mask: If method='coactivation', this mask defines the
            voxels to use when generating the pairwise distance matrix. For
            example, if a PFC mask is passed, all voxels in the roi_mask will
            be clustered based on how similar their patterns of coactivation
            with PFC voxels are. Can be a str, nibabel image, or numpy array.
        features (str or list): Optional string or list of strings specifying
            any feature names to use for study selection. E.g., passing
            ['emotion', 'reward'] would retain for analysis only those studies
            associated with the features emotion or reward at a frequency
            greater than feature_threshold.
        feature_threshold (float): The threshold to use when selecting studies
            on the basis of features.
        min_voxels_per_study (int): Minimum number of active voxels a study
            must report in order to be retained in the dataset. By default,
            all studies are used.
        min_studies_per_voxel (int): Minimum number of studies a voxel must be
            active in in order to be retained in analysis. By default, all
            voxels are used.
        reduce_reference (str, scikit-learn object or None): The dimensionality
            reduction algorithm to apply to the feature space prior to the
            computation of pairwise distances. If a string is passed (either
            'pca' or 'ica'), n_components must be specified. If None, no
            dimensionality reduction will be applied. Otherwise, must be a
            scikit-learn-style object that exposes a transform() method.
        n_components (int): Number of components to extract during the
            dimensionality reduction step. Only used if reduce_reference is
            a string.
        distance_metric (str): The distance metric to use when computing
            pairwise distances on the to-be-clustered voxels. Can be any of the
            metrics supported by sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances.
        clustering_algorithm (str or scikit-learn object): the clustering
            algorithm to use. If a string, must be one of 'kmeans' or 'minik'.
            Otherwise, any sklearn class that exposes a fit_predict() method.
        n_clusters (int): If clustering_algorithm is a string, the number of
            clusters to extract.
        clustering_kwargs (dict): Additional keywords to pass to the clustering
        output_dir (str): The directory to write results to. If None (default),
            returns the cluster label image rather than saving to disk.
        filename (str): Name of cluster label image file. Defaults to
            cluster_labels_k{k}.nii.gz, where k is the number of clusters.
        coactivation_images (bool): If True, saves a meta-analytic coactivation
            map for every ROI in the resulting cluster map.
        coactivation_threshold (float or int): If coactivation_images is True,
            this is the threshold used to define whether or not a study is
            considered to activation within a cluster ROI. Integer values are
            interpreted as minimum number of voxels within the ROI; floats
            are interpreted as the proportion of voxels. Defaults to 0.1 (i.e.,
            10% of all voxels within ROI must be active).

    roi = Clusterable(dataset,

    if method == 'coactivation':
        reference = Clusterable(dataset,
    elif method == 'features':
        reference = deepcopy(roi)
        feature_data = dataset.feature_table.data
        n_studies = len(feature_data)
        reference.data = reference.data.dot(feature_data.values) / n_studies
    elif method == 'studies':
        reference = roi

    if reduce_reference is not None:
        if isinstance(reduce_reference, string_types):
            reduce_reference = {
                'pca': sk_decomp.RandomizedPCA,
                'ica': sk_decomp.FastICA

        transpose = (method == 'coactivation')
        reference = reference.transform(reduce_reference, transpose=transpose)

    if method == 'coactivation':
        distances = pairwise_distances(roi.data,
        distances = reference.data

    # TODO: add additional clustering methods
    if isinstance(clustering_algorithm, string_types):
        clustering_algorithm = {
            'kmeans': sk_cluster.KMeans,
            'minik': sk_cluster.MiniBatchKMeans
        }[clustering_algorithm](n_clusters, **clustering_kwargs)

    labels = clustering_algorithm.fit_predict(distances) + 1.

    header = roi.masker.get_header()
    header['cal_max'] = labels.max()
    header['cal_min'] = labels.min()
    voxel_labels = roi.masker.unmask(labels)
    img = nifti1.Nifti1Image(voxel_labels, None, header)

    if output_dir is not None:
        if not exists(output_dir):
        if filename is None:
            filename = 'cluster_labels_k%d.nii.gz' % n_clusters
        outfile = join(output_dir, filename)

        # Write coactivation images
        if coactivation_images:
            for l in np.unique(voxel_labels):
                roi_mask = np.copy(voxel_labels)
                roi_mask[roi_mask != l] = 0
                ids = dataset.get_studies(
                    mask=roi_mask, activation_threshold=coactivation_threshold)
                ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(dataset, ids)
                ma.save_results(output_dir=join(output_dir, 'coactivation'),
                                prefix='cluster_%d_coactivation' % l)
        return img
# <codecell>


# <markdowncell>

# The resulting set includes 639 studies.
# Once we've got a set of studies we're happy with, we can run a simple meta-analysis, prefixing all output files with the string 'emotion' to distinguish them from other analyses we might run:

# <codecell>

# Run a meta-analysis on emotion
ids = dataset.get_ids_by_features('emo*', threshold=0.001)
ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(dataset, ids)

# <markdowncell>

# You should now have a set of Nifti-format brain images on your drive that display various meta-analytic results. The image names are somewhat cryptic; see documentation elsewhere for details. It's important to note that the meta-analysis routines currently implemented in Neurosynth aren't very sophisticated; they're designed primarily for efficiency (most analyses should take just a few seconds), and take multiple shortcuts as compared to other packages like ALE or MKDA. But with that caveat in mind (and one that will hopefully be remedied in the near future), Neurosynth gives you a streamlined and quick way of running large-scale meta-analyses of fMRI data. Of course, all of the images you could generate using individual features are already available on the Neurosynth website, so there's probably not much point in doing this kind of thing yourself unless you've defined entirely new features.
# ### More complex feature-based meta-analyses
# Fortunately, we're not constrained to using single features in our meta-analyses. Neurosynth implements a parsing expression grammar, which is a fancy way of saying you can combine terms according to syntactic rules--in this case, basic logical operations.
# For example, suppose we want to restrict our analysis to studies of emotion that do NOT use the terms 'reward' or 'pain', which we might construe as somewhat non-prototypical affective states. Then we could do the following:

# <codecell>

ids = dataset.get_ids_by_expression('emo* &~ (reward* | pain*)', threshold=0.001)
예제 #16
def neurosynthMatch(db, papers, author, outdir=None, outprefix=None):
    """Match neurosynth id with papers id"""

    # Get all IDs in neuroSynth
    neurosynth_ids = getIDs(db)

    # LIST OF IDS ---------------------------------------------------------
    # Input is DOI with list of papers
    if bool(re.search("[/]", papers[0])):
        # NeuroSynth is also DOI
        if bool(re.search("[/]", neurosynth_ids[0])):
            print "Search for " + str(
                len(papers)) + " ids in NeuroSynth database..."
            # Find intersection
            valid_ids = [x for x in papers if x in neurosynth_ids]
        # Neurosynth is PMID
            print "ERROR: Please provide doi to use the 525 database!"
    # Input is pmid with list of papers
        # NeuroSynth is also pmid
        if not bool(re.search("[/]", neurosynth_ids[0])):
            print "Search for " + str(
                len(papers)) + " ids in NeuroSynth database..."
            # Find intersection
            valid_ids = [x for x in papers if x in neurosynth_ids]
        # Neurosynth is doi
            print "ERROR: Please provide pmid to use the 3000 database!"

    if (len(valid_ids) > 0):
        # Do meta analysis
        ma = meta.MetaAnalysis(db, valid_ids)
        # 1) the z score map corresponding to the probability that a study in the database is tagged with a particular feature given that activation is present at a particular voxel, FDR corrected .05
        dataFDR = ma.images[ma.images.keys()[1]]
        # 2) the probability of feature given activation with uniform prior imposed
        dataPRIOR = ma.images[ma.images.keys()[6]]
        # 3) the probability of feature given activation
        data = ma.images[ma.images.keys()[7]]
        # 4) the probability of feature given activation, Z score
        dataZ = ma.images[ma.images.keys()[8]]
        # 5) z score map corresponding to the probability of activation given that a study is tagged with the feature (author)
        datapAgF = ma.images[ma.images.keys()[4]]
        # If user specifies an output directory
        if outdir:
            print "Saving results to output directory " + outdir + "..."
            if not outprefix:
                outprefix = author.replace(" ", "")
                datapAgF, '%s/%s_pAgF_z_FDR_0.05.nii.gz' % (outdir, outprefix),
                dataFDR, '%s/%s_pFgA_z_FDR_0.05.nii.gz' % (outdir, outprefix),
                '%s/%s_pFgA_given_pF=0.50.nii.gz' % (outdir, outprefix),
                                '%s/%s_pFgA.nii.gz' % (outdir, outprefix),
                                '%s/%s_pFgA_z.nii.gz' % (outdir, outprefix),
        return ma.images
        print "No overlapping studies found in database for author " + author + "."