예제 #1
 def setUp(self):
     Set up a store with a valid offering to test against.
     self.store = self.siteStore
     self.site = ISiteURLGenerator(self.store)
     self.resource = IResource(self.store)
예제 #2
 def setUp(self):
     Set up a store with a valid offering to test against.
     self.store = self.siteStore
     self.site = ISiteURLGenerator(self.store)
     self.resource = IResource(self.store)
예제 #3
 def setUp(self):
     Set up a store with a valid offering to test against.
     userStore = self.addUser()
     ws = userStore.findUnique(WebSite)
     self.store = ws.store
     self.resource = IResource(self.store)
예제 #4
 def test_redirectToSettingsWhenLoggedIn(self):
     When a user is already logged in, navigating to /resetPassword should
     redirect to the settings page, since the user can change their password
     from there.
     self.assertNotIdentical(self.userStore.parent, None) # sanity check
     prefPage = ixmantissa.IPreferenceAggregator(self.userStore)
     urlPath = ixmantissa.IWebTranslator(self.userStore).linkTo(prefPage.storeID)
     request = FakeRequest(headers={"host": "example.com"})
     app = IResource(self.userStore)
     rsc = IResource(app.locateChild(request, ("resetPassword",))[0])
     d = renderPage(rsc, reqFactory=lambda : request)
     def rendered(result):
             'http://example.com' + urlPath,
     return d
예제 #5
 def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
     for T in self.original.store.query(
             AND(Ticket.booth == self.original,
                 Ticket.nonce == unicode(name, 'ascii'))):
         something = T.claim()
         res = IResource(something)
         lgo = getattr(res, 'logout', lambda: None)
         ISession(ctx).setDefaultResource(res, lgo)
         return URL.fromContext(ctx).click("/private")
     return None
예제 #6
        def _cbWrapChild(result):
            if result in [NotFound, errorMarker]:
                return result

            if isinstance(result, tuple):
                res, segments = result
                if isinstance(res, Deferred):
                    return res.addCallback(lambda res: _cbWrapChild((res, segments)))
                return type(self)(IResource(res)), segments

            raise ValueError('Broken resource; locateChild returned %r' % (result,))
예제 #7
class _SecureWrapper(record('urlGenerator wrappedResource')):
    Helper class for L{SecuringWrapper} which preserves wrapping to the
    ultimate resource and which implements HTTPS redirect logic if necessary.

    @ivar urlGenerator: The L{ISiteURLGenerator} which will provide an HTTPS
    @ivar wrappedResource: The resource which will be used to locate children
        or which will be rendered.

    def __init__(self, *a, **k):
        super(_SecureWrapper, self).__init__(*a, **k)
        self.wrappedResource = IResource(self.wrappedResource)

    def locateChild(self, context, segments):
        Delegate child lookup to the wrapped resource but wrap whatever results
        in another instance of this wrapper.
        childDeferred = maybeDeferred(
            self.wrappedResource.locateChild, context, segments)
        def childLocated((resource, segments)):
            if (resource, segments) == NotFound:
                return NotFound
            return _SecureWrapper(self.urlGenerator, resource), segments
        return childDeferred

    def renderHTTP(self, context):
        Check to see if the wrapped resource wants to be rendered over HTTPS
        and generate a redirect if this is so, if HTTPS is available, and if
        the request is not already over HTTPS.
        if getattr(self.wrappedResource, 'needsSecure', False):
            request = IRequest(context)
            url = self.urlGenerator.encryptedRoot()
            if url is not None:
                for seg in request.prepath:
                    url = url.child(seg)
                return url
        return self.wrappedResource.renderHTTP(context)
예제 #8
 def wrapModel(self, model):
     Converts application-provided model objects to L{IResource} providers.
     res = IResource(model, None)
     if res is None:
         frag = INavigableFragment(model)
         fragmentName = getattr(frag, 'fragmentName', None)
         if fragmentName is not None:
             fragDocFactory = self._getDocFactory(fragmentName)
             if fragDocFactory is not None:
                 frag.docFactory = fragDocFactory
         if frag.docFactory is None:
             raise CouldNotLoadFromThemes(frag, self._preferredThemes())
         useAthena = isinstance(frag,
                                (athena.LiveFragment, athena.LiveElement))
         return self._wrapNavFrag(frag, useAthena)
         return res
예제 #9
class AnonymousSiteTests(SiteTestsMixin, TestCase):
    Tests for L{AnonymousSite}.

    def setUp(self):
        Set up a store with a valid offering to test against.
        self.store = self.siteStore
        self.site = ISiteURLGenerator(self.store)
        self.resource = IResource(self.store)

    def test_powersUpWebViewer(self):
        L{AnonymousSite} provides an indirected L{IWebViewer}
        powerup, and its indirected powerup should be the default provider of
        that interface.
        webViewer = IWebViewer(self.store)
        self.assertIsInstance(webViewer, _AnonymousWebViewer)
        self.assertIdentical(webViewer._siteStore, self.store)

    def test_login(self):
        L{AnonymousSite} has a I{login} child which returns a L{LoginPage}
        host = "example.org"
        port = 1234
        netloc = "%s:%d" % (host, port)

        request = FakeRequest(headers={"host": netloc}, uri="/login/foo", currentSegments=[], isSecure=False)

        self.site.hostname = host.decode("ascii")
        SSLPort(store=self.store, portNumber=port, factory=self.site)

        resource, segments = self.resource.locateChild(request, ("login",))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resource, LoginPage))
        self.assertIdentical(resource.store, self.store)
        self.assertEqual(resource.segments, ())
        self.assertEqual(resource.arguments, {})
        self.assertEqual(segments, ())

    def test_resetPassword(self):
        L{AnonymousSite} has a I{resetPassword} child which returns a
        L{PasswordResetResource} instance.
        resource, segments = self.resource.locateChild(FakeRequest(headers={"host": "example.com"}), ("resetPassword",))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resource, PasswordResetResource))
        self.assertIdentical(resource.store, self.store)
        self.assertEqual(segments, ())

    def test_users(self):
        L{AnonymousSite} has a I{users} child which returns a L{UserIndexPage}
        resource, segments = self.resource.locateChild(FakeRequest(headers={"host": "example.com"}), ("users",))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resource, UserIndexPage))
        self.assertIdentical(resource.loginSystem, self.store.findUnique(LoginSystem))
        self.assertEqual(segments, ())

    def test_notFound(self):
        L{AnonymousSite.locateChild} returns L{NotFound} for requests it cannot
        find another response for.
        result = self.resource.locateChild(FakeRequest(headers={"host": "example.com"}), ("foo", "bar"))
        self.assertIdentical(result, NotFound)
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, *a, **k):
     super(_SecureWrapper, self).__init__(*a, **k)
     self.wrappedResource = IResource(self.wrappedResource)
예제 #11
class AnonymousSiteTests(SiteTestsMixin, TestCase):
    Tests for L{AnonymousSite}.
    def setUp(self):
        Set up a store with a valid offering to test against.
        self.store = self.siteStore
        self.site = ISiteURLGenerator(self.store)
        self.resource = IResource(self.store)

    def test_powersUpWebViewer(self):
        L{AnonymousSite} provides an indirected L{IWebViewer}
        powerup, and its indirected powerup should be the default provider of
        that interface.
        webViewer = IWebViewer(self.store)
        self.assertIsInstance(webViewer, _AnonymousWebViewer)
        self.assertIdentical(webViewer._siteStore, self.store)

    def test_login(self):
        L{AnonymousSite} has a I{login} child which returns a L{LoginPage}
        host = 'example.org'
        port = 1234
        netloc = '%s:%d' % (host, port)

        request = FakeRequest(headers={'host': netloc},

        self.site.hostname = host.decode('ascii')
        SSLPort(store=self.store, portNumber=port, factory=self.site)

        resource, segments = self.resource.locateChild(request, ("login", ))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resource, LoginPage))
        self.assertIdentical(resource.store, self.store)
        self.assertEqual(resource.segments, ())
        self.assertEqual(resource.arguments, {})
        self.assertEqual(segments, ())

    def test_resetPassword(self):
        L{AnonymousSite} has a I{resetPassword} child which returns a
        L{PasswordResetResource} instance.
        resource, segments = self.resource.locateChild(
            FakeRequest(headers={"host": "example.com"}), ("resetPassword", ))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resource, PasswordResetResource))
        self.assertIdentical(resource.store, self.store)
        self.assertEqual(segments, ())

    def test_users(self):
        L{AnonymousSite} has a I{users} child which returns a L{UserIndexPage}
        resource, segments = self.resource.locateChild(
            FakeRequest(headers={"host": "example.com"}), ("users", ))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resource, UserIndexPage))
        self.assertEqual(segments, ())

    def test_notFound(self):
        L{AnonymousSite.locateChild} returns L{NotFound} for requests it cannot
        find another response for.
        result = self.resource.locateChild(
            FakeRequest(headers={"host": "example.com"}), ("foo", "bar"))
        self.assertIdentical(result, NotFound)