예제 #1
def test_adaptive_sampling(transaction_node, monkeypatch):
    app = Application("Python Agent Test (Harvest Loop)")

    # Should always return false for sampling prior to connect
    assert app.compute_sampled() is False


    # First harvest, first N should be sampled
    for _ in range(settings.sampling_target):
        assert app.compute_sampled() is True

    assert app.compute_sampled() is False

    # fix random.randrange to return 0
    monkeypatch.setattr(random, "randrange", lambda *args, **kwargs: 0)

    # Multiple resets should behave the same
    for _ in range(2):
        # Set the last_reset to longer than the period so a reset will occur.
        app.adaptive_sampler.last_reset = time.time(
        ) - app.adaptive_sampler.period

        # Subsequent harvests should allow sampling of 2X the target
        for _ in range(2 * settings.sampling_target):
            assert app.compute_sampled() is True

        # No further samples should be saved
        assert app.compute_sampled() is False
예제 #2
def test_serverless_mode_adaptive_sampling(time_to_next_reset, computed_count,
                                           computed_count_last, monkeypatch):
    # fix random.randrange to return 0
    monkeypatch.setattr(random, "randrange", lambda *args, **kwargs: 0)

    app = Application("Python Agent Test (Harvest Loop)")

    app.adaptive_sampler.computed_count = 123
    app.adaptive_sampler.last_reset = time.time() - 60 + time_to_next_reset

    assert app.compute_sampled() is True
    assert app.adaptive_sampler.computed_count == computed_count
    assert app.adaptive_sampler.computed_count_last == computed_count_last
예제 #3
def test_compute_sampled_no_reset():
    app = Application("Python Agent Test (Harvest Loop)")
    assert app.compute_sampled() is True