예제 #1
def test_newton(capsys):
    equa = [-1, 0, 6, -5, 1]
    prec = 12
    newton.newton(equa, prec)
    captured_stdout, captured_stderr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured_stderr == ""
    assert captured_stdout == "('x =', 0.5)\n('x =', '0.522727272727')\n"\
    "('x =', '0.522740003514')\n('x =', '0.522740003526')\n"
예제 #2
def ga(limit, alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2, alpha3, beta3, crop, epoch, a_p, b_p, c_p, fit = F, selection=selection, n=6):
    global a_par, b_par, c_par
    a_par, b_par, c_par = a_p, b_p, c_p

    mutation_f = mutate_function(alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2, alpha3, beta3)
    initial_individuals1 = []

    # формируем популяцию
    for i in range (0, crop - 1):

        individual = [np.random.uniform(low=alpha1, high=beta1) for i in range(2)]
        individual = individual + [np.random.uniform(low=alpha2, high=beta2) for i in range(2)]
        individual = individual + [np.random.uniform(low=alpha3, high=beta3) for i in range(2)]

        sys_solution = newton.newton(individual, a_par, b_par, c_par)
        while not sys_solution.constraints_satisfy(limit):
            # новый набор Q и проверка на ограничения
            individual = [np.random.uniform(low=alpha1, high=beta1) for i in range(n)]
            sys_solution = newton.newton(individual, a_par, b_par, c_par)

        initial_individuals1.append(Individual(individual, sys_solution))

    center = center_of_mass(initial_individuals1)
    population = [(x, fit(center, Individual.getSol(x))) for x in initial_individuals1]

    pcross = 0.3 #вероятность кроссинговера
    pmut = 0.5 #вероятность мутации
    iter = 0

    while iter < epoch:
        iter += 1
        print('%s epoch' % iter)
        # selection
        if len(population) >= crop:
            population = selection(population, crop)

        center = center_of_mass_pop(population)
        # print(center)
        pop_len = len(population)

        # cross
        childs = crossover(population, pop_len, pcross, fit, center, limit)
        # mutation
        # выбираются родителькие хромосомы для мутации
        mutation_list = mutation(population, pmut, fit, center, limit, mutation_f)

        population += mutation_list
        while len(population) < crop:
            childs = crossover(population, pop_len, pcross, fit, center, limit)
            mutation_list = mutation(population, pmut, fit, center, limit, mutation_f)
            population += mutation_list

    return population[:(crop)]
예제 #3
def cross(ind1, ind2, limit):
    ind1 = np.asarray(Individual.getQ(ind1))
    ind2 = np.asarray(Individual.getQ(ind2))
    c = np.random.rand()
    ch1 = c * ind1 + (1 - c) * ind2
    ch2 = c * ind2 + (1 - c) * ind1
    sol1, sol2 = newton.newton(ch1, a_par, b_par, c_par), newton.newton(ch2, a_par, b_par, c_par)
    while not sol1.constraints_satisfy(limit) & sol2.constraints_satisfy(limit):
        c = np.random.rand()
        ch1 = c * ind1 + (1 - c) * ind2
        ch2 = c * ind2 + (1 - c) * ind1
        sol1, sol2 = newton.newton(ch1, a_par, b_par, c_par), newton.newton(ch2, a_par, b_par, c_par)
    return ch1, ch2, sol1, sol2
def cons_to_prim( U, gamma ):
    """ perform a recovery of the primitive variables """
    W = zeros(U.shape)
    D = U[0,:]
    S = U[1,:]
    tau = U[2,:]
    ps = zeros(U.shape[1])
    p0 = 5
    for i in range(U.shape[1]):
        proot = newton( fp, dfp , p0 , D[i] , S[i],tau[i], gamma)
        ps[i] = proot

    vs = S / ( tau + ps + D )
    lors = lorentz_factor( vs )
    rs = D / lors

    if (ps<0).any():
        print("Negative pressure")
        ps = where(ps<0,fabs(S-tau-D),ps)
    if ( vs >= 1).any():
        print( "v greater than c")
        vs = where( vs>1 , 1e-6 , vs )

    W[2,:] = ps[:]
    W[1,:] = vs[:]
    W[0,:] = rs[:]

    return W
예제 #5
def mutation(childs, pmut, fit, center, limit, mutation_f):
    mutation_list = list(filter(lambda individual: np.random.rand() < pmut, childs[:int(len(childs) * pmut)]))
    for i, individual in enumerate(mutation_list):
        mutated = mutation_f(Individual.getQ(individual[0]), limit)
        sol = newton.newton(mutated, a_par, b_par, c_par)
        mutation_list[i] = (Individual(mutated, sol), fit(center, sol))
    return mutation_list
예제 #6
def polozaj_planeta(index,
                    matrica=False):  # kao sadasnjost se racuna godina 2000.
    if index == 0:
        return np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    if matrica and not r_speed:
        if not podaci.polozaji_ucitani:
            podaci.polozaji_ucitani = True
            podaci.beg_date = np.load('datum.npy')[0]
            podaci.years_saved = np.load('years.npy')
            podaci.step_matrica = np.load('step.npy')[0]
            podaci.polozaji_matrica = np.load('polozaji_planeta.npy')
        offset = dt.timedelta(seconds=t)
        offset = podaci.beg_of_time + offset - podaci.beg_date
        index_vreme = int(offset / podaci.step_matrica)
        (x1, y1) = podaci.polozaji_matrica[index_vreme][index]
        (x2, y2) = podaci.polozaji_matrica[index_vreme + 1][index]
        # ugao1 = math.atan2(y1, x1)
        # ugao2 = math.atan2(y2, x2)
        # ugao = ugao1 + (offset-index_vreme*podaci.step_matrica)/podaci.step_matrica * (ugao2-ugao1)
        # r = (modulo(np.array(x1, y1)) + modulo(np.array(x2, y2))) / 2
        # return np.array((r*math.cos(ugao), r*math.sin(ugao)))
        return np.array((x1 + (offset - index_vreme * podaci.step_matrica) /
                         podaci.step_matrica * (x2 - x1),
                         y1 + (offset - index_vreme * podaci.step_matrica) /
                         podaci.step_matrica * (y2 - y1)))
        a0, a1, e0, e1, l0, l1, omegabar0, omegabar1 = podaci.info[index]
        # omegabar1 = 0.44441088
        t = t / (24 * 3600)
        t_ = t / 36525
        a0 = a0 + a1 * t_
        e0 = e0 + e1 * t_
        l0 = l0 + l1 * t_
        omegabar0 = omegabar0 + omegabar1 * t_
        m = np.deg2rad(((l0 - omegabar0) % 360) - 180)
        e_ = newton(e0, m, m, tol=1e-10, maxiter=10)
        if not r_speed:
            e_ = e_ * 1
        x = a0 * (math.cos(e_) - e0) * au
        y = a0 * math.sqrt(1 - e0**2) * math.sin(e_) * au

        if r_speed:
            m_prime = np.deg2rad(l1 - omegabar1)  # /cty
            e_prime = (m_prime + e1 * math.sin(e_)) / (1 - e0 * math.cos(e_)
                                                       )  # /cty
            x_prime = a1 * (math.cos(e_) - e0
                            ) - a0 * math.sin(e_) * e_prime - a0 * e1  # au/cty
            x_prime = x_prime * au / (36525 * 24 * 3600)  # iz au/cty u m/s
            y_prime = (a1 * math.sqrt(1 - e0**2) * math.sin(e_) -
                       a0 * e0 * e1 * math.sin(e_) / math.sqrt(1 - e0**2) +
                       a0 * math.sqrt(1 - e0**2) * math.cos(e_) * e_prime)
            y_prime *= au / (36525 * 24 * 3600)
            return np.array([x, x_prime, y, y_prime], dtype=np.float64)
        return np.array([x, y, e_], dtype=np.float64)
예제 #7
def test_parabola_with_constant_term(s, r):
    tests if the Newton algorithm correctly finds that the function 
    f(x) = x^2-r has two zeros x=sqrt(r) and x=-sqrt(r), with r>0. 
    The strategy is to test the algorithm starting from different initial points: 
    if the initial guess is positive, the positive zero (x=2) is found; 
    if the initial guess is negative, the negative zero (x=-2) is found. 
    def f(x):
        return x**2 - r

    def Df(x):
        return 2 * x

    x0 = s
    if x0 > 0:
        assert round(newton(f, Df, x0).x, 5) == round(np.sqrt(r), 5)
    elif x0 < 0:
        assert round(newton(f, Df, x0).x, 5) == round(-np.sqrt(r), 5)
예제 #8
def resultados_newton():
    f = open("resultados", "a")
    f.write("\n******** Newton ********\n\n")

    resultados = []

    # Resultados do metodo de newton
    resultados = newton.newton(f1, math.pi / 2, precisao_absoluta)
    converg = oc.ordem_convergencia(resultados, f1_rcorreto)
    print_resultados(1, resultados, converg)

    resultados = newton.newton(f2, 7.5, precisao_absoluta)
    converg = oc.ordem_convergencia(resultados, f2_rcorreto)
    print_resultados(2, resultados, converg)

    resultados = newton.newton(f3, 1.0, precisao_absoluta)
    converg = oc.ordem_convergencia(resultados, f3_rcorreto)
    print_resultados(3, resultados, converg)
예제 #9
    def test_polynomial(self):
        #return False
        def f(x):
            return 3*x**3-7*x**2+x-1

        x=newton.newton(f, lambda x: 9*x**2-14*x+1, 2, 1e-8)
        assert(norm(f(x)) < 1e-8)
예제 #10
파일: hw2.py 프로젝트: pyongjoo/stat608
def problem_1b_newton_ill():
    n_observations, n_variables = problem1_variables()

    X = generate_ill_conditioned(n_observations, n_variables)
    beta = generate_sample_beta(X.shape[1])
    func, grad, hessian = generate_classical(X, beta)

    x0 = np.zeros([beta.shape[0], 1])

    estimated_beta, history = newton(func, grad, hessian, x0, beta, method = 'diminishing')
    np.savetxt('problem_1b_newton_ill', history)
예제 #11
    def test_polynomial(self):
        #return False

        def f(x):
            return 3 * x**3 - 7 * x**2 + x - 1

        x = newton.newton(f, lambda x: 9 * x**2 - 14 * x + 1, 2, 1e-8)
        assert (norm(f(x)) < 1e-8)
예제 #12
def task1():
    rho = 1
    a = -1.8
    b = 0.6

    # for i in np.linspace(-1.7, 0.6, 24):
    # print(rho, i, newton(rho, i, fa, dfa, first_stop_criteria)[1])
    # print(secant(rho, a, i, fa, first_stop_criteria)[1])
    for i in range(16):
        print(i, newton(rho, -1, fa, dfa, first_stop_criteria)[1])
        rho /= 10
예제 #13
    def f(individual, limit):
        pow_factor = 12
        new_ind = np.copy(individual)

        for i in range(len(individual)):
            if (i == 1 | i == 2):
                alpha = alpha1
                beta = beta1
            elif (i == 3 | i == 4):
                alpha = alpha2
                beta = beta2
                alpha = alpha3
                beta = beta3

            factor = np.random.rand()
            if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0:
                new_ind[i] -= (new_ind[i] - alpha) * factor ** pow_factor
                new_ind[i] += (beta - new_ind[i]) * factor ** pow_factor

        sol = newton.newton(new_ind, a_par, b_par, c_par)
        while not sol.constraints_satisfy(limit):
            for i in range(len(individual)):
                if (i == 1 | i == 2):
                    alpha = alpha1
                    beta = beta1
                elif (i == 3 | i == 4):
                    alpha = alpha2
                    beta = beta2
                    alpha = alpha3
                    beta = beta3
                factor = np.random.rand()
                if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0:
                    new_ind[i] -= (new_ind[i] - alpha) * factor ** pow_factor
                    new_ind[i] += (beta - new_ind[i]) * factor ** pow_factor
            sol = newton.newton(new_ind, a_par, b_par, c_par)

        return new_ind
예제 #14
def main(argv):
    if (len(sys.argv) != 8):

    flag = int(sys.argv[1])
    a0 = int(sys.argv[2])
    a1 = int(sys.argv[3])
    a2 = int(sys.argv[4])
    a3 = int(sys.argv[5])
    a4 = int(sys.argv[6])
    prec = int(sys.argv[7])
    equa = [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4]
    if (flag == 1):
        bisection.bisection(equa, prec)
    elif (flag == 2):
        newton.newton(equa, prec)
    elif (flag == 3):
        secant.secant(equa, prec)
예제 #15
def main():
    a, Delta, N = rps.readParameters()
    x0 = 0.5
    y0 = -3
    v = newton.newton(x0, y0)
    x, y = createCurve.createCurve(v)
    plt.plot(x, y, "b-o")
    plt.xlim(min(x) - 0.05, max(x) + 0.05)
    plt.ylim(min(y) - 0.05, max(y) + 0.05)
    return 0
예제 #16
파일: hw2.py 프로젝트: pyongjoo/stat608
def problem_1c_newton():
    n_observations, n_variables = problem1_variables()

    X = generate_ill_conditioned(n_observations, n_variables)
    beta = generate_sample_beta(X.shape[1])

    for penalty in [0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0]:
        func, grad, hessian = generate_ridge(X, beta, penalty)

        x0 = np.zeros([beta.shape[0], 1])

        estimated_beta, history = newton(func, grad, hessian, x0, beta, method = 'diminishing')
        np.savetxt('problem_1c_newton' + '_%.1f' % penalty, history)
예제 #17
파일: muller.py 프로젝트: htcr/solvers
def solve_poly(p):
    roots = list()
    cur_p = p
    diff_p = diff_poly(p)
    for i in range(p.degree):
        if len(roots) > 0:
            cur_p = deflate(cur_p, roots[-1])

        x0, x1, x2 = muller_init_poly(cur_p)
        r = muller(cur_p, 2, x0, x1, x2)
        r = newton(r, p, diff_p, 10)
    return roots
예제 #18
def test_parabola_without_constant_term(s):
    tests if the Newton algorithm correctly finds that the function 
    f(x)=x^2 has a unique zero at x=0 starting from different initial conditions 
    in between the interval [-10,10].
    def f(x):
        return x**2

    def Df(x):
        return 2 * x

    assert round(newton(f, Df, x0=s).x, 5) == 0
예제 #19
def test_exception(s, r):
    tests if the newton algorithm raises a false boolean variable success
    if a function with no zeros is given as input, for example the parabola 
    f(x) = x^2 + r, with r positive number. The initial guess is a float number s 
    within the interval [-10,10].
    def f(x):
        return x**2 + r

    def Df(x):
        return 2 * x

    x0 = s
    assert newton(f, Df, x0).success == False
예제 #20
def exercicio1_2():
    print("Exercicios 1")
    M = gauss.gauss(n,Matriz,d)
    print("Parametro M")
    A = parametros.parametroA(x,M,h,n)
    print("Parametro A")
    B = parametros.parametroB(x,M,h,n)
    print("Parametro B")

    valoresDeTeste = np.zeros(n);
    valoresDeTeste[0] = (t[1] + t[0]) / 2

    print("Valores de t")
    for i in range(1, n, 1):
        valoresDeTeste[i] = valoresDeTeste[i - 1] + (1.0/60)

    print("Teste do polinomio")
    spline = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(0, n, 1):
        spline[i] = util.splineCubico(valoresDeTeste[i],M,h,A,B,t,n)

    print("Teste da primeira derivada")
    derivada1 = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(0, n, 1):
        derivada1[i] = util.derivadaSC(valoresDeTeste[i],M,h,A,B,t,n)

    print("Teste da segunda derivada")
    derivada2 = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(0, n, 1):
        derivada2[i] = util.segundaDerivadaSC(valoresDeTeste[i],M,h,A,B,t,n)

    print("O intervalo escolhido é [t19, t20]")

    print("Exercicio 2")

    print("O chute será 0.333")

    raiz = newton.newton(0.333,M,h,A,B,t,n,10**-10,n)

    print("O t é: " + str(raiz))
예제 #21
def main():
    tab = [[i, i**2] for i in range(11)]
    x = 0.5

    print('\n\nТаблица функции (y = x^2):')
    print("+{:11s}|{:11s}+".format('-', '-').replace(' ', '-'))
    print('|     X     |     Y     |')
    print("|{:11s}|{:11s}|".format('-', '-').replace(' ', '-'))

    for i in tab:
        print('|{:11d}|{:11d}|'.format(i[0], i[1]))
        print("|{:11s}|{:11s}|".format('-', '-').replace(' ', '-'))
    print('\nX =', x)

    print('Результат интерполяции кубическим сплайном: {:.6f}'.format(spline(tab, x)))
    print('Значение y(x): {:.3f}'.format(x ** 2))
    print('Результат интерполяции полиномом Ньютона 3-ей степени: {:.6f}'.format(newton(tab, 3, x)))
예제 #22
def bsimpvol(callput,
    :param callput:judgement for option
    :param S0:intial value of the underlying
    :param K:the strike price
    :param r:interest rate
    :param T:time to maturity
    :param price:theoretical price under BS formula
    :param q:continuous return rate on the underlying
    :param priceTolerance:criterion to stop the process
    :param method:judgement to use bisect method or newton method
    :return:implied volatility and iteration

    sigma = init  #np.random.random()
    results = []

    def f(x):
        return bsformula(callput, S0, K, r, T, x, q)[0] - price

    if method == 'bisect':
        results = bisect(0, f, None, [0.001, 1.0],
                         [priceTolerance, priceTolerance], max_iter)


        def f_prime(x):
            return bsformula(callput, S0, K, r, T, x, q)[2]

        results = newton(f, f_prime, sigma, priceTolerance, max_iter)
    return results
예제 #23
def determina_n():
    # Calcula o erro_gauss do método de Gauss
    erro_gauss = gauss.erro_n(y, q, r, a, b, a_, b_, 41, 5)
    n_erro_gauss = range(5, 41, 5)

    # Calcula e imprime o polinomio interpolador pelo método de mínimos quadrados
    mmq = minimos.polin(n_erro_gauss, erro_gauss)

    # Le o erro desejado
    erro_desejado = float(input('Insira o erro desejado '))

    def mmq_erro(x):
        return mmq[0](x) - erro_desejado

    def mmq_erro_deriv(x):
        return -(mmq[1][0] * (x**2) + 2 * mmq[1][1] * x + 3 * mmq[1][2]) / x**4

    # Resolução por Bissecção
    start_time = time.time()
    n_erro = bisseccao.bissec(mmq_erro, 1, 500, 0.1, 0)
    total_time = abs(start_time - time.time())
    print('--------------- Utlizando Bissecção ---------------')
        'Para garantir um erro inferior a {:.0e} é necessário n={:.0f}'.format(
            erro_desejado, n_erro[0]))
    print('Número de iterações: {}'.format(n_erro[1]))
    print('Tempo consumido: {:.6f} segundos'.format(total_time))

    # Resolução por Newton
    start_time = time.time()
    n_erro = newton.newton(mmq_erro, mmq_erro_deriv, 10, 1000, 0.1)
    total_time = abs(start_time - time.time())
    print('--------------- Utlizando Newton ---------------')
        'Para garantir um erro inferior a {:.0e} é necessário n={:.0f}'.format(
            erro_desejado, n_erro[0]))
    print('Número de iterações: {}'.format(n_erro[1]))
    print('Tempo consumido: {:.6f} segundos'.format(total_time))
예제 #24
def main():
    f = lambda x: 3*x**2 - 2
    trials = 10
    print newton(f, trials, 7)
예제 #25
파일: trsc.py 프로젝트: Alberto0991/oBB
def trsc(sigma, delta, xc, f, g, H, D):

    # import necessary functions
    from numpy import diag, min, argmin, identity, dot, inf, sqrt
    from numpy.linalg import eig, solve, norm

    # our own functions
    from newton import newton
    from newtonw import newtonw

    # Define function to minimise
    fun = lambda x: f + dot(x,g) + 0.5 * dot(x,dot(H,x)) + (sigma / 3) * norm(x) ** 3
    # n.b. x -> x - xc for convenience

    # Return roots of quadratic equation
    def quadeq(a, b, c):

        x1 = (-b + sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
        x2 = (-b - sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)

        return x1, x2

    # Case a) Trust-region inactive

    # Given w, get eig. dec.
    LV, UV = eig(H)

    # Get minimum eigenvalue
    l1 = min(LV)
    il = argmin(LV)
    LV = diag(LV) # diagonalise LV

    # Define nf1(w) to find roots
    def nf1(w):

        # Find x(w)
        xw = solve((LV + w * identity(D)),dot(-UV.T,g))

        # Calculate |xw|-w/sigma (for newton stopping rule)
        xwmws = norm(xw) - w / sigma

        # Calculate f(w)for p=-1
        fw = 1 / norm(xw) - sigma / w

        # Find x'(w)
        xwp = solve((LV + w * identity(D)),(-xw))

        # Calculate f'(w) for p=-1
        fwp = -dot(xw,xwp) * (dot(xw,xw) ** (-1.5)) + sigma / (w * w)

        # Calculate increment
        dw = fw / fwp

        # Set w/sigma
        Wsigma = w / sigma

        return xwmws, dw, Wsigma

    # No interior solution for sigma < 0 and H < 0
    if (not ((sigma < 0) and (l1 < 0))):

        # If sigma is negative
        if (sigma < 0):

            # Initial perturbation
            w = -1e-5

            # Lower bound on w
            wl = -l1


            # Find singularity
            sp = max(0, -l1)

            # Initial perturbation
            w = sp + 1e-5

            # Lower bound on w
            wl = 0

        # Find x(w)
        xw = solve((LV + w * identity(D)),dot(-UV.T,g))

        # Check for Hard Case
        if (norm(xw) <= w / sigma):
            #disp('Hard Case! TR Inactive')

            u = UV[:,il]

            # Find quadratic roots
            [alpha1, alpha2] = quadeq(dot(u,u), 2 * dot(xw,u), dot(xw,xw) - (w / sigma) ** 2)
            xbh1 = xw + alpha1 * u
            bndh1 = fun(xbh1)
            xbh2 = xw + alpha2 * u
            bndh2 = fun(xbh2)

            # Return minimum of bndh1 and bndh2
            if (bndh1 < bndh2):
                bnd1 = bndh1
                xb1 = xbh1
                bnd1 = bndh2
                xb1 = xbh2


            # Run newton
            w = newtonw(nf1, w, wl)

            # Given w, find x
            x = solve((H + w * identity(D)),(-g))

            # Check if root is within trust region
            if (norm(x) < delta):
                bnd1 = fun(x)
                xb1 = x
            else:        # No solution
                bnd1 = inf
                xb1 = inf

    else:# No solution
        bnd1 = inf
        xb1 = inf

    # Case b) Trust-region active

    # Initial perturbation
    l = -l1 - sigma * delta + 1e-5

    # Define nf2(l) to find roots
    def nf2(l):

        # Find x(l)
        xl = solve((LV + (l + sigma * delta) * identity(D)),dot(-UV.T,g))

        # Calculate |xl|-delta (for newton stopping rule)
        xlmd = norm(xl) - delta

        # Calculate f(l) for p=-1
        fl = 1 / norm(xl) - 1 / delta

        # Find x'(l)
        xlp = solve((LV + (l + sigma * delta) * identity(D)),(-xl))

        # Calculate f'(l) for p=-1
        flp = -dot(xl,xlp) * (dot(xl,xl) ** (-1.5))

        # Calculate increment
        dl = fl / flp

        # Set Delta
        Delta = delta

        return xlmd, dl, Delta

    # Find x(l)
    xl = solve((LV + (l + sigma * delta) * identity(D)),dot(-UV.T,g))

    # Check for hard case
    if (norm(xl) <= delta):
        #disp('Hard Case! TR Active')

        u = UV[:,il]

        # Find quadratic roots
        [alpha1, alpha2] = quadeq(dot(u, u), 2 * dot(xl,u), dot(xl,xl) - (delta * delta))
        xbh1 = xl + alpha1 * u
        bndh1 = fun(xbh1)
        xbh2 = xl + alpha2 * u
        bndh2 = fun(xbh2)

        # Return minimum of bndh1 and bndh2
        if (bndh1 < bndh2):
            bnd2 = bndh1
            xb2 = xbh1
            bnd2 = bndh2
            xb2 = xbh2


        # Run newton
        l = newton(nf2, l)

        # Given l, find x
        x = solve((H + (l + sigma * delta) * identity(D)),(-g))

        bnd2 = fun(x)
        xb2 = x

    # Return minimum of bnd1 and bnd2
    if (bnd1 < bnd2):
        bnd = bnd1
        xb = xb1 + xc# since x -> x - xc
        bnd = bnd2
        xb = xb2 + xc# since x -> x - xc

    return bnd, xb
예제 #26
    y = math.cos(x) - x
    return y

def f4(x):
    y = -math.sin(x) - 1
    return y

print("metodo bisseccao \n")
print("iteracoes |  ponto    |     erro")
bisseccao.bisseccao(f3, 0, 1, 1e-4)
print("metodo de newton \n")
print("iteracoes |  ponto    |     erro")
newton.newton(f3, f4, 3.1415 / 2, 1e-2)
print("metodo da eliminacao gauseana \n")
matriz1 = [[1, 2, -3, 4, 7], [1, 2, 4, 7, -1], [2, 7, 1, 3, 5],
           [8, 3, 2, 1, 2]]
print("matriz: ", matriz1)
matriz2 = [[1, 1, 0, 3, 4], [2, 1, -1, 1, 1], [3, -1, -1, 2, -3],
           [-1, 2, 3, -1, 4]]
print("metodo da decomposicao LU \n")
LU, B = decomposicao_LU.decomposicao_LU(matriz2)
print("matriz: ", matriz2)
x = decomposicao_LU.resolver_LU(LU, B)
print("vetor final: ", x)
예제 #27
def main():
    import os
    import sys
    import numpy as np
    import numpy.linalg

    if (len(sys.argv) == 1):
        print "a0 = sys.argv[1], b0 = sys.argv[2]. alpha = a0*exp(-i*b0). "
        return -1
    if (len(sys.argv) == 2):
        a0 = float(sys.argv[1])
        b0 = 0.05
    if (len(sys.argv) == 3):
        a0 = float(sys.argv[1])
        b0 = float(sys.argv[2])

    Greal = "G_cc_real.txt"
    Gimag = "G_cc_imag.txt"
    omega_n, G_real, G_imag = readFiles(Greal, Gimag)
    Niom = len(omega_n)

    N = 101
    omega_lower = -8
    omega_upper = -omega_lower
    domega = (omega_upper - omega_lower) / float(N)
    omega = np.zeros(N + 1)
    for i in range(N + 1):
        omega[i] = omega_lower + i * domega
    Nomega = len(omega)
    A_initial = np.zeros(Nomega)
    model = np.zeros(Nomega)
    for i in range(Nomega):
        model[i] = default.D(omega[i])
    printFile.printFile(omega, model, "model.txt")
    if (not os.path.exists("A_initial.txt")):
        for i in range(len(A_initial)):
            A_initial[i] = default.D(omega[i])
        printFile.printFile(omega, A_initial, "A_initial.txt")
        omega, A_initial = read_spectral("A_initial.txt")
        Nomega = len(omega)

    C_real = np.zeros((Niom, Niom))
    C_imag = np.zeros((Niom, Niom))

    ifile = open("CM_cc_real.txt", "r")
    for (index, string) in enumerate(ifile):
        a = string.split()
        rowIndex = int(a[0]) - 1
        colIndex = int(a[1]) - 1
        if (True):
            C_real[rowIndex, colIndex] = float(a[2])
    ifile = open("CM_cc_imag.txt", "r")
    for (index, string) in enumerate(ifile):
        a = string.split()
        rowIndex = int(a[0]) - 1
        colIndex = int(a[1]) - 1
        if (True):
            C_imag[rowIndex, colIndex] = float(a[2])
    eig = 0.01
    ofile = open("eig.txt", "w")
    ofile.write(str(eig) + "\n")
    for i in range(Niom):
        C_real[i, i] = eig**2
        C_imag[i, i] = eig**2
    C_real_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(C_real)
    C_imag_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(C_imag)
    printFile.printMatrix(C_real_inv, "C_real_inv.txt")

    if (False):
        alpha = 1.0
        function = f.f(alpha, G_real, G_imag, A_initial, omega_n, omega,
                       C_real_inv, C_imag_inv)
        Jacobian = J.J(alpha, A_initial, omega_n, omega, C_real_inv,
        print function
        printFile.printMatrix(Jacobian, "J.txt")
        return 0

    if (True):
        alpha = []
        for i in range(30):
            alpha.append(a0 * np.exp(-i * b0))

        ofile = open("alpha.txt", "a")
        for i in range(len(alpha)):
            A_updated = newton.newton(alpha[i], G_real, G_imag, omega_n, omega,
                                      A_initial, C_real_inv, C_imag_inv)
            if (nan.array_isnan(A_updated)):
                omega, A_initial = read_spectral("A_initial.txt")
            output = "A_updated_alpha_" + str(alpha[i]) + ".txt"
            printFile.printFile(omega, A_updated, output)
            os.system("cp " + output + " A_initial.txt")
            ofile.write(str(alpha[i]) + "\n")
            print "alpha = ", alpha[i]
            A_initial = A_updated
        alpha = 0.01
        print "alpha = ", alpha
        A_updated = newton(alpha, G, omega_n, omega, A_initial, C_real_inv,
        if (nan.array_isnan(A_updated)):
            printFile.printFile(omega, A_updated,
                                "A_updated_alpha_" + str(alpha) + ".txt")
            os.system("cp A_updated_alpha_" + str(alpha) + ".txt" +
    return 0
예제 #28
print 'Solving the rootfinding with the Newton method'

f0 = lambda x: (x[0]-2)**2+ (x[1]+1)**2+(x[2]+3)**2
#def f0(x):
# return (x[0]-2)**2

def f1(x):
 return (x[1]+1)**2

def f2(x):
 return (x[2]+3)**2


print 'Solving f=0 with f(x,y,z)=(x-2)^2+(y+1)^2+(z+3)^2, initial point (x,y,z)=[1.5,-0.5,-5.2] and acceptance 1e-6'
print u
print 'the function value at this point is'
print f0(u)

#banana example 

f0 = lambda x: (1-x[0])**2+100*(x[1]-x[0]**2)**2 
f1 = lambda x: (1-x[0])**2
print 'Solving Rosenbruck'
print 'with f(x,y)=(1-x)^2+100*(y-x^2)^2, initial point (x,y)=[-1.3,2.7] and acceptance 1e-6'
print u
예제 #29
print("Trying initial point %f..." % (x0))
x,err,res = iteration(f, g, x0, tol_err, tol_res, itmax)
# in the final run, the approximate solutions approaches minus infinity...

# now call the recursively programmed function
x0 = 1.0
print("Trying initial point %f with recursion..." % (x0))
x,err,res = recursion(f, g, x0, tol_err, tol_res, itmax)

# question 2 - Naming conflict with question 1. Comment Q1 and Uncomment code below to get answer.
#def f(x):
#    return math.exp(x-x**2)-x/2.0-1.0836
def fp(x):
    return (1.0-2.0*x)*math.exp(x-x**2)-0.5

# residual and error tolerance, number of iterations
tol_err = 1e-10
tol_res = 1e-10
itmax = 10

# initial point
x0 = 1.0

# first try Newton iteration
print("Calling Newton function...")
x,err,res = newton(f,fp,x0,tol_res,tol_err,itmax)
# that converges slowly, now try steffenson
print("Calling Steffensen function...")
x,err,res = steff(f,fp,x0,tol_err,tol_res,itmax)
예제 #30
파일: trsq.py 프로젝트: Alberto0991/oBB
def trsq(Lg, delta, xc, f, g):

    # import necessary functions
    from numpy import dot, inf
    from numpy.linalg import norm

    # our own functions
    from newton import newton

    # Define function to minimise
    fun = lambda x: f + dot(x,g) + (Lg / 2) * norm(x) ** 2
    # n.b. x -> x - xc for convenience

    # Case a) Trust-region inactive

    # Quadratic order approx. solution
    xq1 = -g / Lg

    # Check if q. ord. root is within trust region
    if (norm(xq1) < delta):
        bndq1 = fun(xq1)
        xbq1 = xq1
    else: # No solution
        bndq1 = inf
        xbq1 = inf

    # Case b) Trust-region active

    # Initial perturbation
    l = -Lg + 1e-5

    # Define nfq(l) to find quadratic approx. roots
    def nfq(l):

        # Find x(l)
        xl = -g / (l + Lg)

        # Calculate |xl|-delta (for newton stopping rule)
        xlmd = norm(xl) - delta

        # Calculate f(l) for p=-1
        fl = 1/norm(xl) - 1/delta

        # Find x'(l)
        xlp = g / ((l + Lg) ** 2)

        # Calculate f'(l) for p=-1
        flp = -dot(xl,xlp) * (dot(xl,xl) ** (-1.5))

        # Calculate increment
        dl = fl / flp

        # Set Delta
        Delta = delta

        return xlmd, dl, Delta

    # Run newton
    l = newton(nfq, l)

    # Given l, find xq2
    xq2 = -g / (l + Lg)
    bndq2 = fun(xq2)
    xbq2 = xq2

    # Return minimum of bndq1 and bndq2
    if (bndq1 < bndq2):
        bnd = bndq1
        xb = xbq1 + xc# since x -> x - xc
        bnd = bndq2
        xb = xbq2 + xc# since x -> x - xc

    return bnd, xb
예제 #31
if False:
  """Figure 7, Example 3.20. """
  random = False
  if random:
    na = 14
    nb = 10
    w = [1]*na + [0]*nb
  else: #actual word used in the paper:
    w = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]
  (w1,w2) = newton.getMinMax(w)  
  wtext = ''.join(map(str,w1))
  w2text = ''.join(map(str,w2))
  #do plots of the gray region
  (P,S) = newton.newton(w,1)
  A = newton.getVertices(P,S)
  (Q,T) = newton.newton(w,0)
  B = newton.getVertices(Q,T)  
  na = sum(w)
  nb = len(w)-na    
  #Compute the control points
  points = np.sort(np.array(A+B), axis = 0)
  points= np.append(points, [[na,nb]],axis=0)  
  for i in xrange(len(points)-1):
    p = points[i]
    q = points[i+1]
    plt.plot((p[0],q[0]),(p[1],p[1]),'xkcd:dark lavender')
    plt.plot((p[0],p[0]),(p[1],q[1]),'xkcd:dark lavender')
예제 #32
from newton import newton, newton_aitken, newton_chord, newton_secant
import numpy as np

# Get machine precision
eps = np.finfo(float).eps


print(' f(x) = 2^x-cos(x+3)^2+exp(x+2)')
f = lambda x: 2**x - (cos(x + 3))**2 + exp(x + 2)
f1 = lambda x: 2**x * log(2) + 2 * cos(x + 3) * sin(x + 3) + exp(x + 2)
print('> Newton plain')
x, steps = newton(0, f, f1, eps, 1000, 1)
print(" x = {}\n steps = {}\n error = {}".format(x, steps, abs(f(x))))
print('> Newton chords')
x, steps = newton_chord(0, f, f1, eps, 1000)
print(" x = {}\n steps = {}\n error = {}".format(x, steps, abs(f(x))))
print('> Newton secant')
x, steps = newton_secant(0, f, f1, eps, 1000)
print(" x = {}\n steps = {}\n error = {}".format(x, steps, abs(f(x))))


print(' f(x) = log(sin(x+4)-cos(x-1))-exp(3*x-x^2)')
f = lambda x: log(sin(x + 4) - cos(x - 1)) - exp(3 * x - x**2)
f1 = lambda x: (cos(x + 4) + sin(x - 1)) / (sin(x + 4) - cos(x - 1)) - exp(
예제 #33
    return J

def dhimmelblau(x):
    fx = 2*(2*x[0]*(x[0]**2 + x[1]-11) + x[0] + x[1]**2 - 7)
    fy = 2*(x[0]**2 + 2*x[1]*(x[0] + x[1]**2 - 7) + x[1] - 11)
    return np.array([fx, fy])

def himmelblau_jacobian(x):
    J = np.empty((2, 2))
    J[0, 0] = 8*x[0]**2 + 4*(x[0]**2 + x[1] - 11) + 2
    J[1, 0] = 4*(x[0] + x[1])
    J[0, 1] = 4*(x[0] + x[1])
    J[1, 1] = 8*x[1]**2 + 4*(x[1]**2 + x[0] - 7) + 2
    return J

rosenbrock = newton(np.array([8.1, 3.1]))
sol_analytic, f_calls_analytic = rosenbrock.roots_analytic(drosenbrock, rosenbrock_jacobian, ['backtrack'])
sol_numeric, f_calls_num = rosenbrock.roots_numeric(drosenbrock)

print('Function test\t: Rosenbrock')
print('##### NUMERIC JACOBIAN #####')
print('Global min.\t= [ 1, 1]')
print('Initial guess\t= [ 8, 3]')
print('Min. found\t=', sol_numeric)
print('Func. calls\t=', f_calls_num, '\n')

print('##### ANALYTIC JACOBIAN #####')
print('Global min.\t= [ 1, 1]')
print('Initial guess\t= [ 8, 3]')
print('Min. found\t=', sol_analytic)
print('Func. calls\t=', f_calls_analytic)
예제 #34
def test(algorithm, method="gd"):
    plot_title = ""


    if method == "gd":
        print("Gradient descent")
        plot_title += "Gradient descent"
        print("Newton's method")
        plot_title += "Newton's method"

    plot_title += " / "

    if algorithm == "Newton":
        plot_title += "Newton-Rhapson"
    elif algorithm == "Quadint":
        print("Quadratic interpolation")
        plot_title += "Quadratic interpolation"
    elif algorithm == "Bisection":
        print("Bisection method")
        plot_title += "Bisection method"
    elif algorithm == "BasicArm":
        print("Basic Armijo")
        plot_title += "Basic Armijo"
        print("Cubic Armijo")
        plot_title += "Cubic Armijo"


        "1. Minimum of f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2 - 2xy, starting at (x, y) = (1, 0):\n"

    if method == "gd":
        (x, f, msg, x_v, f_v) = gradient_descent.gradient_descent(
            gun, [decimal.Decimal(1), decimal.Decimal(0)], algorithm,
        (x, f, msg, x_v, f_v) = newton.newton(
            gun, [decimal.Decimal(1), decimal.Decimal(0)], algorithm,

    print("The minimum is at (x, y) = (" + str(x[0]) + ", " + str(x[1]) + ")")
    print("f(x, y) =", f)

    # contour_plot(x_v, gun)

        "2. Minimum of f(x, y) = 10x^4 - 20x^2 y + 10y^2 + x^2 - 2x + 5, starting at (x, y) = (-1, 3):\n"

    if method == "gd":
        (x, f, msg, x_v, f_v) = gradient_descent.gradient_descent(
            hun, [decimal.Decimal(-1), decimal.Decimal(3)], algorithm,
        (x, f, msg, x_v, f_v) = newton.newton(
            hun, [decimal.Decimal(-1), decimal.Decimal(3)], algorithm,

    print("The minimum is at (x, y) = (" + str(x[0]) + ", " + str(x[1]) + ")")
    print("f(x, y) =", f)

    contour_plot(x_v, hun, plot_title)
    plot_energy(x_v, f_v, plot_title)

        "3. Minimum of f(x, y, z) = x^2 + 2y^2 + 2z^2 + 2xy + 2yz, starting at (x, y, z) = (2, 4, 10):\n"

    if method == "gd":
        (x, f, msg, x_v, f_v) = gradient_descent.gradient_descent(
            pun, [decimal.Decimal(2),
                  decimal.Decimal(10)], algorithm, decimal.Decimal(0.005))
        (x, f, msg, x_v, f_v) = newton.newton(
            pun, [decimal.Decimal(2),
                  decimal.Decimal(10)], algorithm, decimal.Decimal(0.005))

    print("The minimum is at (x, y, z) = (" + str(x[0]) + ", " + str(x[1]) +
          "," + str(x[2]) + ")")
    print("f(x, y, z) =", f)
예제 #35
def trsq(Lg, delta, xc, f, g):

    # import necessary functions
    from numpy import dot, inf
    from numpy.linalg import norm

    # our own functions
    from newton import newton

    # Define function to minimise
    fun = lambda x: f + dot(x, g) + (Lg / 2) * norm(x)**2
    # n.b. x -> x - xc for convenience

    # Case a) Trust-region inactive

    # Quadratic order approx. solution
    xq1 = -g / Lg

    # Check if q. ord. root is within trust region
    if (norm(xq1) < delta):
        bndq1 = fun(xq1)
        xbq1 = xq1
    else:  # No solution
        bndq1 = inf
        xbq1 = inf

    # Case b) Trust-region active

    # Initial perturbation
    l = -Lg + 1e-5

    # Define nfq(l) to find quadratic approx. roots
    def nfq(l):

        # Find x(l)
        xl = -g / (l + Lg)

        # Calculate |xl|-delta (for newton stopping rule)
        xlmd = norm(xl) - delta

        # Calculate f(l) for p=-1
        fl = 1 / norm(xl) - 1 / delta

        # Find x'(l)
        xlp = g / ((l + Lg)**2)

        # Calculate f'(l) for p=-1
        flp = -dot(xl, xlp) * (dot(xl, xl)**(-1.5))

        # Calculate increment
        dl = fl / flp

        # Set Delta
        Delta = delta

        return xlmd, dl, Delta

    # Run newton
    l = newton(nfq, l)

    # Given l, find xq2
    xq2 = -g / (l + Lg)
    bndq2 = fun(xq2)
    xbq2 = xq2

    # Return minimum of bndq1 and bndq2
    if (bndq1 < bndq2):
        bnd = bndq1
        xb = xbq1 + xc  # since x -> x - xc
        bnd = bndq2
        xb = xbq2 + xc  # since x -> x - xc

    return bnd, xb
예제 #36
from bisect import bisect

from newton import newton
import numpy as np

# Get machine precision as tolx
tolx = np.finfo(float).eps

print('f(x) = x^3 - 5x')
f = lambda x: x**3 - 5 * x
f1 = lambda x: 3 * x**2 - 5

print('> Try with Newton')
x, steps = newton(1, f, f1, tolx, 1000, 1)
print(" x = {}\n steps = {}\n error = {}".format(x, steps, abs(f(x))))
if abs(f(x)) > tolx * abs(f1(x)):
    print('> Non-convergence detected, fallback to Bisection')
    x, steps = bisect(-10, 1, f, tolx)
    print(" x = {}\n steps = {}\n error = {}".format(x, steps, abs(f(x))))
예제 #37
 def test_sin(self):
     assert(norm(sin(x)) < 1e-8)
예제 #38
import time

pl.rc('text', usetex=True)
pl.rc('font', family='Bookman')

g = (3.45,-5.8,-7.2,2.17)
tol = (10e-4,10e-5, 10e-7,10e-12)
nmax = (10,50,100,10)

X = []
Y = []

for i in range (0, 4):
    t0 = time.clock()
    for j in range (0, 10000):
        sol = newton.newton (g[i], tol[i], nmax[i], 0)
    tf = time.clock() - t0
    X = X + [i+1]
    Y = Y + [tf]

print Y

pl.title(r'Costo computacional del m\'etodo de Newton') 
pl.xlabel(r'Cantidad de iteraciones (en decenas de miles)')
pl.ylabel(r'Tiempo de CPU (segundos)')

pl.xlim(0.5, 4.5)
pl.ylim(0, 0.2)

pl.savefig("CPUtime.eps", dpi=72)
예제 #39
 def test_polynomial(self):
     def fun(x):
         return x**2-1
     result = newton(fun, lambda x: 2*x, 2.)
     assert(abs(fun(result)) < 1e-8)
예제 #40
 def test_sin(self):
     assert(abs(sin(newton(sin, cos, 0.5))) < 1e-8)
예제 #41
def dhimmelblau(x):
    fx = 2 * (2 * x[0] * (x[0]**2 + x[1] - 11) + x[0] + x[1]**2 - 7)
    fy = 2 * (x[0]**2 + 2 * x[1] * (x[0] + x[1]**2 - 7) + x[1] - 11)
    return np.array([fx, fy])

def himmelblau_jacobian(x):
    J = np.empty((2, 2))
    J[0, 0] = 8 * x[0]**2 + 4 * (x[0]**2 + x[1] - 11) + 2
    J[1, 0] = 4 * (x[0] + x[1])
    J[0, 1] = 4 * (x[0] + x[1])
    J[1, 1] = 8 * x[1]**2 + 4 * (x[1]**2 + x[0] - 7) + 2
    return J

rosenbrock = newton(np.array([8.1, 3.1]))
sol_bt, f_calls_bt = rosenbrock.roots_analytic(drosenbrock,
sol_quad, f_calls_quad = rosenbrock.roots_analytic(drosenbrock,
                                                   ['quadratic', frosenbrock])

print('Function test\t: Rosenbrock')
print('##### BACKTRACK LINESEARCH #####')
print('Global min.\t= [ 1, 1]')
print('Initial guess\t= [ 8, 3]')
print('Min. found\t=', sol_bt)
print('Func. calls\t=', f_calls_bt, '\n')

예제 #42
import half_div
import newton
from test_env import get_keys, build_plot
from termcolor import cprint

keys = get_keys()

if keys.get("--a"):
	a = float(keys.get("--a"))
	print('Введите a:')
	a = float(input())

if keys.get("--b"):
	b = float(keys.get("--b"))
	print('Введите b:')
	b = float(input())

if keys.get("--eps"):
	eps = float(keys.get("--eps"))
	print('Введите eps:')
	eps = float(input())

half_div_res = half_div.half(a, b, eps)
newton_res = newton.newton(a, b, eps)
cprint(f"1. Half dividing: x = {half_div_res[0]}, f(x) = {half_div_res[1]:.10f}, {half_div_res[2]} iterations", 'yellow')
cprint(f"2. Newton: x = {newton_res[0]}, f(x) = {newton_res[1]:.10f}, {newton_res[2]} iterations", 'yellow')